My Lord,
Your Protection-UmbrellaIs saving me,
Saving my life, saving my heart,Saving everything that I claim
To be my own. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
I need only one mantra-incantation:Make me all Yours.
```Go forward, my heart, go forward,
Forever to remainGod’s choicest choice.
```Every morning I pray
To my Lord SupremeTo keep me in His Heart’s
Softest care. ```Simplicity, sincerity and purity:
These three sister-virtuesCan complete the Cosmic Game.
```When we do something great and good
For our Lord Supreme,The birds under Heaven
Serenade our victory. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
When I pray and meditate,Your sweetest Voice
Lifts up my heart-sky. ```My life-boat and I are hungry for You,
O my Lord Supreme.Therefore, we are sailing towards You.
```When we return deep within,
We rediscover what we truly are,Eternally are.
```We can enjoy our heart’s
Vastness-panoramaOnly when we become
A God-surrendered life. ```May every morning
The smile of my heart-bud blossomFor my Lord Supreme.
```A breath of devotion
Is a heartOf rainbow-beauty.
```Dawn shows us
The beauty of the skyAnd the purity of our hearts.
```The investigation of the mind
Is the separation of lifeFrom reality.
```May peace-dreamers
And peace-loversOccupy the length and breadth
Of the world. ```Will there be a day
When God-obedienceIn every department of life
Will occupyEach and every human being?
```Once doubt and impurity
Leave our mind and heart,We must never, never allow them
To return again. ```Enthusiasm, cheerfulness
And self-offeringCan easily win any inner battle.
```I offer my surrender
To GodThe Sweetness.
```I offer my gratitude
To GodThe Fulness.
```Are you a thief
That you have to run awayFrom negativity?
No, stand before negativity.Challenge and conquer it
Once and for all. ```My Lord,
You gave me countless chances,Yet I am not strong enough
To surrender myselfTo You.
```As long as you are afraid
To surrender,Your goal will never be within
Your easy reach. ```All my desires are useless!
I know it, I know it.Yet uselessness has its own attraction
And power. ```May my aspiration-flames
Climb upRight from the ground
To the sky. ```My Lord,
Your PatienceUnmistakably astonishes me.
“My child,
Your impatienceEqually astonishes Me.”
```Come here, my mind, come here!
Be brave!Your bravery has to depend entirely
On your self-surrender. ```I had a glimpse
Of my Beloved Supreme.I now claim to be His,
Only His. ```Self-giving is the power
That can easily conquerThe mind’s insecurity.
```Self-giving is the light
That can easily illumineThe heart’s insecurity.
```Not a sudden move towards God,
But a slow and gradual moveTowards God
Is needed to realise God. ```Alas, my mind’s God-indifference
Is so embarrassingTo me!
```The stupid heart thinks
That God may withdraw His ConcernFrom the heart
Whenever it makes a mistake. ```God’s Compassion-flooded Smile
Draws humanity’s heart every day,Every hour, every minute
And every second. ```Who needs God most:
The undivine in meOr
The divine in me?Definitely, the divine in me.
```What does God need most from me?
God needs most from meMy world-oneness-heart.
I offered my Lord SupremeA prayerful and soulful smile.
TodayMy Lord Supreme in return
Blesses meWith His universal Embrace.
```When I cry alone,
My Lord does not answer.He answers only when I cry
For my whole family:My body, vital, mind, heart and soul.
```My purity-heart-flower
OnlyCan open up my closed mind
And vital. ```Do not lose hope!
Do not lose hope!Your hopelessness-feeling
Tortures GodMost vehemently.
```The mind cares for facts
Only when the factsCan be of help to the mind.
```The heart loves reality
And livesOnly for reality.
```The freedom of readiness
My mindIs now accepting.
```The freedom of willingness
My heartIs now offering to the world.
```The freedom of becoming one
With the entire worldMy soul and I are now enjoying.
```My Lord Supreme waited
And waited and waitedTo hear from me
That I would not give up. ```My mind, you will find your joy
Only inside my heart-gardenAnd nowhere else.
```My vital, you are talking too much.
Can you not see that GodHas covered His Ears?
```God does not blame
My arrogance-vital.He just feels sad
Whenever He meets my vital. ```God does not blame
My mind,But He feels extremely sad
When He has to stand beforeMy disobedience-mind.
```When I cry inside my heart-room
For God,God comes down
From His Infinity’s Abode. ```There are two special ways
To illumine the doubting mind:A singing heart
AndTwo smiling eyes.
```In the spiritual life
There are countless questions.Only one answer satisfies
All the questions:Love God unconditionally.
```When man promises a higher future
To God,God removes the lower present
From man. ```God is always favouring
His devotees’Self-giving deeds.
```If I want to please God
In His own Way,Then I must increase the intensity
Of my heart’s aspiration-cry. ```Every night
I dream of my Lord’sSilence-Bell.
```God commands me
Every dayTo listen to my soul’s
All-illumining melody. ```My Lord,
Will You make meThe vastness-blue
Of my heart-sky? ```We can grow into
A lofty, sublime lifeIf we keep our consciousness
Pure and all-loving. ```May my gratitude-heart-breath
To GodGrow and glow everywhere
In God’s entire creation. ```Mine is
My obedience-heart.God’s is
God’s Satisfaction-Bliss. ```My mind,
If you want to remember,Then remember only one thing:
God’s unconditional Forgiveness. ```My heart,
If you want to remember,Then remember only one thing:
That God’s Love needs youFor God to be manifested
Here on earth. ```It is always most painful
When we say good-byeTo Mother Earth
OrTo Father Heaven.
```The information-mind
Is all we have.The illumination-mind
Is all we need to become. ```Every day, every hour, every minute,
Every secondWe must dare and dare
To climb up the pinnacle-heightsWith our aspiration-heart.
```You can never be spiritually rich
If you are dissatisfied and displeasedWith anything here on earth.
```All the things that we have in the world
Are uselessUnless we accept them
With our God-obedience-heart. ```Those who are happy
In the heartWill find God
The rich. ```Those who are unhappy
In the mindWill find God
The poor. ```My mind,
Again and again I am asking youTo be careful
Of your over-confidence. ```You cannot guide others,
You cannot steer others’ life-boats,Until you are successful
With your own life-boat. ```Do not fool yourself!
You do not have the capacityTo steer your life-boat.
It is only God who can —And He will!
```My Lord has given me
His Heart.How can I give Him
My mindAnd not my heart?
```O my mind,
Follow your leader-heart.Why?
Precisely because your leader-heartFollows God the infinite Beauty,
Infinite LightAnd
Infinite Bliss. ```God’s invisible Eye
Observes my visible heartWith infinite Compassion.
```Alas, to find even one heart
In tune with GodIs such a difficult task!
```If gratitude has to wait
For my success and progress,Then that gratitude is nothing
But an opportunity-monger! ```The birds of silence
Fly faster than the fastest,Defeating the rest of the birds.
```Every day I pray to my Lord Supreme
To grant me a joyful heartTo invoke His sleepless Victory
In the heart of the world. ```My ego-emperor,
I do not know when you will crash,But definitely you will crash one day.
```Insincerity sings, plays and dances
Inside the barren,Sceptical mind.
```May our God-surrender
And God-achievementInspire the entire humanity.
```All hearts are meant to run
At the fastest progress-speedTogether towards the destination.
```Do not ask the mind
To transform your life,For the mind itself
Is a sea of ignorance. ```My Lord,
Your unconditional ForgivenessRewinds my aspiration-life-watch.
```God wants us to smile
As powerfully as possibleWith His smiling Heart.
```My sleepless and breathless
God-obedienceIs capable of accomplishing everything
Divine and supremeHere on earth and there in Heaven.
```Poor God!
When He looks at us,Our unwillingness to accept His Will
As our very ownPains Him deeply.
He just bends His Head and weeps. ```It seems that humanity’s
Gratitude-heart-bird has flown away.Nobody knows where it is now.
```May my heart-obedience
And my Lord’s Will supremeHappily live together.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is my only hope, only protectionAnd only satisfaction.
```From newness-promise
The Fulness-manifestation of GodComes into being.
Our heartIs.
Our mindIs.
```The mind’s outer enormity
```The heart’s inner purity
```When doubt wants
To lord it over you,Just resolutely refuse.
```A real seeker must awaken
To God’sMorning Compassion-flooded Call.
```God invites me to join Him
At His Peace-TableOnly when I vehemently refuse
To talk to ignorance-night. ```Negativity has no place
Either in God’s HeartOr even in God’s Mind.
There is only one thing,And that is God-obedience.
```The experience of God-ecstasy
Costs nothing.It only needs the effort.
```Those who are near
God’s WillAre choosing God
For their salvation. ```Those who have become
God’s WillAre now in the process
Of God’s ultimate manifestationOn earth.
```Our aspiration,
No matter how weak,Is fed by God Himself.
```O ignorance-night,
Are you so blindThat you cannot see
Your death is imminent? ```God’s Compassion,
Even God’s Satisfaction,Can shine upon all hearts
Only if sincerity is available. ```I have made a staunch resolution
That I shall never be indulgentTo my past life.
```Listen closely to God.
God will be pleased with you.Listen eagerly to God.
God will be proud of you. ```The distribution of delight
Is the only missionOf a God-lover’s life
On earth. ```Negativity’s inner life
Is disgrace.Negativity’s outer life
Is disaster. ```Not today and not tomorrow,
But there shall definitely come a timeWhen Divinity’s Bliss
Will sweep over the world. ```Conviction is useless
Unless action blossomsFrom the heart of conviction.
```My Lord tells me
That my gratitude-heartIs the only thing
That He is ready to count. ```God treats my gratitude
As HisMost favourite guest.
