LaughsAt doubt-storms.
```I must try
To make my life emptyOf disobedience-blunders.
```The ultimate winner
Is he who plies his life-boatBeyond ignorance-sight.
```My heart becomes
A sea of ecstasyWhen it sees
God the Commander-in-Chief. ```I pray to God
To give my mindA moment of gratitude-flash.
```No more
Loud mind-preachings,No more!
More, ever more. ```Heaven descends.
My heart soulfully welcomesPeace-light.
Go together. ```The mind knows
Only one thing:A stubborn unwillingness.
```The outer beauty
Dreams. ```The inner beauty
Becomes. ```Meditation
Is my heart’sGod-Game-participation.
```A dynamic
God-service-roarKnows no equal.
```We must know
That our God-questIs older than the ages.
```I am always available
To my wisdom-soul. ```The Goal can disappear
From the mind’s sightBut not
From the heart’s vision. ```The doubt-venom-dart
Is a perfect strangerTo my heart.
```The silence of the mind
Is quite shallow. ```The mind of silence
Is unfathomable. ```Man needs
God’s smiling Face. ```God needs
Man’s dreaming heart. ```The inner eagerness
IsAn upward movement.
Thrill the heart. ```The sufferings
Of the heartCan be measured.
```The delight
Of the soulCan never be measured.
```To live constantly
In the mindIs to be out of God’s Favour.
```The aspiring heart
Is always drawnTo God’s Eye-Beauty
And Heart-Fragrance. ```O my mind,
Do not poison this worldWith your wild criticism
And ugly sarcasm. ```O my heart,
You are sleeping too long!God-manifestation-train
Is leaving soon. ```My heart-expansion
AndMy God-manifestation
Go together. ```Suffering
Can easilyBe traced.
```The cause of suffering
Is extremely difficultTo trace.
IsThe privilege of privileges.
```He who misses
God-dutyIs, indeed, a stark fool.
```When I look at my mind,
What I seeIs a flameless aspiration.
```A oneness-family
Is the world’sMightiest family.
```Enthusiasm and eagerness
Are two of God’sFondness-Doves.
```My mind looks for
A newness-world. ```My heart looks for
A oneness-world. ```When I am in my body,
LethargyIs my capacity.
```When I am in my vital,
BlindnessIs my capacity.
```When I am in my mind,
DoubtIs my capacity.
```When I am in my heart,
FaithIs my capacity.
```I am not immortal,
But my love of GodIs definitely immortal.
```My mind-quest
For GodMay not be perfect.
```My heart-tears
For GodAre undoubtedly perfect.
```When a disciple decides
To examine the Master,The Master becomes
Ecstatic. ```When the Master decides
To examine the disciple,The disciple thinks
It is unrealistic. ```Impurity
Secretly stabs him.Purity
Openly steps out. ```The mind-pride
Stabs him.The heart-love
Steps out. ```Ignorance
Stabs him haughtily.Wisdom
Steps out smilingly. ```To listen to self-doubt
Is to embraceHell-torture.
```There is only one thing
I love to do:I love to chain my thoughts
To my Lord’s Compassion-Feet. ```The heart, mind, vital and body
Must establishA oneness-orchestra.
AreExtremely haunting.
Has to be at onceA seeker’s inner
And outer choice. ```The mind disturbs
God the DoerAnd
Man the deedSimultaneously.
```God watches
My ignorance-sleep,Only to weep and weep
And weep. ```Do not trust
Your mind-guide.It is not trustworthy.
```I am extremely eager
To hear from my LordHis world-awakening Stories.
```My mind enjoys sailing
On life’sDeception-sea.
```The heart enjoys swimming
In life’sIllumination-sea.
```My weeping heart
Easily claspsGod’s Feet.
Are the successful beginningOf God-manifestation
On earth. ```God whispers
To my devotion-heart. ```God thunders
At my suspicion-mind. ```Our God-longing heart
Never tires of God. ```Alas, my heart’s
God-gratitude-daysHave long departed.
```My Lord,
Give me successIf You want to.
Give me failureIf You want to.
I shall embrace themWith my heart’s equal joy.
```My Lord’s
Compassion-soothing Eye,Where are You,
And where am I? ```Hesitation-whispers
AreWorse than useless.
```The vital means
```The mind means
```God secretly desires
My life’sOuter changes.
```I inwardly desire
God’s inner ApprovalAnd outer Blessings.
```Mankind’s peace run
God takes very seriouslyAnd proudly.
```When I am in my heart,
God comesWith His openness.
```When I am in my mind,
God comesWith His one-pointedness.
```No opportunity missed
Can forever be lost. ```My Lord’s Strictness-Eye
And His Fondness-HeartI love to treasure equally.
```My Lord gave me
His Oneness-SmileWhen He saw me returning
To my heart-home. ```God tells me
That He will never forgetMy parting smile
From ignorance-life. ```I must never listen
To my mind’sProcrastination-whispers.
```Never open letters
That come from ignorance-night.They are undoubtedly dangerous.
```To my great joy,
My Lord’s Compassion-EyeIs planting a devotion-plant
In my heart-garden. ```God-obedience
IsPerpetual rapture.
IsBeginningless and endless
Torture. ```When we walk
With God’s Will,A spontaneous thrill
Accompanies us. ```What my mind actually wants
Is, indeed, a riddle.Even poor God
Fails to solve it. ```The heart has
Many special qualities.Two are uppermost:
It knows how to care;It knows how to share.
```The mind
Wants to knowThe meaning of bliss.
```The heart
Is eagerTo devour bliss.
```My God-pleasing eagerness
Runs and runs and runs.It never hops.
Needless to say,It never stops.
```The mind
Loves to clingTo its own opinion.
```The heart
Loves to clingOnly to God’s Will.
```The mind
Loves to coverWhat it has.
```The heart
Loves to uncoverWhat it is.
```The mind
Loves to veilThe facts.
```The heart
Loves to unveilThe truth.
```Do not allow yourself,
O seeker,To be carried away
By the world’s wild ignorance-tide. ```When I stretch
My eagerness-heart,I see God is all ready
To be embracedBy me.
```God’s Request
Whispers. ```God’s Command
Thunders. ```God really loves to have
Two things from me:My living aspiration-heart
AndMy living dedication-breath.
```Once the wings
Of the God-manifestation-bird fly,They never stop.
```My Lord
Will You forgive meIf I forget You?
“My child,I thought I had been doing
That very thing all along.” ```While you are in the desiring mind,
You must abandonYour God-satisfaction-hopes.
```I say to God,
“My Lord,Embrace my heart.”
God says to me,“My child,
Capture My Heart first.” ```Alas,
My stone-heartDoes not know
How to shed tearsFor God.
```Of all my friends,
Only my God-FriendThinks of me
All the time. ```I was born
To liveThe aspiration-life.
```Sincerity has to be always
A living realityIn my existence.
```Desire multiplied,
Aspiration deducted. ```Desire-enjoyment
Chase me. ```Aspiration-sun
Beckons me. ```God opens up
My gratitude-heart-presentsLong before He opens up
Any other presents. ```Alas,
Even now God has not becomeA familiar name
In my mind-world. ```I must slay
My jealousy-dragon,I must.
```I enjoy watching
The world-kaleidoscope-life. ```My heart and I
Must standFor the unloved ones.
```May my heart-room
Be always emptyOf anxieties and worries.
```The mind knows
How to multiplyAdversities.
```The heart knows
How to nullifyAdversities.
```Whenever God gives us
Something to do,He gives us clear-cut directions.
```O my body,
I beg of you,Do not lag behind
My dynamic vital. ```O my vital,
I beg of you,Do not lag behind
My illumining mind. ```O my mind,
I beg of you,Do not lag behind
My God-crying heart. ```O my heart,
I beg of you,Do not lag behind
My God-fulfilling soul. ```The mind-delusion
Does not succeedIn masquerading
As reality. ```Alas,
No matter how hard I try,I cannot escape
My old self. ```Whenever God comes
To visit my mind,It is never to be found.
```Be daring
In your inner journey. ```Be caring
In your outer journey. ```The penalty
For my idlenessGod has not yet decided.
```This time
When God takes me back home,I will never argue, never find fault
With Him. ```The mind
Has tremendous loveFor complexities,
Alas. ```The soul is always comfortable
With any task from GodIt undertakes.
```I take insecurity
As something contagiousAnd ferocious.
