To build a perfection-pyramid
If you ever hope,Then break asunder within, without
Your attachment-rope. ```The mind pretends to know God.
The mind only pretends.The heart depends on the Lord,
Only on the Lord depends. ```Only after
The division-impurity's deathCan you become
Eternity's oneness-breath. ```God grants us His special Love
Not because we are always the winners,But because we offer our special love
To the poor ill-fated, heart-broken losers. ```My Lord Supreme is distant
Like a fading star.I feel His Forgiveness-Heart
Is far, very far. ```Unlock
Your negative mind.Behold,
God is just behind! ```Defend your heart's
Gratitude-fort.Lo, you are at
Perfection-port. ```In your impure mind-sea
Swim not!By delight you will never
Be sought. ```One mountain-high
Experience-light:My tomorrow's life
Shall know no night. ```Daily I soulfully pray
To the firmamentTo make me a full-time
Seeker permanent. ```Your heart is the beauty
Of a fairy,For you are gratitude-love-diary.
```Be sure, be sure, be sure,
O seeker-friend, be sure!God will never allow you
To remain a poor failure. ```Doubt can never climb
The soul's mountain.Fear can never see
The heart's fountain. ```My Lord,
Your Life is pulling meTo claim Your Vision-Light.
My Lord,
Your Voice is pushing meTo destroy ignorance-night.
```Ignore the buzz
Of human opinion.It is empty of
God's Delight-Union. ```Now that all your fear
Is in the past tense,You will be freed from
Your mind-jungle dense. ```Never exit, never,
From the sunlit heart-roadIf you want not, seeker-friend,
To carry ignorance-load. ```Silence is not loved
By the desire-man.Alas, this was never
God's supreme Plan. ```My Lord is happy with me
Because I dearly love Him.My Lord is proud of me
Because I am His Sun-Dream. ```God will grant you
His Heart's Royalty.You must give Him
Your life's loyalty. ```An impossible task
To find your soul's heart-smileIn your God-forgotten,
Truth-discarded life's mind-pile. ```If yours is the eyeless mind
That resists,Then yours has to be the heart
That insists. ```Now that you have summoned
Your heart's surrender-strength,God will grant you cheerfully
His Life's Immortality-Length. ```God is not baffled
By man's ignorance-night,But He is baffled
By man's unwillingness-height. ```If you want to slay
Your giant desire-dragon,Then forever stay
In God's Compassion-Wagon. ```If you have a loving heart
And an illumining soul,How can you refuse to play
Your high God-ordained role? ```You have become
A truly hopeless case.You have now failed
In your Heavenward race. ```The duty of a Master
Is to take you fasterWhere you are supposed to go,
O God-seeker,Casting aside your age-old ignorance-fever.
```Sleeplessly God is seeking
Man's soulful loveWith His Infinity's Smile
From high above. ```O stop not
Playing God-Ecstasy-GameIf you want
Your vital-tiger to tame! ```Your faith
Is your heart-explorer.Your doubt
Is your life-devourer. ```God is ready
To give you His All.Are you ready
To be His Football? ```Speed, speed, speed, speed
I need, I need,My heart to feed,
My body to lead. ```If your heart offers God
The lion's share,Then the mad elephant-world
Your life can dare. ```O what is wrong with me?
I make my whole life mad.What is wrong with the world?
The world is sleeplessly sad. ```What does God do?
My gratitude-heart knows.What does high Heaven do?
In me, for me it glows. ```If your future-splendour
Does not ignore your darkness-past,How can the global faith
In you, O seeker, ever last? ```There is no difference
Between his life's storyAnd his heart's Supreme Lord's
Summit-Fragrance-Glory. ```Yesterday you were a misguided mind.