```When I have
God-surrender,I automatically become
God-Delight. ```Faith must be beautiful.
Faith must be soulful.Faith must be prayerful.
Faith must be heartfelt.Finally, faith must be living.
Only then a seeker achievesBoundless spiritual progress.
```Not unconsciously but consciously,
Disobedience welcomes the failureOf God’s Mission
On earth. ```We do not have to know
What is in God’s MindAs long as we pray to God
To take awayAll that is in our mind.
```When God ruthlessly scolds me,
I see nothing but sweetnessInside His fiery Eye.
```O my criticism-mind,
If anybody else wants to commit suicide,I shall immediately try
To save and protect that person,But not you and your criticism.
```The critical mind
And the blissful heartBy nature
Do not like to see each other. ```O seeker,
Why are you so afraid of knowingGod’s Will?
God’s Will exists only to fulfil usIn a divine way.
God’s Will will always show usThe right way, the only way.
```The beauty
Of unconditional surrenderIs the fragrance
Of inevitable peace. ```If you want to be intimate
With God’s Heart,Then concentrate on your heart first,
All the time. ```Not an impossible task,
Not even a difficult task:Each individual soul
Is definitely qualifiedTo please the Absolute Lord Supreme.
```Is there any human being
Who does not need God’s ForgivenessIn abundance
Every day? ```O seeker,
Can you not seeThat you are bending your knees
Before ignorance-night? ```If doubt can baffle our faith
In God,Then I do not consider it
As faith at all. ```God wants our surrender-life
To keep exact paceWith His Compassion-Will.
```Negativity thinks
That it is immortal.But it does not see that
Its death is fast approaching. ```May my life-surrender
And God-gratitudePervade my entire being.
```Enthusiasm and cheerfulness
AreThe inner war-winners.
```Insincerity and impurity
Blame each otherWhen they meet their graves.
```When we accompany
Our doubting mind,God cries and cries
Inside our loving heart. ```God does not allow
My imagination, my inspirationOr my aspiration
To take down dictation.He only allows my realisation
To take His dictation. ```Poise
Welcomes God.Peace
Feeds God. ```Our heart’s aspiration-fire
Can easily burnOur inner, invisible enemies.
```We experience the joy
Of God-discovery.We realise the satisfaction
Of our life-mastery. ```Any self-giving thought
Will deepenOur spiritual connection
With God. ```When I walk up
The hill of hopes,I see my destination
Is fast approaching me. ```When I am
A perfection-seeker,My Lord becomes
A satisfaction-giver. ```When we look at
God’s Compassion-Eye,We no longer remain
Empty-handed. ```God is not a strict disciplinarian.
No, never!His Philosophy is very simple:
If you want to be truly happy,Then there is only one way —
Make God happy first. ```The mind loves to succeed
At any cost.The heart loves to proceed
To please God in His own Way. ```May my heart-sky be flooded
With my gratitude-tearsAnd smiles.
```Since life is not mine,
How do I dareTo waste it?
```Even in the darkest chambers
Of the human mind,There is light
That wants to expand. ```When we feel God,
His Heart sheds tears of joy,But we do not have the vision.
Has only one heart to feed.Doubt
Has many, many minds to feed. ```Only a gratitude-heart
Knows how to valueEach and every human being.
```My mind’s foremost responsibility
To GodIs God-remembrance.
```Inside each aspiration-heart,
There is a lion of loveThat lives to roar.
```Each sublime meditation
Is a Heaven-freeHappiness-heart.
```Oh, how can I adequately express
The beautyOf my gratitude-heart?
```Your love of God can provide you
With a determination-brick wallThat no doubt will ever dare
To penetrate. ```God the Happiness
Is all loveFor a humility-life.
You can useOnly when you have
A divinity-heart-car. ```The mind teaches us
How to blindAnd bind.
```The heart teaches us
How to liberateAnd how to find.
```Today try to become
A detachment-seed.Tomorrow you will become
A God-realisation-harvest. ```When you pray
To God,Pray for a newness-mind.
```When you meditate
On God,Meditate for a oneness-heart.
```Every day
I ply my life-boatBetween
My willingness-mind-shoreAnd
My eagerness-heart-shore. ```When my heart and I together
Start clearingOur mind’s darkness-jungle,
God invariably comes to assist us. ```Life is not a brief candle.
Life is the infinite achievementOf Immortality’s Sun
Within us. ```God tells me
That the Breath of His LifeIs inside the sunlight of my heart.
```My self-giving
Is my Lord’sDream-fulfilling Task.
```A swarm of sorrows attacks my heart
When I join my unaspiring mindAnd forget to pray and meditate.
```Each seeker must be
An inner and outer warriorOf God-willingness.
```My mind-jungle, I do not know
How you can spend all your lifeWithout the blissful
And blessingful PresenceOf my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```The mind that exaggerates,
The mind that minimisesAnd maximises,
Will not be liberated and immortalisedBy God’s Compassion-Eye.
```My aspiration-heart
Definitely feels God’s PresenceVery near by.
```How can you expect
To lose the heavy weightOf your mind,
If you do not surrenderYour mind-possessions
To your Lord Supreme? ```Each time I sing
A God-service-song,I enjoy an hour
Of calm and peace. ```My Lord,
You need not tell meThat I am not aspiring.
My painful heartHas already given me
The message. ```Alas, how is it that we do not realise
That our possessivenessStarves our divine existence
On earth? ```No mind-made resolution
Or mind-discovered resolutionCan or will ever be final.
```By constantly analysing
Yourself,You are only paralysing
Your mind. ```No more shall I house
The doubt-multiplying mind.I shall only house and treasure
The faith-multiplying heart. ```O my mind,
Be not afraid of dreaming God-dreams.Your God-dreams will illumine you
And not threaten you. ```Nothingness can be nothingness
In the outer world.But nothingness is fulness
In the inner world. ```From inner nothingness-silence,
The outer fulness-soundAppears.
```The limitations of the mind
Must never be ignored.They must be fully illumined.
```The self-styled mind
Confidently tells us thatGod does not care for the world.
```The humility-flooded heart
Says that God is the only oneWho cares for the world.
```My sound-mind,
I am now determinedTo change my loyalty
Once and for all. ```My silence-mind,
I have finally come to youTo be at your service
And please you in your own way. ```O seeker, never forget
That your God is my GodAs well.
```If I do the right thing,
Then my God-satisfaction-heartImmediately comes to the fore.
```I am mistaken if I think
That God is only insideMy happiness-heart.
God is also insideMy misery-stricken mind.
```You can plunge into a sea of delight
If you can stop harbouringThe thought-interference in your life.
```When my mind is all simplicity,
My heart is all sincerityAnd my life is all humility,
God hastens my inner progress. ```As you long for
God-satisfaction,Even so God longs for
Your perfect perfection. ```When I look at God the man,
I can clearly seeThat he is having a very tough time
Here on earth. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Do scold me more,Do scold me long
To proveThat You still care for me.
```Any proposal
That ignorance-night makesWe must immediately discard.
```My gratitude-heart
Has directly comeFrom God’s Compassion-Eye.
```Always be ready
For the gracious and precious ArrivalOf your Pilot Supreme.
We must bravelySeek the Truth.
We must diveTo become the Truth itself.
```Today’s disobedience of the mind
Tomorrow becomes the defianceOf the mind, vital and body.
```God is remote
Only when we do notPractise our prayer-life.
```God is unapproachable
When we do not haveEven an iota of love.
```Be not afraid
Of the other aspiring souls.They, too, have the same destination.
```Leave behind
Not your wordsBut your deeds for mankind.
```The mind’s absurdity
Tells us that peaceLives abroad.
```The heart’s purity and beauty
Tell us that peaceIs deep within.
```God Himself
Comes to our rescueWhen we fight against
Our desire-life. ```If you have to judge,
Then judge only yourself.Never judge others, never!
```You can do so much
For the outer world.Where is your heart of sympathy,
Where? ```My Lord,
Do come and correct meAt every step
Before I go to correct others. ```Spirituality is always eager
To serve the worldAnd not rule the world.
```A disciplined mind
And aspiring heartTogether can illumine
Our Godward journey. ```It is not true
That you have to beFar from the world
If you are near to God. ```God the creation
Is as importantAs God the Creator.
```My only prayer to the Supreme:
Let me grow intoMy own prayer-life.
```Every moment
Is a supremely chosenGod-Moment.
```God’s Compassion-Train
Carries everyone to his destination —No preference, none!
```His God-doubting mind
Has totally destroyedHis God-loving aspiration-temple.
```Each seeker
Must live up toGod’s supreme Expectation.
```Be always rich
In your inner wealth:Gratitude.
```The day we do not
Pray and meditate,We make our poor God homeless.
```The soul
Of life-expansionIs birthless and deathless.
```The heart
Of life-manifestationIs ceaseless.
```God’s Sweetness immediately
Feeds our hopeAnd
Strengthens our promise. ```A self-effacement-face
Is indeedGod’s Zenith-Grace.
```If we do not dive deep
Into the tranquillity-sea,God will not bless us
With God-realisation-hopeAnd God-manifestation-promise.
```Do not doubt
The existence of TruthIf you cannot see the Truth.
```Walk along the way
Of simplicity and sincerity.Truth will come to you
And befriend you. ```Behold
The soul of the Son:Perfection-bliss!
The Heart of the Father:A sea of tears!
```Eventually peace must
Pervade our outer lifeAnd
Permeate our inner life. ```May I be found as a fountain
In the Heart-GardenOf our Lord Supreme.
```The lover says
To the Beloved:“I have heart-tears for You.”
```The Beloved says
To the lover:“I am all pride in you.”
