O world,
I beg of you,See not me
But my Lord Beloved SupremeIn me.
```Every day
My Lord slips an encouraging messageUnder my heart-door.
```To become spiritually tall, taller, tallest,
We must be alwaysOn our knees.
```I have a very special prayer:
I wish to fly on a non-stopAspiration-rocket.
```A true God-lover
Is he who cannot breatheWithout self-giving.
```God helps us personally
When we want to buildA monument of love.
```To hope is to bring down
A special giftFrom Heaven.
```To change one’s life
Is to increaseThe world-transformation-hopes.
```The more we forgive,
The stronger we become. ```Do not be discouraged.
Give yourself a second chance.You will succeed.
Come fromThe blossoming of dreams.
Should beA full-time job.
```Do not entangle others
With your problems. ```Hope
Is sweetness.Promise
Is fulness. ```To belittle others
Is to make oneself little. ```Love
Hopes forExpectation-fulfilment.
Sings the songOf self-transcendence.
```The power of imagination
Is unimaginable. ```No patience-light,
No success-delight. ```Aspiration means
God’s GraceGuaranteed.
Is the beginningOf self-confidence.
```Actions never lie,
But words do. ```Peace
Is self-offeringIn action.
```The difference between
The heart and the mindIs this:
The heart answers questions;The mind questions answers.
```The beauty
Of self-givingHas to be universal.
```You will delay God
IndefinitelyIf you do not forgive yourself.
```Unlike in the outer world,
The divine qualitiesDefinitely outnumber
The undivine qualitiesIn the inner world.
```Eagerness shows us that
Everything is achievable. ```You become perfect
When you make the other personFeel important.
Are the heart-tears. ```Powerful
Are the soul-smiles. ```Fruitful
Are the life-sacrifices. ```No divine thought
Can forever remainImprisoned.
```Happiness and courage
Feed each other. ```We live in our mind-house,
But God wants us to liveIn our heart-home.
```Just be yourself.
Lo, God is runningTowards you.
```A purity-mind
Is, indeed,An extraordinary achievement.
```My Lord,
I have taught myselfHow to pray.
Will You not teach meHow to meditate?
```Giving is not
An obligation.Giving is
Self-expansion. ```The mind knows
What its limitations are.Still, it denies them.
```Unconditional surrender
Means completeGod-oneness-achievement.
```A sincere seeker
Can easily radiateGod’s Radiance
All-where. ```A God-eagerness-heart
Never rests. ```The mind can either speculate
Or calculate —Nothing more.
```The heart sees
The LightAnd becomes
The Delight. ```A roaring enthusiasm
Is of paramount importanceTo expedite
Our God-ordained missionOn earth.
```May my life-boat ply between
My aspiration-eagerness-shoreAnd
My dedication-eagerness-shore. ```Devotion-tears
And the heart-sweetnessTogether live.
```The mind’s funeral procession
Is, alas, endless. ```My heart’s tears
Are eternally tied toMy soul’s smiles.
```A life of surrender
Runs very fastOn the perfection-road.
```Whenever my heart does anything,
It waits forGod’s final Touch.
```When I surrender to God’s Will,
I immediately becomeA happiness-heart-sunshine.
```My morning prayers
Save my days. ```My evening prayers
Illumine my nights. ```Self-doubt
IsThe worst possible enemy.
IsOur guiding pole-star.
```To me,
Depression is nothing short ofExasperation.
```Our prayer-heart
Is cradledBy God’s Compassion-Eye.
```No life should remain
An unexplored reality. ```My life’s only shore
IsMy Lord’s Forgiveness-Smile.
```The vital smuggles.
The mind struggles.The heart excels.
```Quite soon
```The human life
Is nothing butA chronic desire-disease.
```O God-seeker,
God will grant youAn appointment
If you give upYour disappointment.
```God tells us to pray
Not only in advanceBut also
Today, tomorrowAnd every day.
```Death can at most
Find us,But Eternity
Cradles us. ```There can be no
God-realisationFor the spirituality-idlers.
```He who worships God soulfully
Eventually becomes GodlikeIn everything.
```God loves us
Even if we do not care forHis Love.
```Forgive your enemies:
Lo and behold,They have become
Your slaves. ```Feed your faith constantly.
Doubt will disappearInstantly.
```God does not want from me
E-mail.He wants me to send Him only
Knee-mail. ```When the dear ones depart,
Our hearts are broken.This is, indeed, everyone’s
Everyday experience. ```God tells me
That He has heard enoughOf my advice.
What He needs now from me:Prayer.
```It is not what you know
But how you knowThat counts.
```At the end of the mind-tunnel,
There is always a sunrise. ```God wants me to do
Only my very best.The rest He is more than willing to do
For me. ```We must aspire sleeplessly
Before our bodyExpires.
```What my life needs
Is a modelAnd not a critic.
```Since God’s Compassion-Eye
Is everywhere,We can pray and meditate
Anywhere. ```In spite of our countless misdeeds,
We are saved.Why?
Precisely because God hasA big eraser.
```If you starve your faith,
Before longYour own divinity-soul
Will relinquish you. ```Our real failure takes place
When we give up makingFurther attempts.
```No human being
Can forever remainA downright failure.
```If we do not cultivate unconditional love
Inside our heart,Our mind will become
Infinitely worse thanWhat it is now.
```God’s Way
Is always flooded withGood humour.
```The human in me
Wants the way out.The divine in me
Wants the way up. ```First things first:
My ego-mind must surrender toMy God-ordained heart.
```Every day
God wants me to trySomething new,
For He Himself wantsTo bury my past.
```I cherish my heart’s
Oneness with my soul,Even if it lasts
Only for a fleeting moment. ```If you can sincerely appreciate yourself,
Then God will, before long,Liberate you.
```If you want to play
With God’s Eye and God’s Heart,Then delay not, delay not!
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is for me all the time.Therefore, there is nothing
To alarm me. ```God lowers Himself
To raise humanity. ```Heart-tears
Are the harbingersOf happiness-harvest.
```God blesses us
With wisdom-lightFor the asking.
```Our heart-tears
Are the staircasesTo Heaven.
```One serious look
From GodCan transform our life
Altogether. ```Our usefulness
Depends onOur faithfulness.
```It will not be long
Before the mind-jungleShall be transformed
Into the heart-garden. ```We are all apt to remind God
Of His Promises,But we are so fortunate
That God does not doThe same thing to us.
```To have full reliance on God
Is to be inThe Heart-Home of God
All the time. ```It is only the heart-meditation
That connectsAll the nations.
```God listens
To my gratitude-heart-songsWith tremendous joy.
```I cannot remember
If I have ever promised GodAnything.
```God cannot remember
If He has ever given meAnything.
```All serious daring
Begins in the depthsOf the heart.
```Each positive thought
Embodies fruitfulness. ```May God-Love-Lightning
Every dayStrike my heart.
```In my deep meditation,
I see God come to meWith the sunlit shower
Of His Love. ```God has a very special fondness
For a silence-peace-life. ```Each deep meditation
Adds to the beautyOf a goodness-heart-garden.
```Every day
I start my lifeWith rainbow-oneness-smiles.
```Meditation has the rare capacity
To carry our heartsTo the summit-heights.
```No opportunity comes to us
Again and again.Therefore
When we have an opportunity,Immediately we must act on it.
```Nothing significant can we accomplish
If we are foundIn our mind’s thought-cycles.
```My heart always lives
In singing and dancingHopes.
```Compassion and concern
Have the powerTo change everything.
```Unconditional surrender
MeansA life of God-ecstasy.
```Our implicit faith
And God’s blessingful PromiseLive together.
```My disaster-life
Is the pioneerOf my new awakening.
```I have been receiving
God’s SmileFor a long time.
Now I need something more:God’s Forgiveness.
```Where is God?
Definitely not inA complexity-mind.
```Where is God?
Unmistakably insideA simplicity-heart.
```When we love and serve
The poor,God immediately opens His Heart-Door
To us. ```For a seeker,
There can be no other way —Only the Way of God.
IsThe beauty of light.
IsThe fragrance of peace.
```When to smash
Our ignorance-ties?Here and now.
```I please God’s Eye
With myHappiness-smiles.
```I please God’s Heart
With myUnhappiness-surrender-tears.
```Expectation is
The very beginningOf a devastating frustration.
```If you are not
On God’s waiting line,How will you ever see God?