```Difficult, but not impossible,
To escapeThe mind-attachment-circle.
```Anxiety eventually
Can take the form ofNegativity.
IsA very rare quality.
```My Lord’s special Dream
Is the perfectionOf my earthly dream.
```I have taken name and fame
Out ofMy God-pleasing list.
```God loves to travel incognito,
But not His CompassionAnd Forgiveness.
```The mind never admits
That there is no joyBehind its darkness-confusion-curtain.
```Quite often
The unruly vitalTakes pride
In self-destruction. ```God’s Silence-Light
Says everythingWithout opening its mouth.
```I would just like
To touch the FeetOf my Lord Supreme —
That is all. ```I cried and cried
When I was able to touchGod’s Heart.
```God cried and cried
When He had to leaveMy God-disobedience-mind.
```When God sees
My humility-life,He immediately gives me
The royal treatment. ```My inner thrills run
Like electric currentThe moment I unmistakably feel
God’s PresenceIn the very depths of my heart.
```One moment
We talk about peace,And the very next moment
We fight. ```Impurity and insecurity
Are extremely fondOf each other.
Is the very beginningOf a life-disaster.
```Only one message
We receive from Above:Stop the mind.
```In ordinary life
Our dreams areAll mental hallucinations.
```I shall never allow
My God-beliefTo leave me.
```Temptation and desire
Love to playHide-and-seek.
```God-tributes must come
From the breathOf God-gratitude.
```One good deed
In the outer worldCovers a very long distance
In the inner world. ```Each of us has
The most significant,Most meaningful and most fruitful task:
To fulfil our Beloved SupremeHere on earth.
```We must not delay
In closing the doorOn self-doubt.
```O my mind,
You are all the timePreoccupied with yourself.
How are you ever goingTo get real satisfaction
In life? ```Alas, friendship is as brittle
As a mirror.Friendship exists
Only in Heaven. ```With our aspiration-heart
And our dedication-life,We can build
A most satisfactory HeavenHere in the world-arena.
```If you give me a smile
And I give you a smile,In our sweet smiles
We give so much to each other. ```Devotional singing
Melts the heart.It takes us to another world.
```There is only
One kind of faith:Constant love of God.
```God does not care
For His Lordship.He cares only
For my friendship. ```A true God-lover
Finds his treasureOutside the domain
Of money and power. ```You can become your own saviour
If you can rememberYour golden days
Of inspiration and aspiration. ```God’s Blessing-Blossoms
Are dropping on usCeaselessly.
```Each divine thought
Is one step forwardTowards the Goal.
```God gets boundless joy
When our hidden talentsCome to the fore.
```My heart,
Like my soul,You must also give
Your progress reportTo God every day.
```With our heart’s love, joy
And devotion,We create a magnetic pull
That allows us to receive from GodFar, far beyond
Our imagination’s flight. ```The human in us
```The divine in us
```Your childlike heart
Has made youA sweetness-flute.
```His powerful vital
Has made himA dynamo-drum.
```Give lovingly.
God will give youSeventy out of one hundred.
```Give lovingly
Plus anonymously.God will give you
One hundred out of one hundred. ```Morning meditation
Makes everything new. ```Evening meditation
And the descent of peaceLive together.
```Each meditation
Must clear the roadTo God-realisation.
```I shall not allow
Yesterday’s failuresTo haunt me any more today.
```There is only one Friend
In your life:Your Eternity’s Lord Supreme.
```If you are divinely happy,
Then anything you doBecomes part and parcel
Of your meditation. ```We cannot separate
Our soulful songsFrom our Godful prayers.
```Because of our heart-cries,
No crisis can forever prevail. ```Nothing can be as sweet,
Illumining and fulfillingAs our gratitude-heart.
```If you do not ring
God’s Victory-Bell,Then life is nothing
But hell. ```When the Master does not answer
Your complicated question,It does not mean he approves of
Your self-styled plans. ```If the Master’s outer answer
May cause problemsFor the seeker,
The Master remains silent. ```We must fight
With each and everyUnaspiring thought.
```Alas, will there ever be a time
When ignorance-influenceWill just fade away?
```Next to my Lord Supreme,
I love my soulWithout fail.
```Every morning
My Lord wants meTo share with Him
All my sweet dreamsOf the previous night.
```We have the right
To do the right thingAnd be the right person,
And never to do the wrong thingAnd be the wrong person.
```Those who are dear to God
Are examined by God’s EyeAnd loved by God’s Heart
Every day in a special way. ```I love God
Because that is the only thingWorth doing.
```I am more than willing
To be homelessRather than heartless.
```I have everything
That the outer world can give.What I need now
Is my inner world-fulfilment. ```Do not be proud.
Do not be ashamed.Go forward with humility
And courage. ```The mind
Enjoys beingA God-fault-finder.
```The heart
Enjoys beingA God-Truth-establisher.
```Do not try
To imitate God.You will badly fail.
```Do not try
To interpret God.You will sadly fail.
```Love God and become God.
This is all God wantsFrom you.
```My mind,
Stop paying attentionTo ignorance-night.
```When I look at
My unaspiring vital,I see that
It is all topsy-turvy. ```Anything that is excellent
Is beautiful and powerfulForever.
```God tells me
That my heart-tearsAre made of
His own Sweetness. ```We must always
Come to gripsWith all adversities
Within and without us. ```The power of imagination
Can neverBe measured.
```Man’s mind
Showed me the existenceOf death.
```God’s Heart
Shows me the existenceOf Immortality.
```Since we live under the same
God-Compassion-flooded sky,Can we not all sing together
God’s Glory all the time? ```I came into the world
For the perfection of my life,And not for the correction
Of humankind. ```From the spiritual point of view,
Desire itselfIs an inner disaster.
```The mind’s aversion
To God-obedienceIs shockingly deplorable.
```O my mind,
Try to live beyondThe world of rumour,
If you want to have peaceIn your heart.
```Every morning
My Lord’s Compassion-EyeDraws a very big circle
To protect my body, vital, mindAnd heart.
```How far do I have to go, my Lord?
“My child,You do not have to go anywhere.
Just stay where you are and becomeWhat I want you to become.”
```Shut the mind-door,
Shut,As hard as possible!
```Open the heart-door,
Open,As quickly as possible!
```Without God-awareness,
Our life is emptyOf God-fulness.
```Smile and smile and smile.
You will win the raceAgainst your enemies.
```I do not know why and how
I am now out of touchWith my Lord’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```No more shall I allow
My mindTo be haunted
By ceaseless doubts. ```The moment I enter
Into my heart,It shows me its garden-beauty.
```The moment I enter
Into my mind,It shows me its desert-barrenness
And futility. ```God comes every morning
To carry us and place usAt the top
Of our aspiration-tower. ```To my great joy,
My self-indulgence-timeHas expired.
```I must put an end
To my desire-life —I must!
```The divinity of my soul
Towers above the restOf my spiritual family.
```God tells me that
I must not be lessThan the very best.
```The divine in me
Is sleeping.The human in me
Is hidingFrom God’s Life.
```My Lord, do give me
Indomitable inner courageTo fight against
All my outer difficulties. ```I must do everything today,
Here and now.What if tomorrow’s dawn
Never arrives? ```Without newness-discovery,
We cannot grow intoThe prosperity of fulness.
```Simplicity, sincerity and humility
Always get less creditThan they rightly deserve.
```The very process
Of the mind’s thinkingIs useless.
```God calls,
But I am either busyOr I do not answer.
```The impatience of the vital
IsA destruction-force.
```The insincerity-impurity-thieves
Have to be caughtRed-handed.
```As there are infinite realities,
Even so,There are infinite possibilities
And infinite waysTo achieve our goals.
Never acceptsDefeat.
```I am sure
God will become crazyIf He accepts
All my mind-complaints. ```God expects
Every human heartTo be
A God-hero-warrior. ```If I really love God,
There can be no invisibility-curtainBetween me and God.
```Take your heart with you
On your wayTo God’s celestial Abode.
Then you will not get lost. ```Alas, every day
My mind refuses to acceptGod’s open invitation.
```Everybody’s life
Is being shapedBy the invisible hand
Of fate. ```The heart is always
In search ofThe soul’s garden.
```God does want to have
Ready-made seekers,But where are they?
```God wants me to have
A love that knows no limitsAnd knows no end.
Always comesWith tiny progress-steps.
