I came into the world
To do only one thing:To radiate Love Divine
In all directions. ```God wants to have only one thing
From my heart:He wants my heart every day
To make for HimA most beautiful Victory-Garland.
```The way back to God’s Home
Is through my sleepless loveAnd breathless devotion.
```When I aspire,
My heart and God’s HeartLive together.
```When I serve,
My life and God’s LifeLive for each other.
```My Lord,
I have only one request:Please feed my heart every day
With Your Sunshine-Smiles. ```The Universe
Is the beauty of God’s Vision,The thrill of God’s Revelation
And the skill of God’s Manifestation. ```Every day
I need flying feet-speedTo obey my Lord’s
Each and every Command. ```We came into the world
Not to renounce the world,But to announce
God’s everlasting Victories. ```My reading
Is a powerful mind.My writing
Is a bountiful heart. ```Reading is either
Believing or disbelieving.Feeling is all-believing.
```Disagreement is all-where;
Truth, nowhere. ```God the Compassion
Is for the unjust.God the Satisfaction
Is for the just. ```Each time I pray,
A new God-SeedI sow
In my heart-garden. ```Each time I meditate,
A new God-PlantI love.
```Each time I contemplate,
A new God-TreeI admire and treasure.
```Do God-loving good things
Sooner than at once,Or you may not have a chance
To do them at all. ```The philosophy
Of a reasoning mindIs happiness-starvation.
```The philosophy
Of faith, acceptance and convictionIs joy unparalleled.
```Keep the mouth of reason-mind shut.
You are bound to enjoy deeplyAll the Heart-Seasons of God.
```Religion is man’s
God-Love-distribution. ```Religion
Is the proclaimerOf God’s Universal Heart
And God’s Transcendental Eye. ```Religion
IsA God-lover’s heart.
IsA God-server’s hand.
```The heart empty of prayers
Is utterly worthlessAnd useless.
Secretly endures.Faith
Openly cures. ```The outer ears
Are totally deafTo God’s inner Messages.
```I must pay
Utmost attentionTo my Lord’s
Inner Whispers. ```The outer revolution
Is at times needed. ```The inner revolution
Is indispensable. ```Rumour
Is a donkey-wisdom-traveller. ```Only the happiness-heart-schools
Are treasured by God. ```Science is God’s
Mind-distribution. ```Spirituality is God’s
Heart-dweller. ```Science tells me:
“Go forward!You will see everything.”
```Spirituality tells me:
“Dive inward!You will become everything.”
```Science is both
Construction and demolition. ```Spirituality is both
Vision and union. ```Silence wisely speaks.
Sound foolishly babbles. ```Sound
Is man-invention.Silence
Is God-presentation. ```Sound stumbles
On the man-made road. ```Silence runs
Along Eternity’s Road. ```Sin is an experience
Avoidable. ```Virtue is a realisation
Inevitable. ```The slavery-experience
Hurts. ```The bravery-experience
Bursts. ```Today’s competition-enjoyer
Tomorrow becomesThe self-destruction-sufferer.
Is the problem-shelter-giver. ```Society-pride-enjoyers
Soon arriveAt a dead end.
```Never miss the company
Of the purity-heart-God-singers.
IsGod’s Pride-Enjoyment.
Are goodness-losers. ```Teach —
You will learn more. ```Study —
You will soon become. ```My imagination helplessly surrenders
To the ever-growingAnd the ever-glowing
Dream-Reality of the Universe. ```My silence-heart and I
Are extremely fondOf each other.
```I shall love the whole world,
But I shall controlOnly myself.
```Once more
I am eager to liveIn the heart of my prayer-world.
```My Lord tells me
That He will burst withJoy and Pride
The day I becomeTotally empty of ego.
```When to start
My Godward journey?Here and now!
```When God and I
Have a private moment,The first thing He asks me is this:
“My child,Why are you so slow
In your unconditional surrenderTo My Will?”
```God tells me
That I deserve everything from HimWhen I live far beyond
The world of expectation. ```God, do You really love me?
If so, right now,Do deliver a crushing blow
To my ego-mind. ```God-seekers are
God-treasured belongings. ```Now that I have arrived
At God’s Gate,I am totally free
Of my fate. ```God wants me to declare
His VictoryFrom where I now am.
I do not have to climb up toThe highest aspiration-mountaintop.
```My soul gives my Lord
A totally sincere reportOf my aspiration-heart
And my dedication-life. ```Only our eagerness-hearts
Are allowed to participateIn God-races
In the inner world. ```To my greatest joy,
My desire-dreamsAre fading away fast,
Very fast. ```What am I doing now?
I am proudly enjoyingMy aspiration-heart’s
Soul-deep dive. ```Poor God,
He is eagerly waitingAnd waiting and waiting
For me to discover HimOnce and for all.
```God wants from me
A very special favour:He wants me to teach my mind
How to smile all the time. ```I must love God more and more
Instead of imagining how much loveGod has for me.
```My heart cries and cries
For God’s Infinity.God’s Heart cries and cries
For my ever-expanding receptivity. ```God asks me to tell Him correctly
How old is my unconditional surrenderTo Him.
```God wants me to pray to Him
While He is playingInside my heart-garden.
```I want my life
Every dayTo be inundated
With the fulness of newness. ```My Lord’s Heart-Boat
Is never overloaded. ```To love God,
Unconditionally and self-givingly,Is a golden lifetime-opportunity.
```God does not come to me
Precisely because my heart-homeIs empty of eagerness.
```God wants me to think
Of only one thing:Bliss, abundant bliss,
Infinite bliss —And forget the rest.
```Each moment
Of my gratitude-heartIs full of God-Smiles.
```I am so happy
That I can no longer seeMy unaspiring past.
```Once God’s Forgiveness-Sun
Rises,It never sets.
```There was a time
When I could not spareEven one moment for God,
But now I spend all my time for GodAnd I have no time to spare for myself.
```At long last,
I am able to bury my mind-jungleInside my heart-garden.
```Nothing can be more important
In my lifeThan to lose myself
In God’s Compassion-Eye. ```Concentration
IsA divinely penetrating force.
IsGod and the seeker’s
Absolute oneness. ```I shall always drive
On God’s RoadAnd also
On God’s Side. ```Every day
God gives us ample opportunityTo hoist our heart-banner
To the summit-heights. ```Every day
God expects us to keep our mindsFull of God-loving thoughts.
```How can we make God
Supremely happyIf we do not bravely unearth
Our endless potential? ```My soul is always eager
To give me sublime experiences,But, alas, when will I be ready?
```God’s Grace
Can make my mind beautifulAnd my heart bountiful
In a twinkling. ```Aspiration
Is a very brave stepInto the Unknowable.
```A sleepless God-awareness
A seeker needsTo make the fastest progress.
```A pure heart
Is a safe lifeIn the world
Of spirituality. ```I am so fortunate
That God does not measureThe depth of my surrender.
```God is exceedingly happy
To extend His Forgiveness to meAt every moment.
```God’s Love
Immediately increases for meWhen I accept cheerfully
His every Challenge. ```God does not tell me,
But I must feelHow sincere I am
In loving Him at every momentOf my life.
```For most of us,
God-satisfactionIn God’s own Way
Shall remain only a dream. ```If I am only for God,
Then I must realiseThat God knows perfectly well
What He is doingIn and through me.
```My soul’s concern for my heart,
Mind, vital and bodyCannot remain hidden forever.
```In God’s Heart-Home,
God affectionately and proudly treatsEach and every human being
As a true memberOf His own Family.
```When faith falters,
The aspiration of the heartBegins to lose all its flowers,
Fruits and leaves. ```My Lord,
I know You do not need me,But give me the Assurance
That I shall always need You,Without fail.
```The seeker’s life
Cannot be half and half —Sincerity and insincerity.
```God wants me to set my goal
Every dayA little higher.
```God loves my surrender-heart
With every BreathOf His Heart.
```I choose my soul
To guide my lifeAt every moment.
```I choose my heart
To simplify my lifeAt every moment.
```My Lord is the first one
To forget all the wrong deedsOf my old self.
```Each sincere God-lover
Will eventually becomeAnother God.
```I must not imprison
My Lord SupremeWith all my stupid preconceptions.
```My God-surrender
Is a very strong powerThat will transform my life.
```I am extremely proud
Of my sleeplessGod-dependence-heart.
```My heart lives
In my aspiration-cries. ```I live
In my life’sDedication-smiles.
```Alas, is there any way
That I can make my personal willDisappear
In the Heart of my Lord’s Will? ```Alas, when will I unseal
My earsTo hear my Lord’s Will?