```My flaming heart
Speedily reachesGod’s Palace.
```A life of purity
Has a very rare fragrance. ```Be not frustrated.
Once more fall in loveWith your life.
```The full blossoming of Divinity
Depends onSelf-deepening humility.
```My Lord,
Do comfort my uneasy mindAnd broken heart.
```My Lord,
Do bless my tortured mindAnd enraptured heart
At the same time. ```Our victory-banner flies
Only whenOur ego-life dies.
```The heart abides
By God’s unknownAnd unseen Laws.
```The mind abides
By its own laws. ```Our heart-prayers
Do bring inOur salvation.
```When my devotion-heart
Ascends,My Lord’s Satisfaction-Eye
Descends. ```God’s Pride
Knows no boundsWhen His powerful punishment
We cheerfully accept. ```True, my mind is for
My mind’s sake,But my heart is always for
God’s sake. ```In my outer life,
I smile and strive. ```In my inner life,
I cry and win. ```God has confidence in me
Only when I have faithIn myself.
```My life’s
Sound-questionsGod never answers.
```My heart’s
Silence-questionsGod promptly answers.
```When does God speak to me?
Only when I serve Him unreservedlyIn mankind.
```The life of a sleeplessly
Self-giving seekerIs anchored on the rock
Of Immortality. ```I teach my lips
Only one songEvery day.
```God teaches my heart
One hundred songsEvery day.
```God tells me
To treasure my lifeExactly the way
He treasures my heart. ```God’s Compassion is always free.
I want my dedication-lifeAlso to be free.
```I have always been
Anxiety-worry-centred.From now on I shall only be
God-centred. ```The mind’s charts
Are all full of mistakes. ```The heart’s charts
Are always perfect.Therefore, follow them.
```For a God-loving heart,
There is noUnfamiliar territory.
```God wants my days
To be filledWith my heart-tears.
```God wants my nights
To be filledWith my soul-smiles.
```The mind-explorer
Does not see the GoalAnywhere.
```The heart-explorer
Discovers GodHere, there and everywhere,
Plus sooner than the soonest. ```God is not pleased with her.
Why?Because she keeps
God’s sacred MessagesOnly to herself.
```Do not look at a seeker’s eyes,
Do not look at a seeker’s face,But look at his heart.
```To trust everybody’s heart
Is to becomeA special child of God.
```I face my blunders
To put themFar behind me.
```My life has
Only one room,But my heart has
Room for all. ```Purity is the soil
Where joy thrives. ```Alas, God asks me
Why I am notWhat I once was.
```God takes away our failures
And places them insideHis Heart.
In return, He gives our heartHis Wisdom-Light.
```I do not invite God
To work wondersInside my life.
```I invite God
To do with my lifeWhatever He wants to do.
```If we can meet every circumstance
With faith,Then there can be no failure.
```Each sad moment of my life
I turn intoA God-Blessing-delight.
```God Himself will be
Your protection-shieldIf you cultivate a faith-field-life.
```I love God sleeplessly.
Therefore God gives me timeFor everything.
```A good student of life
Has only one aim:God-Satisfaction.
```We are all mistaken.
God’s lessonsAre always easier than the easiest.
```A highly advanced soul
Knows how to turnAll his activities
Into prayers. ```God says,
“Go.”My mind says,
“No, no, no!” ```God says,
“Come.”My heart says,
“Yes, yes, yes!” ```God feeds us Himself
When we meetWith others’ needs.
```God blesses
A cheerful heartWith His God-Feast.
```Every day God invites
The sincere God-seekersTo walk
In His Footsteps. ```Surrender is the God-joy
That sings and singsGod-songs within.
```Divine Blessings never come down
With fanfare.They come down
In secrecy supreme. ```The hope-flowers
Of unaspiring peopleQuickly wither.
```The Master
Is the speaking voiceOf the silent God.
```May God’s Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-HeartBe embossed
On my God-serving life. ```To feed your faith constantly
Is to starve your doubtTo death.
```We are embarrassed to offer
Our burdens to God.But God says, “My children,
Give Me your burdens.Anything that comes from you
I enjoy.” ```When I look at God,
He tells me,“My child,
If you do not wantTo think of Me all the time,
No harm.Just thank Me seven times a day.”
```God repeatedly tells us
That what we prayerfully worshipWe soulfully become.
```The divine power
Illuminates. ```The human power
Dominates. ```The animal power
Contaminates. ```God wants me to measure
My lifeBy my concern
For mankind. ```There was a time
When I used to adoreGod’s Power-Hand.
But now I only adoreGod’s Love-Heart.
```The human in us
Does not knowWhere we stand.
```The divine in us knows
Not only where we stand,But also where we are going
And where we shall arrive. ```When I tell God
That I need His correction,He immediately tells me,
“My child,What you need is My direction
And not My correction.” ```Inactivity knows
No reality’s divinity. ```If we have sincerity
In our hearts,Then we shall definitely be
On a God-directed path. ```An enthusiasm-mind
And a patience-heartKnow no failure.
```Today is the bridge
Between my heart’s past criesAnd my life’s future smiles.
```The essence of service
```My soul is the pole-star
Round which my aspiration-lifeRevolves.
```Only when we are pure in heart
Does God become the beaconIn our ignorance-night.
```There is no such thing
As a convenient time.Therefore we must not tarry.
We must throw ourselves intoGod-manifestation-dedication-service.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
I get joy only when I cast myselfAt Your Feet
And bathe Your FeetWith my soul-tears.
```My Lord, You are telling me
That I have served YouFor years and years
Most soulfully and most willingly.Therefore You want to give me
Some rewards.My Lord,
I need only one reward.That reward is Your Presence-Light
Inside my mind-jungle-night. ```My Lord, I assure You
That You will not find me any moreWallowing in the pleasures
Of ignorance.You will find me
Only in my self-giving life to YouAnd to my sisters and brothers
Of the world. ```My Lord,
You are asking me to empty my mindSo that You can fill my life
With the abundanceOf Your Divinity’s Light and Delight.
```My Lord,
You are asking me to offerThe fleeting moments of my love
To You,And You will flood me with Your Concern
And Fondness.My Lord, I am all ready.
Let us keep our promises. ```My Lord,
It is not my mind’s imaginationBut my heart’s conviction
That You loved me, You love meAnd You will forever love me
With Your everlasting Love. ```My Lord,
My joy knows no boundsThat You are never out of my thoughts,
Even for a fleeting second. ```There is not a single day,
Not a single hour,Not a single minute,
Not a single secondThat my Lord does not think of me.
How is it that I cannotDo the same?
```My Lord says,
“My child, lovingly I goWherever you go,
Even when you enter into the worldOf darkest night.”
```My Lord,
You want me to rise and riseOnly to hear from You
That You are all for me. ```My Lord,
Every day I fail YouSadly and miserably.
Yet every day You bless meWith the abundance
Of Your Compassion-EyeAnd Forgiveness-Heart.
```In the morning
I live for God’s Peace.In the evening
I live for God’s Silence. ```I love to follow You, my Lord,
But You tell me thatYou do not want to see
Any distance in between us. ```Alas, I cannot do away
With my past,Although my Lord Supreme tells me
To walk every dayIn the newness of life.
```At this very moment,
Let my mind long forMy heart’s beauty
And my heart long forMy soul’s fragrance.
```My heart does not want me to fail.
My soul wants me to sailInto the ever-transcending Beyond.
```In God’s Eye,
A seeker is a colossal failureWho does not believe in
Self-discipline. ```Lethargy means
Self-destruction-inevitability. ```God does not want us to be under
His strict control.He wants us to be under
His Compassion-Protection-Eye. ```The world of sound
Is man-made confusion.The world of silence
Is God-made illumination. ```Complexity exists
Only to destroyOur God-existence-reality-bliss.
```Two things I must know:
When my mind-nightWill be over;
When my heart-lightWill blossom everywhere.
```If you want to be truly happy,
Be not fearfulBut be joyful
On the strength of your self-giving. ```God is extremely proud of
Those whose patienceNever runs out.
```A questioning mind
And a fearful vitalCan never live
With a cheerful, soulfulAnd fruitful heart.
```O my mind, do not look back
For Paradise.O my heart, look ahead.
Behold, Paradise is beckoning you. ```The anxiety of the mind
Leads usTo the suffering of the heart.
```Sow soulfully
AndReap bountifully.
```If our confidence
Is not founded on faith,We can make no progress.
