Question: How can I have security and humility at the same time?

Sri Chinmoy: In the ordinary life, unaspiring life, there is no such thing as security. Nobody can be secure in his own life or in the lives of others. No matter how powerful, how rich or how wise he is, he will not feel totally secure. Why? Precisely because he has not established, he cannot establish oneness with another individual. There cannot be total oneness, constant, eternal and inseparable oneness unless and until one has established oneness with the Supreme. Here on earth when we want to establish security in our own capacities and talents, we come to realise that it is impossible. Then we become a perfect slave to someone else in order to gain security. But we have to know that the Supreme has all security. If we go deep within, then we will be able to feel secure in our Source. When we pray to the Supreme or meditate on the Supreme, we do not have to pray for security, but for constant and conscious oneness. Humility is not touching the dust of somebody's feet. Humility automatically comes. The higher you climb, the more humble you become. In the spiritual life, if a real spiritual Master has something to offer, he becomes humble like a tree bearing fruit. If someone has nothing to offer, then he becomes haughty and arrogant. But if the Master knows that he has something, then he offers that very existence to humanity.

From:Sri Chinmoy,The significance of a smile, Agni Press, 1977
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