My Lord may not be
In my dreams,But I am always
In His Dreams. ```There is no such thing as duty
In the spiritual world —It is all privilege.
```To say that I discovered my Master
Is a complete lie.To say that my Master discovered me
While I was enjoying ignorance-sleepIs absolutely the right thing.
```Think not of those
Who are not with us,But think only of those
Who are with us, in usAnd for us.
```O seeker,
Nothing can save youSave and except
Your own total God-surrender-life. ```I am so grateful to God —
He keeps me alwaysIn all His Activities.
```Jealousy means
A life of bankruptcy. ```Doubt means
Self-torture. ```Suspicion means
The beginning ofSelf-destruction.
```Anxiety means
God-separativity-consciousness. ```Fear means
The absence ofGod-oneness-love.
```Confidence means
Support ofGod’s Will.
```Pride means
Superiority-lover. ```Faith means
The complete extinction ofSelf-doubt.
```Life means
The tyranny ofThe continuation of desire.
```Do not allow self-doubt
To destroy your lifeEven in an unguarded moment.
```The outer man
Promises and promises. ```The inner man
Enjoys God’s supernal BeautyAll the time.
```Wild curiosity
Delays our spiritual progressIndefinitely.
```We can love God,
But we can neverDeserve God.
Speaks about GodAt random.
Is the only thingThat can help us.
```God is everywhere.
God’s Heart is for everybody.God’s Life is for the four corners
Of the globe. ```Uncertainty
In every aspect of human lifeReigns supreme.
```The choice of perfection
Eventually becomesThe voice
Of absolute Perfection. ```To increase aspiration,
My love of God must increaseSooner than at once.
Are bound to be multipliedUnless God’s Compassion-Eye
Nullifies everything. ```My meditation-life
IsMy Lord’s Heart-Delight.
```God begs
Each and every human beingNot only to smile at Him,
But also to smile with Him. ```Alas, if we cannot satisfy God
In His own Way,We can at least try to decrease
The number of our desires. ```Meditation is perfect
Only when the seekerFeels God’s Presence
Inside his heart. ```Always try to keep
The problem-maker-mindRight in front of God’s Eye.
```If you really want to talk about God,
Then it has to be directlyFrom your heart
And not from your mouth. ```I see darkness-night everywhere
Because I follow the commandsOf desire.
```The mind thinks it has
Tremendous wisdom. ```The heart wants the mind
To listenOnly to God.
```God’s first Lesson
For mankind:Do not surrender
To impossibility. ```I give God the opportunity
To laughWhen I say that I surpass Him
In wisdom-light. ```God is not fond
Of taking lazy holidaysTwo or three times a year!
```God’s Eye
Sees our needs. ```God’s Heart
Fulfils our needs. ```When the mind thinks
That God is kind,It is, indeed,
A hopeful beginning. ```Not God’s Presence
But God’s AbsenceMakes a great difference
In my life. ```God enjoys postponing
His meetingsWith the mind.
```God wants His Eye
To turnIn my direction.
```To love God sincerely
Is to have a true eagernessFor God-closeness.
```The inner world
Tells me:Be careful!
```God’s Heart-World
Tells me:Be soulful and fruitful.
```Man’s alarm clock says:
“You do not haveTo take me seriously.”
```God’s alarm clock says:
“Get up! Run!It is already too late!”
```Alas, my life
Is caught ruthlesslyBy bondage-chains.
Is worse thanMud, dirt and clay.
```Unsolicited advice
Is availableInfinitely more than it is needed
In the present world. ```I wish to offer
My life-long serviceTo my Lord Supreme.
Depends onThe seeker’s enthusiasm
And eagerness. ```Expectation
Is man’s first choice. ```Regularity is good,
But punctualityIs infinitely better.
```Silence can easily
Challenge and conquerThe pride of sound.
Cannot beTrue God-lovers.
```I must go far beyond
The boundariesOf the limitation-mind.
```I am consumed with the desire
To love God’s inner HeartAnd serve God’s outer Life.
```A true friend can be found
Only in HeavenAnd not on earth.
```The sadness of failure
And the gladness of successCannot bind a true seeker.
```My Lord,
Can You not remainMy heart-beauty-dream
Forever? ```Doubt is apt
To drown me. ```Faith helps me fly
In vastness-sky. ```The outer sound
Can never be as powerfulAs the inner silence.
```A constant desire-life
Is bound to dance on the very edgeOf self-destruction.
```My Lord tells me
That He keeps HimselfAlways available for me.
I do not have to knockAt His Heart-Door.
```Just because
I am a stark fool myself,I try to fool my Lord Supreme.
```Hope shattered today,
Tomorrow miraculously revives. ```May the light of hope
Once more energise me. ```Forgiveness and happiness
Shall forever remainInseparable.
```God speaks.
Alas, there areNo listening ears!
```Humility is the height
Of inner strength. ```God’s Forgiveness-Sea
Is always thereFor me to dive into.
```It was not long ago
That God and IDanced and dined
Together. ```I must be one-pointed
In everything that I do. ```Every day
My mind tortures my poor heartUnnecessarily.
```Each aspiring heart
Must always be readyTo explore
The inner space. ```Finally
I have cast asideMy ego-pride.
```My Lord, I would like to be
Your eternal slave.“No, My child,
I would like you to beExactly like Me.”
```To my great sorrow,
Humanity’s mindIs doubt-drowned.
```My Lord, I am all eagerness today
To dive deep withinAnd discover Your Heart-Garden.
```To expedite our realisation-hour,
What we needIs an unconditional surrender-life.