```O my vital,
You love to be in rebellion.Then go your own way.
```O my heart,
You love to be in submissionTo God’s Will.
God is proudly showing you His Way,The only Way.
```God is not at all interested in knowing
What I tell the world.God is extremely eager to know
What I do for the world. ```God is ready to bring me
His FulnessIf I silence my mind forever.
```Our trials come and go.
God’s Compassion,Once it comes, never goes.
```God gives us everything
Out of His Heart of Love.Can we not offer Him
An infinitesimal portionOf gratitude?
```A questioning mind
Is, indeed,A fatal disease.
```Death is
The next-door neighbourOf mental agonies.
```My Lord,
You want me to give YouAll my thoughts.
May I know why?“My child,
I want to keep youAnd your thoughts separate
To give you peace.” ```Who can escape the snares
Of flattery?Perhaps nobody.
```When we run after
The outer beauty,We mar the inner beauty.
```Quite often pride takes us high,
Very high,Only to drop us dead.
```Quite often criticism forces us
Into the abysmal abyssFrom where we can find
No escape. ```Be careful!
Do not allow the doubt-beastTo chase you.
Be fully armed with faith-armour. ```When our will
Is completely surrenderedTo God’s Will,
We see the beautyAnd enjoy the fragrance of our soul
Everywhere. ```Not unannounced but announced
The Hour of GodApproaches us.
```When I care for God’s Light,
He shares His HeartWith me.
```The tears
Of my heartBrighten my eyes.
```The beauty of sincerity
Is rareIn the mind.
```The fragrance of purity
Is rarerIn the mind.
```The nectar-delight
Of the soulIs never to be found
In the mind. ```Freedom
We can truly enjoyOnly when everyone
Has freedom. ```Impurity
Disturbs the balanceOf everything.
```Anything divine
That is sharedIs immediately doubled.
```Desire binds
Not only our mindBut everything that we have
In our possession. ```Critics
Have nothingBut ignorance-confidence-night.
Is our life’s companionPar excellence.
Does not come to usWithout being invoked
By our aspiration-heart. ```Divinity shines bright
In the thick ofDarkness.
```If anything is divine in us,
It is bound to help usExpedite our inner progress.
```Every day
Is a busy dayFor a lazy person.
```We must know
Our own identityBefore we offer ourselves
To the world at large. ```If you expect friendship
To be blameless,Then you will have no friend.
```An unsatisfied mind
Is prone toConfusion.
```God may forgive
Our stupidity,But He is not going to forgive
Our insincerity. ```Meditation
Is the complete awarenessOf vastness.
Is the perfect identificationWith fulness.
Big wordsQuite often do not carry satisfaction
Either in the inner worldOr in the outer world.
```To a real seeker,
Desires are luxuries,Aspirations are necessities.
```No human being
Can ever escapeThe power of ups and downs
In his life. ```Silence
Is the increaseOf inner depth.
Is the increaseOf outer strength.
```Our enemies unconsciously
Strengthen our determinationTo become perfect instruments
Of God. ```To make yourself happy,
Confess your blundersBefore you face any criticism.
```Since God
Has not appointed darknessTo conquer our heart and life,
Darkness will never succeed. ```Since God
Has appointed LightTo awaken us and to illumine us,
We are bound to be successful. ```Be careful of your pride.
Pride can easilyThrow you out
Into the world of nowhere. ```We must play a fair game
With our own illumining soulAnd with our own aspiring heart.
Cannot give usIllumination.
Can at most give usEducation.
Gives us liberation, realisationAnd God-manifestation-capacities.
```As long as the human mind
Is on the rise,We will not be able
To escape war. ```When we love the whole world
With utmost sincerity,We can have no enemies.
Is acquiredIn the outer world.
Is soughtIn the inner world.
```He who laughs and laughs
At his own blundersCan make the fastest progress.
```Love the world
If you want to go forward speedilyIn your aspiration-life.
```Each day
We can increaseOur inner beauty
By increasingOur God-devotion.
```A prayerful voice
We appreciate. ```A soulful heart
We admire. ```A fruitful life
We adore. ```A self-giving breath
We love and become. ```It is never too late
To offer our heart-tearsAnd our soul-smiles
To God. ```How can we have
A healthy lifeIf we have
An unhealthy mind? ```World peace
Can be achievedOnly by sacrifices
And not by speeches. ```In the inner world,
Only with silence-profundityCan our life fly.
```For protection,
More protectionAnd infinitely more protection,
Each human beingMust pray to God.
```To hate anyone
Is to hateYour God-omnipresent oneness.
```Before opportunity
Knocks at our door,We must present ourselves
At God’s Door. ```Opportunity favours
A ready mindAnd an eager heart.
```The power of the mind
And the strength of the heartThrive in the soil
Of silence. ```An absurd statement:
War for peace. ```Speak out
And prove to the worldThat you are
Only for God. ```My Lord,
If You do not speak to me,I shall not suffer.
But if You do not speakTo my heart
Every day, every hourAnd every moment,
Then I shall suffer unimaginably. ```My Lord,
If You do not listen to me,I shall not suffer.
But if You do not listenTo my ceaseless heart-tears,
Then I shall suffer breathlessly. ```Only God-love, God-devotion
And God-surrenderCan give confidence and joy
To the helpless orphan-world. ```If I am a true disciple,
Then I must dauntlessly proclaimMy only deathless loyalty
To my Master. ```Not those who are old
In the mind,But only those who are young
In the heartShall win the Godward race.
```God repeatedly tells us
That each and every human beingOn earth
Is worthy of His BlessingsPrecisely because
He is the sole CreatorOf His creation.
```To achieve an A-plus
In my spiritual life,I must sleeplessly and breathlessly
Claim my MasterTo be my All.
```If you are a constant self-giver,
Then you do not have toStand in the line
To see God. ```Alas, we seek
The mind-cloudsAnd not
The heart-sunshine. ```The divine in me
Sincerely wantsTo understand.
```The human in me
Constantly wantsTo be understood.
```God erases
Our life-blundersWhen we unmistakably become
Streaming heart-tears. ```My prayers
Are the silver tearsOf my heart.
```My meditations
Are the golden smilesOf my soul.
```If you think you are bold enough
To disown God,Then rest assured
That God is wise enoughTo claim you
To be His own, very own. ```The mind-compromise
Is founded uponUnspeakable insincerity.
```The heart-promise
Is founded uponUnimaginable sincerity.
```Temptation takes us away —
Far, very far —From our God-oneness-recreation.
```May each heart
Place at God’s FeetA billion tears.
```May each life
Offer a billion smilesTo God’s Eye.
```Each smile of my Master
Immediately carries me —My life and my all —
To a higher goal. ```No mind can eclipse
Our heart-vision-sun,For it is God-Infinity’s Breath.
```Today’s fallen souls
Can not only becomeTomorrow’s golden souls,
But also reachUnimaginable goals.
```He who embraces pride
Is a disgraceTo his divinity-flooded soul.
```He who loves his heart-temple
Is a true worshipperOf God.
```My God-obedience
Is my forward marchTo a new horizon.
```A sincere seeker
Does not need any directionTo arrive at God’s Home.
```I came into the world
To spread my Lord’s Sunshine-SmileThroughout the length and breadth
Of the world. ```My ignorance-night never says,
“I am sorry.”My wisdom-light ever says,
“My Lord is my All.” ```Every day
My Lord SupremeInspires me to sprint
To my God-realisation-destination. ```God and I
Have come to an understanding:Every day His Compassion-Smiles
Shall feed my heartAnd
Every day my devotion-tearsShall feed His Heart.
```My Lord,
May I make a suggestion?Can You be strict with the world,
Your creation?“My child,
I gladly accept your suggestion,And I am starting with you,
Here and now!” ```Today’s fiasco:
I invited my Beloved SupremeTo come to my heart-home.
He accepted my invitationAnd He came.
Alas, what was I doing?I was away,
Dining with my mindInside its cave.
```No more do I belong to
The turbulent waters of desire-life,No more.
I am claimed todayBy my Absolute Lord Supreme
To be His own, very own. ```Before I left Heaven,
I asked my Beloved SupremeFor a smile.
He granted my desire.Before I leave earth,
I shall ask Mother EarthTo give me a smile.
I do hope she will bless me with a smileInstead of heart-rending tears.
```My Lord wants to give me
A dual citizenship,Here on earth and there in Heaven.
