I requested Agraha to read out the letter that I had received from the present Prime Minister of Nepal. He has been Prime Minister six times. Such compliments he gave me! Nepal has accepted me wholeheartedly — wholeheartedly.
Today the Ambassador’s wife came to the airport to see us. She came up to me and said, “Please, please forgive me!”
I said, “What have you done? Forgiveness is not needed!”
“No, I have done many, many things!”
I said, “You have done many things wrong? Then pray to the Lord Buddha, not to me! Pray to the Lord Buddha. The Lord Buddha will forgive you, definitely.”
[A disciple mentioned that the Ambassador of Nepal had compared Sri Chinmoy’s peace-bird drawings to the doves that had traditionally carried messages of peace between kings.]
Sri Chinmoy: In those days they did send birds from one king to another. It is true. With the dove they sent the message of peace, so that there would be no war.
In my case, I am carrying the messages of peace of spiritual Masters, Avatars and yogis. This Ambassador had the correct intuition.From:Sri Chinmoy,The Path of my Inner Pilot, Agni Press, 2015
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/pip