```The self-giving-road
Is very rarely travelled,Even by God-loving seekers.
```The unaspiring mind
Blindly roamsInside the futile mind-jungle.
```The aspiring heart
Prayerfully, soulfullyAnd self-givingly
Sings God-songs. ```When the mind disturbs you,
Invite the sky-vast thoughts.They will keep the mind
Under perfect control. ```If it is true that you cannot
Run away from yourself,Then it is equally true that you can
Run towards your highest Self. ```We go to God
```God comes to us
WithHis Heart-Tears.
```A soul of infinite Compassion
Is always ready to be fooledBy the clever, roguish humanity.
```God tells us,
“My children, let us performOur respective tasks
Lovingly, happilyAnd proudly.
My Job is to judge the world.Your job is to serve the world.”
```The doctors of old
Longed for transformationOf the body, vital and mind.
```The doctors of the present-day world
Have no time to cure anybody,For they are desperately trying
To cure themselves. ```Silence-peace
Speaks infinitely louderThan the sound-roars.
```With each step I go forward,
I become a God-Beauty-loverAnd a God-Fragrance-server.
```May my Lord’s Compassion infinite
Enter into all beingsFor the improvement
And betterment of the whole world. ```Unless you have a purity-mind
In abundant measure,Everything remains uncertain.
```In the world of my sweetness-dreams,
My Lord Beloved SupremeInvites me to join Him
In His Cosmic Lila-Game. ```If you want to be happy
And remain happy,Then sing all the God-surrender-songs
That you have come to know. ```God does not want me
To race with His DivinityAt any time.
```God wants me
To race against ignorance-nightAll the time.
```The poor mind does not know
How heavy is the burdenOf God-disbelief.
```How ignorant we human beings are!
God’s Will we do not acceptAs our illumination-power.
Instead, we take God’s WillAnd keep it
Under consideration. ```Do not ask me
How to love God unconditionally.I beg of you to just do it!
```I do not need many homes.
I only need one home:The Smile of my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```If I do not allow my Lord Supreme
To be in charge of my inner breath,Why should He be in charge
Of my outer life? ```If ever the mind examines
Its own life,I am sure the mind
Will be horrified. ```My Lord Supreme,
How I wish You to liveEither inside my ever-newness-mind
Or inside my ever-blossoming heart. ```If you cherish an insecurity-heart,
God will never invite youTo dine with Him at His Table.
```When I pray,
God the Greatness comes downAnd enters into my mind.
```When I meditate,
God the Goodness comes downAnd enters into my heart.
```When I contemplate,
God the Oneness comes downAnd takes from me what I have for Him
And gives me what He is. ```First be a member
Of the inner world.Then become an adventurer
Of the outer world. ```My mind’s
God-inspirationCan never be aspiring.
```God Himself
Paints our heart’sAspiration-canvas.
```Do not waste
Your precious timeTrying to figure out
Who God is. ```Look always
Beyond the limits;A new God will emerge.
```God’s Smile
Is made of Newness,Sweetness and Fruitfulness.
```At last my mind, my vital and my body
Are giving my soulComplete control.
```Purity of the mind
Strengthens, brightens and enlightensAll my dreams.
```Sleepless happiness
Brightens and enlightensMy earth-journey.
```A single teardrop from the heart
Has the capacityTo clear the mind-jungle.
```Each human heart
Is a passageTo God-satisfaction.
```Each individual
Has to empty the mind completelyAnd never allow it to have
A great stock of thoughts. ```The haughty mind
Remains alwaysUnapproachable.
```My self-importance
Makes me unworthy of God’sCompassion-flooded Feet.
```The hour of perfection
Will never arriveIf surrender-delight is missing.
```My desire
For God-dreamsFinally came true.
```Everybody’s indomitable will
Has to conquer the despairOf the mind and the vital.
```Every day
Sincerity invites the heartAnd never, never invites the mind.
```Instead of allowing every day
To be a doubt-day,Make every minute
A faith-minute. ```Never allow yourself to feel
That you are a failure.God’s Grace and God’s Love
Will not approve of it. ```God-disobedience
Will definitely meetWith God-intolerance.
```Every morning
My heart and I singRainbow-beauty-songs.
```Be careful at every moment:
Ignorance-night can attack you,Your aspiration, your dedication,
Most vehemently. ```Is there any day
That God does not receiveDissatisfaction-letters
From humanity? ```God is always
Pleased withOur gratitude-heart.
```God sends
Our gratitude-heartOn a silence-paradise-journey.
```My heart’s burning faith
Can definitely demolishMy mind’s doubt-tower.
```Inner compassion
And outer toleranceCan easily make a new world,
A better world. ```Even the physical mind
Will become reformedAt God’s choice Hour.
```Go forward!
Think of your deplorable past yearsAs a heap of smoking ruins.
```If you are disinclined
To name and fame,God will garland you
Without fail. ```If the unaspiring mind
Wants to become a God-disciple,Then it will undoubtedly become
An incorrigible disciple. ```My Lord Supreme,
Only one thing I need:A crying, weeping
And bleeding heartTo please You always
In Your own Way. ```A soul dreams:
An aspiration-heartComes into existence.
```My Lord,
May my heartBecome an aspiration-boat
Sailing on Your Heart-Sea. ```No matter what I do,
God’s CompassionGod will not withdraw.
Such is His unconditional LoveFor me.
```There are many roads
That lead to our Destination.Our gratitude-heart-road
Is the shortest. ```My perfection
Is my Lord’sDream-Fulfilment-Reality.
```Each soul wants its heart
To be an excellent studentIn aspiration and dedication.
```My Lord,
Your Forgiveness-HeartShall always remain
My salvation. ```A cheerful heart
Can carryA dreadful mind.
```On my aspiration-knees,
I long forGod-Satisfaction.
```I can be perfect
Only when I long forA world-oneness-heart.
```God cares for me
Not because I am brave,Not because I am good,
But because whatever I have learntFrom my mind
I am now eager to unlearn. ```My silence-heart
Is God’sWisdom-Light-Garden.
```The limitations of the body
Can definitelyBe surmounted.
```May my aspiration-heart
Be flooded withGod’s Wisdom-Delight.
```My heart’s progress
Depends onGod’s Dream-Joy.
```Our perfection-life
Is God’sUniversal Hunger.
```Mine is my
Victory-smile.God is God’s
Perfect Fufilment. ```Mine is the heart
That is meant for offeringAnd not for achieving.
```When the unaspiring mind
Talks about God,It is either extremely inaccurate
Or totally false. ```The Compassion-flooded Heart of God
Does not know how to rationHis Blessings, Love and Delight.
```He is the king of kings
Whose mind can swimIn the sea of silence.
```Every human being
Is a prisonerOf his expectation-mind.
```We all
Must studyThe aspiration-perfection-course.
```A sweetness-mind
And a gratitude-heartLive together
In the Satisfaction-HeartOf God.
```We all live
A life of imperfection.Therefore our life
Is in need ofConstant repair.
```If we breathe God-obedience-breath
All the time,Then our outer success
And inner progressAre absolutely certain.
```Each time we offer ourselves
Either to God the CreatorOr God the creation,
We take a giant stepTowards our Goal.
```Who has the capacity
To score the goal?Only a surrendered player.
```Who has the capacity
To win the ultimate race?Only a surrendered runner.
```There is no difference
Between my heart’s aspiration-victoryAnd
My soul’s fulfilment-smile. ```A self-offering heart
Can help the mindTo come out of confusion.
```The collective joy
Of our lifeIs God’s constant Wish.
```In newness
We seeThe Beauty of God.
```In fulness
We becomeThe Fragrance of God.
```Everything that I have
Is completeOnly when I see myself
At the FeetOf my Lord Supreme.
```When God sees
That my life is very simple,He inundates my life
With enthusiasm. ```My Lord,
I shall be happyIf I can see Your Face.
I shall be extremely happyIf I can feel Your Heart.
But my joy will know no boundsIf I can sit at Your Feet
For a fleeting moment. ```God’s Dream-Fulfilment
Is the progressOf my life.
```My nature’s perfection
Is absolutely necessaryFor the full manifestation
Of my Lord Supreme. ```My Lord,
If You do not acceptAnything else from me,
I shall not mind.But do accept
My ever-increasingGratitude-heart.
```The limitations of the body
Cannot lastWhen we enter into
The vastness of realityBy virtue of our aspiration-heart.
```Every day
When I transcend myself,My entire being
Becomes the sweetest thrill. ```My Lord Supreme,
Do not allowMy doubting mind
To stop my fountain-heart-joy. ```I am perfect
Only when I swimIn the sea
Of my aspiration-tears. ```Our heart’s intense
Aspiration-cryMakes our life-perfection-road
Shorter. ```No matter what happens,
I shall not give upCalling my Lord Supreme
My own, very own. ```My aspiration-wings fly
Only when my dedication-lifeIs all unconditional.
```The mind and the mind’s greed
Focus only on one thing:Achievement.
```The heart and the heart’s service
Focus only on one thing:Self-offering.
```My very first sight of God
Was unimaginably beautifulAnd fruitful.
```God comes to meet me
And helps meOnly when I am on
My upward climb. ```God and man:
Man is the lover.God is the Self-Giver.
```Do not be afraid
Of your mind’sDoubt-rain.
Use your heart’sFaith-umbrella.
```Every hope-step
Brings a seeker closerTo his Lord Supreme.
```When you are planning
To go to see God,Do not walk,
Do not run,But sprint!
```Only in your heart-home
Will you be able to enjoyThe meal
Supplied by God Himself. ```Our God-eagerness-heart
Surrenders to God’s WillMore easily and more quickly
Than anything else. ```It is not my mind’s ignorance-night
That depresses me.It is my unwillingness
To conquer my ignorance-nightThat depresses me most.
