The Immortal's Boon to Death32

(December 9th, 1950)



"I am Thy lifeless child

With ignorance dark and wild.

Father, my brother life

Ever dislikes my fife.

He dwells within Thy Heart

To pierce my pride with his dart.

O change my fruitless fate,

And write the immortal Date

Upon the brow of the earth.

Father, give me true birth."

The Immortal:

"Thy bosom's mourning sore,

My child, shall last no more.

Within Thy naked night

I stand with my footsteps' light.

I give you life, O Death!

My Bounty's ceaseless Breath

Shall flow across the soil.

I hush all time-turmoil.

My Truth's supremacy

Wills Immortality."



SAI 32. (1955)

From:Chinmoy,Sri Aurobindo: The Infinite, Agni Press, 1997
Sourced from