The heart
Is the most sacred realityIn each human being.
```May I become
A deep-rootedGod-faith-flower.
```What a seeker needs:
An ironclad God-faith. ```In human life,
Self-givingHas no equal.
```The faith of my heart
Has finally paralysedAll the doubts of my mind.
```This time
God Himself is designingMy life’s road map.
```God eagerly waits for
My heart-book publication. ```Aspiration
IsA Heaven-soaring flight.
```May my God-devotion-life
BecomeA tear-flooded life.
```I am becoming
The melodiesOf my heart-violin.
The roaming of the mindIs nebulous and useless.
```My gratitude-heartbeats
Come fromGod’s unconditional Love.
```Never open a letter
That comes fromThe doubting mind.
```Meditate on
Your aspiration-flame.You will win the God-game.
```Patience, increasing patience,
Is all we needTo be victorious
In the battlefield of life. ```God-bound,
My heart’s God-crying train. ```Every morning
God eagerly waits forMy heart-news.
```No division-walls
In my heart-territory. ```My heart-connection
Is likeAn indomitable ocean-flood.
```My mind’s failure-night
Shall be illuminedBy my heart’s victory-delight.
```Meditate on your self-giving heart.
Your life will becomeA God-beauty.
```A problem-mountain
I was.A solution-fountain
I now am. ```Grace is there,
But who is thereTo value it
And receive it? ```God-devotion
MeansProblem-building demolition.
```The weeping heart
FindsGod’s hiding place.
```Only one place is safe:
The silence-roomOf my heart.
IsA God-failure-life.
```The spiritual Teacher
Is the golden bridgeBetween God’s Heart
And man’s life. ```Expectation
IsInevitable frustration.
```The mind loves to live
In its tiny ego-bubble. ```Sacrifice-delight
Is the captainOf my heart-boat.
Are my heart-aspiration-cries. ```Powerful
Are my life-dedication-smiles. ```The confusion-mind
Ultimately surrendersTo the illumination-soul.
```My life
IsGod’s Compassion-revelation.
```Sorrow flies away
When God-oneness blooms. ```The ego
IsA crowd-entertainer.
IsA life-and-death decision.
I have lostAll my aspiration-years.
```God the Unknown
I desire to see. ```God the Unknowable
My heart adores. ```Each problem
AwakensMy God-aspiring heart.
```May my God-devotion
Be far beyondThe reach of time.
```My problems
AreMy sleepless followers.
```O my mind,
Can you not seeThat this life of mine
I have reservedOnly for God?
Is full ofMountain-tears.
Is full ofFountain-cheers.
```The doubting mind
DeservesA death threat.
```The mind
Is never short ofSelf-doubts.
```Everybody thinks
That his isAn under-appreciated life.
Moves forward. ```Gratitude
Moves inward. ```Sacrifice
Moves upward. ```Every morning
God gives my heartAll the love it needs
For the day. ```A God-denying mind
Will beAn embittered failure.
```I see the evidence
Of God’s CompassionIn all my actions.
```A desiring mind
KnowsWhat chaos is.
```The bizarre outer world
Is the reflectionOf the inner world.
```The heart always
Asks the soulFor the next step.
```My heart-garden and I
Love each otherAnd
Live together. ```My mind needs
Brighter days. ```My heart needs
Better hours. ```I need
Purer moments. ```I am crying for
God-realisation. ```God wants me to cry for
Man-liberation. ```When I see my Master smiling,
Every trace of my desireDisappears.
Sweetens our heartsAnd
Enlightens our minds. ```Prophetic words:
This world will be transformed. ```The aspiring heart
Knows no stranger. ```No more do I enjoy
My desire-mind-storms. ```Dauntlessly
All challengesHave to be conquered.
```An unhappy mind
And a frustration-lifeAre immediate neighbours.
```Every moment
Can beA God-commitment-promise.
```A false statement:
God is preoccupiedWith somebody else.
```Even God was excited to see
The complete transformationOf my life.
MeansEnduring peace.
```God loves to live
Inside my heartOnly when
I choose to leaveThe ignorance-cave.
```A silence-mind
ObeysAll God’s Commands.
```Desire is desire.
It is allMy imperfection.
```Aspiration is aspiration.
It is allGod-satisfaction.
```Talk and talk and talk:
Your life shall fail. ```Act and act and act:
Your heart shall sail. ```The doubting mind
IsGod’s antonym.
```The loving heart
IsGod’s synonym.
```My heart-sky
Is emptyOf faith-clouds.
```I give God
What God wants:Love.
```I give man
What man wants:Appreciation.
```Within I am
A roaring lion.Without I am
A charming lamb. ```Doubt cannot take birth
In my mindAgain.
```At times
Destruction is absolutely necessaryFor a new creation.
```Physically close
He wasTo his Master-Lord.
```Spiritually far, very far
He wasFrom his Master-Lord.
```The mind
Must be liberatedFrom the ignorance-torture-prison.
```My mind’s eagerness
To please GodIs almost an impossible task.
```To my greatest joy,
God keeps my life-breathUnder His very close Supervision.
```My mind
Wants to beAn empire-builder.
```My heart
Wants to beA cottage-dweller.
```My God-disobedience-breath
Has breathed its last. ```Deathless
IsA God-loyalty-heart.
```My heart and I
Always remain beyond,Far beyond, the reach
Of our miserable mind. ```I trust myself only when
I obey my SupremeImplicitly.
```Everybody has a right
To chooseThe sunny side of life.
```We pray,
God answers,But we do not value
The answer. ```If we do not listen to God
At every momentWith full attention,
God may one day withdrawHis Compassion-Eye.
```At every moment
I rededicate myselfTo being a server
Of world peace. ```The present does not want me.
The future does not want me.Alas, the past not only wants me
But needs me. ```The mind
Does not invite GodWhen it invites the world.
```The heart
Does not invite the worldWhen it invites God.
```Poor God,
Happiness eludes HimAll the time.
```I am too slow.
God does not want to wait any moreFor my devotion-offerings.
```No mind-clouds
Can totally eclipseOur heart-sun.
Are available everywhere,Yet we do not collect them.
Are available everywhere,Yet we do not pluck them.
Are available everywhere,Yet we do not utilise them.
```There is not a single seeker
Who has never suffered fromThe body-vital-mind-collision.
```God is going
From door to doorTo catch a smile.
```I live on
My Master’sSelf-giving smile.
```No matter whether I rise or fall,
I came into the worldOnly to hear His Call.
```Alas, my Lord,
I am so sorryThat I have forgotten
Your Address.“My child,
I am so happyThat I distinctly remember
Not only your addressBut also
Your phone number.” ```My meditation means
God-satisfaction. ```In the spiritual life,
When we do not care for progress,We are forced to run backwards
At top speed. ```A computer-mind
Is destined to beA spiritual failure.
```To make the fastest progress,
We desperately needGrass-green humility.
```To make the fastest progress,
We sleeplessly needA sky-climbing aspiration.
```God is
God’s legendary Compassion. ```Man is
Man’s momentary gratitude. ```God wants me to be really happy.
Therefore, He has destroyedAll my expectation-mind-cages.
```The commands of the mind
Are guaranteed disaster. ```Nothing can remain strange
When God starts arrangingMy life.
```To speak of others
To GodIs a waste of time.
```To think of others
In front of GodIs a waste of time.
```To show our love of mankind
To GodIs the best use of time.
```Each time I bow my head to God,
He blessingfully offers meA few of His proud Heartbeats.
```We breathe in air
To live.A child-heart
Breathes in God’s HeartTo live.
```I must conquer
All my negativityWith my
God-gratitude-smiles. ```God feels miserable
When we put our aspiration-dreamsOn hold.
```Our comedies reach
God’s Mind-Door. ```Our tragedies reach
God’s Heart-Room. ```The spiritual life means
The fulfilment ofGod’s Hopes.
```The moment we take shelter
At God’s Feet,Our old age vanishes.
```If we allow our enthusiasm to fade,
We will not be allowed to stayAt God’s Gate.
