My Lord,
You have commanded meTo offer You
Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees.I shall obey Your absolute Command.
```My heart
Is one of my homes,But my heart’s only Home
Is God. ```To see the Face of God,
First I must devourThe Nectar-Dust
Of God’s Feet. ```To see the Eye of God,
First I must becomeThe Heart of God.
```Earth’s cry ascends,
But before it touches Heaven’s Eye,It returns.
```Heaven’s Smile descends,
But before it feels earth’s heart,It returns.
```My God-gratitude-heart
Is my soul’sRainbow-dance-ecstasy.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do expedite the birthOf my gratitude-heart.
```Today my heart and I
Are exceedingly happy,For we are seeing my mind’s
Ego-balloonLosing its altitude very rapidly.
```My Beloved Supreme,
I do not want to becomeA computer-brain.
I wish to become onlyA devotion-chain.
```A sincerity-mind
Is a long road.A purity-heart
Is a longer road.A divinity-life
Is the longest road. ```When the mind does not aspire,
It becomes a victimTo devastating and damaging thoughts.
```It is not at all a difficult task
For the mind to becomeDeliberately anti-divine.
```O my mind,
How long will you enjoyYour lame arguments
Against God’s Compassion-Eye? ```An Avatar is he
Who receives from God HimselfThe world-purifying breath.
```An Avatar is he
Who receives from God HimselfThe world-saving fingertips.
```An Avatar is he
To whom God Himself tellsThe world-illumining secrets.
```An Avatar is he
Who receives from God HimselfGod’s own Dreams
For God’s full manifestationHere on earth.
```An Avatar is he
Who gladly stoops beneathThe weight of world-sorrows.
```Abiding satisfaction
Lies onlyIn the roots of faith.
```The suspicious mind
And the sagacious heartCan never amicably agree.
```My Lord,
Do You really see and feelMy throbbing heart’s deep sobs for You?
“My child, I do, I do,
And I claim themTo be absolutely Mine!”
```Each day with a spiritual Master
Is a life-savingAnd
Life-shaping opportunityFor the disciple.
```Every day my Lord passes
My frustration-examination.Every night my Lord passes
My exasperation-examination. ```O God-seekers,
How can you be such foolsThat you do not realise
That each God-given taskIs a golden opportunity
For you to expediteYour Godward journey?
```O seeker,
Your soul is extremely embarrassedTo introduce you to God.
```O seeker,
I feel extremely sorry for you!Your entire life has become
A box of mind-worries. ```I want to become
The beauty and fragranceOf a self-disciplined life.
```If you lack sincerity
In your spiritual life,Then you will be heading
Towards NOTHING. ```May my love of God
SwingInto full action.
```No more shall I allow
The temptation-snakeTo bite my life.
```I shall always
Feast my eyesOn God’s Lotus-Feet.
```When I have a deep meditation,
I feel that my life is blossomingInto a tree of paradise.
```My sleepless surrender-heart
Is the official residenceOf my Lord’s Satisfaction-Eye.
```To reach God’s Palace
You do not need an outer guide,But you do need an inner cry.
```Aspiration becomes frustration
When we want to fulfil our livesIn our own desperate way.
```Every rule admits of exception
Under the lawOf supreme necessity.
```When our surrender is complete,
We are able to flyAt a meteoric aspiration-speed.
```You profess yourself
To be a wise seeker.Then how is it that you still live
In your mind-desire-jungle? ```His heart-aspiration-volcano
Has destroyed the bridgeBetween his mind
And the vital world. ```Do not worry,
My seeker-friend.God has not told you
That you are a finished product. ```Every night my soul comes
And tells my heartTo sleep in a field
Of dream-flowers. ```God is so proud of me
Because I am totally lostInside my gratitude-heart.
```You are saying that you have received
A new hope-supply.That means God is dreaming
Through your new dreams. ```God’s Compassion-Eye intervened
And prevented himFrom needing mind-surgery.
```Lovingly and compassionately
My soul is asking my heartTo immigrate
To God’s Satisfaction-Country. ```Alas, why am I not allowing God
To handcraft my lifeInch by inch
According to His sweet Pleasure? ```I have completely withdrawn my loyalty
To my doubting mind.All my loyalties have now gone
To my aspiring heart. ```Even if you sing prayerful songs
To an imaginary audience,Your soul becomes
Extremely proud of you. ```If you sincerely love this world,
Then no proof is necessary.But if you do not love the world at all,
Then no proof will be sufficient. ```Some are of the opinion
That God-manifestationIs an impossibility,
While others thinkThat God-manifestation
Is a remote possibility.Still others think that God-manifestation
Is a living reality.I proudly and happily
Belong to the last category. ```My perfection-loving heart
Is the personal secretaryOf God.
```My mind’s hope
Comes and goes,But my heart’s promise
Will never leave me. ```True, I want to be a God-speaker,
But I want to be a God-seekerInfinitely more.
```God wants
Each and every aspiring heartTo be a universal peace-shrine.
```God wants me to be a passenger
On His own Train,And He Himself wants to take me
To His absolute Perfection-Station. ```I have three places to meditate:
I meditate insideMy God-searching mind.
I meditate insideMy God-yearning heart.
I meditate insideMy God-serving life.
```Most special souls
Love and treasureGod’s most simple Life.
```Do not allow
Your anxiety-arrowsTo pierce
Your aspiration-heart-blossoms. ```Your blind imitation-mind
Can bring about for youA life of tragedy.
```My silence-heart
Has silencedMy mind’s loudspeaker-sound-pride.
```A true God-seeker
Can enjoyA divine symphony
With every breath. ```I see a soulful song
Taking birthIn each heartbeat of mine.
```May my failure-desire-life
SetWith the setting sun.
```May my soul-fountain-hopes
Never becomeA weeping heart.
```All seekers are accepted
By God happily,Even the ones who come to God
At the very last moment. ```The promise-power
Of a positive thoughtCannot be measured.
```Just listen to your soul’s
Charming whispers.You can easily overthrow
Your mind-dictator. ```A soulful hope
And a beautiful dreamLive together.
```I value and treasure God’s Hope
Inside my heart’s gardenInfinitely more than I value and treasure
Anything else. ```Life collects
Infinity’sSmiling songs.
```Death collects
Eternity’sSad stories.
```The mind’s death-demolition
Can take placeWhen the seeker becomes
A God-gratitude-heart. ```Hesitation not only unconsciously,
But even consciously,Takes the longest road.
```If you are a part-time seeker,
Then God will nowhere be discoveredBy you.
```Only a rank fool
Can indulgeIn future phantom worries
And anxieties. ```I implicitly trust the peace-seekers,
For I know that one dayThey will become the peace-bringers.
```When I become
A sincere God-seeker within,God turns me into
A truth-seer without. ```Each aspiration-heart
And each dedication-lifeIs an exclusive God-Responsibility.
```God invites only those
To dine with HimWho have developed
A genuine God-hunger. ```I must never allow
My God-manifestation-dream-blossomsTo wither.
```Your stupidity knows no bounds!
You rely on your heart’sInsecurity-tears.
```The mind does everything wrong.
The poor heart, on behalf of the mind,Has become a perpetual apology!
```O my mind,
It is high time for youTo veer away
From the dark ignorance-path. ```Always aim directly
At perfection-targetAnd at nothing else.
```O seeker,
Do not allow your purity-heartTo be shrouded
By fear, doubt and anxiety. ```No matter how hard we try
To be indifferent to our doubting mind,The doubting mind monopolises
Our lives. ```My Lord Supreme,
Do give me the capacityPlus opportunity
To put an endTo my arrogance-ego-talk.
```A devotion-flooded heart
Can easily avoidThe mind-trickster.
```A staunch God-lover knows
That his heart has the capacityTo go far beyond
His mind’s authority-limits. ```When you join the spiritual life,
You must consciously brace yourselfAgainst destructive ignorance-blows.
```You and your heart-garden-beauty
And fragranceWill always prevail.
```God wants us to rise high
In our heart’s skyTo transform our earth-bound lives.
```Long, long ago
I lodged my lifeIn God’s Heart-Home.
```You absent yourself
From God’s Presence.Poor God does not know
How to retaliate! ```His inner life is nothing other
Than a beautiful harvestOf prayers and meditations.
```My beautiful meditation-birds
Fly before meBefore dawn arrives.
```A hope-plant
Grows fasterThan any other plant.
```Who can penetrate
The jungle-jumble-mindThat has no aspiration-cry?
```You must never trivialise
Your God-givenSpiritual life.
```Why are we such fools?
How is it that we do not feelThat we are privileged
To perform our God-given duties? ```Pride
In any promiseIs simply intolerable.
```I can clearly see
That the breath of HeavenEvery day
Feeds my God-surrender-soul. ```It is not an impossibility
To have a pyramid-high dreamEvery day.
```Nobody can appreciate you
And nobody willIf you deliberately become
The destruction-cloudOf disobedience.
```We do not want to claim time.
But we do not realiseHow time claims everything.
```Do you want to enjoy a miracle?
It is very simple.Always say “Yes!” to God!
```O my mind,
Do not waste precious timeMaking gigantic master plans.
```The sun is in the west,
A rainbow is in the east,But I am neither in the sun
Nor in the rainbow.I am only in God’s Satisfaction.
```The tears of my eyes
Are forced to liveIn a chorus of clouds.
```I pray to God every day
To make my mindThe brightest God-vision-star.
```If you do not dare to stop
Your meandering thought-train,Your goal will always remain
A far cry. ```To hear God’s secret Whispers
Is to drinkEcstasy-flooded dreams.
```If you are indifferent
To name and fame,Then certainly you are
Pleasing GodIn a very special way.
```Finally I have demolished
My mind’sDoubt-tower.
```God can easily answer
All our questions.But He deliberately
Does not answerSome of our questions
So that we can makeThe fastest progress.
```Forgiveness is a supreme virtue,
And this particular virtueCan be practised by anybody.
```Do not think!
Do not think!The more you think,
The more you generaliseAnd categorise.
Thinking is of no availIn the spiritual life.
```A constantly questioning
And analysing mindDoes not even have the speed
Of an Indian bullock cart. ```If there is no love-foundation,
There cannot beAny perfection-edifice.
```Each service-opportunity
Is, indeed,A progress-joy.
```Every day
God’s Compassion-EyeForgives our wild blunders.
```O seeker, if you have
A non-stopEnthusiasm-eagerness,
Then for you there can beNo goal unattainable.
```Criticism decreases
The beauty and fragranceOf the God-searching mind.