He just needs from meA sleepless devotion for Him.
```No more depression-frustration-frowns,
No more!I am now drinking deep
The Nectar-DelightFrom the Heart
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```Self-doubt
IsIrreparable mind-damage.
```To live in the mind
Is to live in the fogOf insincerity.
Is another nameFor the desire-life.
```The Golden Flute
Is beckoning you.Do not remain attached
To the past. ```Morning prayer
Offers us a bouquetOf golden opportunities.
```My Lord,
Do liberate meFrom taut bundles
Of insecurity. ```Unlike human doctors,
God cures the patientsWith unseen medicine.
```I have thrown
My doubting mindInto my soul-bonfire.
FlyIn a cloudless sky.
Always remainsIrreversible.
```God never asks us
To stopBefore we reach
The top. ```It is our fearful mind
That is responsibleFor our unfortunate defeat.
```My Lord,
Will there be a timeWhen I will be
Your true disciple? ```It seems that the world’s
Prayer-lifeIs unspeakably impoverished.
```My God-surrender
Is the endOf all my pain.
```No more shall I allow
My mindTo chase my heart.
Is becomingAnd vice versa.
```What delights me most?
My constant self-offeringTo God’s Will.
```Every day I pray to God
To give me the capacityTo dive into
His unhorizoned Heart. ```Every day
God teaches my heartA new song of hope.
```Every day
God wants to come and see meAt the very foot
Of my life-patience-tree. ```Today’s dedication
Can destroyYesterday’s imperfections.
```Every day
My heart singsA God-gratitude-song.
```Man is
An unending songOf hope.
```The song
Of the morning eyeIs beautiful.
```The dance
Of the evening heartIs peaceful.
```Only he
Who loves God sincerelyCan obey Him.
```Not intention
But actionIs what we need.
```True God-faith
Knows no delay. ```God-obedience
DefiesThe strength of lethargy.
```Do not welcome
Evil gossipAnytime, anywhere.
```Every day,
At least for fifteen minutes,Focus on your own
Life-perfection. ```Every day
I take a dipIn my soul’s ecstasy-sea.
```Meditation means
Peace-preservation. ```The silence of the heart
Can easily steadyThe mind’s ups and downs.
```Never allow your confidence
To be caughtBy the chains of self-doubt.
```Each life has to be
A constantly self-giving tree. ```Devotion is at once
Heart-transformation. ```My God-devotion
Enables me to liveIn a oneness-love-world.
```O my heart,
Illumine the worldWith your smile
Before the mind attacks meWith all its bitterness.
```No limitations can be
Our unavoidableOr unchangeable fate.
```My prayer-tears
Come fromMy soul’s luminosity.
```Any good thought
Will have a beautifulAnd fragrant future.
```The power of love
Never dominates.It only illuminates.
```Unlike the heart-elevator,
The mind-elevatorOnly goes down.
```Alas, we do not know
Why we enjoy driving throughThe mind’s tunnel.
```Each man
Has his own philosophyOn how to better the world.
```In the inner world,
I live and look.In the outer world,
I look and live. ```Service is needed
Only from those who liveIn the world of humility.
```Do not pronounce any judgement
Beforehand —Wait for the finals.
```To live on earth
Is to alwaysGrow, glow and flow.
```Our tears will smile
Only when we liveFor God’s sake.
```Another name
For trustIs happiness.
```God wants us to be
ActiveAnd not remain
Captive. ```When we soulfully pray to God,
His Compassion multipliesBy the second.
```Every morning
God’s Compassion-EyeCradles my heart.
```Thought whispers.
Action thunders. ```O my bleeding heart,
Smile.You will be able
To steal God’s Heart. ```How I wish I could
All the timeLive the life of anonymity.
```A pure heart
Can easily beDauntless.
```May my entire existence
Be foundIn the armour of love.
```When we are self-giving,
God helps us fightAgainst ignorance-night
Before it starts. ```To follow
The crowdIs to miss
The destination. ```Quite often
Imagination carriesWisdom-light.
```I strongly feel
That before longMy broken heart will be mended
By my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```Heart-beauty-flower
Never withers. ```When I urgently need
God’s Advice,God never delays.
```May my feeble prayers
Help mankindIn some small way.
```My aspiration-heart sings
Far aboveMy body-bondage.
```Impossibility is a wall
That can be shatteredInto pieces.
```When it comes to perfection,
Everybody is ignorant. ```God does not mind
When we ask Him questions,But He does mind
When we do not use His Answers. ```When I do God’s work
Cheerfully,God sings my victory-songs
Ceaselessly. ```God’s Compassion
Can eraseAll my lifelong blunders.
```Help the world bountifully,
But not foolishly. ```My Lord,
How can I serve You?“My child,
Love yourself first;Then you will be able to serve Me.”
```The mind is
So cruel.The heart is
A perfect jewel. ```God is attracted by
My climbing smiles. ```My sorrowful smile
ShattersGod’s Heart.
```My self-giving smile
Feeds God. ```Bend your knees
To kiss the feet of the good,And not of the great.
```I collect the dust of goodness
And ignoreThe palace of greatness.
```My heart-shrine is not private.
It is for all to seeAnd receive inspiration.
Is nothing butUselessness.
```Every day
I see my life blossomingIn my devotion-heart-garden.
Why do I not allow my LordTo rule my life
With His Compassion-descending Rain? ```Never surrender
To the mind’sNarrow bondage-limits.
```The heart blossoms
The moment self-offeringBegins.
```I shall never allow my life
To be carried awayBy my unaspiring mind.
```The mind suffers
Quite oftenFrom progress-paralysis.
```Every seeker
Paints GodWith his devotion-awareness.
```An aspiration-heart
Can challengeAll outer obstacles.
```He who aspires
Builds his lifeOn God-love-foundation.
```May my God-oneness-heart
Overrule my mindEvery time.
```Every morning
God wants me to wake upAnd run and run with my heart
To the Golden Shore. ```God always wants me
To be on a teamAnd not to enjoy
My solo acts. ```When my Lord
Is angry with me,His Eye whips
My entire being. ```Alas, we do nothing for God
Every day,Yet we expect
God’s undivided attention. ```God wants us
Every dayTo have the natural approach to Him:
A God-loving heart. ```Patience and speed
DetermineOur destination-home.
```God wants us
To run our fastestTo His ever-blossoming Heart.
```My obedience loves
Only one thing:God’s Authority.
```If we are not aware of
God’s Presence inside our heart,How can we make any progress?
```To see God’s Eye
IsTo worship God’s Feet.
```God wants me
At every momentTo be in breathless prayer.
```When I am a broken heart,
I see God’s TearsWithin my heart
And around my life. ```God always wants me
To walk alongHis Heart-mapped Path.
```The insatiable, voracious vital
IsThe culprit number one.
Makes us sink intoAn unfathomable sea.
```My tiniest progress-step
Makes my LordUnimaginably happy.
```Even the willingness of an ant
God addsTo our world-transformation.
```A God-chosen hero
Is God’sPerfection-instrument.
```Every morning
God wants us to sweep devotedlyThe path of the heart.
```The golden days of God-worship
Have EternityAs their breath.
```We must never allow anything undivine
To sinkOur aspiration-heart-boat.
```I always challenge myself
To undertakeA new Godward expedition.
We must not only conquerBut destroy.
```God keeps
His Compassion-Store openTwenty-four hours a day.
```Our happiness
Gladdens and charms GodMore than anything else.
Does not believe inImpossibility.
```God expects us to use
Our eagerness-heart-speedTo arrive
At His Golden Gate. ```Every day
God feeds the whispersOf our heart.
```The mind enjoys riding
SlowlyThe desire-train.
```The heart enjoys flying
Most speedilyThe aspiration-aeroplane.
```At every moment
Earth needsHeaven’s Ecstasy-Breath.
```God does not mind
If I do not thank Him.God does not mind
If I do not think of Him.But God does mind
When I am not pleasedWith myself.
```If we do not strive hard,
How can we ever wake upFrom ignorance-sleep?
```God’s Footfalls
AreMy heartbeat-songs.
```When I inhale the fragrance
Of my obedience-heart-flower,My life-boat sails
Faster than the fastest. ```There is a special way
To thank God,And that way is
To keep myself always happy. ```May my heart-vessel
Be full to the brimWith God-gratitude.
```Each and every seeker
Must immigrateTo Infinity’s Peace-Land.
