My Lord Supreme,
I was born to love You only.I was born to place myself
At Your Feet only.I was born to please You
In Your own Way only. ```O my mind,
You may wander in all directions,But I am settled here
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme. ```My Lord Supreme tells me
That to remain seatedAt His Feet
Is the only taskI have to perform.
```O my heart,
Without God’s PresenceInside you and inside me,
We are nothing, absolutely nothing!I am making it known.
```Finally my God-love has arisen
Inside my heart,And all my earthly sorrows
Are flying away. ```I have placed my head
At the Feet of my LordFor Eternity.
I am not going to lift it up again. ```My Lord tells me
That if my heart and ILive together
And try together to catch Him,Only then shall we succeed.
```Each time
My devotion for my Lord increases,I see a flood of tears filling my heart.
```My Lord, I know, I know
That I am unable to love YouDearly enough,
But I beg You not to vanishFrom my heart or from my eyes.
```My Lord, do show me the way
How I can claim YouAs my only dream-fulfilled Reality.
```Not only my mouth,
But even my heartIs not sufficient
To praise my Lord Supreme. ```My Lord dwells
On the tip of my tongue.I cannot and I shall not
Speak of anything else. ```When I live
Inside my jungle-mind,God’s Compassion-flooded Eye
Is a stranger to me. ```My Lord supports me
And every step forward I takeTowards perfection.
```In the mortal world,
My God-aspiring heartHas become one
With God’s all-pervading Spirit. ```O my doubting mind,
Within and withoutYou are useless.
I shall never want youAs a companion.
```God can never dismiss
Even an unaspiringHuman being.
```My Lord Supreme,
My only task is to love YouAnd clap my hands ceaselessly
In adoration of You. ```At long last
I am able to placeAt my Lord’s Feet
My burden of giving and taking. ```I must keep my mind
Empty of doubtsTo remain free
From all Heaven-criticism. ```Every good seeker
Is an embodimentOf God’s Goodness.
```Our progress-journey
Will be most remarkableIf we keep devotion and surrender
In our heart-home. ```An unceasing flow of devotion
Is neededTo return
To our God-realisation-home. ```A sleepless self-offering
Will eventually be ableTo reap the God-manifestation-harvest.
```It is only when
I pray most sincerelyThat God invites me
To enter into His Heart-Room. ```My soul is begging
My heart, mind, vital and bodyTo come and live with God
The way my soul has been livingWith God
From time immemorial. ```Our God-realisation-hope
Has to be kept always youngIn every possible way!
```My heart’s God-love-step
Is followed byMy life’s God-surrender-step.
```God Himself
Holds His Protection-UmbrellaOver each genuine seeker.
```God feeds on
The sun-smile-blossomsOf truth-seekers
And truth-lovers. ```God loves to turn the lives
Of genuine seekersInto a daily celebration
Inside His Heart-Home. ```Every day
My heart accompaniesThe God-loving sun
On its wayTo the Golden Shore.
```God is extremely happy
When He can blessingfully supplyMore and more hope
To the hopeful. ```God asks me
To live with Him proudlyWhen He sees my crying heart.
```God asks me
To breathe with HimWhen I become
My smiling soul. ```God looks extremely beautiful
When I see Him insideMy searching mind.
```God looks extremely bountiful
When I see Him insideMy aspiring heart.
```Do not keep your eyes closed!
Keep themPrayerfully and soulfully open
If you want to be embracedBy God’s Satisfaction-Heart-Smile.
```Our desire-life becomes
A destruction-realityEven before we finish
Looking all around. ```All the cries of my heart
Are not the same.All the smiles of my soul
Are not the same.But all the surrender-songs
Of my lifeAre not only the same,
But also all-illuminingAnd all-fulfilling.
```The God-Summit-Goal
Is inside your heart,And nowhere else.
```O my heart, wake up
And speed towardsThe ever-transcending Beyond!
```If you stand firm
Like a rock,Nothing undivine shall dare
To challenge you. ```The tired eyes
Long forPerfect sleep.
```The tired heart
Longs forImmediate God-rescue.
```God and His self-giving children
Every morning and every eveningSing together
In God’s Heart-Home. ```Every day God asks me
To sail and sailMy happiness-heart-boat
Towards the Golden Shore. ```My God-disobedience
Has left my heart, mind,Vital and body
Completely empty. ```My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
And my own gratitude-heartCan never be parted.
```When my heart pines
And longs for God,God tells me, “My child,
I shall reach youIn the twinkling of an eye!”
```The inspiration of the mind
Sings.The aspiration of the heart
Cries.The realisation of the soul
Whispers. ```The unaspiring mind
Feasts on doubt, suspicionAnd criticism.
```The insecurity of the heart
Is a huge stumbling blockOn the way to God-realisation.
```My soul shows me
The path of Divinity’s Light.In return, I show my soul
The path of humanity’s night. ```To have an abiding Spring
In his life,The seeker must have
An inner devotion-spring. ```I want to live
In the shadow of God’s Feet,But God wants me to live
In the Light of His Heart. ```When my heart sings
Silence-songs,My Lord Supreme enters into
His highest Self-amorous Trance. ```The body thinks that death
Is a ruthless torturer.The soul knows that death
Is an Unknown Way-revealer. ```The evening stars
Have a very special fondnessFor my heart.
They invite my heart to comeAnd play, sing and dance
With them. ```My soul cries and cries
If I do not haveGod-hunger
For even one solitary day. ```The doubting mind
Does only one thing:It always turns its back
On the inner sun. ```If you have
A life of total surrender,Then God will prove to you
That He is your only FriendIn all circumstances.
```I am absolutely sure
That my soul and my Lord SupremeApplaud me far beyond my worth
Whenever I do somethingInspiring, aspiring and illumining.
```God asks me
To come to His Heart-HomeNot as a beggar and visitor,
But as a real friend of His. ```The angels come to me
To enchant my eyes.The cosmic gods come to me
To enlighten my life.God comes to me
To fulfil His Eternity’s Dream. ```Today my joy
Knows no bounds,For I am seeing the ashes
Of my mind-edifice. ```You have to devour
Your ego firstBefore you can be drunk
With a God-Vision. ```O my seeker-friend,
To my extreme sorrow,What you have is
A mind of jealousy,And what you are is
A vital of depression. ```Do not allow your life
To be paralysedBy your absurd expectations
Of what should come from Above. ```God definitely wants you
To cherishYour lofty God-manifestation-dreams.
```My Lord, the world blames me
For many things.Will You not tell the world
Once and for allThat You are not only my Creator
But also my life-violin-Player? ```You have to make the choice:
The thunder-voiceOf your mind
Or the silence-voiceOf your heart.
Sprout during the dayWhen in the morning
We cancel our God-appointments. ```O my aspiration-heart,
When the evening starsInvite you to ride with them
On their God-paved path,Do not miss the opportunity.
```My Creator-Lord,
Do You feel sorry for meWhen the world chides me
For my imperfection-life?“My child,
I shall be extremely proud of youIf you do not play the same game.”
```My Lord,
Now that I have embraced Your FeetWith all the devotion
That You have bestowed upon meOver the years,
I feel that I am completely liberatedFrom the snare of earthly desires.
```There is only one way
To please God in His own Way:We must cast aside
Our desire-life altogether. ```Alas, how blind I have become!
I have allowed myselfTo be completely entangled
In earth-life-pleasure. ```I have realised
That our life on earth is short,And death will come soon.
How I wish the death of our ignoranceTo come sooner than the soonest!
```My Lord,
I shall not give YouMy heart’s harrowing pain.
I shall give You onlyMy heart’s ever-blossoming smiles.
```My Lord,
Please do not forgetThat You have promised me
That my life shall never sufferSeparation from Your Nectar-Feet.
```My Lord, I am alone
Not because I cannot bearAnyone’s company,
But because I want only to walkIn Your Footsteps.
```My Lord,
Please do not appreciate me.I mean it!
Your appreciation will make meProud beyond measure,
And this pride-burdenWill keep me away from
Your Protection-Feet. ```I have annihilated
My desire-lifeAs it was decreed long ago
By my Lord Supreme. ```My Lord’s Eye
Knows the meaningOf my meditation-whispers.
```I know the meaning
Of the Blessing-TouchOf my Lord’s Feet.
```I am not what I seem to be.
I am my Lord’sSupremely chosen child,
For His full manifestationOn earth.
```To my extreme happiness,
My Lord has come to tell meThat from now on
I must stand apart from my actions,Divine and undivine.
He alone is the Doer;I am a mere observer.
```My seeker-friend,
When I see God on your face,I become truly proud of you.
But when I feel God inside your heart,I become soulfully one with you.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do bless meWith a new cry
For a totally new start. ```My heart is madly in love
With God.It is begging me
To be the same. ```The mind has many necessities.
The heart has only one:God’s Love.
```If you want to conquer
All your weaknesses,Then you must face them
One at a time. ```May my Goal
Be an ever-rising dawnInside my aspiration-heart.
```For a genuine seeker,
The inner worldIs infinitely more real
Than the outer world. ```My soul wants me
To spread its lightEverywhere
And offer it toEveryone.
```My Lord, You have suffered
So many sad experiences.I assure You
From me, at leastYou will have none!
```There was a time
When God used to askMy doubting mind to halt.
Now His RequestHas been replaced
With His Command. ```I beg God to repeat
Again and againThat I am a choice instrument
Of His. ```The day I do not pray
And meditate,I feel like a blind man
Lost in the thickOf the forest.
```How long
The mind-negativity-tower lasts!But eventually
It has to crumble. ```I feel my nature’s transformation
Is even far beyondGod’s Vision-Eye.
```How I wish my life
To sing and danceOn the road
Of God’s special Delight. ```God never asks me
For my life-history.He asks me only
For my heart-song. ```Alas, I have been strangled
So ruthlesslyBy desire-serpent!
I do not knowHow I am still alive.
```Every morning
The smiling Beauty of the SupremeAwakens me
To participate in His Cosmic Play. ```My inner heart
Is dreamingOnly real God-manifestation-dreams.
```My life’s hope-seed
Has now grown intoA reality-tree.
```If you do not accept
The spiritual life,Nothing can move you away
From the yoke of Fate. ```I wish to be another sun.
The sun not only loves,But also serves humanity
Unconditionally. ```Divinity’s Message for humanity:
Light, more Light, abundant Light,Light infinite.
```Our self-imposed God-blindness
Definitely hinders and delaysGod’s Arrival.
```Everything needed
Is here insideMy heart’s aspiration-flames.
```I am praying to God
To bless me withSome beautiful, meaningful
And fruitful daysIn my crowded life-market.
```We all sleep
On idleness-bedAnd dream
Of a star-flooded sky. ```Cheerfulness in the mind
BeginsMy God-satisfaction-day.
```Every day God inspires me
To run an ultramarathonIn my inner life
So I shall arrive at my Destination. ```God is not compelling me,
But it is I who amSharing with humanity
My God-realisation-lightOn my own.
```God the Mother
Has a very special loveFor the crying child
Inside my heart. ```God the Father
Has a very special loveFor the awakening child
Inside my heart. ```Each morning
Greets my aspiration-heartWith a rainbow-beauty.
```God is dying to hear from me
My God-realisation,God-revelation
And God-manifestation-promises. ```God says to the mind,
“I have tolerated youFor a very long time!
No more doubt,No more suspicion,
No more hesitationShall I accept from you!”
```Only my God-obedience
Can smash the prideOf my mind’s insolence.
```God wants my mind
To observe silence-hoursExactly the way my heart does.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do You haveA minute to spare?
Please tell meHow I can totally destroy
The pride-crown of my mind. ```O my mind,
How long do you want to remainA perfect stranger
To softness, tenderness, sweetnessAnd soulfulness?
```My life-boat and I
Are fully determinedTo arrive at the Golden Shore.
```My Lord, with His Compassion-Eye,
Lovingly and regularlyPrunes
My aspiration-heart-garden. ```In my God-service-life
What I need isGod-Thunder-Will-manifestation.