```You may know everything
That the world can give,Yet you may fail
In the God-examination. ```You can pass the God-examination
Only by virtue ofYour self-offering.
```The purity of the heart
Is indeedA divinity-music.
```Do not confront
A doubting mind,But reject it altogether
Immediately. ```Life’s ignorance-veil
Can be removedOnly when the heart yearns
For God-Satisfaction. ```Aspiration-flames
Are impartial.They can burn in every heart,
Provided we allow them. ```Aspiration means:
```I am happy,
Infinitely happy,Unimaginably happy,
Only when I am lostIn the sky of dreams.
```God every day
Helps us drinkHis Sweetness-Forgiveness-Nectar.
```What the mind has
Is nothing moreThan a flickering lamp
Of reason. ```Life is a long series
Of extremely laborious stepsTowards God’s Palace.
```Without our sleepless and breathless
Faith in God,Our life is barren
Of significance. ```When we live
In the desire-life,We become the pride
Of gigantic self-hallucination. ```The heart has to be
Always a happy flood of loveFor God.
```The heart houses
Boundless potential,Boundless possibilities
AndBoundless God-fulfilment.
```To be reborn
Perpetually and significantlyIs the message of life.
```God calls humanity
To look beyondAnd not behind.
```At long last
My mind is havingA God-willingness-meal.
```O my desire-life,
Wake up!Wake up from your
Self-indulgence-coma. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Happily and proudlyGives shelter
To my homeless heart-cries. ```Alas, the faith of the mind
Is so deplorable.It debates and separates
AndSeparates and debates.
```When God comes to visit me
In my mind,He shakes hands with me.
```When I go to visit God
In His Heart,Immediately He embraces me.
```The faith of our aspiring heart
Can easily puzzle the prideOf the doubting mind.
```Start by loving God-lovers.
Then only you will be successfulIn loving God Himself.
```The mind desperately and cleverly
Tries to escapeAt the momentous moment of truth.
```O my doubting mind,
Your end is imminent,For my heart and I
Are commissionedBy God Himself.
```God wants us to abide
By the requestOf the sweet, beautiful
And powerful heart. ```O my mind,
Your worries and anxietiesWill eventually become
A funeral pyre. ```The heart knows
What is in betweenThe heart and God:
Satisfaction. ```The mind knows
What is betweenThe mind and God:
Confusion. ```O my mind,
Nobody has forced you to carrySad and unhealthy memories
Of the past. ```God Himself cradles our heart
Inside His ownForgiveness-Heart.
```How cruel
The mind can be,Nobody will ever know.
```Every seeker has to traverse
The aspiration-heart-skyTo grow into
Divinity’s Goodness. ```We must enjoy
Not the length of timeBut the strength of time.
```May I live between
My heart’s pitiful criesAnd
My soul’s beaming smiles. ```Our meditation-silence alone
Can extinguish the burning flamesOf our desire-life.
```Like Lord Shiva,
May my heart, mind, vitalAnd body
Enjoy the beauty and fragranceOf self-oblivion.
```God wants us to lose
All our littlenessSo that He can bless us
With His Eternity’s JoyAnd
His Infinity’s Pride. ```To escape
From the cycles of natureIs extremely difficult,
No doubt,But not impossible.
```A self-giving life
Is a guaranteed ticketTo Heaven’s highest heights.
```A heart that is not attacked
By insecurityWill be a choice instrument
Of God. ```May my aspiration-life
Be the ever-rising sunOf oneness-beauty.
```We have to add new realities
To humanity’s conventionsTo make life
More colourful, fruitful, inspiringAnd illumining.
```A desire-life
Is always a stranger toComplete satisfaction.
Is well guardedBy oneness-peace.
```Each God-seeker
Is a unique merchantOn aspiration-ocean.
Must invade the body’sLethargy-country.
```My God-surrender
Has solvedAll my life’s uncertainties.
```If you do not
Violently slam the doorOn your self-doubts,
You will not be able to makeAny satisfactory progress
In your spiritual life. ```O seeker,
If your heart is sculptedWith purity,
Yours will be a lifeOf God-satisfaction.
```The desiring mind sees
That it is homelessWhen the aspiring heart
Has its home everywhere. ```My heart
Has finally silencedMy confusion-sound-world.
Has to be founded uponA purity-heart
To make the fastest progressIn the spiritual life.
```We must carry the world
With our hearts’ concern-lightFor the betterment and improvement
Of the world. ```His spiritual life
Compelled him to cast asideA good many things
That he once cherished. ```A seeker is he
Who treasures aspiration-dreamsAnd
Dedication-realities. ```God is proud
Of my silence-whispersAnd not of my sound-drums.
```Each purity-thought
Carries the messageOf oneness-peace.
```May my soul
Be immeasurably proud ofMy aspiration-heart
```There is no
Proper substituteFor a gratitude-heart.
```When we are perfect strangers
To doubts,God’s Happiness
Knows no bounds. ```God always employs
A self-giving lifeTo take down
His Blessing-Messages. ```If there is no indomitable will,
The seeker cannot go farIn the spiritual life.
```Let each moment offer
Its prayers and meditationsTo God
For the improvement of humanity. ```An unseen ringing bell
Inside my heartIs giving me unfathomable joy.
```Look within and behold,
You are of your heart-tearsAnd for your life-smiles.
```Only in a peace-kingdom
Can the hunger of the aspiration-heartBe fed and nourished.
```Humanity is divided by
The mind’s insanityAnd
The heart’s sanity. ```My Lord tells me
That each new secondIs a new possibility for me
To realise Him, reveal HimAnd manifest Him.
```When the confusion of the mind
Increases,The aspiration-flame of the heart
Decreases. ```Failure,
My life is no longerYour possession.
```When I am at the foot
Of God’s meditation-tree,God not only visits me
But also embraces me. ```You came into the world
To serve your Master.Alas, you are compelling your Master
To serve you instead. ```My Lord Supreme
Is working very hardTo keep my mind-gloom
Far awayFrom my life-doom.
```God does not create problems for us.
It is we who create problemsFor ourselves.
God comes to us as an opportunityTo solve all the problems
Of our life. ```Finally
My Lord Supreme has decidedThat He will no longer preside
Over humanity’s complaint-court. ```You do not have to confess
Your inadequacies to God.You just confirm them
AndGod is sure to assist you.
```My Lord,
Do not forgive me,If You do not want to.
But never try to forget me,My Lord, never!
```My mind always remains
Unfamiliar to me.My heart and I are extremely familiar
With each other. ```When I tell God
That I have nothing to offer Him,God tells me,
“Give Me, then, your willingness.I assure you, My Fulness
Will be all yours.” ```When we go to God as we are,
God, with tremendous Pride,Transforms our mind-hallucinations
Into our heart’s hopes and promises. ```My Lord Supreme,
Only one thing of YoursI treasure —
Your express Command. ```We all must cry
For freedom-light,For freedom-delight
```May my Lord’s Smile
Be my life’sBe-all and end-all.
```O my soul,
May you be my life’sOnly boatman.
```O my heart,
May you be my life’sOnly boat.
```A God-service-life
Is indeedA God-Satisfaction-Pride.
```My gratitude-heart hails
From my Lord’sCompassion-flooded Feet.
```My Lord,
I want to have You personallyAs my Teacher Supreme.
I really do not want to go throughYour correspondence courses.
Means the mind’s immensityAnd
The heart’s intensity. ```My mind’s ego-boasting
Never impressesMy Lord Supreme.
```Attention, O God-lovers,
God is descendingIn satisfaction-showers.
```Eventually, if not immediately,
I will becomeA faithful and devoted friend
Of my heart. ```May each and every divine thought
Be a successful turning pointIn my spiritual life.
```No matter how hard we try
To cultivate gratitudeIn our heart,
It seems that we are livingIn an age of ingratitude.
```The choice of illumining wisdom
We must make,And not the choice of precise knowledge.
```Freedom we need
From the outer world-distractions.Freedom we need
From the inner world-dissatisfactions. ```Only the stark fools
Want to wait until the next lifeFor God-realisation
AndTheir nature-transformation.
```There is no other way to thrive
Than to striveHappily and sleeplessly.
```A seeker gets a real promotion
Only when he increasesHis love of God immensely.
```O seeker,
Listen to God’s radio broadcastEvery day.
He always broadcastsHappiness-news,
Fulfilment-promises. ```O my doubtful mind,
Can you not try faithFor a little change?
```God wants us
To depend on Him solelyWhen we want to defend ourselves
Against ignorance-attacks. ```Only a fool can think
That an aspiration-heartIs also limited
Like everything else. ```The human mind
Is nothing short ofImpoverished thinking.
```The human heart
Is nothing short ofGod-fearful loving.
```There shall always be
Limitless troublesFor an insincerity-mind.
```Slowly, steadily and unerringly
My soul-smilesAre healing all my heart’s
Tear-wounds. ```God never becomes bitter
No matter how unwillingWe are.
```Our God-dissatisfaction
Knows no boundsWhen our brooding desires
Are not fulfilled. ```My surrender-breath
IsA most valuable treasure,
Cherished by God Himself. ```We must focus
AlwaysOn the path of soulfulness.
```When a desiring mind makes a change
In a seeker’s life,It ends in a most deplorable failure.
```If you like the heart’s way,
Then the distanceFrom captivity to liberation
Is quite short. ```An aspiration-heart creates always
Sunshine-cheerfulnessFor humanity.
```Only dynamism has the capacity
To severOur lethargy-bindings.
```If there is no inner wealth,
There can be no outer, powerfulSmile-spring.
