I pray
So that I can playWith my Lord's Compassion-Eye
Every day at least for an hour. ```I pray
So that I can becomeAn illumining ray
Of my Lord SupremeIn His Task
Of world-transformation. ```I pray
So that I do not remainAn unaspiring, meaningless
And uselessLump of clay.
```I pray
So that every dayI can celebrate
As God's Victory-DayInside my gratitude-heart.
```I pray
So that my Lord's WayBecomes my way,
My only way. ```I pray
So that I can realiseThat God-Compassion
And God-ForgivenessPay my wages
For my aspiration and dedicationInfinitely more than I deserve.
```I pray
So that I do not have to delayWhen the final hour strikes
For the complete transformationOf my human nature.
```I pray
So that I do not allowThe sword of my impurity-mind
To slay my purity-heart. ```I pray
So that my mind of complexityCan stay
Inside my heart of simplicityWhich is nothing other
Than visible divinity on earth. ```I pray
So that I never betrayMy ever-indulgent
Compassion-Lord Supreme. ```I pray
So that every day I can feelThe same joy
As I feel on my birthday.Then every day
I can make a soulful promiseTo become a choice instrument
Of my Lord Supreme,As I do on my birthday.
```I pray
So that I neverBecome disheartened
While I essay to bring aboutThe complete transformation
Of my nature. ```I pray
So that I can compelMy earth-bound mind
To obeyMy Heaven-free soul.
```I pray
So that I do notGive up working
On my nature's transformationOnly halfway
As many ill-fated seekers do. ```I pray
So that I do not doubtWhen my heart is eager
To conveyBlessingful messages to me
From my Beloved Supreme. ```I pray
So that my Lord examines meEvery day with His X-ray
To see if my mind is assailedBy dark doubts.
```I pray
So that my heart'sAspiration-tree
And my soul'sManifestation-plant
Never decay. ```I pray
So that I do not become a preyTo ignorance-sea
Even in my unconscious momentsAnd unconscious movements.
```I pray
So that I do not disobeyMy sweet Lord
Even when my impure vital,My dark mind
And my insecure heartTorture me ruthlessly.
```I pray
So that every day I can offerA new surrender-heart
And a new gratitude-lifeTo my Beloved Supreme.
```I pray
So that my heart's faith-swordCan easily slay
The haughty headsOf my shameless doubts.
```I pray
So that my aspiration-heartAnd my dedication-life
Can weigh measureless weights. ```I pray
So that every dayI can relay the message
Of my Lord's Victory-Day. ```I pray
So that I do not loseThe fragrance of my heart's
Security-perfume. ```I pray
So that every dayI can enjoy the feast
Of God-manifesting possibilities. ```I pray
So that I canCompletely erase
The failure-life of centuries. ```I pray
So that every seeker's faithMay return
From its mind-exile. ```I pray
So that every dayI can tell the world
That the tasteOf God's Compassion-Biscuit
Is by far the best. ```I pray
So that every dayI can see a hope-bud
Blossoming inside my heart. ```I pray
So that every dayMy inner life
Remains alarmedAnd my outer life
Remains unharmed. ```I pray
So that like God, I tooWill never remain
Unemployed. ```I pray
So that I rememberThat a life of relaxation
Can never escape the tortureOf unmistakable taxation.
```I pray
So that GodDoes not give me
An undeserved inner promotion. ```I pray
So that the perfectionOf my dream-world
And the aspirationOf my reality-world
Do not collide. ```I pray
So that every dayI can see my Beloved Supreme
Watering my heart's faith-plantWith His Infinity's Compassion-Eye.
```I pray
So that every dayI can confide in my soul,
My confidence-counsellor. ```I pray
So that I can forgetEven the very existence
Of my former employer:Ignorance.
```I pray
So that every dayThe seeker-traveller in me
Walks only on truth-trail. ```I pray
So that every dayThe vision-musician in me
And the perfection-music in meRemain extremely fond
Of each other. ```I pray
So that my Beloved SupremeKeeps my doubting mind
Out of service,Even temporarily.
```I pray
So that every dayI can see and feel
The onenessBetween my aspiration
And my Lord's Satisfaction. ```I pray
So that I can synchroniseMy heart's inner choice
With my life's outer voice. ```I pray
So that I can soon seeThe complete collapse
Of my unbearably tallSelf-image.
```I pray
So that my doubtful mindDoes not dare to forge
My faithful heart's signature. ```I pray
So that my invisible soulCan secretly make
My visible heart invincible. ```I pray
So that I can learnThat my self-reproach
Is by no means God-approach. ```I pray
So that my Beloved SupremeAnd I together
Whistle our sweet and fondOneness-song.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,I pray so that, Agni Press, 1983
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/pst