```God says to me,
“My child,Give Me your desire-life
And take from MeMy Satisfaction-Heart.
Delay not!” ```The moment the doubting mind
Sinks,The aspiring heart
Rises. ```My God-searching mind
Is for myself.My God-loving heart
Is for all. ```Everybody’s love of God
Blooms and blossomsIn the heart-garden
Of faith. ```My mind challenges
The face of truth.My heart embraces
The life of truth. ```Can you imagine!
I get tremendous joyEven when I keep thinking
That my Lord does not care for me. ```I know every burden
Will be lessenedIf I hasten towards
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```My mind cares
Only for my self-esteem.My heart cares
Only for my soul-esteem. ```My doubting mind
Eats everythingThat is forbidden.
```My aspiring heart
Eats only the thingsThat are God-given.
```May I be the possessor
Of the lustreThat shines forth
From Divinity’s Eye. ```I just would like to know
What my life meansTo God,
And not to anybody else! ```If my hands
Are not exclusivelyFor God-service,
Then what are they for? ```If my heart
Is not sleeplesslyFor God-worship,
Then what is it for? ```May my heart not change
Its God-loving nature,As fire does not change
Its burning nature. ```God tells me
That He does not need meTo defend Him.
He just does not want meTo offend Him.
```I do not know
If I will ever be ableTo have a doubt-free
Mind-dream. ```A true God-lover
Is an earth-made cryAnd a Heaven-made smile.
```The smiling Supreme
Tells meThat I have everything
I need. ```The dancing Supreme
Tells meThat I have everything
He needs. ```The difference between God and me:
I take God’s helpWhen I need it;
God takes my helpEven when He does not need it.
```My Lord,
I know You are tired of my complaints.One more complaint, and no more:
If You are not planning to release meFrom my bondage-shackles,
Why do You inspire me inwardlyTo pray to You every day?
```The aspiration-flames of the heart
Must eventually burnThe desire-house completely.
```My Lord, You do not like it
When I turn my thoughts to austerity,And You do not approve of
My self-indulgence-life.Please show me the way
Between the two extremes.I am all ready!
```I know why God is so reluctant
To come to me.My life is totally devoid of faith.
What can poor God do? ```My Lord, I entreat Your Forgiveness
For everything bad that I do and say.Do accept the little I have to offer:
My feeble breath. ```Do not use your old eyes.
Use your new eyes.You are bound to appreciate
The beauty, fragrance and soulfulnessOf Mother Earth.
```My Lord, I am ready
For You to break my heartAs many times as You want to
To compensate for the sufferingI have caused You.
```Every day
My heart’s blossoming faithIs being destroyed
By my mind’s brooding doubt. ```My God-realisation tells me
That God lives only for humanityHappily, proudly and self-givingly.
```Not only do I fail,
But my poor Lord also fails like me.In vain He has been trying
To make my heartHis permanent Abode.
```Even the very thought
Of my separationFrom the Feet of my Lord Supreme
Ruthlessly shakes my entire being. ```If you want a vacation from God,
God will definitely grant it.But rest assured,
You will not remain the same. ```O my mind,
Do not disturb my heart.My heart is all attention
To my Lord’s Nectar-Speech. ```I do not want freedom.
I want my Lord’s Compassion-EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Heart
To govern my life. ```The best day of my life
Was the day when my LordCooked a special Meal for me
And fed me with His own Hand. ```In spite of my countless blunders,
God blesses meWith His ambrosial Embrace.
```When I tell God
That I am hungry for His Love,He tells me that
He would be equally happyEven if I were greedy for His Love.
```My Lord, I did not know
That You are hard of hearing.Otherwise, instead of addressing
My mind’s sound-prayers to You,I would have offered You
My heart’s silence-meditation. ```Both my gratitude-heart
And my surrender-lifeHave developed such measureless
God-hunger! ```I knew I was not good,
But I never knewThat I would be so bad
As to disobey and displeaseMy Lord Supreme
On an everyday basis. ```My Lord,
Now that I am the possessorOf the dust of Your Feet,
My inner world’s beauty and divinityHave increased immeasurably.
```Do not dismiss God’s Love.
It is His Love that is sustainingYour earth-hope and Heaven-promise.
```Today my aspiration-heart
Is embodying God’s Face.Tomorrow my dedication-life
Will reveal God’s Heart.The day after tomorrow
My illumination-soulWill manifest God’s Heartbeat.
```To my extreme happiness,
My heart and I have revivedOur long-forgotten God-longing.
```When I look at God’s Eye,
He immediately makes my lifeDivinely beautiful.
When I feel God’s Heart,He immediately makes my life
Supremely fruitful. ```An awakened heart
Is entitled toBlissful peace.
```An iota of peace in the mind
Can expediteOur inner journey.
```Heaven showers its bliss-petals
On those who sleeplesslyLove God.
```I would like to become
A memberOf the world-peace-heart-committee.
```My Lord’s great need
Is my mind.My Lord’s greater need
Is my heart.My Lord’s greatest need
Is my soul. ```Immortality always dances
On the faceOf a newborn child.
```Millennia have come and gone,
But humanity still takesInfant-steps
On the road to its God-Destination. ```O my mind,
While trying to define God,Can you not see that
You are confining Him? ```A genuine seeker knows
That an insecurity-heartIs in no way less frightening
Than an impurity-mind. ```Eternity and Infinity
Are two friends of ours.They give our life a chance
To run towards God,But they do not wait
If we delay. ```The Cosmic Game
Is never meant forFaint-hearted seekers.
```O my sorrowful heart,
What can give you joy?Believe me,
I am all for you. ```I need the beauty
And fragranceOf a child’s surrendered heart.
```Creativity needs
A mind of inspiration,A heart of aspiration
And a life of dedicationTo succeed.
```If I do not lose myself
While searching forGod’s Compassion-Eye,
Then I will never succeed. ```Sincerity is the heart’s
Most reliableGod-remembrance-capacity.
```Only a perfection-seeker
Is invited by God HimselfTo carry His Heart
As a shrineWherever he goes.
```There was a time
When I travelled the whole wayWith my self-assertion.
Alas, joy was not to be found.Now I am travelling the whole way
With my self-denial.Alas, joy is still not to be found.
God tells me that both ways are wrong.I have to travel my life-journey
Only with God-dependence. ```My Lord, Your Name is
Compassion-Forgiveness-Ocean.I have committed a million blunders.
Do justify Your Name! ```My Lord,
All my wrongdoingsThrow fetters upon my life.
If there is a way to escape,Please show me.
I solely depend upon You. ```My Lord,
When You think of me,I call You great.
When You love me,I call You good.
When You fulfil me,I call You perfect.
```Realisation, my Lord,
You have given to many.Is there no place for me,
Even as the very last?If You say “No,”
I shall fully understand You. ```My Lord,
I pretend that I know everythingAbout You.
You pretend that You know nothingAbout me.
Both of us are cleverIn our own way.
```My Lord of Compassion,
Do You not feel disgracedWhen Your Compassion-Light
Surrenders to our darkness-night? ```My Lord,
Have You asked everyoneNot to bring me news about You?
If so, then kindly do me a big favour:Do put an end to the anxiety and eagerness
Of my heart-world. ```My desire-life continues,
Unsatisfied.Yet what compels me to pray to You
I do not know. ```My Lord,
Do You mind if I mix withThe uninspiring and unaspiring
Human beingsBefore You come to see me?
I shall be all readyThe moment You come.
“My child,Thinking of future perfection
Is, indeed, absurdity’s height.” ```My Lord,
I have taken hours and hoursTo make a most delicious meal
For YouWith my heart of love.
Is it so distastefulThat You do not want to touch it?
How do You know it is so?My Supreme says:
“My sweetness-child,No comment!”
```My Lord,
I have spent half my lifeAway from You
In my mind’s wild jungle.Now I feel it is high time
For me to leave the jungleAnd enter into my heart-garden,
To see Your EyeAnd gladden Your Heart.
```It is easy for me to believe
That a seed can grow into a tree,But how can the tree
Become the seed?The finite can grow into Infinity,
But how can Infinity breatheIn the heart of the finite?
```My Lord,
My heart is filledWith trembling fear.
When and how will I be ableTo beg You
To come to my rescue? ```My past does not control me.
My past only extolsMy present-day spiritual life.
```When day is done,
Night comes to prevail.Before the night’s arrival,
My Lord,Will You not grant me
Your safest Protection? ```My Lord,
I hope You do not mindIf I sit by Your Feet
And ask my eyesTo feast on their Beauty.
```My Lord,
Everything goes wellIn my life
Until You reveal my faultsTo the world at large.
```My Lord,
My doubting mind is all readyTo take away Your Forgiveness-title
If You do not forgive my wretched lifeOnce and for all.
```My Lord,
How do I dare to call YouMy own, very own,
When I displease YouAt every moment?
```My Lord,
I know You are proud of meNot because I am great,
But because You are able to make meHumility incarnate.
```My Lord,
You are telling meThat my sinful life
Is not as powerfulAs Your Forgiveness-Heart.
If it is true, then prove it! ```My Lord,
I have never disobeyedYour divine Authority.
So why is itThat You are not blessing me
With more responsibilityTo manifest You?
```My Lord,
Is it true that You bring thingsTo a crisis
So that eventually You can performYour Safety-Miracles?
```My Lord,
Is there any special reasonWhy You are taking such a long time
To transform my tragedy-heartInto a happy ending-life?
```My Lord,
I have only two prayers:May my mind run away from me;
May my heart always remain with me. ```My Lord,
In the morningI do not succeed in running towards You.
In the eveningI also have the same problem.
Is it destined that my desireHas to remain unsatisfied?
```My Lord,
Sometimes I thinkHow unkind You are to me
For allowing me,For such a long time,
To roam idly in indulgence-land. ```My Lord,
I am praying to YouNot for universal authority
But for universal unity. ```My Lord,
Is it true that a falsehood-mindCarries a heap of sin?
“My child, true, absolutely true!” ```My love of God
May not last forever,But God’s need for me
Forever lasts. ```The divine warrior
May have a very poor start,But he is bound to win
Eventually. ```My Lord,
Please make meEven the tiniest star
In Your galaxy of immortal stars. ```I am determined
To arrive at my Goal,Even through thick forests
Of blunders. ```Delay,
Either necessary or unnecessary,Dampens our inner joy.
```Since the beginning of human incarnation,
Humanity’s God-thirstHas remained unquenchable.
```Truth does not force us,
Truth does not beg us,Truth just inspires us.
```Either my Lord Supreme
Or His blessingful and watchfulEye of Love
Follows me wherever I go. ```I do not know
Why and how I allow myselfTo remain caught
In entangling, futile and uselessWorldly activities.
Deepens my heart.Comedy
Lightens my mind. ```My Lord is so compassionate to me!
Every day He allows my devotionTo encircle His Lotus-Feet.
```My Lord asks me
To sing His Heart-SongsNot only inside my heart-garden,
But also inside my mind-jungle. ```Every day
I release hoards of doubtsFrom my prison-mind.
```Every day
My soul, my heart and ICollect a very rich harvest
Of our Master’s nectar-utterances. ```To make a friendship perfect,
First it has to beSincere, hallowed and self-giving.
```May my aspiration-heart
Every dayPlay, sing and dance
With new devotion-blossoms. ```God wants from your life
Divine prosperity,And not your self-created pride
In your spiritual poverty. ```God does not mind
When I enjoy comfortAt His expense,
But my soul vehemently does. ```At long last,
My smiling soul, my crying heart and IAre returning to our
Divinity’s Immortality-Home. ```How can my deaf mind, blind eye
And weak heartAppreciate the soul-stirring Songs
Of my Lord’s Heart? ```My Lord, do You not see
That I am completely exhaustedAnd totally lost
From playing hide-and-seek with YouFor centuries,
Uninterrupted! ```To me,
Not the Smiles of my Lord’s Eye,But the Tears of my Lord’s Heart
Are my heart’s peerless treasures. ```May my mind be full of inspiration-leaves,
My heart be full of aspiration-flowersAnd my life be full of satisfaction-fruits.