Definitely addsTo our aspiration-intensity.
```Poor God,
When will He receiveLove-gratitude-letters from us
Instead ofAbsurd complaint-letters?
God was satisfiedOnly with my aspiration.
God tells meThat He will be satisfied
Only if I add dedicationTo my aspiration.
God will be satisfiedOnly if I long for His full manifestation
On earth. ```Insecurity disappears
When the aspiration-heartProperly blossoms.
```What does God do?
He always winks atMy most deplorable shortcomings.
```The divine in me loves God
For everything He doesAnd
He does not doFor me.
```The human in me blames God
For anything that goes wrongIn this world.
```The divine in me
Is extremely grateful to GodFor allowing me to participate
In His Cosmic Game. ```God waited and waited for me
To give up my long associationWith ignorance-night.
```All the questions about God
Can be answeredBy using four words:
“I love God only.” ```We forget to remember God.
Therefore our life on earthRemains uninspired, unillumined
And unfulfilled. ```A conscious self-giver
Yesterday I was.A precious God-receiver
Now I am. ```Wisdom is of little value
If it does not obeyGod’s Command,
For everything is being done on earthBy God.
```The mind gets frightened to death
When it receives an invitationTo dine at the table of Truth.
```If you want to steer your life-boat,
Not over-confidence,Not self-reliance,
But God-realisation-reliance aloneIs of supreme need.
```To help others go
In the right direction,We must go in that direction
First. ```O seeker,
God sleeplessly meditates on you.Can you not sleeplessly think of Him?
Has no parallel. ```To conquer the mind’s insincerity,
A purity-heartIs of tremendous need.
```My Lord,
Over the years I have given YouMany things.
You have blessingfully accepted them.Only one thing more I have to give You:
My Himalayan pride.Be pleased to accept it.
```God declares:
Humanity’s lifeIs a oneness-heart-family.
```Give up your fear
Of divingDeep within.
```Experience is not as deep
As realisation.Realisation is not as beautiful
As revelation.Revelation is not as powerful
As manifestation. ```Experience becomes
A slowRealisation-preparation.
```Realisation becomes
A slowerRevelation-preparation.
```Revelation becomes
The slowestManifestation-preparation.
Your mind-boundariesHere and now.
```Surrender-flowering first,
And thenGod-discovery.
```What is new?
God smiled at meFor the first time.
```What else is new?
God claimed my heartAs His own, very own.
```We all know
That God is great.We all know
That God is good.But do we know
That God is our ownHighest Self?
```Make not peace
With ignorance-night.No, never!
```Each time I see
My Master’s eyes,I learn something inspiring.
```Each time I feel
My Master’s heart,I become something illumining.
```Spirituality is a game.
Love, devotion and surrenderAre the rules.
```Surrender is infinitely more
Beautiful and powerfulThan self-esteem.
```Renunciation is good.
Acceptance for transformationIs infinitely better.
DeservesNo respect.
```God’s Voice
```A fairness-mind
Is a very rare productOf God.
```My outer life
NeedsGod’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```My inner life
NeedsGod’s Compassion-Eye.
```My Lord,
My life knowsThat You are
Your Compassion-Eye. ```My Lord,
My mind has to knowThat You are
Your Forgiveness-Heart. ```Surrender, surrender, surrender!
All your dreamsShall come true.
```We cannot gloriously
Journey through lifeWithout accepting the world.
```Love, love,
Love the lifeOf acceptance.
```Embrace, embrace,
Embrace the heartOf surrender.
```A complete life-acceptance
IsA perfect heart-performance.
Are the richestWealth-owners.
```Do not fool yourself into believing
That God will come to youOn His own
Even if you do not pray and meditate. ```Right here and now
I must start pleasing GodIn His own Way.
```Life is void
Because we do not dareTo look deep within.
```Faith is not exhibition.
Faith is not even description.Faith is self-absorption.
```Every day
God wants me to cryWith His streaming Heart.
```Every day
God wants me to smileWith His ever-blossoming Soul.
```Today’s highest goal
Is tomorrow’s new beginningFor an ever-transcending goal.
```Life has no limits.
It is the mind that createsLife’s so-called limits.
```If you really want to realise God,
Then God will give youEvery opportunity to succeed.
```Compassion says:
“I can easilyDo it.”
```Forgiveness says:
“I have alreadyDone it.”
Is no match forCompassion-delight.
```Without aspiration,
We must feel our lifeIs incomplete and complicated.
```To pursue our golden dreams,
We must silenceOur hesitation-mind.
```To forgive others
Is the real bloomingOf our wisdom.
```To forgive ourselves
Is the perfect blossomingOf our wisdom.
```Our mind’s resentments
Consume our life-energyMost shockingly.
```The mind says:
“I do not want God.I do not need God.”
```The heart says:
“I only want GodThe only Reality.
I only need GodThe only Reality.”
Is not my inspector.Conscience
Is my teacher.Conscience
Is my tutor. ```Simplicity,
You my mindConstantly needs.
You my heartDesperately needs.
Passes far beyondDesire-limits.
```From wisdom we come to learn
How to grow intoInfinity’s Smile.
```Wisdom is studying
And giving at the same timeSelflessness-lessons.
```Wisdom means
Travelling cheerfullyAlong Eternity’s Road.
Is our constantGod-dependence-choice.
```Wisdom is the abundance
Of streaming tearsAnd
Beaming smiles. ```Wisdom is
The most beautiful floweringOf aspiration.
```By executing even small actions,
We can arriveAt Infinity’s Door.
```God wants me to prove to myself
That ‘impossibility’ is onlyA dictionary word.
I must deny its very existence. ```Boundless light
We have within.We must strive
To access it. ```The flower-heart of a seeker
Is not only beautiful and fragrant,But also a supreme treasure.
```We must be prayerful,
To meet with God’sExpress Needs.
```Each good thought
Is a sweet dreamThat is carrying us
To Heaven. ```O my mind,
Can you not seeThat you are gambling
With my Lord’sCompassion-Flood?
```For a spiritual Master,
Nothing is more difficultThan to say “No”
To his dear disciple. ```The louder noise I make
In my outer life,The more silent
My Lord becomes. ```Today’s desire-seed
Will tomorrow germinateAs sorrow.
```Follow I must my soul,
And neverThe other way around.
```When I am happy,
God tells meThat I am supremely good.
```When I am happier,
God tells meThat He will share
Some of His absolute SecretsWith me.
```When I am happiest,
God tells meThat He has decided to make me
His representative here on earth. ```All my dreams shall fly
Far beyond my mind’sImagination-flights.
```God does not want me
To rememberMy failure-life.
```God wants me
To rememberOnly my God-surrender-breath.
```Unlike my outer life,
My inner life is predictable,For it lives in God, with God
And for God. ```Sad and painful
DisappointmentsI had.
```Strong and fruitful
DetachmentI have.
```Glorious and precious
EnlightenmentI now am.
```You cannot predict your Master’s
Outer life-movements,Not to speak of
His inner life-moments. ```If you cannot carry
Your inner happiness everywhere,Your outer life will remain
Terribly unbalanced. ```If you allow your mind to roam,
God will not visitYour heart-home.
```My heart’s tears
Will always precedeMy life’s smiles.
```Each human being
Has many enemies.Disappointment is by far
The worst. ```Night after night
We dream sweet dreams.Day after day
We lament, miserably lament. ```God is God’s powerful Eye
Only when I do not loveHis creation-beauty.
```God is God’s all-giving Heart
When I sincerely startServing humanity.
```God is God’s blissful Eye
When my heart and ILive together.
```God and Eternity are one.
Yet Eternity is quite uninspiringTo me.
```If you want to remain
Always the best,Then never desire rest.
```The moment I see my heart smiling,
I become a flowerOf God’s Heart-Garden.
```No matter how undivine I am,
My Lord does not want to playThe separation-tragedy-game.
```Sweet are
My God-imagination-eyes. ```Pure is
My God-aspiration-heart. ```Sure is
My God-surrender-life. ```As soon as my aspiration-heart
Starts,My hesitation-mind
Departs. ```My favourite
Is not a miracle-life,But an inspiration-heart.
```Today’s devotion-seeker
Tomorrow becomesGod’s inner wealth-keeper.
```The human mind
Will never understandWhat the divine mind perceives.
```The mind can never know
The full truth.It only knows a fraction
Of the truth. ```We all must discover
Our inner sunsTo replace mind-knowledge
With heart-wisdom. ```Every day
God encourages usAnd inspires us
To uncoverOur inner treasure-delight.
```Either we must find ourselves
Inside God,Or we must lose ourselves
At the Feet of God. ```Nobody can properly define
The lengthOf the mind’s ego.
```When the mind talks,
It talks meaninglesslyFrom the other side
Of life. ```The only thing to possess:
Our heart’s sleeplessAnd breathless
God-hunger. ```By virtue of our prayers
And meditations,We must grow into
An indivisible whole. ```The mind’s nothingness
Is nothing otherThan the life’s fulness.
```Humanity is moving
Between two extremes:God-hunger
```It is our oneness-heart
That can revealThe true significance
Of our life on earth. ```Peace
Blesses usTo be God-warriors.
Blesses usTo be ignorance-victors.
Blesses usTo be God’s
Transcendental Pride. ```Do not try to escape
From the mind-land.Pray and meditate
To transform the mind-landInto a heart-country.
```Our God-realisation
Is not something to become,But it is something
That forever is. ```Surrender is something
That is blossoming in silenceDeep inside
Our aspiration-heart. ```Our souls are all
Divine pilgrimsAlong the spiral of time.
```We must pay homage
On a regular basisTo our God-blossoming-heart.
```Doubt is a ridiculous
And heart-breakingBurden.
