My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo place at Your Feet
Every morningMy heart's readiness,
My heart's willingness,My heart's eagerness
AndMy heart's happiness.
My Lord, my Lord, my Lord,Do tell me how
I can claim You as my own,Very own.
Do tell me howYou can claim me as Your own,
Very own."My child,
Give Me what your mind has:Unwillingness.
If you can give MeYour mind's unwillingness,
Then you will be able to claim MeAs your own, very own.
"My child,
Give Me what your heart is:Love.
If you can give MeYour heart's love,
Then I shall claim youAs My own, very own."
```SFL 38. 16 December 1994, Kathmandu, Nepal↩
From:Sri Chinmoy,My sweet Father-Lord, where are You?, Agni Press, 1999
Sourced from