```God will tell us
His Life-StoryIn His own Way
If we have patience infinite. ```The theories of the mind
Never interest God. ```The practice of the heart
God treasures. ```God’s Forgiveness-list
Has neither beginningNor end.
```God gives us
Repeated chancesTo satisfy Him.
```I must surrender myself
To God’s WillSo that I can be at the beck and call
Of His sweet WillEntirely.
```I came into the world
To fulfil my Lord’s DreamsFrom dawn to dusk.
```He who disappoints God’s Will
Will eventually becomeA veritable beggar
In the world of spirituality. ```Man has
Fearful questions.God has
Blessingful Answers. ```A broken heart
Is not God’s failureBut God’s immediate concern.
```An ego-absence-life
IsA God-Presence-smile.
```To lose faith in God
Is to sufferAn irrevocable loss.
```To pray
Is the birthrightOf my life.
```To meditate
Is the birthrightOf my heart.
```In the morning
I self-givingly accompanyMy soul-sun.
```In the evening
I soulfully accompanyMy heart-moon.
```O my mind,
Never try to be onThe Olympian pride-height.
Your failure will beMost deplorable.
```God appreciates
Each and every heart-templeAnd raises it
On His Shoulders. ```The devotion-tearless eyes
Will never be able to nearGod’s Heart-Palace.
```Alas, the disobedience-mind
And the obedience-heartLive side by side.
```I keep my Lord’s Compassion-Eye
Nearer thanMy own heartbeat.
```A single surrender-breath
Can conquerGod’s Heart of Infinity.
```Only the doubt-free minds
Can expediteHumanity’s progress.
```No matter in which form
Disobedience comes to us,We must immediately shun it.
```Each time my heart
Sheds tears of gratitude,God blessingfully offers
His thunderous applause. ```Only a sweetness-fragrance-heart
Is allowed to hoistGod’s Heart-Banner.
```A oneness-heart
IsThe strongest criticism-destroyer.
```An indulgence-life
Needs only one thing:A stark will-power.
```God asks
Only the world-peace-loversTo strike as hard as possible
His own Peace-Bell. ```On the tongue of my life
Is alwaysGod-surrender-joy.
```My devotion-heart loves to live
Only at one place:God’s Feet.
```I do not live
In the world of anUncertain ‘maybe’.
```I live only
In the world of aDetermined ‘must’.
```Each desire-thought
Chokes our spiritualLife-breath.
```There was a time
When I blindly obeyedMy mind’s orders.
```God’s Compassion-Call
Arouses my mind,Awakens my heart
AndLiberates my life.
```God wants us to write to Him
Every dayIn letters of heart-tears.
```A faith-heart
MeansAn invalid mind.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Every day blesses meWith an iron
God-manifestation-will. ```Alas, every day
My mind erases the FootprintsOf my Beloved Supreme.
```Our mind-hesitation
Is the cause of ourGod-fulfilment-promise-failure.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Never wants any human beingTo depart.
```Each God-thought increases
The brightness of the roadThat leads to God’s Palace.
```Alas, our willingness-heart
Quite often losesTo our lethargy-body.
```God’s two Arms
Are eagerly waitingFor our earliest return
To His Heart-Home. ```My desire knows
How to shout. ```My aspiration knows
How to whisper. ```Our God-gratitude-heart only
Knows how to wrapOur God-sweetness-memories.
```Keep loving
The Eternity’s great UnknownTo be completely satisfied.
```God feels miserable
When He seesOur disappointment-life-tears.
```Each and every seeker
Must continue to work onGod’s full manifestation on earth.
```I pray to God to give me
Only one thing:A flaming eagerness-heart.
```Only a self-giving man
Can enjoy devouringGod’s infinite Light and Delight.
Live longerThan any other flowers.
```Every mind-election
Is emptyOf perfection.
```My heart-melodies
My Lord transformsInto His own Symphonies.
Tortures us. ```Hope
Gladdens us. ```A oneness-heart
Is the prideOf Infinity.
```A heart without faith
Is a lifeWithout safety.
```If we do not have faith in God,
Then an express train of fearWill near us and destroy us.
```My soulful smile energises
My own heartTo fulfil God’s Dream.
Is the most powerful weaponTo destroy
A goodness-life and oneness-heart. ```Only God’s Compassion-flooded Eye
Can ever mendMy broken heart.
```God is always eager
To bind usWith His two claiming Hands.
```Without a purity-sunrise-heart,
We cannot make real progressIn our spiritual life.
```Each time we make
Even an iota of progress,We brighten God’s Face.
```A devotion-heart knows
Where God isAnd also how to bind Him.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
And Affection-BreathKnow no sleep.
```You do not have to seek God
In the farthest end of the world.His Presence is nearer than the nearest.
Just develop a devotion-heart. ```A day without aspiration
IsA failure-day.
```Heaven offers me
Its brightest smileWhen I sing
God-surrender-songs. ```When we love God
For God’s sake,Immortality embraces
Our lives. ```God-obedience-road
Is fed byGod’s constant Smile.
```We must break down
The iron resistance-gateOf the desiring mind.
```The mind-wanderer
Enjoys wanderingInstead of loving
The beauty of peace. ```The desire-mind
Will never be invitedBy the flaming heart.
```The desire-life
Is an empty shoreAnd an empty echo.
Is the uselessnessOf nothingness.
```A life of surrender
Is inseparable fromA life of faith.
```Our Lord opens our heart-eye
To the ever-blossomingInner world.
```Our progress-life
Is sumptuously fedBy our inner cries.
```We can have throbbing
Heart-joysFrom our fully God-surrendered
Life. ```If we are not consciously
And sleeplessly awareOf our divine life,
Our Goal will slipIn and out of sight.
```My meditation-heart
Is frequented bySilence and peace.
```A heart of constant
God-surrenderIs timeless and deathless.
```If we want to see God,
There is only one way:The sunlit path of faith.
```In the garden of the heart
We are apt to hearGod’s Whisper.
```A heart of devotion
Can flyIn ecstasy-skies.
```God loves to watch
Our sailingPeace-dream-boat.
Are not only unhealthyBut also dangerous.
```We must not forget
That God the HeartAnd God the Eye
Always watch overOur aspiration-heart.
```The Power of God
Tells us:“Go forward!”
```The Love of God
Tells us:“Come in!”
```The Light of God
Tells us:“Stay where you are,
For that is the right place.” ```Yesterday
God was my Source. ```Today
God is my Destination. ```Strive to be a perfect
God-slaveAnd not a self-styled
Master. ```A true disciple
Has to be eagerBoth to learn
And unlearn. ```My prayers
Prepare my lifeTo receive.
```My meditation
Prepares my heartTo give.
```Wherever I stand,
God tells me thatIt is His Holy Land.
```I thank God
For eachAspiration-day.
```God thanks me
For eachDedication-day.
Life’s blundersWith determination.
Life’s victoriesWith tremendous enthusiasm.
```Everything in my life
Originated in God,Specially my God-gratitude-heart.
```Problems appear
When we areUnmindful.
```Problems disappear
When we areGodful.
```I love God
Because He isIndispensable.
```God loves me
Because I amReliable.
```The journey without
Begins withThunder-power.
```The journey within
Begins withFlute-sweetness.
```Our life-boat
Can never capsizeIf we value
Our heart’s sunrise. ```A man of unconditional surrender
IsGod’s favourite guest.
```Long before the inner sun rises,
We must prepare ourselvesWith implicit faith in God.
```The very touch
Of God’s FeetThrills my heart.
```A gratitude-heart
IsGod’s real pride.
```A God-loving heart
Must not repeatGod-displeasing deeds.
```My ego-life
I must obliterateAs quickly as possible.
```No opportunity
Can ever beInsignificant.
```An unconditional life
Is not the inventionOf imagination.
```The constant fulfilment
Of God’s Will onlyInterests my heart.
```Every day
I am appalledAt the lack of aspiration
Of my mind. ```Alas,
Problems drag on and on.There is no way
To escape. ```Self-transcendence
Is quite commonIn God-surrender-land.
```The mind
Always vetoes the opinionsOf the heart.
Is of paramount importanceIn our spiritual life.
```To have a glance
From God’s EyeIs, indeed,
A rare moment of happiness. ```At every moment
We must exercise our divine willTo crack down on
Cynics and critics. ```Alas,
Every dayWe forget to destroy
Our mind’s desire-jungles. ```Our wisdom-light
Has a very deep connectionWith God’s Eye.