```God’s Eye tells me
That I must always offerMy selfless service
To God’s HeartBefore I think of anybody else.
```Today I am the proudest person
On earth,For I have compelled my will
To kneel before the WillOf my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```Only the bravest God-seekers
Are invited to soundGod’s Victory-Gong.
```God tells me:
“My child, do not give up.I shall give you
Chance after chanceTo shape up.”
```My Lord is begging me
To offer HimA simplicity-mind
And a sincerity-heart. ```There is only one person
To trustAnd that Person is
My Inner Pilot. ```O my heart-tears,
You must continue to flowEndlessly.
```O light and delight of my hope,
Do capture meAnd bind me forever.
```The enemy number one
Of my vitalIs depression.
```The enemy number one
Of my mindIs frustration.
```The enemy number one
Of my heartIs insecurity.
```My enemy number one
Is God-unwillingness. ```Begin here and now,
And proceed.Stop not — proceed!
```All diseases
May be cured one day,But not the sound-disease.
```My happiness entirely depends
On my constant surrenderTo God’s Will.
```My self-conquest
Is the only conquestThat my Lord expects from me.
```I love God,
But I love His PatienceInfinitely more.
```My soul, my heart and my life
Are determined to sailOur Lord’s Victory-Boat
Around the world. ```My soul has invited me
To participateIn the God-gratitude-festival.
```God tells me
That my exorbitant ego-prideIs the funniest thing
That He has ever seen! ```God always wants
My unconditional surrenderTo be
In the Galaxy of the Immortals. ```My sleepless God-surrender
Is not only the WayBut also the Goal.
```My Lord,
Do make my lifeA lion-hearted determination
To please YouAt every moment.
```Only those who sincerely
Pray and meditateDo not suffer
From paralysing insecurity. ```O my high-altitude ego,
Are you not ashamedOf your utter stupidity?
```Where do I live?
I always liveUnder my Lord’s Heart-Canopy.
```Not the life of my love,
But the breath of my devotionIs the shortest way to God.
```God is His permanent Compassion.
I must continue.I must be my imminent transformation.
```I needed, I need
And I shall forever needAn undying faith
To please and fulfil my Lord Supreme. ```When God speaks highly of me,
Alas, why do I not take it seriously?But when God speaks only one word
Not in favour of me,My entire world collapses!
```Alas, is there any day
That God does not go out of His wayTo take care of our foolish mind?
```My heart’s God-gratitude-song
Is by far the bestThat I have learned.
```God not only collects
But also treasuresMy God-longing tears.
```My gratitude-tears
My Lord SupremeBreathlessly devours.
```My Lord, I have two prayers.
My first prayer is:Capture me and my all.
My second prayer is:I do not need anybody
And I do not want anybody to need me,As long as I have You as my All.
```I must fulfil my Beloved Supreme
Here and now,And not at a later date.
```I must tell the world
That it does not take much time for usTo familiarise ourselves
With God’s Rules and Regulations. ```I have made only one promise to God:
That I shall fulfil HimPrayerfully, soulfully,
Sleeplessly and breathlessly. ```My soul,
How long do you wantTo remain undiscovered?
Do you not think it pains me deeply? ```God’s Way is the only way,
I have discovered.Lo and behold,
I am able to step outOf the ignorance-circle.
```Ignorance lives in my desire-world
And I live with, in and for ignorance,Alas!
```The heart of gratitude
Is not only beautifulBut also extremely powerful.
```My Lord, true, I have failed You
Many times,But I promise I shall never, never remain
My old self.I shall become Your Infinity’s Joy
And Eternity’s Pride. ```In my mind’s ignorance-night
I see my Lord’s infinite and infiniteCompassion-Light.
```No perfection in any field
Can ever be achievedOvernight.
```Each soulful meditation
Is, indeed, a forward stepTowards my Lord’s Palace.
```Every morning
Mother Earth greets meWith her infinite compassion.
Alas, I fail again and againTo offer her my heart’s gratitude.
```Man is not born from darkness.
Man is born of LightAnd eventually lives
Only for Light. ```Life and death constantly speak,
But we understandOnly the language of life.
```Each life has countless problems.
The silence of meditationIs the only answer.
```My prayer
Lengthens my hope. ```My meditation
Strengthens my promise. ```May I live all the time
Either in my soulful eyeOr in my gratitude-heart.
```My Lord begs me and begs me
To show Him my happy eyesAnd my grateful heart.
Is our inner power.Uncertain
Is our outer strength. ```God wants me to be fluent
Only in my heart-language. ```God does not command,
God does not demand,He just begs me to give Him
The full responsibility for my life. ```My Lord,
I would like to spend timeAlone with You,
If so is Your Will. ```My enthusiasm-life
Has to becomeNot only visible
But also invincible. ```To love God
Has to be my idealAnd never, never an ordeal.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Finds me. ```God’s Concern-Heart
Binds me. ```My entire being feels
That there can beNo better time than now
To please my Lord in His own Way. ```My life has to be
My happiness-length. ```My heart has to be
My fulfilment-depth. ```God wants me to invoke Him —
Only Him —Every hour on the hour.
```God protects me,
Not because I am good,But because
That is the only Task He can performAt every moment.
```To transform my insecurity-heart,
God’s Love flows and flows. ```Without courage
We can never loveAnd fulfil God utterly.
```Meditation is no meditation
When it becomes a victimTo endless thoughts.
```My tearful eyes
Fly the fastestTo reach God’s Ears.
```Only from meditation
Do we receive LightTo brighten our days.
```When I feel that God
Is my only Friend,I fly in the sky of Infinity.
```When God-gratitude
Becomes permanent in my heart,I swim in the sea of Ecstasy.
```I do not know why,
When I am displeased with the world,I include God.
```God and I celebrated proudly
When we first metIn each other’s heart.
```Even God hesitates
To deal with my mind’sUnhappiness-night.
```A totally God-surrendered life
Knows nothing of sleep. ```Each human being
Is dying to beA world-reformer
And not a self-transformer. ```Only during my meditation
Am I able to go beyondThe world’s pulls and pushes.
```In my heart-garden
My gratitude-tearsPlease my Lord the most.
```God is always eager
To answer my heart’sLove-devotion-call.
```I must prove to the world at large
That God-satisfactionIs not my imagination
But my conviction. ```God’s Happiness knows no bounds
When we call HimTo enter into our heart-home
And live there permanently. ```My Master tells me
That it is his bounden dutyTo encourage and inspire his children
All the time. ```I was a beggar in the spiritual world,
But now I am the emperor.How?
I am now the ownerOf the dust of my Lord’s Feet.
```I live in between
My heart’s aspiration-blossomsAnd
My life’s dedication-blooms. ```Self-discipline
Is not only indispensable,But also attainable.
```O my mind,
Do not be so cruel,And do not stand in my way.
At long lastI have managed to have a meeting
With my Beloved Supreme! ```The heart at every moment
Tries to think of GodAnd care for God.
```I must dive deep within
Every hour, every minuteAnd every second
To soulfully meet withMy inner sun.
```There can be no adequate reason
Why I should not surrenderMy entire existence
To God. ```The criticising mind
Never sees anythingInspiring or aspiring
In others. ```God asks His serious children
Not to take their lives so seriously,For life at times needs humour.
```The mind confronts the heart
All the time,Yet the heart never dies.
```I must never allow
God’s Pride in meTo disappear.
```Devotion is sweet.
Devotion is beautiful.Devotion is fruitful.
```Sincerity and intensity
Are both neededTo make the fastest progress.
```God’s Pride in me
Immensely increasesEach time I take God’s side.
```God Himself feeds
His three most special children:Love, devotion and surrender.
```Everybody agrees
On one thing:The world is full of misunderstanding.
```Every day
My Lord asks me to drink deepHis Nectar-Delight.
```I was not only thrilled
But also fulfilledWhen I saw God
For the first time. ```No music is as soulful
As the tears of the heart. ```I become perfect
Only when God’s SmilesDescend into my heart.
```My life-tree prospers
Only when I aspireMost self-givingly.
```God’s infinite Compassion
Has finally put an endTo the storms of my sorrow.
```The mind is all incapacity
When it starts speaking to the worldAbout God.
```How can God do anything special
With my lifeIf I do not give Him exclusive rights
Over my life? ```In Heaven
God and I worked together,But, alas, on earth
I do not even know where God is! ```Each time,
My desire-life-fulfilmentCompels God to move further and further
Away from me. ```I pray and cry
For the removalOf world-sighs.