```May God’s Compassion
And my surrenderReciprocate
Twenty-four hours a day. ```Nobody can make
A false startTo please God.
```I love
My aspiration-speed,And not my ambition-crown.
```Even the most unaspiring person
On earthKnows that he lives
Between his mind-tortureAnd heart-rapture.
```From aspiration-sea
We collectA bumper crop of realisation.
```My Lord, are You speaking to me
Or to my soul?“My child, I am speaking to you.
I do not have to tell anythingTo your soul,
For it knows everything it doesEvery day
To my Satisfaction.” ```You cannot get an ‘A-plus’
From your aspiration-heartIf you do not pay attention
To your dedication-life. ```Only one proclamation:
My deathless loyaltyTo my Master-Lord.
```God is visible
Only to our heart’sLove-eye.
```An unhappy mind
IsThe heaviest burden.
```Each God-related activity
Is a step forwardTowards God’s Supreme Reality.
```If your mind is flexible,
Then your mind will definitelyBe eligible
For God’s Blessings. ```Every seeker
IsA potential God.
```God is telling the truth:
He needs you. ```Can you not tell the truth:
That you love God? ```Gratitude
Is the highest and deepest self-offeringTo the Absolute.
Is the greatest self-support. ```May my ears feast on
God’s Message-Light. ```I frequent the places
Where I am needed.God frequents the places
Where He is never needed. ```My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
Saves meFrom doubt-invaders.
```Just avoid the thoughts
That cloudYour God-loving heart-sky.
```Nothing earthly
Can ever satisfyMy God-hunger.
```When I tell God
That He is my All,He immediately lavishes
His Nectar-Delight-FondnessOn me.
```After death
Only our heart-love-wealthRemains with us.
```May I have
An unfading gratitude-garlandFor my Lord Supreme
Every day. ```I pray to God
To tell me only one storyFrom His Life.
```God tells me to sing
Only one songFrom my heart.
```He who blames God
Eventually defamesHimself.
```A true seeker
Can never be caughtIn the mind’s doubt-dilemma.
```Open your heart-eye to see
That your God-failure-lifeIs completely gone.
```The umbrella of the heart
Can save usFrom the misery-mind-rain.
Prospers nowhere. ```Silence the mind.
Lo, God is all ready to financeYour spiritual life
Forever. ```If you need God’s Love more,
Rest assured that He has more,Infinitely more, to give you.
```If we love God,
Then God will liveIn our hearts.
```Even if we do not love God,
God will compassionately liveIn our heartbeats.
```We know how
To excuse ourselves. ```God knows how
To busy Himself. ```A surrender-life
Is always on a pilgrimageTo God.
And not faith,Needs to study
The God-understanding-course. ```I live between
My mind-frustration-depthsAnd
My heart-happiness-heights. ```My tears live
Very nearGod’s Heart.
```My smiles live
Very nearGod’s Eye.
Has another name:Heart-peace.
```God never arranges your life
Because you always tryTo escape challenges.
```If I need more,
God has more. ```If I need less,
God comes to bless meImmediately.
```The sweetness of my life
And the fulness of my heartHave come directly
From God’s Dreams. ```The mind
Constantly lovesArguments.
```The heart
Sleeplessly needsEnlightenment.
```To please God
In God’s own WayIs a heart-thrill par excellence.
```If you sing heart-songs,
Then it will be easy for youTo find God
Inside your mind. ```God is never strong enough
To remain hiddenFrom my God-crying heart.
```The Guru brings together
Man’s hopeAnd
God’s Promise. ```I think of
My earth-failure-hours. ```God thinks of
My Heaven-success-years. ```My heaven-heart-journey
IsExtremely easy.
```My earth-life-journey
IsExtremely hard.
```God wants me to be
His Love in expansionAnd
His Compassion in manifestation. ```Countless
Are the desire-thornsOf the mind.
Are the aspiration-rosesOf the heart.
```Only my Lord’s Feet
Can grant mePeace.
```My life bows and bows
Only to the Compassion-flooded EyeOf my Lord Supreme.
```The aspiring heart
Does have the capacityTo fly
To God’s golden Heart-Palace. ```Those who travel in the heart-land
Are chosen instrumentsOf God.
```We must treasure
Each aspiration-moment,We must treasure
Each dedication-moment,And we must treasure
Each manifestation-moment. ```Like God’s Grace,
Our love also must radiateIn all directions.
```How I wish
At every momentMy heart could sing
A God-love-song. ```It gives me great joy
When I think thatMy Master was also a seeker
Long, long ago. ```Anything that is divine
Is bound to expandSooner or later.
IsA human experience.
IsA divine realisation.
```The mind can never sing
Any heart-songCorrectly.
IsMy most favourite game.
```God will love you
Infinitely moreIf you share with the world
Your God-given happiness. ```Newness-fragrance
Is awakeningMy heart.
```Your life must not be
An overusedExcuse-machine.
```I have zero tolerance
For my self-doubt. ```What we always need
IsA problem-solving silence.
```O mind,
How long are you going to stayIn the taut grip of ingratitude?
Is nothing short ofA divine attitude.
```The mind has no time
For God. ```The heart has time
Only for God. ```I have time
Only for God-Commands. ```The lotus of your heart
Shall bloomWhen you consciously end
Your friendshipWith ignorance-doom.
```I do not have to preach to the world
That God exists,As long as I feel Him
At every momentInside the breath of my gratitude-heart.
```Worry is
An express trainThat knows no destination.
```The mind wants to make
A profound impressionWhen it is near God.
```The heart only implores Compassion
From GodWhen it is near God.
```The mind treasures
Its recycled doubts. ```May my heart-garden
Never be empty ofDevotion-beauty
```As there are troubles,
Even so,There are troubleshooters:
God-tears. ```Alas,
I do not know why I daydreamWhen my Lord Supreme
So compassionately blesses me. ```Angels congratulate me
ImmediatelyWhen I surrender
To God’s Will. ```My Lord,
Every day You raise my heartIn Your Hand
Like a beautiful flower. ```My heart has
Two inseparable friends:Sweetness and soulfulness.
```When I surrender to God’s Will,
Heaven’s freedom-birdsFly over me.
```I can count grass
If I want to,But not my heart-tears.
```There is no last day
In God’s Cosmic Play. ```There is no way to know
When God will eitherEnter into my heart
Or withdraw from my life. ```I dearly love my heart
When it is in fullAspiration-bloom.
```My mind,
Can you not let me go?Can I not be happy
Once again? ```The fragrance of Heaven
Dwells all the timeIn the aspiration-heart.
```There is not a single day
When ignorance-knifeDoes not attack us.
```The name of my home
IsGod’s Compassion.
```It is true that whatever happens
Is predestined.It is also true that fate can be changed
By an indomitable will. ```Everything can fade away in my life
Save and exceptMy love of God.
```I must fly
To my heart-homeWith the wings of love.
```Great is the reward
When we love the worldAnd become the tears of the world.
```My soul
Is locked foreverIn God-Embrace.
IsThe highest God-satisfaction.
```I wish I had
A life of sea-immensity. ```God does not come alone.
He comes with His Compassion-EyeEvery day
To our heart’s door. ```No matter what the heart does,
The heart always remainsGod’s favourite.
```Every morning
God gives Himself awayTo His children
According to their hearts’ receptivity. ```Willingness is always capable
Of performingAny task.
```A gratitude-heart
KnowsNo doubt-mind-storm.
```Everything is fascinating
To the mindWhen it enters into
The inner world. ```The mind
Here on earthIs divinely to grow.
```The heart
Here on earthIs supremely to grow.
```The life
Here on earthIs unreservedly to flow.
```Ceaseless cries
Are neededTo please God’s Eye.
```A moment of cry
Is neededTo please God’s Heart.
```Meditation means
Conversation with silence. ```I can protect myself
From others,But not from my mind.
My life begins every dayWith the worst possible nightmare.
```My unwilling mind
Was won overWhen God wanted to withdraw.