```O my mind,
God definitely loves you dearly.Do not allow yourself
To get lostIn the thickest fog of disbelief!
```God tells me
That I have come into the worldTo enjoy the sweetness of His Heart
And not the bitterness of my life. ```How stupid I am
When I allow my insect-mindTo try to inject wisdom
Into my heart! ```My Lord,
I need silence and silence and silence.Do silence the drumbeats
Of my outer life. ```May each thought of my life
Be blessed with a new throbOf my heart.
```The world of my mind
Is smallerThan the tiniest hole.
```The world of my heart
Is vasterThan Vastness itself.
```My Lord,
I am so grateful to YouFor giving me a heart
That accepts Your Praise-FountainAnd the world’s blame-mountain
With equanimity. ```My mind’s newness, my heart’s oneness
And my life’s fulnessLive together inside my Lord’s
Heart-Home. ```I must develop an adamantine will
To become the sacred fireOf ceaseless God-remembrance.
```My Lord,
I do not like Your Divinity’s suggestions,But I appreciate, admire, adore and love
Your Divinity’s assertions. ```If my heart is not a God-prayer,
Then how can my life ever beA God-lover?
```When I do not aspire,
I surrender my mindTo my preoccupations.
When I aspire,I surrender my heart
To my God-service-occupation. ```My life’s self-control
Has made my eyesInfinitely more beautiful
Than I ever could imagine. ```The further I keep away from
The sound-life of the finite,The closer I shall come to
The Silence-Heart of the Infinite. ```It is dangerous
To bind oneselfIn self-opinion.
```I beg God
To give my mind a little freedom.God begs me
To accept His Heart’s unbounded Kingdom. ```My Lord’s Grace has descended.
I shall now be able to fellThe tall trees of my God-denial-mind.
```How beautiful I look
When I live in the daylightOf my heart’s blossoming smiles!
```My Lord,
I do not want You to respect my sleep,But I want You to expect
The acceleration of my readiness. ```In God’s entire creation,
There can be no heartThat will ever be deserted
By God’s Love. ```O my heart’s dream-angels,
Where are you?Do appear and play
Your God-Victory-trumpets! ```God definitely does not want me to live
Inside an unhappy corner of my mind.It is I who have chosen to live there
Unfortunately and blindly. ```The silence of my heart
ReverberatesIn the happiness-flooded Heart
Of my Lord Supreme. ```Every day
In my heart-templeI drink the Foot wash
Of my Beloved Supreme. ```Do not forget
That you are your Lord’s chosen child.It does not become you
To mix with ignorance-soldiers. ```Humanity is humanity’s
Utter shamelessness.Divinity is Divinity’s
Helpless sorrow. ```My mind wants God
UnmistakablyTo be proud of my mind.
My heart wants GodThrobbingly
To be fond of my heart.My life wants God
DesperatelyTo be the only Ruler of my life.
```My Lord,
My mind’s sincerity,My heart’s purity
And my life’s surrenderAre only for You to enjoy,
And for nobody else. ```If you want to enjoy
The pleasure-life,Then you do it
At your own inner expense.Destruction will soon start
Running after you! ```I wanted to have an inner conversation
With my Lord Supreme.He said to me,
“My child,You have to wait
Until we meet face to face.” ```The mind cannot give us peace
Because the mindDoes not have peace.
God’s Feet have peace,And God is telling us
That His Feet are all readyTo bless us with peace.
We have just to touch Them. ```To my aspiring heart,
Faith is not somethingThat I have to discover
Inside God’s Heart.My breathless faith
Is itself God. ```Faith can be achieved
Only from God-experienceAnd not from mind-information.
```The verbosity of the mind
Drowns the veracityOf the heart.
```I have come to realise
That talking without lovingIs merely barking.
```End your conversation
With ignorance-night.Lo, God’s Illumination
Is speeding towards you. ```If you do not allow your mind
To disobey God,You and your heart
Will be able to feed each otherSumptuously.
```My Lord, now that You know
That my heartIs all sincere love for You,
Can You not expediteMy God-realisation-hour?
```Desire tortures us
Infinitely more thanIt gives us happiness.
```When we do away with
Our doubt and suspicion-mind,God teaches us
The language of sweetness,Affection and devotion
So we can converse with Him. ```If our mind is all hesitation,
Then God-experience-hopeWill never be able to come near us,
Not to speak of clasping us. ```Wisdom is not self-imposition.
Wisdom is not self-mortification.Wisdom is not smearing oneself with ashes.
Wisdom is not the forest-life.Wisdom is not self-abnegation.
Wisdom is God’s Shelter. ```You say that
You are a God-listener.Then how is it that you are not
A good God-lover? ```My Lord,
My desire-life is so tiny.Your Compassion-Heart is so huge.
Why do You refuse to satisfyMy poor little desire-life?
```My Lord,
Why do I have to wait for joyFrom the fulfilment of my desire-life?
Can You not bless me with unbounded joyEven before I show You my desire-list?
If You do so,I can easily discard
My desire-list. ```My Lord,
To protect my body, vital, mindAnd heart,
I beg of You not to allowYour Compassion-Eye
To sleep anymore. ```Faith we need
To love God permanently.Surrender we need
To satisfy God fully. ```My Lord,
Can You not beAs fond of Your Generosity
As I am fond of my cravings?In this way,
You can solve all my problems. ```When I do not think of God,
I am a stranger to God.When I pray to God,
I become His neighbour.When I surrender
My very existence-life to God,I become a member
Of His immediate Family. ```My Lord,
Can You not count and count and countAll the good things
I have done for You?I am sure that while counting,
You will fall fast asleep.Then You will not be able
To count all the bad thingsI have done to You.
God smilingly says to me, “Amen!” ```My Lord,
When I place my headAt Your Feet,
You say to me, “Not enough!”When I place my life
At Your Feet,You say to me, “Not enough!”
My Lord, when will it be enough?“It will be enough
When you can assure MeThat you will not take them back.”
```My Lord,
Can You not seeThat I am suffering
From a life-threatening doubt-stroke?Where is
Your Compassion-Emergency Room,Where?
```May my gratitude-heart-flower
To my Lord SupremeForever and forever remain pure.
```My prayer, my meditation,
My aspiration and my dedicationTogether are on
A world-peace-tour. ```O seeker,
Be fully determinedNot to allow your mind
To collapseUnder its doubt-burden.
```I am astonished
That I haveA shameless desire-mountain-life.
```I have taken a short cut
By avoiding my mind’sDesire-forest
To enter into my heart-garden. ```My Lord,
I do not know how You do it.You never count it
When You give me anythingUnreservedly and unconditionally.
But whenever I give you something,You not only count it
But also add infinitely more. ```The power of humility
Has the capacity to simplifyThe mind’s complicated ego-life.
```My life’s devotional gratitude
To my Lord SupremeRevives my heart-flower.
```God is always eager
To eatHumanity’s oneness-meal.
```God likes to read
Our gratitude-heart-lettersLong before He reads
Any other letters. ```Those who want to explore the heart
Will have no timeTo indulge in the thought-world.
```Every day
I decorate my shrineWith the tears
Of my devotion-heart. ```Yes, you can silence your mind
With the aspiration, beauty,Purity and divinity
Of your heart. ```Every day a new, illumining
And fulfilling lifeMust come into existence
From our aspiration-heart. ```Every day my Lord Supreme
Wants me to feed my heartWith devotion-tears,
And I do it readily, willinglyAnd eagerly.
```What is enthusiasm?
Enthusiasm is somethingThat immediately activates
Our God-satisfaction-willingness. ```Every day we must increase
Our heart’s devotion-tearsTo enjoy the delight
Of God-satisfaction. ```My soul wants me every day
To aim atA perfection-life
And a God-satisfaction-heart. ```Oneness has the magic power
To remove our insecurity-barriersIn the twinkling of an eye.
```A God-disobedience-mind
Will never realiseHow happy and fulfilled
A God-obedience-heart is. ```God wants to give my mind
Infinity’s freedom.My mind immediately rejects it,
And my heart gets terribly frightened. ```My soul tells my heart
That if I want to makeRapid progress
In my spiritual life,Then I have to look at
The brightness onlyIn every little thing
That I see and do. ```I tell God,
“My Lord, I am not in a hurry.I can linger indefinitely
In expectation of Your Arrival.” ```Self-indulgence-fire
Is unimaginably difficultTo extinguish altogether.
```If you are not on speaking terms
With your soul,Then every day your God-disappointment
Will loom large, larger, largestInside your heart.
```Every time I have a good thought
In my mind,God blesses me with a new bodyguard
To protect my life. ```Alas, when shall I realise
That human friendshipsAre extremely, extremely fragile?
```Each dedication-life
Is a soul-stirring pieceOf God’s Music.
```My outer life is governed
By my restless thoughts.My inner life is regulated
By my God-feelings. ```Nothing is as valuable
As my heart’s cryFor my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```Every day I pray to God
To give me the capacity to fulfil Him,And not for a happiness-harvest-life.
```When my heart and I
Fail to smile at each other,I see my life is completely
Upside down. ```Love-devotion-surrender-flowers
Are available in our life-trees.But alas, we do not pluck them
And place them at the FeetOf our Lord Supreme.
```God’s Compassion-ringing Bell
AwakensMy morning prayer-heart.
```God tells me that
My searching mind is reliable,But my crying heart is not only reliable
And dependable,But also extremely valuable.
```If you live with your doubting mind,
Then sooner or laterYou are bound to take the exit
To destruction-abyss. ```Do not argue
With your suspicion-mind.You will add only more ignorance
To your life.Be wise.
Just ignore it! ```God wants me to smile
Not as His slave,But as a choice representative
Of His Satisfaction-Heart. ```There are many games
God plays with me,But He loves most
The hide-and-seek game. ```My Lord, I love Your Lotus-Feet
Infinitely more than I loveAnything else of Yours.
```God tells me
That He will withdrawHis Forgiveness
If I do not totally forgetMy Himalayan blunders.
```Today’s determination
Is definitely strong enoughTo bury my deplorable past.
```God does not care for
My heart’s trembling fears.But He loves and loves and loves
My heart’s beaming smiles. ```My heart’s aspiration-flames
Are blazingMy life’s transformation-path.
```My inner vision far supersedes
The calculationOf my outer achievements.
```Because of my undivine mind,
No matter what God does,I fail to appreciate it.
```Because of my divine heart,
No matter what God does,Not only do I appreciate
But I also heartily admire it. ```Where do I come from?
Alas, I come fromLethargy’s unlimited
Indulgence-fund. ```Where am I going?
I am goingTo Infinity’s unknowable
Ecstasy-Blossoms. ```The specially blessed ones
Love to walk togetherTowards their Destination.
```Self-glory or God-discovery:
Make your choice,Here and now!
```My Lord, look, look!
My mind’s hesitation-fog has vanished.Please, please book me
On the next boatTo Your Golden Shore.
```My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
And my own aspiration-heartEvery day dine
In the Heart-Garden of my Lord. ```Even the convictions
Of the human mindAre more fickle
Than the wind. ```My seeker-friend,
Look how beautifulYour aspiration-tree is
And how powerfulYour dedication-branches are!
```Our desire-life
Never takes ‘no’As an answer
From God. ```Ego, you must go, you must!
“Tell me, where?”None of my concern;
Only you must go, you must! ```If you can sincerely say and feel
That God-obedience is your life-breath,Then your heart’s aspiration-plants
Will grow by leaps and bounds. ```My Lord, I am sleeplessly
And breathlessly grateful to YouFor blessing me
With a heart-pleasing mind. ```I have changed my mind totally!
I shall never again walkOn my desire-life-street.
