I pray
That I can teach my mindEvery day.
```PLM 1-17. The first 17 prayers in this book were written on 17 September 1981 in New York.↩
I pray
That I can thinkInfinitely more
Of my aspiring friend,My heart,
Than of my unaspiringAnd disappointing enemies:
My lethargic body,My aggressive vital
And my doubting mind. ```I pray
That my life's deaf daysAnd blind nights
Have ended. ```I pray
That I shall never questionMy inner captain:
My soul. ```I pray
That I may receiveOnly God's Love,
Which the entire worldCan neither give me
Nor take away from me. ```I pray
That I do not forgetWhat I have
In my aspiration-world:Peace.
```I pray
That I do not forgetWhat I am
In my realisation-world:Love.
```I pray
That I rememberOnly one thing:
God's ForgivenessEvery day saves me.
```I pray
That God's Compassion-SunNever hides inside
My mental clouds. ```I pray
That I do not overestimateMy love of God.
```I pray
That I do not underestimateGod's Love for me.
```I pray
That my prideWill never exploit
God's Compassion-Sea. ```I pray
That my impurityWill never exploit
God's Forgiveness-Sky. ```I pray
That I may studyThe art of unlearning
Every dayConsciously
And devotedly. ```I pray
That I can take offEvery day
Thirty-one minutesFrom my mind-factory
To play withMy Beloved Supreme.
```I pray
That I do not disappointMy Beloved Supreme
At the endOf my journey's close.
```I pray
That I make a completeAnd unconditional surrender
To my Beloved SupremeAt the very start
Of my Heavenly journey's dawn. ```My meditation
Is my soul'sSoundless sound-conversation
With my Inner Pilot.```
PLM 18-50. These 33 poems on meditation were written on 11 March 1989 in New York.↩
My meditation
Is my soul'sMost beautiful and most powerful
God-manifestation-dreamOn earth.
```My meditation
Is my heart'sGod-remembrance-silence-joy.
```My meditation
Is my heart'sGod-Perfection-Satisfaction-song.
```My meditation
Is my mind'sImmediate doubt-departure.
```My meditation
Is my mind'sInstant ignorance-illumination
```My meditation
Is the Everest-summit-Ascent-expedition
Of my vital. ```My meditation
Is the very firstAnd never, never the last
God-Protection-ShelterOf my vital.
```My meditation
Is the sunrise-smileOf my body.
```My meditation
Is the power-flooded fortOf my body.
```My meditation
Is my life'sIntensity-profundity-
Experience-delight. ```My meditation
Is my life's sleeplessWillingness-surrender-gratitude
To my Beloved Supreme. ```I meditate and meditate
And meditateSo that I can swim fast,
Very fast,Against my mind's
Desire-current. ```I meditate to fulfil
My blue-gold soul-bird'sGod-manifestation-dream
Here on earth. ```I meditate to soulfully offer
My purity-heart'sDevotion-tears
And my spontaneity-life'sDedication-smiles
To my Pilot Supreme. ```I meditate so that
I can directly learnHundreds of soulful
Heart-offering-songsFrom God the Supreme Singer.
```I meditate to be
In the loving companyOf my heart's mounting
Aspiration-flamesAnd my life's spreading
Dedication-fragrance. ```During my meditation,
I watch the dangerous fightBetween my mind's
Teeming doubtsAnd my heart's
Blossoming faith.To my extreme joy,
My heart always wins. ```During my deep meditation,
My soul cuts offThe worthless insecurity-branches
Of my aspiration-life-tree. ```My Lord Supreme
Has repeatedly told meThat He will not be able
To treasure my meditationAs long as I have
A complexity-mind,An insecurity-heart,
A hostility-vitalAnd
An impurity-body. ```My Lord Supreme
Has time and again warned meThat my meditations will be
Complete failuresIf I am vehemently strict
With others' imperfectionsAnd extremely indulgent
With my own imperfections. ```My soul is telling me
That only duringMy soulful meditation
Can it forcefully stopMy wild vital from travelling
On dangerous desire-highways. ```My meditation reaches
Its acme of perfectionOnly when it sees
God's Compassion-Eye,God's Forgiveness-Heart
AndGod's Protection-Feet.
```In the small hours of the morning,
With my heart-purity'sSoulfulness-steps,
I embark on my meditation-journey. ```When I unconditionally meditate,
God proudly drives meIn His Concern, Affection, Love
And Fondness-Limousine. ```When I unconditionally meditate,
God makes meHis ever-transcending
Dream-Reality's perfection-partner. ```When I unconditionally meditate,
God asks me to stand beside HimWhile He is watching
His universal creationFrom His transcendental
Vision-Balcony. ```When I extol myself to the skies,
Because of my stupendousSuccess-life,
My meditation-friend-commanderCommands my volcano-pride
To fall deadAt my sweet Lord's
Forgiveness-Feet. ```My high meditation says
To my heart,"Who tells you, my dear friend,
That you are alwaysPitifully encaged?
Not true, not true." ```My good meditation says
To my mind,"Who tells you, my dear friend,
That you are always at the mercyOf venomous doubts?
Not true, not true." ```My deep meditation says
To my vital,"Who tells you, my dear friend,
That you are always wildly enraged?Not true, not true."
```My silent meditation says
To my body,"Who tells you, my dear friend,
That you are always a victimTo worthless and useless lethargy?
Not true, not true." ```When I have
A most illumining meditation,My Lord Supreme smilingly,
Compassionately and blessingfullyTells me,
"My child, take anything you wantFree of charge
From My Infinity's Treasure-Shop." ```My prayer says:
"God is great."My meditation says:
"God is good."```
PLM 51-59. These nine poems on prayer and meditation were written on 17 November 1991 in San Francisco.↩
My prayer and God
Cry together.My meditation and God
Smile at each other. ```My prayer is my faith
In God.My meditation is God's faith
In me. ```My prayer says,
"God, where are You?"My meditation says,
"God, where are You not?" ```My prayer tells me
That the road to GodIs sincerity.
My meditation tells meThat the road to God
Is God Himself. ```My prayer is God's Concern
For me.My meditation is my concern
For God. ```My prayer is my mind's
Future smile.My meditation is God's
Present Smile. ```When I pray, God asks me
To keep my mouth shutAnd open my heart.
When I meditate, God seesThat my heart's door
Is wide open. ```My prayer
Is my God-Destination-cry.My meditation
Is my God-Arrival-smile. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,My prayer-life. My meditation-heart, Agni Press, 1999
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/plm