Sabai Amai Dake Mago


Sabai amai dake mago

Sabar kache jai

Sabar prane khunji ami

Amar praner thai

Byatha niye phire asi

Nishwa tara nishwa

Aji hate tomar ami

Tumi amar bishwa



Everybody calls me, Mother,

Everybody calls me.

I wish to discover myself

In every human heart.

But alas, although they call me

I see not my true form,

My existence, inside them.

I see they are all helpless;

They are hopeless.

From today I shall consider You,

You alone, my only world,

And I shall not try to discover my world

Inside anybody except You.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Pole-star promise-light, part 3, Agni Press, 1977
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