```I want my ego
To starve to death.I really do!
```Serve God,
Be happy,Remain happy.
Do not mind who gets the credit! ```If I do not love myself
In a divine way,Then my spiritual life
Will be a total failure. ```Alas, the human mind
Enjoys complaints and criticismsMore than anything else.
Are not only beautifulBut also sweet.
Is of paramount importanceTo see the Face
And feel the HeartOf God.
```Nobody can be a real failure
In life.We only think so.
```God’s Whisper-Messages
My heart and I treasure. ```How long do you want
To keep God on your side,O stark fool?
```Each man is a miracle of miracles.
Our souls know it.Our hearts and our minds
Also will one day realise it. ```I shall sing and play
At a place where the mindCan never see.
```From now on,
I shall not allow my mindTo follow me
Or imitate me. ```First achieve mastery
Over your own life —Then only can you be
A world-transforming hero. ```Alas, in the space of one weak moment,
One can lose the inner wealthThat one has acquired
After hard spiritual discipline. ```Temptation,
Your face is too ugly.I do not want to look at you!
```If you want your aspiration
To succeed,Then do not allow despair
To breathe —Not only within you,
But around you. ```Nothing can be more beautiful,
Nothing can be more meaningful,Nothing can be more fruitful
Than God’s Forgiveness. ```God tells us
That our tearsAre His most valuable Treasures.
```There are so many ways
That God uses to speak to us —Alas, even then,
We do not understand Him! ```All I need is a severe scolding
From my Lord SupremeTo wake up and dive deep within
To see my all-illumining inner sun. ```Infinity’s shoreless oceans
Are beckoning my soul and my heartTo take part
In their world-transformation-dream. ```To escape from doubt-prison
Can never beAn impossible task.
```Whenever we are kind and compassionate
To a human being,It must never be mere lip-service.
```‘Next time’ is to be found
Only in the dictionaryOf fools.
```The heart needs
God the Lover. ```The mind needs
God the Master. ```The vital needs
God the Ruler. ```The body needs
God the Awakener. ```I need
God the Inspirer. ```I must develop every day
A hunger to breathe inGod’s very Breath.
```Only the wise seekers
Feel the necessityTo have both their outer life
And inner lifeIn perfect condition.
Only see stop signsEverywhere.
```Very long ago
God had a Dream.The Dream is not yet fulfilled.
What is that Dream?Humanity’s radical transformation.
```The heart is all eagerness
To love and be lovedBy God.
```Every day, God fills up
My aspiration-heart-vessel.Alas, I empty it at my sweet will!
```My every breath
Is the proof of God’sCompassion-Forgiveness-Presence
On earth. ```The difference
Between God and manIs this:
Man decries me;God extols me.
```My Lord most powerfully loves
When I take tremendous prideIn the grand total
Of my earthly achievements. ```My Lord tells me:
“My child, you must give yourselfA relaxation-experience
Before you embarkOn a new inner journey.”
```I do not want myself
To be the slaveOf constant likes and dislikes.
```I rely on
God’s Horizon-Smiles. ```God relies on
My ever-new cries. ```God is desperately trying
To hideFrom our constant misdeeds,
But, alas, He has not foundA secret place to go.
```If you do not or cannot
Go out of your wayTo assist your brothers and sisters,
Then do you not realiseThat this world of ours
Will remain the same —Useless in every way?
```There is only one way
To make up for lost time:A breathless God-cry.
```Alas, self-indulgence
Has full masteryOver human life.
```In the aspiration-heart-world,
There is no stranger. ```My soul desperately tries
To give a good reportTo God
About my love-devotion-surrender-life. ```The mind
IsA rest-lover.
```The heart
IsA God-Test-dreamer.
```Do not worry!
Your mind’s desire-leavesWill very soon wither away.
```If we do not claim
God’s Smiles as our own,We will never be able
To succeed in life. ```God’s Compassion-Action
And Forgiveness-ActionKnow no expiry.
```Do not hesitate
To wave good-byeTo your God-forgetting self.
```If devotion is not
A constant reminder of GodIn our hearts,
Then what else? ```Sterling service to God
Should be the dream and realityOf a genuine God-seeker.
```I wish my Lord
To chart my life’s courseEvery morning.
```With any sincere effort we make,
God becomes extremely pleasedWith us.
```My only friend
Is my Lord’s CommandAnd not His Request.
```The only thing my Lord wants from me
Is to keep no connectionWith ignorance-night.
I shall never take youAs my friend!
```Ego is illusion, delusion,
Self-aggrandisementAnd many things more.
```I am only under obligation
To please my Lord SupremeAnd nobody else.
```God’s Protection
Is always eager to save my lifeFrom untold dangers.
```When we joyfully work together
For our Lord Supreme,His Pride in us knows no bounds.
```The inner red lights
And outer green lightsWe must value equally.
```God enjoys His Life
Only when I sing for HimAn unconditional surrender-heart-song.
```My God-obedience
IsMy most valuable God-Treasure.
```God loves all the songs
That I sing for Him,But His most favourite Song
Is my surrender-life-song. ```My Lord, may I breathe in
Your Compassion-BreathAt every moment
Of my life. ```We must never neglect
Even one God-pleasingAnd God-fulfilling
Opportunity. ```Each moment
Is very special for my heartTo cry
For God’s Compassion-Eye. ```An obedience-heart
IsThe fastest progress-life.
