Spontaneously leads.Pride
Powerfully misleads. ```All I need
Is my heart-access.All God wants
Is my life-progress. ```Because his heart
Is all aspiration,Nothing can limit
His life's perfection. ```The more you love
The inner world,The more you perfect
The outer world. ```The mind likes
The fantasy-flame.The heart likes
The ecstasy-game. ```Only a heart
Of gratitudeCan and shall own
Beatitude. ```O, try to be
God's surrender-toy.In you will blossom
The flower of joy. ```Your thread of aspiration
Spun through timeWill lead you to
The perfection-clime. ```You are your life's
Lip-deep sincerity.God is His Heart's
Compassion-Infinity. ```Read not the story
Of life's teeming mistakes.Just swim, only swim,
In life's aspiration-lakes. ```The strength of your heart's
Aspiration-cryHelps my life
Cheerfully, bravely fly. ```You will lose touch with
Your Beloved SupremeIf you do not become
Your life's glowing dream. ```Keep always open
Your heart's possibility-room.God-manifestation
Therein shall bloom. ```During your great
Heavenward trip,Maintain your life's
And soul's friendship. ```God has written His
Perfection-Book for man.Not to read the book
Is man's secret plan. ```The human mind
Knows how to separate.The divine mind
Knows how to congregate. ```I pray to God
For my heart's satisfaction.God prays to me
For my life's perfection. ```While your heart was
Embracing God,Your mind was busy
Chasing God. ```Who really wants
God's Satisfaction?Who does not want
God's attention? ```Yesterday I saw you playing
With your mind's confusion.Today I see you playing
With your heart's peace-profusion. ```Allow your vital and mind
To proveThat they still have the power
To improve. ```If you enjoy
Your mind's proud noise,How will you find
Your heart's pure poise? ```Do you want
Your life to be tall?If so, start
Embracing all! ```O marvel-producing
Fulness-faith-mind,Yours is the duty
To transform the blind. ```How to have conviction
In your manifestation?For that you need
Aspiration-foundation. ```Sail your non-expectation
Life-boat, sail!You will always win
And never fail. ```Leading my life's parade
Slow and long,My Lord goes, singing His
Oneness-Song. ```Trust not
The cobweb-mind of confusionTo transform
Your life-illusion. ```My sleepless
God-hungry heartNever knows
Depression-dart. ```The concentration
That defies descriptionCan give your life
Complete satisfaction. ```Touch God's Haven-Feet,
Your heart's joy to increase.This is the easiest way
Your Lord Supreme to please. ```O aspiration-heart
Of beauty,Through you my Lord
Fulfils His Duty. ```Faith: use it
To fly in God's own Sky.Faith: lose it
And become an orphan-cry. ```You have long overstayed,
Doubt; go home immediately!Once more my mind and I
Will together live happily. ```I need only God's Love.
You ask me why?Because I live in
His Oneness-Sky. ```Dive within, dive!
Run within, run!Your life in God's Heart
Once more has begun. ```My mind, you are only
A brute pretension.Your pygmy-life carries
No good intention. ```If you are truly
Your heart's glad soulfulness,Your mind can harbour
No mad bitterness. ```My heart's spokesman
Is my sweet Supreme.My life's only goal:
His Heart's blossomed Dream. ```Give no sad smiles.
Sing no sad songs.Love all glad thoughts.
Fight all bad wrongs. ```Who is fond of
Animal jealousy?Not I!
I loveGod's Oneness-Ecstasy.
```Imagination wants to know.
Inspiration wants to flow.Aspiration wants to grow.
Realisation wants to glow. ```If your heart
Is ready to grow,Then your life
Is bound to glow. ```The divine in us
Always pleads.The human in us
Rarely heeds. ```Since God has not ever
Abandoned you in your plight,Can you not against ignorance
Put up a brave fight? ```Be the boss of your mind;
Be your own supreme boss.You can easily conquer
Your feelings of loss. ```Throw aside your stupid
Self-imposed load.Ahead of you stretches
The long delight-road. ```Your heart must in everything
Always prevail.Then your life's progress-boat
Will swiftly sail. ```"Give me, give me!"
This is a common theme."Take me, take me!"
This is a fulfilling dream. ```Within and without
Temptation-lance.God's Compassion-Smile
My only chance. ```Day and night man plays
God-forgetfulness-game,Yet he and his mind-rogue
God's Compassion blame. ```Your earth-bound hunger-life
Is all confusion-nightBecause your heart has lost
Its ancient oneness-light. ```Peace is the only joy.
I long for it, I long.Sleepless my heart desires
To hear its fulness-song. ```Because you daily follow
Your mind's complication-map,You never can escape
Earth-life's temptation-trap. ```Your Lord Supreme
Deserves your love,Because He thinks
Of your life from Above. ```Fear not, seeker, fear not
The problems of the past!Your silver faith in God
Will silence ignorance-knife. ```Surrender and surrender
All separationsFor your seeker-life's
God-preparations. ```You suffer from terrible
Bondage-lifeBecause your eyes love
Desire-knife. ```Tolerate the foolish
Errors of manTo fulfil your life's
God-fulness-plan. ```Forgive the blind and weak
Human danceTo see the Lord's sweet
Compassion-Glance. ```What can save me,
If not my constant oneness?What can fulfil me,
If not my surrender-fulness? ```Don't magnify, but purify
Your future torture.Don't belittle, but treasure
Your faith-rapture. ```In vain God comes to me
Again and again.Does it not pain His Heart?
Does it not pain? ```Tell me, my Lord Supreme,
Tell me,Is my heart every day
Nearing Thee? ```Purity's breath today
In my heart springs.God-Satisfaction
It measurelessly brings. ```Daily I ask
My obedience-mindMy Supreme's
Blessing-Light to find. ```O God-loving
Heart of mine,Surrender-joy
Is your only shrine. ```Can you believe this truth,
Can you believe?My mind is prepared today
Peace to receive! ```O give me
The silver sincerity to ask,What is my
Task supreme, my life's only task? ```What is an advanced degree
In spirituality?What else, if not the seeker-heart's
Diamond-purity? ```My life is in my Lord's
Sleepless Compassion-Heart-Nest.In Him alone my life's
Surrender-gratitude-harvest. ```No more, no more
Stark despair-dart!God has given me
A hope-heart-start. ```Because you have thrown off
Your heart's impurity-load,You can walk today on
Eternity's ecstasy-road. ```Your mind-diary must be burned
By your pure heart-fire.Only then can your God-life
Climb steadily higher. ```Why do you fear?
You need fear no more,Since God Himself is standing
At your open heart-door. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Silence speaks, part 4, Agni Press, 1994
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