Truth loves the mind
Of wisdom-clarity.Peace loves the heart
Of goodness-charity. ```From God's Heart-Eye
Why do you hide?Just be your soul's
Gratitude-tide. ```You are your mind's
Disobedience-day.Therefore, your life
Dark ignorance-clay. ```How can your heart see
Without the hope-ray?How can your life live
Without the peace-day? ```In God's Satisfaction-Test
Your life stands firstBecause you are your soul's
Heaven-born thirst. ```You are your seeker-heart's
Expectation-caused failure.Just become unconditional.
Lo, your joy endless, pure. ```You have a strong fibre
Of pure integrity.Therefore, your heart is flooded
With God-Divinity. ```Because you enjoy
Your mind's desire-madness,Your heart's blue bird
Is smitten with sadness. ```You are your heart
Of dark ingratitude,Yet you shamelessly desire
God's Infinitude. ```You are doomed to a lifetime
Of stark misery,For your Godless mind breathes
Deathless treachery. ```God-gratitude-examination
You always fail.Therefore, your prayer-life
Is of no avail. ```Every day you and your mind
Enjoy doubt-rain.Therefore, how can you ride
The God-Bliss-Train? ```Your excellence is measured
By your life's commitment.Your perfection is measured
By your heart's enlightenment. ```How do you dare
To long for God's EnergyWhen you enjoy
All levels of lethargy? ```If your mind wastes
Powerful silence-time,Your heart will fail
To enter ecstasy-clime. ```Be not your mind's
Barren morning-tree.Be not your heart's
Suffering evening-sea. ```Have a little courage!
You can go one step more.Behold your Lord smiling
And dancing at the Shore. ```O seeker, your desire-life
Is indeed a self-mockery.Only your aspiration-life
Is an endless joy-discovery. ```Today your mind enjoys
The vital-circus-sense-life.Tomorrow your poor heart
Will be stabbed by your frustration-knife. ```Keep your gratitude-heart-book
Always wide open.In God's Satisfaction-Home
You will never be forgotten. ```If you desire to live on earth,
Just smile endlessly.If you desire to be perfect,
Just give sleeplessly. ```His Compassion-Songs
Before me my Lord sings.Therefore, I am my heart's
Heaven-climbing wings. ```Outer beauty smiles
When my heart-bird wings.Inner beauty with me
My God-Song sings. ```Be not afraid of
Your own inner height,For it was born of
Your soul's God-Delight. ```Only one thing shines
Between Heaven and earth:My Lord's sleepless
Compassion-Forgiveness-Birth. ```Inside your weeping heart
No more God's Love is dawningBecause yours has become
A hopeless, feeble longing. ```A heart of gold-surrender
Is divinely beautiful.A life of diamond-gratitude
Is supremely fruitful. ```Although your heart
Is Divinity's perfection-host,Your mind is ever
A frightening impurity-ghost. ```Do show me the way
To surrender-city.I wish to reclaim
My own divinity. ```Silence is mind-strength.
Peace is heart-power.Truth is soul-song.
Delight is God-Shower. ```Since your mind's outer weather
Is disappointing,Your heart's inner garden
Is not blossoming. ```My love of God is the answer
To my life-question.My surrender is the highest
Height of my perfection. ```Can you not see,
Your God-dreams are soundly sleeping?Do you not know,
Your God-promise you are not keeping? ```You fool!
If you followYour mind's unclean thought-road,
You will be forced to carryFutility's frustration-load.
```My Lord's Compassion-Eye
Patrols my life's heart-door.Therefore, I never answer
The world's ignorance-roar. ```God is ready to grant your life
His fruitful Compassion-Nest.What you need is to quickly pass
Your heart's receptivity-test. ```Long vanished are my foolish mind's
Tempest-frowns.God-Oneness my aspiring heart's
Victory crowns. ```Once I transcend the highs and lows
Of my God-hunger-life,My heart of smiles will never see
Doubt's destruction-knife. ```Opportunity-flowers
Are blossoming at every moment.Gather them with eagerness.
Delay not your heart's enlightenment. ```God's God-Hour strikes for man
Every single day,But man continues playing
His soulless, earth-bound play. ```Heaven daily offers
A faith-endowment.Can you not enjoy
This supreme present? ```Stop taking daily
Your mind's doubt-pill.God will grant you
His Heart's Oneness-Thrill. ```God's Compassion-Eye
Everywhere lives.Man's gratitude-heart
Nowhere is. ```If you become
Your heart's purity-nest,Inside you God
Will cheerfully rest. ```Every day burn
Your heart's purity-incense.Earth will revoke
Your impurity-license. ```How can you be brave,
And also, how can you be good,If you let your mind reside
In mistrust-neighbourhood? ```To worthless lethargy-excuses
Surrender not, O hopeless life,Or soon my eyeless mind will take up
Self-destruction's violence-knife. ```Your aspiration-life now lives
At God's Compassion-Feet.Therefore, your heart and God's Heart
Together soon shall meet. ```Each thought of yours
Is a desire-disaster;Yet God is your
Compassion-Height-Master. ```Do not retire,
Do not retire.Live with your
Inspiration-fire. ```Inside your mind's
Desire-forestNever expect
Fulfilment-rest. ```My heart's sincere devotion-light
Must fully cover meBefore I dare to climb up high
God-realisation-tree. ```Your doubting mind
If you constantly threaten,Your soulful heart
God will soon enlighten. ```O seeker,
Sleeplessly try to findYour life's
Illumination-mind. ```For God alone if you weep
Your real heart-tears,You will transform your mind
With all its fears. ```Become God's conscious
Surrender-toy.He will grant you His Heart's
Power and Joy. ```Within and without
You are totally blind.Therefore, you treasure
Your doubting mind. ```I soulfully meditate
And daily prayTo live in my heart's
Sweet purity-day. ```In this life, if you want
To achieve many things,First start clipping
Your mind's doubt-wings. ```My heart is my life's
Oneness-ambassador.My life is my Lord's
Compassion-Splendour. ```Yesterday I opened
My heart's enthusiasm-account.Today I see my Lord's
Supreme Satisfaction-Fount. ```O burn aspiration-incense
Before your heart-shrine.Behold, the Lord Supreme
Is coming with you to dine. ```My Lord saves me
Because He is so kind.My Lord forgives me
Because I am so blind. ```If you are your heart's
Silver purity-flow,Your life becomes God's
Bright Perfection-Glow. ```No joy, no joy,
But only painIf you embrace
Ignorance-chain! ```In God's Compassion-Nest
If you want to live,Your dedication-life
You will have to give. ```Live inside your heart,
And not elsewhere.Your prayer-life soon
God-Fruit will bear. ```My aspiration-heart
Is for my gratitude-measurement.My dedication-life
Is for my oneness-improvement. ```At times it is better
Not to know.Then your heart-flames in pure
Innocence grow. ```Who is worthy
Of God's Blessing-Light?He who disowns
His mind's binding night. ```What I call
My aspiration-dance,My Lord calls
His Satisfaction-Glance. ```Finally surrenders
The desire-lifeWith its temptation—
destruction-knife. ```Closed tight is your heart's
Aspiration-curtain.Wound taut is your life's
Self-imposed bondage-chain. ```Faith-life blossoms
In confidence-heart.Satisfaction-soul avoids
Confusion-mart. ```Because you have dropped out
Of the inner race,God has withdrawn from you
His infinite Grace. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Silence speaks, part 7, Agni Press, 1994
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