```My Lord, You are now carrying
My heart-tears,But I hope soon You will carry
Only my life-smiles. ```When I have sincere gratitude
In my heart for God,God comes down to me
Very quickly. ```When I have sincere gratitude
In my heart for God,My life becomes
Sweeter than the sweetest. ```Life after life,
I pray to You, my Lord,To remain the only King
Of my heart. ```Each time I look at
My Master’s eye,I hear the Voice of Divinity.
```Each time I look at
My Master’s feet,I see Heaven proudly cradling
My life. ```If we have true love for God,
There can be no serious obstaclesIn our life.
```No more shall I allow my life
To drownIn ignorance-night-sea.
```My Lord,
You are with me, to please me.May I not be for You,
To please You all the time? ```The aspiration-heart
Does not believe inThe existence of doubt.
```My gratitude-heart
And God’s Delight-RainbowAre always inseparable.
```My mind, start counting
God’s unconditional Blessings,Before you totally forget them!
```Everything in my life
Is delightfulWhen I truly feel
That my love of GodIs absolutely sincere.
```My surrender-life
And God’s Attention-EyeAre extremely fond of each other.
```My mind,
Do not wait any more.God is all ready to leave you.
Your God-negligence is shocking! ```My Lord lives
For the constant increaseOf my love.
I live for the constant VictoryOf my Lord.
```My God-obedience
Touches God’s FeetWhenever it meets with God.
Is an unimaginable joyFor both humanity
And Divinity. ```God is never too busy
To help meAnd lift me towards the Highest.
```My God-obedience
IsPower incarnate.
```The life that makes friends
With God-disobedienceIs infinitely worse than dead.
```O doubt,
I shall never allow youTo enter into
My mind-house. ```I long for a sleepless
God-satisfaction-life. ```Every day
My Inner Pilot blesses meWith His Affection, Sweetness
And Fondness. ```My meditation has the capacity
To take me to Heaven unmistakablyAnd bring me back down to earth safely.
```God takes human form
And mixes with usAs another human being,
So that it will not be beyond our imaginationTo act like Him and go beyond and beyond,
Until we reach our highest. ```Every morning, my Lord examines
My love, my devotion and my surrenderTo see if they are in good condition.
```To have a oneness-heart-world
We must offer ourselves completelyTo the Will of God.
```God does not want to hear any more
My complaintsAgainst any human being.
```My prayer says to God:
“My Lord, please come downAnd bless my heart.”
```My meditation says to God:
“My Lord, please carry meTo Your highest Height
And make me feelThat I belong to
Your inner Family Circle.” ```If you are disobedient,
O seeker,Then you are taking a great disaster-risk
In your spiritual life. ```Every day
God spends so much time with meInside my heart.
Alas, when will I properly valueHis divine Presence?
```My heart must cry and cry
To see my Lord’s Face,His Eyes and His Heart
Smiling and dancing. ```Our vision of God
Is very poor.We need God-surrender-spectacles.
```My faith is inside
My Lord’s Compassion-Eye,And nowhere else.
```We leave behind our ignorance-life
Here on earth,For Heaven does not want it.
```My prayer-life
Is the messengerOf my illumining soul.
```I am on my way
To God’s Heart-Home.I have no time to think of
Anything else. ```I must come out of
My mind-prisonBy all manner of means.
```The most sincere seekers
Receive Blessings from GodIn a very special way.
```When God sees
My gratitude-heart,He smiles and sings.
```My devotion-heart
And my surrender-life,I must remain always
In between you two! ```Only one thing
My heart needs:The peace of
My meditation-silence. ```We must bring down Heaven
And feel its divine BeautyAnd supreme Fragrance
Here on earth. ```Alas, when will humanity
Take seriouslyThe supreme Message
Of God’s Eye? ```The desire-life-satisfaction
Is the destructionOf the divine life.
```Climb up, my heart, climb up!
God’s Heart is eagerly waitingFor you.
My heart is lookingFor God’s Compassion-Eye.
God’s Heart is lookingFor my complete surrender-life.
```May my Lord’s constant
Victory-SongsReverberate in the very depths
Of my gratitude-heart. ```For my future progress,
I must depend only on God’s GraceAnd be totally independent
Of my past activities. ```My Lord loves me
Most sincerely and most powerfully,In spite of my conscious or unconscious
Disobedience-blunders. ```Humility, indeed,
Is infinitely greaterThan man-considered greatness.
```My God-obedience
Is the master keyTo open up all the doors
Of my Lord’s Heart-Palace. ```We go from door to door
To announceOur mighty achievements.
```God goes from door to door
To blessingfully offerHis Compassion-Service.
```I do not want to remain any more
On the battlefieldsOf ambition, ego and pride.
```The sun of Infinity’s Light
Is inside my heart.I must bring it to the fore
For the transformation of the world. ```My soul does not eclipse
Anybody’s sun-beauty.On the contrary,
It helps others to shine their brightest. ```I came into the world
To think of the world,To sing for the world
And to die for the world. ```When my inspiration and aspiration
Are at work,I see the Heaven-Smile
Of my Lord’s Eye. ```My Lord, please,
Give me another chance,For my love-devotion-surrender-
Transcendence-life. ```Smiles have beauty;
Tears have power. ```In silence only,
I hear the whispering VoiceOf our Beloved Supreme.
```We are only
Temporary visitorsHere on earth.
```Humility is, indeed,
God-closeness. ```Because my heart
Is spiritual,My life belongs to all.
```Meditation embodies
Transformation-secrets. ```From fear to courage
Is a never-ending road. ```Your self-satisfaction-comfort
Is the beginningOf your self-destruction.
```Each new seeker-arrival
The Master greetsWith equal love, joy and pride.