```The seeker who has
Angel-soft eyes of sweetnessMakes very fast progress
In the spiritual life. ```God’s Compassion
Is always eagerTo carry us beyond our life’s
Self-styled limitation-zone. ```Let your mind’s discipline
And heart’s patiencePerform their miracles for you.
```No more shall I permit myself
To be buffetedBy my life’s desire-surges.
```In the bloom of early hours,
God Himself comesAnd takes
My meditation-attendance. ```My debate with God
Is not only shamelessBut also useless
In every possible way. ```Every morning
God gives me an opportunityTo fly upon the wings
Of my devotion-songs. ```Before leaving,
Try loving more,Infinitely more.
```Alas, how many God-dreams
Are waiting inside meFor their full manifestation!
```I am determined
To make the fastest progressIn my spiritual life
And not be satisfied with my yearsOf ping-pong progress.
```Even the tiniest aspiration-tear
God treasuresIn His Satisfaction-Heart.
```In the morning,
I wish to be the sunrise-beautyOf a climbing heart.
In the evening,I wish to be the sunset-beauty
Of a sailing heart. ```No more shall I allow
My life to be eclipsedBy failure-darkness
And failure-sadness. ```Today’s
Peace-bloom-dreamerWill become
```My mind, you are versed
In the science of self-deception.Can you not get a new life
By becoming versedIn self-illumination?
```The birth-cry
Is Infinity’s beauty.The death-cry
Is Eternity’s duty. ```My Lord does not come alone
When He visitsMy gratitude-heart.
He comesWith His Satisfaction-Embrace.
```A God-seeker is he
Who has a prayerful songIn his heart
All the time for everyone. ```I am kept alive
Only byMy God-hope-fragrance.
```Do not allow
Your tomorrow’s unborn sorrowsTo destroy your today’s
Fully-blossomed happiness. ```The doubting mind
Will eventually be knownAnd convicted
As a misleader of mankind. ```When impatience becomes
A God-seeker,It will definitely meet its end
In a great disaster. ```If we have soulfulness
Inside our heart,Then we shall appreciate
And admireThe fulness of each moment.
```Begin your spiritual life
By totally forgettingEverything
That has disappointed you. ```Be careful, O seeker!
Your every wasted opportunityMay cost a lifetime.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do come and stealAll my heart-blossoms.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do come and steer my heart-boatIn accordance with Your sweet Will.
```I am eager
To take the earliest flightFrom ignorance-land
To the land of wisdom-light. ```Your self-help-quest
Will not lead youA great distance.
```Your weak and cowardly faith
Will not receiveA God-Palace-entrance-ticket.
```Readiness, willingness
And eagernessCan bless your life
With a new God-viewpoint. ```I can hide everything,
Save and exceptMy mind’s frustration-tears.
```I want to explore
The sacred secretsOf my aspiration-heart.
```Happily and proudly
I have relinquishedAt long last
My ego-throne. ```Purity in boundless measure
Resides inside the lotusOf our aspiration-heart.
```I am overwhelmed with joy
To see my real spiritual lifeBlossoming again.
```I am expediting
My life-journeyWith beams of hope.
```The power
Of the spiritual currentFrom his eyes
Cannot be fathomed. ```His heart is seated
On the rose petalOf sweetness, newness
And fulness. ```A seeker’s heart
SparklesWith beauty’s wisdom-stars.
```O Pilot of my heart’s dreams,
You are the breathOf my Godward journey!
```I clearly see that my soul
Is in the galaxyOf star-dreams.
```If you do not aspire,
One dayYou will find yourself
In dark thought-tunnels. ```Each aspiring moment
Is Divinity’sNew birth.
```Do not allow your heart
To be a trembling leafOf insecurity-night.
```My soul tells my mind
That it has no right to marThe beauty of my heart’s
Rising sun. ```Each truth-seeker
Must make his heart-muscleStronger than the strongest.
```O doubting mind,
I shall not allow youTo eclipse all my heart-dreams.
Is infinitely more beautifulThan anything else.
```He is so stupid!
He is enjoyingHis self-congratulation-indulgence.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Has put me backOn the aspiration-road.
```God is telling me
That I will do Him a big favourIf every day,
In the small hours of the morning,I think of Him, pray to Him
And meditate on Him. ```My searching mind
Is born to succeed.My aspiring heart
Is born to proceed. ```You can be
A personal relation to GodIf you can raise
Your God-aspiration-standard. ```I gave a special surprise to God
On His BirthdayBy awakening from
My spiritual coma. ```I have a very special surprise
For God’s Birthday:My absolutely unconditional
Surrender-life. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Has taught meHow to become
A sleepless God-obedience-server. ```I shall not allow
Even one ego-plantTo grow alongside
My heart-blossoms. ```My Lord Supreme
Is heaving a sigh of reliefBecause I am no longer
A friend of ignorance-night. ```If God is our only escort
In our aspiration-dedication-life,Then we shall arrive
At the destination safely. ```Until we see the invisible
Inside the visible,We must not be satisfied.
```Each day God gives me
The capacity to offer humanityA stream of inspiring
And aspiring deeds. ```I am fully determined
To dismantleAll my evil thought-buildings.
```God’s Satisfaction-Heart
Clears the pathFor peace-pilgrims.
```Every morning
When I pray and meditate,God’s Compassion-Eye
Plucks the stringsOf my inner harp.
```Delay not!
Immediately breakThe age-old ignorance-chain
Of your mind. ```Every morning
God depositsHis special Blessings
In your heart-safe. ```We have to ascend
To our summit-heightsTo transcend and transform
Our mind. ```My mind,
Enough of your arrogance!Enough of your self-indulgence!
```I am so happy
That my mind’sTemptation-indulgence-days
Are numbered. ```He has an overwhelming urge
Not to speakTo God,
But to speakFor God.
```God is holding back
His real SmileUntil the boundaries of the world
Are no more. ```Only God-lovers are entitled
To be membersOf the perfection-assembly
Of the cosmic gods and goddesses. ```Today’s beautiful gratitude
Will becomeTomorrow’s powerful surrender.
```No matter which country
We go to,God-surrender-lovers
Are extremely rare. ```God’s Pride
In His cheerful surrender-childrenIs unimaginable.
```God did not mean
To frighten your mind.He just wanted
To enlighten your mind. ```To become flawless children
Of God,We must remain firmly seated
In His Compassion-Sailboat. ```Too often we neglect
Our God-ordained tasks;Therefore, our perfection-life
Remains a far cry. ```I see God on rare occasions.
But I keep meetingHis Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-HeartEvery day.
```I cannot believe
That today my mindIs singing soul-carols.
```Our heart’s purity
EmbodiesMeasureless strength.
```There is always a choice for me:
Either to place my lifeAt the Feet of God
Or to place my lifeIn the hands of my mind.
```The only way
To sing God’s VictoryIs to sing the songs
That my soul sings. ```I know, my Lord,
How much You love me.But do You know
How much I love You? ```A long string of successes
In his outer lifeHas extinguished his heart’s
God-loving aspiration-flames. ```If you have the power
In your mindTo rule the world,
Never use it!If you have the love
In your heartTo become the world itself,
Then use it! ```When I am inside my mind-prison,
I serve time.When I am inside my heart-garden,
I love time. ```His tranquillity-mind
Is not affected,Although problems are tumbling
One on top of another. ```Not only unconsciously
But also consciouslyMy God-doubting mind
Is in leagueWith the hostile forces.
```If you have an iota of peace
In your mind,Then you cannot snarl
And growlAt other seekers.
```Nothing can ever
Compensate GodFor His infinite Compassion
For us. ```We must be always
On the royal roadTo the palace
Of God-manifestation. ```When I lost contact
With my soul,I became as destitute
As a street beggar. ```You are absolutely wrong
When you expect GodTo placate you.
```Our Beloved Lord cries and cries
When He seesThat we are consciously allowing
Impatience to assail us. ```The smallest act
Of self-offeringCan give us
An ocean-vast joy. ```To smite our doubt-foe,
Let us bring to the foreOur faith-sword.
```When our soul-birds carry us
On their blue-gold wings,They take us directly to paradise.
There is no stopover on the way. ```You too can be
A great God-manifestation-hero,If you can specialise
In sterling devotion. ```My Lord Supreme took me aside
For a momentTo speak to me in a silence-whisper:
“My child, I desperately needBoth your love and concern.”
```You do not need a high soul
To embark on your God-journey.What you need is a high goal.
```My mind admits
That it arrives nowhereWhen it deliberately speaks ill
Of my heart. ```A God-loving seeker
Has a lifetime supplyOf God-Smiles.
```When God is really pleased
With our aspiration and dedication,He shows us the private entrance
To His celestial Abode. ```At the beginning of time,
God gave us a routeTo reach Him.
Those who thinkThey have discovered
A new route to GodAre all mistaken.
```There are some people
Who enjoy having a face-lift.I am not one of those!
But please give meA faith-lift,
Which I desperately need. ```If your life-breath
Is in your devotion-tears,Then your Goal
Is within your reach. ```Everything in his life
Is weakenedBy his long ignorance-imprisonment.
```Constant disobedience-fire
Within —Total destruction-smoke
Without. ```Man’s constant ingratitude
Is God’sEveryday experience.
```Nobody has forced me
To play the sad fluteOf a failure-life.
```Even my soul-stirring
Heart-peace-melodyCannot satisfy my mind.
```A God-lover’s obedience
Crowns his daysWith boundless satisfaction.
```God tells me that
My love-devotion-surrender-lettersDo not need perfect grammar.
```If you live in your mind-jungle
All the time,You are bound to suffer
From God-disobedience-blunders. ```God will come and embrace you
Only if you are preparedTo throw yourself headlong
Into the aspiration-sea. ```My aspiration-heart-room
Is alwaysImpurity-proof.
```I am constantly searching
For my heart’sBlissful peace-hermitage.
```Desire-fed worldly people
Are definitelyHomeless wanderers
In the inner life. ```God says to me
That He has readMore than He needed to
Of my promise-failure-letters. ```My willingness-heart-wealth
Is my soul’sVery special treasure.
```You are bound to arrive
At your GoalIf you continue to follow
God’s discipline-schedule. ```A purity-heart
Is entitled to haveSacredness-breath.
```My God-faith
And my God-devotionAre my two most reliable oars.
```Nothing is incurable!
Nothing is unchangeable!This should be the slogan
Of the God-believer. ```To his great shock and surprise,
Man chains himselfTo the pillar of suffering.
```Every day my aspiration-heart
Makes a soulful fluteFor me to play.
```Whenever I have a deep meditation,
I hear God’s Nectar-MessagesResonate in my delight-heart.
