I jumped and jumpedAt the Feet
Of my Lord Supreme.Progress-songs
I sing and singInside the Heart
Of my Beloved Supreme. ```Obedience
Is the only identificationNeeded to enter
Into God's Heart-Home. ```Purity
Dares. ```Sound,
Don't touch me.You are untouchable.
Let me touch you.You are so loveable.
```My mind proudly
Wants to interview God.My heart devotedly
Longs to review God. ```My Lord,
Will you not help meTo catch my mind-thief
Red-handed? ```God's Pride in me
MeansMy faith in action.
```I am not at all curious
To know what God feelsInside my heart.
I am all curious
To know what God thinksOf my mind.
```The mind
Is a voracious eaterOf doubt and disbelief.
So often expectationsAre doomed
To dismal disappointments. ```The limping doubt
AndThe crawling despair
Never reachThe destination.
```My Mother God
Protects my life.My Father God
Perfects my heart. ```The mind
Enjoys conspiracy.The heart
Enjoys ecstasy. ```I want to know
Where God is.God wants me to know
Who I am. ```God-reliance
IsThe perfect sail
Of my life-boat. ```May each aspiration-heart-garden
Nowhere seeImpurity-weeds.
I do not want you.Never.
Patience-tortoise-heart,I love you.
I need you.Always.
```God supremely enjoys
Watching my gratitude-heart-birdFly in my life-surrender-sky.
```May my mind
Think of God only.May my heart
Love God only.May my life
Need God only,Until the final end of time.
```In your mind-belief
Be not lukewarmIf success is what you want.
In your heart-faith,
Be not lukewarmIf progress is what you need.
```O bumpy period of my life,
You have immensely increasedThe immensity of my heart's
God-hunger-necessity.Therefore, to you,
My heart is all gratitude. ```God Himself removes
All disabilities,Inner and outer,
From his supremely chosenSelf-giving children.
```Dive deep within we must
To see God with a unique presentIn His blessingful Hands
At every moment. ```God is
God's Compassion-drill.I am
My heart's devotion-thrill. ```Peace-birds
Always flyCarrying
My Soul's Silence-Fragrance. ```As desire-disappointment
My mind is,Even so,
Aspiration-enlightenmentMy heart is.
```Each human being
Is a helpless victimTo his own desire-shadow.
```No heart
Can breatheWithout hope-flames.
My mind needsFrom God.
My heart needsFrom God.
```If you never
Take God seriously,How will you ever
Self-givingly please Him? ```My soul,
If you do not teach me,Who will?
My heart,
If you do not love me,Who will?
```There is no fixed hour
When you should unfurlYour aspiration-sails.
```I do not want to suffer
In my lifeOnly from one thing:
Aspiration-starvation. ```Be careful of insecurity.
It spreadsOneness-death-seeds
All-where. ```Determination-famine
AnnouncesDeath's arrival.
```A desireless moment
IsA faultless enlightenment.
```The inner thrill-fragrance
Is what my heartSleeplessly longs for.
```God Himself
CultivatesOur dream-heart-gardens.
You haveBecause God-oneness-heart
You are. ```Each mind has something
New to say.Each heart has something
New to give.Each life has something
New to become. ```Our human life wants
Man-supremacy-foundation.Our divine life needs
God-Ecstasy-Foundation. ```Eagerness needs no visa
To enter intoThe newness-kingdom.
I was.Devotion-penetration
I am. ```Man claps
When I quickly succeed.God claps
When I unconditionally proceed. ```My mind-slavery
I was.My heart-bravery
I am. ```The God-surrender-prayer
IsThe most powerful prayer.
```I must never
Lose the beautyOf my tearful eyes.
I must never
Lose the fragranceOf my grateful heart.
Is the perfectionOf my heart-lotus-bloom.
Can never succeedIn pleasing God
In His own Way. ```Self-doubt
Is a self-imposedTorture-punishment.
Always depends onHeart-receptivity.
```O my mind,
You can make me happyOnly when you become
A mountain-majesty-poise. ```A willingness-heart-seeker
Receives an innerOlympic gold medal
From God Himself. ```To self-doubt, yesterday,
"No," I said.To self-importance, today,
"No," I say. ```Fear dies
Only when youClose the eyes
Of fear. ```Doubt dies
Only when youPunch the head
Of doubt. ```Jealousy dies
Only when youTwist the tail
Of jealousy. ```Insecurity dies
Only when youBurst open the heart
Of insecurity. ```God takes a very long time
Before He hearsMy mind-stories.
God in no time
HearsMy heart-songs.
How sweet you are.Gratitude-smiles,
How beautiful you are. ```O my heart's rainbow-dream-boat,
Stop not.Sail on,
Sail on,Sail on.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Success-jumps, progress-songs, Agni Press, 1994
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