```A Heaven-aspiring dream
I have.A Heaven-manifesting reality
I am. ```I long to live between
My Eternity’s heart-criesAnd
My Infinity’s soul-smiles. ```Can you imagine
What God’s Grace can do!I cannot even remember
Where the desire-road is. ```Each aspiration-dream
Of my heartIs the beginning
Of a reality-manifestationIn my life.
```No more shall I surrender
To my mind’s labyrinthine thoughts,No more!
```A clever man relies on nothing.
A wise man relies on everything.A God-loving man relies on God
In everything. ```I offer my heart’s gratitude-breath
To my Lord SupremeBefore the birth of my prayer-hour.
```I have regained
My God-faith completely.My doubting mind
Is thunderstruck! ```My ego-satisfaction
And my soul-frustrationAre always at war.
My Lord, please comeAnd take my soul’s side.
```May my bitterness-mind
And my sweetness-heartBoth take shelter at the same time
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme. ```Alas, in vain
I have been in search ofNew tomorrows!
```The philosophy of the mind
Can confine you, bind youAnd even blind you.
```God touched the false seeker’s
Desire-handsAnd smashed them asunder.
```God touched the genuine seeker’s
Aspiration-handsAnd blessingfully and proudly
Clasped them. ```If you always want to justify
Whatever you do and say,Then the spiritual life
Is not meant for you. ```If you take spirituality
As your expectation-fulfilment-smile,Then you are feeding absurdity.
```Do not retire.
Desire to be great,Aspire to be good,
Surrender to be perfect.Do not retire.
```My heart-tears discover
God the Emperor.My life-smiles discover
God the Supreme Lover. ```All I need
Is an inspiration-encouragement-SmileFrom my Lord Supreme
To run the fastest in my inner life. ```My mind,
Are you not tired ofYour hostile monster-atrocities?
```Every day I pray to God
For a oneness-vision,But alas, division-realities
Come and threaten me. ```If I do not obey God’s Call,
Who can bless my mind with peace?Nobody!
```My tearful devotion-songs
Are dissolving the sorrowsOf my heart.
```Quite often God asks
My aspiration-heart to smile,My gratitude-heart to sing
And my surrender-heart to danceFor Him.
```My Master’s outer strictness-face
Frightens me.My Master’s inner sweetness-heart
Enlightens me. ```The road of service can be
A two-way street,But the road of surrender has to be
A one-way street. ```Do not try to escape
From doubt and fear.Challenge them and conquer them
If you really want to beA choice instrument of God’s Will.
```Aspiration is difficult to choose.
Dedication is a hundred timesMore difficult.
Manifestation is a million timesMore difficult.
```My heart has always
A blissful dialogue with God.My mind has always
A painful dialogue with God.I have always
A fruitful dialogue with God. ```I love those
Who live for God-realisation,But I love infinitely more
Those who live for God-manifestation. ```When the giver gives you
Happily and unreservedly,You receive a double amount.
```A self-giving heart
Is God’sCompassion-Wisdom-publisher.
```The moment he left
His desire-mansion,His riot of wild thoughts
Immediately stopped. ```As the doubting mind
Is always blameable,Even so the God-searching heart
Is always laudable. ```A self-proclamation-mind
And a self-dedication-heartAre eternal rivals.
```Aspiration’s best friend
Is not pleasure.Aspiration’s best friend
Is not comfort.Aspiration’s best friend
Is God’s Compassion-bestowing Eye. ```Love expands,
Love magnifies,Love beautifies
And love unifiesA seeker’s heart.
```The joy of manifestation
Is not a dutyAnd not a responsibility,
But a supreme opportunityTo bring to the fore
One’s own divinity. ```When I bend my heart to God,
He blesses me with His magnetic Smile.When I bend my mind to God,
He sings, He runs, He jumpsAnd dances all-where.
```The calculation-mind
And the compassion-heartAre always far apart.
```Self-doubt weakens
Our God-manifestation-possibilitiesMost tragically.
```My God-hunger
And my God-loveAre the two most
God-pleasing twins. ```True, to come out of
The desire-mind-jungleIs not an easy task,
But not an impossible task either. ```My heart is crying
And cryingIn the land of deaf ears.
```The mind’s attachment-forest
Is extremelyLife-threatening.
```God does not come down to frighten,
But to enlightenHis insecurity-children.
```Every morning,
When you pray most self-givingly,You are bound to be embraced
By God’s Delight-Heart. ```Your God-fulfilling dreams
Are founded uponYour life’s goodness-heart.
```A good seeker is the result
Of God’sCompassion-Blessing-Eye.
```God takes me
Under His Protection-WingsWhen I aim at
My personality-perfection. ```Even my Lord’s Compassion-Eye
May not accompany me at times,But His Forgiveness-Heart
Always accompanies me. ```When your heart
Is all readiness,God the Fulness
Proudly arrives. ```Aspiration is my heart’s
God-climbing certitude.Dedication is my life’s
God-spreading certitude. ```Do not weep
In the despair-night of your heart.It does not become you.
```I never listen
To humanity’s thunder-march,But I do devotedly listen
To Divinity’s Silence-Steps. ```My Lord, I feel it is high time
For me to knowWhen my life’s bondage-chains
Will be broken. ```Wisdom
Can cross all boundariesAt its sweet will.
```Knowledge quite often
Ends up inA dead-end street.
```Every morning my Lord comes
To bless my mindWith a silence-sea,
But my sleeping mindRejects His Offering.
```Sweeter than the sweetest
And richer than the richestAre our gratitude-tears.
```Alas, how can I make progress
In my inner lifeWhen I clearly see
That my heart is made of tearsAnd my life is made of sighs?
```God’s first Smile was born
The day humanity awokeTo His Light.
```Desires roam
In the pathlessJungle-mind.
```Every day Heaven whispers
God-manifestation-messagesTo my aspiration-heart.
```God smiles
To inspire the outer worldTo sing His Glory.
```God sings
To inspire the inner worldTo proclaim His Victory.
```A gratitude-heart
Is the master keyThat opens up all the rooms
Of God’s Heart-Palace. ```Static spirituality
Is an antique spirituality,And my aspiration-heart
Wants nothing to do with it. ```The mind’s possession-obsession
Is the spiritual life’sGradual destruction.
```Human love
Is quite oftenA pretense-specialist.
```Divine love
Is God’sCompassion-invocation-specialist.
```Because of his purity-heart,
He has the Heaven-smileIn his eye.
```O my mind,
Do not remain any longer addictedTo the path of vanity’s unreality.
```O my heart,
Forever remain devotedTo the path of reality’s beauty.
```I adore
My Master’sTemper-proof poise.
```I worship
My Master’sInfinity’s Silence-Heart-Sky.
```A simplicity-mind
And a sincerity-heartAre the two most loyal subjects
In God’s Heart-Kingdom. ```I have emptied
The sorrows of my heartInto my Lord’s Sympathy-Heart-Sea.
```A goodness-heart
Is definitely entitledTo sweet dreams.
```God wants from me
A service-lifeAnd not a servility-mind.
```No matter how thorny,
How arduous and how challengingThe road is,
I shall never, never failMy Lord Supreme again!
```The outer riches —
Prosperity, name and fame —Have limits.
```The inner riches —
Poise, peace and delight —Have no limits.
```I am enraptured
By the Silence-SoundOf my Lord’s Forgiveness-Feet.
```Insignificant thoughts
Aimlessly and foolishlyRule the outer world.
```Look forward!
Run and run towards your Goal!You have no time to lament
Your past lethargy-life. ```As long as there is breath
Inside my heart,I shall devote myself only
To my God-manifestation-task. ```The more I use
My God-obedience-life,The brighter I see
My Lord’s Satisfaction-Smile. ```God always tells me
Smilingly and proudlyTo do anything that expedites
My inner and outer progress. ```Disobedience is nothing other than
A downhill raceTo the abysmal abyss.
```God finds it impossible
To be near my idle mouthAnd empty hands.
```The happiness of my today’s heart
Cannot be preservedFor tomorrow.
Tomorrow I must prayFor a new happiness-heart.
```I know, I know
My present failure-lifeWill before long vanish
Inside the beautyOf my heart’s new dreams.
```A hero-God-warrior
Is he whose temptation-lifeDies untested.
```When my mind suffers,
I use different kinds of painkillers.But my Lord’s smiling Eye
Not only is by far the best,But also is an immediate cure.
```I have given my Lord Supreme
The copyright for my life.Therefore, like a free bird,
I am flying in the vastness-sky. ```Only to the aspiring heart
Does God choose to teachHis own Heart-Language.
```The mind’s complacency
And the life’s failureAlways live together.
```When God comes
To say something to my mind,Immediately my mind
Resonates with the sound of “No!” ```When God comes
To say something to my heart,My heart first breathes in
The dust of God’s Feet,And then resonates with the sound
Of “Yes, yes, yes!” ```Alas, will there ever come a time
For earth to celebrateIts peace-victory-festival?
```O my ignorance-night-life,
Sleep no more!It is high time
For you to wake up. ```The mind’s
God-dedication-carStalls more often
Than it ever runs. ```My heart’s devotion
Is the perfect multiplicationOf my God-love.
```A true compassion-heart
Will never run shortOf love.
```O my disobedience-mind,
Look what you have done!You have smashed
All my God-fulfilment-dreamsInto pieces.
```My mind’s hesitation-torture-life
Has devouredAll my God-fulfilment-promises.
```An unconditional surrender-path
My Lord SupremeHas already paved for me.
```The brilliance
Of my intelligence-mindIs no match for
The radianceOf my aspiration-heart.
```My God-unwillingness-mind
Is a serious threatTo my heart’s golden future.
```A true prayer
Always enters intoIts heart-home,
Smiling and smiling and smiling. ```Can you imagine!
Even my mindIs exceedingly happy
With my constantGod-satisfaction-choice.
```For a seeker,
God’s StandardIs the only standard
To live by. ```My Lord, I beg of You
A million timesTo steal my desire-eyes
And replace them withMy aspiration-heart.
```My God-surrendering heart,
I adore you,I love you —
Far beyond your imagination. ```O my Master,
When I see tears in your eyes,I see that you are
My only Way.When I see smiles in your eyes,
I realise that you areMy only Goal.
```My Lord, You think I cannot,
But I am sure I can.One day I shall make You love
My wish.And my Lord, what is my wish?
My wish is to please YouAnd fulfil You unconditionally
In Your own Way. ```My Lord, the world thinks
That I am mad.You know and I know
That my madness is only my cryTo be at Your Feet.
My Lord, I pray to YouNot to take away this madness.
```My Lord, I thought that by fulfilling
My desire-life,I would become extremely strong.
But now I see that by taking awayMy desire-life,
You have made me strongerThan the strongest.
```My Lord, when I do not please You
In Your own Way,Do make me feel only one thing:
That I am a mere nothing.This feeling of nothingness
Will wake me up. ```My Lord,
Without Your unconditional Compassion,I could not have separated
My heart-dreamsFrom my mind-nightmares.
```My Lord,
How can I destroyMy insincerity-mind?
“My child,Forget about your insincerity-mind.
Just think of the beauty and fragranceOf your sincerity-heart
All the time.” ```My Lord,
How can I make my life sweet?“My child,
Just sing the Glory of My Name.Your life, inner and outer,
Will be sweeter than the sweetest.” ```My Lord,
My heart wants me to kiss Your Feet,But my soul wants me to embrace You.
What shall I do, my Lord?“My child,
Always listen to your soul.Your soul is My direct representative
On earth.” ```When I touch my Lord’s Feet,
Lo and behold,All my mind’s desires
And all my heart’s aspirationsRun away together
Faster than the fastest,And Infinity’s Satisfaction smiles and sports
Inside my life. ```My Lord,
By Your Grace I have many good thingsIn my life.