```My soul is using
All its divine lightTo unearth my mind’s
Doubt-landmines. ```Every morning
I deeply enjoyMy soul-fragrance-walk
Through my heart-garden. ```If you want to make
The fastest progress,Try to stay as long as you can
In the sweet presenceOf a God-lover.
```Bind God’s Feet
With your heart’s love.You will see your soul
Blinding your desire-eyes. ```The step from God-realisation
To God-manifestationCan be infinitely longer
Than you can ever imagine. ```After staying on the spiritual path
For a long time,If you leave the path,
Your life becomes a compendiumOf spiritual disasters.
```To pilot our aspiration-plane,
We needA God-lover-pilot.
```O unfortunate seeker,
Do not worry.God Himself will come
To take you out of your mind’sImpurity-tragedy-school.
```Alas, what has happened to me?
How is it that I have all of a suddenBecome a victim
Of my doubt-dominated mind? ```This morning God planted
Inside my heartA special kind of faith-tree
That will climb far aboveMy mind’s doubt-clouds.
```I am determined
To stop livingInside the forest
Of my God-forgetfulness-mind. ```If we do not aspire
And offer our love to GodIn the morning,
Then the whole dayBecomes a dull monotony
Of mechanical efforts. ```Those who do not get
Spontaneous joyFrom the rainbow-dawn
Will find the dayA total failure.
```I plan to restart
My spiritual life anew.This time my spiritual life
Will be “God for God’s sake.” ```May my life become
The goodnessOf a newness-hope
And the greatnessOf a fulness-promise.
```As soon as you enter
Into the spiritual life,You must kindle
The flame of self-awareness. ```Truth has the capacity to shatter
And it ultimately does shatterThe pride of cynicism.
```My soul is advising me
To smileAs if I never had
A darkness-mind. ```The beauty of peace
And the fragrance of blissShall remain together forever.
```Why should God’s Compassion-Eye
Wait for you?Walk, march, run and sprint
Towards God!What for?
For your own satisfaction! ```Once I saw an inspiration-sun
Inside my eyes.But now I see a destruction-volcano
Inside my eyes. ```To our great sorrow,
Our mind quite often enjoysA hesitation-festival.
```My Supreme tells me
Again and againThat His Promise-Land
Is inside my fragrance-heartAnd nowhere else.
```My mind enjoys
Competition-fire.My heart enjoys
Cooperation-stars. ```The security of the heart
Longs for God’s Command.Insecurity seeks its own company.
```My heart lives
On God’sCompassion-Protection-Smiles.
```My Lord, every day
At every momentI implore Your absolute Command.
```If you claim any superiority
Over others,Then you are nowhere
Near perfection. ```To serve one’s Master
With sterling devotionIs, indeed, the fastest way
To arrive at God’s Palace. ```I do not look
For a man-made crown,But I sleeplessly and breathlessly long
For God’s Compassion-Eye. ```When I do not aspire,
When I do not prayAnd when I do not meditate,
My mind becomes the heavy weightOf futile frustration.
```Alas, my mind
Is a blighted dreamAnd my heart
Is a dashed hope. ```To become an excellent instrument
Of my Lord Supreme,At every moment I must offer Him
My heart’s delight-tears. ```I do not know when and how
Depression has found a homeIn my vital.
```No matter how hard we try,
It is almost impossibleTo escape our desire-prison.
```God has kept in front of you
Both desire-wings and aspiration-wings.Why are you not using aspiration-wings
To fly to God’s Summit-Palace? ```My mind
Is trained on God,But my heart
Was trained by God. ```Every day
I want to hearGod’s Victory-celebration-drums.
```Only the music
Of the aspiration-heartCan unlock the door
Of Heaven. ```My heart dresses
In rainbowsTo pay a visit
To my Lord Supreme. ```If you ever lose your life’s
God-surrender-keys,Then how will you unlock
God’s Heart-Door? ```To know what is destined
Is unnecessary.But to know what role
You are supposed to playIn God’s Cosmic Play
Is absolutely necessary. ```Together they went to God:
My aspiration-heartAnd my dedication-life.
```Do not expect God
To approve everything you doAnd everything you say.
Just pray to GodTo give you the capacity
To do the right thing always. ```God does not always want you
To come Home immediately.If you are totally exhausted,
Then take restUntil you can resume your journey.
```There is every possibility
That one day our mind-knowledgeWill explode
And our heart-wisdomWill expand.
```Our high-altitude God-visions
Will ultimately transformThe four corners of the globe.
```The computer-mind-speed
Will never be ableTo save the world.
```The oneness-heart-speed
Will definitely be ableNot only to save the world
But to elevate the world. ```There is no reason
Why your aspiration-declineHas to last
For such a long time. ```O my doubt-enemy,
I never thoughtThat you would be
So formidable. ```There is nothing wrong
With each and every generationDefining God.
```As we are addicted
To outer rules and regulations,Even so,
We should be devotedTo our inner laws and ordinances.
```May each newborn thought
In my mindOpen immediately its eyes
To my heart’s inner light. ```I do not know
If any great soulDoes not suffer
From oppressiveAnd weighty problems.
```God wants me to destroy
My mind-computer completelyTo avert my spiritual disaster.
```If your aspiration-heart
Is devoid of intensity,Your God-realisation
Will always remain a far cry. ```To begrudge the happiness
Of othersIs to delay one’s own happiness
Indefinitely. ```To my great joy,
My mind’s doubt-interestIs rapidly waning.
```Each human life
So often is foundIn a bewildering sea
Of uncertainty. ```O my mischief-making mind,
One day you are boundTo sit at the Feet
Of my God-loving heart. ```I am so proud to see
That all my doubtsAre proudly finishing
Their last acts. ```I tried to please man
In his own way.I have failed!
Now I am trying to please GodIn His own Way.
My Lord says to me:“My child, you have already done it!”
```Alas, in vain I am trying and trying
To come out of my medleyOf confusing and confused thoughts.
```When the simplicity-safeguard-life,
The sincerity-safeguard-mindAnd the purity-safeguard-heart
Work together,They prove that they are invincible.
```The fog of our uncertainty-mind
Does not dare to comeNear our soul
When it whispersTo our heart.
```My expectation-boat has capsized.
Therefore, I am now readyTo embark on the real spiritual life.
```My soul has come forward
To train my lifeTo the highest pitch
Of God-reliance. ```My Lord’s unconditional
Compassion-EyeIs bulldozing all my doubts
Out of the way. ```God and God’s Concern
Always escort meAll the way
To my Divinity’s Home. ```My paradise is only inside
My God-gratitude-heart,And nowhere else.
```God has told my surrender-life
And gratitude-heartThat they can enter
The court of HeavenAt any time that they want to.
```If you can please God
In God’s own WayHere on earth,
Then instead of trembling,You will be dancing
When you arrive at the gate of death. ```May my aspiration-heart-speed
Be faster thanThe fleetest of horses.
```Each time I sing
A God-Victory-song,God asks me to mount
His ownWorld-manifestation-chariot.
```God loves only
The love inside meThat He has already
Given me. ```So far,
Nobody has discoveredA successful remedy
For an ingratitude-mind. ```No matter what I do,
God always keeps meIn His Heart-Embrace.
```For a human mind
Not to have restless thoughtsIs almost an impossibility.
```To sit on the throne of time,
Our life has to be armedWith prayers and meditations.
```My heart enjoys
Regular adventuresIn my soul’s country.
```God’s Grace embodies
Not only enlightenmentBut also enchantment.
```By staying always
In a state of depression,You make your Lord Supreme
Extremely unhappy. ```Each time you deliberately
Do something wrong,You must realise
You are sinking once moreBelow the waves of ignorance-sea.
```The mind has to be freed
From unlit thought-hungerEvery day.
```The soul invites
The heart, mind, vital and bodyTo accompany it
While it is swimmingIn God’s Ocean of Bliss.
Only the heart at timesAccepts the invitation.
```God’s Forgiveness-Power
Is the magic touchOf God’s Compassion-Eye.
```Disobedience does not know
That it will be chasedBy destruction.
```O my mind,
God’s Will is notAn object of frustration,
But it isAn object of adoration.
```My Lord’s Satisfaction-Smile
Is within easy reachOf my gratitude-heart.
```Tears stream
From the Heart-Eye of GodWhen I say that
I am not meant forThe spiritual life.
```May my aspiration-heart-tree
Every day offerFresh and sacred blossoms.
```Without faith,
A man is likeA waterless cloud.
```God does not mind
If I quarrel with Him,As long as I agree
At the end of the quarrelThat I am wrong and He is right.
```God is so pleased
That I have requested HimTo undertake
My mind-transformation-task. ```My purity-heart
Is my onlySafe shelter.
```You get no satisfaction-result
From your spiritual lifeBecause for you
God is only a word,Nothing more.
```You must increase
Your imagination-height,Your inspiration-height
And your aspiration-heightAll at the same time
Every day. ```If you want to sit
In the front seat of God’s Car,Then you must offer Him first
The beauty and fragranceOf your aspiration-heart-flower.
```A soulful question
Always receivesA blessingful answer.
```I am so happy
That my mindIs totally disappointed
With playing with doubt. ```I have replaced most happily
My mind-victory-thirstWith my God-Victory-hunger.
```When the oneness-heart
Comes to the fore,Victory cannot remain invisible.
```To me, a powerful
And blessingful SmileFrom my Lord
Is far more significantThan the Bliss of Heaven.
```I am always hungry
For God’s Peace-BreakfastAnd not man’s power-lunch.
```O my mind,
Do not remain anymoreA spirituality-spectator,
But becomeA spirituality-participant!
```Only when I become
A sacred mindDoes God share with me
His secret Thoughts. ```To seal all the ignorance-holes
Of the mindIs imperative.
```My life becomes a wave of joy
When my heartIs armed with faith.
```Because of your
Devouring doubt-mind,God does not want
To be visible to you. ```I am truly, powerfully
And endlessly proudOf my oneness-blossoming
And oneness-spreading heart. ```My Lord’s
Forgiveness-Heart-NestHas captured me and my all.
```My Lord’s Satisfaction-Smile
Is my only reasonFor living on earth.
```Three things have to be done
Sooner than at once:My God-aspiration,
My God-realisationAnd my God-manifestation.
```I need only
God’s Compassion-EyeTo remain in
My life’s control-tower. ```Each time my life makes progress,
God sings a special Pride-SongFor me and my life.
```Man’s faith-gift-offering
To GodIs man’s highest achievement.