```Will I ever be prepared
For Your Visit,My Lord Supreme?
```My Lord, if You really love me,
Then scold me more and more,And ever more.
```My heart-room
Has no seatFor lethargy.
```My aim
Is to live the lifeOf a genuine self-giver.
```I am, again and again,
Failing You, my Lord.“My child, do not worry.
Just do not give up!” ```Quite often
Light descends unnoticedInto a seeker’s heart.
```Nobody can have
The outer enthusiasmWithout the inner courage.
```The real spiritual life means
To followThe love-devotion-surrender-signs
Along Eternity’s Road. ```I disown all my doubts
And all their belongings. ```O insincerity-mind,
I shall force youInto the darkness-cave!
```Nobody can prevent me
From taking the fastest speed-trackTo my supreme Victory.
```God will not allow me
To leave His Manifestation-ServiceUnfinished.
```My heart sings
Only one haunting song:Surrender.
```Simplicity unmistakably
Paves the wayTo heart-satisfaction.
```The mind-road
Is always travelledBy countless thought-travellers.
```Clear the mind
Of all itsDiscouraging thoughts.
```The world needs
The inner aspiration-criesFrom each and every human being.
```Each time we enjoy
An unhealthy thought,We move away one step farther
From our Source. ```Nothing can ever cure my ignorance
Save and exceptMy Lord’s secret and sacred Smiles.
```My Lord, I am so grateful
To YouThat You are discovering for me
My own deepest heart-secrets. ```My Lord tells me
That my life-smiles are measurable,But not my heart-cries.
```Alas, each moment
My mind is deceivedBy either doubts or anxieties.
```Neither my mind nor I
Shall be any moreDesire-puppets.
```I wish my heart
To be tirelessIn its deepest meditation.
```Whatever a God-lover does
Is absolutely decisive. ```To my greatest joy
I was born underThe wisdom-light-sun.
```Previously my Lord asked me
To succeed for Him,But now He is asking me
To succeed with Him. ```Silence
Is nothing short ofDynamic energy.
```Indifference is shallow
And never deep. ```If you really want to retire,
Then retire withinYour own inner self.
```My heart lives
In the templeOf God-Bliss.
```There can be no true God-love
Without peace within. ```This world needs
My God-manifestation-service —Not tomorrow, not even today,
But now, right now! ```In the spiritual life,
Unconditional surrenderIs definitely the short-cut.
```I like to learn
Everything about God. ```God wants to learn
Only one thing about me:Receptivity.
```My dreams without God
Are always quite frightening. ```My dreams with God, in God,
Are exceedingly illuminingAnd fulfilling.
```My aspiration-heart
Knows only one way:God’s Way.
```God tells me that
When I pray and playInside His Heart-Garden,
There should be no interferenceBy hesitation and self-doubt.
Are endowedWith magnificent speed.
```Meditation is not the door
But the keyTo God-realisation.
```We believe in
Our expectations. ```God believes in
Our aspirations. ```My mind,
When God comes to visit us,Your absence pains Him,
And pains me as well. ```We turn to God
For everything. ```God turns
To His Compassion-EyeFor everything.
```Deception is caught
And summarily punishedIn our Heavenward adventure.
```I do not want
A privilege-flooded life,But I want
An aspiration-dedication-surplus-heart. ```No more anxiety-days
And no more worry-nightsFor my aspiration-heart!
```One wrong thought
Can ruin everythingAt the journey’s start.
```Only my Lord
Can put a stopTo my self-distrust.
```When I run towards God,
I carry with meMy mind-world, vital-world
And body-world. ```When God runs
Towards me,He brings only Himself.
Is my immediateHeart-expansion.
Is God’s sleeplessSatisfaction.
```We are eager
To haveGod-nearness.
```God is eager
To seeOur goodness.
```O God-seeker,
Once you climb up your life-tree,Never think of looking down!
```The mind’s voice
For GodIs limited, extremely limited.
```The heart’s choice
For GodIs both birthless and deathless.
```Alas, what are we doing?
We are trying to conceal ourselvesFrom our universal selves!
```A single-hearted cry
```Obedience means
A tiny dropMerging into the vast ocean.
Is not a destination;It is a stopover on the way
To God-manifestation. ```Soulfulness is needed
When we serve mankind. ```Happiness is needed
When we play with the world. ```This world
Is unimaginably beautifulExcept to the self-styled critics.
```My Lord never minds,
No matter how many timesI go to Him,
Under any pretext. ```Do not try to defend yourself,
But try to blend yourselfWith the rest of the world.
```I came to God
As a tiny, insignificant drop,But He tells me that
He will not be satisfiedUntil He turns me into
An ocean of love. ```What reason can I give to God
Why I am unable to please HimEven once a day?
Alas, what reason can I give? ```The first thing God does
In the morningIs to visit the garden
Of my aspiration-heart. ```My Lord does not tolerate
My coming to HimEven one minute late.
```All self-seekers
Eventually turn intoGod-seekers.
```Do not expect the world
To applaud you.The right Person to applaud you
Is God Himself. ```The disturbing human
In usWill one day fail.
```The loving divine
In usIs bound to prevail.
```My mind is not my prompter,
My heart is not my prompter,My soul is not my prompter,
Even God is not my prompter!My only prompter
Is God’s Compassion-Eye. ```To me, ‘frequently’ has no meaning.
Only ‘constantly’ has meaningWhen we work for God.
```Our hearts’ devotion-wings
Are extremely powerfulTo carry us into Infinity’s Sky.
```Selflessness of the heart
Must blossom intoFulness of life.
