We have to accept the world, we have to accept our life, we have to accept all our weaknesses and shortcomings to transform them and illumine them so that we may become perfect instruments of God.
If there is no acceptance, we cannot perfect ourselves and fulfil the divinity within us.Even the human in us has no compassion.
We use the word compassion, but it is nothing other than attachment.Only the divine in us has compassion, and this compassion is for the human in us and the animal in us.
Our compassion is the life-changing miracle-power in us. With our divine compassion, we can raise the standard of humanity far beyond our imagination.Courage is of constant necessity to take one step ahead.
Courage is the divinity in us that can take us into the infinite realm of silence, peace and bliss.When we have a purity-mind and a sincerity-heart, then determination can play its role most effectively and most powerfully inside our inner life and also inside our outer life.
Determination is the first convincing step that expedites our Godward journey.If we use this magnetic power, then we can please God sooner than the soonest.
God gives us a bridge, and the name of that bridge is devotion.Both the seeker in us and God frequently cross this bridge.
God comes to us to take care of our aspiration.We go to God for peace, light and bliss.
Devotion is the bridge between our receptivity and God's Divinity.Effulgence in infinite measure we can see inside our soul.
When we see the effulgence of our soul, we become the choicest instrument of our Inner Pilot.Effulgence has the power to illumine our darkness and ignorance in the twinkling of an eye.
Again, this effulgence is to be found only inside our all-loving, all-inspiring and all-giving soul.Enthusiasm is our inner determination.
Enthusiasm is our love of God-oneness.Enthusiasm is the capacity to destroy the unaspiring past in us.
Enthusiasm is the capacity to expedite our aspiration-journey.When we have enthusiasm in our body, vital, mind, heart and soul, God immediately starts playing, singing and dancing.
Our enthusiasm is God's immediate Pride in us.When we forgive ourselves and when we are determined to do the right thing, to become the right person, God immediately comes and embraces us, and blessingfully assists us to become what He wants us to become.
To forgive the world is, indeed, a difficult task.But to forgive oneself is extremely, extremely difficult.
In the spiritual life, we are trying to become conscious.When we become conscious, we see how consciously and deliberately we have done many, many things against our own divinity, against our Lord Beloved Supreme.
So it becomes very difficult to forgive ourselves.Again, if we cannot forgive ourselves, if we cannot forgive the mistakes we have made, then God feels that no matter what He gives us — peace, light or bliss — everything will be either rejected or misused.
So forgiveness of oneself is of paramount importance.That is where we must start.
We must forgive the darkness in us in order to transform that darkness into peace, light and bliss.If there is a secret and sacred way to love, please and fulfil God, then it is the way of gratitude.
Gratitude embodies and reveals all our divine virtues.It is by virtue of gratitude that we can bring down God's infinite Power, infinite Light, infinite Love.
Gratitude is the master key to open up all the doors of Divinity's Palace.The inner fire transforms.
The outer fire burns and extinguishes everything.The inner fire burns not to destroy, but to help us to please God so that God can employ us.
We feed God with our heart's inner fire. We become God's direct representative by increasing the beauty of our inner fire.Light in the heart sometimes works; sometimes it does not.
Light in the mind on very, very rare occasions works.Light works more satisfactorily inside the physical body and inside the vital than inside the mind.
Light cannot work inside the mind precisely because the mind is revolting all the time against our own inner divinity. The miraculous power of light abides inside our heart of self-giving to humanity, to God the creation.The fulness of life is at once God's universal manifestation and God's transcendental Realisation.
Today's oneness is tomorrow's fulness. Tomorrow's fulness is God's perfect manifestation here on earth.If we have peace of mind in boundless measure, then God feels that we are becoming His representative on earth.
Each peace-dreamer on earth is a special child of God.Each peace-lover on earth is a very special child of God.
Again, each peace-distributor and peace-server on earth is a supremely beautiful, powerful and God-fulfilling child of God in a most surprising manner. Peace we need to become what God has in His universal manifestation and to become what God is in His transcendental Vision.But when you become one with God and with humanity's life, heart and breath, then there is no such thing as sacrifice.
It is only a oneness-song that you are singing in the God-aspiring, God-revealing and God-manifesting universal family.Self-mastery comes from God-obedience.
Self-mastery comes through constant and conscious self-giving to the Will of God.There can be no fulfilment of God on earth if we do not have self-mastery.
But this self-mastery has to come from our God-obedience, God-dependence, God-surrender, God-willingness and God-fulfilment.We can never develop or acquire the power of self-mastery unless our goal is God-discovery.
Self-mastery is the very, very first step and God-discovery is the very, very last step of our God-climbing ladder.Delight cannot be separated from the soul.
The soul is the universal Beauty of God the creation and delight is the transcendental Fragrance of God the Creator. So if we want to swim in the sea of the soul's delight at every moment, consciously we have to increase our love of God, our devotion to God and our surrender to God and God's Will.If we surrender to our heart, which is in tune with the soul, then at every moment we surprisingly and perfectly grow into the universal Consciousness of our transcendental Reality.
When we surrender to our heart, we know what God's Will is. Our conscious, constant, sleepless and breathless surrender to God's Will definitely expedites our God-manifestation-task here on earth.From:Sri Chinmoy,Rainbow-Flowers, part 2, Agni Press, 1999
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/rf_2