Is the wrong word.Here and now
Are the right words. ```I clearly remember the day,
The hour and the momentWhen my soul awakened
My sleeping heart. ```In the spiritual life,
We must never be afraidOf the distance
While we are walking alongEternity’s Road.
```How carefully
My Lord has preservedMy soul-treasures
Inside my heart. ```A gratitude-heart
MeansA true happiness-life.
```A oneness-heart
Invariably spreads peaceAll-where.
```We ask God questions
Without answeringHis questions.
```Right from today
I must reduceMy world-possession-greed.
```I simply adore
The mind that knowsNo complaints.
```Every morning God asks me
If my eagerness-heartIs in working order.
```I have replaced
My mind-ambitionWith
My heart-aspiration. ```My Lord,
Out of His infinite Bounty,Has given me
The inner strength and courageFor any crisis.
```A God-intoxicated seeker
Knows notAttachment-fetters.
```Infinite thrill
Takes me to the FeetOf my Lord Supreme.
```My Lord’s Vision-Eye
Has irresistibleSweetness-Beauty.
```To have a living Master
Is to haveA safe harbour.
```Only the aspiring heart
Can hearGod’s pindrop Silence-Footsteps.
```When I feel
Love-devotion-surrenderIn the depths of my heart,
I see GodRight in front of me.
```Loyalty and surrender
Are two mostRare achievements.
```If we do not have the inner strength
To plunge deep within,Our goal shall always remain
A far cry. ```A oneness-heart
Is the beauty and perfectionOf fulness.
```Each soulful song
Comes downFrom a very sublime height.
```The beauty and fragrance of faith
Shall carry usTo our cherished Destination.
```When God sings in my heart,
I do not have to goTo the Destination.
The Destination itselfComes to me.
```O my mind,
You know only one thing:Obligation, obligation, obligation.
```O my vital,
You know only one thing:Pressure, pressure, pressure.
```God shows me
His Forgiveness-Feet,But alas,
Where is my remorse-heart? ```God-doubters
Will sufferFulfilment-starvation-death.
```The very nature of the heart
Is to love God the CreatorAnd serve God the creation.
```O my mind,
There will be no next time.Therefore,
Do not wait for the next time. ```May my gratitude-heart-fragrance
Spread throughoutThe length and breadth
Of the world. ```Separativity
Is bound to haveThe taste of insecurity.
Must soon be establishedOn earth.
```Each ego-thought
IsA destructive blow.
Loves to be publishedImmediately.
Loves to remain unpublishedPermanently.
```A quality cherished
By very few human beings:Optimism.
```What can poor God do?
He is always occupied.Therefore, He has no time to listen
To my constantly barking mind. ```We must remove
The doubt-ghostFrom our mind.
```Be careful, O seeker!
When great honoursAre thrust upon you,
You may forget the very existenceOf God.
```A gratitude-heart
```There is no such thing
As the penaltyOf a failure-life.
```Every day pray
At least three timesAlong with
All your outer activities. ```Do not display,
O mind,Your hesitation-exhibit.
Nobody is going to appreciate you. ```Finally
My vital is emergingFrom its self-imposed depression.
```I do not know
How I tolerate myselfWhen I do not fight against
The senseless waste of time. ```I live between
My God-attention-mindAnd
My God-devotion-heart. ```God tells me that He dislikes
My answering machineFar beyond my imagination.
```To go within
Is to see peace.To dive and live within
Is to become peace. ```May my heart-boat
Sail perpetuallyOn the rainbow of hope.
IsThe fastest elevator.
```Do not go to the length
Of disliking the outer life.The outer life has to be
The perfect replicaOf the inner life —
The life of light and love. ```Be not a stark fool.
Your God-angerWill accomplish nothing.
```Remember —
Earth is God’s Body.Be extremely careful and soulful.
```When the heart implores,
God asks the heartTo explore.
```God is always eager
To give His AddressTo redress our suffering.
```O my mind,
Stop plotting.Start listening
To the Voice within. ```O my mind,
You will get nothingBy examining God’s way of life
In minute detail. ```Finally I have given up taking
My mind’s side.I shall now only take
My heart’s side. ```Alas,
My spiritual lifeHas been under renovation
For a long time. ```We must ask our devotion-heart
To faithfully escort usTo God’s Feet.
```Faith invokes God’s Grace.
God’s Grace transformsMan’s life.
```Even an iota of self-pride
Can destroyAll our divine virtues.
```A curiosity-life
IsAn unhealthy experience.
```He who desires only miracles
In his lifeWill not attain anything significant.
```We must compose
Our heart-songsWith all our devotion.
```To experience
The beauty of life,We must develop
A oneness-heart. ```The mind cannot measure
The pinnacle-heightOf humility.
```O my vital,
Nobody forces youTo remain all the time
Alone and discouraged. ```Never believe in the life called
Permanent God-dissatisfaction. ```Since I do not pray and meditate
Regularly,How can I expect God’s Arrival
At my heart-door? ```Our aspiration can be busy
Doing other things,But God’s Compassion
Is never busy. ```God-withdrawal is
The worst possible sufferingIn a seeker’s life.
```My Lord of Compassion
Saves me every dayFrom my own inner storms.
Is impossible to describe. ```My soul, my heart,
My mind, my vital,Even my body,
Are jointly doing everythingTo hasten our Lord’s Arrival.
```If we pray and meditate
Every day,Then we will not suffer from
God-separation-starvation. ```O seeker,
You have two clocks:The inner and the outer.
Nothing will happenIf the outer clock fails,
But if the inner clock fails,You will be totally lost.
```If you want God-heroism
In your life,Then shun your egoism.
```For self-improvement,
The tears of the heartMust come to the fore.
```If faith is real,
Then it does not brookAny delay.
```We cannot exhaust
The CompassionOf God’s Vision-Eye.
```Any fear
IsA tragic experience.
```God does not want me
To drown in the seaOf my tears.
He wants me to offerMy sleepless tears to Him.
My God-forgetful lethargy-body,Proceed.
All the lights are now green. ```The best surprise
We can give GodIs to become
A God-willing heart. ```A gratitude-heart
Can never displease God. ```Slowly, steadily and devotedly
We must walkTowards the destined Goal.
```When I speak ill of the world,
I just add more painTo God’s headache.
```Selflessness is
A seeker’sGreatest speciality.
```If we have a positive mind,
Then nothing will be ableTo stop us
From loving God. ```I must sweep clean
My heart-templeEvery day.
```My God-adoration-love
Has to be intense. ```My life is for
God-amusement. ```God’s Life is for
My enlightenment. ```Every good thought
Is a lap aroundMy aspiration-track.
```My heart every morning
Cries for the PresenceOf my Beloved Supreme.
```I need a burning yearning
To see the FeetOf my Lord Supreme.
```The mind has
Its clever waysTo surprise the heart.
```The heart has
Its wise waysTo astonish the mind.
```A good many years ago
My Lord Supreme arrived.Alas, where was I then?
```Every day offers a new hope
That I will becomeA choice child of God.
```May my heart every day
Collect and treasureThe dust
Of my Lord’s Feet. ```To God,
Nothing is more importantThan my heart’s smiles.
```God promises to me
That He will keepMy aspiration-life
Under the protectionOf His omnipotent Will.
Jumps overAll the hurdles of life.
```My heart is
A faithful studentOf my Lord’s Feet.
```Anything that God does,
He does tirelesslyAnd self-givingly.
```God summons.
My obedience-heartJumps up in ecstasy.
```God loves us more
When we intrude uponHis solitude.
```Every morning
God becomesHis boundless Compassion-Net.
```In my inner life,
What I needIs courage.
```In my outer life,
What I needIs encouragement.
```Ignorance hates
My gratitude-heartAnd
My cheerfulness-mind. ```A truly aspiring heart
Knows no negativityOr criticism.
```God’s Forgiveness-Hour
Is decided byGod’s Compassion-Eye.
```My heart celebrates
My Lord’s VictoryWith every breath.
```God’s Will wants us
To be cheerful and peacefulAll the time.
```My heart immediately obeys
Not only God’s Commands,But also His Whims.
```The greatest prize
A seeker can winIs God’s Sunburst-Smile.
```From life to life
My soul singsIn God’s Heart.
```An aspiration-heart
Must shun the babblingAnd gossiping mouth.
```Unveil insecurity.
It will immediatelyDisappear.
Expectation-dreamsHave today become
Oblivion-realities. ```I must spend
All my timeWith my silence-friend.