```My heartbeat
Loves to please GodSleeplessly.
```God’s Heartbeat
Loves to carry meFar beyond the horizon.
```God sighs
When we do not pay any attentionTo His Requests.
```Every morning
I offer two things to my Lord Supreme:One is a God-loving song;
The other is a God-surrendering song. ```A heart-giver
Knows notHow to stop.
```May my heart-soil
Every dayBecome more fertile.
```Those who live only for God
Have a special connectionWith God’s Life-Breath.
```May my heart
Have a tear-flooded cry. ```In the spiritual life,
Cleverness is foolishness —Foolishness, indeed!
```Attachment and sorrow
Play hide and seek. ```O seeker,
You will be so happyIf you become your buried pride.
```I disarm
My desire-lifeWith my wisdom-arms.
Paves the wayTo self-destruction.
Do not have to beLife-enjoyers.
```I must love
The journey itselfWithout caring for the goal.
Can never enjoyIndulgence-rest.
```God takes humanity’s problems
More seriouslyThan we do.
```I try to make each moment
A compassion-floodedGod-Smile.
```My faith is so eager
To help me dive deep withinTo hear the Voice
Of the Inner Pilot. ```I take every morning
An inspiration-aspiration-rideTo the highest floor
Of God’s Palace. ```Self-giving love
Is more beautifulThan a rainbow.
```I discovered my path
Through perpetual failures. ```God’s Forgiveness-Heart
Can operateHere, there and everywhere
With boundless ConcernAnd boundless Pride.
```Despair comes in
From without. ```Joy goes out
From within. ```Again and again,
I have been disappointingMy Lord Supreme.
I do not thinkHe will any more forgive me.
```I long for my life to be
My Lord’s Victory-Song. ```Each moment
Is a golden opportunityTo do the right thing
And become the right person:A God-messenger.
```Nothing can shatter
My God-blessed heart-joy. ```I need only one thing:
Constant God-obedience-hunger. ```When I keep my eyes closed
To see God,I get joy limited.
```When I see God
With my eyes half openAnd half closed,
I get joy unlimited. ```God tells me that the breath
Of a silence-heartIs invaluable.
```No matter how hard I try
To catch God unprepared,I fail each and every time.
```God simply turns back
When I welcome HimTo my mind-palace.
```God simply comes running
Towards my heart-cottageEven before I send Him
An invitation. ```God keeps ringing His Heart-Bell
For the seekers to come in,Twenty-four hours a day,
But only very few seekers respond. ```To make me happy
And keep me happy all the timeIs at the top of my Beloved Lord’s
Priority List. ```Nobody deserves to have
God’s private Phone Number,But somehow
God is giving His private Phone NumberTo His chosen children.
```God smiles at some seekers
While His Heart is breaking.Fortunately, I am not one of those!
```It is all up to God
To decide if the time is rightFor me to cut off all earthly ties
And dedicate every second of my lifeTo Him.
```My Lord,
I wish to be imprisonedBy the Compassion-Smile
Of Your Eye. ```To study at my Lord’s
Heart-School,I need countless heart-tears.
```God’s urgent news for my heart:
“My child,Surrender your earth-existence
To Me immediately!” ```O my Heaven-bound thought,
Do carry meTo my Absolute Lord Supreme.
```The outer Presence
Of my LordExcites me.
```The inner Presence
Of my LordThrills me.
```The outer way leads me
Always astray,But the inner way, never.
```My mind
Enjoys fantasy. ```My soul, my heart and I
Treasure ecstasy. ```I have all I need
When my MasterTakes the lead.
```My prayers are satisfying
Only when they reachThe summit-heights.
```My meditations are satisfying
Only when they reachThe deepest depth.
```So far I have learnt
Only comfort,But from now on I shall learn
Only effort, inner and outer. ```Why am I wasting my time
So foolishly?Do I not know
That my Lord SupremeIn His Heart-Home
Is desperately waiting for me? ```My Lord, I am offering
All my earth-bound thoughtsTo Your Compassion-Eye.
Do accept them. ```God not only knows
But also has becomeThe ceaseless earth-sorrows.
```My meditation-height
BlessesMy dedication-length.
```The outer pilot
Flies meTo a distant land.
```The Inner Pilot
Blesses meTo become His own,
Very own. ```Delight appears
Only whenI can no longer exist
Without the PresenceOf my Lord Supreme.
```In my spiritual life,
There is no going, no coming,But only becoming
The Satisfaction-HeartOf my Beloved Supreme.
```My happiness comes from
The earthly planet. ```My delight comes from
The Heavenly whispers. ```God touches my mounting
Aspiration-heart-flamesWith His unbounded Pride.
```Every moment
And every movementOf my life
Must be blissful. ```It is quite amazing
That my mindHas started listening
To my heart. ```My heart
Has stood vehementlyAgainst insecurity.
```My mind
Has stood vehementlyAgainst impurity.
```My vital
Has stood vehementlyAgainst aggression.
```My body
Has stood vehementlyAgainst lethargy.
```I must make
Everything new againIn my life.
```To transcend myself,
I constantlyCompare myself
With my previous achievements. ```Quite often
My heart speaks to my soulFor advice.
```Do not allow doubt
To march any moreAlong your mind-path.
```My prayer
IsMy God-awareness.
```My meditation
IsMy heart-expansion.
```My dedication
IsMy life-satisfaction.
```Each human being
Has to do only one thing:Unmask his divinity.
```Each positive step
Encourages usTo enter bravely
Into the Unknown. ```A meanness-mind
IsAlmost incurable.