```My Lord,
Do show me the wayTo undo the wrongs
That I have already done. ```My Lord,
From this very momentI shall destroy my age-old
Ignorance-attachment. ```My Lord,
Come quickly and break my headInto millions of pieces
To save my poor heart! ```Encouraging
Is my God-search.Inspiring
Is my God-chosen path.Fulfilling
Are my God-offering-cries. ```Secretly I wait
In my Lord’s Heart-Room,Devotedly to serve Him
When He is in need. ```The finish line is at once
Blissful to seeBut painful to reach.
```The more I am generous
With my heart,The more I am precious
In God’s Heart. ```When we are our indomitable will,
The temptation-wall falls downAt our feet.
```Do not enter into
The temptation-tunnel.It is inexplicably dark.
```Nobody can force you
To have doubtOn every page
Of your life-book. ```The mind is satisfied
With good fortune.The heart is only satisfied
With God-fortune. ```O seeker, no more rest!
It is high time for youTo resume your aspiration-ascent.
```Only with your heart’s
Devotion-tearsCan you sound
God’s Victory-Trumpet. ```My Lord,
In my inner world,You are my secret hope.
In my outer world,You are my sacred promise.
```You say that
You do not knowWhen God is pleased with you.
I am telling you the supreme secret:God is pleased with you
Only when you are pleased with Him. ```One by one
The soul offers its divinitiesTo the Absolute Supreme.
```My Lord, my Lord,
It is only at Your Compassion-FeetThat my gratitude-heart’s bumper crop
Grows. ```There is a constant
Affection-playBetween my soul and my heart.
There is also a constantAttachment-play
Between my mind and my vital. ```My bleeding heart
Has the prayerful capacityTo touch the pinnacle
Of God’s Compassion-Eye. ```The world mistrusts you
And mistreats you.But love the world all the more,
For that is what God expectsFrom you.
```My Lord,
You never wasteEven an iota of time.
May I not beYour most devoted follower?
```The doubting mind does not realise
That it is engaged in a headlong rushTowards its own destruction.
```God wants both God-lovers
And God-serversTo remain always on the alert.
```My heart strongly feels
That there are more God-yearning loversThan God-manifesting servers.
```Be careful of your
Overconfidence-sermon!God is listening.
```Each sincere prayer
Is a sincere effortTo catch the doubt-thief
In our mind. ```I am so proud
Of my aspiration-heartFor radiating sunshine-beauty
Around my life. ```Unlike the mind,
No matter how weak the heart is,It does not betray God’s Trust.
```Do not hide from the eye
Of criticism.Face it and disgrace it!
```True, obstacles may seem to be
Insurmountable,But they are no match
For God’s Compassion-Eye. ```Ask not:
“It is all done!” ```God’s faith
In meAdmits of no doubt.
```The mind
Is a world-peace-strangerAnd
A world-peace-strangler. ```The heart
Is a world-peace-dreamerAnd
A world-peace-lover. ```The inevitable necessity
MustBe fulfilled.
Is a soldier.God-answer
Is a singer. ```Regret-torture
Can easilyBe avoided.
```Nothing can resist the mind
When it becomesA God-determination-manifestation-rock.
```The tears of my heart
At every moment cherishGod-Affection-Smiles.
```In vain the computer-mind
Tries to silenceThe oneness-beauty
Of the aspiring heart. ```The athlete of the heart
Runs and jumpsInside the soul’s
Illumination-garden. ```God blesses
Doubt-conquering faithWith peace-sun-satisfaction.
```Every Avatar
Is a newGod-Arrival-announcer.
```My God-expansion-heart and I
Are enjoyingMy mind’s ego-explosion.
```My intense and unreserved
Love of GodHas many times surpassed
The speed of time. ```The light in the heart of man
Can easily guideThe eyes of man.
```Life’s tasteless fruits
Can be turned into sweetness itselfBy God’s Compassion-Touch.
```O my mind,
What makes you thinkThat you can always sit
In the judgement seat? ```My soul’s voiceless voice
Always remainsClose to my heart.
```The stars of the sky
Always adornOnly the brave.
```An Avatar is he
Who lovingly and faithfullyBrings the longing of man
To the Absolute Supreme. ```Be on the alert always!
At any momentYou can stumble
On the way to Heaven. ```God treasures
Your gratitude-tearsMore than anything else.
```How beautiful, charming,
Illumining and fulfillingIs my rising moon
Above the horizon! ```Be careful
Of your dissatisfied mind.It can before long
Become rebellious. ```God blows His Joy-Whistles
In the child-heartOf the seeker.
```The ecstasy-flooded flute
Of the soulNever stops playing.
```At last
My mind is freedFrom desire-headaches!
```Do not forget
To keep your vital-tigerOn a very short leash.
```He is really fortunate
Who does not have to carryExcess attachment-weight.
```Worries, anxieties and frustrations
Are found in abundant measureOn the temptation-road.
```Change your inner attitude first!
Your outer environmentWill automatically change.
```I have two rooms to live in:
My illumining mind-roomAnd
My beautifying heart-room. ```My soul is teaching my heart
How to climb upTo the very summit of self-giving.
```Rich imagination you need.
Richer inspiration you need.Richest aspiration you need.
```It seems each and every
Individual mindIs susceptible
To frustration-torture. ```Man’s desire-story
Will becomeA fable.
```Man’s aspiration-songs
Will becomeA legend.
```To desire God
Is a commonHunger.
```To satisfy God
Is an exquisitely uncommonMeal.
```In my own life
I shall becomeA God-satisfaction-tower
That can never be tarnished. ```Offer a smile-gift
To every eye.Your God-hunger-heart
Will be nourished. ```The neutral moment
AndThe compromising hour
Will never succeed. ```Heartily embrace
The challengeOf human nature-transformation.
```My heart and I proudly observe
The funeral processionOf my ignorance-mind.
```The earth-bound desire-mind
Is apt to swimIn a goalless circle.
```My pure soul
Receives undeserved mistreatmentFrom my body, vital and mind.
```My soul is my perfect
```My heart is my strict
```Every morning
God blesses meWith a new aspiration-tear
And a new dedication-smile. ```Every day
I expand my tiny heartWith streaming tears
To please my Lord Supreme. ```Every day try to feel
The blossoming goodnessOf others
As your very own. ```Your heart’s God-surrender-joy
Can easily conquerYour mind’s doubt-thoughts.
```If you are looking for peace,
Then look for itInside your oneness-heart-depth,
And nowhere else. ```The beauty of newness
AndThe fragrance of willingness
Can easily be foundInside the eagerness-heart.
```Tears of joy
Can purify and illumineThe sorrows of the heart.
```Deep meditation
Does have the powerTo remove all mind-barriers.
```My God-willingness-heart
Has meltedAll my mind-resistance.
```God is ready to speak to me
Only when I offer HimMy silence-heart.
```God tells His Life-History in full —
Lovingly, affectionatelyAnd self-givingly —
To the unconditional surrender-lifeOf a seeker.
```My aspiration, my dedication
And my realisation —Everything that I have and I am —
Is in the ever-blossoming processOf God’s Will-fulfilment.
```May my life be full
Of everythingThat is spiritually beautiful,
Soulful and fruitful! ```If you have patience
In abundant measure,You can succeed
In your outer life. ```If you have surrender
In boundless measure,You can succeed
In your inner life. ```It seems that we all have
Two hearts within us:One heart is for God-adoration
AndOne heart is for man-admiration.
```My negativity-mind disappears
The moment I acceptGod’s Will as my own will.
```My gratitude-heart
Always bears testimonyTo my Lord’s Compassion-Flood.
```A sleepless gratitude-heart
Is tantamountTo a great miracle.
```The Smiles that we receive
From our Lord Beloved SupremeFor manifesting Him on earth
Can never be calculatedBy our human mind.
```God feasts His Eyes
On the happiness-newsThat my heart offers to Him.
```The exquisite beauty of the soul
Can never be robbedBy human desires.
```My Lord, like You
I do not want to spendEven a fleeting moment
Complaining. ```My Lord, like Your Heart
I want my heart alsoTo be empty of anger
And frustration. ```Alas, my uncertainty-mind and I
Have been living togetherFor a very long time!
```Even though I do not have
Any right,God does not mind
If I ask Him for a favour. ```God tells me
That if I want to start againWith my spiritual life,
Then I must abandon immediatelyAll my guilt-miseries.
```I treasure every peace-thought
Of my mindInside my God-gratitude-heart.
```One single God-Compassion-Look
Is the master-keyThat unlocks and discards
All my mind-problems. ```Not the happiness
That comes and goes,But the silence-fulness
That comes and never goesIs what I need.
```Today we can avoid God’s Will,
Perhaps even tomorrow,But we cannot forever and forever
Avoid God’s Will. ```You may not believe
In the power of your prayer,But God firmly believes in it.
```The destined Hour has struck!
I must placeMy disobedience-insolence-mind
At the FeetOf my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```All the beauty
Of the world withinAnd the world without
Has the same Source:God’s Compassion-Eye.
```O my devotion-heart-fountain,
Where are you?I have been searching for you
For such a long time! ```I must obliterate
My pastFailure-life-torture.
```The hostile forces
Fail to catch meWhen I become a completely
God-dependent seeker. ```I enjoy Immortality’s Nectar-Bliss
The moment I receiveFrom my Master
A sweetness-affection-smile. ```When I pray and meditate
To please God in His own Way,He tells me:
“My child, I am giving youA mind inundated with silence-peace.”
```O seeker, do not waste your time
Thinking of the distanceTo your destination.
I tell you in secrecy supremeThat your destination
Is much closer than you think. ```My Lord, my only desire:
The capacityTo devotedly blossom
At Your Lotus-Feet. ```To reach your loftiest
Aspiration-summit-height,Offer all your gratitude-tears
And gratitude-smilesSimultaneously
To God’s Compassion-Eye. ```My humility-mind
And my purity-heartAre my life’s real safeguards.
```Finally my heart’s wisdom-key
Has unlocked all my mind’sObstruction-doors.
```Let my mind
Be as old as the world itself,But I want my heart
To be as young as a bud. ```The heart that is inspired
By God’s Compassion-EyeDoes not need wings to fly.
```May my mind
Be fully awareOf disobedience-disasters.
```Quite often the enthusiasm
Of the human mindIs next to zero.
```It is an easy task
For the doubting mindTo be a gossip-collector.
```Under God’s Protection-Eye,
Not even a weaklingCan stumble.
```With my soul’s adamantine
Will-power,I have trampled my disobedience-mind
Into the dust. ```My soul has made
A blessingful promiseTo my heart, mind
Vital and bodyTo show them God’s Face.
```My Lord has kept His Promise.
All Heaven-born dreamsAre flowering
Inside my life. ```Avoid
The confusion-life-abyssAll the time!
