Bipul harashe nabin barashe
Jagiche moder pranBanglar pran ek hok aji
Subishal sumahanKhandita nahe janani banga
Antare raje bishwa pritiGupta danab bhrukuti moder
Parane jagai bhranta bhitiTamasi rajani haye jabe bhor
Udibe tapan purbachaleSonar bangla amar bangla
Jagibe abar amita baleNaba barasher hriday gabhire
Rayeche gopane mukti ashaChira adrita arjya rishir
Phire pabo mora mauna bhasha```
```With great joy in the New Year
Our hearts are awakening.Let the hearts of all the Bengalis
Become one, great and vast.Bengal is not two, Bengal is not divided;
In one Bengal, let the world-love abide.The torture of the undivine hostile forces
Creates false fear in the heart of Bengal.A tenebrous night will blossom into beauty’s day.
The sun of wisdom-light will dawn.O golden Bengal, O immortal Bengal,
Will once more see the light of the Infinite.In the heart of the new year
The liberation-hope will feed us,We shall once more receive the silence-language
Of ImmortalityFrom the Aryan sages of the hoary past.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Pole-star promise-light, part 4, Agni Press, 1977
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