Alo ran seven and a half miles. She was so happy that there were people behind her. Then, after seven and a half miles, she stopped. God knows how many other people also stopped and didn’t finish the marathon.
There were big puddles, and in some places there were cars on the course. The mile markers were only very small numbers on the ground. So many times I did not see them. I had to ask Savyasachi how many miles I had covered. Sometimes there would be a small marker on a pole. They gave water at intervals of about three miles. It was mostly water, with some Gatorade.
My time was 5:33:33. It is not that my capacity is decreasing. I am doing cycling on my machine and practising running like anything. Just recently in Japan, and also in Switzerland and New Jersey, I finished around 4:30. Even in Puerto Rico my time was under five hours. So it is not that my capacity is decreasing. It was just circumstances.
RB 697. 24 January 1983↩
From:Sri Chinmoy,Run and become, become and run, part 13, Agni Press, 1983
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