```O God-seeker,
Begin your spiritual journeyAfter you have received
A sweet smileFrom the dawn.
```When I am strict
With my mind,My mind literally hates me.
```When I am strict
With my vital,My vital surrenders grudgingly.
```When I am strict
With my body,My body does not want
To knowWhat discipline is.
```When I am strict
With myself,I see God’s Beauty,
God’s LoveAnd
God’s PowerHere, there and everywhere.
```God is asking me
How many years moreI want to be out of touch
With my soul. ```The God-seekers
Are not to be questioned.They are only to be loved.
```The rules of the heart
Do not needThe grammar of the mind.
```My Lord,
May my heart-criesGo far beyond
My mind’s voice and words. ```My each
Self-transcendence-endeavourMeets with
God’s immediate approvalAnd immense joy.
```You can restore
Your shattered self-confidenceOnly by increasing
Your God-reliance enormously. ```If you are unwilling,
Then you will be apt to blameThe whole world
For everything. ```To have faith in God
Is to have a free liftTowards Heaven.
```Never mix with
The uncertainty-confusion-Desire-mind.
```O my stupid mind,
How do you dare to defendYour constant misbehaviour
In the world of aspirationAnd
In the world of dedication? ```When we pray and meditate
Self-givingly,Our heart gets the capacity
To enter into Divinity’s Sea. ```The mind’s doubt-workers
Are not allowed to workInside the heart’s
God-producing factory. ```I am so happy and so proud
Of myselfThat every morning
I am able to sing earth-fulfillingGod-songs.
Is the radiant readinessOf an awakened heart.
```When faith knocks even mildly
At the heart’s door,Doubt hurriedly vacates
The heart-room. ```An aspiration-climber
Must never lookFor a complacency-plateau.
Are made ofMy readiness-mind
AndAn aspiration-heart.
```When purity awakens
My heart,My heart becomes
Divinity’s fragrance-petals. ```The mind can easily
Be blindedBy the hesitation-spotlight.
```God’s Presence
Blesses our heartsWith paradise-beauty,
```The doubting mind
Deserves an immediateEviction notice.
```When I love God
For God’s sake,I see God’s Pride-Signature
On the tablet of my heart. ```If we want to please God
All the time,Then we must take
All the silence-coursesThat are available
Inside our heart-school. ```Unconditional surrender
Is a ceaseless drinkOf our God-oneness-nectar.
Is the powerOf inner silence-delight.
```There are no differences
Either small or bigWhen we live
Inside our hearts. ```I shall remain silent,
Absolutely silent,Till my Lord speaks
Through my heart. ```If we love God
For the fulfilment of GodAnd not for anything else,
Then our service-lifeGod needs desperately.
```Do not ask me
Why I hideFrom the rest of the world.
Ask my doubting mind. ```Do not ask me
Why I loveThe rest of the world.
Ask my prayerful oneness-heart. ```My aspiration
IsMy life’s rainbow-dream.
```My aspiration-heart
Must proceedAt God’s Satisfaction-Speed.
```Do not ask the mind
For anything.The mind will only
Increase confusionIn a staggering manner.
```You cannot imagine
How the mind enjoysStinging doubt.
```The boatman of the heart
Has to studyWorld-oneness-course.
```The mind’s constant
Mundane thoughtsWeaken
The God-aspiration-heart. ```You must resist the irresistible
With your indomitable will-powerIf you want to be
Divinely greatAnd
Supremely good. ```A surrender-life
Every dayReceives an invitation
From God’s celestial Palace. ```We must inculcate
The supreme necessityOf a purity-heart
To make the fastest progress. ```Faith is an abundance
Of God-BeautyInside our heart.
```We must make truth
Not only accessibleBut also available
In our everyday life. ```Every day we must try
Hard, harder, hardestTo cast a bright light
On the brooding darknessOf our mind.
```Always keep
A watchful eyeOn your tempting
And tempted vital. ```To succeed in life,
What we needIs appreciation
And not condemnation. ```The heart-pilgrims
Shall arriveAt the Golden Shore
Faster than the fastest. ```If there is
An aspiration-drought,Then there can be
No meditation-rain. ```May a temple-purity-breath
Cover ourGod-doubting mind.
```My Lord,
Your sacred FootfallsEcho and re-echo
Inside my heart-corridors. ```The beauty and the silence
Of the rising sunBeautify my heart,
Purify my mind,Electrify my vital
AndAwaken my body.
```My Lord,
My heart-sufferingsKnow no end.
Do unshackle my lifeFrom bondage-night.
```When we return within,
We rediscoverOur own original life-boat.
```My Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo breathe in
Your blessingful LightAll the time.
```The birds under Heaven
SerenadeEarth’s glorious achievements.
```The smiling dawn
Is our highest inspirationTo achieve
Divinity’s Peace, LightAnd Bliss.
```I shall no longer grieve
For what I have lost,For my Lord Beloved Supreme
Has come to meAs a supreme relief.
```God wants
My meditation-lifeTo soar
On ecstasy’s wings. ```We must take
A happiness-walk,Not inside the confusion-mind
But inside the illumination-heart. ```I am astonished
To see the improvementOf the world
With the helpOf my little insignificant love.
```Spirituality means
Crying for GodAnd
Smiling with God. ```Spirituality means
The complete rejectionOf God-doubters.
```Spirituality means
EnlightenmentAnd not
Entertainment. ```Spirituality means
SurrenderOnly to God’s Heart-Power.
```When I pray and meditate,
Happiness dancesInside the Heart
Of my Lord Supreme. ```When I surrender
My life to God,He immediately
Paints a rainbowIn my heart-sky.
```God loves me too much
To fulfilMy earth-bound desires.
```My Lord’s Delight
Knows no boundsBecause we always
Completely agree. ```O my Lord Beloved Supreme,
Where is Your Compassion-flooded Eye?Where, where, do tell me.
```An indulgent thought
Is not awareWhen it invites
Strangers and invaders. ```O my Lord Supreme,
Do teach my expectation-mindThe supreme necessity
Of a rejection-song. ```Our hopes and our promises
We can fulfilOnly when we become
Our life’sGod-obedience-breath.
```My Lord Supreme
Carefully examinesMy readiness and willingness.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme
Smilingly and proudly examinesMy eagerness.
```Our life’s readiness
Brings us toThe God-Temple.
```Our mind’s willingness
Brings us toThe God-Shrine.
```At every moment
I fight againstMy mind’s unwillingness
To love and serve GodIn His own Way.
```No matter how powerful
Pride is,It cannot last forever.
```My aspiration-heart
Is the only hopeOf my God-oneness-soul.
```Meditation has to calm
The restlessnessOf time.
```We can fulfil our destiny
Only by servingAnd loving humanity.
```The source of our smile
IsGod’s Signature.
```If you want to sail
In your life-boatAll the time,
Never accept any doubt-mail. ```God’s Compassion-Embrace
Of my heartGives me strength
To face all problems. ```Alas,
I am wasting awayMy precious life
In desiring. ```If you enter
Into the heart-gardenWith devotion,
You see and get infinitely moreDivine wealth
Than otherwise. ```Music comes from either
The world of blossoming silenceOr the world of bursting sound.
```When it comes to ignorance,
Each seeker must needs beRuthless.
```Each good thought
Is a new SunshineOf the Supreme.
```We must shatter the grip
Of ingratitudeOnce and for all.
```We are not only beautiful
But also powerfulWhen we place our flower-hearts
At the FeetOf our Lord Supreme.
```The stupid mind
Always wants to remainIn the thickness
Of ignorance-cloud. ```We all must join
God’s ArmyTo conquer the hostilities
Of the lower worlds. ```We must totally forget
Our self-importanceWay of life.
It takes a very long timeFor us to know
That a doubting mind is, indeed,A dead ant.
```Surrender is magic indeed
To turn all difficultiesInto pearls.
```Spirituality is
A strong edificeAnd not a sand castle.
```God always loves
To dream in me,Through me,
With meAnd for me.
```Vacation in the spiritual life
Is the beginningOf a seeker’s failure.
```Anything that is dormant,
Either spiritual or material,Spirituality will awaken.
```Is there any human being
Who does not sufferFrom exorbitant expectation?
```Spirituality has to be rock solid
In a seeker’s life.If not, his spirituality will be
Nothing short of futility. ```Opportunity is
The beauty and fragranceOf each aspiring moment.
```My gratitude-heart-tears
SweetenThe dry human mind.
```God eagerly and proudly
AwaitsEach soul’s homecoming.
```Do not spoil the fragrance
Of the soulBy living inside
The mind-jungle. ```All weaknesses
Are unbearable,Specially self-doubt.
```The beauty and fragrance
Of faithCan lead us
To any destination we want. ```There can be
No abiding satisfactionWithout self-discipline.
```What I need
Is an eternal springtimeIn my God-climbing tears.
```Do not be discouraged.
God the Compassion-EyeWill not allow you
To fadeIn your spiritual life.
```You call it
Your aspiration-heart.God calls it.
His peerless Treasure-Home. ```May my life
Swing every dayOnly on aspiration-branch.
```O seeker,
Do not roamInside the mind-forest.
It does not become you. ```Everyone has the right
To choose.I have already chosen
My Lord Beloved Supreme:Him to please and fulfil
In His own Way. ```Despair says that I cannot do.
Hope says I can doBecause God has already done it
For me. ```Every day I must try
To enjoy the companionshipOf my soul.
```If you carelessly run
Inside the mind-forest,God will cry and cry
Like an orphan-boy. ```May my entire being be
A God-Will-loverAnd
A God-Will-server. ```When I close
My desire-door,God shows
My aspiration-shore. ```Each tear of my heart
IsA new God-creation.