Today you are a misguided life.But tomorrow you will be a hero-seeker
And conqueror of ignorance-knife. ```O my great seeker-friend,
You claim God on what grounds?Have you chased away
Your life's ignorance-hounds? ```How do you expect faith to love you
While you dearly love your doubt-life?How will your inner world trust you
While you carry your ignorance-knife? ```Complete renunciation
Of your expectation-gainIs the quickest relief
For your heart's inner pain. ```My heart was raised
On Grace.My life, my Lord's
Embrace. ```Attachment-cry I never want,
I never want detachment-frown.My Lord, only one thing I want:
My soul's oneness and fulness-crown. ```Your life is a galaxy
Of aspiration-stars.Therefore, your life has no
Bondage, no prison bars. ```A desire-life with no
Frustration-nightIs a completely futile
Illusion-light. ```I keep my God-cry-heart
Always on call.My Lord has made my life
His fondness-doll. ```Today I am cheerfully placing you,
O my familiar failure-face,At the lotus Feet of my Supreme Lord's
Immortal Concern-flooded Grace. ```My love of God
Illumines every thought.In ignorance-clay
I can never be caught. ```If you are your own life's
Heart-specialist,You are undoubtedly God's
Bliss-medallist. ```Friend, no soulful prayer
Can ever end in vain.It is bound to free you
From the world's bondage-chain. ```Ignorance-dog
Will definitely barkIf you enjoy
The pleasure-park. ```You cannot hide
Your mind's suspicion-gunFor a long time
From your heart's wisdom-sun. ```Be not satisfied
With a second-hand spirituality.It is as useless
As life's colossal futility. ```Attachment means
You are your greedy thirst.Detachment means
God-Light comes always first. ```Even the droplets
Of my perfectionHave given my Lord
High satisfaction. ```If you desire
To be God's flying kite,Then, O seeker,
Ignore death's appetite. ```What is my heart?
A fleeting hope.What is my mind?
A strangling rope. ```Challenge suffering
With cheerfulness-light.God will grant you
His Fulness-Delight. ```God will open
His Heart's Grace-DoorIf He finds you
At your surrender-shore. ```If you accuse Heaven
Of callousness,Heaven will accuse you
Of soullessness. ```God will not and cannot
Grant you any reception,If you are not willing
To prevent self-deception. ```You tell the world that you are
Exceptionally brave.Do you not see that you are
Your mind's perfection-slave? ```With Heaven your good
Friendship endedThe day doubt-mind
You befriended. ```O if you are divinely wise,
Then every single dayThe dust of your despair-vital
You must sweep away. ```If you forget to take
Your meditation-medication,How will you be invited
By Infinity's illumination? ```I know, I know, I know
My earth-freed liberationHas but one destination:
God's Satisfaction-Station. ```Now that you have declared war
On your ignorance-adversary,Every year God will celebrate
Your victory-anniversary. ```My silence speaks, my silence:
"Body, no indolence." ```My silence speaks, my silence:
"Vital, no arrogance." ```My silence speaks, my silence:
"O mind, no indifference." ```My silence speaks, my silence:
"O heart, no preference." ```My silence speaks, my silence:
"My soul, all redolence." ```My silence speaks, my silence:
"My Lord, all importance." ```My silence speaks, my silence:
"My life, all ascendance." ```A life of desire-cry
Is a vital urge.A life of self-giving
Is a soulful surge. ```If you allow your ego-life
To grow taller,O then your earthly human life
Will be smaller. ```Unveil your mind's
Unflinching determination,If you want bliss
In your life's deep aspiration. ```Because you are
Your unconquerable optimism-light,You have become
God's most lovable satisfaction-delight. ```O give to God
What you have cheerfully.God will give you
What He is speedily. ```Your heart's surrender-speed
Is tremendous.Therefore, in God's Heart-Garden,
You are precious. ```If your mind is empty of
Lofty resolve,How can your human life
Ever evolve? ```Because your earthly body
Has passed through death,Your life is shaking hands
With your soul's breath. ```As God does not ration
His Compassion-Delight,Even so, I ration not
My aspiration-light. ```Because of God's
Infinite Affection,My life cleaves to
The hope of perfection. ```Since you are enjoying vacation
From your determination,Yours will be the unmistakable
Heart-shattering frustration. ```O you have come to God
Because your mind is restless night.And God has come to you
Because His Heart is selfless Light. ```You always love
The chains of attachment,Yet you expect
Your life's enlightenment. ```You can increase your mind's
