In His inner HeartI am my Lord’s only choice.
In His outer LifeI am my Lord’s only Voice.
Lifting up the worldWith a oneness-heart,
The Hour of GodAnd His Victory-Start.
I am happy because I still need God.God is happy because I still love Him.
Are You there, God?Would You mind
Coming over to meWith Your Compassion-Eye
And Your Forgiveness-Heart? ``````
I have forgotten to love God,But God has not forgotten to forgive me.
Once you start singingYour heart’s surrender-song,
Do not stop! Do not stop! Do not stop! ``````
Allow not your vital-horseTo frighten your heart-bird.
Aspiration-garden will become dryIf there is no enthusiasm-gardener.
Why are you shoppingInside the mind-cave?
The heart-department storeIs right in front of you!
Each happy life-car needsAn encouragement-engine.
God wants you to knowThat He has not yet
Finished your life’s portraitTo His satisfaction.
A true God-loverDoes not grow older.
He only becomes wiser. ``````
The choice is yours:Either you will please God’s Heart,
Or continue pleasing your mind. ``````
Every day, without fail,God sends a Compassion-Letter
To all God-lovers and servers. ```Yesterday
I was God’s faithful dog.Today
I am His beautiful lamb.Tomorrow
I shall be His powerful lion. ``````
My love of GodIs not a loan from God,
But a gift from God. ```May my life-breath become
The resonance of God’sEarth-transformation-organ.
My Lord, I am not cryingFor Your smiling Face.
But I am waitingFor Your Command Supreme.
My mind is made of a thousand promises.My heart is made of one single need:
Sleepless love of God. ```God’s Tennis Court
Is meant only for thoseWho like to play all the time
Surrender-game. ``````
My inner faith-doctor easily curesMy outer doubt-disease.
At any time, you can visit God.He has a twenty-four-hour
Visiting service. ```My love of God and God’s love of me
Enjoy giving mutual shelter. ``````
YesterdayI was crawling.
TodayI am climbing.
TomorrowGod and I will be together
Dancing. ``````
What your heart needs every morningIs a fragrant prayer-flower.
```God’s motto is:
Wake up!Man’s motto is:
Lord, do not give me up. ``````
Drive forward, drive forward,Your life-car does not need
Reverse gear. ```God triumphantly thrives
On man’s beautifully happy smile. ``````
When God comes into your life,He brings His Compassion-Child
To breathe inside your aspiration-heart. ``````
I am not sorry,O my sleeping mind,
That I woke you up, never!I am not sorry.
Something for nothingOnly clever men can expect.
Nothing for somethingOnly poor God can accept.
Beauty is wisdom.Purity is freedom.
Oneness is realisation.Perfection is satisfaction.
One questionRemained,
Remains,And will always
Remain unanswered:Who is not God?
It shall never happen.I shall never eat my
Realisation-fruit all alone.It shall never happen.
Father, O Father,What do You do
Here in my heart?“I dream My cosmic Dream.”
His is the magic smileThat every day eclipses
My heart’s excruciating pangs. ``````
To see God the Light,To feel God the Light,
To become God the Light:This is the only goal
Of my meditation. ``````
Your business is to begin.God’s Business is to finish.
Regularity is the temple.Punctuality is the shrine.
```I meditate because I must.
I love because I am God’s. ```I found many short cuts
To God-realisation.But not even one short cut
To God-manifestation. ``````
Beauty-flamesFrom Heaven’s soul
I receive.Duty-fire
From earth-heartI receive.
Immortality-sunFrom God-Eye
I receive. ```The songs of my tomorrow’s heart
Are melting my today’s mind. ``````
A God-loving heartAnd a self-giving life
Are always absolutelyFoolproof.
I love myselfBecause I need God
And nobody else.Never!
I think of God becauseI need God’s Power.
God thinks of me becauseHe needs my love.
God loves me — I mean my sincere cry.God wants me — I mean my simple life.
God needs me — I mean my pure heart. ```What I need is a God-climbing heart,
And not a God-manufacturing mind. ```If you do not have a sense of humour,
Then God will not choose youTo be in His close Company.
The life-boat of a gratitude-heartIs always tied to God’s
Supreme Satisfaction-Ship. ``````
You are right.God loves you dearly.
You are perfect.God needs you daily.
```If it is God’s pen,
It will never run outOf Compassion-ink.
```When my heart’s silence knocks
At God’s Door,God immediately reveals
His Infinity’s Satisfaction-Smile. ``````
God cries only once:When I tell Him
That I do not deserve Him. ```Earth’s sad cry:
God is not approachable.Heaven’s sad cry:
God is concerned more about earth. ``````
Wherever he goesHis heart carries for him
A thousand prayer-flowers. ``````
God invited me to eat with HimAnd choose anything I want from Him.