```We have something very significant
To do:We all have to bury
Our fruitless yesterdays. ```Greatness
Is not illumination,But goodness is.
```Unlike life,
Death practises democracy. ```My heart awakens
Every morningWith the fragrance
Of a rose. ```I call it my gratitude.
God calls it His treasure. ```Ignorance and joy
Are mutual robbers. ```My heart does not believe
What my mind is seeing. ```My heart does not believe
Where my mind is heading. ```My heart does not believe
What my mind is becoming. ```You will drown
The moment you enter intoDisobedience-river.
```When I expect God
In my mind,He is nowhere.
```When I hope for God
In my heart,He is all-where.
```The Compassion-God
Caresses my life. ```The Justice-God
Watches every momentOf my life.
```God blessingfully offers
His Heart-PillowFor my surrender to rest.
```Inside each God-deed
I see a world of virtues. ```My heart is sustained
By God’s Compassion-Eye. ```My mind is sustained
By God’s Forgiveness-Heart. ```God Himself
Wants to chain and trainMy mind.
```When God touches
My mind,Everything my mind ignores.
```When God touches
My heart,Everything my heart adores.
```I long to know
Only one thing:God’s express Will.
```When we amuse God,
He tells us thatWe are extolling Him to the skies.
```God’s Joy and God’s Pride
Know no boundsWhen we walk the road
Travelled by His self-giving seekers. ```My gratitude-heart
Is whereGod daily and proudly rests.
```God enjoys
His Compassion-Eye-HeightInfinitely more than
His Justice-Light. ```When the heart has aspiration
And the mind has enthusiasm,There is nothing
That we cannot accomplish. ```God has made my heart
Of treasureHis most comforting place.
```Cheerfulness and soulfulness
Immediately strengthenOur God-ties.
```Mine is the heart that thrives
Only onMy heart’s devotion-cries.
```My progress in the inner race
Depends entirelyOn God’s endless Grace.
```My God-devotion-heart
Sees no flawIn any human being.
```Desire itself
Is cruelty. ```Never touch
The feetOf ignorance-night.
```Break asunder
The headOf ignorance-night.
```We must take care of
The physical bodyBecause inside the body
Is God’s representative:The soul.
Is the worst possible failureIn the spiritual life.
```We must have implicit faith
In God —He can never lose control
Over His creation. ```My Lord,
If I do not listen to Your RequestsToday,
Please use Your strongest DemandsTomorrow.
```We have been faithful
To our ignorance-boss.It is high time for us
To change the boss. ```A gratitude-heart
Is found everywhere.I wonder if there can exist
A gratitude-mind. ```My insecurity
Is nothing short ofA serious ailment,
And this ailment is quite often foundIn God’s Compassion-Hospital.
```When my last desire disappeared,
God immediately appearedAnd gave me His All.
```God feeds us with His Bliss
Only insideOur devotion-heart-temple.
```At long last
I have located my God’s Will.It is inside
My sleeplessly self-offering breath. ```May the fragrance
Of my heart-criesNever fade.
```A constant aspiration-renewal
AndA constant dedication-renewal
Can alone lead us speedilyTo our highest goal.
```A non-stop enthusiasm
In the mindIs of paramount importance
In the spiritual life. ```The mind-mirror
Has to be cleanedEvery day.
```A negativity-mind
IsThe most powerful sword.
```No matter how many times
I see God,I quiver with delight
Every time. ```There is only one goal in my life,
And that goal is to spendEach and every moment
In satisfying my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```Anything that belongs to my heart
Is a divine splendour —So says my Lord Supreme.
```My God-excitement
ExpeditesMy God-enlightenment.
```Each time I look at God’s Eye,
I see onlyHis Compassion-Tears.
```My life-surrender-breath
Hears God’s FootfallsBefore anybody else.
```God sings and sings
With the river ofMy heart-tears.
```At every moment
May the Touch of my Beloved SupremePulsate in my ever-blossoming
Gratitude-heart. ```Every morning
God invites me to riseOn the wings
Of His Self-Transcendence-Vision. ```Unless and until we grind
Our ego-life to dust,We cannot succeed satisfactorily
In our spiritual life. ```Each God-seeker
Is, indeed,A God-warrior.
I do not know if there will be a timeWhen every cell of my physical life
Soulfully yearns for my Lord Supreme. ```Devotion
Has always something soulfulTo tell God.
```The mind
Does not believe inBending its knees.
```The heart
Knows only one thing:How to bend its knees
All the timeIn the soul-temple.
```My Lord,
Just one more SmileAnd I shall give You my all.
Eventually becomesA frustration-life.
```When we want God to please us,
We must knowThat we are on the wrong track.
```To realise God we do not need
A monumental sacrifice.What we need is the annihilation
Of our earth-bound ego. ```God wants us to increase
Our aspiration-hungerEvery day, every hour
And every moment. ```Alas,
What has happened to us?We all have become
World-appreciation-beggars. ```My Lord Supreme,
What is puzzling You?“Do you not know, My child,
What is puzzling Me?Your ingratitude-mind.”
```There is only one thing
That I must become immediately —A sleepless God-surrender.
```Each time my heart sings,
It meltsMy Lord’s Heart.
```Heaven descends
When we are ready to playWith God
In God’s own Way. ```If we are always in the mind
And for the mind,Then we shall be doing nothing
Save and exceptJumping and rushing about.
```Every day
God’s Compassion-EyeHelps my life to fly
At a higher altitude. ```My life is in despair
Not because I have failed,But because I do not have the strength
To fight against ignorance-nightAnd please my Lord Supreme.
```Cheerfulness of the mind,
Intensity of the heartAnd purity in life
Can bring aboutThe miracle of miracles:
God’s bountiful Presence. ```Positive thoughts and negative thoughts
Come to us at every moment.We must use our wisdom-light
To disperse immediatelyOur mind-clouds
With our positive thoughts. ```My mind,
Enough is enough!Be quiet, sit and listen
To our Absolute Lord Supreme. ```God laughs at
My mind-information. ```God treasures
My heart-dedication. ```Spirituality
And divinityGo together.
Is the expansionOf the heart.
```Divine Grace only
Can show us the FaceOf the Absolute.
```Old age does not mean
Needed God-surrender achieved. ```Old age does mean
Continuation of achievement. ```Nothing is complete.
Everything is in process. ```We must make ourselves happy,
No matter what happens. ```Happiness
Is an inner productAnd not an outer product.
```It is our choice
To make the world happy. ```Those who bend their knees
At the altarAre the strongest God-soldiers.
```Fear is afraid of faith,
But faithIs never afraid of fear.
```Follow in the footsteps
Of a goodness-heartAnd not of a greatness-mind.
```Everything takes time,
Specially transformation. ```Old ways of thinking
Must give wayTo new ways of thinking.
```We are all being awakened
Day by dayFrom our inner slumber.
```Do not interrupt God
While He is working.Just wait and watch.
```Ego can give us outer success
But notInner progress.
```There is always time
For us to becomeSomething new.
```O my mind,
What you needIs a fresh Godward journey.
```Since everybody is
A teacher,Poor God has to be
The student. ```My eyes are focused
Only on the constant VictoryOf our Lord Supreme.
```Faith and doubt
Can never coexist. ```Love may fail
To conquer everything,But God’s Grace
Can conquer everything. ```Each cry
IsAn inner unfailing revelation.
```Doubt challenges.
Faith wins. ```A devotion-heart
Can blow the God-trumpetMost successfully.
```The doubting mind
Can shatterThe world of belief.
Awakens my heart. ```Silence
Liberates my life. ```Heaven is rich
In powerful smiles. ```Earth is rich
In beautiful cries. ```He who is empty
Of gratitudeIs full of unhappiness.
```When God commands me,
He gladdens my all. ```Each time I sing a song
For God,His Nearness surprises me.
```He who wants to live
In the outer worldHas to be brave.
```He who wants to live
In the inner worldHas to be pure.
```Although I do not feel
Anything extraordinary in me,Both Heaven and earth
Disagree with me. ```Heaven gives us so many things
Unconditionally.How can we ever be jealous
Of Heaven? ```God is eager to give me
His Dream.Will I ever be ready to offer Him
My reality? ```Do not delay!
