God's temporary absence
from man's heartis called
human temptation. ```Man's body needs
total transformation.God's Body needs
complete manifestation. ```Human life
is an untiring camel.Divine life
is not only a winning deer,but a satisfied lion.
```Duty soulfully performed,
Divinity triumphantly revealed.And the only duty
is to surrender oneselfunconditionally and constantly
to the express Will of the Supreme. ```Earth below me grows.
Earth within me glows.Earth above me sows.
```Man fears
God's glowing Infinity.God fears
man's brooding stupidity. ```God
invents Love.Man
discovers life. ```In man,
humility isthe most important necessity.
In God,humility is
the most fulfilling reality. ```Ignorance
has only two real enemies:Man's ascending cry
andGod's descending Smile.
```Real joy
is the realisationof eternal aspiration.
```An outer king is he
who has a vast kingdom.An inner king is he
whose kingdom of light anddelight is flooded
with God's transcendental Smileand absolute Pride.
```I love God
because ofmy necessity's command.
God loves mebecause of
His Divinity's demand. ```In the outer life,
man's forgotten expectationis God.
In the inner life,God's conscious
and constant expectationis man.
```God's real name
is Compassion.His false name
is Indifference. ```A child is an orphan
when he loseshis father and mother.
A man is an orphanwhen he loses
his inner joy:his Divine Mother,
and his inner peace:his Divine Father.
```Purity is at once
the necessity and suretyof an aspiring life.
```There is and there can be
only one questionhere on earth
andthere in Heaven:
"Who is not God?" ```Before realisation,
man is a minorwith a major Problem.
After realisation,man is a major
with millions of minor problemscreated by his followers.
```God is not fortunate enough
to see the earth-consciousnesssurrendering unconditionally
to Him. ```A spiritual teacher is he
whostarves with man
anddines with God.
```The universe is at once
God's grain of sandand man's land
of infinite vast. ```Yesterday
your victory's crownwas possession.
Todayyour victory's crown
is renunciation.Tomorrow
your victory's crownshall be liberation.
```Man's wisdom
is God's pure pride.God's Wisdom
is man's sure salvation. ```An x-ray machine examines
my large body.My aspiration examines
my concern for humanity,my larger body.
My realisation examinesmy love for Divinity,
my largest Body. ```Each new year
offers the same flaming question:Who is going to win
in the tug-of-warbetween
God, the Compassion,and
man, the imperfection? ```In his outer life,
man does not knowwhat lasting zeal is.
In his inner life,man does not know
if there is anything elseother than constant zeal.
```Divine aspiration
endures.Human fruition
wanes. ```Tempting beauty
is the weed.Illumining beauty
is the crop. ```The soul-courage
traced,the body-fear
erased. ```An unconditionally
surrendered seekerIs the divine architect
of his supreme destiny. ```Man needs
Eternity's life-breath.Eternity needs
God's Soul-Glow. ```Man's mind-force
is a fleeting inspiration.Man's soul-force
is his lasting realisation. ```God-realisation
is a perfect strangerto man-deception.
```To choose the Real
is to fulfil the Idealof humanity.
```Human individuality
is a self-torturing personality.Divine individuality
is a self-discovering personality. ```Thicker than the thickest
is the jungle of the mind.Brighter than the brightest
is the sky of the heart. ```Alas, man wants to open
God the Doorwithout having
Aspiration the key. ```Earth's life evolves.
Heaven's life resolves.God's Life solves.
```The brute in man
is his violence.The human in man
is his fear.The divine in man
is his heart's cry. ```Without God-realisation
a seeker is nothing.With God-realisation
he is God's Everything. ```The preparatory oath
is to avoid the faceof ignorance.
The culminating oathis to see only the Face
of God,Within, without, below, above.
```God the Perfection lives
in His Concern for humanity.God the perfect Perfection lives
in His Love for Divinity.God the eternal Perfection lives
in His Meditation on Reality. ```Quantity
God's Compassionalways has.
QualityGod's Perfection
always is. ```God in man
is man's life-building Reality.Man in God
is man's soul-elevating Reality. ```Mutual surrender
is the floweringof God's Soul
and the toweringof man's God.
```The tempting
and tempted seekeris a dead weight
on God's Protection-Light. ```Man's union with God
makes GodUnconditionally gracious,
makes manSupremely precious.
```At every second
I vote only forThe Transcendental Candidate,
my Supreme. ```Man, the desiring
body-consciousnessis the only wall
that stands betweenman's inmost cry
andGod's Mightiest Compassion.
```Socrates' wife, Xantippe,
found her philosopher husbandunbearable.