```I have buried
My yesterday’s mindCompletely.
```It is unnecessary to be
TodayWhat we were yesterday.
```God’s unconditional Grace
Has descended.My desert-mind is blooming
And blossoming. ```Anything unconditional
```When aspiration
Is tired of aspiring,Confusion comes to the fore
And becomes the ruler. ```My Lord,
Your express CommandI humbly take
As my life-heart-song. ```A genuinely aspiring heart
Asks everything for GodAnd nothing for itself.
```May my heart every day
BecomeA God-satisfying prayer.
```O my mind,
Finally your totalTransformation-time
Has arrived! ```Just one Compassion-Smile
From my Lord SupremeIs needed
To change my mind’s bitternessInto my heart’s sweetness.
```To my greatest joy,
Meditation-silence once moreIs rising in my heart.
```The human mind
Is terribly afraidOf the presence
Of divine Love. ```God loves immensely
Even my amateurGod-aspiring heart
And God-serving life. ```Every day I pray to God
To bless me with the capacityTo offer Him a sumptuous
Gratitude-meal. ```No mind can come
To God’s CountryWithout crossing
God’s Silence-Bridge. ```If you are not one hundred percent
On God’s side,God will not give you His Ladder
To climb up to His highest Height. ```For the poor seekers
Vacation is granted,But not for the rich seekers.
```God is extremely fond
Of my life’sPilgrim-progress-smile.
```My joy knows no bounds
Because today I have turned overA new
Love-devotion-surrender-leaf. ```Desire-fulfilment
And life-enlightenmentAre never allowed to meet together
By my Lord Supreme. ```In the morning
I take two deep breaths:A blossoming hope-breath
And a fulfilling promise-breath. ```To silence my desire-storm,
My life and IHave prayerfully placed our surrender
At the FeetOf our Lord Beloved Supreme.
```God asks
My desiring mindTo leave Him alone.
```God is making
My aspiring heartReady to be
His Divinity’s Throne. ```All my world-fears have vanished
Into thin airSince I have taken shelter
Inside my God’s Smile. ```Every morning
God blessingfully helps meTo be on the same wavelength
As His Sweetness-Compassion-Whispers. ```The stronger your
God-obedience-loyalty,The faster you will run
Towards God’s Palace. ```God gives us the capacity
To be uniquely qualifiedNot only for His infinite Grace,
But also for His immortal Pride. ```Every day,
Each and every inspiring,Aspiring and self-giving thought
I celebrateWith my God-gratitude-joy.
```I shake my head in utter disbelief
When my Lord tells meI am a choice instrument of His.
```How beautiful and how powerful
Is the silver whisperOf a golden dream!
```If our God-gaze is fixed
And unwavering,Then God invites us
To come and play with HimFor as long as we want to.
```My soul does not believe
In games of secrecy.My soul believes only
In games of ecstasy. ```My soul’s two favourite pastimes:
Self-offeringAnd God-manifestation.
```O my willingness, do not delay!
Eagerness is waiting for youAt your door
So both of you can startYour Godward journey.
```Every morning I offer two songs
To my Lord Beloved Supreme:My mind’s enthusiasm-song
And my heart’s gratitude-song. ```My soul is fully confident
That eventually my doubting mindWill surrender
And follow my aspiring heart. ```Alas,
I am totally shocked to seeThat my aspiration-credit card
Expired long ago. ```Invariably my soul caters
To my heart’sGod-hunger.
```O my mind, be not a fool!
Do not swing all the timeOn your indecisiveness-pendulum.
Like my heart, swing onYour God-devotion-pendulum.
```Be strong, be brave, be perfect
In every waySo that no unaspiring human being
Can drag youAnd your aspiration down!
```My aspiring heart
And my serving lifeAre finally enjoying
The surrender of my God-doubtingAnd God-denying mind.
```May my obedience-mind
Stand like an immortal statueIn my heart-garden.
```My Lord wants me
To chat with HimMore than He wants me
To sing for Him. ```My Lord,
When I deliberately absent myselfFrom Your Presence,
My life becomesA living nightmare.
```My Lord Supreme
Wants me to believeThat I am infinitely higher
And strongerThan I imagine.
Is far beyondThe flight of imagination.
```Satisfaction shall greet
All your effortsIf surrender looms large
In your life. ```He started with willingness,
But on his way to God,Eagerness met him
And accompanied him. ```Life’s experiences
RoamOn zigzag roads.
```You do not have time,
But God has plenty of time.Therefore, He does not mind
Crying for you. ```Sleepless faith is necessary
To nurtureOne’s fastest aspiration-speed.
```God gives His private number
Only to the aspiring heartAnd not to the torturing mind.
```What you need
Is the beauty of disciplineAnd not the storm
Of self-indulgence. ```The mind’s sunrise
Is quite baffling.The mind’s sunset
Is so inspiring. ```My mind,
Have nerves of steel!Doubt is fast approaching you.
```Although I meet my Lord
Only on rare occasions,I love Him more
Than I could ever imagine. ```I thought my journey
Towards God’s PalaceWould be quite short.
But now I see thatThis was a tragic miscalculation.
```God asks me
To come to HimWith sacred steps,
And not with secret steps. ```The human mind
Is so often afraidOf striking out
Against injustice-night. ```A purity-heart just loves
To embrace God’s WillAll the time.
```You just become
A total surrender-life.God Himself will hoist
Your victory-banner. ```My soul tells me
That God will succeedOnly when I proceed.
```My Lord, do You really
Care for me?“My child, I do!
I do not have anything betterTo do.”
```My Lord, do You really
Care for me?“My child, I do!
I feel this is the best thingI can do
For our inseparable oneness.” ```My Lord, do You really
Care for me?“My child, there was a time
When I cared for you,But not now!
Do you know why?In those days you claimed Me
As your own.Alas, now your soul tells Me
That this is a long-forgotten story.” ```God tells me
To stay at His FeetNot only devotedly
But also proudly. ```There is no stormy day
In human lifeThat cannot be transformed
Into the brightest sunrise. ```Peace is within your reach.
Do not be afraidOf touching it,
Feeling itAnd claiming it.
```Two key questions
Of human life:Does God really care
For humanity?Does God really need humanity?
```An unbearable disaster:
The Master asked the discipleTo leave.
```An unthinkable disaster:
The disciple leftThe Master.
```When the Master
Asks the disciple to leave,He may give the disciple another chance
In the course of time. ```When the disciple
Leaves the Master,The Master is under no obligation
To take the disciple back. ```Somehow we allow
Untold sufferingsTo loom large
On our heart’s horizon. ```God expects everybody
To be an excellent learnerIn His Heart-School.
```No more
Shall I remainA world-compliment-begging
Mind. ```Every day I pray and pray
And pray to GodTo bless me
With a oneness-blossoming heart. ```Your willingness-signal
Has made GodImmensely happy.
```My Lord,
I am praying to YouFor Your inner Affection
And not for Your outer Attention. ```A sweetness-heart
Has a free accessTo God’s Satisfaction-Heart.
```Like my heart,
I shall make my mind alsoA hallowed purity-shrine.
```In spirituality
The inner onenessAnd outer fulness
Must go together. ```A God-blossoming heart
I sleeplessly longed for,And now I have it.
```Where do I live?
I live in betweenMy mind’s ingratitude-jungle
And my heart’s gratitude-garden. ```An insincerity-mind
Must be keptUnder control.
```True, I have done many things
Uninspiring, unilluminingAnd unfulfilling,
But I feel that I amAccountable
Only to my Lord Supreme. ```My soul is telling my heart
That it will be very happyOnly if my heart lives
In God’s Neighbourhood. ```Alas, I have been fighting
And fightingWith my stubborn mind!
```God is working day and night
To establish His permanent friendshipWith my mind.
```I am happy when I have
God’s EyeInside my heart.
```I am happier when I see
God’s HeartInside my heart.
```I am happiest when I feel
God’s FeetBlessing my heart.
```My heart’s faith
Chased my mind’s doubt,Finally caught it
And disarmed it completely. ```An unaspiring mind
Is a perfect strangerTo hope and promise.
```In life’s tug-of-war,
Paradise is nowhereTo be found.
```May my aspiration-heart
Every day, without fail,Rise like the morning sun.
```My gratitude-heart
And my surrender-lifeAre two God-microphones.
```If you would like to be
God’s first-class server,Then be simplicity incarnate,
Sincerity incarnateAnd purity incarnate.
```My Lord, what shall I do
When the whole worldSpeaks ill of me?
Shall I laugh or shed tears?“My child, just remain silent!”
```God finds gold
Inside our smiles.He finds diamonds
Inside our tears. ```In the world
Of dissatisfaction-frustrationMy mind roams and roams.
```I do not have to prove anything
To God,But I have to prove each and every thing
To myself. ```Each seeker has
Two far-away dreams:His God-realisation-dream
And his God-manifestation-dream. ```My aspiration-heart
Is the only realityThat I call my own.
```May my aspiration, dedication
And surrenderSpeed up to thwart ignorance.
```There is no such thing
As a maximumAspiration-speed limit.
```Every day our complaint-volume
For GodIs becoming larger and larger.
```Finally I have forced
My desire-dragonTo leave me
And live inside the darkness-abyss. ```O my seeker-friend,
You must realiseThat God never wants you
To lament the past.He wants you to go forward
Faster than the fastest. ```I love
My God-ordained burdensAnd not my self-styled burdens.
```Regularly, devotedly and faithfully
You must weed outAll impurity-thoughts
From your mind. ```May my everyday life
Be a roaring waterfallOf creativity.
```There is a constant interaction
Between my mind’s doubtsAnd my life’s worries.
```If you want to be happy,
Really happy,Then you must needs keep
Simplicity, sincerity and purityIn your life-environment.
```A strong desire
Has not only a voraciousBut also a ferocious
World-devouring hunger. ```A desire-mind
Is terribly afraidOf sunshine-transformation.
```The mind’s reasoning power
Has considerably weakenedThe aspiration-world.
```The insecurity of the heart
Is bornOut of the jealousy of the mind.
```Life’s uncertain directions
Are meant only for thoseWho have not entered
Into the spiritual life. ```The aspiration-heart must take
Longer than the longestAnd faster than the fastest steps.
```Every day your Master
Blessingfully supplies youWith a gold compassion-coin.
Use it with wisdom-light! ```If you have sincerity in your obedience,
Then you will, without fail,Not only follow
But also understand God’s Will. ```Alas, I am expert at seeing
The things wrong in othersThat have been looming large
Inside my own life. ```To the extreme sorrow
Of my aspiration-heart,The gratitude-world
Still remains unexplored. ```I am helplessly and hopelessly
DevastatedBy my mind’s disobedience-insolence.