Do not denyYour conscience-light.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is infinitely closer thanWe can ever imagine.
```Anything we do
Under pressureWill not have a happy ending.
```Greatness frightens.
Goodness enlightens. ```The human in me
Tortures me. ```The divine in me
Treasures me. ```Because God loves me,
He will make good use of meAnd my life.
Gives me joy. ```Aspiration
Gives me certitude. ```Imagination
IsA perfect harbinger
Of reality. ```Determination-necessity
IsOf paramount importance.
```We can find solace
Only in the heartOf silence.
Is our safeguardPar excellence.
```We need an able Master
To teach usThe message of the soul.
```The creation’s
Panoramic viewIs fleeting.
```My speech-life has to end
So that I can beginMy prayer-heart.
```Each soul-song
Has unique power. ```The stupidity
Of the God-separation-mindCan be unlimited.
```The wisdom
Of the God-united heartIs fathomless.
```Every morning
I collect peace-blossomsIn my heart-garden.
```Whenever I talk about God,
I must speak withAn unshakable conviction.
```We have to swim
Hundreds of inspiration-riversBefore we enter into
The aspiration-sea. ```Every seeker
Must take the God-obedience-courseBefore anything else.
```God warns:
“No more desire-bound nights.” ```God commands:
“Aspiration-days more,Ever more.”
```God awakens us
From deep slumberAt His choice Hour.
```Today’s small mistakes
Can beTomorrow’s Himalayan blunders.
```Only God-appointments
Can destroyAll our disappointments.
```I meditate
Not in my mind-cave. ```I meditate
Only inside my heart-cottage. ```God does not mind
If I amA God-doubter.
```God does mind
If I amA man-hater.
```The way God loves our questions,
Exactly the same wayWe must love God’s Answers.
```Each time we aspire,
We must enjoyA new God-adventure.
```May my heart at every moment
Try to grasp the dustOf God’s Feet.
```The smiles born in Heaven
Cannot solve even one problemOf mine.
```The tears born on earth
Solve all my problems. ```The inferior mind
Always finds fault withThe superior heart.
```May I be
An undivided heartTo be always at the Feet
Of my Lord Supreme. ```The soul flies and flies
In the face ofOur utter failures.
```My devotion-tears
AreMy heart’s sweetest songs.
```He who says “Yes!”
To God’s LoveIs, indeed, awakened.
```A doubt-free mind
Is, indeed,A supreme achievement.
```The ancient gods
Liberated me. ```The modern gods
Exasperate me. ```Earth imports
Blessing-smilesFrom Heaven.
```Heaven imports
Earth’s satisfaction-smiles. ```It is not enough to be
God’s servant;We all must be
God’s hero-warriors. ```If you are only for God,
Then you must go beyondThe limits of human capacity.
```If you do not obey God’s Will,
Then you are bound to stumble,Time and again,
In life’s desert. ```Life is an eternal journey
TowardsAn ever-transcending Goal.
```If we do not run at top speed
In our inner life,We may not arrive at the Goal
At God’s choice Hour. ```The mind
Is enamoured ofIgnorance-world.
```The heart
Is enamoured ofGod’s Heart
AndGod’s Life.
```The mind suspects
The heart’s achievements. ```The vital rejects
The heart’s achievements. ```The body inspects
The heart’s achievements. ```The soul treasures
The heart’s achievements. ```On the path of love,
We can have a free accessTo God’s Palace.
```How long
Can the mind deny God?Not very long.
```How long
Can the heart love God?Forever.
```May my heart always live
On the bank ofAn aspiration-river.
```Every morning
God visitsOur flower-beauty-heart.
```We love to tell God
All our devotion-stories. ```God loves to hear from us
Only our surrender-songs. ```To know God’s Will
In its totalityIs, indeed, the most difficult task.
```Every seeker
Has to fight againstThe mind-hostility-attacks.
```Let my outer curiosity
And my inner necessityTurn towards God.
```I must smash
The prideOf my mind-monarch.
```I must enjoy
The beauty and fragranceOf my God-surrender-life.
```Each human being
Must develop an inclinationTo excel in everything.
```God has given me
This morningHis Satisfaction-Certificate.
```God is ready to steer my life-boat
If I give upMy self-importance-pride.
```My soul wants me
To achieve the impossible:God’s full manifestation on earth.
```If we fulfil our desires,
Everything we loseAnd nothing we gain.
```There was a time
When I depended onMy physical strength.
Now I depend only onMy wisdom-light.
```My Lord,
I have only one thingTo offer You:
My love.I beg of You to accept it.
```Do not allow the desiring mind
To trampleYour beautiful heart-plants.
```The mind loves complexity
And takes pride in complexity. ```Even a baby step forward
Will eventually bring usTo the Golden Shore.
```The mind and the vital
Know how to offend. ```The soul and the heart
Know how to defend. ```My Lord’s
Only favourite timeIs right now.
```My self-giving life
Is treasuredBy God Himself.
```The heart-intensity
Always gives usA new aspiration-height.
```I never allow
My love-devotion-surrenderTo run low
On God-manifestation. ```Sincerity
Purifies the mind. ```Simplicity
Glorifies the life. ```The inner cheerfulness
IsThe outer depression-antidote.
```I am envisioning
When my mind will swimIn the sea of light.
```God supplies
My morning meditationWith His Nectar-Delight.
```Do not think of your slow start.
Remember,“Slow and steady wins the race.”
```We must every day, every hour,
Every minute, every secondIgnore
Our vital-clamour. ```Innocence
IsEternally praiseworthy.
```If we cannot rise above
Popular opinion,We cannot achieve
Anything significant. ```Each seeker’s life
IsA daring, challenging adventure.
```Raise the standard
Of your self-discipline,Raise,
Every day! ```My Lord,
Even if You do not have the timeTo think of me all the time,
Do give me the capacityTo love You, serve You and please You
All the time. ```I am collecting happiness-hearts
To give satisfactionTo my Lord Supreme.
```My Lord dictates
His Compassion-Blessing-SongsTo me.
```God tells me that,
Whether I believe it or not,I am His partner
And not His slave. ```God has no time
To listenTo my sad mind-stories.
```God has all the time
To hearMy heart-songs.
```I must experience
A never-endingGod-satisfaction.
```With love, devotion and surrender-wings
There is no heightThat you cannot scale.
```I leave my heart-door wide open
In case God comes to visit meWithout any warning.
```Catch me, my Lord Supreme,
Before I goFarther and farther
Away from You. ```We murder our heart-feelings
With our mind’s doubt-arrowsAll the time.
```To try to measure
The power of loveIs simply ridiculous.
```Whenever I sing,
God wants me to singWith my full-hearted soulfulness.
```If our life does not become
An aspiration-enthusiasm-fire,We cannot succeed in the spiritual life.
```We must accept life’s
Up and down wavesSmilingly and bravely.
```The heart-explorer
Loves God-expeditionMore than anything else.
```May my life every day fly
In the vastness-skyOf my Lord Supreme.
```There should only be a rise
And no fallIn my aspiration.
```Each heart was born
In the Delight-Heart-TempleOf my Lord Supreme.
```Each seeker
Has to grow intoA God-manifestation-hero.
```Each seeker
Has a flashlightIn the depths of his heart
To find God. ```Poor God,
Every morningHe knocks and knocks
At my heart-doorIn vain.
```God wants
Each and every heartTo be His Confidence-Joy.
```With our heart-tears
There is nothingThat we cannot accomplish.
```Heart-tears climb
Faster than the fastestTowards Heaven.
```Aspiration takes us to
An ever-climbing height:God-realisation.
```The path of devotion
Is absolutely the straightest pathTo God.
```Do not take a break
When you want to please GodIn His own Way.
```The fragrance
Of my early morning meditationCovers the length and breadth
Of the world. ```My mind-doubts
Are extremely afraid ofMy deep meditation.
```The mind
Believes inOpinion.