```The more God tries
To come close to my mind and vital,The further they go away.
```There is not a single moment
When my soul does not encourageMy body, vital, mind and heart
To do the right thingAnd become the right thing.
```God is visible and available
Only when we go far beyondThe domain of our mind.
```The outer beauty
Jumps up and down.The inner beauty
Dives deeper and deeperAll the time.
```The God-loving aspiration
Knows no retirement. ```To the tears of a devotion-heart
God immediately givesWhat He has and what He is.
```My heart and my God-obedience
Are extremely fond ofEach other.
```God’s Presence
Can easily be visibleIf we love and need Him only.
```My self-giving life
Sees God’s Beauty everywhereAnd all the time.
```I am desperately trying
To learnAll my God-awakening-songs.
```God is all Pride
The moment He seesAn enthusiasm-life
And an intensity-heart. ```Before I enter into my heart-garden,
I purify my mindCompletely.
```A God-gratitude-heart
Is greeted by God’sThunderous Applause.
```My obedience
And God’s HeartAre inseparable friends.
```No self-mastery,
No real happiness. ```My hope-heart
Always wins. ```I must see the world
Through my heart-eyeSo that I can always remain happy.
```My desire-life
And my aspiration-life:Both I keep
Under my Lord’s Feet. ```A desire-mind
Surrounds the whole world. ```An aspiration-heart
Awakens the whole world. ```No more do I see
The face of ignorance.I see only the heart
Of my soul’s wisdom-delight. ```My hope-stars
Are extremely beautifulTo look at
In my Lord’s Heart-Sky. ```My soul knows
How to meditateUnreservedly.
```My heart knows
How to love GodConstantly.
```My life knows
How to serve GodSelf-givingly.
```I must not spend
My lifeOn desires and expectations.
```My faith
Is God-given.My doubts
Are self-acquired. ```It is only my sincere aspiration
That finds, every day,A higher height.
```God may not like
My life-stories,But He does enjoy
My heart-songs. ```God proudly collects
My heart-tearsOn a regular basis.
```I shall succeed
In the battlefield of lifePrecisely because of
My heart-patience. ```From age to age
God comes into the worldOnly to see His creations happy.
```Anything inspiring and aspiring
Must immediately be done. ```Only one thing I need
To go to Heaven:My God-obedience.
```Every time I sing
The songs of hope,I immediately make
Tremendous progress. ```Before ignorance binds us,
We must blind ignorance. ```We all embody Divinity,
But now our supreme taskIs to reveal and manifest
Divinity. ```God is
His Forgiveness-Strength.I am
My aspiration-length. ```Our aspiration carries us
To our Source:The inexhaustible Life-Force.
```In the immediacy of today
We must throw ourselvesInto the God-dedication-smile-life.
```When our soul comes
To rectify our mistakes,We are nowhere to be found.
Is immediateGod-awareness.
```God is the Pilot
Of my smiling soulIn Heaven.
```God is the Pilot
Of my crying heartOn earth.
```How can a divided mind
Ever beAn undivided God-aspiration
And God-dedication? ```My aspiration-heart
Is fast blossoming. ```My dedication-life
Is fast blooming. ```My manifestation-life
Is still a far cry. ```There is only one victory,
And that victory isMy unconditional surrender-life.
Must never be shaky. ```Perfection-dream-manifested Reality
Is the goal of spirituality. ```Patience is needed
In the outer life.Poise is needed
In the inner life. ```No eagerness,
No life’s fulness. ```God’s Forgiveness
Is the only Peace. ```Alas,
The children of Mother EarthAre empty
Of God-surrender. ```Ingratitude
Reigns supremeHere on earth.
```Insecurity, jealousy and impurity-trains
The seeker must bringTo a halt.
Knows no obstaclesOn the way.
```The experience of unconditional surrender
Is sweeter than the sweetestAnd mightier than the mightiest.
```I see clearly
That God the HeartIs the Teacher,
And God the LifeIs the student.
```Be absolutely brave!
Do not be afraidOf life’s endless twists and turns.
```Do not waste time
In trying to turn God-disbelieversInto God-believers and God-lovers.
```Dive deep within
To obeyGod’s next Command.
Can at timesBe very dangerous.
```A non-expectation-road
Is clear of frustration. ```Anything from You, my Lord,
I shall immediately and eternallyTreasure.
```If it is for You, my Lord,
I shall bring itAnd place it at Your Feet
Immediately. ```A life of surrender
Is constantly blessedBy the Smiles of God.
IsInfinity’s strength.
```An unwillingness-mind
IsA God-denial-life.
```Every morning and evening
I study devotedly and faithfullyThe silence-course
Given by God. ```An enthusiasm-heart
Defies age limits. ```Ceaseless surrender
Is the everlasting BreathOf Divinity.
```My eyes know how
To love God. ```My heart knows how
To surrender to God. ```My life knows how
To touch the FeetOf my Lord Supreme.
```My Lord calls me
All the timeBy my ancient name:
Gratitude. ```In all circumstances
I must developA God-gratitude-heart.
```The meditation-eye
Can see the bottomlessGod-Compassion-Sea.
```May my life
Be a constantGod-experience-joy.
```The heart-flowers
Are bound to haveDelight-fragrance.
```Alas, a gratitude-heart
At times can be lostIn the mind-jungle.
```When we walk along
The perfection-road,Enthusiasm comes and helps us
Unreservedly. ```From God-Assurance
We must getSelf-confidence.
```May my life
Be a constantAspiration-sacredness-experience.
```Only God’s Compassion-Smile
Can devourMy ignorance-cherished life.
```My soul immediately and proudly
Reads all my heart-letters,And discards my mind-letters
As soon as possible. ```God always wants
To be pleasedWith my life-beauty.
```God always wants
To be satisfiedWith my heart-fragrance.
```My soul-messages
Are for my aspiring heartAnd not for my doubting mind.
```When the desire-life
Fails us,The real spiritual life begins.
```May my heart and my life
Have only one voice:Surrender.
```I barter my soul-smiles
With the tearsOf Mother Earth’s heart.
```God is never interested
In my ignorance-activities. ```God is interested
In even my smaller than the smallestWisdom-action.
```O seeker,
God is extremely seriousAbout your meditation-appointment-hour.
```At God’s choice Hour
Our lifelong aspirationWill definitely be rewarded.
```I must know by this time
That my sincere aspirationHas a giant strength.
```No misunderstanding
Can ever take placeIn the God-loving aspiration-heart.
```Be careful of the desire-wind!
It can blow and blow,Powerfully and ceaselessly.
```May my life be rich
In God-fulfilment-promises. ```Each God-seeker has to increase
The intensity of his aspiration-criesEvery day.
```My Lord, may I be blessed
With the sun-dawn-heart-prayerEvery day.
```The world-service-breath
This world is sadly missing. ```God the Delight
RangMy earth-arrival-bell.
```God the Silence
Will ringMy earth-departure-bell.
Are bound to beThe heart’s
God-separation-experiences. ```Our heart-eyes must search
For God’s CompassionIn every direction.
```We need the fastest heart-speed
To arriveAt our destined Goal.
```May my heart every day
Sing at least oneGod-Glory-manifestation-song.
```The God-eagerness-fulfilment-cry
IsMy life’s only choice.
```God is never tired
Of awakeningMy sleeping heart.
```I may not meet with
God’s Compassion-Eye everywhere,But God’s Forgiveness-Heart
At every momentI see and feel everywhere.
```To my great surprise,
My Lord comes to me as a student,And not as a Teacher.
```Nothing is as beautiful,
Powerful and fruitfulAs God’s Pride in me.
```From time immemorial
God’s self-giving WillHas inundated each seeker’s
God-hunger-heart. ```When I am in my mind,
I want to have onlyAn explanation-life.
```When I am in my heart,
I need onlyAn ever-expansion-life.
```When my ego-door
Closes,God’s Satisfaction-Heart-Door
Opens. ```I love God’s Compassion-Eye
AndHis Forgiveness-Heart,
But God loves everything about me. ```In my heart-garden
I sow only a few selected seeds:Light, Delight, Peace and Bliss.
```Too many unhealthy questions
Have weakened my mind. ```In the spiritual life,
Self-awarenessIs of paramount importance.