Fantasy-flame.But never blame others,
No, never blame! ```Enlightenment you need,
My friend, enlightenment.Then no doubt-interference
In your mind-firmament. ```Your purity-heart
Of constant kindnessWill grow into
Your God's God-Oneness. ```My Lord's Compassion-Eye
One step ahead of my life.Therefore, my eyes nowhere
See the destruction-knife. ```Alas, what can
My Beloved Supreme sayIf I stop not
Playing in ego-clay? ```My stupid mind,
Surrender not to poison-doubt.My stupid heart,
Surrender not to blindness-shout. ```Your heart has freed your mind
From doubt-captivity.Your soul has given your heart
Delight's Infinity. ```How can your inner life
Ever thriveIf your heart does not keep
Its God-love alive? ```Because his inner life
Is a faith-mountain,His outer life sees not
Bondage-night-chain. ```O God-seeker, become and remain
God's faithful dog.You will not be threatened by the
Mind's confusion-fog. ```What you have is a loveless
And useless lethargy-life.What you are is a dangerous
And peace-destructive knife. ```Every day he takes
Inventory of his imperfections.Every time he sees
Nothing but godless, stark illusions. ```Success
Depends on my own ambition.Progress
Depends on my Lord's Compassion. ```In God's Illumination-Club
Before you can claim membership,You have to perfectly build
With God a special friendship. ```Who asks you to be
An undernourished faith-heart?Can you not see
All-where your perdition-dart? ```Today, definitely today,
I shall catch up on my God-correspondenceAnd thus silence my long-standing,
Heart-breaking and God-saddening despondence. ```Just keep in touch
With your Beloved Supreme.No dream of yours
Shall live unfed, no dream. ```One boon, my Lord Supreme,
Only one mountain-boonMy heart desires to have
From You soon, very soon. ```Oneness-delight enclosed.
Open with care.For you, O seeker, for you
This gift so rare. ```Today my heart
Is a vastness-oneness-sky.Today my Lord
Is His supreme Reply. ```Wear your soul's smile,
O God-seeker, today.For you no more
Your life-bound bondage-clay. ```Never take a God-oneness-break,
O seeker, never take.Sleeplessly swim and smile
In His Ecstasy-Lake. ```O brave
Ignorance-cave!No grave
For you, no grave. ```God knows
How to admire.Show Him
Your inner fire. ```O what has God's Grace done
For my poor heart, God's Grace?It has made my heart-cry
Win the Heavenward race. ```You are your heart's aspiration,
You are your life's dedication.Therefore, you can easily resist
The strong buffets of frustration. ```At the final end
Of the human quest,God will come to you
As your Supreme Guest. ```My mind, I hope
You have received the great message:God's Concern-Heart
Shall soon shatter your bondage-cage. ```Do you love God?
His Cosmic Dance?Then, seeker, disdain
Ever death-glance. ```I do the opposite,
Whatever my heart says.Therefore, my Lord Supreme
With my heartbeat never plays. ```God-manifestation is
My purity's unhorizoned length.God-satisfaction is
My divinity's unparalleled strength. ```My Lord Supreme,
Do make me brave,To love and treasure
Your Compassion-Wave. ```My aspiration-heart
Is bursting with joyBecause my unwilling mind
Is now God's willing toy. ```I feed my heart's
Faith-hunger, feed.I love my life's
Ascending speed. ```God's Compassion-Smile
Caught me powerfully.Alas, my clever mind
Helped me escape easily. ```An aspiration-heart
Needs no rest.A realisation-soul
Needs no test. ```When the Supreme reigns in you,
When the Beloved Supreme,Yours will be the perfection-life
Of God's God-blossoming Dream. ```More thought-lovers
Than God-lovers I know.Therefore, this world
A life of frustration-flow. ```Exit, my eyeless mind.
You are not kind.Enter, my compassion-soul.
Bind me, O bind! ```My ancient longing
Is fulfilled at last:Ignorance-bondage-chain
My God-life shall outlast. ```God's stupendous Magic:
A new mind shall appearTo make me always feel
God is so near, so dear. ```Your realisation can never be
In critical condition,For realisation means Eternity's
Delight-celebration. ```Help me, my Lord; I need Your Hand.
Save me, my Lord; I need Your Eye.Love me, my Lord; I need Your Heart.
Keep me, my Lord, in Your Oneness-Sky. ```Permit not thoughts
To come from near and far.Let your mind remain
Tranquillity's blue star. ```My Lord, do give my heart
A little extra timeTo write a soulful poem
With a perfect rhyme. ```You have invoked God,
The Compassion-Power.The Lord has cancelled
His Justice-Light-Hour. ```If you are a God-lover
By profession,How can you have insecurity
In profusion? ```God's Love created the perfect man.
