‘Bharater Rabi’
‘Kabindra Rabindranath’‘Beauty’s Dream-Child, Poetry’s Vision-King’[^77]
‘Bengali Heart-Sea’s Golden Shore’‘Enechhile Sathe Kare’
‘Tagore on Sri Ramakrishna’‘Dhyane Tanamoy’
‘Bangalir Gan Abangali Aji’‘Bangalir Pran Abangali Pran’
‘Ekti Bangali Kariyache Joy’[^76]: 166-172. For all the poems, song titles and songs in Bengali in this publication, the transliterations from Bengali script into roman script are by Sri Chinmoy.
[^77]: 166. Titles of this song and the following song selected by Sri Chinmoy Centre Publications NY.Banger hiya chand
Sundar tumi bhitare bahireSundar tumi srishti gabhire
Bishwa sabbai tomar asanPrema onkar nad
O Sun of India’s sky,O World-Poet,
O Moon of Bengal’s heart,You were beautiful in your outer life,
You were beauty incarnate in God’s entire Creation.Gloriously and triumphantly you secure your place
In the world-assembly with your creative force,Supremely meaningful and fruitful in various walks of life.
``` Sri ChinmoyFrom:Sri Chinmoy,Rabindranath Tagore: the moon of Bengal’s Heart, Agni Press, 2011
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/rtm