My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme stood in front of me and said to me, “No retirement, no retirement, no retirement for you, My child!”
I said to my Supreme, “What more do You want from me, what more?”
He said to me, “Seventy-seven thousand.”
Immediately I said to Him, “Is it Your Wish, is it Your Request, is it Your Will or is it Your absolute Command?”
He said, “It is My absolute Command.”
Then I said to Him, “I do not think I am going to live on earth that long.”
He said to me, “My child, I command you to start, I command you to start. You know and I know how long you are going to be on earth, but I want you to start. This is My absolute Command.”
“My Supreme, my Supreme, I shall obey Your Command, I shall.”
— Sri Chinmoy
24 January 1998From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 50, Agni Press, 2009
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