```We must never allow
Our enthusiasm-energyTo dwindle.
```O my life,
Never be nearThe emotional whirlpool.
```The true spiritual life
Must never be keptOn hold.
```The mind loves
Complication,While the heart loves
Unification. ```I know that
There shall come a timeWhen God’s Compassion-Eye
Shall meltMy age-long stone-heartedness.
```The human life
Is an uncontrollable surgeOf expectation.
```When we make a complaint to God
Against our mind,Our complaint is definitely valid.
```Be careful of the mind,
For its suppliesAre full of thought-disease.
```My Lord,
When I lose my faith in You,Please illumine me
With a crashing blow. ```A self-giving life
Has to be lionisedEverywhere.
```My soul asks my heart
Never to missGod’s Illumination-Courses.
```Alas, what shall I do
With my spiritual life?It is frustratingly slow.
```My Lord tells me
That my gratitude-heart-tearsAre by far the best tears.
```We must throw
All our self-interestInto the dust
To run the fastestIn the spiritual life.
```God wants my heart
To takeLove, devotion and surrender-
Violin lessons. ```May my heart’s
Aspiration-sunNever set.
```Each heart
IsA God-delight-song.
```The outer beauty
Dies.The inner beauty
Prevails. ```O seeker,
Do not allowEven an iota of desire
To enter into your mind. ```Desires
Always loveTo come in large crowds.
```God loves
To sing, play and danceIn our Heavenly dreams.
```God does not want us to race
To see His Face.He wants us to run
Slowly, steadily and self-givinglyTowards Him.
```I love littleness.
Indeed,This is a true mystery
To God. ```God loves Infinity.
Indeed,This is a total mystery
To me. ```If you live all the time
In the mind,You are bound to bathe
In frustration-tears. ```O my heart,
Never listen to my mind!It always cancels
God-appointments. ```A seeker’s devotion-heart
Can easily catchGod’s Heart.
```An intense God-search
Is of paramount importanceTo arrive at
God’s Heart-Door. ```O my mind,
Untie your attachment-knots. ```God wants
My love for HimTo be sacred
And not secret. ```My Lord,
Do help me to liveIn my devotion-delight-heart.
Still remains unlit. ```When I surrender my all
To God,He tells me
That I shall beHis proudest pride.
```My Lord’s Blessing-Touch
Shall forever grow and glowInside my heart.
```My Lord,
Your Compassion-EyeIs dear to my inspiration-life,
Dearer to my aspiration-heartAnd
Dearest to my illumination-soul. ```The partition-loving mind
Is alwaysRebellious.
```We must deport
All our doubtsTo the land of nowhere.
Can never give usAny real satisfaction.
```May my entire life
Become a dauntlessGod-faith-shield.
Can easily be conqueredWith detachment-light.
```God can do
Sublime things for usWith our willingness-heart.
```God always asks us
To feel free to ask HimAll the questions that we have.
He will answer all our questions,Whether it satisfies us or not.
```God’s Compassion-Feet
Every day claspMy surrender-heart.
```God’s Concern
Is somethingThat nobody can ever lose.
```How beautiful,
How peaceful,How fruitful
Is everything about God. ```He who is afraid of loving God
More and moreIs, indeed, a stark fool.
```Our ignorance-surrender
Is the best giftWe can offer God.
```A God-loving heart
Can easily and freelyBlend with all.
```The mind
Wants to tell and hearAgain and again
Its useless stories. ```Readiness and willingness
Are twin brothersFor quickest God-manifestation
On earth. ```God Himself
AmplifiesAll my heart-cries.
Can proudly carry our heartsTo new heights of delight.
```May God’s Mind
And my mindConstantly enjoy
Our mutual trust. ```May God’s Heart
And my heartSleeplessly enjoy
Our mutual affection. ```May God’s Life
And my lifeBreathlessly enjoy
Our mutual attention. ```May God and I
Triumphantly enjoyOur mutual interdependence.
```What am I doing?
I am growing and strengtheningIn my heart-garden
My God-love-tree. ```Before
I asked GodTo do many things
For me. ```Now
I ask GodTo give me at least one thing
To do for Him. ```God’s Compassion-Eye-injection
Every dayI need.
```I can clearly see
That my Lord’s HandsAre reaching down
Fast, very fast,To clasp my bleeding heart.
```God’s constant Victory
Is my sleeplessAnd breathless desire.
```How can I idle away
A single moment,When I have literally
Millions of things to doFor my Beloved Supreme?
```I am determined
To fill my lifeWith God-magnetism.
```I need
Self-effacementWith my God-devotion.
```God’s ultimate challenge
To man:“Can you climb up,
My children?” ```Man’s ultimate challenge
To God:“Can You climb down
And stay with us forever?” ```My soul has thrust upon me
A very special task:I must discover God
In everybody and everything. ```God-worthiness
God gives us;We cannot acquire it.
```True, I am not
God’s dearest friend,But I claim to be
God’s faithful slave. ```As long as the creation lasts,
Human attachmentWill move side by side
With divine attachment. ```God-worship
IsAn unparalleled ecstasy.
```The desiring mind
Is nothing short ofThe worst possible tyranny.
```To have a God-oneness-heart,
We needA stillness-mind.
```May my aspiration-heart
Every day be drenchedWith my God-longing tears.
```Self-giving love
Is alwaysUncommon.
```A God-devotion-heart
Is bound to enjoyAn exquisite love.
```Our success-progress-life
Entirely depends onGod’s Grace.
```God wants us to be
Self-giving seekers.Alas, we have become
Self-congratulatingAnd self-adulating seekers
Instead. ```If I cry and weep,
God will definitely disperseAll my mind’s
Darkness-clouds. ```My heart’s
Perpetual prayer-cry:My Lord,
Illumine my mind,Protect my life,
Feed my heart. ```God tells us
That His big EarsAre only for
Our pure heart-prayers. ```I am extremely happy
That finally my mind,My vital and my body
Are takingThe God-obedience-course.
```The unaspiring mind
Is always scatteringUndivine thoughts
All over the world. ```The aspiring heart
Spreads God-BeautyAnd God-Fragrance
Everywhere. ```Selflessness not only diminishes
But also extinguishesOur human ego-pride.
```Eagerness immediately
Increases the speedOf our heart’s aspiration-journey.
```How I wish,
Like my heart,My mind could also hear
The early morning God-songs. ```My gratitude-heart-tears
AreMy only belongings.
And the heartAre intimate friends.
```I am determined
To strike againstMy autocrat-mind-boss.
```My heart
Is made of my Lord’sConcern-Breath.
```I begin my meditation
After I have sungMy heart-songs.
```If we want to make
The fastest progress,Then we must prevent the mind
From drifting awayFrom our prayers and meditations.
```We must feed
Our soaring aspirationWith our heart-tears.
```During our meditation,
There is an unseen friendWho is helping and guiding us:
Our soul. ```Every day I play
On my heart-fluteFor my inspiring and illumining soul.
Is the strongest powerThat can end
Our despair-heart. ```Gratitude
Sweetens and deepensOur heart.
```God tells me
My road is clearBecause my life has become
A moment-to-moment prayer. ```Spiritual progress
ThrivesOn sincerity-tears.
```If we really want to make
The fastest progress,Then our self-confidence
Must surrenderTo our God-reliance.
```Do not slay your enemy,
But pray for your enemySo that we can have
A world of infinite peace. ```Insecurity
Is nothing butA perverted power.
```Our aspiration-heart blooms
When our life sees beautyAll around.
```Our meditation flies
With our soul-birdIn Infinity’s Sky.
```At every moment
We must feel thatIt is an urgent necessity
To love and please GodIn His own Way.
```Each prayer
PurifiesOur mind.
```Each meditation
IntensifiesOur heart.
```Each dedication
UnitesOur heart with God.
```I start my day
With my heart-intensity-tearsFor God.
```Every day
My soul is eagerTo import God’s Love
And God’s CompassionInto my mind.
```Every day
I export my impurity-mindTo the land of nowhere.
```My hesitation-mind says:
“Where and how?” ```My dedication-heart says:
“Here and now!” ```Finally
I am putting an endTo my ignorance-persistence-mind.
```Our ignorance-mind
Does not knowThat every day we are wasting
Our Lord’s most precious Time. ```Today’s disobedience-drop
Can tomorrow grow intoA destruction-sea.