```A life of unconditional surrender
Is God’s only prescriptionFor humanity’s imperfection-life.
```Alas, there are very few students
Who are eager to studyAt God’s Heart-School.
```A superiority-sneer
Will never be ableTo endear itself to God’s Heart.
```God has a habit of repeating Himself
So that nobody remainsWith His Philosophy unlearned.
```My Lord, I have nothing else
Save and exceptMy heart-rending cries,
Which I place devotedlyAnd self-givingly at Your Feet.
```Alas, how desperately
My God-doubting mindIs trying to obliterate
My heart’s fountain-love for God! ```Never allow your mind’s
Darkness-prideTo eclipse your oneness-heart-sky.
```To find
An equanimity-mindIs almost an impossibility.
```A seeker’s unconditional
Gratitude-heart to GodDefinitely has a place
In the galaxy of stars. ```I want to worship the God
Who is singing, playing and dancingRight in front of me,
And not an aloof God. ```It is I who am responsible
In every wayFor my doomed failure-life.
```The fragrance of my soul
Comes from its constantAnd unreserved
God-satisfaction. ```My louder than the loudest laughter
Is, indeed,One of my life-preservers.
```May my life be blessed
Every dayWith new God-gratitude-heart-petals.
```God has blessingfully sent
His Protection-WingsTo carry me to His highest Heaven.
But alas,Where is my readiness,
Where is my willingness,Where is my eagerness,
Where? ```Before I walk along
The sunlit Path to God,I must first ring my heart’s
Devotion-bell. ```My Lord Supreme,
Why do You allow meTo forget You so often?
“My child, I fearfully obeyYour mind’s express order.”
I am forced to liveBetween my impatience-torture-mind
And my patience-rapture-heart. ```He has cast aside
His doubting mind.Lo, the beauty of his soul
Is dancing on his faceOnce again.
```Not a forced surrender
But a prayerful and cheerful surrenderIs the winner
Of the divine race. ```God blesses
The gratitude-heart-skyOf each seeker
With His own Victory-Flag. ```God-centredness
Is the sourceOf universal oneness.
```The heights of Heaven
Remain far beyond the reachOf human expectation.
```Do not delay, my seeker-friend!
Immediately start steeringYour God-Destination-boat.
```My soul’s adamantine will
Helps me all the timeTo break through the stormy obstacles
Created by my mind. ```If falsehood
You keep out of your mind,Peace will hasten towards you.
```Do not catch depression!
It will before longTurn into something fatal.
```To unleash the divine power
Within you,Make your inner faith
Complete and perfect. ```He who is reluctant
To break stonesWill never be able to become
A path-maker. ```The mind always tries
To heap doubt-cloudsUpon the aspiring heart.
```Do not allow yourself
To be temptedTo visit your past life.
You may be voraciously devouredBy the tiger of your past!
```Smile, always smile!
You will be able to disarmEven your worst foe.
```Be careful!
Do not allowYour vital-depression-flames
To spreadInto your God-searching mind.
```The seeker in me
Is now enjoyingMy mind’s volcano-doubt-explosion.
```Every God-experience
Has the capacityTo move and shake the whole world.
```Obey implicitly and devotedly
The dictatesOf your all-illumining soul.
```At God’s choice Hour,
Everybody’s God-love awakens.Nobody can be either too soon
Or too late! ```Every day
My mind starts prayingAnd my heart starts meditating
When dawn starts showingIts beautiful and cheerful
Rainbow-colours. ```Your unbending and unwilling mind
Is taking youFarther than the farthest
From your own inner divinity. ```Never surrender
To your unready mindIf you want to succeed
In your spiritual life. ```God’s Heart
Is always expectingYour safe and cheerful return.
```The cosmic gods
Love to liveOn the fragrance of Mother Earth.
```My Lord Supreme,
I am so grateful to YouFor blessing me and my life
Every dayWith a new dream.
```My Lord, do bless me
With ever-quickening stepsTowards my supreme Destination.
```God always wants me
To take shelterUnder the canopy
Of His unconditional Love. ```Do not suffocate your life
With your mind’s insincerityAnd your heart’s insecurity.
```Arrogance, insolence
And intoleranceAre three intimate roommates.
```Artificial sincerity
Cannot avoidImminent disaster.
```Because outer prosperity
You have amassed,Your inner prosperity
Has disappeared. ```Is there any place on earth
Not swarmingWith insincere seekers?
```No matter how insincere
And impure we are,God still remains His Forgiveness-Heart.
```Remorse is not the answer!
DeterminationTo do the right thing
Is the answer of answers. ```Not an aspiring
But an unaspiring human beingHas to depend totally on his fate.
```The purity in our mind
Passes awayAs swiftly as a shooting star.
```Human life
Is nothing short ofAn insane chase
After earthly pleasures. ```Disobedience means
Being deliberately deafTo God’s Nectar-Message.
```My prayers and my meditations
Are the shieldsThat protect me
From ignorance-attacks. ```Each God-loving thought
Is an antidoteFor our mind-miseries.
```The rising sun
Tells me where to go.The setting sun
Tells me where to stay. ```A truly aspiring heart
Does not want to beA citizen of frustration-country.
```My mind,
What a fool you are!You do not care to answer
Our Lord’sBlessingful and powerful Knock.
```My heart’s tears and smiles
Have, indeed,God-pleasing capacities.
```Only a oneness-heart
Can swim in the fulnessOf the universal sea.
```The soul of the morning
Every day singsA new song
For Mother Earth. ```Every day
I cheerfully and proudlyParticipate in two races:
Aspiration-raceAnd dedication-race.
```We must obliterate
All the fingerprintsOf doubt
From our mind! ```Meditation is
Our heart’s secretAnd sacred treasure.
```O seeker-friend,
I clearly seeHow sincerely you are trying
To free yourselfFrom your mind’s notorious
Doubt-obstinacy. ```To the heart’s determination-rock
The body, the vital and the mindHave to flock.
```My Lord unreservedly sympathises
With the sadnessThat devastates my heart.
```My prayerfully smiling gladness
GladdensMy Heavenly soul.
Pilgrim-sunrise-daysWill never be over.
```Surrender is a prayerful, cheerful,
Sleepless and breathlessGod-commitment.
```Disobedience is not
A mere incident,But a serious accident.
```No spiritual Master
Wants his lifeTo be thronged
By curiosity-mongers. ```The lives of so many human beings
Are governedBy superficial happiness.
```Pride says to God,
“I do not need You.That is an understatement!”
```Insolent disobedience
Is followed byEndless disaster.
```Impurity of the mind
Is an inner cancerIn a seeker’s life.
```Seekers are expected to be
Divine swimmersAnd swim against the stream
Of past bad habits. ```I have come to learn
That all short cuts to God-realisationAre not only fruitless but also futile.
```Is there any human being
Who does not surfOn God’s
Concern-Compassion-Forgiveness-Waves? ```If you do not carefully listen
To God’s Lectures,Your life will not be adorned
With the beauty of self-transcendence. ```Only for God-disobedient human beings
Does God use HisThunder-Command-Roar.
```Those who are clad
In the armour of divine loveWill be able to expedite
Humanity’s outer successAnd inner progress.
```Each divine thought
Is a most beautifulAngel.
```The Master’s footprints
Show the brightest wayTo Heaven.
```Try to live
In the eternal springsOf enthusiasm and eagerness.
```No matter where I live —
Inside my body, inside my vital,Inside my mind
Or even inside my heart —I meet with uncomely thought-intruders.
```My aspiration-heart
Is the sworn enemyOf my desire-life.
```I desire only
A God-blessed life,And nothing else.
```Spirituality enjoys
Accepting the challengeOf temptation-forces.
```We are always in the prison
Of our self-styled ideasAnd ideals.
```O my mind,
Do not sleep and snore anymoreBeneath the blankets
Of illusion and delusion. ```God tells us
We have to make the choice:Whether we want to wear
An aspiration-garlandOr a desire-python
That will strangle us. ```Depression
In the unaspiring vitalWill never die.
```His mind’s goalless boat
Is wandering in the oceanOf life’s ignorance-night.
```The desire-world
Is nothing short ofA suffocating prison-life.
```To my extreme joy,
My disobedience-mind-towerHas totally collapsed.
```Today’s unwillingness
Will be forced to enterInto the abysmal abyss
Of nothingness. ```My high-soaring dreams
Are embracedBy God’s own Realities.
```You have to come and sit
With your heart’s streaming tearsAt the Feet of God
To see God’s highest Satisfaction-Smile. ```God’s Victory-Trumpet
Sounds absolutely the bestInside my surrender-heart-garden.
```To my greatest satisfaction,
My life and my heartHave been captured by Eternity’s Love
And not by Infinity’s Power. ```The dearer than the dearest choice
Of my aspiration-heartIs God’s Satisfaction in God’s own Way.
```Looking at my aspiration-failure-life,
My soul and my Lord SupremeAre together crying and weeping.
```A life of purity-breath
Is alwaysFor the divine in us.
Is man’s outer life.Rapture-flooded
Is man’s God-surrendered inner life. ```We must study lovingly,
Devotedly and self-givinglyOur heart’s aspiration-pages.
```Day and night I am searching
Lovingly, devotedly, prayerfullyAnd self-givingly
For only one thing: God’s Footprint. ```You refuse to accept
God-aspiration-opportunity,Yet you are longing for
The God-realisation-award. ```You fool!
How do you expect to succeedIn your spiritual life
If you put God at the very bottomOf your priority list?
```If you do not want to love God
For God’s sake,Eventually you are bound to give up
Your spiritual life. ```Have God-enlightenment first,
Then think of God-establishmentIn your life.
```If God is just a word to you,
Then you will not be ableTo come out of your mind-jungle.
```You have to tame your vital
Every single day.Otherwise, any day you may suffer
From an emotion-explosion. ```Consciously and bravely
Cast aside all insecurity-thoughtsAnd feelings
From your heart. ```My soul insists and insists
On only one thing:God’s Way is the only way.
```Why do you think
That God considers your caseUtterly hopeless and useless?
You are absolutely wrong! ```To see complete Satisfaction
In God’s Eye,Your heart must muster lion-courage
To defeat the prideOf ignorance-night.
```God wants to be visible,
But He is afraidHis Power-flooded Visibility
Will cause your immediate collapse. ```God’s Compassion
Can neverBe bribed.
