There are philanthropists who are helping people, giving alms to the needy and so forth, but they are not trying to illumine their own lives or others' lives. Unless one consciously knows what God wants from one's life, one is bound to make mistakes. Pride and ego will come forward. The first thing is to know what the Inner Pilot wants from one's life. Then one can help humanity.
Unless we can become one with our Source, it is impossible for us to help humanity the way God wants us to help and serve. But when spirituality is practised consciously, when one consciously cries for total, inseparable oneness with God, at that time God gives the aspirant boundless Light. Then the aspirant offers this light and slowly and gradually those who are actually meant to receive light from him will get it. But one has to be very careful to feel the real divine light before one starts helping others. Otherwise, it will be like the blind leading the blind.From:Sri Chinmoy,Politics and spirituality: can they go together?, Agni Press, 1977
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