The Lord will draw
Your great life-planIf you become
His greatest fan. ```An unwilling mind
Can nothing find.An unwilling life
Is shockingly blind. ```I recognise
ImpurityBy its face of
Insecurity. ```Earthly prosperity
Comes and goes.Heavenly satisfaction
Comes and grows. ```Because you have erased your past
Without leaving a trace,You are seeing within, without
God's Satisfaction-Face. ```You have the mind
That creates pains.You are the soul
That breaks chains. ```A casual commitment
To spiritualityIs nothing other
Than useless futility. ```My ego-mind sings
My vital's attachment-song.My oneness-heart strikes
My soul's enlightenment-gong. ```My prayer-life
Makes my heart divinely pure.My surrender-life
Makes my world supremely sure. ```The fearful mind
Lives in a cave.The doubting mind
Lives in a grave. ```His greatness wants to conquer
The truth to enjoy.His goodness wants the truth
Him to employ. ```Where else can you find
Aspiration-flameIf not inside your
Inspiration-game? ```I call it
My heart's simplicity.God calls it
His Life's Majesty. ```O leave the past!
Why do you care?Live in the present
To smile and dare. ```No, no, you will
Get no awardIf your mind looks
Always backward. ```The silence-voice
Of the inner lifeChallenges daily
Ignorance-knife. ```You do not need
Your Lord's Fulness.What you need now
Is His Forgiveness. ```Mine is a mind
Unpardonable.Mine is a life
Deplorable. ```If I am
My mind's chain,God is His
Forgiveness-Reign. ```God has now blessed you
With a visit unexpected.O can you not show Him
Your earth-life perfected? ```God's powerful
Compassion-LanceTeaches my heart
Every day to dance. ```Confine your doubtful mind,
Confine.Refine your sordid life,
Refine. ```Not with your mind's
Narrowness-spanCan you change God's
Absolute Plan. ```Each man was born
For peace and blissAnd never for
Darkness-snake-kiss. ```A heart of promise-light
Must never die.A life of hope-delight
Must never sigh. ```Religions, you are no longer
Teaching me how to fly.You are forcing my heart and life
To cry and sigh and die. ```Because you are
Your heart's purity,You are also God's
Real necessity. ```Find your forgotten
God-identityIf you desire His
Bliss-Eternity. ```If you are prone to
Indecision,Never can you escape
Frustration. ```I may not be perfect
In seeking,But my Lord is perfect
In finding. ```O doubting mind,
Do you not knowThat you are your own
Unhappy foe? ```My mind and vital promise me
A life of excitement.My soul and heart promise me
A life of enlightenment. ```Each divine thought is
Man's capacityTo transcend the boundaries
Of humanity. ```You want to show God
Your affluence.God wants you to show
His Influence. ```When the mind
Wants to rest,Always ready
The heart-nest. ```Desire,
You fascinateOnly
To assassinate. ```Life is man's
Expectation-night.Life is God's
Experience-Delight. ```My earth-life's
Sleepless aspirationIs my Lord's
Complete Satisfaction. ```In me God is God's
Eternal Play.Therefore, my life-tree
Will know no decay. ```Give not way to
Life's hopelessness.God is awaiting you
With His Fulness. ```You want your life
To be glorious.Then make your heart
First victorious. ```If you keep not
Your personal choice,God will not keep
His impersonal Voice. ```If you long only
For aspiration,Then nothing can limit
Your perfection. ```My aspiration-heart's
Everyday choiceIs my sweet Supreme Lord's
Compassion-Voice. ```God has invited you
To run in His Race.Therefore beg Him
To set the pace. ```God will give you
His Life's measureless Strength.You just give Him
Your heart's purity-length. ```When he is with God,
He cries for God's Compassion.When he is with man,
He cries for man's cooperation. ```Since you enjoy living
In your mind's jail,Your poor heart's appeal
To God will fail. ```Devotion is something
That creates purity.Surrender is something
That embodies divinity. ```My heart's self-giving song
Is for every hour.My life's God-becoming dance
Is God's Delight-Tower. ```Perfection
Is my inner unfoldment.Surrender
Is my God-endearment. ```If you enjoy the torrent
Of doubt-rain,Your life is bound to become
A sleepless pain. ```Challenge the brutal strength
Of ignorance-frown.The Lord Supreme will grant you
His own peerless Crown. ```If you are on
The path of desire,Your service-life
God will never hire. ```God is extremely proud
Of your ignorance-fight,And of your eagerness
To spread all-where His Light. ```O make my heart
A heart soulful.O make my life
A life fruitful. ```To hear your soul's
Happiness-gong,Sing not your mind's
Expectation-song. ```Many gods:
My mind's fabrication.Only one God:
My heart's realisation. ```If you are cherishing
Your frightened heart,You are also cherishing
An ignorance-dart. ```If you are not willing
To clean up your vital-mess,God will not print
Your victory-name on His Press. ```How are You today,
My Beloved Lord Supreme?Are You going to share with me
Your Satisfaction-Dream? ```Dive within.
You will feel perfection.Serve without.
You will feel satisfaction. ```O my doubtful
And suspicious mind,God's Vision-Light
How will you ever find? ```If your longing
Has no intensity,Then your life
Is all futility. ```When Love divine
Begins to whisper,The heart begins
To richly prosper. ```Beyond
The power of human reasonIs God's
Man-transforming season. ```Your mind is covered
With ignorance-mud.Therefore, you see not
Your pure heart-bud. ```When I pray, I pray
For God's Greatness Transcendental.When I meditate, I meditate
On God's Oneness Universal. ```If you are lost
In unwillingness-land,How can you ever
Feel God's Hand? ```The dancing eye
Of a soaring imaginationCarries the mind
To the farthest destination. ```All you need to know about earth
Is its receptivity-heart.All you need to know about Heaven
Is its ignorance-smashing dart. ```His human heart has now become
The possessor of boundless delight,For he has cancelled his reservation
On the bondage-ignorance-flight. ```Make your choice:
God in His own Way,Or continue living
In ignorance-clay. ```Do you not know
God's Love is unbounded?Do you not know
Your fears are unfounded? ```In your mental world choose
Between possessing and renouncing.In your psychic world choose
Between ruling and surrendering. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Silence speaks, part 3, Agni Press, 1994
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