```Every day
Our heart must singAt least one God-loving song
AndGod-serving song.
```Our soul-immortality-bird
Flies and fliesFrom one destination
To another. ```I love to play sleeplessly
With myHeart-blossom-friend.
```No longer shall I permit
My mindTo be the sovereign
Of my heart.These days must be buried
In oblivion. ```When desire is
The chooser,Aspiration is bound to be
The loser. ```My Lord tells me
That there should beNo missing page
In my life-book. ```God never expects any truth-seeker
And God-loverTo gamble with His Compassion.
```I do not want to be
God’s Miracle-Power.I want to be
God’s God-serving Hour. ```The mind wants
Unlimited freedom.The heart wants
Unlimited surrenderTo God’s Will
```Once you have realised God,
Everything that you doIs an act of self-offering
To God’sOmniscient Will.
```To enjoy the beauty and fragrance
Of peace,We must sing always
Our heart-temple-songs. ```Failure-tears are meant
For only those who do not knowOr even want to know
The power of self-doubt. ```We conquer
The Heart of GodBy the flood of our heart-tears
And soul-smiles. ```The inner voice
Is whispering.The outer voice
Is disappearing. ```My heart’s
Sweet dreamsMy Lord turns into
Powerful realities. ```Only a devotion-flooded disciple
Can enjoyHis Master’s satisfaction-pride.
```We must all try
To accumulateGod-serving capacities.
```We must all try
To accumulateLife-giving virtues.
```No tears of failure
Can everBe permanent.
```My Lord,
I only pray to You,Do not allow my mind
To take me awayFrom You.
```Every seeker
Is bound to findHis inner way home.
```Each soul has
A God-pleasing voiceAnd
God-fulfilling music. ```Happiness lies always
On the pathOf God-serving opportunity.
```His heart-cries
Never stop,Because he is a stranger
To self-discipline. ```A doubting mind
IsA God-disappointing life.
Is not a brief candle.Life
Is the God-fulfilment-promiseOf an ever-blossoming sun.
```Surrender is, indeed,
A feastOf God-fulfilment-happiness.
```Never allow
Your aspiration-suppliesTo run low.
```Each blossoming heart
Is the result ofA supreme Blessing
From high above. ```Not religious belief
But a spiritual faithGuides and moulds
Our life. ```What we need
Is a powerful GlanceFrom our Lord Supreme
To destroy all our pastHimalayan blunders.
```May my Lord’s
Express WillBe my life’s
Be all and end all. ```An unconditional life
Hails from God’sGod-Vision-Fulfilment-Country.
```God does not want
To be my mind’s possession.But He wants my heart
Always to keep Him possessed. ```A newness-mind
IsMy aspiration-search.
```A fulness-heart
IsMy realisation-goal.
```To be nearest and dearest
To God’s HeartWe must rise
To God’s sunlit Summit-Height. ```Not the familiar mind,
But the unfamiliar soulHas to guide me
To my destination. ```On the strength of aspiration,
You can scaleAny inner mountain-obstacles.
```Confront your doubting mind
With yourEver-blossoming faith.
```Withdraw from attachment.
God-enlightenmentWill fast approach you.
```I want to change my heart
For a heartThat only cries and cries
For my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```A life of God-surrender
Has an auraOf invincibility.
```I miss the path
When I argue with myselfAnd play with the idea
Of this way and that way. ```I work for my Lord Supreme.
I beg Him never to give meAny vacation,
Even if I most deplorablyImplore Him.
```O depression-vital,
Listen once and for all!My life is no longer
Your cherished possession. ```God works very hard
To keep my mind’s gloomAway from my heart’s bloom.
```As we feed
Our doubting mind,Even so, God feeds
Our God-loving heart. ```My eagerness-heart
IsGod’s Fulness-Smile.
```My mind is lost in the cavern
Of uninspiring thoughts.My Lord sheds bitter tears.
```May my faith-lover-heart
Be a constant chaserOf my doubting mind.
```My Lord blesses me
With a special bodyguardTo protect me from the torture
Of an unwilling mind. ```If I do not please God
The Creator,God the Creator
Never minds. ```If I do not please
God the creation,God the Creator
Immediately minds. ```My heart,
Do not be discouraged.God will not allow you
To remain unsuccessfulIn promoting God’s Peace
To the world. ```If we want to keep
The soul of religion alive,Then we must love God more,
Infinitely more. ```O my mind,
You are using big words.I tell you,
Your words will remain unheardBy my heart.
```The face and fate
Of the human raceMust not remain
Unchangeable. ```What you need
Is a blessingful glanceFrom your Master
To shatter and illumineAll your past blunders.
```The mind-windows
And the mind-furnitureAnd everything that the mind has
And isHas to be carefully cleaned
Every day. ```If you are sincere,
Then you will feelThat God definitely
Needs you. ```Each life-giving quality
Of a human beingIs deeply and proudly valued
By God Himself. ```Today my Lord Supreme
Has come to wash awayAll my sorrowful tears
Of frustration-failure. ```An unlimited freedom
Is the compassionateMiracle-working Power
Of our Lord Supreme. ```My Lord,
Do come and floodlightAll my heart-dreams.
```Once you have reached
The zenith-height,Love God only,
Serve God only. ```Do not allow
Love-devotion-surrender-pagesIn your life-book
To remain missing. ```Alas,
Each human beingIs gambling
With God’s Compassion-Smiles. ```The sweet and illumining dreams
Of the heartCan bring down
The Heaven-palaceFor a real seeker.
```May my heart-bird
Every day carryAt least seven sweet dreams
To the highest Heaven. ```My Lord,
True, I devotedly enjoy Your PresenceEverywhere,
But I love Your PresenceIn my heart-temple most.
```In the fragrance of the rose
I clearly hearThe whispering Voice
Of my Lord Supreme. ```How can God remain silent
If you show HimThe flood of your heart-tears?
```O seeker,
Be not afraid if you get lostAt times
In your teeming mind-clouds. ```O seeker,
Your soul will bring downThe sunburst of light
If you can keep your heartSincere and pure.
```Silence only
Can stop the restlessnessOf the world
And show the world a new roadTo its Destination.
```May my life-boat ply between
My Lord’s Compassion-TearsAnd
Satisfaction-Smiles. ```O my mind,
Immediately stop preachingTo my life
Anymore. ```O my heart,
Immediately start tutoring my lifeAnd continue forever and forever.
```Each smile of my heart
Directly comes fromThe Sunshine-Heart
Of my Lord Supreme. ```Never accept
Any doubt-message.Destruction looms large in it.
```May my heart-tears
Remain transportableSo that wherever I go,
I can carry them. ```My Lord,
I never thoughtThat I would waste away
My precious lifeOn desiring.
```My Lord,
May I be vehemently ruthlessWhen it comes to ignorance-night.
```Alas, what shall I do
With my mindWhen it tells me it knows more
Than even God Himself? ```Alas, what shall I do
With my heart?When will it come to the fore
And start learning God-lessonsFrom God Himself?
```Those who join God’s Army
Prove that they areReal God-worshippers
And God-lovers. ```The faith of my heart
Arrives.The reason of my mind
Fails. ```The actual meaning
Of ‘maybe’Is ‘never’.
```My God-manifestation indicates
The satisfaction of my inner lifeAnd
The perfection of my outer life. ```When my mind-channel
Is sheer torture,I immediately turn on
My heart-rapture-channel. ```When I silence
My pride-mind,God immediately
Starts speaking. ```God wants me
Not only to be His Life-Flute,But also to be the breath
Of His Life-Flute. ```I deeply love
My mind’sQuenchless God-thirst.
```I sleeplessly love
My heart’sIrresistible God-hunger.
```Mine is the mind
That breaks God’s HeartWhen it does not shake hands
With God’s Mind. ```Mine is the heart
That breaks God’s HeartWhen it does not embrace
God’s Breath. ```My Lord,
Do not allow my pride-mindEven for a fleeting second
To tortureMy inner family members.
```My Lord,
Do make the contentmentOf my heart
The enlightenmentOf my life.
```My Lord,
You are Your countless Benedictions.May I become the possessor
Of a receptivity-heart! ```I never dreamt
That even my mindWould be able to please
My Lord Beloved Supreme. ```My Lord,
May my aspiration-heartEmbody patience
More than anything else. ```If we do not return
To our simplicity-sincerity-roots,God’s Compassion-Eye
Will never befriend us. ```May my God-nearness
EmbraceAll my heart-sighs.
```May my God-oneness
Every day announceMy God-manifestation-victory.
```My Supreme,
I have given a new nameTo the human mind:
Confusion-cloudburst. ```My Supreme,
I call it my self-giving,But You call it a bumper crop
Of my newness and fulness. ```My Supreme,
Nothing is impossibleFor the faith-fed
Inner strength-capacity. ```My Supreme,
May my ambition-mindBe stranded
With no place to go. ```My Supreme,
Even with my human eyesI can clearly see that
Your Compassion-surplusIs inexhaustible.
```My Supreme,
There was a time when my mindWas a doubt-enjoyer,
But now my mindHas become a doubt-crusher.
```My Supreme,
To increase the speedOf my heart’s aspiration-boat,
You Yourself have capsizedMy mind’s expectation-ocean liner.
```O world,
I am tired of receivingThe same news from you:
God does not care for His creation. ```My Supreme,
A man-made volcano-mindI was,
But now I am a God-madeHeart-fountain.
```My Supreme,
You come to visit meOnly after I have declared
That my desire-lifeIs absolutely tasteless.
```What I need
IsA frustration-exit-smile.
```As the human in me
Is apt to despair,The divine in me
Is even more apt to repair. ```All day and night
May sincerity guardMy mind-room.