```Finally, my Lord,
My uncertainty-mindHas completely surrendered
To my certainty-heart. ```My Lord tells me to approach Him
At any time,But I have to carry with me
Aspiration-flamesIn abundant measure
Each time I come to visit. ```I shall not be able to recognise
My true selfUnless I dive deep into
My spiritual life. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartAre always fully awake
To lift up my consciousness. ```A life of daily pleasure
Takes away,Further than the furthest,
Our God-realisation-dreams. ```No matter how many times I go to God
On a regular basis,The first thing God tells me is:
“I have been missing you!Where have you been?”
```Everybody has to pass
The world-detachment-test. ```My devotion-heart
AndGod’s Affection-Arms
Are always found together. ```May my heart be full
Of climbing flames.May my eyes be full
Of streaming tears. ```God does not mind
When we ask HimFor anything and everything.
He, on the contrary,Appreciates our wisdom!
Is a sacred thingIn a secret world.
```God gets tremendous joy
When my surrender follows HimWherever He goes.
```What is my mind
If not a thorny jungle? ```Without the inner Light,
No seeker can ever shineIn the outer world.
```My Lord,
May I remain always a childIn Your All-Protection-Arms.
```God has infinite Names,
But if we learn two of His Names,It will be more than enough:
Compassion and Forgiveness. ```The mind’s self-doubt
Is so destructive. ```I must cast aside
All the tragic experiencesOf my life.
```I would like to become
The trumpetOf my Lord’s Compassion-Victory.
```When we offer ourselves completely
To mankind,We enter into the zone
Of God-Satisfaction. ```We serve God in a unique way
When we forgive our enemies. ```The mind knows
How to boast powerfully. ```The heart knows
How to coast smoothly. ```Slowly and steadily
Faith creates beauty. ```Doubt destroys
The beauty created by faithIn the twinkling of an eye.
```Lofty ideas,
Born of joy,Are extremely progressive.
```Sound is eager
To be heard. ```Silence is eager
To remain incognito. ```Doubt
```If we do not aspire,
Then our self-confidenceWill remain extremely fragile.
```My heart’s melodious voice
IsMy Lord’s immediate Choice.
```Eternity was born
Of Love. ```The seeker who does not know
What God’s Will isIs unfortunately blind.
```God wants us to do only two things:
To live and work,Self-givingly and happily,
Here on this earth. ```We are such fools!
We burden ourselvesWith self-imposed tasks.
```Hope wants to achieve
The beautyOf the Unknown.
```Promise wants to achieve
The fragranceOf the Unknowable.
```To crave for world-attention
Is to suffer fromEndless frustration.
```God scolds me mercilessly —
That means He really loves meAnd needs me.
```O my mind and my vital,
Be not stark fools!Wait for God’s imminent Arrival.
```When I go to God,
The first thing He asks me is:How seriously am I prepared
To take Him? ```The Bliss of Heaven
Is my Lord’s Eye. ```The Peace of Heaven
Is my Lord’s Heart. ```I am of God.
ThereforeI am extremely happy.
```I am for God.
Therefore I am extremely proudOf myself.
```As no failure is permanent,
Even so, no satisfactionIs permanent.
```My Lord sheds bitter tears
When I take shelterIn my mind-cave.
Gives birth toSatisfaction-reality.
```All our hopes
Are only for one thing:God-service.
```Intuition knows
No frustration. ```In the spiritual life,
God-eagernessIs by far the best.
```God takes special care of
Our insecurity-hearts. ```My hours of silence
Give God joyBeyond measure.
```My first meeting
With GodWas an ecstasy-ocean.
```Only a devotion-heart
Is allowed to sitAnd take shelter
At God’s Feet. ```The mind
Is a blindDesire-producer.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is not only inside meBut all around me.
```My heart sings
My God-gratitude-songsTo please God
In a very special way. ```I must put
My exorbitant pride-mindUnderfoot.
```In God’s Eye,
Every mistakeIs pardonable.
```I must stand
In flagrant oppositionTo my doubting mind.
```Vigilance is absolutely needed
All the timeIn the spiritual life.
```There is only one
Worthwhile happiness,And that happiness
Is to please GodIn God’s own Way.
```O my heart, be fully prepared
For your forthcoming visitsTo God’s Heart-Palace.
```A spiritual experience
Cannot beA mere nebula.
```God-oneness means
A mastery over forcesVisible and invisible.
```Our mind
Is always baffledBy its own contradictions.
```When God chooses Compassion
For the heart,The mind is terribly disappointed.
```Just leave everything with God —
He will do the needful. ```A devotion-heart
Is a God-loverPar excellence.
```My Lord,
Let me use every momentTo be in tune
With my soul-melody. ```I must defend my aspiration-heart
From the very beginningTo the very end.
The world-gratitude to GodIs more dead than alive!
```At God’s choice Hour,
I am sure I will be ableTo cut down my ego-life-tree
With one stroke. ```A God-gratitude-heart
Can do no harm. ```The stupid mind thinks
That gratitude is of no value. ```I make all my confessions
Only at my Lord’sCompassion-Feet.
```Ultimately, every human being
Will stay away fromThe mind’s negativity-prison.
```My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
Every day removesThe doubt-thorns from my mind.
```My Lord Supreme,
Just a little moreOf Your Compassion-Eye-glimpse!
```My Lord Supreme,
Just a little moreOf the dust of Your Feet!
```My Lord Supreme,
Just a little moreOf Your Forgiveness-Drop!
```In everything I do,
I see a new adventureOf my Lord Supreme.
```A life of self-giving
Is the only lifeMy heart desires.
```My life’s
Transformation-clockMust never, never stop.
```Every day
I must aim at a new destination,Far beyond the mind’s territory.
```My Lord Supreme,
My heart will do everythingFor the asking.
```There can be no excuse
For my not pleasingMy Lord Beloved Supreme.
```Finally, my Lord breathed
A sigh of reliefWhen He saw me leaving
Ignorance-night. ```God’s Arrival
At His choice HourIs not only a possibility
But an inevitability. ```In the inner life,
Altitude dependsOn attitude.
```In God’s Eye,
There is nothingAnd there can be nothing trivial
On this earth-planet. ```A heart full of devotion
Is the only possible wayTo enter into Heaven
Swiftly and unmistakably. ```God-obedience
At our convenienceIs a sheer joke.
Can easily clear upOur confusion-mind-jungle.
```Any mighty achievement
Needs a strongLove-devotion-surrender-foundation.
```I have only one desire, my Lord:
I beg You to devourMy each and every unaspiring thought.
```There are endless ways
And endless meansOf completely pleasing
Our Inner Pilot. ```I must do everything
In my lifeIn my Lord’s Way
Or not at all. ```With every passing moment,
My Lord SupremeNot only comes nearer to me,
But also becomes more forgiving. ```God gets a very special joy
When gratitude comesTo visit Him.
```May my heart’s
Rainbow-dreamForever last.
```There can be
No world of beauty,No world of perfection,
No world of satisfaction,Unless we go beyond the mind-horizons.
```Since you know that death
Is inevitable,You must accomplish
As many divine things as possibleBefore it knocks at your door.
```A new morning
Means a new beauty and fragranceOf a new goal.
```Like the soul,
We must also seeOur Lord Beloved Supreme
Far beyond all galaxies. ```Earthly accidents are also
Heavenly accidents,And not mere incidents.
Is an inexplicable beautyFrom top to toe.
```Man is man’s
Endless life-history. ```The soul is the soul’s
Ever-new mystery. ```God wants
Each and every human beingTo be the glory
Of His Victory-Banner. ```Aspiration is a free ticket
To enter intoGod’s Heart-Home.
```To be God’s captive
Is to enjoyThe compassion-affection-love
Of Infinity’s Freedom. ```No seeker
Should be afraid ofThe mind-tyranny.
```No sincere prayer,
No genuine meditation,Will ever go unnoticed
By the Compassion-EyeOf the Supreme.
```Ignorance and desire
Always love to be roommates. ```The aspiration-heart
Is always challengedBy the haughty mind.
```The message of peace
Has to be very carefully offeredFrom heart to heart.
Is the greatest victoryOver ignorance-night.
```The gratitude-heart
Must be inundatedWith purity.
```The heart knows
The mind is never trustworthy. ```Alas, we become hopeless and helpless
When desire starts biting intoOur minds!
```Like everything,
The desire-lifeEventually fades away.
```Light and shadow:
This is what the human life is. ```May my desire-life
Disappear insideMy Lord’s Compassion-Eye.
```My soul asks my heart
To give each and every oneFirst-class service.
```O my heart, like my soul,
Try to learn how to kneelBefore my Lord’s Will.
```Be an all-transforming hero —
Never give up! ```My Lord, may my heart
Grow intoA sincerity-cry.