```God was shocked
When He heard that I had given my mindHis World-Transformation-Message
To deliver to the world. ```No matter how many times
My roguish mindChanges its telephone number
After committing serious crimesAgainst God,
My God-oneness-heartSomehow finds it out.
```Successful negotiation
Begins with the illuminationOf two totally different forces.
```The small “I”
Has man-thirst.The big “I”
Has God-hunger. ```I want my mind
To be filled with God’s Sound,But God wants to fill my heart
With His Silence. ```My heart-sky
Is not only wakefulBut God-full.
```Be the perfect embodiment
Of sincerity.God will, without fail,
Listen to your heart-cries. ```I am in the same boat
As my silence-starvedHeart.
```If you allow disobedience
To get a foot in your mind-door,Then that is the beginning
Of your destruction-hurricane. ```Alas, I do not know
Why I am forcedTo wander in my thought-wilderness
So helplessly! ```Every day I pray to God
To turn my mind into a serenity-flower,My heart into a purity-flower
And my life into a simplicity-flower. ```Whatever directs
Your one-pointed attentionTo the Divine
Is not only perfectBut most perfect.
```God wants me to cry
On His Shoulder,But I prefer to cry
At His Feet. ```My Lord, do give me the capacity
To wipe every tearFrom every heart.
```Countless God-seekers
Are shedding tears every dayFor the betterment of the world.
```God will befriend you
And claim you as His ownIf you unleash
A new spirit of humility. ```Because I have become
A sincere God-lover,My days of gloom and doom
Are all over. ```Because my mind talks incessantly,
My inner GuideHas taken a vow of silence.
```Do not sell
Your aspiration-heartFor worthless earthly pleasures.
```God dearly loves
Your constant refusalTo be unhappy.
```If love prompts
Your God-obedience,Only then are you
Absolutely perfect. ```It does not take
More than a modicum of effortTo please our Beloved Lord Supreme.
```I deeply admire
Your devoted cheerfulness,O God-seeker,
Although your GoalIs a billion miles away.
```If you are not fully prepared,
Then do not embarkOn your aspiration-expedition,
For you will not arrive atYour ultimate Goal.
```God wants me to hide
My sound-mindInside my silence-heart.
```A wide-open heart
And a sunshine-smileAre enough to conquer
The heart of humanity. ```I offer my humility-life
To my Lord Supreme.He showers me
With His boundless Pride. ```My Lord, please tell me,
What is left for meIf You leave me alone?
```My mind’s ego every day
Comes to the foreTo ruthlessly torture
My poor heart. ```My heart was swimming in tears
When it saw how badly my mindWas disobeying God.
```The dreamers of Paradise
Have to be heart-weepersAnd heart-smilers.
```There is so much disparity
Between the mind’s possessivenessAnd the heart’s submissiveness!
```O my mind,
Why do you allow yourselfTo be haunted by fear and doubt?
```O my vital,
Why do you allow yourselfTo be assailed by depression
And frustration? ```O my heart,
Why do you allow yourselfTo be ruthlessly strangled
By insincerity and impurity? ```O my body,
Why do you allow yourselfTo be devoured
By lethargy-sleep? ```Each meditation-breath
Is the floweringOf our inner divinity.
```You are badly mistaken
When you say that spiritualityIs empty of practicality.
```The outer life
Likes to dwellIn the mind of possibility.
```The inner life
Loves to dwellIn the heart of inevitability.
```Slowness begets unreadiness.
Unreadiness begets unwillingness.Unwillingness begets uneagerness.
```As there is no end
To our sound-prayers,Even so there is no end
To our silence-meditations. ```My intense God-love
Is my life’sDeep God-satisfaction.
```The mind’s brooding cares
DisappearWhen the heart’s tranquillity
Dawns. ```There was a time
When I lived insideMy mind’s uncertainty-cave,
But now I liveIn my heart’s certainty-palace.
```With imperfection I went
To see God’s Eye;With perfection I sat
At God’s Feet. ```God tells me
That He does not needMy perfection-life.
He needs onlyMy willingness-heart.
```Devotion is frustration
Only when expectationLooms large.
```“Tomorrow I shall become perfect!”
Is the absurd philosophyOf the idle.
```There is definitely a dividing line
Between goodness and greatness,And this line is quite distinctive.
```You will always miss peace
If you remain insideYour unaspiring mind-room.
```Do not indulge
In temptation-game!It never wants to stop.
```His mind’s persistent disobedience
Has taken him awayFarther than the farthest
From God’s Compassion-Eye. ```Purity-exercises give us
Very quick results.Our inner existence becomes
Extremely powerful. ```God is bound to disappear
If you surrenderTo your depression-frustration-vital.
```When your aspiration rises,
Do not look at desire’s faceAnymore.
```You are trying to do an impossible task!
Your cleverness will never be ableTo fool your soul.
```The mind wants to exploit the heart,
But the mind does not knowThat the heart is always assisted by God.
Therefore, the heart will brookNo exploitation.
```Our outer life is conversant
With the complicated mind-schemes.Our inner life is conversant
With the beauty of heart-dreams. ```God wanted me to have
An ego-free life.Alas, what am I doing?
I am enjoying an ego-fat life. ```When you give an inch
To disobedience,It immediately demands a long mile.
```If you want to enjoy God-nearness,
Then develop sweetnessIn your entire being.
```Not self-infatuation but self-expansion
Can and shall lead usTo our God-Destination.
```When God’s Grace rushes towards you,
God expects from youA receptivity-heart.
```It takes enormous courage
To have implicit faithIn God’s outer operations.
```Life’s turbulence cannot frighten you
If your mind longs for God’sImmortal Opulence: Peace.
```If you do not give
Your wholehearted loyaltyTo your own soul,
How can you expect to haveA life of real satisfaction?
```Ignorance eagerly waits
For your surrenderIn the sound of your outer life
And in the silence of your inner life. ```The fear of the mind
Can easily petrifyThe vital and the body.
```Keep your intensity-heart alive
No matter how many times a dayYou meet with your Master.
```May your prayerful and soulful smile
Embody man’s perfection-dreamAnd God’s Satisfaction-Reality.
```My surrender has always been
My life’s most powerfulSafety-haven.
And serversKnow no rest.
```Your mind’s determination-stride
And your heart’s aspiration-strideEvery day must increase.
```The mind
Is always fondOf ever-changing forecasts.
```Every day at least once
God goes through His Family Album,Which contains
The Beauty and FragranceOf His Universal Dream.
```God has no intention of threatening you
In any way.He only wants to enlighten
Your body, vital, mind and heartIn every possible way.
```Every day
God is eager to see a new recordSet by His chosen seekers
On His Heart-Track. ```God has
His Compassion-EyeAnd His Satisfaction-Heart
For the aspiring world. ```God has His Forgiveness-Heart
For the unruly, unaspiringAnd self-centred world.
```God tells me that I always know
Right from wrong,But I do not want to take the trouble
To do the right thing. ```A self-giving life
Is God’sBest amplifier.
```God is
His Employer-Eye.God is
His Employee-Heart. ```God the Creator
Is prone to smile.God the creation
Is prone to cry. ```The supermarket-mind
Of unaspiring human beingsEvery day
Demands extra supplies. ```God’s great Justice-Light
Is alwaysUp to date.
```God’s Protection-Eye
Stays on twenty-four-hour dutyTo protect the lives
Of His chosen children. ```God’s Heart
Knows how to whisper.Man’s mind
Knows how to whimper. ```The mind-batteries
Never work properly.The heart-batteries
Never run low. ```My desire-fulfilment
Is notGod’s priority.
```My aspiration-awakening
And aspiration-blossomingAre God’s top priorities.
```When I am on God’s Compassion-Wings,
I fly not only the highestBut also the farthest.
```Pure dreams
Import and export.Impure dreams
Only explode. ```Every day my heart
Gives my mind God-lessonsIn vain!
```God is always ready
To secretly cover all my faults,But my enemies at every moment
Point out each and every fault of mine. ```Alas, when will my mind smile?
When?Alas, when will my heart cry?
When? ```The dust-tornadoes of the mind
Do have the powerTo destroy the inner poise of our heart.
```God the Mother
Teaches me how to look upwardAnd ceaselessly cry.
```God the Father
Teaches me how to dive deep withinAnd sleeplessly smile.
```I want the wisdom of my heart
To be the sourceOf my freedom-loving mind.
```God asks my heart
To tell Him its mantra.My heart replies,
“My Lord, my only mantra is,‘I sleeplessly and breathlessly love
Only You.’” ```Alas,
How long shall I remainA totally vision-blind mind?
```His God-denying mind
Could not foretellHis imminent perdition.
```His God-loving heart
Could foretellGod’s imminent Satisfaction-Smile.
```The indolence of the body
And insolence of the vitalAre two destructive hostile forces.
```Your ignorance-night will be thickened
If you enjoy the presenceOf a God-denial-mind.
```God tells us
That ultimatelyNobody will fail His final Test.
```The power-hungry mind
Deliberately rejectsGod’s Compassion-Eye-Nest.
```Do you want to offer delight to God?
Then steal His LightAs much as you want to
At your sweet will. ```Unimaginable delight awaits him,
For his life has becomeA surrender-breath.
```When we do not pray and meditate
Regularly,God’s heavy Sighs
Devour His living Breath. ```If you do not nurture your divine life,
Your animal life will, without fail,Return.
```When we live in our restless mind,
No matter what God gives us,We immediately reject it.
```Not by crying and crying,
But by singing and dancing,His life came out of his darkness-mind.
```Alas, he never realised
That his computer-brainWould steal the beauty and fragrance
Of his happiness-heart. ```God the Satisfaction came down
Happily and proudlyTo greet his gratitude-heart.
```Before trying to embrace God,
Humanity should try to traceGod’s Footprints.
```God is at a loss
When He stands in betweenThe complexity of science
And the simplicity of spirituality. ```God tells me
That He is giving meA full-time job:
Aspiration. ```Worries and anxieties
Are the faithful messengersOf death.
```I pray to God every day
For the victory of my heart’s happinessOver my mind’s unhappiness.
```To defeat the commotion-mind
Once and for all,Our heart needs sleepless
And breathless God-devotion. ```Weak disciples do not believe
In their MasterWhen he says that he has shortened
The distance. ```Not the abnegation
But the illuminationOf our desire-life
We need. ```God wants our mind to be authentic,
Our heart to be sympatheticAnd our soul to be prophetic.
```God’s Greatness frightens us.
God’s Goodness enlightens us.God’s Fulness feeds us.
```Two things I dearly love:
My God-obedience-heartAnd my God-surrender-life.
```My heart is always eager
With all its affectionTo teach my mind, vital and body.