```All day and night
May purity guardMy heart-room.
```No matter how many blunders I make,
God wants me to bring to the foreMy spiritual capacity.
```My Lord Absolute,
Do give me the capacityTo weave every morning
A surrender-garland for You. ```My Beloved Supreme,
Do give me the capacityTo weave every evening
A gratitude-garland for You. ```My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme,
You want me to meditate onlyOn my future prosperity-dreams
And not on my past calamity-realities. ```My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme,
On very rare occasionsI may allow myself
To have a self-confidence-collapse,But I shall never, never allow myself
To have a God-reliance-collapseIn my life.
```I know, I know,
My happiness comes solelyFrom my God-serving duty.
```Every second of my life
I must live on the altarOf my God-worshipping heart.
```To my extreme astonishment,
My Lord Beloved SupremeIs cradling me today
In the petals of His Lotus-Heart. ```This morning I have made
A bonfireOf all my grievances
AgainstMy Lord Beloved Supreme.
```My Lord, may I remain
Undisturbed and unperturbedEven when
Misunderstanding-misery-stormsAttack me.
```My prayer-life
My Lord SupremeVery indulgently observes.
My meditation-heartMy Beloved Supreme
Unconditionally preserves. ```My Lord is His
Descending Blessing-Sun.I am my aspiration-heart’s
Ascending flame. ```I must accept and follow
My Beloved SupremeNo matter what He does
AndNo matter where He goes.
```My Beloved Supreme has built
A limitless heart-homeFor my aspiration-heart-flames.
```At long last
I am able to check outSuccessfully and gloriously
From ignorance-holiday-inn. ```For me, there is only one path,
And that path is the pathOf my Lord Beloved Absolute Supreme.
```O my God-surrender-life-breath,
Where are you?Why are you hiding?
Why? Why? ```Every day
My Lord Supreme and IEnjoy a special game.
I give Him one hundred tears.He gives me one million Smiles
In return. ```If you cherish doubt,
You will, without fail,Be exposed to a real loss.
```The mind not only lives
In impenetrable darkness,But to our greatest sorrow,
It enjoys it. ```If you live in the mind-jungle,
The fragrance of the soulWill remain a perfect stranger to you.
```Nothing spiritual we can do
WithoutA blooming faith.
```Nothing illumining and fulfilling
We can achieveWithout
An ever-blossoming faith. ```O seeker,
You must make it a pointTo examine your God-obedience
Every day. ```My Lord,
Your Lotus-Feet have transformedMy mind’s barren nothingness
Into my heart’s fertile fulness. ```A happy heart
Is definitely an indicationOf a disciplined mind.
```A seeker’s heart-flowers
Are proudly cherishedBy God’s own Heart.
```As everyone chooses a friend,
I have chosen my Lord SupremeNot only as a friend,
But also as my only Friend. ```The unaspiring mind
Is a thickeningDarkness-night.
```My Lord, please, please do not
Play the role of a strangerTo my heart-cries.
```Alas, why do you choose despair
And not hope?Do you not know that hope
Is infinitely sweeter than despair? ```It is God’s Love-Power
That has replaced my egoWith God’s Will.
```Anger is
The tormentorOf its possessor.
```If you are a desire-chooser,
That means you have already becomeAn aspiration-loser.
```My Lord Supreme,
Please do not allow me to be tiredOf my heart’s aspiration-cries
AndMy life’s dedication-smiles.
```When my heart sings
Aspiration-songs,My Lord Supreme immediately
Runs towards me. ```Needed –
Unconditional surrenderTo solve all our earthly problems.
```I must silence
My doubt-tempest-mind,I must.
```A heart of peace
Sees temptation-hurricaneNowhere.
```Be pure of heart.
You will not beFrozen by affliction.
```To solidify my life
I must purify my heartAnd simplify my life.
```No other instrument
Is as sweetAs my heart-flute.
```Finally my mind is celebrating
Its complete surrenderTo God’s Will.
```What happens
When every effort fails?God’s Compassion-Eye appears.
```My aspiration-heart
Is the doorwayTo my soul’s divinity.
```To conquer my darkness-ailment-life
I prayerfully needMeditation-medicine.
```In ancient times
People knew more about God’s WillThan now.
```My heart, gather,
Gather moreGod-gratitude-tears.
```It seems that miseries
And human beingsAre inseparable.
```The ego-mind’s
Inevitable destinationIs a perpetual doom.
```On the spur of the moment
My mind and I surrenderedTo God’s Will.
```God only smiles
Inside mankind’s heart-garden,And nowhere else.
```Unlike the mind,
The heart is readyTo wait and wait and wait
For God’s Footsteps. ```God’s unconditional Grace
Lifted me up fromMy mind’s ignorance-grave.
```When I am only on my side,
God tells me thatI must not expect anything
From Him. ```When I am sleeplessly on God’s side,
God tells me thatI can expect everything
From Him. ```Fulness
Is the kind employerOf a fertile heart.
Is the clever employerOf a barren mind.
```A sleepless and breathless heart
Still remainsUndiscovered.
```A receptivity-heart
In itselfIs ecstasy.
```The doubt-mind
Carefully choosesA dark cave.
```The faith-heart
Immediately choosesA bright palace.
```God-discovery in happiness
Is not only natural,But also inevitable.
```When the mind is impure,
The heart becomesOut of control.
```God does not forget
His Promise,But I do.
```I do not change my obdurate mind,
But God changesHis compassionate Mind.
What for?Just to give me another chance.
```Do not stop
The prayer-tearsOf your eyes.
```Do not stop
The meditation-smilesOf your heart.
```The patience of the mind
Lives only forA very, very, very short time.
```The mind takes pride
In itsBrutal violence.
```The heart takes pride
In itsImmediate ambulance.
```The unaspiring mind
Is made of oldnessAnd bitterness.
```The aspiring heart
Is made of newnessAnd fulness.
```The sound of my mind
AdmiresA thunder-life.
```The silence of my heart
EmbracesA whisper-breath.
IsA backward march.
IsA forward sprint.
```God’s strictness
My unaspiring mindSummarily rejects.
```God’s strictness
My aspiration-heartUnconditionally adores.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do accept my tear-streamingSurrender-heart.
```My goodness-heart
Is protectedBy my fulness-soul.
```O enthusiasm-hero,
Do bring me out ofMy mind’s ruthless prison.
```My prayer-plant
DreamsAnd dreams.
```My meditation-tree
WhispersAnd whispers.
```A God-lover-heart
IsA God-oneness-life.
```My mind,
Will you ever stop torturingMy God-loving heart?
Is the most painfulExperience.
```Prayerful and cheerful nations
Are God’sProud creations.
```Why God-forgetfulness?
Why not God-remembranceAnd God-fulfilment?
```Draw and withdraw.
Draw towards action.Withdraw from expectation-results.
Is nothing short ofIgnorance-supremacy.
```Taut attachment —
No, no, no.Selfless action —
Yes, yes, yes. ```We must scale
All the inner mountains,No matter how high they are.
```My Lord,
Your expectation of meI dearly treasure.
```My Lord arrives,
My gratitude-heart-tearsSmile.
```The sunlit heights
Of my soulI must reach.
```My gratitude
Hails fromHeaven’s soil.
```Without God-oneness
Life is worthlessAnd meaningless.
```A sleepless self-giver
Is nearest and dearestTo God’s Heart.
```Only one thing
My heart needs:My Beloved Lord’s Lotus Feet.
```The human life
Is the unparalleled privilegeTo manifest God the creation.
I receiveGod the Creator.
I assimilateGod the creation.
```My Lord, I shall not allow
My life to liveIf it is forgotten by You.
```The mind begs God
OnlyFor greatness.
```The heart begs God
For goodness, soulfulnessPlus forgiveness, forgiveness,
Forgiveness. ```Insecurity disappears
WhenSelf-giving appears.
```No more am I
An eyeless travellerOn ignorance-road.
```My aspiration-journey’s
Beckoning goal:God-satisfaction.
```O take me not
With what I have:Mind-pride.
```O take me
With what I am:Heart-tears.
```The mind
Can and does fail the world,But not the heart.
```My outer beauty
DrownsAnd dies.
```My inner beauty
SwimsAnd clasps the shore.
```To be my soul-fragrance
I must become firstMy heart-beauty.
```My Lord,
I know how strong You are.But do You ever care to know
How weak I am? ```I dare to be
```I control
My mind.I patrol
My heart. ```Visualise, visualise,
Visualise,But never dramatise.
```Stop, stop, stop
AnticipatingYour failure-life!
```My heart-home
Is unmistakably the bestVacation-place.
```I never,
Never keepMy Inner Pilot waiting.
```I feed my Lord,
I feed.No break I ever need.
```My life’s retirement
Is my mind’sImprisonment.
```My mind,
Stay focusedIn the Eternal Now.
```Be careful,
Always careful,What you ask for.
```Be not self-absorbed.
The world is a memberOf your immediate family.
```My Lord,
May my heart beYour Sweetness-Fondness-Songs.
```My heart is a God-dreamer.
My life is a God-lover.I am a God-server.
```O my life-flute,
Dream.O my heart-flute,
Sing.O my soul-flute,
Smile. ```The moment I see my Lord,
I become my heart’sEcstasy-dance.
```My Lord,
May Your commandsBe my life’s be all
And end all. ```The smile of my soul
IsMy life’s boatman.
```My Lord,
May I plant myselfIn Your Love-Compassion-Soil.
```My self-transcendence
Is my only determination-promiseTo my Lord Supreme.
```My soul lovingly and carefully
Teaches my heartHow to inch its way
To Infinity. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 12, Agni Press, 1999
Sourced from