```When I disobey God,
I just expandMy own ego-graveyard.
```The mind loves
To remain capturedIn confusion-snare.
```On my God-pleasing list
I place my gratitude-heart to GodFirst.
```Remain silent.
Your patience will do the workInfinitely better.
```I am
A God-messengerOf optimism.
```Exciting, illumining
And fulfillingIs my self-discovery-voyage.
Is my life’sUnfinished task.
```My aspiring heart
Has nothing to do withThe God-criticism-mind.
```My mind likes to enjoy
Self-glorificationAll the time.
```Whoever plays
For GodIs bound to win.
```My life trains
With two champions —The soul and the heart.
```When the worst crisis
Takes place,The mind becomes
The prime suspect. ```I am extremely proud of
My doubt-deceiver-mind. ```The vital and the mind
Mulitply each other’s sufferingsImmeasurably.
```May my mind
Be not confinedBy thought-boundary.
```A child’s heart
Is, indeed,God’s true delight.
```God drinks
His most energising DrinkIn the purity
Of a child’s heart. ```Every morning
Is the new beginningOf a beautiful hope
And a powerful promise. ```If we do not pray
And meditate regularly,Then we are bound to lose
Our final breath of hopeTo realise God.
```The mind needs
An ever-greenEnthusiasm.
```The heart needs
An ever-blueEagerness.
Is an unlimitedSelf-expansion.
```Every day there is
A monumental tug-of-warBetween life and death.
```The human in me
Knows how to cryCeaselessly.
```The divine in me
Knows how to smileEternally.
```The unaspiring life in me
Knows how to sighSleeplessly.
```We must not hide anything
From our Master.He is not our examiner.
He is a constant well-wisherAnd constant self-giver-reality.
```Very carefully
We have to unlearn everythingThat the doubting mind
Has taught us. ```God’s Presence
Is most prominentIn my silence-breath-heart.
```The mind talks about God
All the timeWith no love.
```The heart talks about God
All the timeLovingly and self-givingly.
```We all have
Sufficient inner hungerTo realise God.
And falsehoodAre roommates.
```Never too young,
Never too oldFor God-realisation.
```God does not leave us
When we speak ill of Him,But it is we who leave Him
Eventually. ```Each seeker must keep
His loyal promiseTo his Master’s will.
Appeals to GodMore than anything else.
```Alas, we do not know
How and why we enjoyBeing in the lap
Of ignorance-sleep. ```God will never allow us
To come to HimIf our life wears
The mask of falsehood. ```Not indifference-victory,
But detachment-victoryWe all need.
```God fondly watches
My heart’s baby stepsTowards Him.
```May my life-river
Flow always towardsThe truth-ocean.
```God plants the seed
Of unshakeable faithIn each seeker’s heart.
```God and God’s Smile
Are very nearMy aspiration-heart-tears.
```When I am happy,
The whole worldProspers.
```When I am unhappy,
The whole worldHelplessly descends.
```When I am surcharged
With enthusiasm,I achieve tremendous success,
Not only in the world of being,But also in the world of becoming.
```An unthinkable thing
Has happened.My life has given up spirituality.
```We all need a mind
Of total emptinessSo that fulness can grow
Inside emptiness. ```I need a heart
That will build a bridgeBetween
The inner world of aspirationAnd
The outer world of dedication. ```Every day my Lord comes
With His Compassion-EyeTo awaken me
From my ignorance-sleep.Alas, I do not allow Him to succeed.
```Each heart adds
To God’s BeautyAnd Fragrance.
```Here and now
Is the keyTo the real victory.
```God’s Hour is coming
Closer and closer,But my mind is thinking
Of running awayFarther and farther.
```The tears of the heart
Are not sorrowful —They are extremely cheerful.
```In the mind,
EverythingIs unpredictable.
```One moment
With the MasterIs a soulful hope
And a fruitful promise. ```Only be happy, happier and happiest.
If you can make yourself happy,God will give you one hundred
Out of one hundred. ```Each breath
EmbodiesDivinity’s wealth.
```May my heart
Be a new songFor every new dawn.
```If my God-hunger is real,
Then God will definitely give meThe fastest speed to reach Him.
Feels incompleteWithout pride.
```The mind-complaints
Cannot destroy the beautyOf our heart.
```The mind and the vital
Can successfully meetOnly after the death
Of the ego. ```God needs me:
That is more than enough.He does not have to plead with me
For anything. ```Each unaspiring moment
Can delayOur God-manifestation-victory.
```Each soulful moment
Can be a solid stepTo our own divine victory.
Is the quickestDegradation.
```O my mind,
How do you dare to denyThat every day
You make my Lord cry? ```Aspiration
Means the weakeningOf desire-life.
Has to be always careful.Desire can weigh it down
Low, very low. ```Where is the truth?
Only in our constantlySelf-giving heart.
```We are limited
By our limitlessIgnorance-hunger.
```Happiness comes
From renunciation,And not from possession.
```God deserves
A thunderous ovationFor the infinite Love that He has
For His creation. ```Hurry up, O my mind!
Hide inside my heart.Worries and anxieties
Are fast approaching. ```I cannot breathe
Without being withMy Lord’s Compassion-Eye —
Indeed, this is my firm conviction. ```My soul has only
One message for my heart:“Stop not, stop not,
Until you have won the Goal!” ```Do not be doomed
To disappointment.All your sufferings
Will blow away like the wind. ```A dangerous disease:
Not to allow othersTo go higher.
```Be careful of your sulking mood.
It is apt to find faultWith God.
```My mind-limitations
Bind me. ```My heart-exaltations
Liberate me. ```Do not cry, do not cry!
If you cry constantly,You will be forced to die.
```Destroy expectation!
Build the aspiration-towerHigher and higher.
```Even millions of years
May pass byBefore the desire-world dies.
```Be grateful to God
For eachPure thought.
```A heart-singer
IsA newness-happiness-bringer.
```My soul blesses
My aspiration-heart.Lo and behold!
My heart quickly ascends. ```You can beg your Master
To favour you,But you can never, never
Force him. ```Self-pity
IsExtremely dangerous.
```Now is the only time
To joinThe God-willingness-team.
```To conquer your lower self
With your higher self,Aspire sleeplessly
And breathlessly. ```When God is missing,
We live inEmpty life-days.
```God’s highest Satisfaction
Lives in man’sGod-invocation.
```I need only two things:
A God-searching mindAnd
A God-crying heart. ```Alas, I have been living
In my mind.Therefore, my aspiration
Is now a distant memory. ```Even a flicker of disobedience
Destroys a seeker’s joyTotally.
```God does not believe
In shaking the world.God believes only
In inspiring and embracingThe world.
MeansCelestial vision-reality.
```Anything that helps us fly
To our Heaven-DestinationIs our immediate choice.
```My life is claiming
My heart’s world-oneness-dreamAs its own, very own.
```We must keep
The torch of spiritualityAlways in proper condition.
```Although the mind
Races like the wind,The silence of the heart
Runs infinitely faster. ```Is it a dream
That every nightGod comes to me?
```Is it a reality
That every dayMy mind tries to escape
From God’s Embrace? ```The mind lives between
The river of lifeAnd
The ocean of death. ```The highest wisdom-light
```My mind
```My heart
SelectsGod’s Feet.
```Waste not
Even a fleeting secondIn rumour-spreading.
```God has only one Message:
“My child, think of Me more,Infinitely more.”
```I have only one message for God:
“How is it possible, my Lord,That You are still
So far away from me?” ```Alas, anything divine
Is undervaluedIn this world.
```Like my soul,
I want my lifeTo be unfettered.
```The real prosperity
Is in the expansionOf the aspiration-heart.
Is of paramount importance. ```My heart-existence
Is the vivid expressionOf my Lord’s Compassion-Eye.
```Without my Lord’s Compassion,
I shall never dare to learnThe art of self-mastery.
```Each time
I think a good thought,I illumine my inner path.
```To be rich
Is to give a smileWith no expectation
Of return. ```I shall always keep
My mind-roomAbsolutely empty of doubt.
```God tells me that
My heart-tearsAre everything that I need.
```No matter where I go,
I see ample evidenceOf my Lord’s Forgiveness.
```O my mind,
Move forwardTo conquer the pride
Of doubts. ```O my heart,
Dive inwardTo see the Face
Of God. ```Our gratitude-heart
Needs no vacation. ```Cheerfulness
IndicatesThe nearness of God.