But now can You tell meIf by offering only one particular thing
I shall be able to please You forever?“My child,
There is such a thing,And that thing is your sleepless
And breathless faith in Me.” ```When my sincerity-heart
Loves God,My life cannot measure
My joy. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Has led my life to my Master.My Master’s eagerness-heart
Will carry me to God’s Feet. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
The very thought of YouIs the treasure chamber
Of all my happiness. ```Sufferings chase me
When I forget my Master’s heart.But when I remember my Master’s heart,
My Master chases away my sufferings. ```My Lord tells me that silence-joy
Is not only the right thing,But also the only thing to embody, reveal
And manifestHere on earth.
```My Lord quite abruptly
Entered into my mind,Caught my pride
And threw it away. ```My Lord quite unexpectedly
Entered into my vital,Caught my impurity
And threw it away. ```My Lord, with no warning,
Entered into my heart,Caught my insecurity
And threw it away. ```My Lord on tiptoe
Entered into my body,Caught my lethargy
And threw it away. ```My Lord threw away
My pride, impurity, insecurityAnd lethargy
Only to replace themWith His Pride supreme.
```My Lord gave me a worshipping heart.
But when He realisedThat I was not complete,
He gave me a surrendering lifeTo make me
Complete and perfect. ```My Lord tells me
That He gets joy only twice:Once when I preach to His Mind
And once when He teaches my heart. ```Each enlightened soul
Shortens the distanceBetween humanity
And the God-Satisfaction-Shore. ```Alas, when my Lord says nothing
To my heart,My heart feels miserable,
And when my Lord says somethingTo my mind,
My mind feels miserable.I ask my Lord,
“How can I have such a miserable fate?”My Lord tells me
That I have such a miserable fateBecause my heart has not studied
Oneness-lesson,And my mind has not studied
Illumination-lesson. ```Inactive faith
Sleeps inside our minds.Active faith
Lives inside our hearts. ```Poor God every day
Begs us to allow HimTo arrest all the evil forces
That are ruthlessly torturing us.But we do not allow Him
Because we are somehow enjoyingThe wild temptation-bond
Of the evil forces. ```When we soulfully pray
And self-givingly meditate,Our prayer-universe
And meditation-universeImmediately expand.
```A God-server is, indeed,
A supreme heroOf both the inner world
And the outer world. ```Early in the morning
God rings only three doorbells —My life’s readiness-doorbell,
My mind’s willingness-doorbellAnd my heart’s eagerness-doorbell.
```The twentieth century is undoubtedly
An age of self-imposed worriesAnd anxieties.
```I actually cannot measure
My heart-joyWhen I touch the Lotus-Feet
Of my Lord Supreme. ```The devotion of the heart
Unmistakably indicatesThe blossoming of the seeker’s
God-satisfaction-life. ```I am applying myself
To the life of perfection.I shall never deviate
From the pathOf my determination.
```The sufferings of my heart
In no time vanishWhen I remember the Compassion-Eye
Of my Absolute Lord Supreme. ```I have found peace,
Not in my feeble attemptTo perfect the world,
But in my daring attemptTo silence my mind.
```The silence of the mind
And the peace of the heartAre inseparable.
```I was drowning
In my mind’s ignorance-seaUntil I bravely and safely reached
My Lord’s Compassion-Heart-Shore. ```If we have a sleeplessly self-giving life,
Then no special effort is neededTo be in the Presence
Of our Lord’s Satisfaction-Heart. ```Human beings praise me and blame me
In accordance with their sweet will,But my Lord is the only one
Who claims me smilingly, proudlyAnd unconditionally.
```God can expedite His Hour.
He can even bring His HourAnd place it right here and now.
But alas, where is my receptivity,Where?
```If you want to enjoy world-pleasures,
Then enjoy them to your heart’s content.But remember,
Destruction-night shall start chasing youBefore long.
```We get tremendous pleasure
Speaking to our friends,And we forget to speak to God.
But God exists in the very breathOf our life,
And when God stops talking to us,We get frightened.
Then we start speaking to Him,Only to Him.
```The sacred and secret Truth
Can be discoveredIn the God-blossoming heart
Of the seeker. ```Remain seated at God’s Feet
While servingThe omnipresent Vision-Eye
Of the Lord Supreme. ```Delight will dawn upon you
When you consciously and deliberatelyStop conversing
With your God-doubting mind. ```Peace of mind
Is bound to be there,Where the faith of the heart
Reigns supreme. ```If only once
I can convince my mindThat I am only of God
And I am only for God,Then there will be nothing left undone.
```My Lord, I have renounced
My earthly desire-life.Now I have taken You
As my only desire. ```Who says that we have no authority
Over time?God’s Compassion-Eye
Can easily sanction it. ```When I forget to think of myself,
God not only thinks of meBut also talks about me.
```Alas, my Lord, how many things
I have said and I have doneTo remove myself
From Your Heart-Garden! ```Hard it was for me to find You, Lord,
Harder to receive Blessings from You.But now my hands and my heart
Are full of Your Blessing-Blossoms. ```Before I was nothing at all.
But now that I am at Your Feet,You make me feel
That I am Your Dream-Reality’s all. ```My Lord says to me,
“My child,Now that I have burnt up
Your past life-history,Can you not come and be with Me
As My Heart’sPerfection-Satisfaction-Smile?”
```The path that leads me back to life
For God-manifestationI shall follow happily and proudly.
```My Lord asks me:
“My child,Since your love of Me costs nothing,
Why do you not love Me?” ```My Lord asks me:
“My child,Since your God-realisation-dream
Costs nothing,Why do you not apply yourself
To your God-realisation-dream?” ```I am weeping and sobbing
Not because God has rejectedMy life,
But because I have desertedGod’s Heart.
```My Lord has promised me
That not only His Compassion-Eye,But also His Forgiveness-Heart
Will follow me,No matter where I go.
```God has no time
To think of my ascetic mind,But He has all the time
To bless my self-giving heart. ```I am a beggar,
And I am proud of my beggar-life.But what do I actually beg for?
God’s Compassion-flooded Smile. ```I know the sacred meaning
Of what God says to me.God knows the secret significance
Of what I do not say to Him. ```My Lord always encourages me,
Inspires me and feeds meBy saying that I am not
What I seem.According to Him,
I am another blooming, blossoming God. ```When I enjoy idle words,
My Lord immediately becomesA sea of tears.
```Finally, I have stilled
My flying desires.My Lord tells me
That I am a supreme authorityOn the desire-rejection-life.
```God wanted me to be
His devoted listener.I obeyed Him.
Now He wants me to beHis world-lover, His world-server
And His world-transformer. ```O seeker, do not miss the road.
Do not enter into your mind-jungle.Be careful, be cautious, be watchful,
Be mindful!Take the right path.
Your heart-garden is eagerlyWaiting for you.
```My Lord,
I have come crying to You.I want to love You once more.
Do give me a chance.Do turn me into Your Eternity’s
Smiling self-giver. ```My Lord, once upon a time
My heart was faithful,My mind was dependable,
My life was serviceable.Do tell me, who has robbed me
Of those virtues? ```When my mind spends time
Studying the differencesBetween the scriptures,
The seeker in meGets painfully and completely lost.
```When my heart spends time
In meditation,God’s Heart proudly claims me
And God’s Life blessingfullyAppoints me.
```The secret desire of my mind
Is to dominate the world.The sacred desire of my heart
Is to love the world.The perfect desire of my soul
Is to become inseparably oneWith the world.
```May every human being
Tell every other human beingHow close he feels to God.
```My Lord,
Since I cannot govern my desires,Can You not, on my behalf,
Govern themWith Your absolute Authority?
```My Lord tells me
That He will protect meFrom all future entanglements
If I can place,Once and for all,
My information-headAnd my confusion-mind
At His Feet. ```It may be difficult
To accept God’s Justice-Eye,But it is extremely easy
To love God’s Forgiveness-Heart.Let nobody hesitate.
```Alas, I have become
My heart-night’sHelpless cry.
```God tells the doubting mind
That He will never give itHis Home Address.
```Every morning my prayer-tears
Most soulfully worshipThe Feet of my Lord Supreme.
```O my mind, go forward!
Go forward!Stop counting your days of miseries.
```The rejection of God’s Will
Eventually becomes itselfThe most furious punishment.
```Our ceaseless cries for power
Compel GodTo sigh and sigh.
```What makes us
A real loser?Our height and depth
Of pride! ```What is patience?
Patience isAn illumining inner light.
```If you lose
Your heart’s devotion-tears,Then all the fears of the inner world
Will attack you. ```Do not exercise
Your authority-power,Do not!
There are superior powersThat will compel you ruthlessly
To surrender to them. ```If it is wrong,
Your sincere heartIs always ready to admit,
Instead of justifying. ```Lethargy is, indeed,
A force undivine, uninspiringAnd unfulfilling.
```Nothing can protect you
As adequately and as perfectlyAs your obedience-heart.
Eventually endsIn the most deplorable misery.
```One Compassion-flooded Smile
From my Lord SupremeChanges my inner world.
```I challenge my mind’s
NegativityWith my heart’s
Rainbow-beauty. ```If there is real love
For God,Then obedience
Has to follow. ```We have many enemies,
But our worst enemyIs our vital depression.
```God’s blessingful and poignant Song
Echoes and re-echoesInside my aspiration-heart-garden.
```A seeker must devotedly live
In the hope of arrivingAt his destined Goal.
```My Lord, save me!
Save my lifeFrom my constant refusals.
```My Lord,
If You really love me,Then do not make any Request.
Just commandAnd command
And command! ```My Lord,
When others blame me unjustifiablyAnd even unnecessarily,
Do give me the capacityTo be perfect
In Your own Way. ```My Lord,
Do not give me freedom!Do not give me freedom!
I am apt to misuse it,And then my doom chases me.
```You cannot and you must not
Avoid reality.You must face reality
And cast forth your realityIn accordance with God’s Will.
```O mind, my restless mind,
Right now stop here!Stop and offer your prayerful gratitude
To our Lord Supreme. ```When my mind comes to me,
I tell my mindThat I am extremely busy.
“Come later! Come later!”This is the game
That I play with my mind. ```I pray to my Lord Supreme
To give me news.It does not have to be good news.
Any news from HimEnlightens me and satisfies me.
Is curious to knowWhat the seekers are doing
In the small hoursOf the morning.
```Lord Buddha saw
Over two thousand years agoWhat I am seeing now.
Lord Krishna saw
Over five thousand years agoWhat I am seeing now.
What am I seeing?
I am seeingThe beauty, the harmony
And the fragranceOf Infinity’s Vision-Delight-Light.
```Each desire of our mind
Leads us with tremendous eagernessTo more and more and more desires.
```An inner revolution
Is of paramount importanceTo shatter the ignorance-pride
Of humanity. ```Who chooses what?
God choosesMy mind’s ignorance-night
For transformation.I choose
My Lord’s Compassion-EyeFor satisfaction.
```My Lord,
If You do not love me,Tell me the truth.
I shall become a better personSo that You can love me.
```My Lord,
Once more invent my soul,Invent my heart,
And invent my lifeTo please You in Your own Way.
```To succeed and to proceed,
I must reconcile firstMy outer life and my inner life.
```At long last
I have restoredMy long-lost heart-shrine.
```My Lord, I beg of You
To stop my insatiablePower-hunger.
```My mind,
I shall be so happyAnd so proud of you
If you allow me to enjoyA longer than the longest
Vacation from you. ```When disaster strikes,
It never, never gives usAny notice.
```The human mind
Does not mindWhen contradictions
Become its ruler. ```When we pray and meditate
Soulfully and ceaselessly,We enter into a world
Where Divinity bloomsAnd blossoms.
```The purity, fragrance, light
And powerOf a prayerful action
Are unimaginable. ```You say that you have nothing to do.
But I tell you,You have something to do
That you are not aware of.You have to bury your fear,
Bury your self-doubtAnd bury your God-doubt
Here and now. ```A citizen
Of the inner worldIs anxiety-proof.
```My Lord,
How long do I have to continueWrestling with wicked fears?
```God speaks to us most clearly
Through each and every experienceThat we receive from Him.