```The heart
Believes inGod-affirmation.
```The heart must never take
The mind’s wordsSeriously.
```With our heart’s aspiration-flames
We shall not only battleAgainst our lower self,
But we must conquerOur lower self as well.
```Any unhealthy thought
Has to be discardedSooner than the soonest.
```Without happiness
In our meditation,We cannot make
Satisfactory progress. ```Not only lovingly
But also unerringly,The heart follows the lead
Of our Beloved Supreme. ```Our outer confidence
Comes fromOur inner aspiration-awakening.
```Sleeplessly we must keep
Our spiritual lifeIn God-Love-orbit.
```Love-seeds always find
The heart-soilExtremely fertile.
```When the mind disturbs you
During your meditation,Tell the mind that God is coming
To send it into silence-exile. ```Thought-waves
Must not carry us awayWhen we start our meditation.
```Each inspiration
Is the assuranceOf a new height.
```Be careful!
Each ignorance-thoughtHas tremendous power
To weigh us down. ```Each God-seeker
Must go far beyondLife’s give-and-take game
With ignorance-night. ```May my life every day
Be structuredBy my self-discipline.
```Before we enter into
The meditation-room,We must forcefully leave
All our thoughts outside. ```Hard is it for the mind
To come out ofThe hesitation-prison.
```The aspiring mind has to be
A perfect strangerTo hesitation and indecision.
```Whenever I see that my mind
Is eager to talk to me,I simply say:
“Shut up! Shut up!” ```Whenever I see that my heart
Wants to talk to me,I just say to my heart:
“Come closer to me.Why are you standing so far away?”
```The beauty of hope
```The fragrance of promise
IsExtremely powerful.
```God wants my heart
To give HimA daily progress report.
My heart implicitly obeys God. ```Today’s gladness
Can easily discardYesterday’s sadness.
```If you stay too long
With your desiring mind,Then you are bound to learn
From the mindHow to make complaints.
```The aspiring heart
Has to be foundHere, there and everywhere.
```The power of the mind
Limits us. ```The love of the heart
Liberates us. ```The mind’s negativity
Is a most destructive realityIn our life.
```If we separate our aspiration-heart
From our dedication-life,Then we will never be able to make
Even an iota of progress. ```We must at every moment
Wrestle and wrestleWith each negative thought.
```Each day
God tells our heartTo rocket its aspiration
To ever-new heights. ```We must try
To doubleOur aspiration-efforts.
```Inner faith
Does have the capacityTo change
The outer mind’s course. ```God examines us
With His boundless Love. ```We examine God
With our ceaseless pride. ```To awaken anybody
From lethargy-slumberIs a most difficult task.
```To our greatest sorrow,
Our proud mind thinksGod’s Game is fathomable.
```Those who offer themselves
For the betterment of the worldAre God’s chosen champions
In the inner world. ```Nothing can be as sweet
As the heart’sGod-longing love.
Means creativityAnd not activity.
```God invites us
Every dayTo fly
On His Will-Wings. ```God answers our questions
With His Compassion-EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Heart.
```Eventually everything reaches
The destination,But surrender reaches
The destination first. ```Listen only to your soul.
Do not allow your vital and mindTo lord it over you
Any more. ```Two things help us immensely:
The clarity of the mindAnd the purity of the heart.
```There is nothing worth seeing
In the mind-circus. ```When God chides us,
It is the clear proof thatHe abides in us,
For us. ```God has only one duty:
To awaken us fromOur age-long ignorance-sleep.
```God wants no more
Ignorance-enjoyment-pleasure. ```There is no end
To our desire-episodes. ```The mind does not know
How to behave wellIn the presence of God.
```I shall bring my mind
Out of the doubt-prisonToday.
```Two things I love:
A God-dreaming mindAnd
A truth-seeking heart. ```We may not know where we came from,
But we do know that we are headingTowards Heaven.
```God has sent us into the world.
We must do something for HimIn return
Here on earth. ```If you wait for ignorance
To leave you alone,Rest assured,
It will never happen. ```When I write to my Lord,
I use my aspiration-inkAnd devotion-pen.
```When my heart tries to imitate
God’s Heart,God becomes unimaginably happy.
```The mind never knows
How to run short of problems. ```I am all gratitude
To earthFor its boundless patience.
```I am grateful
To HeavenFor its endless forgiveness.
```The mind deliberately wants to be
Out of touchWith the soul.
```Wherever we see ignorance-walls,
We must demolish themImmediately.
My life loves to sleepTwenty-four hours a day.
My mind loves to argueTwenty-four hours a day.
```To my greatest joy,
My heart loves to pray and meditateTwenty-four hours a day.
```We may not see the Beyond,
But we do have the capacityTo feel the Beyond
Deep within us. ```My Lord tells me
That my magnanimity-heartIs His peerless treasure.
```How my heart and I
Every day desireTo dream only God-dreams!
```Until the mind chooses
To start running towards God,God is unhappy.
```May my God-singing
Devotion-heartNever be out of tune.
```I surprised my Lord today
By coming to HimWithout an iota of self-doubt.
```Earthly pleasure
HasA very short breath.
```The nay-sayers
Are disliked by God. ```The yea-sayers
Are God’s favourites. ```The desire
That does not bloomKnows no doom.
Eventually meet withDestruction.
```May my aspiration-elevator
Go only one way:High, higher, highest.
```When I pray,
I enjoyThe joy of speed.
```When I meditate,
I enjoyThe speed of joy.
```Is there anyone
Who has no enemiesOn earth?
No, not even God Himself. ```A true seeker gets immense joy
The moment he is assignedTo do something
For God. ```My inner life and my outer life
TogetherAlways walk
The golden pathOf God’s Will.
```God is always eager
To illumine meWhenever there is some confusion
Between God and me.But alas, I do not have the time
For His Illumination. ```A self-giving seeker
Is definitely protectedBy the armour
Of God’s Compassion-Eye. ```We must invoke
God’s blessingful PresenceOn earth
For at least three hours a day. ```Like the heart,
The mind without failHas to become
A sacred God-temple. ```Until the heart starts throbbing
With God-yearning,We cannot reach God’s Feet.
```My depression
Is the enemy number oneOf my God-aspiration.
```Alas, when will my inner life
And my outer lifeBecome truly inseparable companions?
```My God-crying life
KnowsNo intimidation.
```When I tell God
That I am useless,He tells me,
“My child,I believe everything that you tell Me,
Except this.” ```To serve God all the time
Is a supreme opportunityAnd not a dreadful predicament.
```A self-giving heart
Knows no tirednessIn worshipping God.
```I want to worship God,
But God wants meTo amuse Him.
```There is only one thing
That is definite:Everything eventually leads
To the Infinite. ```Once God hires someone,
He does not knowHow to dismiss.
```Age has nothing to do
With a bountiful wisdom-light. ```Every moment unveils
A new movementTowards light.
```God’s Heavenly Drums
Are destined to be playedBy each and every human being.
```No haven
For a pleasure-enjoyer. ```Truth to see,
Truth to declareAnd
Truth to becomeAre three totally different things.
```My new home address:
Man-service. ```I have brought down
My countless desiresTo one:
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```God is your All.
If you do not feel it,Then He is not going to answer
Your call. ```Never look back!
Yesterday’s failure-daysMay bark at you ruthlessly.
```The human in me
Does not believe in Grace.It believes only in
The winning of the race. ```Today’s aspiration
Is yesterday’sDesire-purification.
```No heart-nutrition,
No God-vision. ```Alas,
When will God-satisfaction-nectarEver feed me?
```The human in me
And the divine in meBoth live
For God’s Compassion-Drops. ```God’s Love
And God’s Compassion-ShowerAre inseparable.
```Only a silence-sea
Can producePeace-waves.
```God does not run short
Of anything,Specially His Forgiveness
And Compassion. ```My heart thrives on
My God-Love-reminiscences. ```O seeker,
Why do you not useYour heart’s divinity-eye
To look at the FeetOf the Absolute Supreme?