```Fear-invader I am.
Doubt-invader I am.God’s Love-discoverer
I now shall be. ```I really do not know
How to please GodIn this topsy-turvy life.
```Alas, my mind and vital
Are swimming togetherIn confusion-current.
```Success and pride
March together.Progress and humility
Grow together. ```A new day
Is the new beginningOf humanity’s promise
To God. ```Do not believe in impossibility!
Do not give up!Continue trying and striving.
Can challenge impossibilityAnd offer victory
To the Lord Supreme. ```Entanglement
Is another nameFor human nature.
```Enthusiasm and eagerness
Can definitely createNew opportunities.
```Alas, how rarely I see
A blossom of hopeIn my heart-garden.
```Not newness
But fulnessIs of paramount importance.
```The song of the cosmos:
Give what you have to GodAnd become
What God eternally is. ```I speak to God the Father
And God the MotherWhile the moon speaks
To the stars. ```When God comes,
My hopes and promisesFlood the sky.
```It is quite common
That people do notUnderstand each other,
But all heartsCan feel one another.
```My Lord, if I have joy,
Then it has all comeFrom the dust of Your Feet.
Our God-manifestation-songIs not over.
```Human life means
A bundle of fearsAnd cheers.
```Impurity in the mind
Is undoubtedlyThe worst possible poverty.
```God wants me to look inside
For everything solid,Tangible and progressive.
```Truth is found
Not around meBut inside me.
```Doubt knows
How to enter into the mind,But it does not know
How to come out. ```Do not compare!
Spirituality is not comparison.Spirituality is a oneness-heart-sky.
```Life lives both
In a tiny heart-muscleAnd in Infinity’s sky.
```To know the truth
Is to bowTo the truth.
```Obedience and obeisance
Are two totallyDifferent things.
```A wrong desire
In the mindCuts and damages
The heart. ```The mind-master
Is, indeed,A monster.
HasA very short breath.
```Pride weakens
And humility strengthensOur life.
```Today’s expectation-seed
Tomorrow becomesFrustration-tree.
```I believe
In both entertainmentAnd enlightenment.
PleasesThe human in me.
PleasesThe divine in me.
```O seeker, keep your eyes
Always and alwaysOn the ever-transcending Beyond.
```To be yourself
Is to make friendsWith God’s Will.
```The inner friendship
Does not needAny outer word.
```At times victory shows us
How weak we areIn our inner life.
```Only he who listens
Has the rightTo speak about God.
```If we do not pray
And meditate regularly,Then we are bound to face
An army of misfortunes. ```The loneliness of yesterday
Must not torment meToday.
```Surrender to God’s Will itself
Is the highest rewardIn the spiritual life.
```My life-boat plies
Between my newness-lifeAnd
My fulness-heart. ```Do not wrestle
With your problems.Try to illumine them.
```To succeed,
I must never followThe old way.
```I am a God-follower,
And notA man-prisoner.
```I must clear
My mind-jungleBefore I do anything else.
```The vital needs
```The mind needs
```The heart needs
Is self-givingWith no strings attached.
```Every human being
Is invited to take partIn God’s Cosmic Play.
```You can achieve
Whatever you want to,Provided it is all for God.
```My mind,
There is no more time left for youTo make further complaints.
```To be true to oneself
Is the hardest testOf life.
```My Lord,
So far You have shown meYour Compassion-Eye.
Today please show meYour Forgiveness-Heart.
```May satisfaction
On earthBegin with me today.
```I am shining today,
Not with my understanding mindBut with my self-giving heart.
```Do not allow your ego-mind
To push your heartInto a corner.
```Physical violence ends.
Mental violenceQuite often lingers.
```By demanding from God,
We will delayOur Heavenward journey.
```Our unconditional surrender
To God’s WillCan easily turn back
The hands of time. ```God sheds tears when He sees
That we do not wantTo be near Him.
My life has become somethingThat is not who I really am
Inside my heart. ```Unlike us,
Our Lord Supreme speaksOnly from heart to heart.
```A life without God
Is a lifeNot fully lived.
```My soul always
Looks at meWith motherly concern.
```My heart always
Looks at meWith sisterly affection.
```It seems that patience
Is not bornIn the human mind.
```At long last
I have thrown ignorance-nightOut of my mind.
```My aspiration-heart
Knows nothingOf failure.
```The mind always
Plays the roleOf a fault-finder.
```The heart always
Plays the roleOf a truth-seeker.
```My mind,
Do not forget to lookAt your abysmal abyss-life.
```Only one thing I need
From my heart:To love the world constantly.
```To look for desire-fulfilment
Is unconsciously to inviteMental punishment.
```I have lost my surrender-key
To God’s Heart.Out of His infinite Bounty,
He is giving me another one. ```From my personal experience,
The desire-mindEventually surrenders
To the aspiration-heart. ```Alas,
My mind has no roomFor my heart.
```My heart has always
Ample roomFor my mind.
```There is no need
To rememberThe empty, useless past.
```A devotion-heart
Is made ofAspiration-fire.
```God wants my heart
To growAlong with the world.
```In my heart-dream,
There can be noMind-frustration.
```My doubting mind,
I beg of you,Listen to my heart.
Unlike you,It does not tell any lies.
```I must not drag down
My Lord’sCompassion-Eye any more.
```My heart has only one prayer:
My Lord, do teach meHow to love You more,
Infinitely more. ```My life has only one prayer:
My Lord, do teach meHow to serve You more,
Infinitely more. ```We never give God
The needed opportunityTo satisfy us.
```Every day I pray to God
To teach meOne new heart-soaring song.
```Love God first.
Then think of GodAnd talk about God.
```My surrender-life
Is God’sMost favourite toy.
```We must never belittle
Others’ faith.It is a serious crime.
```My heart knows that
God’s ArrivalIs always punctual.
Must be uprootedEvery day.
```Be careful!
Ignorance-forcesThrow punches
Right and leftAt our aspiration-life.
```A self-giving heart
IsGod’s greatest Joy.
```To see and feel
God’s PresenceIn every human being
Is undoubtedlyThe supreme achievement
In a human life. ```My gratitude-heart
Does not want to hearAnything wrong
About the world. ```To talk about anything
Other than GodIs worse than useless.
```There shall come a time
When the suspicion-mindAnd the aggression-vital
Will both surrenderTo the aspiration-heart.
```A sincerity-heart knows
It is not a difficult taskTo grasp God’s Will.
```My heart is more than ready
To wait indefinitelyTo touch God’s Feet.
```My Master dwells
Inside the breathOf my surrender-life.
```Every day
I must increase my faithIn my Master
So that I can climb upHigher and higher
In my God-quest. ```Alertness
Is of supreme importanceIn the spiritual life.
```My Master tells me that
He is definitely going to help meTo become his heartbeat.
```The inner life
KnowsNo boundary-limits.
```God tells us that
We need both optimismAnd dynamism
At the same time. ```A spiritual person
Has to be always naturalIn his inner life
AndIn his outer life.
```Love and surrender
Are essentially and eternallyOnly one thing.
Is the beautyOf surrender.
Is the fragranceOf love.
```The doubting mind
Tries very hardTo give my purity-heart
A very short life. ```Every day
The mind eagerly visitsThe desire-festival.
My God-realisation-shoreIs still out of sight.
```When I enter into the mind,
The wrongdoings of the mindAre appalling.
```When I enter into the heart,
The right longing of the heartIs exceptionally inspiring
And encouraging. ```The mind and its friend —
Ever-deepening night —Are always together.
```The heart and its friend —
Ever-increasing delight —Are always together.
```The mind’s prayer:
“Give me everythingThat You have, O God.”
```The heart’s prayer:
“O God,I need nothing from You
As long as You remainIn my aspiring heart
And I remainIn Your forgiving Heart.”
```God is extremely sad
At my mind’s continuousRest-request.
```My pride-balloon
Is always foundIn the maya of worthlessness.
```May my body, vital, mind and heart
Join my soulIn its sleepless God-manifestation-quest.
```God cheerfully carries us
Through the trials of lifeOnly when He sees that
Our love, devotion and surrenderAre genuine.
```When my mind-life
Is completely broken,God and I see the opening
Of my new heart-life. ```Divine love alone
KnowsWhat unconditional surrender is.
```Many can see
The TruthBut few, very few,
Can be the Truth. ```God shows me His Pride
When I smileEven after I have lost.