```God never responds
To my speeches,But He immediately responds
To my dedication. ```Do not look around.
Look withinTo find your own divinity.
```God does not believe
In followers.He believes only
In partners. ```Each aspiration-cry
Is a bridgeBetween man’s heart
And God’s Heart. ```If you want to believe,
Do not beg your mind.Strike your mind!
```Our insecurity
IsOur false friend.
```Our love of God
Is not a mind-storyBut a heart-song.
```True spirituality
DefiesInsoluble problems.
```If we do not have
The eager participationOf each and every human being,
Then we can never manifest GodIn God’s own Way.
```Do not feed
Your disobedience-ant-mind.It will soon become
An elephant-destruction. ```My Lord Supreme
Works long, very long hours,Only to make me happy
And keep me happy. ```An eagerness-heart
Every dayIs invited by God Himself
To dine with HimAt His Heart-Palace.
```We must become
Our gratitude-heart-tearsIf we want to be illumined
By our inner sun. ```Be devoted.
Be faithful.God is always right!
```I shall not wait for
Any more incarnations.In this lifetime,
I shall accomplish my task:I shall unconditionally love God
And manifest God fully. ```He who betrays
God’s Confidence in himCan never be on the human level.
```O seeker,
Be farther than the farthestFrom the expectation-trap.
```Everything is sweet, sweeter
And sweetestWhen my Master knows
What I am doing. ```I am happy
Only when my MasterDoes all the planning for me.
```Let me not forget
That at every momentMy Lord’s Compassion-Eye
Is cradling my heart,My mind, my vital and my body.
```I must constantly send my Lord
Invitation lettersUntil He comes to visit my heart.
```My God-oneness
Is the only fulnessIn my life.
```My Lord,
I have planted devotion-plantsAll around me
For Your blessingful Arrival. ```The God-poets
NeedNo editor.
```May my aspiration
```May my dedication
```Every morning
My Lord breaks downMy ignorance-walls.
```Every evening,
Alas,I build my ignorance-walls
Anew. ```I am ready.
Everything of mine is ready.But where are You, where,
My Lord Supreme? ```Every day
I eagerly lookFor one thing:
My God-oneness. ```God does not need anybody.
Yet He makes all human beings feelThat they are indispensable.
```If I know
That God does not get joyFrom my presence,
Why do I not dareTo change my life?
```I keep
My surrender-fire burningOnly for my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```My Lord,
Your CompassionIs my heart’s only dream
And my life’s only reality. ```My Lord, I want You,
Only You,And nobody else
To be the CaptainOf my life-boat.
```The mind does not want
To accept the truthThat the whole world
Has been growingIn all the wrong directions.
```Unless and until I get God
To be the PilotOf my life-boat,
I shall never be able to arriveAt the Golden Shore.
```May my heart
Breathe ceaselesslyIn God’s Infinity.
```May each and every soul
Swim and swimIn God-oneness-sea.
```Like my soul,
My heart alsoIs dining
With God-closeness. ```To please God,
There is only one thing essential:Bow and bow to God’s
Light and Delight-flooded Throne. ```Faith throws
Unreal fearTo the winds.
```The mind can only afford
To haveA tiny thought-apartment.
```The heart can afford
To haveA royal palace.
```The heart lives
On God’s SweetnessAnd Fondness.
```O seeker,
Never be caughtBy your outer possessions.
```O seeker,
A possession-renunciation-lifeCan alone please you.
```The aspiration-sunshine
Of the heartWill always succeed.
```A true aspiration-heart
Can never be affectedBy the mind’s stormy weather.
```God the Guest
Eagerly waits forAn invitation
From my aspiration. ```Everything in me
Longs to embraceGod-oneness-horizon.
```The mind-dictator
Wants to rule the whole worldWith an iron fist.
```The God-lover-heart
Wants to illumine the worldFor the perfect manifestation of God
On earth. ```A God-loving life
BecomesA God-pleasing heart.
```O my positive thoughts,
Can you not sing and danceThrough my mind?
```My soul’s smile
Brightens my life. ```My heart’s cries
Enlighten my life. ```Finally
God has allowed meTo be a permanent resident
In His Heart-Home. ```The mind-road
Is always dark and frighteningBecause it has no
Love-devotion-surrender-lamps. ```The God-discovery-road
Is at onceThe fragrance of ancient times
AndThe beauty of the modern time.
```The invisible God
Becomes visibleWhen He sees
A heart of purity. ```God treasures
And embracesOur purity-sunrise-heart.
```A day without aspiration
Is, indeed,A crawling day.
```God is impressed
Only when we singIn all sincerity
Our God-surrender-song. ```When I stop praying,
My life becomesA torturing nightmare.
```My Lord tells me point-blank
That my undisciplined lifeWill be the cause of my downfall.
```I long to be a stranger
To all world conspiraciesAnd controversies.
```The world of fiction
Has to be turned intoA realm of poetry.
```Smile day and night:
You will be able to wrestleWith all your foes.
```God’s Heart
CradlesMy crying heart.
```God’s Eye
CradlesMy serving life.
```If we want to make
The fastest progress,Then with utter abandon
We must give ourselvesTo God.
```Each moment
Is a new Promise-fulfilment-opportunity. ```I do not know
Why I stand so far awayFrom the door of God’s Will.
```We all enjoy earth-pleasure,
Denying God’sHeaven-Treasure.
```Day and night
We race aroundLife’s expectation-track.
```With my aspiration-heart
I try to draw every dayNearer and nearer
To God’s blessingful Heartbeat. ```No atom
Is empty ofGod’s Will.
```God’s Will
Is always readyTo reveal itself
To mankind. ```My bleeding heart
Is held by God HimselfAs a most sacred treasure.
```Continue with your prayers
And meditationsUntil God is fully satisfied.
```When we pray soulfully,
The outer worldDoes not dare to frighten us.
```When we meditate sleeplessly,
The inner worldDoes not dare to frighten us.
```When we smile at God,
We give God the opportunityTo sing and play with us.
```Without inner freedom
No one can spiritually grow,And this inner freedom is
Constant oneness with God’s Will. ```No God-service
Can ever be too great. ```There is God-Speed
In everything. ```The mind
Is apt to speculate foolishlyAbout peace and God.
```There can be nothing
Beyond the domain ofGod’s ultimate Forgiveness.
Knows how to paralyseOur God-aspiration.
```My obedience-heart
Every dayIs beckoned by
God’s blessingful Hands. ```Do not allow your life
To be crushedUnder the wheel
Of useless change. ```May my heart’s
Happiness-rainbowExpand and expand.
```The bad experiences
Of the mindAnd the good experiences
Of the heartChase each other.
Is vaster thanWe can ever imagine.
```There is no end to our heart’s
Possible mistakes,Alas, alas.
There is no end to our mind’sImpossible blunders.
In my heart-templeI allow God to remain
Unworshipped. ```I must shake and wake
My lethargy-bodyQuite often.
```My heart
LivesIn aspiration-days.
```My mind
LivesIn desire-ages.
Is notGod-satisfaction.
For world-transformationIs God-satisfaction.
```The mind does not know that
There is something calledThe Vision of God.
```The mind
Deliberately forgetsTo invite God.
```The heart
Self-givinglyInvites God.
```Every morning
God tells us to embark on Perfection-journey. ```No sincere heart
Will take its eyes offIts Lord’s Forgiveness-Feet.
```To arrive at God’s Heart-Palace,
A God-eager heartCan never be late in anything.
```The hunger
Of the desire-landIs ever-increasing.
```My two virtue-trophies,
Patience and perseverance,I place at my Lord’s Feet.
```I please God in two ways:
With my heart’s baby criesAnd
With my life’s big smiles. ```My gratitude-heart
Has to be sincereIf I want to see
God’s Heart throbbing. ```If you want to conceal anything
From God,Then you are courting
Your failure-life. ```Desire monopolises.
Aspiration harmonises. ```God does not need
A secret seeker. ```God needs
A sacred seeker. ```God’s Compassion-Flood
Outlasts everything. ```The mind
Thinks that GodIs an unkind boss.
```The heart
Feels that GodIs a most reliable slave.
Stands in our wayWhen we want to understand God.
```It is not good to delay
Or expediteGod’s Hour.
I sleeplessly long for. ```A self-giving life
Is halfway to Heaven. ```The exorbitant pride
Of the mindGrinds most people down.
```Even before you hire the vital
To do any work for God,The vital becomes tired.