```A faith-life
Is, indeed,A God-song.
```I am so happy
That my mindIs unable to escape
My faith-flooded heart. ```Unwillingly,
With closed eyes,The mind receives God.
With open eyesAnd outstretched arms,
The heart receives God. ```Eagerness
Gladdens my heart. ```Curiosity
Torments my mind. ```My heart-tears
AreMy aspiration-home-builders.
```The inner problems
Can never be solvedWith the outer solutions.
```The outer problems
Can be solvedOnly with the inner solutions.
```Where is Heaven,
If not insideMy God-gratitude-heart?
```The real happiness
Is within,And not without.
```Unless I can connect my life
Completely to God’s Will,I shall not be really happy.
```My depression-life,
I shall bury youBefore long!
```My heart-action
Is the only actionThat gives me true joy.
```A selfishness-mind
And a desire-lifeAre always found together.
```I always listen
To my heart-whispers. ```The desire-life
Does not need courage,But the aspiration-heart
Does. ```Poor earth,
How long will it takeFor you to bring down Heaven?
```Practise patience.
Adversity shall disappear. ```My Lord wants me
To be familiarWith my soul’s activities.
```Discipline is, indeed,
A supreme secret. ```Imagination and aspiration-birds
Have to be caughtImmediately.
```I do not need religion-temples.
I need only my heart’sSacred and secret cottage.
IsVery hurtful.
```I shall not leave
My God-manifestation-taskUnfinished.
```I love to live
Only insideMy soul’s silence-temple.
```God’s Presence
I feel inside my heartWhen my heart is all stillness.
```I shall not allow
My mindTo capture
My life. ```My heart’s soulful tears
And criesAre bringing to me
An ocean of ecstasy. ```Restless thoughts
Have to be discardedSooner than at once.
```My Inner Pilot
Has come to the foreAnd has told me
That He will whitewashMy darkness-life.
I hear the throbOf my God-satisfaction-heart.
Doubt is suspectedBy all and sundry.
```I need
A full-strength aspiration-heartTo reach
The zenith-heights. ```Be careful of doubt!
It can plunderAll the divine qualities
You have. ```May my aspiration-strides
Be longer every day,So that I can take
The shortest timeTo reach my Destination.
```My Lord,
Please give meA new name.
“My child,I am giving you a new name:
Gratitude-blossom.” ```I smile and smile
While sailingMy heart-boat.
```I sing and sing
While flyingMy soul-kite.
```The spiritual life
Gives usMany significant choices.
```I have crossed
Far beyondThe forest of self-doubt.
```God means
God’s blissfulHeart-Paradise.
```When you need satisfaction,
It will definitely be grantedBy God Himself.
```My Lord Supreme
Cares onlyFor my supreme need,
And not for what I desperately want. ```Each individual
Must be responsibleFor his God-realisation
And his God-manifestationOn earth.
Secretly feedsThe disobedience-mind.
```I have cut asunder
My self-created miseries. ```If you have a genuine concern
For the world,Then it must be voiced.
```If you look forward,
Then without failYou will be able to go forward.
```Go forward
Slowly, steadily and unerringly,Towards your destined Goal.
```Do not withdraw
From the world-stage.God will shed pitiful tears.
```Every day
I long for new waysTo discover
My Lord Beloved Supreme. ```When I need to talk to God,
I do not have to goTo Heaven —
I talk to Him right here,Right in front of me.
```My love of God
Has to beAn undying inner fire.
```My Lord has blessingfully
Given me the capacityTo soar to new heights
Every morning. ```My Lord does not care
For my stupid shyness;He cares only
For my wise and soulful oneness. ```My very first thought
In the morningIs my unconditional surrender
To my Lord’s Will. ```God’s Eye smiles at us
And then draws usClose, closer, closest,
Like a divine Magnet. ```A child-heart knows
Neither the past nor the future.He lives in the heart
Of the Eternal Now. ```My God-hungry heart
Sees Divinity’s presenceIn my God-climbing aspiration-flames.
```The mind-eye
Sees Divinity in all,But does not want to accept it.
```My devotion-heart
IsMy God-intimacy-life.
```My heart throbs with happiness
Each time I consciouslySurrender my desire
To God’s Will. ```Make yourself always available.
At any time,God can knock
At your heart-door! ```I will make my Lord Supreme
My own, very own,On the strength
Of my ever-blossomingGratitude-tears.
```My meditation-heart
Brings inMy soul-delight.
```Only one drink I take:
My Lord’sNectar-flooded Will.
```I have only one wish:
My Lord’s sleeplessAnd breathless
Inner Presence. ```God’s number one Secret:
My heart is with HimAnd for Him
All the time. ```My sincere heart-cries
For GodAre a very sacred matter
For me. ```When God is my Companion,
ImperfectionsDo not approach me.
Multiply rapidly. ```My Lord wants me
To fly with HimTo His Delight-Country,
But, alas, I am afraidOf the Unknown.
```I shall never be satisfied
Unless and untilI make my Lord Supreme
Absolutely mine forever. ```I need nothing,
For my Lord Beloved SupremeHas Infinity for me.
```The mind does not care
For God’s Advice.It cares only for
Its personal glories. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
I do mind if You forget me,Specially my heart-tears.
```I weep
Not because I have fallen,But because I have
No intention of rising. ```More than my heart-breath,
I need the blessingful PresenceOf my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```My Lord is always
In my dreams.Alas, when will I be able to see Him
Inside my earth-reality-existence? ```Neither God nor I
Can satisfy each other.He wants me to go to Him;
I want Him to come to me! ```When my mind
Wants to do something,My Lord immediately says
That He does not wantTo get involved.