```I pray to God
For my intensity-mindAnd immensity-heart
To remain close together. ```Each good thought
SafeguardsOur sacred heart-home.
```Not skin-deep
But God-deepHave to be
Our daily prayersAnd meditations.
```I know full well that
God is onlyOne heart-phone call away.
```When my Lord blows
The obedience-whistle,Many soulfully come,
Many ruthlessly disdain. ```Nobody has to wait
For longIn God’s Waiting Room.
```God is eager to share
His Oneness-SecretsWith all.
```From the depths
Of my devotion-heartI must pray
To my Lord Supreme. ```I am totally lost between
My greedy mindAnd my needy heart.
```Be not afraid of problems!
Accept them, challenge themAnd conquer them.
```We all must swim across
The ignorance-seaTo arrive at our destined Goal.
```The closer you come
To the Lord Supreme,The sweeter becomes your heart.
```My aspiration-cry
Is the living affirmationOf God’s Compassion-Eye.
```My soul has finally convinced
My mindTo surrender to God’s Way.
```Alas, I do not know
When and howI can arrive at my Lord’s
Compassion-Heart-Goal. ```God’s Forgiveness-Tower
Is infinitely tallerThan we can ever imagine.
```When you say
“Good morning!” to God,Say it with all your heart’s
Enthusiasm. ```We must recognise
The boundless loveThat our souls have
For our Lord Supreme. ```Each good thought
Is a divine guestFrom the higher worlds.
```A gratitude-heart
Is the most important achievementIn a God-seeker’s life.
```I shall never look at
My yesterday’s face.This is my solemn promise
To myself. ```All creations
Of the restless mindAre fragile.
```The curiosity-roar
IsExtremely loud.
```A brief flash
Of inner happinessCan awaken us fully
To our Lord Supreme. ```I am praying and praying
To gain backMy Lord’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-Heart. ```Each moment I must take
A big purity-breathTo manifest God’s Will
Here on earth. ```Our life-tree
Has to growIn our faith-soil.
```May my gratitude-heart-boat
Every daySail on my life’s
Surrender-river. ```God’s Heart-Home
Is our onlyReal home.
```There is only one song
That can silence the mind,And that song is my life’s
God-surrender-song. ```May God save me
Every dayFrom my prison-mind.
```The soul obeys
Only God’s Laws. ```Only stark fools
Can enjoyFlattery-feast.
Is by far the best songFor every heart.
```Finally even my mind
Is embarkingOn truth-search.
```We need
A very deep-rooted determinationTo succeed
In our spiritual life. ```We must keep
Our Lord SupremeAt the forefront
At every moment. ```There is always an opinion-collision
Between my aspiring heartAnd my doubting mind.
```Our inner faith
Is the constant reminderOf our Lord’s Presence
In the depths of our heart. ```My heart basks every day
In my Lord’sSunny Sweetness-Smile.
```Every seeker must feel
That it is his obligationTo liberate humankind.
Is the cureFor all our failings.
```We must treasure
The rare privilegeOf our spiritual life.
```There is no need to travel anywhere
To increase our love of God.We can increase our love of God
Right here where we are. ```We must remain
Always busyWith our higher life.
```O seeker, do not take
Anything for granted.You must work hard
If you want to achieveSomething momentous
In your life. ```The constant fear of God
Is always wrong,Either in the outer life
Or in the inner life. ```My Master’s smile
Radiates all the timeDeep inside my heart.
```Everything divine within us
Must come to the foreTo express God’s Love
Everywhere. ```O aspiring heart-bird,
Fly high, higher, highestIf you want to see
God’s Heart-Home. ```My heart of gratitude
Takes me by the handTo my Lord Supreme.
```When my Master smiles at me,
It is the most precious momentIn my life.
My Lord’s outer PresenceFrightens me.
```To my greatest joy,
My Lord’s inner PresenceCradles my entire being.
```No negativity-mind
Can openMy heart’s hope-door.
```Do not wait
For an aspiration-heart.Just cry and cry.
Aspiration will run into your heart. ```Everybody has a unique task
To perform.Some succeed,
While others do not. ```When the Inner Pilot
Asks you to do something,Never delay,
Even for a fleeting moment. ```Never give up!
If you give up your Goal,Then God-realisation
Will remain a far cry. ```Once we embark
On the spiritual journey,There is no such thing
As a time limit.We will arrive at our Goal
At God’s choice Hour. ```If your heart is made of faith,
Then your life is bound to beA life of action.
```Anything divine you want to do,
Rest assured,Your Inner Pilot
Long ago approved of it. ```Love originality
All the time.Dislike imitation
All the time. ```Originality is freedom.
Imitation is bondageFrom the beginning
To the end. ```Do not deny yourself.
You will without failFind a way
To reach the Goal. ```Do not allow disbelief
To growUnder your dreams.
```If you believe
That God loves you,Then you must also believe
That He definitely hasA very special Plan for you.
```Without humility,
No prayerCan ever succeed.
IsOur heart’s real friend.
```Indecision is an enemy
Not only of our heartBut also of our
Heaven-climbing life. ```Others may fail,
But you are not others.You belong to yourself only.
```All opportunities
Are withinOur easy reach.
```We must get happiness
By helping others first.Only then will our happiness
Have true meaning. ```Like my soul,
I too do not haveAny limits.
```Take each of your failures
As a springboard,And nothing else.
```If you are ready
To risk failure,Success itself
Will run towards you. ```Do not believe in excuses
If you really wantYour outer life to be all success
AndYour inner life to be all progress.
```This world
Does not need peopleOf merely good intentions.
```This world
Needs peopleOf immediate actions.
```Silence punishes severely
Not only the outer criticBut the inner critic as well.
```Be ready!
When?In the immediacy
Of this very moment. ```If you anticipate misfortune,
Misfortune will knockAt your life-door
Sooner than at once. ```To have determination
Is to be halfwayTo the goal.
```Do what you must,
And not onlyWhat you can.
```Surround yourself
With those who need you,And not
With those who want you. ```Day in and day out
God has only one Command:“Arise, My child, arise!”
```There is no such thing
As the perfect moment.Every moment is perfect
In a very special way. ```No human being
Is bereftOf divine esteem.
```Our God-surrender-life
Is by far the best swimmerTo cross ignorance-sea.
```Our God-devotion-heart
Can seeFar into the future.
```Those who care only
For book-knowledgeAre completely lost
In the mists of the mind. ```Purity blossoms
From the very depthsOf God-devoted thoughts.
```The unaspiring mind
Quite strangely loves to liveIn uncertainty-quagmire.
```Like my soul,
I must develop universal sympathyIf I really want happiness
From my life. ```Words
Do not really embodySolace.
Is inSilence-prayers.
```Scepticism and cynicism
Were not allowed to take birthWith the heart.
```Anyone that comes to God
And takes shelterWill have the joy of unhorizoned peace
And bliss. ```My Lord,
I beg of You to grant meTwo favours:
Bend me to Your Feet;Bind me to Your Heart.
```The doubting mind
Has problems.The aspiring heart
Has the cure. ```Giving your best
Has its own satisfaction. ```True satisfaction
Can never be foundIn desire-fulfilment.
```As the road is endless,
Even so, our aspiration-heartHas to be tireless.
```What God wants
To hear most from meIs my surrender-heart-song.
```If we live in the mind,
Then our hopeIs goalless.
```If we live in the vital,
Then our promiseIs pointless.
```A God-gratitude-heart
KnowsNo exhaustion.
```I am happy
Only when my heart and IWalk behind our Lord
With obedience-steps. ```In pleasing God,
Gratitude and surrenderHave no parallel.
```The faith-mountain
Is not only inspiringBut also fascinating.
```Time and again
I have asked my mindNot to talk to God,
But to remain seated at His Feet. ```Each God-thought
```God feels miserable
When I thinkThat He is only in Heaven
And not on earth. ```The heart
Does not needExpression.
```The heart
Needs onlyExpansion.
Is the best formOf expression.
```If you demolish
Your pride,Then God will abolish
Your self-doubt. ```Purity is the constant remembrance
Of God’s PresenceIn the depths of our heart.
```I am so happy
That my mind has now becomeThe beginner
Of a oneness-life. ```There is a God-song
For everyAspiring heart.
```There is a man-story
For everyUnaspiring mind.
```My heart feeds only
On my God-faith. ```There is only one home,
And that homeIs our love of God.