```My Lord asks me
To breathe in and outCheerfulness.
```Each God-seeker’s heart
Needs a large quantityOf gratitude-flowers
To please the Lord Supreme. ```I am training
My heart’s inner earTo listen to God’s
World-Transformation-Messages. ```My only joy is when I walk
Behind my MasterAnd not side by side,
Not to speak of ahead of him. ```Each God-messenger
Reminds usOf God’s infinite Love
For us. ```Alas, shamelessly,
How long shall I keep GodWaiting for me
To end my ignorance-sleep? ```There is not a single human being
Who was not bornWith a God-gratitude-heart.
```I learn from
God’s TearsMuch more than I learn from
God’s Smiles. ```O God-seeker,
O God-lover,Never unstring
The bow of dedication. ```The poor soul is caught
Between two undisciplined membersOf its family:
Disobedience and pride. ```The mind’s frustration
Eventually gives wayTo the heart’s poise.
```Every day
We must scatterPeace and bliss-seeds.
```When you start your meditation,
Do not allow any thoughtTo intervene.
Should be discardedAt every moment
And everywhere. ```If you are neutral about God,
Then you are definitely notA God-seeker.
```I must feel
My Lord Supreme’s BlessingsMost powerfully,
All around me. ```The soul’s
God-manifestation-dreamKnows no despair.
```Today my choice
Is a Heaven-ascending voice. ```God tells me that
I am dependableOnly when my heart-cries
Are absolutely genuine. ```God Himself feeds
My surrender-hungry heart. ```From God’s point of view,
Each creation of HisIs absolutely sacred.
```Every evening
God invites me to enjoy with HimAn inner boat ride.
```My Lord deliberately
Forgets to tell meThat I can please Him more,
Infinitely more. ```Every morning
God collects and multipliesMy heart-blossoms.
```My heart’s enthusiasm
Has promised GodThat at every moment,
Unreservedly and unconditionally,It will please Him.
```The God-obedience-boat
Is the only boat that reachesThe Destination
Faster than the fastest. ```Real spirituality
Needs every dayA new God-hunger.
```God within
My heart loves. ```God without
My life adores. ```Alas, no matter what
My Lord tells me to do,It falls always on deaf ears.
```Without igniting imagination-fire,
We cannot do anything special. ```I need both aspiration-bow
And determination-arrow. ```God wants me to speak to Him
All the timeFrom my realisation-depth.
```There are many who are eager
To lead me to my heart-home,But my choice falls on surrender.
```God-love, God-devotion
And God-surrenderWe need
To journey an infinite distance. ```Our ignorance-independence-
DeterminationGod deeply admires.
```Every day
Desperately try to liveUnder the God-Forgiveness-Umbrella.
```My heart’s hope-day
Knows no evening. ```We need an ageless eagerness
To please our Lord Supreme. ```If I can remain
Beyond my doubting mind-reach,Then I shall be able to accomplish
So many good and divine thingsFor my Lord Supreme.
```Meditation gives us
God-union —The God-union that lasts
Throughout Eternity. ```My Lord loves to devour
Anything that I give HimFrom my devotion-heart.
Is the dead endOf the spiritual life.
```Even the mind
Has to come to GodAt the final stroke
Of His Hour. ```God-Touch
Is absolutely the bestDivine hunger-fulfiller.
```Prayer I need
To see the EyeOf God.
```Prayer I need
To be at God’s FeetAll the time.
```Meditation I need
To becomeGod’s Heart.
```At times
The soul forcefully throwsThe mind-drop
Into the heart-ocean. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
AndHis Forgiveness-Heart
Thunderously applaudWhen I become
My heart’s fountain-tears. ```I must be brave
So that I can put an end toMy ignorance-expanse.
```Life is a series of experiences
That push us upAnd pull us down.
```Alas, when we cry
For happiness,Unhappiness presents itself.
```God chained my heart
And unchained my life. ```Finally, my readiness, willingness
And eagernessAre fully awakened
From their deep slumber. ```My unconditional God-surrender
Hears the whispersOf the golden future.
```God keeps His Compassion
And Forgiveness-DoorsAlways wide open.
```Every surrender-step
Is one step nearerThe Goal.
```God does not need
Man’s admirationAnd ovation.
```God needs only
Man’s heart-criesAnd life-smiles.
```I have resurrected
My long-buriedGratitude-heart.
```Cry and cry —
Only then will God come to you,Smiling and dancing.
```I am now the proudest man on earth,
For my aspiration is backInside my heart.
```I am now able to enjoy
The jasmine-beauty-fragranceOf my heart.
```Whenever God speaks unfavourably
About me,He immediately brings me
His Compassion-flooded Smiles. ```The mind loves
Secrecy. ```The heart loves
Sacredness. ```Happiness has the capacity
To sweeten the heartAnd brighten the life
Of the world. ```Silence is the only teacher
That can show usHow to speak to God.
```My surrender-life
Is guardedBy God the Pride.
```When I go to God,
God asks meOnly for one thing:
To sing for HimAll my heart’s devotion-songs.
```The human mind is not trustworthy.
It can say “yes” and “no”In the same breath.
```I am the devourer
Of God’s Compassion-Eye. ```God is the devourer
Of my aspiration-heart. ```When I touch God’s Feet,
I feel that Heaven itselfHas descended.
```When I look at God’s Eye,
I see the excruciating pangsOf the entire humanity.
```There shall come a time
When my desire-lifeWill lose itself completely
Inside my aspiration-heart. ```Ego means
Self-advertisement-pride. ```The mind
And its desireAre proud of each other.
```The heart
And its aspirationAre proud of each other.
```If we do not bend our knees,
God will not lift usHigh, higher, highest.
```God is always eager
To harvestOur heart-dreams.
```No failure-experience
Must be allowedTo haunt our aspiration.
```All I need
Is a brief whisperFrom God’s Heart
To make meThe proudest person on earth.
```God’s Compassion is always eager
To carry the seekersBeyond the shoreless seas
Of Infinity. ```God wants me to be
A world-serving lover,And then He wants me to become
A world-transforming hero. ```Not in our way,
But in many, many ways,God’s Compassion-Eye
Speaks to us. ```Do not forget
That God is on your sideOnly when you are ready
To empty your darkness-mind. ```Do not wait for the future
To please God. ```For a God-lover,
There is no future —It is all here and now.
```Concentration saves me
From my mind’s uselessThought-attacks.
```Meditation saves me
```My devotion-breath
Is my only possessionThat I can and I shall
Happily and proudlyOffer to my Lord.
```Do not look back.
Can you not see that God,In His infinite Compassion,
Is beckoning you? ```There is only one failure:
My hesitationIn my God-acceptance.
```God is Love
When my heart isAll devotion.
```God is Satisfaction
Only when I amAll surrender.
```The mind loves
Constant caution. ```The heart loves
Sleepless action. ```An imperfection-thorn
My life was. ```A perfection-rose
My heart desires to be. ```Each God-pleasing effort
Is most significant. ```Devotion is
God’s Feet-lover. ```The eagerness-road
Has no speed limit. ```Loving God means
Being God’s favourite. ```God loves holidays,
But He does not approve ofMy constant pleasure-days.
```When I talk about God,
He tells me:“Enough! Enough!
Come and talk to Me.” ```God’s Commands I love
More than His RequestsAnd Suggestions.
```God has so much faith in me,
Even though I doubt HimAll the time.
```My ears
Are for the world;My tears
Are for God. ```My gratitude-tears
Bring God closer to meAt every moment.
```God wants me
To throw myselfInto one subject:
World-satisfaction. ```God tells my doubting mind:
“Shut up! Shut up!” ```God tells my aspiring heart:
“Shoot up! Shoot up!” ```To be happy,
We must eraseOur desire-steps.
```My mind
Is constantly negatingMy God-delight.
```My heart
Is sleeplessly increasingMy God-delight.
```I shall be able to make
The fastest progressIf I keep myself always
At my Lord’s Feet. ```The worst quality
Of the human mindIs its enjoyment of negativity.
And life-perfectionCan never go together.
```I am in between
My lazinessAnd
My God-Praise-expectation. ```Aspiration-road
Is extremely easyTo walk on.
Is not only stormyBut dangerous.
```Aspiration invokes;
Desire revokes. ```If we do not care
For the rest of the world,We shall remain strangers
To God’s Satisfaction-Heart. ```From suffering itself
We come to learnThere is a higher Realm
Full of smiles. ```If you want to conquer,
Then conquer ignorance-sleep. ```May my heart
Be exemptFrom ego-experience.