```My Lord,
Even if You do not select me,I shall not mind,
But I shall mind if I do not think of YouAnd pray to You sleeplessly.
```I shall not displease You any more,
My Lord Supreme.This is my solemn promise to You.
```My Lord,
I shall without failBeg of You
To give me the capacityTo think of You first,
Before I say or do anything. ```My heart is blessed
With a new mapTo find the way to
My Lord’s Heart-Home. ```Each sincere heart
Is my Lord’sStupendous Pride.
```To be a sleepless,
God-conscious lifeIs my sole desire.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Wants me to be with HimTwenty-four hours a day
And not for only a few hours. ```Lack of discipline
IsThe inevitable failure.
```Once you turn fully to God,
God gives you not only what you need,But much more,
In boundless measure. ```The mind immediately believes
In everythingThat is not aspiring.
```Whatever life brings you,
Be grateful to only one Person:God.
Is in the outer lifeFor its own glory.
Is inside the inner heartFor God’s Glory.
```My heart immediately throbs
When I see my Lord SupremePassing by.
And meditation-necessityNeed soul-intensity
To run the fastestTowards the Goal.
```I long for my Lord’s
Compassion-EyeTo speak to my weeping heart
Ceaselessly. ```When I do not
Pray and meditate regularly,I feel God is far from me —
Farther than the farthest. ```There are no substitutes
For God’s Compassion-EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Heart.
```To make me happy,
God does not stopAt anything.
```Once you start
Reciting God’s Name,Never stop, never!
```Each smile from our heart
Meets with God’sTremendous Applause.
```Finally, my broken heart
Has found its rightful place:Inside God’s Heart.
```At times, the outer pain
Is the beginningOf inner gain.
Is a fleeting thrill.Progress
Is a lasting bliss. ```Your enthusiasm-heartbeat
Has a magnetic powerTo draw God.
```The outer beauty
Fails. ```The inner beauty
Not only has an everlasting life,But also has an ever-spreading capacity.
```Not God’s Power
But God’s TearsHave transformed my life.
```My faith and I
Speed alongThe God-satisfaction-road.
```If we cannot rise above,
Far above,The turmoil of the world,
How can we ever see God? ```God gives Himself
Unreservedly and unconditionallyTo a devotion-heart.
```I call it my gratitude-heart.
God calls itHis sleepless Pride.
```My Master encourages me
To rise,No matter how low I fall.
```Every second of my life,
I am drenchedIn my Lord’s Gratitude-Tears.
```Real freedom
Is to be foundIn God-obedience,
And in nothing else. ```When we run,
We pleaseMother Earth.
```When we dive,
We pleaseFather Heaven.
```Every seeker agrees
On one thing:God-realisation
Is of paramount importance. ```Think of God
And pray to GodFor what He is:
The Ocean ofInfinite Compassion.
```From cradle to grave,
There is only one thing:God’s Concern.
I admire. ```Fulness-fountain-delight
I drink deep. ```Unhappiness
```My mind,
Where are you going?“I am not going anywhere.
I am just hiding,For God is coming!”
```My Lord, may my aspiration
Be Your divine Arrow;May my dedication
Be Your divine Bow. ```I shall not be pleased with my life
Unless and until I can becomeMy Lord’s Heart-Song.
```When God’s Compassion-Eye
Speaks to me,I cry and cry with joy.
```When God’s Forgiveness-Heart
Speaks to me,I become speechless.
```The unaspiring mind
Is endowedWith a self-deception degree.
```If you really love God,
If you really need God,Then give Him immediately
The exclusive rightsOver your heart and life.
```Desire-life fulfilled,
God is nowhereTo be found.
```I tell the world the truth:
I knew God extremely wellIn Heaven,
But now we are strangersTo each other.
```There is only one subject
My heart must study:God-discovery.
```When the Master asks God
To bless his disciples,God immediately says:
“I am not in the habitOf taking away
Somebody else’s work!” ```The body
Ages;The aspiring heart
Climbs and climbs. ```We all come to God
As the authorsOf all our incapacities.
```Be firm!
Do not surrenderTo desire-hurricanes.
```Face reality
When it is all aboutYour life.
```To live the life
Of happiness-waveIs to rise
Higher and higher. ```When I pray and meditate
Wholeheartedly,God teaches me how to go beyond
A new horizon. ```The noises of the world
Shall dieSooner or later.
```The silence of the world
Shall only fly and fly. ```There is no end.
It is only a new beginning. ```My new goal says:
“God, for God’s Sake.” ```I live
Only when I feelThat I belong only to Him —
My Lord Supreme. ```My Lord knows
How to bless meWith His Beauty-Smile.
```I know
How to becomeAn immediate thrill.
```God gives —
He has every rightTo give.
```God withdraws —
He has every rightTo withdraw.
```When God gives me
A lesson,Immediately my desires lessen.
```My Lord,
I want to be all YoursIn the purest sense of the term.
```Be careful,
O my heart!My mind is jumping
Up and down. ```O my heart,
Be more mindfulOf my life.
```I wish my God-obedience-life
To beAn ever-transcending reality.
```When I think of
God’s Justice,I try to hide.
```When I think of
God’s Forgiveness,I enjoy immediately
A Heavenward ride. ```The inner beauty
Entirely depends onThe inner purity.
```When I started crawling,
God clappedProudly.
```When I started sprinting,
God embraced meEndlessly.
```My inner pain
Reminds me of one thing:I am failing God.