```Every day God invites us
To enter into a divine partnership,But fear tortures us,
And we do not accept His Invitation. ```Patience lengthens my time
And shortens the distanceTo my Destination.
```A self-oriented mind
Will never be ableTo please God.
```A God-surrendered heart
Always pleases GodIn His own Way.
```Although it was
An extremely difficult task,I did finally bid adieu
To my suspicion-mindAnd my frustration-vital.
```Why does God keep countless secrets
From us?He does it so that we will value them
And be worthy of them,And one day be able to manifest
These secrets,Which are nothing other than
His blossoming Dream-Realities. ```When all else fails,
Try only two things:Your heart’s gratitude-tears
AndYour life’s surrender-smiles.
```I have not only diminished,
But also totally destroyedThe forces of my desire-greed.
```A willingness-mind
And an eagerness-heartAre two reciprocal supporters.
```In my aspiration-heart,
My motto is:Tears, tears and tears alone!
```In my dedication-life,
My motto is:Smiles, smiles and smiles alone!
```How I wish
That no human being would sufferThe ruthless tragedies
Of a wasted life! ```My Lord asks me
To offer my heartSleeplessly
To please Him alwaysIn His own Way.
```My Lord asks me
To offer my lifeUnconditionally
To become another God. ```Lavish your affection and fondness
On the Lord Supreme.Behold, ecstasies from Heaven
Are fast approaching you! ```To make yourself truly happy,
See what you have already receivedFrom God.
```Never, never try to imagine
What you deserve from God,Or you will immediately become
A victim to unhappiness. ```The God-searching mind
Is aptTo plan.
```The God-loving heart
Is aptTo execute.
Life’s superficiality-stupidity,Reject!
Life’s spirituality-necessity,Accept!
```Accept without reservation
God’s Justice-LightFor your mind’s transformation
And your life’s perfection. ```The remote future
Can be a future unknown,Even unknowable.
```God is partial.
This is, indeed,The mind’s useless understanding
Of God. ```My Lord says to me:
“My child,Humility is what you need.
But on the way,If humiliation precedes humility,
Do not lose faith in Me.I shall adorn you
With My Divinity’s Pride.” ```Aspiration is not
My thinking process,No, never!
```Aspiration is
My self-offering progressFor my Lord Supreme.
```The unanswered question
Of my lifeDestroys my inner joy:
Will I ever be ableTo please God
In God’s own Way? ```O my mind, I warn you!
Do not interrupt meWhen I speak to my heart.
```O seeker, do not fool yourself
By thinking and feelingThat you do not have to
Bear responsibilityFor God-manifestation here on earth.
```God sheds ceaseless Tears
When I resort to crushing othersFor my own advancement-satisfaction.
```We must live the inner life
Of soulfulnessAnd not the outer life
Of swiftness. ```After visiting Heaven,
My mind says to meThat Heaven
Is not as beautifulAs it thought.
```After visiting hell,
My heart says to meThat hell
Is not as frightfulAs it imagined.
```An aspiration-heart
Is the only gatewayTo an illumination-soul.
```May every morning
Become a new, inspiringAnd fulfilling
Blossom of my heart. ```Nature’s beauty
Teaches optimismTo the aspiring heart.
```Our mind tries
To inject pessimismInto Nature,
But it fails. ```Anything that you do for God
Can be done not only divinelyAnd perfectly,
But also easily. ```When we do not pray and meditate,
We see the two worst possible rivalsIn our own life-family:
Our frustration-mindAnd
Our depression-vital. ```What your mind
Thinks is greatMay not necessarily
Be great. ```What your heart
Feels is goodIs unquestionably good.
```Be not discouraged!
Today you may be a noviceIn your aspiration-life,
But in the near future,You can become
A super-excellent aspirant. ```When we live in the mind,
Then everything newIs a wonder of wonders.
```When we live in the heart,
Then everything newIs a natural and spontaneous expression
Of our inner divinity. ```Every human being
Is worthy of being loved,For he is a unique
God-blossoming life. ```What can our meditation
Do for us?Our meditation can prevent
Worries and anxietiesFrom flocking to us.
```God gave us the heart
To use for prayers,But we are using our lips
Instead. ```O my mind,
I shall tame you,Not hurt you.
You will never be hospitalised. ```Change yourself.
Lo, the worldIs already changed!
```Do not evade
The hostile forces.You have to invade their domain
To declare God’s Victory supreme. ```If you cherish doubt,
Then you have a serious deficiencyIn your spiritual life.
```Jealousy’s head
Is longer than the longest.It can reach anywhere.
```God does not mind
If you want to negotiateWith Him.
But it is you who will beThe most deplorable loser.
```Your neutrality
Destroys the joyOf both parties
In a dire disagreement. ```Keep your mind far above
The domain of criticism,Just or even unjust.
```Let your faith
Govern your life.To your great satisfaction,
You will tame your doubt. ```How can you have happiness
If your mind is buriedIn indifference-cave?
```I shall leave nothing undone
To discover my Lord’sCompassion-flooded Footsteps.
```Do not worry!
Do whatever you are expectedTo do.
The inner joy will startAccompanying you.
```Exclude doubt and exclude fear
The moment you feelThat you are ready to offer yourself
To your Lord Supreme. ```Old, uninspiring thoughts
Can be resisted and replacedBy new, inspiring ones.
A true seeker is fully aware of this. ```You fold your hands
In supplication,But your mind is engrossed
In self-aggrandisement.How then can you please
Your Lord Supreme? ```You can be a free
And exalted soulIf you study
At God’s Surrender-School. ```You have carefully educated your mind
In greatnessFor a long time.
Now you must devotedly educate your heartIn goodness.
```Export your heart to God.
He will allow you to importEverything from Him
Unreservedly. ```For a God-realised soul,
Nothing can ever beInsoluble.
```The doubting mind
Is apt at grumbling —Not only audibly,
But loudly. ```I am so happy
That my mind is at lastDeveloping the habit
Of obeying God. ```You have no idea
How deplorably you weakenThe power of your creativity
By thinking and thinking. ```You must accept your fate
Bravely,And then master it
Slowly, steadilyAnd unerringly.
```Every day we must pray
And meditateIn the light-flooded garden
Of our heart. ```Man’s oft-repeated conversation
With God:“God, do You love me?
Do You need me?If so, then prove it!”
```Immortality befriends
The beauty of our aspiration-heartAnd
The fragrance of our dedication-life. ```God gave you the capacity
To create Heaven,But He never, never imagined
That you would create hell instead. ```Associate with God-dreamers.
God-lovers will comeAnd associate with you.
```Our weak mind, weak heart
And weak lifeDo not agree with God
When He tells usThat each of His children
Is unique. ```When we completely surrender
To God’s Will,We see God Himself
Cutting the long armsOf our misfortune-life.
```Our conscience tells our mind:
“Compromise is the heightOf stupidity,
And the life of futility.” ```Say “Yes” to God quickly
Before He turnsHis Back.
```Alas, will we ever realise
How often we consciouslyAnd deliberately
Give unnecessary painTo the ones around us?
```Every day
My heart’s promise-treeGets stronger and stronger
To satisfy GodIn God’s own Way.
```Our undivine life
Can never intrudeOn the ecstasy-life
Of our soul. ```If we do not develop
The power of discrimination,We will not be able
To proceed successfullyIn our spiritual life.
```Every night
I commit myselfTo a God-satisfying dream.
```Eternity’s Silence
Is awaiting our mind.Infinity’s Joy
Is awaiting our heart.But we do not know
Where they are. ```If we do not aspire,
We shall not be ableTo keep ourselves away
From brooding fearsAnd doubts.
```Sleepless love of God
Is the true measureOf a real devotee.
```Those who at every moment
Overestimate themselvesDeserve to be underestimated
By all and sundry. ```Learn the art
Of investing your service-timeWisely.
God will proudly claim youAs His very own.
```Your God-given talents
Are for your God-service onlyHere on earth.
```Unwillingness says:
“I have done enoughBoth for earth
And for Heaven!” ```The road
Least travelledIs the gratitude-heart-road.
```The clever, nay, the stupid mind
Purposely skipsThe love-devotion-surrender-classes.
```If you do not have
Love, devotion and surrenderIn your inner life,
Then your outer life and your inner lifeWill both suffer
From chronic disobedience-illness. ```Nobody can forecast
The daily mind-weather,Nobody.
```My doubting mind
Is at oddsWith each and every
Human being. ```My aspiring heart
Is at peaceWith the whole world.
```Each seeker must know
That there can be no overdoseOf aspiration, dedication
And God-manifestation. ```My soul says to my heart:
I shall train you to be divinelyAnd supremely brave.
You will never be paralysedWith fear.
```Do not sacrifice
Your heart’s goodness-diamondFor your mind’s greatness-balloon.
```Do not neglect
The inner voice.The inner voice
Is God’s perfect Choice. ```Every day my soul amplifies
My Lord’s Silence-MessagesFor my aspiring heart.
```Self-importance is, indeed,
A distorted,Perverted inner will.
```What I like most
Is my heart’s endless pilgrimageTo my soul-destination.
```My Lord tells me
That each prayerful songOf my heart
Gives Him enormous comfort. ```A great expectation
Does not know thatIt will be chased
By a greater frustration. ```Is it possible
For my soul to sleep?I do not believe it,
But alas, it is true. ```My inner life
Is not only my real reality,But also the only reality
That can please my Lord SupremeIn His own Way.
```My Lord Supreme
Is pleased with meOnly when I breathe
My heart’s ecstasy-flooded breath. ```My God-surrender
Is the most meaningfulAnd most fruitful necessity
In my aspiration-life. ```I prayerfully follow
My Lord’s every Footstep.My Lord proudly follows
My heart’s every smile-step. ```My Lord,
I am offering YouEverything that I have,
Including my impossibleIngratitude-heart,
For Your Forgiveness,For Your Perfection
And for Your Transformation. ```Only one individual can change
My life entirely,And that is
My Lord Absolute Supreme. ```My Lord,
I am begging You,From the very depths of my heart,
To revive my God-loving life. ```Nobody has compelled me
And nobody can compel meTo love God.
I am loving GodBecause it is my free choice.
```God is not a policeman,
But God is an ever-servingVolunteer Watchman.
```The mind likes to be always
In a whirlwind of activitiesWithout any destination.
```How I believed
In my spiritual life once!Alas, what has gone wrong
With me?I have lost my spirituality.
I have lost everythingThat was divine in me.
```God wants me to fly and fly
To HimIn His Compassion-Benediction-Chariot.
```If you start crying in repentance
For every mistakeThat you have committed,
Then there will be no timeFor you to pray to God
For a new life of illumination. ```Hesitation prevents us
From doing anythingThat is illumining and fulfilling.
```I am determined
Not to neglect anymoreMy gratitude-heart-field.
```No discipline,
No determination,No goal,
No satisfactionFrom my heart
To God’s Heart. ```My Lord,
Speed up, speed up!Do deface my pride-drunk mind
And my pride-drunk life. ```This moment
Life is a broken hope.Next moment
Life is a God-fulfilment-promise. ```O my soul’s rainbow-smile,
I am prayerfully yearningFor you to appear before me
For the illumination of my life. ```Where is safety?
Safety is in our prayer-cries.Safety is in our meditation-smiles.
Safety is in our surrender-danceTo God’s Will.
```Be wise! Be wise!
Be not a self-imposed barrierOn your way
To your God-realisation-life. ```Aspiration, realisation,
God-manifestationAnd life-transformation
Are cherished children of God. ```Finally my mind
Is surcharged with peace,To weather all trials
Successfully. ```When you become
Your heart’s soulfulness,The whole world will love you
Far beyond your imagination. ```Optimism, optimism!
Keep a profound optimism.Bow to your future Goal.
Your Goal will not fail you,And you will not fail your Goal.
```May my heart’s determination,
Devotion and surrenderForever remain unbroken.
```Alas, we do not know
How and whyWe keep our heart’s aspiration-car
So often in reverse. ```Approach
Each and every secondWith a God-surrendering heart.