```A deep purity-breath
Can destroyThousands of doubt-insects.
```Silence descends
WhenMeditation ascends.
```The mind
Loves to blind GodWith anger.
```The heart
Loves to bind GodWith love.
```He who does not have
Faith in himselfIs bound to be
Helpless and hopeless. ```The vital enjoys
Exasperation. ```The mind enjoys
Frustration. ```The heart enjoys
God-union. ```My ignorance
Has now a new name:God-surrender.
```Reality speaks.
Only silenceCan hear.
```Divinity speaks.
Only heart-tearsCan hear.
```God speaks.
Only soul-smilesCan hear.
```Each calamity
Strengthens the faithOf a true God-seeker.
```The mind-walls
Are bound to dissolveIn the sea of the heart’s light.
```Like passing clouds,
Passing thoughtsAre also powerless
And useless. ```At long last
My wandering mindHas found its heart-home:
God-surrender. ```Pray only for God’s sake.
Lo, a whole new worldIs welcoming you.
```I love not
My Lord’sMild Request.
```I love only
My Lord’sCommand-Voice.
```To touch the Heart of God,
We must sit at the Feet of GodFirst.
```My heart needs only
Village-life-simplicityTo make the fastest progress.
```My volcano-aspiration
TerrifiesMy mind-ignorance-oppression.
```My heart has been
Begging and begging my mindTo pray and meditate.
Alas, now it is exhaustedTo its very last breath.
Challenges aspiration. ```Aspiration
Accepts the challengeOf temptation.
```God takes the side
Of aspiration.He makes aspiration win.
```The human in us
Is afraid of God’s FaceBut not of His Heart.
```When we love God’s
“Yes” and “No” equally,God runs towards us
To crown us. ```If we give God
One hundred per cent,God will give us
His Life-BeautyAnd Heart-Fragrance.
```Every morning
God wants each seekerTo hoist
A fulness-truth-flag. ```My Lord,
I am longing for the BeautyOf Your Compassion-Eye.
“My child,I am longing for the fragrance
Of your aspiration-heart.” ```Nobody can ever be
Outside the boundaryOf God’s Compassion.
```Work hard.
God the SmilerIs watching you.
```God does not accept me
When I bring only my heart.He accepts me
Only when I bring HimMy body, vital, mind and heart
Together. ```The first time,
God blesses youWith ample opportunity.
The next time,You have to earn
The opportunity. ```Stop crawling.
Get up!Walk, march, run, sprint!
God is calling. ```I accept no limits
Because I come fromThe limitless One.
```My heart-joy
Deeply enjoysAll my soul-songs.
```Work is prayer
Where there isNo expectation.
```I must please my Lord Supreme
Slowly, steadily and unerringlyAt every moment.
```Aspiration springs from
Inspiration-enthusiasm. ```Forget all about tomorrow.
God blesses us day by dayWith His boundless Affection
And Compassion. ```An indulgence-moment
InvitesCrisis after crisis.
```Every day
I pray to my Lord SupremeTo strengthen and lengthen
My prayer-meditation-life. ```When the doubting mind attacks,
Even a sincere seeker loses faithEither in God or in himself,
Or in both. ```My heart becomes a real child
The moment I receive a SmileFrom my Lord Supreme.
Is nothing butA river of hope.
```I am no longer
A fault-finding-enjoyment-seeker. ```All mind-doubt-attacks
Must be challengedAnd conquered.
```If you want
Outer satisfaction,Then you must turn inward first.
```God secretly tutors my heart
In how to winThe Godward race.
```We can and we must exclude
Name and fameFrom our aspiration-heart-list.
```In the course of time,
My mind, like my heart,Will run towards
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```God’s mind-examination-hall
Is larger than the largest. ```God’s heart-examination-room
Is tinier than the tiniest. ```Aspiration-flight
Is a real victoryFor human hope.
```I can clearly see
That my ignorance-arrogance-mindCannot reign forever.
```The omnipresence
Of ignorance-nightShall be replaced before long
With wisdom-lightAnd satisfaction-delight.
```My Lord tells me
That He is no longer interestedIn my every day
Excuse-crying mind. ```My aspiration-heart has to be
A non-stop raceTo the finish line.
```Poor God cannot sleep!
Our heart-tears keep Him awakeAll the time.
```Only time
Has the capacityTo illumine
Our mind-confusion. ```We must see things
As they are,And not as we want to see them.
```My cheerfulness-heart
WhistlesEven in the mind’s darkness-night.
Is infinitely more frighteningThan we can ever imagine.
```My soul tells my heart
That it must square its accountsWith God —
The sooner the better! ```I have decided not to have
My mind’s insecurity-chapterIn my life-book.
```Tolerance is, indeed,
A supremely superior qualityIn our life.
```Our desire-life
Keeps our soulAlways on the alert.
```Although the mind is always negative,
The heart is always consumedBy its concern for the mind.
```The moment I woke up this morning,
I saw my Lord’s shining EyeUpon my face.
```May my Lord’s Compassion
SparkleThrough every second
Of my life. ```He who allows his yesterday
To take over his todayIs, indeed, a stark fool.
```Do not hesitate!
Do not hesitate!If you hesitate,
You are bound to fade away. ```As soon as I start praying,
My Supreme Lord comes to meOut of the blue.
```O my mind,
I shall not allow youTo enter into
The world-complaint-abyss. ```After a long time
My heart-tears see God’sCharming and smiling Face.
```Why do we blame God
For every littleUnhappy moment?
```We must rise far above
The differencesOf the world.
```My soul is pleading
With my mindTo build a peace-temple.
```God will give you
His mobile phone numberIf you are sincerely satisfied
With your present life. ```O mind, do not think
That I do not knowWhat you have done to me.
You have turned my lifeInto desire-slavery.
```One magic purity-touch
Is enough to change our lifeAltogether.
```I read only the books
That are on God’sBestseller list.
This is actually what my mind needs.Reliance:
This is actually what my heart needs.Surrender:
This is actually what my life needs. ```A perfection-life
NeedsRegular and punctual practice.
```May each thought of mine
Live on the banksOf aspiration-heart-river.
```Where aspiration is concerned,
There can be no such thingAs too much.
```The newness of life
AndThe sweetness of the heart
Are my two real friends. ```Is there anything
That can make me truly happyOther than making my Lord happy?
```God always wants us to win
The ignorance-fightEven before it starts.
```God does not actually punish us.
He only knows how to showHis Concern for us
All the time. ```When the mind does not speak,
Its unspoken wordsAre extremely powerful.
```If there is inner purity,
Then the outer beautyWill be unparalleled.
```God does not allow me
To come near HimUnless I smilingly
And self-givinglyDare to shake hands
With Him. ```God does not allow me
To speak to HimUnless I speak
Lovingly, soulfullyAnd self-givingly.
```No darkness
Can ever prevent usFrom seeing the stars
In our heart-sky. ```There are millions of ways
To tell God:“My Lord, I love Your Heart.
I need Your Breath.” ```Who can understand the Goal?
Nobody.Who can realise and become the Goal?
Everybody. ```God has His constant Compassion-Eye
Upon you.You cannot fail Him.
```God never wants me
To question HimUnless real necessity demands.
```A desireless life
IsThe richest life.
```My Lord,
What more can I give You?“My child,
You have not given Me anythingTo start with.
How can you say ‘more’?” ```God is proud of us
Precisely because we are so greedyFor His Compassion-Smile.
```Because of my fully blossomed
Heart-lotus,I enjoy the Beauty
Of God’s LifeAnd the Fragrance
Of God’s HeartHere, there and everywhere.
```My Lord’s fleeting Smile
Has savedMy sinking heart.
```God gives great, greater,
Greatest importanceTo each and every dictate
Of our spiritual life. ```Love and argument
Are likeThe North and South Poles.
```Only a God-surrendered life
Can successfully deal with tomorrowAnd tomorrow’s problems.
```The light of the soul
Can illumineEven the darkest night
Of the vital. ```The greatest teacher knows
And feelsThat he is an eternal student
In God’s primary school. ```To win the divine race,
We must look ignorance-nightIn the face.
```I take my Lord’s scoldings
As nectar-delight,And never as bitter poison.
```It is extremely difficult
For any human beingTo please God
All the time. ```My Lord,
I am sorry to tell YouThat when I worship You,
My heart does not cry,Does not weep,
Does not bleed. ```The mind chases happiness.
