My Silence-Heart Blossoms, part 3


May 1st


I was a willing slave to ignorance-night,

And now I am a messenger of Heaven's Delight. ```

May 2nd


I am a volley of man-complaints, I am.

Yet my heart-door my Lord does not slam. ```

May 3rd


The bitterness of my mind

I must erase.

The oneness of my heart

Chase I must, chase. ```

May 4th


My mind is a ruthless heart-attacker.

My soul is a sleepless heart-poise-backer. ```

May 5th


O God's Thunder-Justice, my only hope

To stop me climbing temptation-rope. ```

May 6th


Ah, who am I?

A poor oneness-performer.

Ah, who is God?

An indulgent Observer. ```

May 7th


I want my life to live

On God-hunger-cry.

I want my breath to fly

In God-Fragrance-Sky. ```

May 8th


Mine is the soul

That loves to be an ignorance lighter.

Mine is the heart

That loves to be an ignorance-fighter. ```

May 9th


Meditation, meditation, my meditation,

You are my soul-life's happiest vacation. ```

May 10th


My surrender is my Lord's

Deepest Love-Pride.

My gratitude is my Lord's

Fastest Joy-Ride. ```

May 11th


Now that I am no longer stupid and blind,

My Lord, take me, my forest-density-mind. ```

May 12th


God's Compassion-Eye is my only Home.

My mind's wild life no more shall roam. ```

May 13th


When it is a matter of God,

I am consciously forgetful.

When it is a matter of man,

I am helplessly frightful. ```

May 14th


The mind that tries and tries

God smilingly needs.

The heart that cries and cries

God lovingly feeds. ```

May 15th


Alas, for my poor heart

There is no golden to-morrow.

Alas, for God's poor Heart

There is nothing but helpless sorrow. ```

May 16th


I have resolved never to complain;

Therefore, no more my bondage chain. ```

May 17th


My complete God-surrender-song I have sung;

My ego-funeral-bell is already rung. ```

May 18th


With God no God-lover disputes;

With God they play their oneness-flutes. ```

May 19th


My Lord's Heart and Eye

Weep and weep and weep,

Oh, when my life enjoys

Ignorance-sleep. ```

May 20th


My Lord, bless me to think of You, to think,

So that my earth-life does not fall and sink. ```

May 21st


Since to the end my sweet Lord's Tears

Care for me, care,

Ignorance-blows I shall bravely

Ignore and dare. ```

May 22nd


Heaven gives my heart-breath Heavenly instructions.

Earth gives my mind-life earthly distractions. ```

May 23rd


I shall be there where God's Compassion is found.

Mine is the life-train my Lord's Forgiveness-bound. ```

May 24th


My heart of love God remembers

And not my doubting mind.

My face of smile God remembers

And not my torturing blind. ```

May 25th


My instant peace is God's Silence-Delight.

My instant bliss is my heart-cry-flight. ```

May 26th


My discipline-life is not self-torture.

My discipline-life is my God-rapture. ```

May 27th


A truth-seeker is a God-thinker.

A God-thinker is a bliss-drinker. ```

May 28th


I shall not permit myself

To be abandoned by hope.

Hope is my only strength,

My only God-climbing rope. ```

May 29th


A sleepless, breathless faith-follower

Can never be pleasure-wallower. ```

May 30th


No more self-confidence-crisis!

I am now a God-dependence-oasis. ```

May 31st


My faith-success-story I enjoy sleeplessly.

My surrender-progress-song I love breathlessly. ```


June 1st


Expect not!

You will win the God-Race.

You and your eyes shall see God face to face.


June 2nd


Humility, humility, humility!

My receptivity's multiplicity. ```

June 3rd


My Lord is proud of my heart's delight

And not of my mind's highest flight. ```

June 4th


A mind of failure, a heart of success

No more can shackle me.

My Lord's Compassion-Eye has made

My life utterly free. ```

June 5th


My success-life brings me nothing but pride;

My progress-life gives me a longer God-ride. ```

June 6th


My mind betrays my Lord

Time and again,

Yet He desires my freedom

From bondage-chain. ```

June 7th


The path of doubt leads me

To blind nothingness;

The path of faith

To constant God-oneness. ```

June 8th


God is making my life a sweet peace-song.

My gratitude-heart shall strike His Victory-Gong. ```

June 9th


Oh, I want not my mind's foolish fantasy!

I long only for my heart-ecstasy. ```

June 10th


My dream-awakened life,

You I breathlessly love.

You are my heart's only

Sweet fondness-oneness-dove. ```

June 11th


Be heart-wise and not mind-clever:

Obedience-road never fails, never! ```

June 12th


O keep your mind mountain-high, holy;

Your life will be punctured by no folly. ```

June 13th


My heart-room is all made of hope.

No sad failure therein can grope. ```

June 14th


Oh, how can my life ever thrive

If my heart was not born to strive? ```

June 15th


O try and try and try, O try!

Your mind will be a freedom-sky. ```

June 16th


O doubting mind,

I tell you once and for all

Fast approaching

Your inevitable downfall! ```

June 17th


My God-dreaming heart

Is the voice of my soul.

My God-pleasing soul

Leads my life to my Goal. ```

June 18th


The courage of my heart's God-conviction

Shall bless my life with God-perfection. ```

June 19th


To shatter ignorance-grip,

Cancel your pleasure-trip! ```

June 20th


My heart's aspiration-train,

Fear no obstruction-chain! ```

June 21st


Satisfaction is neither here nor there;

Madly we are hurrying towards nowhere. ```

June 22nd


Oh, nothing can be marred by man;

Perfection-delight is all God's Plan. ```

June 23rd


No one can change the world-no one!

All are needed for transformation-crown. ```

June 24th


God is speaking to my heart directly;

My gratitude-heart is blossoming devotedly. ```

June 25th


Smash not God's Heart any day

By devouring ignorance-clay. ```

June 26th


My soul and my Master are one, I know.

They enjoy deep pride in my wisdom-glow. ```

June 27th


Quickly empty your ignorance-mind-night.

God is arriving with His Ecstasy's Height. ```

June 28th


My mind was Eternity's darkest night;

My mind now Infinity's brightest Light. ```

June 29th


Victory to God's Compassion-Flood, victory!

Today begins my life's God-Smile-story. ```

June 30th


I love my Lord only:

This is not my mere pronouncement.

Indeed, this is my life's

God-Satisfaction-Fulfilment. ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,My Silence-Heart Blossoms, part 3, Agni Press, 1995
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