```God does not care for
Your mind’s loneliness.He cares only for
Your heart’s selflessness. ```God Himself has come down
To celebrate my mind’sBondage-independence day.
```God’s Forgiveness, God’s Compassion
And God’s unconditional Self-GivingAre everybody’s
Unimaginable possessions. ```We need
An ultramarathon of patienceEvery day
To fulfil the divine in usPerfectly.
```Do not be doomed to disappointment!
Today your love-devotion-surrender-stepsMay be awkward and disheartening,
But tomorrow they are bound to beCharming, astonishing and perfect.
```My soul has
What my heart needs,And not what my mind wants.
```Go deep within.
To your great surprise,All obstacles
Will turn into opportunities. ```My mind,
You have been torturing meFor years.
Can you not leave me alone?I want you to shut up
For good! ```The inspiration of the mind
And the aspiration of the heartTogether fight
Against the frustration of the vital. ```I have cast aside
My mind’s complaint-daggers.I have now become
My heart’s aspiration-tower. ```What you immediately
And desperately need:A desire-rejection-project.
```If you aspire most soulfully,
Then you do not have to gropeIn the shadows of doubt.
```My unconditional God-surrender
Is the new languageOf my aspiration-heart.
```If you follow a spiritual path,
Then you must deepen constantlyYour love of God.
```Invited or uninvited,
You must placeYour entire earth-existence-life
At the Feet of your Lord Supreme. ```God-denials
Increase my heart’sGod-hunger.
Excite my mind’sGod-thirst.
```I have only two dreams:
My life-transformation-dreamAnd my God-satisfaction-dream.
```If you have humility,
Then you are advancedIn the spiritual life.
```Each one is trying to offer light
To the world.But, alas, we are all ending up
Gathering darkness for the world. ```Illumination comes from experiences
And not from discussions.Discussions are nothing short of futilities.
```Constant surrender
To God’s WillIs the most momentous choice
A seeker can make. ```With my heart’s certainties
I make my fastest progress,And never with my mind’s curiosities.
```A seeker’s God-surrender-life
Will always remainThe most ancient and most perfect language
Of his heart. ```Humanity has given me
Heavy burdens,But God has given me
Two strong shoulders. ```I hinder not only my growth,
But also the growth of the entire world,When I do not feed God
With my love, devotionAnd surrender.
```My mind,
God is talking to you.Why are you so careless and callous?
Take heed! ```How can you neglect
The inner voiceWhen you tell the world
That God is your only choice? ```Are you waiting for an invitation
From God?He may not invite you at all.
The best thing is for you to go to HimUninvited.
I assure you, He will not mind. ```Break
The exorbitant prideOf your sound-mind!
```Make friends
With the silence-beautyOf your heart.
```Worthless and useless words
Produced by the mindAre weakening
The life-climbing aspirationOf the heart.
```Be always generous
With your soul’sCompassion-delight.
```Be always generous
With your heart’sAffection-light.
```Be always generous
With your life’sConcern-assurance.
```Do not feed your anxieties
With your attention,But starve them to death
With your determination. ```If I have to wait for my perfection
Before I can present myselfAt God’s Feet,
Then this process will be deplorablyAnd absurdly long.
```Surrender yourself to God unreservedly
And unconditionally.Your mind is bound to obtain peace
In the shortest time. ```From God’s point of view,
No human being is dishearteningOr even discouraging.
```How long will the mind’s
Negativity-poison last,How long?
Definitely not for good! ```If we prayerfully sit at God’s Feet,
He immediately shows usThe direct road
For His manifestation. ```We can be perfect
If we are willing to learn everythingFrom the illumining experiences
Of our inner life. ```As the rising sun is of no value
To the blind,Even so, a faithful heart is of no value
To the doubting mind. ```My Lord,
There are many people on earthWho steal things from others.
Can You not steal my heart?Please do!
```My life and I are determined
To make full useOf our Lord’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```My mind and I are determined
To make full useOf our Lord’s Compassion-Eye.
```God has many Palaces,
But He advises meTo visit His Peace-Palace
And live there permanently. ```My heart and I every day
Pray to GodTo make us the perfect slaves
Of His Will. ```The lion-souls
Are God’s most precious manifestationsOn earth.
```To me, my faith is not something
That I have insideTo carry me to God.
My faith is the manifestationOf God’s Will in me.
```Do not be frightened of your ego’s death.
Your ego’s death is the beginningOf your Infinity’s smile.
Is not to be foundIn the mind’s market-confusion.
```Every day
God’s Silence-MessagesMy heart prayerfully and soulfully
Obeys. ```My mind tells me
That my dreams are as fragileAs a mirror.
```My heart tells me
That my lofty dreamsShall eventually become
God-manifestation-realities. ```My Lord Supreme,
In all sincerity,I am begging You
To humiliate meAnd my endless ignorance-pride!
```The seeker’s negativity-mind
Is to be fully blamedFor his sad failure-life.
```My Lord,
Please take me wherever You go,Even if You go to hell.
“My child,Where am I now?”
```My Lord,
Can You make my life a little better?“Of course, My child,
If you seriously want Me to.” ```My Lord,
I am with You twenty-four hours a dayIn my thoughts and in my deeds.
I beg of You only one thing:Allow me never to feel
That I have had enoughOf Your company.
```We commit countless sins,
But when we recite Your very NameWith our gratitude-heart-tears,
You burn all our sins to ashes. ```My Lord,
You have saved my lifeCountless times
With Your Greatness-Power. ```My Lord,
You are loving my heartAt every moment
With Your Goodness-Delight. ```My Lord,
When I do not fulfil my promise,Do not think that I love You less.
It is only because I am weak.My Lord,
Will You not give me more capacitySo that I never fail You?
```My Lord,
I have shown You what I have:My dissatisfied mind.
```My Lord,
Will You not show me what You are:Your Forgiveness-Heart.
```The exploration
Of the aspiration-heartAlways remains limitless.
```The tears of our heart
Brighten and strengthenOur love-devotion-surrender-smile.
```Two doors God never locks:
His Compassion-Eye-DoorAnd His Forgiveness-Heart-Door.
```We should not be discouraged.
Our desire-life does not dieAll at once.
Slowly, steadily and unerringlyWe can put our desire-life
To death. ```Our adamantine determination-power
Can easily tameAll our stray and unwilling thoughts.
Each human being will be ableTo discover his heart’s
Oneness-peace-bliss-treasure. ```Our souls are on the alert
To see if our aspiration-suppliesAre running low.
```There is a constant battle going on
Between the stupid mind’sUnwillingness-night
And the wise heart’sWillingness-light.
```My heart’s prayerful soulfulness
Has brought down a special powerFrom Above
To force my desire-tigersTo leave.
And dedication-smilesCan easily uproot
Our desire-life-tree. ```May positive thoughts
Sing and danceRight in front of
My aspiration-heart-cries. ```The heart-host takes very special care
When simplicity, sincerity and purityArrive.
```Meditation helps the heart
To emptyIts insecurity-purse.
```I appreciate most sincerely
And most proudlyMy readiness-mind.
I admire and loveMy willingness-life.
I love and loveMy eagerness-heart.
```Who is fit for the spiritual life?
Anyone who chooses the spiritual lifeIs more than fit,
For God has already chosen himTo be His choice instrument.
```God has given me full responsibility
To take care ofMy aspiration-heart-flames.
```God has given me full responsibility
To take care ofMy dedication-life-blossoms.
```May my aspiration-cries
Fly and flyIn the sky of Infinity’s Light.
```Every day my life
Swims and swimsIn the sacred Compassion-Sea
Of my Lord Supreme. ```May each thought
In my mindBecome a prayer
Of God-love. ```O seeker,
Do not be doomedTo disappointment.
Behold,The sunny sky of your soul
Is beckoning you. ```May each aspiration-heart
Fly high, higher, highestTo reach God’s Compassion-Sky
And become a memberOf God’s inner circle.
```My morning prayer
And Nature’s morning songBegin at the same time.
```Each soul is selected
By God Himself,And each soul is shaped and moulded
By God Himself. ```Sweeter than the sweetest,
Stronger than the strongestAre the teardrops of surrender-light.
```God has just touched
My gratitude-heart.I shall never forget,
NEVER,This hallowed moment!
```Each time I pray and meditate,
I am blessed with sunlit blossomsIn my heart-garden.
```I clearly see that
My life’s prayerful momentsAre skyrocketing to God.
```I vehemently disdain
The collaborationOf my doubting mind
And angry vital. ```The more my mind
Invokes newness,The sooner my life
Shall grow into fulness. ```Each warrior-soul
Is a most beautiful pictureOf God’s future Victory.
```I must rediscover
The beauty and fragranceOf my aspiration-life.
```I must never pay any attention
To the ever-changing weatherOf my mind.
Is the birthless and deathless SongOf my Lord Supreme.
```My heart’s obedience
And my mind’s interruptionsMust be kept apart.
```You certainly can
And happily willHave a life of unconditional surrender.
```Where is the jungle
That we talk about,If it is not within?
```Your God-dependence
Is so endearingTo God.
```Just wait!
There is a most special message afootFor you from God.
```The moment God saw
My obedience-heartAnd my surrender-life,
He started singing, dancingAnd flying.
```My mind,
If you want to make the fastest progress,You ought to see and feel
That you are smaller than the smallest,Humbler than the humblest —
A most insignificant speck of dust! ```Falsehood and sin
Love each other,Live together
And die together. ```Be not afraid of the thickest darkness
Of your mind.The tears of your heart
Will eventually prevail. ```The confession of the mind
Does not solve any problem.It is the invocation of God
That solves all our problems. ```Human friendship
Secretly enjoysRivalry-boats.
```God’s Permission
Is of paramount importanceAt every second
If you are a true seeker. ```The stronger
The computer-mind,The louder
The heart’s pitiful cries. ```A happiness-heart
Is, indeed,Another name for meditation.
```Alas, I am lost
In between my creation-heartAnd my destruction-mind.
```Be extremely careful, O seeker!
At any momentYour love-devotion-surrender-birds
May fly away. ```God wants me to drive
His Compassion-ChariotTo be victorious
In the battlefield of life. ```O my doubting mind,
Enough!I shall not remain anymore
At your mercy. ```It is our human mind
That holds our gratitude-heart cheap —Not God, never!
```Blow your readiness-conch
On your wayTo God’s Palace.
```Play your willingness-violin
On your wayTo God’s Palace.
```Play your eagerness-flute
On your wayTo God’s Palace.
```At every moment
Use the smile-weaponThat you were born with
To conquer the prideOf ignorance-night.
```Quite often
Love does not succeedWhen it comes to clasp hatred.
```A great mind
May extol itself to the skies,But never a good heart.
```The soul lives
Inside the heart-shrine,And not in the sealed mind-box.
```God’s dreaming Smiles
Shall abandonYour doubt-cherishing mind.
```A self-giver
Is, indeed, another nameFor a God-lover.
```A sleepless God-server
Unmistakably expeditesGod-manifestation
Here on earth. ```Now that you are in the spiritual life,
Your ego will make you constantly cry,Unless you smash its pride.
```A life of discipline
Is not a matter of punishment.It is a matter of wisdom-love.
```There can be no adequate reason
For you to feelThat a life of transformation
Is not indispensable. ```If you forget God
Because you are too busy,Then God also can play
The same game. ```A life of seclusion
Does not necessarily meanA life of illumination.
It can easily meanEither a life of self-oblivion
Or a life of self-mortification. ```Remember,
When you do not care for peace,You do not care for God as well.
```A greatness-mind
We ourselves can achieve,But a goodness-heart
We receive from God. ```Alas, when shall we realise
That we have infinitely more importantThings to do
Than dance with desires? ```The soul does not come alone.