A seeker's soulfinds the seeker's ignorance
not only unbearable,but also inescapable.
```When God compassionately says,
"Yes!"man thinks that God is
singularly unwise.When God compassionately says,
"No!"man feels that God is
incredibly cruel. ```When I want to see my Past,
I go to the zoo.When I want to see my Present,
I go deep within.When I want to see my Future,
I throw myself at the Feet of the Supreme. ```A Yogi
is the supremely realisedaspirant.
```A Yogi is not in the body.
He is not of the body.But he is for the body —
for the transformation of the bodyand for the perfection of the body.
```Solitary confinement
is not meantfor a modern Yogi,
for God wants himto be a militant Yogi.
```Your increasing devotion
to your Yogi-Gurucan easily tame
the wild vehemence of your mind. ```A Yogi
is the fastest evolutionof God.
```A false Yogi
is God's true embarrassment. ```A Yogi's purest purity
is the heightof God's Glory.
```A self-surrendered Yogi
is the only hope and promiseof a self-fulfilling humanity.
```A map inspires you
to study a country.A Yogi inspires you
to study God's universeand God the Universe.
```A Yogi knows
that in order to retainhis supreme joy
he has always to remainthe Supreme's supreme toy.
```The King of the Yogis
represents God the Protection.The Queen of the Yoginis
represents God the Compassion. ```Delight
is the connecting linkbetween a Yogi's highest realisation
and God's perfect Perfection. ```The man in the Yogi
attempts.The God in the Yogi
attains. ```God has secretly changed
the Yogi's nameinto even-mindedness.
God has openly changedthe Yogi's name
into non-attachment. ```The disciples learn from their Yogi-Guru
that the oscillation of the mindis the projection of their ignorance,
and that the dejection of the mindis the deliberate rejection
of their inner elation. ```A perfect Yogi
is God's endless contributionto Mother-Earth.
```A qualified Yogi
warns his disciplesnot to mistake
the outer complacencyfor the inner
self-sufficiency. ```In any incarnation
a Yogi can havehis final reincarnation.
```A Yogi's mind
is the waveless seaand his heart
is the cloudless sky. ```A real Yogi is he
who has at oncetranscended the pure torture
and sure raptureof the body-consciousness.
```To love, adore and worship
a real Yogiis to enjoy perfect union
with God the Beloved. ```A Yogi's constant love for Heaven
is God's victory in the inner world.A Yogi's supreme sacrifice for earth
is God's victory in the outer world. ```Water distilled is pure
because it contains nothing else.A Yogi realised is pure
because he embodies divinityand divinity alone.
```The medical science has no other choice
than to cherisha limited and imperfect x-ray machine.
Three cheers for the Yogic science,for it has discovered God,
the unlimited and perfect x-ray machine. ```A Yogi's life is the manifestation
of the father's love and wisdom,the friend's care and concern,
the Master's guidance and protection,and God's Illumination and Perfection.
```A Yogi can and does live
millions of miles awayfrom the zone
of cosmic ignorance. ```An Avatar
is God's compassionate descentand man's conscious ascent.
```God's biography,
abridged and condensed,is the earthly life
of an Avatar. ```An Avatar
is God's faithful camel.A Yogi
is God's faithful dog. ```A budding Avatar
is God's fulfilling Dream.A blossomed Avatar
is God's fulfilled Reality. ```An Avatar's pure essence
is God, the Absolute.God's sure substance
is an Avatarof the highest magnitude.
```When an Avatar fails,
God sails the Boat of Compassion.Humanity sails the boat of
utter disappointment.His disciples and followers
sail their boat in hisstrongest justification.
```An Avatar's inner Goal
is God's eternal andtranscendental Smile.
An Avatar's outer goalis man's ignorance-freed,
life-illumined and soul-fulfilled smile. ```An Avatar is not the monopoly
of any individual.An Avatar's soul
is for Divinity's Humanityand his heart is for Humanity's Divinity.
```The Avatar
received initiationfrom God.
God receivescompletion
from the Avatar. ```By serving God constantly
an Avatar gets satisfying joy.By helping suffering mankind
an Avatar gets satisfied joy. ```God's inner Kingdom
is an Avatar's eyes.God's outer Kingdom
is an Avatar's voice. ```An Avatar
is the Life of man'ssecret God.
```God's revelation
is an Avatar.An Avatar's manifestation
is God. ```An Avatar's constant realisation is
that there is nothingtoo great to achieve,
and that nothingis too small to receive.
```To please an Avatar
unconditionally and constantlyis to enter
into the open Heartand Arms of God.