```The body’s lethargy-life
Is paying no attentionTo earth’s cries
And Heaven’s Smiles. ```Each dark situation
Has a bright solutionDeep within.
```Man does not know
That God isHis constant heart-chariot-Driver.
```When God’s Compassion-Eye
Lifts me up,None can bring me down.
```There is only one thing
To look at:God’s Compassion-Eye.
```There is only one thing
To feel:God’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```There is only one thing
To become:A God-oneness-desire.
```A seeker is he
Whose life eventually becomesA God-composed song.
```When I view the world
With God’s Eyes,I see no imperfection
In God’s creation. ```Man is man’s
Emergency-mind-hospital. ```The Absolute
Has only one place to live:My gratitude-heart.
```My soul is telling me:
“Be dynamic!God cannot wait any longer.”
```I frequent the place
Where God is sleeplessly adoredBy His devotees.
```God’s Heart and my heart
LiveIn inseparable affection-oneness.
```The visible God
And my heartAre sailing together
Towards the invisible God. ```Every day
God urges usTo plant our feet
On higher ground. ```Obedience
In little thingsIs of supreme necessity.
```Each moment
IsA God-satisfaction-opportunity.
```Do not allow
Any mistakeTo grow into
An Himalayan blunder. ```Grace can be gentle,
Grace can be powerful,According to the necessity.
```Everything about God
Is inspiring,To say the least.
```I want God’s Eye
To take care of me,But God wants His Heart
To take care of me. ```When God’s Eye
I do not use,I just fail and fail.
```If we do not see
God’s creationFrom God’s point of view,
We shall miserably fail. ```There is nothing
That God will not do for us,Provided we give Him
A sincerity-heart. ```The wisdom of the heart
Cannot be fooledBy the clever mind.
```Insecurity, jealousy
And impurityAre immediate peace-killers.
```When we are insecure,
We become expertIn blaming God.
```God reveals His Heart
And gives His FeetTo the God-lover.
```Ego means
A boastful tongue. ```Enthusiasm
KnowsNo tiredness.
```According to the present situation,
Peace is justA dictionary word.
Does not knowThat it walks
On the destruction-path. ```A disobedience-mind
Gives birthTo a sorrow-heart.
```My Lord,
May my devotionIncrease
With every breath. ```The difference between
The mind and the heartIs this:
The mind uses itselfTo solve world problems;
The heart uses GodTo solve all problems.
I am nowhere nearA clarity-mind
AndA charity-heart.
```The mind-circus
No more, no more! ```The heart-garden
More, ever more! ```Alas,
Knowingly, consciouslyAnd deliberately,
We live in the dark chambersOf our mind.
```If you want to be happy,
Open, inside your heart,God’s Forgiveness-Present.
```Joy inundates me
The moment I start fightingAgainst my suspicion-mind.
```Ingratitude is a loser
In both the innerAnd outer worlds.
```I would like to be
An obedience-studentIn God’s Heart-School.
```Our devotion-applications
God immediately accepts. ```Do not shout!
God is apt to hearEven our whispers.
```O my mind,
It is high timeFor you to shut up.
```Both God’s Patience
And my stupidityKnow no limits.
```If you are eager
To seek God’s Guidance,He is all ready.
```I am found
At two different places:On the top of hope-tree
And on promise-rock. ```My morning prayers
Save my day. ```My evening meditations
Help me to flyTo the stars.
```If we do not intensify
Our inner cry,How can our heart fly
In Infinity’s sky? ```God is God’s
Compassion-Fountain.I am my
Ignorance-mountain. ```My gratitude
Immediately increases the powerOf God’s Blessings.
```We do not need
Outer skillsTo see God.
```What we need
Is the inner thrillTo see the arrival
Of God. ```The mind jumps
On the same spotNon-stop.
```The heart runs and runs
Towards its destination. ```My heart-road is decorated
With jasmineFor my Lord to walk along.
Knows how to kick meAt random.
```Divinity knows
How to bless me with a SmileAll the time.
```The mind sadly fails
When it triesTo pull my soul down.
```The mind sadly fails
When it triesTo fool my heart.
```There is only one game
I love to play:The surrender-game.
```Every smile from my heart
Receives a very special SmileFrom my Lord Supreme.
```I keep obedience-joy
All the timeIn my heart-pocket.
```The crisis comes
Because we are not alwaysFor God.
```When I offer my gratitude
To God,He comes down
With a sky full of Blessings. ```Disobedience
IsA falling and failing life.
```I do not want to have
A voice of my own.God’s Voice is my voice.
```God not only gives us
New dreams.He also gives us back
Our old dreams. ```God is absolutely mine
As long as my heart loves HimAnd my life needs Him.
```My life is in between
My mind’s God-enthusiasmAnd
My heart’s God-eagerness. ```The moment we see
Doubt-weeds in the mind,We must burn them to ashes
Immediately. ```When I am in my heart,
I sing Heaven-songs. ```When I am in my soul,
I write earth-stories. ```Before we start God-manifestation,
Our life must be founded uponThe pillars of God’s Will.
```God does not want anybody
To faintWith God-hunger.
```God wants everybody
To smile, run and flyWith God-hunger.
```God is mine.
This gives meAbundant pride.
```I am God’s.
This gives meBoundless joy.
```We reach Heaven
Not because ofOur good deeds on earth,
But because ofGod’s continuous Blessing-Rains.
```I know why
God came to me.He came for the fragrance
Of my heart-beauty. ```I know why
God came to me.He came to conquer
My heart-tearsAnd win my life-smiles.
```The strength
Of a greatness-mindIs very limited.
```The power
Of a goodness-heartIs unlimited.
```Today’s God-anger-mind
Tomorrow becomesMy peace-heart-slave.
```My sorrowful heart,
Cheer up!Stand up!
Lo, God is smiling at you. ```Jealousy,
You are knockingAt the wrong door.
You are not the right personFor me to play with.
```There shall come a time
When my egoShall shed tears
At my Lord’s Feet. ```Infinity’s Shore
Is beckoningMy self-giving heart.
Can catch God. ```Devotion
Can bind God. ```Devotion
Can do anythingWith God.
```God’s Wealth
FascinatesThe mind.
```God’s Wealth
InspiresThe heart.
```The last time I looked at God,
He was unhappyWith my doubting mind.
```This time when I look at God,
I see Him flyingWith measureless Satisfaction.
```How do we expect
God’s PresenceIf we fail to make God
The absolute priorityIn our life?
```I am
My goal-orientedHeart.
```I am
My soul-centredLife.
```Keep your mouth
And eyes closed.Let your heart speak
To God. ```I do not want to become
Another God.I just want to be
God-Eternity’s slave. ```The God in Heaven
Belongs toOur sorrowful heart.
```The mind
Does not believe inThe heart-smiles.
```The heart
Does not believe inThe mind-smiles.
```Who cares what this world
Thinks of me,As long as I know
My heart is onlyFor God.
```God has told me
Where He secretly lives.He secretly lives
Inside my heart-tears. ```When I place
My heart’s gratitude-tearsAt the Feet
Of my Lord Supreme,He blesses me with a garland
Of His Heart-Smiles. ```Since God has created
My life,He has every right
To claim me. ```God’s Smiles
Or man’s tears:It is all one.
```An hour of aspiration
Should beAn hour of illumination.
```To worry
IsTo disbelieve.
```To disbelieve
IsTo fail.
```To fail
IsTo disgrace
Our earth-existence. ```Surrender,
Surrender everythingTo God’s Will.
You will become a God-loverPar excellence.
```What can be as beautiful
As my aspiration-heart?Nothing.
```Do not form any opinion
Of yourself.Wait and see
What God has to say. ```There was a time
When I usedIgnorance-microscope.
From now onI shall use only
Wisdom-macroscope. ```Alas,
My mind wants to bindThe omnipresent God.
```God comes to my heart
And says,“My child, bind Me
To your heart’s content.” ```The human life
Is confinedTo the boundaries
Of the fleeting moment. ```Simplicity
IsThe beauty of life.