But, alas, its eagerness-sunTurns into frustration-night.
```Does the human mind
Have the opportunity to excel?Yes, it does!
But unfortunately the mindDoes not apply itself.
```The secret is out:
The desiring mindDoes not want to room
With the aspiring heart. ```The undivine mind does not believe
In practising.It only believes in preaching.
```The joyful tears of our soul
Nurture and supportOur God-fulfilling oneness-heart.
```God Himself
Is enjoying the resurrectionOf the long-lost aspiration-cries
Of my heart. ```The heavy pressure
Of hidden anxietiesCan never be adequately described.
```God begs me to see sense
And not nonsenseIn everything.
```Rest assured,
God is not going to cheer up your mindIf you carry fear with you
When you visit God’s Palace. ```For an unaspiring mind,
It is impossible to sacrificeThe pleasure-life
For a supreme cause. ```Never allow
Your heart to surrenderTo the feeling of unworthiness.
```Try to be pacified
By hopeAnd fortified by promise.
Your suspicion-mindEnters into the abyss
Of nothingness. ```The old millennium says
To the new millennium:“My Brother,
Do not commit the same mistakesThat I made!”
```God wants my heart
To enjoy every dayThe bounty of aspiration
And my life,The bounty of dedication.
```The aspiration-heart-life
Will sooner or later, without fail,Thrive.
```I have nothing to do with
The mind that desiresWorld-domination.
```If you maximise,
God will immortaliseThe tears of your aspiration-heart.
```I tell my mind
That it can never overestimateThe capacities of my soul.
```I beg my mind
Not to underestimateThe capacities of my heart.
```There can be
No adequate replacementFor God’s Compassion-Eye-Touch.
```To try to define illumination
Is to feed the hungerOf frustration.
```Our mind, our heart
And our earth-existenceWill be glorified
If we feel that our Lord SupremeHas an iota of faith in us.
```I clearly see that my aspiration-heart
Is being cradledBy God’s Compassion-flooded Eye.
```O my mind,
Your stupidity knows no bounds!Look how far you have gone away
From God’s Heart-Home. ```My Lord,
Break my life into millions of piecesSince it is still unwilling
To sit at Your Lotus-Feet. ```God wants me to give Him
Only one thingTo make Him supremely happy:
My heart-beauty-smile. ```Every day I surrender
My life’s limited sighsTo God’s unlimited Compassion-Breath.
```God is not satisfied
In seeing me close to His Heart.He wants me to be deep inside
His Heart-Home. ```My life moves at bullock-cart speed.
Time does not wait for me.My nature’s transformation, alas,
Will remain always a far cry. ```I shall no more blow
My mind-trumpet.From now on I shall only blow
My soul-trumpet. ```God wants my willingness
And not my capacityTo love Him and serve Him.
```Every day I feel miserable
To see and feelThat my desire-life
Is expanding its boundaries. ```Alas, what do I see
When I dive within?I see a sea of sadness
And a mountain of failure. ```Each time you climb up
To a new aspiration-height,Your realisation-stars
Come near you and performA new God-Victory-dance.
```My seeker-friend, you are telling me
That you have nothing.But I clearly see that wherever you go
You radiate Infinity’s blue Light. ```Not an easy task
To throw insecurityCompletely out of one’s life.
But I have done it!Yes, I have done it!
```My confusion-mind
And my dissatisfaction-lifeAre intimately fond of each other.
```Like a postage stamp,
Stick only to God’s HeartOf infinite Love.
```A life without ups and downs
May not beSo completely fulfilling.
```True happiness does not spring
From the mind’sWorld-possession-thirst,
But from the heart’sGod-surrender-hunger.
Makes the undivine in us a thiefAnd the divine in us a saint.
```A big mouth
Is not always accompaniedBy a big heart.
```The heart-torch shines
Most powerfullyInside the darkness of the mind.
```The joy of the heart
Belongs to nobodyUntil it belongs to everybody.
```Prayers and meditations
Are citizensOf God’s Heart-Country.
```Share a smile of your heart
With humanity.Lo, you have become
Divinity’s pride! ```Impurity’s very presence
In anybody’s lifeIs a real threat to everybody’s purity
Everywhere. ```Knowledge we acquire
By working hard.Wisdom we acquire
By surrendering ourselvesTo God’s Will.
```Your sterling devotion
To God’s WillTells you what true love
And what false love are. ```Ignore your vital-dog,
Which is always barkingInside your heart-garden.
```He who smiles sleeplessly
Lives in the Eye of the Supreme,And he who cries breathlessly
Lives in the Heart of the Supreme. ```The sound of my mind
Can be quoted and misquoted,But not the silence of my heart.
```There is always
Plenty of roomAt the highest Heights.
```To love your heart of love
Is to love its Source:God.
```Do not worry
About your future.Pay all attention
To the Eternal Now. ```Never too late
To practise your spiritual lifeAnd to please God
In God’s own Way! ```Indecision forces your mind
To remain insideA darkness-cave.
```You must give up
Once and for allYour mind’s anxiety-indulgence!
```Your emotion-life
Must totally surrenderTo your vision-eye.
```God is a Sweetness-Whisper
And not a loudness-trumpetInside your heart-temple.
```My Lord’s Sunshine-Heart-Eye
Has been beckoning meFor centuries!
```There is always
An unseen lightInside our heart-hope.
```Our teeming hopes
And glowing promisesMust needs be harmonised.
```My Lord always lives
Inside the secret and sacred chamberOf my silence-heart.
```Unlike us,
God loves to sing two songs:A heart-oneness-song
And a life-fulness-song. ```My devotion is the golden bridge
Between my aspiration-heartAnd God’s Satisfaction-Smile.
```We simply have no idea
How oftenWe dare to throw God forcefully
Out of our hearts. ```Love is not a business deal
Of the mind.It is a oneness-skill
Of the heart. ```Modern science is foolishly making
Attempt after attemptTo replace
God’s Compassion-flooded Heart. ```If my surrender-heart blossoms,
Then I know my happiness-destinationWill be within my easy reach.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do bless me with a lifelongGratitude-heart-plant.
```My heart’s
Aspiration-attendanceIs quite satisfactory,
But, alas, not my life’sDedication-attendance.
```You must discard immediately
Your mind’s old, unhealthyAnd unaspiring thoughts.
```I must save
My earth-existenceFrom constant self-abnegation.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme
Suffers and suffersWhen my mind discourages and belittles
The beauty and fragranceOf my blossoming heart.
```The doubting mind
Finally diesOf its own monotony-life.
```Do not believe the falsehood-carriers
Who inform the worldThat the God-thirst
Can never be fully appeased. ```A peaceful mind
And a blissful heartAre Eternity’s twins.
```My heart and I know for certain
That God’s Compassion-EyeIs the source of God’s Life.
Eventually shall arriveAt the Golden Shore.
```Two doors —
God’s Compassion-DoorAnd God’s Forgiveness-Door —
God keeps always open. ```My God-dependence-wings
Invariably shall take meTo God’s highest Palace.
```Day after day
God continues to warn usNot to be at all friendly
With ignorance-night. ```God wants everybody to be familiar
With the length and breadthOf His Will.
```God tells me that
His Philosophy is:Man’s mind has to unlearn;
Man’s heart has to learn. ```For years and years
I have been planning and planningTo offer my gratitude-heart
To my Lord Supreme.Alas, my success
Still remains a far cry. ```The difference between
My own desire and God’s desireIs this:
I want to bind God,And God wants to liberate me.
```Every day
With a new happiness-heartI try to reach
My aspiration-mountain-heights. ```God tells me that
I do not have to make upFor lost time.
It will be perfectly all rightIf I run faster
Right from here and now. ```A stupidity-mind’s
Best friendIs an absurdity-thought.
```The mind’s ambition-tower
IsAlways overcrowded.
```What am I?
I am my heart’s helpless cryTo reach my God-Destination.
```When I look upward,
I becomeMy life’s prayer-beauty.
When I look inward,I become
My heart’s meditation-fragrance. ```My heart-alarm
Not only awakens meBut also guides me
All the way to my Destination. ```Sing prayerfully and self-givingly!
God Himself will come downTo establish His Oneness-Friendship
With your life. ```The torturing mind
Gets malicious pleasureWhen it sees the suffering heart.
```We must ignite our minds
With the beauty of new hopesAnd the fragrance of new ideals.
```My heart’s inner aspiration-tears
Will unmistakably and easily outlastThe wrong actions of my outer life.
```Each time I dive deep
In my meditation,My heart starts singing
Peace-melodies. ```So often my expectation-mind
Gives heart attacksTo my God-surrender-life.
```O God-seeker, rest assured,
Nobody will erect a monumentTo your hostile critics.
```The curiosity-mind
Never seesThe face of Reality
And never feelsThe heart of Divinity.
```Have a mind of imagination.
Have a heart of aspiration.Have a life of dedication.
You need nothing more! ```My Lord, how I wish
You would make my lifeA perfect perfection,
Even for a fleeting second! ```You can have no inspiration
To serve God the creationIf you have no aspiration
To realise God the Creator. ```I have been developing
An indomitable willTo fulfil
My God-manifestation-promiseSince the moment
I saw the light of day. ```Human life is nothing but
A seriesOf unfulfilled desires.
```I shall never allow
My aspiration-heartTo be defeated
By my desire-mind. ```The heart’s oneness-game
I enjoyAnd not the mind’s
Competition-division-game. ```From each small God-devotion-step
There comes into existenceA giant God-surrender-step.
```To hope against hope
Can eventually becomeA positive reality.
```Our Lord Beloved Supreme
Will unmistakably fulfilHis Peace-Promise here on earth.
```Spirituality is full of
Astonishing promisesAnd assurances.
```Expectation-misery covers
The length and breadthOf the mind.
```A sleepless God-gratitude-heart
Will always be blessedWith Divinity’s Peace and Bliss.
```My mind wants
To import greatness.My heart wants
To export goodness. ```Only the invited God-pleasing guests
Are allowed to enterInto God’s Heart-Room.
```My God-surrender-light-wings
Fly me happily and proudlyTo the Shores of the Beyond.
```My Lord, do fulfil
My snow-white desire:May my heart become
The perfect embodimentOf Your Immortality’s Goodness.
```Two things are never out of season:
God’s Compassion-EyeAnd God’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```My Lord,
My Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme,You have commanded me to write
Seventy-seven thousand service-tree-poems.I have just completed one thousand.
My heart, my mind, my vital, my bodyAnd I
Are most sincerely tired.“My child, My own Divinity’s child,
Tiredness is unacceptable.” ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 1, Agni Press, 1998
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