```An Avatar
is God's daily practiceof Infinite Compassion.
```God's question an Avatar brings.
Man's answer an Avatar takes.God 's question: Where is Life?
Man's answer: Life is where Love is.Life is God embodied.
Love is God revealed. ```To have an Avatar-Guru
is to run on the shortest roadto God.
```An Avatar
is God's constant attention,Heaven's brightest illumination
and earth's sure salvation. ```Touch an Avatar devotedly,
feel God unmistakably. ```The real Friend in an Avatar
not only shows us God's Face,our true union with God,
and His Abode in us,but also makes us feel
that we can rightfully claim Godas our very own.
```An Avatar
is the divinely illumined Choiceand supremely manifested Voice
of God. ```God wills.
An Avatar executes.Man either accepts or rejects.
When he accepts,he becomes the light of life.
When he rejects,he becomes the night of death.
```The Supreme gives to the Avatars
his own X-rayto use at their sweet will
to see the malady of the millennia.The Supreme has also given the Avatars
the power to cure the incurable maladyof the crying past,
screaming presentand weeping future.
```An Avatar's acceptance of a disciple
is the clear indicationof his eternal residence
in the heartof his younger brother.
```When an Avatar visits a zoo,
he amusingly enjoyshis own evolving past.
When he visits his Consciousness-Height,he unceasingly admires
his own beginningless Past:the Supreme of Light
and Delight Supreme. ```A surrendered seeker
gets everything from the Supremefor the asking.
An unconditionally surrendered seekerknows that the Supreme
has made him and calls himHis very own.
```If you want to buy the perfect Perfection
of the Supreme from the Supreme,then you have to sell
your imperfection-mountain andignorance-sea
free of charge to the Supreme. ```Man is curious to know
what the Supreme looks like.The Supreme is eager to see
the cheerful arrival of manat His Heart's Palace.
```Man's difficulty is
that he does not knowwhen to start meditating.
The Supreme's difficulty isthat He does not know
when to stop bestowingHis unconditional Compassion on man.
```Eternity: this is
what man precisely needs.Now: this is
what the Supreme always wants. ```Before God-realisation
man was a fooland he behaved like a fool.
After his God-realisationman has become a pool
and he serves as a pool. ```He who stands
at the Gate of the Supremeknows that at long last
the reign of his fate has ended.His life now has become
the rare choice of the Supreme. ```Man's eternal Aspiration
is the perfect Historyof the Supreme.
```My constant choice
of the Supremecommands
impossibility's surrendered life. ```Do you want
to cut jokes with the Supreme?Then devour Him
with your purified love,illumined devotion
and fulfilled surrender. ```"O Supreme,
You aremy aspiring life's only King."
"True, My child,I am also your surrendered heart's
best and most unconditional slave." ```The Light of the Supreme
is His Life's Soul,His Soul's Goal,
and His Goal's Role. ```The human mind
and the Will of the Supremeare perfect strangers
to each other. ```To value
the Compassion of the Supremeis to say unmistakably
and categorically"No"
to the proud life of ignorance. ```A seeker's outer obedience
is his love for the Supreme.A seeker's inner obedience
is the Supreme's Love for him. ```We pray to the Supreme
for illumining faith in Him.The Supreme prays to us
for soaring confidencein ourselves.
```As the transcendental King,
the Supreme blessesHis infinite children.
As the transcendental Queen,the Supreme embraces
Her infinite children. ```To see the Supreme
face to faceis to own the breath and life
of the Real within us. ```Man's fleeting service
the Supreme unreservedly admires.The Supreme's unending Service
man constantly ignores. ```The desiring man
and God the Temptationlive together.
The aspiring manand God the Illumination
fly together. ```We use constantly
the highest Compassion of the Supremefor our human satisfaction.
Poor Supreme will be able to useour heart's purest purity,
if ever we have an iota of it,for His divine Satisfaction.
```Man's love for the Supreme
must needs be a baseless voyageto the shores
of Immortality's Infinity. ```When I love the Supreme
as a human being,He instructs and illumines me
as a Divine Being. ```The name
of the Supreme's X-Rayis Compassion-Light.
my Supreme touched my feetand begged me to come out of
my Supreme blessesmy fully awakened life.
Tomorrowmy Supreme will embrace
my totally surrendered life. ```Except for the Supreme and His Light,
we are all chattering monkeys,braying donkeys
and roaring lionsin the cosmic zoo.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,The Supreme and His four children: five spiritual dictionaries, Fleet Press Corporation, New York, 1973
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/sfc