```If you do not pray and meditate,
Then you will see attachment-netsEverywhere.
```There can be
No proper substituteFor God’s Compassion-Ocean.
```My God-surrender
Has made me extremely richIn the inner world.
```May my heart
Forget the word‘Expectation’.
Is an inner subjectTo study.
```My self-giving life
To humanityIs the only life I need.
```When I once again started
Praying and meditating,My Lord breathed
A heavy sigh of relief. ```A sincere seeker
Needs only the proper attitude.He does not need the highest altitude.
```There can be no excuse for us
Not to becomeGod’s choice instruments.
```I am determined to do immediately
Everything that my heartWants me to do.
```In God’s Eye,
There is no such thingAs failure.
```With my aspiration-heart,
When I buy only a one-way ticketTo God’s Palace,
His Satisfaction knows no bounds. ```If you are planning to run
Towards your Destination,Then run at top speed.
```The abundant bliss-smile
Of the heartIs far beyond the inspiration
Of the mind. ```As God is limitless,
Even so there are limitless waysTo please and fulfil God.
```I get tremendous joy
No matter what decision God makesWith regard to my life.
```A God-hungry heart
Is interested only in listeningTo God-Talks.
```At every moment,
When I dive deep within,I clearly see my Lord’s Smiles
Becoming brighter and brighter. ```God examines
My love-devotion-surrenderWith tremendous indulgence.
```Alas, a peace-world
Is still a far cry. ```Earth has only one friend:
Heaven’s blissful Eye. ```A new moment
IsA new golden opportunity.
```My God-oneness-heart
Is a completeGod-satisfaction-song.
```The mind’s God
Is a farther than the farthestDream.
```The heart’s God
Is a nearer than the nearestReality.
```I live on
God’s unconditionalLove-Breath.
```I have liberated my mind
From the taut iron gatesOf doubt.
```My life’s most significant
Love-offering to GodIs my gratitude-heart.
```I am in between
My Lord’s falling TearsAnd
My life’s failing tears. ```We cannot gladden
God’s HeartIf we do not flatten
Our ego-mountain. ```My outer life
Says to my inner heart:“I am coming! I am coming!”
My inner heart says:“Why so late? Immediately come!”
```God is more than ready
To love us and fulfil His divine DreamIn and through us.
But, alas, we are not ready,We are not ready!
```My heart is begging God,
Most sorrowfully,To bless me
With an imperfection-transformed life. ```The mind
Never takes imperfectionSeriously.
Fights against aspiration,In season and out of season.
```My heartbeat
AndGod’s Satisfaction-Pride in me
Live together. ```I reach my God-Home
The moment I seeGod’s Forgiveness-Eye.
```God is displeased with me
When I say I needOnly a spark of His Love.
He wants me to invokeHis Infinity’s Love.
```My Lord,
For You onlyI sleeplessly keep
My heart-door open. ```A desireless mind
IsA God-filled life.
```My hope-heart
Constantly enjoysDreaming.
Can ever be uselessIn God’s all-loving Heart.
```Do not be afraid
Of looking atGod’s Compassion-Eye.
```You can be certain
That God never failsTo watch over you.
```God tells me and shows me
How to conquerThe pride of impossibility.
```To my greatest joy,
My ego-mind has started loving meAnd fulfilling my aspiration-cries.
```My mind, come to me
With utmost simplicityAnd utmost sincerity.
I shall bring God to youWithout fail!
```Suffering cannot be
A permanent earth-reality. ```Desire-darkness
Cannot be the mind’sEternal reality.
```I cherish my aspiration-heart
Infinitely moreThan my desire-life.
```We must not disregard
Our blunders. ```We must clasp happiness
In the fleeting momentsOf life.
```Expectation reigns supreme
In human life. ```My mind and vital
Are terribly afraidOf only one thing:
Inner poise. ```We must remember
Where we came from:God’s Vision-Eye.
```When the world comes to me,
I tell the world:“I am not the right person to help you.
Dive deep within —All your problems will be solved.”
Do make mistakes.But again, they have the advantage
Of God’s immediate Forgiveness. ```Always try to believe
In the kindness and goodnessOf other human beings.
```God wants me to please Him,
Only Him,At each hush-gap.
Come from deep withinAnd not from without.
```We must face our fears
With our soul’sConfidence-light.
```He who gives away
Everything that he has and isIs cherished and treasured
By God’s Heart. ```Purity
Opens upGod’s Heart-Door.
Keeps God’s Heart-DoorOpen.
```Do not be ashamed to fall,
But do not forget to cry like a childTo climb up again!
```A man of gratitude
Gets alwaysMore than he needs
From God. ```Life is meant to be lived
With the inner will,And not with the outer desire.
```The worst possible tragedy
In human lifeIs indifference.
```Get rid of all the extras.
Only keepYour God-loving heart.
```We must try to find
Inspiration-lightIn the outer world.
```We must try to discover
Aspiration-heightIn our inner life.
```Never lose
Your child-heart-smilesAnd
Your child-heart-tears. ```If everybody thinks differently,
How can there ever beWorld-union?
```Anything we do for the world
Is bound to be returnedInfinitely more.
```Life will always improve
If our God-searching heartIs always awake.
```It is a serious crime
When we deprive othersOf hope.
```The best service
To mankindIs a self-giving heart.
```God reminds me
Of only one thing:That feet came before wheels.
The first discovery may be slow,But it safely takes us
To our Destination. ```There is a key for every lock,
And that key isOur unconditional love.
```Readiness is great.
Willingness is greater.Eagerness is by far the greatest.
```Self-sufficient people
Can never be really happy. ```A day spent
In our heart-homeIs a supreme achievement.
```God wants my mind and my vital
To be divinely strongAnd not undivinely cruel.
```Whatever has to be done,
Do it yourself.Dependence on others
Brings a most deplorable disappointment. ```My gratitude-heart-tears
Are revealingMy soul’s beauty.
```Stay faithful to yourself —
The entire worldWill admire you.
```Nothing succeeds
Like self-giving. ```Indomitable inner strength
Is neededTo keep us happy
In our outer life. ```The inner education
IlluminesOur darkness-mind.
```If you want to do something
Very special,Then you must take risks.
```True, life is short.
But we can make our aspirationLonger than the longest.
```My heart gladly and proudly practises
What my soul tells my heartTo do.
```The heart of silence
Is success-light. ```The breath of silence
Is progress-delight. ```Self-offering is the only way
To make us, and keep us,Happy.
```Everything is easy
If you knowThat God is doing everything,
In and through you. ```Anything that you learn
Has to be learntWith tremendous enthusiasm.
```All obstacles can be surmounted
If we listenTo God’s Compassion-flooded Whispers.
```There is no freedom
That cannot be acquired. ```To inspire others
Is to be immediately richIn the inner world.
```God always tells me to be kind,
Sympathetic and compassionateTo each creation of His.
```No question
Can remain unanswered,For that is God’s Will.
```A self-giving heart
Is, indeed,A fountain of happiness.
```To become better
Than yesterdayIs the goal of my life.
```The difference between
Your mind and your heartIs of paramount importance —
There is no comparison! ```Life remains miserable
Until we forgive ourselves. ```Only a stark fool
Can underestimateThe power of love.
```The eye of faith
Sees all-whereAnd helps each and every
Human being. ```Never ask your mind,
But ever ask your heartWhat action to take.
Makes our hearts pureAnd our life-breath sure.
```Become the moment, first,
To become the Infinite. ```Kindness you show;
Love you gather. ```My heart
Every day learnsSome very special lessons
From my soul. ```The human life
Is what you make it. ```The divine life
Is what God makes it. ```Kindness
Is a special nameFor love.
```Willingness and eagerness
Will definitely leadTo success and progress.
```Time is a matchless teacher
Of every human being. ```There are so many ways
To have implicit faithIn God.
```Nobody asks you,
Nobody compels youTo disappoint yourself.
```I try to be guided
AlwaysBy my beautiful dreams.
```Do not hate anyone,
Or you will soon be foundIn the land of nowhere.
```If you are sure
That something is impossibleTo achieve,
Then leave it.Work on something else.
```Each seeker is allowed to sing
God-songsRight in front of Him.
```God does not want
Anything divine in our lifeTo be imprisoned.
```Houses are everywhere —
But, alas, there areOnly very few homes.
```Confidence takes us up;
Overconfidence drags us down. ```Truth
Is shorter than the shortestAnd mightier than the mightiest
As well. ```If you are only for yourself,
Then you will be compelled to remainBy yourself.
