Shanti lagi kandbo ami

Bhalobase Mor Murkha Manas (2)


Bhalobase mor murkha manas basanar karagar

Taito bhitare taito bahire heri shudhu andhiyar




My stupid mind loves the desire-prison.

Therefore, darkness, only darkness

Within, without I see. ```

Chahi Jakhan Sabar Prane Tushite (2)


Chahi jakhan sabar prane tushite

Nache amar hiya pakhi kushite




When I try to satisfy everybody's heart,

My soul-bird dances ecstasy's dance.


Amare Danite Esechi (1)


Amare danite esechi dharai nishite dibase

E madhur karibo prachar ashesh harashe




Into the world I came,

Myself to offer day and night.

This sweetness-message I shall proclaim

With delight infinite.


Shanti Lagi Kandbo Ami (2)


Shanti lagi kandbo ami

Shanti lagi kandbo

Phulla chitte amire mor

Tomar paye bandhbo




For peace I shall cry.

Cheerfully I shall bind my little ‘i’

At Your Feet. ```

Nabinata Dyuloke Nabinata Bhuloke 2)


Nabinata dyuloke nabinata bhuloke

Nabinata bhitare nabinata bahire

Eso eso eso ogo sathe niye nirabata

Paramer dite chahi bijoyer saphalata




O newness in Heaven, O newness on earth.

Newness within, newness without,

Come! Come! With silence, come.

To my Lord Supreme, I desire

To offer the success-victory-life. ```

Ajanar Deshe Ghuriya Berai (2)


Ajanar deshe ghuriya berai

Ajana deber sandhane

Ekada heribo priyatame mor

Aji sugabhir dhyane




In the world of the unknown

I roam in search of the God unknown.

One day I shall see my Beloved Lord Supreme

In my meditation’s deepest depths.


Jani Jani Agyanata Jai Na Chere Jete (1)


Jani jani agyanata jai na chere jete

Bidurite taito kandi prabhur kripa pete




I know, I know, ignorance

Does not want to leave me.

To cast my ignorance aside, therefore,

I cry for the Compassion-Light

Of my Lord Supreme. ```

Jene Shune Amod Kare (2)


Jene shune amod kare bhul karechi bhul

Taito prabhu nahi heri kothao kona kul




Knowing perfectly well the consequences,

In utter pleasure-life,

Teeming mistakes I have made.

Therefore, my Lord, the Golden Shore,

Nowhere I see. ```

Baddha Guhai Rakhibo (2)


Baddha guhai rakhibo

Ajike bahu puratan jibane

Amare phutabo amare tulibo

Chira nabiner swapane




Today I shall keep my old life

Inside a cave completely closed.

Fully blossomed I shall be and myself

I shall raise to the highest summits

Inside the dream of the ever-new. ```

Maner Bane Ghure Berai


Maner bane ghure berai

Dibanishi chinta kanta mane

Taito more herina hai

Amar hiyar asimatar dhane




Day and night I roam and roam with my mind

Inside the thick of the thought-thorn-forest.

Therefore, I fail to see myself

Inside my own heart's wealth infinite.


Jago Jago Jago Prabhu (2)


Jago jago jago prabhu jago jago aji

Pujbo tomai bhakti bhare diye phula saji




Awake! Awake! My Lord, awake!

Awake! Awake today!

You I shall worship with my devotion-heart.

You I shall give my flower-casket.


Pracharite Tomar Bani (1)


Pracharite tomar bani

Karbo puta hiya khani




My Supreme Lord, to spread Your Message-Light

All around the globe, my heart pure I shall make.


Your Message-Light


My Supreme Lord, to spread Your Message-Light

All around the globe, my heart pure I shall make. ```

Chahi Ami Mane Prane Nirabata (1)


Chahi ami mane prane nirabata

Bihane tar sabi nitur biphalata




Silence I desire in my vital and in my mind.

Without silence, everything is a ruthless failure.


Silence I Desire


Silence I desire

In my vital and in my mind.

Without silence,

Everything is a ruthless failure. ```

Eso Eso Manorama Priyatama (1)


Eso eso manorama priyatama

Rupayite mor man kardama




O Beauty infinite, O Love infinite,

Do come down to transform my mind of clay.


O Beauty Infinite


O Beauty infinite, O Love infinite,

Do come down to transform my mind of clay. ```

Urte Chahi Pakhir Mato (1)


Urte chahi pakhir mato mukta akashe

Raibona ar moher deshe nimne hatase




I long to fly like the birds in the freedom-sky.

No more do I want to remain below,

In the attachment-world,

In utter helplessness-sighs.


I Long to Fly Like the Birds


I long to fly like the birds in the freedom-sky.

No more do I want to remain below

In the attachment-world

In utter helplessness-sighs. ```

Bhalobase Mor Murkha Manas (1)


Bhalobase mor murkha manas basanar karagar

Taito bhitare taito bahire heri shudhu andhiyar




My stupid mind loves the desire-prison.

Therefore, darkness, only darkness

Within, without I see. ```

My Stupid Mind Loves the Desire-Prison


My stupid mind loves the desire-prison.

Therefore, darkness, only darkness,

Within, without I see.


Chahi Jakhan Sabar Prane Tushite (1)


Chahi jakhan sabar prane tushite

Nache amar hiya pakhi kushite




When I try to satisfy everybody's heart,

My soul-bird dances ecstasy's dance.