It brings delight with itWhen it pays its blessingful visits
To the aspiring heart. ```I become the possessor
Of a oneness-heartOnly when I become the renouncer
Of the division-mind. ```God waits and watches me
To see if I have really thrownAll my doubts out of my mind
So He can come in. ```If you can be the conqueror
Of the dividing mind,Then God will make you the lover
Of uniting hearts. ```Spiritual success, spiritual progress,
Spiritual victory and spiritual satisfactionWill never be found
In the cave of oblivion. ```The moment my little “I”-ness
Goes out,God with His Fulness
Comes in. ```When you give joy to others,
You automatically seeThe multiplication of joy
For yourself. ```God asks me to concern myself
With the immediate,And not with the ultimate.
```What is jealousy,
If not the ruthless chaserOf happiness?
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is always lovable,Yet it remains unfathomable.
```God’s Will-Wheel
Eternally spinsWorld-transforming Messages.
```When your goodness
Is for others to use,Then only is your goodness
Absolutely true and perfect. ```Only a heart of beauty
Can offerA face of sanctity.
```When my gratitude-heart and I
Walk together towards our Goal,Divinity’s beauty accompanies us.
```When we talk, we do not realise
That God’s Compassion-EyeIs the speaker,
And God’s Satisfaction-HeartIs the listener.
```If you have a readiness-mind,
A willingness-lifeAnd an eagerness-heart,
Then nobody will be able to equal you. ```In the spiritual life,
If you crave friends to chat with,Then you are bound to lose
Your hard-earned friendshipWith God.
```Poor God,
In vain He tries to pour LightInto my darkness-mind.
```The mind that can catch easily
Others’ thought-wavesIs a spiritually awakened
And advanced mind. ```Alas,
Will I ever believe GodWhen He tells me
That my negativity-mindWill produce nothing good for me?
```My today’s hope-bird
Will be tomorrow’sPromise-blossom.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is all for us.God’s Forgiveness-Heart
Is all for us.When God comes to us,
What is there to be nervous about? ```While my disobedience-mind broods,
God HimselfCradles my obedience-heart.
```My desire-mind
Has binding eyes.My aspiration-heart
Has liberating smiles. ```From the beginning to the end,
A disobedience-mind is a nightmare.From the beginning to the end,
An aspiring heartIs God’s own flying Kite.
```My Lord,
Do You love me still,Even when I do not love You at all?
“My child,What have I been doing so far?”
```My Lord,
Can You not do something betterThan thinking of me all the time?
“My child,I simply do not want to do
Anything else.” ```My Lord,
What were You doingWhen I was shedding
Such sad heart-tearsFor You?
“My child,Did you not see Me
Devouring greedily and proudlyYour heart-tears?”
```The moment I touch the Lotus-Feet
Of my Lord Supreme,My desire-life gets frightened
And runs away. ```There can be no
Totally threatening eclipseOf the aspiration-heart.
```The aspiring heart
Is often a victimTo the mind’s prejudice
And indifference. ```The mind refuses to commit itself
To anythingThat is not of immediate profit.
```May my God-awareness-faith
BeA universal citizen.
```When God Himself
Puts His Arm around you,Touch immediately
His Compassion-FeetTo get the utmost from Him.
```I see no difference
Between my life’s expectationsAnd my mind’s demands.
```My mind’s ignorance-night
Veils my inner beauty.My heart’s wisdom-life
Unveils not only my inner beauty,But also my God-representing divinity.
```Equanimity is
Far beyond the snaresOf pleasures and pains.
```If we love God only
And if we need God only,Then God’s Compassion-Eye
Will definitely smash the clinging chainOf our doubting mind.
```His unconditional surrender-life
Is completely lostIn his soul’s boundless
Amazement-ecstasy. ```Do not allow your indifference-mind
To closeYour God-longing mind.
```Both the superior mind
And the inferior mindHave divided and ruined
Our beautiful world. ```Alas, what am I doing?
I am promoting my mindBy demoting others’ hearts!
```Your aspiration-life will be impoverished
If you fail to appreciateOthers’ inspiring, aspiring
And self-giving capacities. ```Each opportunity is, indeed,
A special blessing from AboveFor the effacement
Of our undivine qualitiesAnd the advancement
Of our divine qualities. ```There is nothing in God’s creation
That God loves so wellAs the transformation of human nature.
```Do not underestimate
Your undivine qualities,And do not overestimate
Your divine qualities,If you want to meet with
God the Satisfaction-Delight. ```If we have complacency,
Whether in the mind or in the vital,Then our spirituality’s death
Is fast approaching. ```Human life is governed by
Dark doubts, darker suspicionsAnd darkest misunderstandings.
```I believe in present heroism
And not in future victoryOr defeat.
```Your borrowed happiness
Will someday be swallowedBy your own giant despair.
```When I pray to God,
My aspiration-heartAnd God’s Compassion-Eye
Together win. ```If we do not continue aspiring,
We are bound to fallFrom the pinnacle of our spirituality.
```Mine is the adamantine determination
To set my past ablaze,Like a wildfire.
```It is an insult to our spiritual life
When we sayEven God cannot inundate our mind
With abundant peace. ```God feels He has given us
Infinitely more opportunitiesThan our mind’s readiness,
Our life’s willingnessAnd our heart’s eagerness deserve.
```We can hide from
The curses of earth,But not from
The Blessings of Heaven. ```I am struggling and struggling
To free my lifeFrom my mind-entanglements,
And I am sure my victory is certain. ```My mind’s selfishness
Is fully responsible forMy life’s ugliness.
```Humility feeds the divine in us
And starvesThe undivine in us.
```Alas, I do not know when and how
I shall be able to free myselfFrom the torture of my prison-mind.
```The surrender-beauty
Of a dedication-lifeCan never be adequately described.
```A devotion-heart
IsA God-expansion-life.
```Every day
I enjoy spending long hoursRemoving my mind-thorns
From my heart-garden. ```Alas,
Are we really destined to leadDay to day
A life of ignorance? ```Everybody’s life
Has to faceCountless desire-obstacles.
```O God!
Had I been wiser,I would have accepted
The life of aspirationLong ago.
```Lord, save me once again
So that I can love YouSelf-givingly
For Your enormous Satisfaction. ```To enjoy God’s infinite Beauty
In the garden of our aspiration-heart,We must go beyond the territory
Of our superficial and commercial mind. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Does not have to remainAlways open,
Especially when we deliberately misuseThe freedom bestowed upon us.
```God’s Smiles are irresistible.
So are God’s Tears.Whatever God has and is
Is irresistible. ```To enjoy a moment
Of God-receptivityIs all I need.
```Not because God exists,
But because God’s Dream exists,Do we hope to become one day
Perfect citizens of the world. ```A glamorous vital,
A humorous mindAnd a superfluous life —
Alas, this is all we have,Nothing more!
```If you depend all the time
On self-effort,You will never be able to discover
God’s effective WayOf selfless effort.
```Our greatness
Can at times beOur life’s frustration-reality.
```God compassionately and emphatically
Tells meThat to increase the beauty
Of His universe,He unmistakably depends on
My heart’s aspiration-flames. ```When calamity is asleep,
Do not arouse itTo see how destructive it is.
```Anything inspiring and illumining
Will definitely make youA better God-lover
Than you were yesterday. ```A desire-life
Is undoubtedlyA misguiding light.
```You are not
The complexity of your mind.You are the unparalleled
Simplicity, sincerity and purityOf your heart.
```There was a time
When I wanted to knowWhat I could do for humanity.
But now I want only to knowWho I truly am.
```If you want to think of Heaven,
Then think of Heaven’s encouragement.If you want to think of earth,
Then think of earth’s patience.This is how you can be
A perfect instrument of God. ```If you are afraid of the consequences
Of your God-dedication-life,Then your life can do nothing
And you will be nothingness itself. ```It is not the doubting mind
Or even the searching mind,But the aspiring mind
That can switch back and forthFrom Heavenly Smiles to earthly cries.
```When you come to realise
That this world has nothing for you,Then only will you be able to follow
The Real in yourself. ```Doubt does not know
And does not understandWhat doubt actually is.
```Faith does not believe
In understanding.It only knows self-giving
And God-becoming. ```The firmness of a spiritual Teacher
Clearly indicatesHis genuine compassion-concern
For his devotees. ```If you have peace of mind,
Then you can easily escapeFrom the noisy world around you.
```If we fearfully cling
To what we have,We will never be able to discover
Who we truly are. ```Do not ask God
What you are supposed to do.Ask yourself
Why so far you have remainedTotally inactive.
```There is no difference
WhatsoeverBetween self-mastery
And God-discovery. ```Because you are a problem
To yourself,No matter how sincerely
God tries to please you,Your doubting mind
Will not be satisfied. ```The ignorance of the world
Is threatening you at every moment.But a day will come
When your heart-tearsWill be able to drown and devour
That threat. ```O my mind and vital,
Do not join the world’sDiscouragement-committee.
O my heart, may you beThe flower-beauty-encouragement
Of the worlds within and without. ```If you adore your aspiration-heart
And dedication-life,Then your mind’s cleverness
Will be turned intoYour heart’s ever-willing eagerness.
```Do not try to repair
Your mind-cottage,But build anew your heart-palace
For God to give youHis God-fulfilment-instructions.
```If you are always
In the world of self-concern,Then poor God has to remain
Outside your life’s boundary. ```I call it my self-awakening,
But God says that very thingIs the beauty of His own
Blossoming Smile. ```If you think and feel that you are
A problem-illumining child of God,Then, indeed, you are so.
```The misguiding cleverness
Of the mindTakes me everywhere
To get a glimpse of God. ```The readiness, willingness
And eagernessOf the heart
Take me everywhereTo be the Pride of God.
```Each time I justify my weakness,
I lower the perfection-qualityOf the whole world.
```Do not retreat
From your attempt to perfectYour outer world.
Just entreat GodTo perfect both your inner
And outer worlds. ```The noisy mind-office
Can easily be silencedBy the poise of your heart-home.
```Now that you are participating
In God’s Cosmic Game,You must never anticipate failure.
```God wants you to be
An exceedingly happy recipientOf His Blessing-Light.
```To tame my monkey-mind,
What I needIs the longest length of patience.
```God wants your new
God-awakening-lifeTo divinely bloom
And supremely blossom. ```God-fulfilment-promises
Always run shortHere on earth.
```The cries of our heart
Embody the answersTo all the questions
That our mind can ever have. ```With God-obedience,
We embarkOn our God-aspiration-journey —
Only to continue forever. ```God needs you
As a God-serving loverAnd not
As a silence-practising recluse. ```Only the life of a self-giving heart
Is cherished by both God the CreatorAnd God the creation.
```You take your life
As a life of disgrace,But God takes it
As another important wayTo look at your face.
```As long as I am blessed
With an eventful life,I shall not be doomed
To disappointmentIf I have an uneventful death.
```What has blindfolded your vision-eye,
If not your mind’s measurelessPride-luxury?
```May time be
My God-denyingMind-killer.
```May time be
My God-worshippingHeart-temple-builder.
```My mind’s God-searching smiles
AreSupremely beautiful.
```My heart’s God-longing tears
AreAbsolutely perfect.
```My heart is permitted to join
My Infinity-winging soulWhen it becomes the life
Of a ceaselessly God-longing cry. ```Two truths I unmistakably know:
My mind is not worthyOf God’s Forgiveness-Ocean;
My heart is not worthyOf God’s Compassion-Sun.
```God wants me to perform
My aspiration-taskLovingly and self-givingly
And not to be involved in His Task:My perfection-dream-fulfilment.
```The moment I fall flat
At the Feet of God’s Will,My life becomes
Ecstasy’s thrill. ```God’s enduring and endearing Affection,
Tears and SmilesHave changed my unchangeable life.
```To adorn my Lord’s Heart
With joy,I must turn my life
Into humility-grass. ```To collect my heart’s gratitude-tears
And place them at the FeetOf my Lord Supreme
Is my only task. ```I feel that I can be perfect
If I adore, love and obeyGod’s Blessing-flooded
Commands. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 2, Agni Press, 1998
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