```Without a soulfulness-heart,
We cannot havePeace of mind.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartEvery day move around
Incognito. ```The devotion of the heart
Has to sweeten and enlightenThe mind.
KnowsNo defeat.
```My God-obedience
Is my heart’sGod-oneness-victory.
```Any progress
In any fieldGives us unending joy.
```The heart’s devotion-songs
Please both humanityAnd divinity.
```The mind hesitates.
It sees stop lightsEverywhere.
```The heart runs and runs.
It sees nowhereAny stop lights.
Is bound to illumineThe darkness
Of ignorance-night. ```There is no thrill as soulful
And as powerfulAs the Arrival-of-God-thrill.
```Every day
God wants me to playHaunting melodies
On my heart-flute. ```A self-giving life
Is the beautyOf the twinkling stars.
```Once your heart
Starts running,Never slow down.
The moment a human beingEnters into the world,
He suffers fromIgnorance-invasion.
```The splendour
Of a surrender-lifeKnows no equal.
```My Lord,
I cannot change Your Mind,But You can change my mind.
Please do it nowAnd forever.
```Whenever my heart-garden
Invites my Lord’s Eye,It immediately comes.
```My Supreme Lord,
Do You not seeThat I need You badly,
I need You immediately?Please delay not!
```Believe it or not,
My heart is pleasing GodIn His own Way
All the time. ```Alas,
God-given opportunitiesOur stupid, clever mind
Discards. ```God enjoys deeply
The fragranceOf my faith in Him.
```God’s Eye
IsThe place of peace.
```God’s Heart
IsThe place of forgiveness.
DisappearsThe moment faith-light
Appears. ```Alas,
Old friendsCan easily become
Sworn enemies. ```The pride of the mind hides
When the soul appearsWith all its illumining light.
```My heart
Is the homeFor my dreams.
```My soul
Is the homeFor realities.
```In the tiniest blink of an eye,
God can give usHis Infinity’s Light, Delight
And Peace. ```We must all be swift of foot
And dauntlessIn the battlefield of life.
Shall eventually perishLike strangers
In the heart-land. ```May my heart-bird
FlyInto the stars.
```The tear
That silently falls,God blessingfully keeps
And treasures. ```Self-offering
IsAn imperishable achievement.
```The moment
My heart-song begins,God’s Golden Gate
Opens up. ```I am not afraid of
The fate that is writtenOn my forehead,
For I know the Compassion-EyeOf my Lord Supreme
At any time can erase it. ```Constant self-offering
Is the easiest wayTo peace.
```My Lord’s very Name
Is the journeyOf my heart-boat
Towards the Unknowable. ```My life
Is caught betweenThe needy and the greedy.
```God’s Eye
Is lovable,But His Heart
Is unfathomable. ```Just between you and me:
God cares only for you and meAnd nobody else.
```God’s unsolicited advisors
Are availableEverywhere.
```God’s expected servitors
Are nowhere. ```God tells me
That I am unpardonableOnly when I tell Him
That I am untouchable. ```O my mind and vital,
Slow down!Life is not a race.
Life is God’s Grace. ```My guardian angel
Protects meTwenty-four hours a day.
```Pray to God soulfully today.
Tomorrow you may not getThe same chance.
```A mind hired to pray to God
Gets tired very easilyAnd very quickly.
```For true perfection,
Follow onlyGod’s Direction.
```An unconditional
God-surrender-lifeIs halfway up to Heaven.
```We cannot understand anything
Properly,But we do have the capacity
To love everythingSoulfully.
```I long for God-Touch.
God longs forMy heart-smile.
```The deeper I dig,
The surer I becomeOf my spiritual life.
```God loves me dearly,
Even when I go to His PalaceUninvited.
```Inside my mind,
God is all alert. ```Inside God’s Heart,
I am all alert. ```I always choose crying
Over smiling. ```I am extremely eager
To seeGod’s Feet.
```God is extremely eager
To feelMy heart.
```I pray to God
To scold me ruthlesslyWhen He sees even an iota
Of disobedience-mind. ```Devotion-tears
SucceedWhen everything else
Fails. ```There is no crime
That God’s GraceCannot erase.
```The heart reveals
What the face conceals. ```Each time I hear the sound
Of God’s Footfalls,I become immediately breathless
And deathless. ```The only thing
That concerns meIs God’s Pleasure.
```My Lord,
Make me a perfect strangerTo curiosity.
```Obedience inner and outer
Is the greatestSpiritual achievement.
```Like God’s Forgiveness,
May my gratitude also workAround the clock.
```Nothing makes sense to me,
Save God’s Compassion-Eye. ```Ego-love
Is dangerousIn every way.
```Let there be only
The play of light,And not the interplay
Of light and shade. ```Age has no power
To decrease desire. ```Aspiration knows
Only inevitabilityAnd not possibility.
```To illumine my heart,
What I needIs my Master’s strictness
And not his closeness. ```Never allow
Your inner courageTo desert you.
```Never allow yourself
To be weighed downBy depression-vital
And frustration-mind. ```I feel the crying earth
DeservesA climbing fate.
```Every moment
Is the perfect momentTo love God
And to pray to God. ```God’s favourite form
Of amusementIs collecting earth-smiles
And Heaven-Tears. ```When God gets really angry
At the world,He speaks to Himself
At the top of His Voice. ```When greatness surrenders
To goodness,God-nearness
Is immediately available. ```We must know
God’s Will,Both intimately and immediately.
Is a strangerTo the mind-excitement.
The unaspiring mindIs quite often torn
With indecision. ```My Lord accepts
Even a much-delayed apologyFrom my heart.
```The divine
May take holidays.The undivine, never.
```Nothing suffers
As much asThe desiring mind.
```My Lord,
Do feed my heartWith infinitely more purity.
```My Lord,
Do feed my heartWith infinitely more sincerity.
```My Lord,
Will You ever be pleasedWith my tears?
“My child,I shall be pleased with your tears
If you give Me your smiles first.” ```Every morning my heart sings
With the rising sun.Every evening my soul dances
With the twinkling stars. ```God is always eager
To solve our problems,But alas,
We do not give Him the chance. ```We must pray and meditate
Even when we do not see any needIn our outer life.
```Our love, devotion and surrender
We must every morningRenew.
We all cry and weepIn our own self-made prison.
```In our gratitude-heart
We feelGod’s Presence.
```In God’s Forgiveness
We see at onceOur past, present and future.
```Prayer and meditation
Must be practised,Not only during a crisis
But all the time. ```God wants everybody
To fly and flyIn His Heart-Sky.
```If we claim God
To be our All,Then He does not allow us
To fall. ```In the improvement
Of the mind,The heart gets boundless joy.
```For God to forget us
Is nothing short ofImpossibility.
```Each wrong thought
Takes us one step awayFrom Paradise.
```God wants us
To pin all our hopesOn Him alone.
```God feeds
On our heart-smilesAnd heart-tears.
```Be careful,
O careless mind!Do not overtax
God’s patience. ```He who worries all the time
Will never be accepted by GodAs His warrior.
Is the only thingThat gives my soul joy.
```A man of faith
Gets boundless joyBy saying “Yes”.
```A man of doubt
Gets boundless pleasureBy saying “No”.
```Belief has
Another name:Relief.
```The mind calls it
God-discovery.The soul calls it
Wisdom-recovery. ```The vital
Has to stop demandingCeaselessly.
```The movement of the body
IsThe improvement of life.
```Do not ask questions
If you are not going to be satisfiedWith the answers.
```The mind’s ingratitude
Destroys the beautyOf the heart.
```My soul has been pleading
With my heartFor a very long time
To turn towards God. ```He who has enthusiasm
In abundanceIs, indeed, a God-champion.
```Without complete surrender
To God’s Will,Nobody can sing
The God-realisation-song. ```If you want to manifest God,
You must need aspiration-tearsAnd dedication-smiles
In boundless measure. ```May my heart-nest
Always keepA gratitude-bird.
```We must bring to the fore
All our divine qualitiesAnd shine with them.