```Love does not believe
In power-autocracy. ```Humour is essential
In everybody’s life.Never outgrow humour.
```Leadership you can buy,
But friendship, never. ```Next to God,
You are, indeed,Your own best friend.
```To feel the music
Is infinitely more importantThan to hear the music.
```Do not judge,
But love and be loved,If you want to be really happy.
```Only at God’s choice Hour
Can you bloom —Neither before nor after!
```Do not depend on others.
You must chart your own course. ```Courage and happiness
Are like the beautyAnd the fragrance
Of the heart-rose. ```Just wait.
Your time will definitely comeTo knock at God’s Heart-Door.
```Compassion knows
How to divinely build. ```Condemnation knows
How to foolishly destroy. ```Every day
I fly with my dreamsIn my heart-sky.
```In the spiritual life,
The importance of receptivityCan only be felt
And not measured. ```Do not be afraid
Of unexpected calamities —Just be fully prepared.
```Wisdom depends on
Personal self-offering. ```God tells us
That every human beingCan richly live in the heart.
```Meditate on the sunrise.
God may springA spiritual surprise
On you. ```Silence is not only
Self-improvementBut also self-enlightenment.
```The divine beauty
FeedsThe aspiring hearts.
```Watch the Beauty of God.
Listen to His Commands.Feel His Concern for you —
Do not try to understand! ```I must remain alert —
My Lord may notPass this way again.
```In the inner world,
There is no speed limit —The faster the better!
```God’s Presence
You are bound to feelIf you always strive
For excellence. ```Do not say,
“I can,”But say,
“I am doing it!” ```When God’s Compassion-Eye
Beckons,I must believe
And run towards it. ```Keep singing your heart-songs
And stop the questioning mind. ```A kindness-heart
IsA fountain-joy.
```There are some questions
That defy answers. ```Saying is necessary;
Doing is indispensable. ```In the outer life,
The best is yet to come. ```In the inner life,
The best is yet to be. ```If you are constantly afraid
Of death,Then you can never
Live happily. ```The outer education
IsA fleeting knowledge.
```The inner education
IsA lasting experience.
```Spirituality means
The simplificationOf complexity.
```We must learn to live
By the supreme motto:Here and now.
```In the inner world,
There are always roomsWhere seekers can
Pray and meditate. ```A smile gives us
A new hope. ```Never underestimate
The powerOf self-offering.
```I always take permission
From my heartBefore I do anything
In the outer world. ```When I am totally helpless,
I pray.When I am unmistakably fearless,
I meditate. ```If you do not forgive yourself,
Then peace and happinessWill remain a far cry.
```What are you waiting for?
Start runningTowards God’s Heart-Home.
```Each meditation
Energises and strengthensMy aspiration-heart.
```When Mother Earth
Comes to greet her childrenEarly in the morning,
She gets a very sad experience. ```The silence of meditation
Is power beyond measure. ```Do not allow
The darkness of the mindTo torture
The light of the heart. ```Life and death
Constantly speak,But we do not understand
Their conversation. ```If you show God
Your happy heart,God is bound to show you
His Pride-Heart. ```Always we must bring to the fore
Our will-powerBefore we do anything.
```Perfection needs
Ceaseless perseverance. ```Those who have unwavering faith
Make faster than the fastest progressIn their spiritual life.
```If we stop praying and meditating,
There shall come a timeWhen we are bound to see
Aspiration-atrophy. ```I have boycotted
Many of my old friends —Doubt, pride, insecurity, jealousy,
To name a few. ```Whenever God scolds me,
My heart gets boundless bliss. ```God comes to me running
Every dayOnly to hear a gratitude-song
And watch a surrender-dance. ```When it is a matter of pleasing God,
We cannot sayThat we are going out of our way
To please Him. ```Finally, the frustration
Of the mind and the vitalHave given way
To the heart’s inner poise. ```Peace-train,
Bound for the bliss-station,Is open to all.
Is not an impossible task. ```Invisible and visible faith
Is guiding each and everyGod-lover.
```Every morning
My Lord Beloved SupremeScatters peace-seeds
Inside my heart-garden. ```My God-surrender-life
Helps me immenselyTo acquaint myself
With my Lord Supreme. ```I need
A Heaven-ascending choiceAnd not voice.
```My vision-eye
God opens and closesAt His sweet Will.
```If anybody is neutral about God,
Then he is committingA Himalayan blunder.
```Even my belated gratitude
God acceptsWith tremendous Joy and Pride.
```In everything,
We must follow in the FootstepsOf our Inner Pilot.
```My Lord comes to me
Every morningTo train my heart’s inner eye
And inner ear. ```Breathe in only two things:
Cheerfulness and eagerness.Then you will find yourself
Standing before God. ```My flaming devotion
Every day I placeAt the Lotus-Feet
Of my Lord Supreme. ```It is not true that every seeker
Has to travel to GodThrough desert-paths.
If you can accept the path of self-giving,Devotion and surrender,
And practise it sleeplessly,You can avoid the desert-path.
```Each unconditional seeker
Not only resembles GodBut represents God on earth.
```Everything on earth
Will be divinised and transformedAt God’s choice Hour
Without fail. ```The time has come
For us to silenceThe age-old ignorance-frown.
```Eagerness hastens everything
That we want to doIn our life of aspiration and dedication.
```A desiring mind
Helplessly and hopelesslyTravels all around.
```Today’s man-seed
BecomesTomorrow’s God-Tree.
```My only qualification is:
I am God’sCompassion-devourer.
```In our aspiration-life,
Awareness playsA most significant role.
```Alas, we are forced
To watchPeace-famine!
```Each soulful
And melodious songCarries us nearer
To God. ```Every day
I try to expand and enlargeMy gratitude-heart-garden.
```Our outer capacities
And inner qualitiesWe can lose
In the twinkling of an eye. ```Our heart has the capacity
To give usInfinity’s Peace.
```Fulfilment is not very far;
It is within our easy reach. ```To my greatest joy,
My mind is no longerA domineering pride.
Is the clear indicationOf doubt-entrance.
```Poise and courage
Live and workTogether.
```We must terminate
Our old friendshipWith doubts, jealousies
And insecurities. ```Insecurity-victims
Are availableHere, there and everywhere.
```We need divine smiles
To wash awayOur human tears.
```My Lord,
I have talked enough!Can You not say
Just a few wordsTo encourage me
And illumine me? ```I always carry with me
My gratitude-heart-tearsWhen I go to visit
My Lord Supreme. ```A oneness-heart
IsA destroyer of loneliness.
```No fear have I,
For I feel my Lord’s PresenceIn the depths of my heart.
```God’s withdrawal is,
Indeed,A heart-breaking experience.
```An unconditional surrender-road
Is waiting for me.Alas, what am I doing?
```Where do I see Heaven?
I see HeavenIn my Lord’s Compassion-Eye
And nowhere else. ```Mine is the soul
That can multiply God’s LoveFor my heart, mind, vital and body.
```This time
God has come into my life,Never to leave.
```How can a heart
Burdened with despairEver succeed
In the spiritual life? ```Who can give me
Joy divineOnce more, who?
```The role of discipline
In our spiritual lifeIs extremely important.
```A God-willingness-heart
Keeps the body young. ```God-remembrance
IsMy life’s greatest victory.
```Everything will eventually
Be transformedInto God-willingness.
```To my greatest joy,
All my Lord’s NeedsHave awakened
My slumbering life. ```Love, devotion and surrender
Live togetherAnd selflessly work together
For God. ```What I always need
Is to love the SourceOf my ecstasy-heart.
```A hope-light-heart
Knows no evening. ```The inner world
Is full ofSilence and beauty.
```The outer world
Is full ofSad misunderstanding.
Is man-preparation.Heaven
Is God-satisfaction. ```God’s Compassion-Eye-River
CarriesMy soulful heart away.
```Without a moment’s hesitation,
I must bravely runTowards my Destination.
```I must find my aspiration-heart
Inside the BreathOf my Lord Supreme.
```The devotion-heart
Discovers the Truth. ```The surrender-life
Uncovers the Truth. ```Our soul’s
Enthusiasm-engineNever stops.
```We are wanting
In God-Beauty-supplies. ```Sleeplessly and breathlessly
Our hearts followOur Lord Beloved Supreme.
Is my real name. ```To quote the mind
Is in no wayAdvantageous.
```To arrive
At God’s Heart-Home,We must take the soul-road.
My mind was. ```Aspiration-king
My heart now is. ```To reach higher planes,
Our heart’s aspiration-flamesMust challenge and dare.