```My life has
No protectionWithout the Direction
Of God. ```Today I pray
So that tomorrowI shall not despair.
```I want to remain alert
Only in the Heart ofMy Beloved Supreme.
```Just between you and me,
God is impartial,But He can be partial as well.
```How can the doom of night
Attack youIf you remain always
In the bloom of your heart? ```God-advisers
Are all-where. ```God-listeners
Are nowhere. ```God wants us to be punctual
In the beginning and at the endOf our God-service.
He never wants us to work overtime. ```God never minds
If we arrive at His Heart-PalaceUninvited.
```The motto of aspiration
Is inevitability,And not possibility.
```I am a stark fool
If I think that GodWill not be able to erase
All my life’s blunders. ```In the aspiration-world
I am oneAmong the needy.
```In the desire-world
I am oneAmong the greedy.
```If we are already lovable,
Then God’s CompassionWill one day make us
Indispensable. ```The deeper I dig,
The surer I become. ```My mind
Calls it strictness.My heart
Calls it kindness. ```The animal in me
Rages in vain. ```The human in me
Ages in vain. ```The divine in me
Races and succeeds. ```The human in me
Slowly and gradually dies. ```The divine in me
Eternally flies. ```Devotion-demonstration
Is the height ofA seeker’s stupidity.
```Life is the interplay
Of success and failure. ```You cannot be
God’s doveIf you are your
Ego-love. ```He who loves
Teeming desiresLives in the kingdom
Of fools. ```Surrender succeeds
When everything elseFails.
```Nothing makes sense to me,
Save and exceptThe dust of God’s Feet.
```My Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo offer You
My gratitude-heartAround the clock.
```My Lord,
I need only one Boon from You:A heart of ceaseless cries.
```My cheerful surrender
To God’s WillIs the only thing
That concerns God. ```God is proud of me
Only when I am breathlessAt the sound of His Footfalls.
```My Lord,
If You really love me,Then scold me ruthlessly
The moment I disobey You. ```I wish to hear
From GodHis Life-Stories.
```God wishes to hear
From meMy heart-songs.
```I have never seen God
Getting really mad,But I have seen God so often
Really feeling sad. ```My Lord, do tell me,
How many more yearsWill Your Net need
To catch my heart and my all? ```Man the psychiatrist
Has made me really crazy.I am now longing
For the real psychiatrist:God the Compassion-Eye.
```Mother Earth,
My heart breaks intoMillions of pieces
The moment I think ofYour insufferable agonies.
```My God-devotion
Is my soleEarth-identification.
```My God-separation
Is absurdity’sStrongest illusion.
```God wants me
To take from Him every dayCompassion-lessons.
```No matter how hard I try,
IgnoranceStill does not leave me.
```I vividly see my Lord
In two places:In my mind-cave
AndIn my heart-palace.
```God’s Heart
I sleeplesslyLove.
```God’s Feet
I breathlesslyAdore.
```God forgives me.
Indeed,This is no news.
```God loves me.
Indeed,This is no news.
```God has become me.
Indeed,This is the news of news.
```God-believers and God-lovers
Are God’sFondness-cherishers.
```When I live
In my heart,God is my Beloved.
```When I live
In my mind,God is my examiner.
```When I live
In my vital,God is my stranger.
```When I live
In my body,God is my Guardian.
```When I live
In my breath,God is my All.
```To make me His server,
God is making meStrong.
```To make me His Friend,
God is making mePure.
```To make me His Partner,
God is making meSelf-giving.
```God wants us
To harmonise our lives.Alas, we have
Demonised our lives,Instead.
```Within, without,
Constant God-invocation,My only task.
```May my devotion be
Purity itselfTo please my Lord Supreme.
```The omniscient, omnipotent
And omnipresent GodWants me to be
His magnificent seeker. ```I call Him my Supreme,
But alas, do I ever allow HimTo rule over my life supremely?
```Do not condone
But postpone desire-lifeIndefinitely.
```I am no longer
My body’sLethargy-victim.
```I am no longer
My vital’sAggression-victim.
```I am no longer
My mind’sSuspicion-victim.
```I am no longer
My heart’sInsecurity-victim.
```I am no longer
My life’sGod-failure-victim.
```My Lord,
Two boons I need from You:Dedication-boon
```My heart aches and throbs
For a fleeting momentOf God-Company.
```Nothing can disturb me
When I am in my heartAnd for my Lord Supreme.
Why do we allow ourselvesTo be haunted
By stark memories of the past? ```We fold our hands,
But where is our mindAnd, specially,
Where is our heart? ```God-separation
Is nothing short ofSelf-destruction.
```In vain I cry and cry
In the ashesOf my God-failure-life.
```No life is undivine.
Alas, the mind forces usTo see it in that way.
```Do not make your life miserable
By judgingThe God-success-joy of others.
```A true seeker
Can never be tiredOf adoring God, loving God
And serving God. ```The mind says
That it has so many things to do.Therefore,
How can it think of God? ```The heart says,
“I have only one thing to do,And I am doing that
With tremendous success:My God-service.”
```If we cherish
And treasure God,God definitely gets pleasure.
```Nothing can ever equal
My sacredGod-fulfilment-necessity.
```We enjoy the expression
Of our mind.God enjoys the expansion
Of our heart. ```My Lord,
May my aspiration-heartEvery morning wake up
With the dawn. ```My mind e-mail
Entangles my mindAnd my life.
```My heart knee-mail
Finds GodAnd claims God’s Heart.
```Every spiritual seeker
Needs tuning every dayFor a superb performance.
```God loves me
Even if I do notCare for Him.
```Today worship,
Tomorrow become. ```God does not believe in
My advice. ```God does believe in
My prayers. ```God does not enjoy
His Lordship. ```God enjoys only
His friendshipAnd partnership.
```Dark days
Eventually surrenderTo the path of Light.
```God wants you
To count the blessings —His Blessings.
```God will count the problems —
Your problems. ```Every time God sees me,
He tells me only one thing:“My child, we need to talk.”
```He was born in a manger.
God made HimThe World-Manager
Plus more. ```Not what you know
But whom you knowIs of supreme importance.
```Salvation is free,
But you must ask for it. ```The mind-story
Quickly informs us. ```The heart-song
Slowly transforms us. ```Today
We are allowedTo stand.
We must kneel. ```Children
Are afraid of darknessWithout.
Are afraid of LightWithin.
```God’s Message
Never changes. ```Our desire-life
Does change. ```Not to be
A downright failure,Always remain
An upright heart. ```We cherish
Our nothingnessMore than we cherish
Our usefulness. ```Our prayers
May rescue usTemporarily.
```Our Lord Supreme
Saves usPermanently.
```God’s Mind
IsA justice-builder.
```God’s Heart
IsAn injustice-demolisher.
```Give God
What He rightfully deserves,And give Him not
What is left over. ```Our minds believe in
Credit cards. ```Our hearts believe in
Only God-cash. ```The human in us
Needs proofAnd authenticity.
```The divine in us
Needs only serviceAnd practice.
```To help others
Is absolutely necessaryTo make us taller and deeper
In our inner life. ```Inside the mind-darkroom,
Quite oftenNegativity broods.
```No imperfection
Is ever negligible. ```God-happiness we find
Not when we enterThe heart-temple,
Not when we are seated insideThe heart-temple,
But only when we pray and meditateInside the heart-temple.
```The divine in us
Pays all the bills from the worldFor its earth-existence.
It does not owe anything. ```O my mind,
God is not on vacation,And He has not left you
In charge of this world. ```Try to love God.
If you do not succeed,The hostile forces
Will definitely take you back. ```When I cry,
I expect God. ```When I smile,
God welcomes me. ```A single thought of peace
Can makeA world of difference.
```The language of the heart
Is the only languageThat everybody can understand.
```My Lord,
I obey Your Commands,But give me the capacity
To obey them instantly, soulfullyAnd self-givingly.
```My Lord,
Your leadership in my lifeIs my only saviour.
```One true thought of God
Is myHeart-rapture.
```There can be no real need
For any human being,Save and except an urgent need
For God’s Victory. ```My heart-piano plays
Only one thing:God-love-rhapsody.
```God the Compassion
IsOur smooth sailing.
```God the Forgiveness
IsOur safe landing.
```Go down on your knees.
God will not only lift you upBut also bless you
With a mighty embrace. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 23, Agni Press, 2001
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/st_23