While you are walking along the street, you need a certain kind of power of concentration; otherwise, you will not be able to walk properly and you will have an accident. But if your concentration expands and extends unnecessarily, if you are at one place and you are concentrating on the cars that are one or two blocks away, then you are misusing your power of concentration. For those cars are not going to come at you; they are quite far away.
When you are deeply absorbed in buying material things, you are not concentrating on the objects themselves. Here only you are lost. Your mind is lost in the material world. The material world we need, true. But everything has its own importance, and the material world is not so important that it should completely absorb your attention. Concentration is like money-power. It is not advisable to pay too much attention to the material world, for then you are squandering your money.From:Sri Chinmoy,Smile of the Beyond, Agni Press, 1977
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/sb