```Offer your all
To meet your Lord SupremeWithin.
```We must surrender
To God’s WillOut of sheer love,
And not becauseHe will eventually force us.
```Cry, cry when you pray.
Smile, smile when you meditate. ```If I do not love God wholeheartedly,
Then I cannot expect God’s ArrivalAt my heart-door.
```Heaven is both
Complete silenceAnd
Perfect sound. ```My heart cries
And ceaselessly pliesFor a special love of God.
```My Lord lives
On the same planet as I do:Earth.
```The hall of fame
Is at times followed byThe hall of shame.
```The mind-guest questions.
The heart-host answers. ```God may ignore
My mind-impurityTo some extent.
```God never ignores
My heart-insincerity. ```We can easily cultivate
Our capacity to love GodMore, infinitely more.
```Deep meditation means
The stupendous delightOf the heart.
```God’s first Name:
Dreamer. ```God’s last Name:
Lover. ```Each sincere prayer
Does have the capacityTo increase the speed
Of our Godward journey. ```A feeling heart
Carries usTo God’s Heart-Home.
```A kneeling life
Brings GodInto our heart-home.
```Try to worship God
Not only when you arePraying and meditating,
But also while you are sleeping. ```My heart and I
Feel miserableIf we cannot talk to God
At least once a day. ```I never ask God
For any favours,But I do beg Him
For His Grace, unlimited Grace. ```Self-reliance-people
Dig their own graves. ```God-reliance-people
Are entrusted with the capacityTo build God’s Palace.
```We are excited
And at the same time worriedAbout our self-creation:
Our mind-built caskets. ```There was a time
When I livedUnder my mind-guidance.
```Now I live only under
God’s constant GuidanceAnd express Command.
```God feeds
The human in usCarefully.
```God feasts
The divine in usSumptuously.
```The mind is forced
To participateIn life’s obstacle-course races.
```My life can completely fall
Into God’s HandsWhen I powerfully come out
Of ignorance-cave. ```When my life becomes
A beautiful heart-flower,I start breathing
God’s Compassion-Breath. ```The power of meditation
Will definitely transform the earth-planetAt God’s choice Hour.
```If I do not gladly and powerfully
Ignore my own failings,I will not be able to go forward
A single step. ```The mind never thinks
That GodIs the most important Being.
```My soul-garland
Is made ofMy heart’s gratitude-tears.
```We must always be on the alert.
At any moment we may be electrocutedBy ignorance-shock.
```The eye of the heart
Always looks upwardTo the Highest.
```Is there anyone
Who does not blame God,Either secretly or openly?
```By exercising our adamantine will,
We can bringThe distant future to us
Infinitely faster than otherwise. ```The silence-room is not fierce —
It is all-lovingAnd all-protecting.
```When you speak to your Master,
Speak with your heartAnd never with your mind.
```There is no greater miracle
Than our conscious effortsTo become good human beings.
```Wherever the aspiration-heart is,
It is all fruitfulness. ```Only one desire I have:
A fleeting glimpseOf my Lord’s Eye.
```Self-giving means
God’s Satisfaction-Eye. ```My Lord, I have tried;
I have failed.Now please come and open
My heart-door! ```Every day
I use God’s personal Name:Sacrifice.
```We must please God
Out of sheer loveAnd not out of fear.
```The heart happily announces
The arrivalOf God’s Peace.
```The mind
Is eagerly waitingFor peace-departure.
And meditation-fragranceCan easily be the birthright
Of any human being. ```In my case,
Offering is not an obligationBut the fulfilment of my aspiration.
```If you see only me,
You will be a total failure. ```If you see God in me,
Then yours will beUnbounded victory.
```The mind loves to visit
Each separation-island. ```The heart loves and becomes
The pride of oneness-land. ```The mind loves to enjoy
Thought-traffic-gridlock. ```The heart loves to enjoy
The ocean-vast peaceAnd bliss.
```Each sincere seeker
Has God’s FingerprintsNot only inside his heart,
But also upon his body. ```An obedience-heart
Hears God’s sweet Flute. ```A disobedience-mind
Hears onlyGod’s Thunderbolt.
```God wants me
Only to cry for Him. ```God does not want me
To spy onHis spiritual children.
```A stupid seeker
Tries to deceive God. ```A wise seeker
Tries to receive God. ```God is a confirmed
Pacifist. ```Alas,
I am a meaninglessAnd useless activist.
```God is humanity’s
Progress-Dreamer. ```Man is Divinity’s
Arrival-implorer. ```I may not take up
The God-Satisfaction-Smile-challenge,But I am sure there are others
Who can certainly do it. ```God pretends to be
Very far awayFrom me.
```I pretend to be
Very closeTo God.
```Everything about God
My heart feels is beautiful. ```Everything about God
My life feels is merciful. ```Everything about God
My soul knows is bountiful. ```Ego demands
And reprimands. ```Humility
IsGod’s Heart-Sweetness.
Are totally differentFrom all other songs.
```I must follow God
As the morning followsThe dawn.
```There should never be a moment
When it becomes too lateTo please God
In His own Way. ```My Lord asks me not to worry.
When the mind-door shuts,The hear-door opens,
And the heart-doorIs infinitely better.
```Millions and millions of years ago,
My Lord dreamtOf my God-manifestation on earth.
How can I disappoint Him? ```The service of a sleepless
God-seekerIs a service of the first magnitude.
```God has proved
Time and again in my lifeThat His Compassion
Is an endless Reality. ```Forgiveness-depth
And wisdom-heightAlways love to live together.
```Everything that my mind does
Is a mystery to me. ```Everything that my heart does
Is a supreme mysteryIn my life.
```Only an unconditionally
Surrendered seekerHas access
To Divinity’s Summits. ```When it is a matter of God-satisfaction,
Each moment of my lifeI must be absolutely ready.
```In God’s Eye,
My heart’s soulful smileIs matchless.
```Every day I must cover
A very long inspiration-aspiration-distanceTo please my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```Silence gives us joy.
This is totally true. ```Silence itself is joy.
This truth comes downFrom the loftiest Heights.
```God is everywhere,
But my heart-tears discover HimSooner than at once.
```I pray to God daily
To keep my heart-joyInside His Protection-Eye.
```My Lord secretly
And proudly hidesInside my aspiration-eye.
```When God’s Eye
Calls me,I start running immediately.
```When God’s Heart
Calls me,I start diving into my heart rapidly.
```When God’s Feet
Call me,I run the fastest
To reach His Feet. ```Aspiration means
To raise the consciousnessOf centuries.
```Aspiration means
To prevent the fallOf our present century.
```My Lord Supreme,
It is me again.This time I shall not disappoint You,
I promise! ```My heart does not talk
To the empty mind-talkers. ```If we are extremely genuine
In our aspiration,Then the hustle and bustle of life
Can do us no harm. ```For a seeker,
God-unawarenessIn any limb of the seeker’s body
Is sheer torture. ```God-satisfaction-days and nights
Have to be absolutely real,Within and without.
```O seeker,
Never go backTo your entirely self-dependent life.
```There is nothing —
And there can be nothing —Worse than giving up
The spiritual life. ```We cannot bribe
God’s Compassion,But we can certainly imbibe
God’s Affection. ```I must tame my mind
To have implicit faithIn my Lord’s Compassion-Eye
AndHis Forgiveness-Heart.
```The sunrise comes to me
With God’sInfinite Beauty.
```The sunset comes to me
With God’sEver-blossoming Silence.
```My Lord says to me
Only one thing:“Remember why
You came into the world,Why!”
```My Lord begs me first,
Then He commands me. ```One can have all the qualifications
Of the outer world,But that does not mean
One is very close to God.No, it can be just the opposite.
```O my mind,
The Lord has spoken to you.What is your answer?
The mind says:“I shall remain the same.
I do not want to change!” ```My life gets invited
By God aloneOnly if my heart invokes God.
```We are safe only when
We are completely occupiedBy God-thoughts.
```My heart’s constant surrender
To God’s WillIs my life’s conscious God-study.
```The source
Of my God-conviction-lifeIs God’s Heart-Infusion
Into my life. ```Our God-hunger
Has to be extremely strongTo please Him at every moment
In His own Way. ```When God touches
The human in me,I immediately wake up.
```When God touches
The divine in me,I run and run
Towards my Destined Goal. ```How I wish I could be
A captiveIn my Lord’s ever-increasing
Compassion-Chains. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 36, Agni Press, 2004
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/st_36