Alas, when will I have the courageTo tell the world
That my heart’s aspiration-desertIs the only cause
Of my Lord’s streaming Tears? ``````
Every morning across the milesI send my oneness-heart.
I am ready todayTo book my passage
To my soul’s summit-height. ``````
God dances His Ecstasy-DanceOnly in the heart of a soulful self-giver.
A soulful thoughtAlways comes
From distant galaxies. ``````
My aspiration-bird fliesFrom the limitation-sky
To the realisation-sun beyond. ``````
Sleeplessly and breathlesslyMy heart is fond of
Beautiful hope-blossoms. ``````
God wants to knowHow you are.
He expects an early reply. ``````
I am unlearningThe language of failure.
How can God praise you?You have no faith
In your own prayer. ``````
I am giving to the worldWhat God has already given to me.
Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday to you!
Happy, happy, happy birthday!We love your soul’s rainbow-dream promise-play.
Are You serious, my Lord,When You tell me
That I shall never please YouIn Your own Way?
Lethargy-blanket, no moreYou are my bodyguard.
No more! ``````
God is not comingIf you are not losing yourself
In God-Love-songs. ``````
Freedom within, freedom without:Today’s shout.
To please my Lord in His own Way,I came into the world:
Tomorrow’s whisper. ``````
Many, many lives ago,God taught me
How to love HimAnd how to serve Him
Unconditionally. ```I am my mind’s
Thunder-blunders. ```I am my mind’s
Frustration-collection-box. ``````
I am my mind’s bestConfusion-class-friend.
```I am my mind’s
Endless stupidity-capacity. ```I am my mind’s
Desire-frustration-medal. ``````
Every morning God begs meTo breathe His Infinity’s Breath.
Give first what you want most:Satisfaction-joy.
Always, always, always,A sweet smile is by far
The best beginning. ``````
Every day my silence-eyeReaches a plateau of excellence.
My heart is loyalOnly to the Absolute Supreme.
O my mind, stay awayFrom the blind opinion-battle.
```I live only in my heart’s
Self-improvement-room. ```My mind’s disobedience-thunder
Has destroyed my life’sAspiration-tree.
```What I every day need
Is a blessingful blinkOf Eternity’s Eye.
I shall no more permit myselfTo be overtaken by
Hopeless cries and helpless sighs. ```My Lord’s Sweetness-Forgiveness-Eye
Is my life’s only liberation-light. ``````
The fragrance of a humility-lifeIs God’s matchless treasure.
I shall never allow my heart’sDetermination-flames
To be devouredBy a cloud of doubt.
To please God at every momentIn His own Way,
Each seeker needsA sprinter’s deer-speed.
When your MasterIs highly pleased with you,
You will unmistakably ownA tranquility-heart.
```My heart’s first birthday I observed
The day for the first timeI was able to sit
At my Master’s compassion-feet. ``````
My Inner Pilot is happily watchingThe clash of my desire-swords.
I know, I know,God is always
Within my calling distance. ``````
What is faith,If not a death-defying smile?
My mind, I don’t needYour God-interpretations.
God has a Mouth;Let God speak for Himself.
O my complacency-pillow,I am really happy
To say goodbye to you. ``````
When my peace-heart dreams,My bliss-life sings.
I love and treasure the rainbow-dreamOf my God-obedience-heart.
O my aggression-vital,Prepare yourself to receive
My spirit’s death-punch. ``````
Where do I live, where?I live in my basement-progress-doom.
Where does God live?Where does God live?
He lives inside my bigGratitude-promise-mouth.
```Today my mind’s thunder-gong
Is learning my heart’s sweetness-song. ``````
My perfection-restIs my oneness-nest.
No sunset for the trueAspiration-sun.
My gratitude-presentsGod opens first.
```My heart’s humility-forgiveness-songs
God’s Heart proudly treasures. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Song-Flowers, part 6, 1991
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/sof_6