I invited God to eat with meAnd lose everything in my hunger-cry.
Heaven thinks my lifeIs nothing but fun.
Earth knows my lifeIs nothing but frustration.
I feel that my lifeIs nothing but God-preparation.
He surrendered.Therefore, God made him
The manager of His cosmic Factory. ``````
Light tells me what I am.Delight tells me where I came from.
Love tells me who I am.God tells me whose I am.
Do you seek none but God?Then definitely
God loves you most. ``````
When I think of God,I feel that God’s Love for me
Is His unconditional Guarantee. ``````
I march only in my heart’s purity-parade,And my life’s surrender-parade.
```Where do you find God’s Smile?
Not in aspiration,Not in realisation,
Not even in perfection,But
In the tears of gratitude-heart. ``````
If you are a great God-loverThen every day your aspiration-heart
Needs a tune-up. ``````
My soul has taught meHow to fly.
I have taught my soulHow to cry.
O my Beloved Master,Blissful is my heart
For my surrender-lifeYou have accepted as Your own,
Very own. ```Truth is God’s Birth,
Peace is God’s Life,Love is God’s Ascendence,
Light is God’s Perfection. ``````
To please God in my own wayI go to God with two empty hands.
To please God in God’s own wayI go to God with one empty heart.
There was a timeWhen I used to only think of God.
Now God is asking meAlso to fight for Him.
God tells me thatI can talk to God
Only if I walk with man. ``````
My Lord is not discouragedAlthough I have failed many times.
On the contrary,He is begging me to continue.
God, You are fast approachingAnd so is my love-life
With perfection-reality. ``````
Every day God visitsMy heart’s aspiration-cry.
And feeds it with HisOneness-Satisfaction-Smile.
Every day collect love-flowersFrom your heart-garden
And place them on your soul’s peace-shrineAs a prayer to your Beloved Supreme.
Each gratitude-heartIs a magnet that pulls in
God’s sacred Smiles. ```Man’s latest discovery:
God is all Forgiveness.God’s latest discovery:
Man can be satisfied. ```Man’s aspiration-heart
And God’s Compassion-EyeEvery day barter their hope.
Perfect thinking you have.Perfect living you are.
Absolute self-transcendenceYou shall become.
If you studyThe world of your heart,
God will bless youWith His Life’s Sunrise.
His cry stole my heart.His smile stole my soul.
His love stole my life.His oneness with God stole my all.
His is the magic smileThat every day eclipses
My heart’s excruciating pangs. ``````
I strive because I am alive.I am alive. Therefore, I must reach
God’s Heavenly Throne. ``````
I do not want to hearFrom your God-thirsty lips.
I want to feelYour God-hungry heart.
```I have seen two things:
God’s Compassion and God’s Forgiveness.But I have become only one thing:
A gratitude-life. ``````
God always has time for you.It is you who never want
To listen to Him. ```God’s Glory-Lottery is always won
By the seeker’s aspiration-flames. ```God’s Victory-Clarion is for
Eternity’s self-giving seeker-runner. ``````
Willingness-eye sees only one thing:God’s Dream-Life in His Reality-world.
There is no distance too greatFor a oneness-God-lover to cover.
```Each good thought
Is a piece of HeavenThat a God-lover carries
Wherever he goes. ```God’s estimated time of arrival
Is the Eternal Now. ``````
Where else can you find peaceIf not in your cheerful obedience
To God’s all-seeing Will? ``````
In the small hours of morning,Every day my Lord Supreme
Comes to inspectMy heart’s burning aspiration.
Is there any day when God is notAnxious to hear a ‘hello’ from you?
Who am I?I am my life's unfinished God-work.
At last I am so happyTo see your sunrise-heart
And sunset-mind. ``````
Who is inside me?Ah, I see my Beloved Supreme.
Who is running ahead of me?Ah, I see it is my Lord Absolute.
To see a face of loveIs to feel a heart of peace.
I and my prideCan live without God.
But God and God’s CompassionCannot live without us.
Do not cry,I love you.
Do not cry,The world needs you.
Do not cry,God is still dreaming
Inside you and for you. ``````
I have forgiven all my sinsExcept one unforgivable sin
And that sin isI do not love my Beloved Supreme only.
God the Dreamer,I love You — Your Beauty.
God the Lover,I need You — Your Duty.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Song-Flowers, part 3, 1989
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/sof_3