Afterwards I found out that when I went to the women’s side, Chetana switched to the men’s side, hoping to see me. She never saw me, but all the time she was seeing the boys from my road crew who were supposed to bring me water and run with me. She was seeing them, but from my side I couldn’t find them at all. Two or three times I just stood still, only trying to see where the boys might be.
So many times I saw our disciples watching the marathon. But this side and that side I was looking for the road crew — without success — and they were also looking for me. For so many miles, ten or twelve boys were looking for me. I was running on the left side so I would not be blocked by people, but still they didn’t see me.
When you want something and do not get it, it is very discouraging. Mile after mile went by but I did not see my road crew anywhere.
I didn’t stop at all before 15 miles. Then I started walking and became cold. Thighs, legs, here, there everything became cold. And the road crew was nowhere to be found. It was very discouraging.
Finally, I saw Ranjana with some drinks for me, and soon after, at 17 miles, I saw the boys in my road crew.
RB 649. 25 October 1982↩
From:Sri Chinmoy,Run and become, become and run, part 12, Agni Press, 1983
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