Man's vital created imperfection.God's Heart created illumination.
Man's mind created hallucination. ```To stand
On the winner's stand,Become
A God-serving hand. ```Your turn will also come;
Just wait and see.You will be invited to swim
In God's Love-Sea. ```Is your surrender
Unconditional?Then you are God's
Love-Joy eternal. ```Your purity-heart needs a home
In every heart.Your divinity-soul feeds God
In every mart. ```He does not practice,
Yet he always succeeds.But how?
Because himGod's Compassion feeds.
```Since you are a God-lover
By profession,Then your heart's sacred name
His Compassion. ```Impurity-passengers
Are always dangerous.Never do they value
God's Compassion precious. ```If you listen
To your Lord's Behest,He will grant you
His own Heart-Nest. ```Fine your vital,
Every day fine!Through you God's Joy
Wants to shine. ```No difference between
My dream and my Supreme.No difference between
My reality and His Dream. ```Let every thought of yours
Be God-invocation.Let every choice of yours
Be God-manifestation. ```To love God is to end
Your self-styled, pompous responsibilityAnd grow into the Smile
Of God's self-transcending Infinity. ```The sacred joy
Of inner poiseComes from obeying
The higher voice. ```Without God
Life is a temptation-sigh.With God
Life is heart's expansion-sky. ```Do you want your entire
Being to thrive?O then try every day
A progress-dive. ```O God-seeker,
You want to be nameless.Therefore, in you
God-Victory is deathless. ```Since God's Compassion-Heart
Is still considering your case,Since God is still hopeful,
Chase ignorance-tiger, chase. ```A desire-life
Instigates our descent.A prayer-heart
Inspires our ascent. ```Alas, my mind
Was born with stupidity.Alas, my life
Was born with futility. ```Aspiration
Brightens the road.Realisation
Removes the load. ```Perfection, perfection,
O my perfection,You are my sweetness-joy
Of heart-satisfaction. ```Now that you have
Kindled your inner flame,You are ready
To play God's Cosmic Game. ```The beautiful soul-bird
Flies.The slothful body-elephant
Dies. ```God's Footsteps
Are for us to follow,And not for us
To greedily swallow. ```Now that the Lord
Has totally vanished,Even your own doubting mind
Is simply astonished. ```You belong to God's
Royal Family.Remember this ever,
Seeker, cheerfully. ```Declare your dependence
On God's Compassion.You will be led
By God-Satisfaction. ```God is His own
Compassion-Hand.Therefore, you are
In progress-land. ```For satisfaction-joy
How can you hope?You have tangled your mind
In frustration-rope. ```Where is the shrine
Of fulfilment?Inside the temple
Of self-effacement. ```If you desire to see
God's Satisfaction-Face,Run not your mind's
Aimless and useless race. ```O world,
Do tell me the storiesThat deal
With only God's Glories. ```The mind lives
With a logic-snake.The heart lives
In its fondness-lake. ```No more
Effulgence-light. ```Darkness meets light
To fight and fight.Light meets darkness
To share delight. ```Give up, give up
All hesitation,If you need only
God-Satisfaction. ```He who does not obey
Has and is a mind of clay. ```To sow within
The perfection-seed,A purity-life
I sleeplessly need. ```An outer life of prosperity
Is no match for inner divinity. ```Dark bondage-thoughts
I sleeplessly thought.Therefore, I am
Now hopelessly caught. ```Simplicity,
My life's simplicity,You are my Lord's
Blossoming Divinity. ```Jealousy has completely
Clouded your mind.Therefore, within, without
You are now blind. ```O make yourself
Divinely faithful.God will make you
Supremely useful. ```Ignorance is something
We can slay,If with God we truly
Love to play. ```Be mindful of
Today's delight.Be forgetful of
Yesterday's night. ```His bondage-life
Thinks liberationIs his mind-invented
Hallucination. ```O heart, where am I going to rest?
Where is my silence-feeding nest? ```Be a heart pure,
Be a mind serious.Yours will be a life
Divinely glorious. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Silence speaks, part 2, Agni Press, 1990
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