The heart creates happiness.The soul is happiness
And it spreads happinessAll-where.
```When I do not please God
In His own Way,I sincerely feel that I am all alone
In this vast universe. ```Truth, love and joy
Are such raritiesIn the human life.
```My Lord,
Am I doing the right thingBy praying to You
For the outer strength of an elephantAnd the inner power of a lion?
“My child,You are absolutely doing
The right thing.” ```Once you offer —
Lovingly, sleeplesslyAnd self-givingly —
Your aspiration-heart-tearsTo God,
There can be no turning back. ```Be sure that your devotion
Is not out of fearBut out of pure love.
```If our aspiration is not constant,
Then we may lose the beautyOf our heart-shrine.
```Do not force the heart-door open.
Just knock as mildlyAnd as soulfully as possible.
Lo and behold, your heart-doorIs now wide open.
```May my Lord come in
And not allow any thoughtTo enter into my mind unchecked.
```You may argue to your heart’s content.
God’s Compassion-EyeAnd Forgiveness-Heart
Will not surrender to you. ```When time plays with our lives,
God just watches.When our hearts play with time,
God smiles and smilesAnd dances and dances.
```All my heart-dreams
I have anchoredAt the reality-shore.
```The entire world has forgotten
God’s Grace,But it still remembers well
God’s Face. ```To the desiring mind,
The pressures of the worldAre too much.
```To the God-loving heart,
The pressures of the worldAre quite insignificant.
```O my mind, watch out!
You are sinking intoA complete abyss.
```The mind expects God
To do everything for itWithout being asked.
```As soon as I came out
Of ignorance-night,I saw hope for the first time.
Is an accomplishmentUnparalleled.
```We should be grateful
For what we haveAnd for what we have not.
Everything might changeFor the worse.
```The after-effect
Of indulgenceIs a very painful experience.
```If you do not have love
For your fellow human beings,God will considerably reduce
His Love for you. ```Love, devotion, surrender —
They have to be equalIn every aspect of my life.
```I must
Keep up withMy aspiration-heart.
```Doubting is a foolish thing
To do.Aspiring is a good thing
To become. ```Challenge negative forces
To close combat.You are bound to win.
```The Master depends on
The disciple’sAspiration-cries.
```The disciple depends on
The Master’sSatisfaction-smiles.
```O my mind,
Whether your smileIs sincere or not,
God still loves you. ```Alas,
We are all unawareOf our God-heritage.
```You cannot succeed in life
If your mind hasA patience-deficiency.
```My soul and my heart
Study at God’sVery special School of Delight.
```We cannot properly search
For the ultimate TruthWithout God-devotion.
```When you are insincere,
You tremble at the very thoughtOf meeting
With your Inner Pilot. ```Unconditional surrender
Has to be my only nameIf I want to become
The most treasured childOf my Master.
```I must not waste my time
On outer problems.My Inner Pilot is waiting for me.
```I must cry
Day in and day outFor my Lord’s Grace.
```Your efforts are half-hearted.
How can you conquerYour self-indulgence?
```My aspiration-heart
Is painfully awareOf its shortcomings.
```When we lose our attention,
Even for a moment,It is impossible to succeed.
```Like this time, my Master,
I wish to come intoYour spiritual family
In my next incarnation. ```May my love of God
Be entirely freeOf insecurity and jealousy.
```Every day
I recharge my eyesWith my heart’s delight.
```I never like God’s Requests,
But I love, admire and adoreGod’s Commands.
```He who loves
God the CreatorMust also love
God the Creation. ```My Lord Supreme,
Your Love-ElevatorHas elevated my entire life
Breathlessly. ```When I aspire every day,
God extends a new possibilityTo my life.
```We must not allow
Anything to stopOur gratitude-heart-river-flow.
```Love not only wants
To see the truth,But also wants
To become the truth. ```May our inner love of God
Quickly open our outer eyesTo bask in the sunshine
Of our Master’s smile. ```Alas, I do not know
How my lifeIs so badly burdened
By weaknesses. ```Ignorance-night wants me
Always to restWith no motion involved.
Can hurt usVery deeply.
```God wants me to count
All the bad thingsThat I have given up
To make God exceptionally happy. ```God has reserved my seat
Right besideHis Compassion-Feet.
```Without having
The meditation-key,Nobody can open
Any ignorance-shut door. ```When I come to realise
That nothing dependsOn my will,
But everything dependsOn God’s Will,
Then my life-boatPlies faster than the fastest.
```My soul is praying to God
So that my life does notHave to get lost
In ignorance-corridors. ```My aspiration-plane
Every morningGod very carefully checks.
```My dedication-train
Every morningGod very carefully checks.
```My Lord,
May I place at Your FeetMy heart’s lotus blossoms?
```Each life-plant
Has many hopesAnd many dreams.
```We are mistaken.
God-duties are not heavy.They are extremely light.
MeansA tearful heart.
MeansA sorrowful life.
MeansA Godful hope.
```There can be no success,
No progress,For a complacent life.
```When we pray and meditate
Soulfully,God does not sit
On His Justice-Throne.He sits only
On His Compassion-ThroneTo show us
His abundant Joy and Pride. ```Silence is at once
Heart-fulfilling. ```My mind,
Never be in the companyOf desire-intruder.
```Our impatience can be
Transformed into poiseIf we learn the art
Of constant surrenderTo God’s Will.
```At long last
I am enjoyingA very prolonged vacation
From my self-doubt. ```God has tremendous Concern
For my mind,A novice in spirituality.
```A doubting mind
Suffers fromChronic dissatisfaction.
```At every moment
A special emphasisOn willingness and eagerness
Is of paramount importance. ```A truly God-loving heart
Does not find it difficultTo keep pace with God’s Will.
```The long dispute between
My vital and my mindWeakens me
Far beyond my imagination. ```We have difficulties.
God has Compassion.When He uses
His Compassion-Power,Our difficulties
Pale into insignificance. ```God dislikes
```God likes
```Every day the gap between
What I can doAnd what I shall do
Is narrowing. ```Happiness
Is the birthrightOf every human heart.
```The God-surrender-school
Does not charge any fee.It is all free.
```Alas, we do not care
For the safest wayThat God shows us
To arriveAt His Heart-Home.
UnconsciouslyInvokes troubles.
Is by far the bestTrouble-shooter.
```O my Lord,
Do give me the capacityOnce and for all
To tear downMy world-dissatisfaction-tent.
```It seems that
Jealousy-hoursAre indefinitely long.
```No human being
Can ever successfully countGod’s Compassion-Tears.
```At long last today I see that
My God-obedience-mindIs fully awake.
```My mind deliberately
Starts limpingWhen it goes to see God.
```My heart immediately
Starts runningFast, faster, fastest
When it goes to see God. ```A spiritual seeker
Does not add anythingTo world-ignorance-stories.
```A spiritual seeker
Only addsTo world-satisfaction-smiles.
```The mind gets
An immediate thrillWhen it sees dark clouds.
```The heart gets
An immediate thrillWhen it sees a cloud-free sky.
```God runs away
The moment I try to offer HimMy excuse list.
```How I wish
I could have a mindThat knows no fear or doubt!
```Love can devour
Any insultThrust upon it.
```No difference between
God’s Compassion-EyeAnd
His Justice-Hand. ```Whenever God comes to me,
He comes to me throughMy life’s humility-doors.
```God came to invite me
To His Heart-Home.Alas, my mind and I
Were out of town. ```Our lives
Came into the worldTo grow divinely.
```Our hearts
Came into the worldTo glow eternally.
```My aspiration-heart
Sleeplessly longsOnly for one thing:
The dust of God’s Feet. ```When the mind
Starts remembering God,This world of ours
Will have a new face. ```My mind-room
Is always empty.Nobody comes to visit.
```My heart-room is always full.
The supreme gods and goddessesVisit my heart-room
On a daily basis. ```Joy is nowhere else
Save and exceptIn my devotion-heart.
```Each soulful meditation
IsA God-fulfilling opportunity.
```My indifference-mind
Is empty ofGod-gratitude-flowers.
```I just heard a rumour
That God is extremely annoyedAt the world-stupidity.
```Enjoy the beauty
Of your heart now.You may not get another chance.
```God is eager to grant me a boon.
Alas, both my mind and my vitalAre preventing Him.
```My God-surrender-will
Is picking up speedVery rapidly.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 27, Agni Press, 2002
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