The mind has been deeply absorbed in ignorance. You have to catch the thief red-handed and take it to the judge. Then the mind problem will be solved. Here the judge is the soul. When the mind is brought to the judge, the punishment is illumination.
If you don't want to catch the mind, just take it as something unnecessary. Who wants to keep something unnecessary in his life? Even a child at the age of four doesn't keep the things that are unnecessary. If he has two pieces of bread and the second piece is unnecessary, he throws it out. If you also think of the doubting, suspicious mind as something unnecessary, you will automatically strengthen yourself and the mind will go away. When you feel that the mind is necessary, you give it some strength, but if you know that it is unnecessary, then half its strength goes away.From:Sri Chinmoy,The silent mind, Agni Press, 1977
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