Question: What makes us believe that the Vietnam War was our ignorance?
Sri Chinmoy: If it was not our ignorance, then what else was it? Whether a country becomes communist or not is God's problem. It is up to Him to resolve the problem if something is wrong. I have no right to tell you that your path is wrong as long as you have faith in your path. Even if you do not have faith in what you are doing, it is not my right to impose my views. When children are grown up, I have no right to tell them what they should do and what they should not do. Only when they are absolutely infants can I tell them. God's Will is to have peace, unless every other way has failed. This is what happened in the Kurukshetra War. Krishna had the divine, eternal Vision and knew what was going to happen. The present political leaders do not have this vision. Krishna tried in every possible way to avoid the war, but when it was a hopeless case, he allowed it to take place. But we cannot compare ourselves with Krishna.
What is within us should come forward. Let us reach our goal according to our understanding and let others reach their goal according to their understanding. To impose our goal on others is always a mistake.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Politics and spirituality: can they go together?, Agni Press, 1977
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