```My way of perfection
And God’s way of perfectionCan be totally different.
```Only my happiness in the inner world
AndGod’s Happiness in the higher world
Can be of great serviceTo mankind.
```The human mind
Treasures its old age.It does not want to play with God,
The eternal Player. ```Darkness-night
I definitely was.Illumination-light
I invariably am. ```God wants to establish two things
In my life:Friendship and partnership.
```God dearly loves
My sleeplessDedication-days.
```O stupid mind,
Do you not haveAnything better to do
Than to worry aboutYour future?
```We must disperse
All our worry-cloudsIn our heart-sky.
```My mind’s
Empty barrennessIs shocking.
```My heart’s
Fulness-delightIs most astonishing.
```God’s Victory-Song
Was composed by God Himself,Long before He created
The universe. ```O seeker,
Ignorance-sleepIs not meant for you
Any more. ```No more mind-dictatorship.
My God-loyalty more,Ever more.
```My heart’s devotion-songs
StirMy Lord’s Heart.
```God wants me to be
A fulfilled satisfactionOf His Vision-Eye.
When will I ever knowHow important it is
To pleaseMy Lord Supreme?
```I love the very depth
Of my Lord’sCompassion-flooded Will.
```Happily every morning
My heart reaches outTowards the Will
Of my Beloved Supreme. ```I do dare to give my all.
I do dare to place everythingAt the Feet
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```There is no way to fool God.
When we try to fool God,We fool ourselves ruthlessly.
```God begs us
To gaze into His EyeOf Compassion
Even for a fleeting second. ```When I have a deep meditation,
Then only can I truly knowWhat is important to God
And what is not important to God. ```I am another God.
This is God’sMost intimate Secret.
```Each seeker
Promptly must attendTo his God-service.
```When you say
That you take endless painsTo please God,
It is the height of your stupidity. ```The infinite Truth
Will ultimately be knownWithout fail.
```Cynicism blocks
Our heart’sProgress-road.
```We run away from
God’s Compassion-Eye,But do we ever succeed
In escaping? ```If we do not appreciate
God’s Hour,God’s Hour is not going to wait
For us. ```He who is wise
Flies with TimeAnd never from it.
```Blessed are those
Who consciously and prayerfullyReturn
To the heart of the Beyond. ```Like my heart,
My life has become a pillarIn the temple
Of God’s Will. ```I do not know
And I do not want to knowWhy my love for God
Is every day increasing. ```The longest journey
Is alwaysThe inner journey.
This journey knows no beginningAnd no end.
```Every day
We must consciouslyDistance ourselves
From the domain of negativity. ```My Lord, with His open Arms,
Is welcomingMy surrender-life.
Is the supreme secretTo please God
In His own Way. ```I do not have to look after
My life.My Lord does it for me
All the time. ```If we do not please God
With our selfless zeal,Then it is as bad
As not pleasing GodAt all.
```My gratitude-heart
Has a very prominent placeIn God’s Heart-Garden.
```Alas, we are not aware
Of the factThat our Lord Supreme
At every momentBestows divine gifts upon us.
```I eagerly place myself
And my eagerness-willAt the Feet
Of my Lord Supreme. ```My aspiration-heart
Is frequentedBy God’s blissful Eye.
```If we really love God,
Then His Will becomesTangible and visible.
```If you are determined
To please God at any cost,Then God-realisation cannot remain
A far cry. ```There is no problem
That God-surrenderCannot solve.
```We must prayerfully
And soulfully open the letterOf God’s highest Will.
```It is high time for us to exercise
Our heart-powerAnd no more our mind-power.
```Every day
God asks my soulTo take dictation from Him.
```Everything has
A deeper reality —And my heart believes in it.
```My heart’s inner silence only
Has the capacityTo silence the outer sound.
```Do not invite pleasure.
It will destroy youBefore long.
```Where can you find
Peace of mind,If not in the Eye
Of our Lord Supreme? ```Never use
The mind-boat.It is not safe at all.
```My heart thrives only
On God-attention. ```Be at every moment
A God-adventure-loverTo fly on the wings
Of positive thoughts. ```God uses His Love-Net
Every day, every hour,Every second
To catch the seeker-hearts. ```I serve my Lord
With my eagerness-eyesAnd eagerness-hands.
```My will
Has a special place:God’s Feet.
```Since God and His Will
Were not born yesterday,They can easily take care of us.
```As a thirsty man
Longs for water,My heart is thirsty
For my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```Acceptance
Is what life meansTo God.
And ignorance-soldiersCan be seen everywhere.
```If we jump into our duties
With all our eagerness-gratitude-fulness,God-realisation will not remain
A far cry. ```May my heart-garden
GleamWith secret and sacred treasures.
```At long last
My heart-faith has silencedMy mind-doubts.
```God’s Compassion-Voice
Rings outIn the wilderness.
```Fame does not go to Heaven.
Our heart’s oneness-game onlyGoes to Heaven.
```I love God-Whispers
More than anything else. ```With my inspiration-mind,
I come toMy aspiration-home.
```With my aspiration-heart,
I go toGod’s Palace.
Is a close relativeOf peace.
```I must make
My philosophy applicableTo my life.
And spirituality-heartAre two perfect strangers.
```May my dedication-life
Revolve aroundMy Lord’s Compassion-Eye.
```There is only one prayer-cry,
And that prayer-cryIs to embody God.
```Once again
God wants me to be myselfInside His Compassion-Heart.
```When my mind
Wants me to be a visionary,I vehemently protest.
```When my heart
Wants me to be a saint,I immediately jump up with joy.
```My Lord,
Where can I find YouInside my life?
“My child,You can find Me easily
Inside your heart.” ```God ceaselessly whispers
Fondness to meAnd wants me to do the same.
```Godliness means
A God-oneness-life. ```God wants me
To find Him againInside my heart-cries
And nowhere else. ```Impurity
Strangles us. ```Purity
Struggles with us. ```When we listen
To God’s FootstepsDevotedly,
We take a million stepsTowards our Heavenly abode.
```To hear our soul’s message,
We must first establish friendshipWith our heart.
```Happiness is our return
To our long-soughtHeaven-home.
```My joy loves to live with God
And in God,And nowhere else.
```I must play
For many hours a dayWith my soul-child.
```The moment I touch
God’s Feet,My life pulsates
With joy ineffable. ```The mind always turns
A deaf earTo my heart-flute.
```If you want to unite yourself
With God’s Will,First you must reunite
With yourself. ```God’s invisibility
Is notA permanent thing.
```Man’s ignorance-life
Proudly relishesIts own self-sufficiency.
```We must love equally
God the OneAnd God the many.
```The real God-prayer
LivesEven long after death.
```Our prayers
Follow GodFar beyond death.
```My Lord,
Do find me once againInside my purity-heart.
```A negativity-mind
And a peace-heartAre like the North Pole
And the South Pole. ```God cannot believe
His Eye and EarsIn regard to my
God-unwillingness-mind. ```Every day and every moment
Is a very special giftFrom Above.
```I want to think the way
My Lord Supreme thinks —This world is heading towards
Perfection. ```Every day God presents us
With new waysTo fulfil Him on earth.
```God asks
Only my surrenderWhat it actually needs.
```My heart is always in need of
More of the Feet-dustOf my Lord Supreme.
```Every day I feast
On God-Forgiveness-LightAnd Delight.
```Even God is anxious to know
What I do dailyFor the betterment
Of humanity. ```To have curiosity in our mind
To see GodIs, indeed, a rare thing.
```I am extremely eager
To fulfilMy Lord’s slightest desire.
```My Lord,
I definitely knowYou cannot escape
From my longing heart-cage. ```The outer world
Is a constant problemFor the inner world.
```God definitely forgives the mind
When it truly cravesFor God’s Forgiveness-Feet.
```If the vital truly wants
To serve God,Then the vital has to be all the time
With the heart. ```Alas, I am afraid of God.
Therefore I hide.What does God want?
He wants me to ride with HimIn His own Chariot
Instead of hiding. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 24, Agni Press, 2002
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