Part II
SCA 683-693. Excerpts from an interview with Mr. Edgar Tcheporov, US correspondent of the
Literary Gazette (Moscow), on 28 February 1993.
Question: How would you answer one of the major philosophical questions — "What is the purpose of creation?"
Sri Chinmoy: God the Creator wanted to become God the creation. The tree wanted to bear fruit. Let us say I am the tree. As a tree, I want to bear fruit and then eat the fruits to my heart’s content. Again, I shall sow the seeds that come from the fruits in order to continue my creation.
Originally God’s Message was, “I am.” He was His own Transcendental Reality. Then He said, “Now that I am, I want to have something.” God the Creator wanted to satisfy Himself in a different way — in the role of God the creation. The creation is something that God has and the Creator is something that God is.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Sri Chinmoy answers, part 19, Agni Press, 1999
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