When I Try to Satisfy Everybody's Heart


When I try to satisfy everybody’s heart,

My soul-bird dances ecstasy’s dance. ```

Jago Jago Jago Prabhu (1)


Jago jago jago prabhu

Jago jago aji

Pujbo tomai bhakti bhare

Diye phula saji




Awake! Awake! My Lord, awake!

Awake! Awake today!

You I shall worship with my devotion-heart.

You I shall give my flower-casket.


Awake! Awake!


Awake! Awake! My Lord, awake!

Awake! Awake today!

You I shall worship with my devotion-heart.

You I shall give my flower-casket. ```

Amare Danite Esechi (2)


Amare danite esechi dharai nishite dibase

E madhur bani karibo prachar ashesh harashe




Into the world I came,

Myself to offer day and night.

This sweetness-message I shall proclaim

With delight infinite.


Into the World I Came, Myself to Offer


Into the world I came,

Myself to offer day and night.

This sweetness-message I shall proclaim

With delight infinite. ```

Shanti Lagi Kandbo Ami (1)


Shanti lagi kandbo ami

Shanti lagi kandbo

Phulla chitte amire mor

Tomar paye bandhbo




For peace I shall cry.

Cheerfully I shall bind my little ‘i’

At Your Feet. ```

For Peace I Shall Cry


For peace I shall cry.

Cheerfully I shall bind my little ‘i’

At Your Feet.


Nabinata Dyuloke Nabinata Bhuloke (1)


Nabinata dyuloke nabinata bhuloke

Nabinata bhitare nabinata bahire

Eso eso eso ogo sathe niye nirabata

Paramer dite chahi bijoyer saphalata




O newness in Heaven, O newness on earth.

Newness within, newness without,

Come! Come! With silence, come.

To my Lord Supreme, I desire

To offer the success-victory-life. ```

O Newness in Heaven


O newness in Heaven, O newness on earth.

Newness within, newness without,

Come! Come! With silence come.

To my Lord Supreme I desire to offer

The success-victory-life.


Ajanar Deshe Ghuriya Berai (1)


Ajanar deshe ghuriya berai

Ajana deber sandhane

Ekada heribo priyatame aji

Mor sugabhir dhyane




In the world of the unknown

I roam in search of the God unknown.

One day I shall see my Beloved Lord Supreme

In my meditation’s deepest depths.


In the World of the Unknown


In the world of the unknown

I roam in search of the God unknown.

One day I shall see my Beloved Lord Supreme

In my meditation’s deepest depths. ```

Jani Jani Agyanata Jai Na Chere Jete (2)


Jani jani agyanata jai na chere jete

Tare bidurite taito kandi prabhur kripa pete




I know, I know, ignorance

Does not want to leave me.

To cast my ignorance aside, therefore,

I cry for the Compassion-Light

Of my Lord Supreme. ```

I Know Ignorance Does Not Want to Leave Me


I know, I know, ignorance

Does not want to leave me.

To cast my ignorance aside, therefore,

I cry for Compassion-Light of my Lord Supreme. ```

Jene Shune Amod Kare (1)


Jene shune amod kare

Bhul karechi bhul

Taito prabhu nahi heri

Kothao kona kul




Knowing perfectly well the consequences,

In utter pleasure-life,

Teeming mistakes I have made.

Therefore, my Lord, the Golden Shore,

Nowhere I see. ```

Knowing Perfectly Well


Knowing perfectly well the consequences

In utter pleasure-life,

Teeming mistakes I have made.

Therefore, my Lord, the Golden Shore,

Nowhere I see.


Baddha Guhai Rakhibo (1)


Baddha guhai rakhibo

Ajike bahu puratan jibane

Amare phutabo amare tulibo

Chira nabiner swapane




Today I shall keep my old life

Inside a cave completely closed.

Fully blossomed I shall be and myself

I shall raise to the highest summits

Inside the dream of the ever-new. ```

Today I Shall Keep My Old Life Inside a Cave


Today I shall keep my old life

Inside a cave completely closed.

Fully blossomed I shall be

And myself I shall raise

To the highest summits

Inside the dream of the ever-new. ```

Maner Sathe Ghure Berai


Maner sathe ghure berai

Dibanishi chinta kanta bane

Taito more herina hai

Amar hiyar asimatar dhane




Day and night I roam and roam with my mind

Inside the thick of the thought-thorn-forest.

Therefore, I fail to see myself

Inside my own heart's wealth infinite.


Day and Night I Roam


Day and night I roam and roam with my mind

Inside the thick of the thought-thorn-forest.

Therefore, I fail to see myself

Inside my own heart’s wealth infinite. ```

Pracharite Tomar Bani (2)


Pracharite tomar bani

Karbo puta hiya khani




My Supreme Lord, to spread Your Message-Light

All around the globe, my heart pure I shall make.


Chahi Ami Mane Prane Nirabata (2)


Chahi ami mane prane nirabata

Bihane tar sabi nitur biphalata




Silence I desire in my vital and in my mind.

Without silence, everything is a ruthless failure.


Eso Eso Manorama Priyatama (2)


Eso eso manorama priyatama

Rupayite mor man kardama




O Beauty infinite, O Love infinite,

Do come down to transform my mind of clay.


Urte Chahi Pakhir Mato (2)


Urte chahi pakhir mato mukta akashe

Raibona ar moher deshe nimne hatase




I long to fly like the birds in the freedom-sky.

No more do I want to remain below,

In the attachment-world,

In utter helplessness-sighs.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Shanti lagi kandbo ami, 1996
Sourced from