Question: When we are in the outer world, are we to be free and open in talking about our spiritual life or should we reserve it only for those who are aspiring?
Sri Chinmoy: If you speak about your inner experiences, you will run into difficulty. The soil has to be fertile. If people are genuine and sincere, your conversation will then be fruitful. Otherwise, they will have every right to misunderstand and ridicule you. You may not mind if someone mocks you, but the person who has not benefited or been inspired by what you said may unfortunately try to block your own inspiration and aspiration. So we should use our wisdom and say that he is also God's child; let the moment of his awakening come at God's choice Hour. It is not our business to awaken him. When someone is ready, crying for a higher life then it is our business to awaken him from the sleep which is ignorance.
If you give a thousand-dollar bill to a child he will tear it up. For him there is no value in it. But a grownup will know the value of a thousand dollars. Similarly when you share your inner experiences with an aspirant or seeker he will benefit by it. He knows how difficult it is to have an inner experience. Those who really cry for the inner life are the right persons to share your experiences with.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Realisation-Soul and Manifestation-Goal, Agni Press, 1974
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