```God tells me that
Both my tears and smilesDefinitely serve
A very special purposeIn His Life.
```My desire-life
Is earth-born. ```My aspiration-heart
Is Heaven-bound. ```Spirituality
Is a lifetimeInner exercise.
```Dedication needs
Astounding endurance. ```My Lord,
Do bless meWith an insatiable hunger
For Your Compassion-Eye. ```Humility
IsDivinity’s younger brother.
```God laughs and laughs
No matter how I tryTo justify my anger.
```God does not find me
Where He left me.Why?
Because in His AbsenceThe undivine forces bribed me,
And I followed them. ```When the desire-life
Fails to hound me,My earth-journey
Becomes Heaven-bound. ```Earth
IsA factory.
IsAn inventory.
```Life is not made of
Empty words.Life is made of
God’s all-powerful Will. ```We do not need darkness
To appreciate light.Light deserves to be
Appreciated and admiredIn its own right.
```My Lord,
In my inner lifeYou play the role
Of a mighty Fire. ```My Lord,
In my outer lifeYou play the role
Of tiny flames. ```May each action of mine
Bring my Lord’s Vision downTo bless me.
```When my heart weeps for God
Without a break,God comes down
To shake hands with me. ```When my life surrenders,
God’s Heart embraces my heartUncontrollably.
```Life is a search
For the Unknown.So is death.
```When the Unknowable
Becomes knowable,Man the God-dreamer
Succeeds. ```To see God’s Face
Is to be the winnerOf the inner race.
```We are born
With millions of attachments.Therefore it takes time
To smash them asunder. ```The mind compels me
To stayWith the mind.
```The heart urges me
To beAt God’s Feet.
```The code of my inner life
IsMy sleepless God-remembrance.
```The code of my outer life
IsMy dedicated world-service.
```Once man’s aspiration-journey
Begins,It knows not how to halt.
```For the unconditionally
Surrendered seekers,Admission is free
To enter intoGod’s Heart-Home.
I must offer my heart-smilesTo the whole world.
```Alas, what am I doing?
Am I not keepingMy Lord Supreme
Outside my heart-doorFor a long time?
```My Lord,
How did I dare to neglect YouAnd avoid You
For such a long time? ```Today, I must force my mind
To see my Lord SupremeIn every God-seeker’s heart.
```The surrender-express train
Is the fastest trainFrom the earth-planet
To the Heaven-Kingdom. ```Alas,
God says something to usAnd we hear something
Totally different! ```My Lord,
I was a great talker;Now I am a good server.
Is it not Your Grace unconditional? ```To please God
Inside my breathIs to please Him
All-where. ```O outer world,
I have seen youAnd I have been with you
For a very long time.Now I need a new life,
With new friends. ```I needed God’s Compassion-Eye.
To my greatest surprise,I not only have God’s Compassion-Eye,
But also His Satisfaction-Heart. ```Although it is a most difficult task,
I must reviveMy close God-connection.
```God is extremely fond
Of my ceaseless self-givingAdventures.
```When God suffers,
I know who areThe real culprits.
```Every day, I tell my mind:
“Sleep, sleep!When it is time,
I shall wake you up.” ```My Lord Supreme
Keeps one of His special bodyguardsTo protect me
From the hostile forcesTwenty-four hours a day.
I know that soon you will throw meInto a sea of sorrows.
```My Lord says
To my ungrateful mind:“I have given you
Everything that you asked for!What else do you want?”
```Every day
My Lord is asking me to sing for Him,Not only soulfully
But also self-givingly. ```Kindness gives.
It does not want to knowWhy it gives.
```Inner wealth
Is to be acquiredFor distribution
And nothing else. ```My Lord never minds
My insignificant capacity,But He does mind
My unwillingness. ```I long only for perfection,
Both in my heart of aspirationAnd in my life of dedication.
```Once we achieve success,
Suffering we seeNowhere.
```My Master’s very name
Gives my heartAn unimaginable thrill.
```I am no longer desire-bound.
I am now onlyAspiration-dedication-bound.
```I was before
A small-minded human being,But now I have become
A God-hearted seeker. ```My Lord Supreme
Has made His final Decision:From now on,
He will tame my animal natureNot by His Power
But by His Love. ```Divine beauty
Is always filledWith inner experiences.
```When the human in me
Speaks,Nobody cares to listen.
```When the divine in me
Speaks,Nobody misses my speech.
```My Lord,
Out of His infinite Bounty,Has given me
Both the voice of ecstasyAnd the poise of ecstasy.
```I do not know why
God so often loves to hideIn a human body.
```O suffering humanity,
True, I cannot cure you,But I must tell you
That I am all for you. ```Alas, useless desires
This world has become —Completely hopeless!
My Lord is celebratingMy emptiness-mind.
My Lord will celebrateMy fulness-heart.
```I must aspire
For the capacityTo go beyond Time.
```The mind has tremendous capacity,
But, alas, it does not use its capacityFor the right purpose.
```My soul says to my body:
Breathe in! Breathe in!I have brought for you
The purest delight. ```The inner happiness
Has the capacity to destroyAll wrong thoughts and ideas.
```My soulful inspiration
Brightens my mind. ```My prayerful inspiration
Deepens my heart. ```My powerful inspiration
Lightens my life. ```My silence-heart
Has cured all my turmoils —Inner and outer.
```What I am aiming at:
To forget the past;To forgive the future.
AreMy God-devotion-prayers.
```When my mind hears me praying,
It immediately triesTo keep aloof.
```Eagerness does not wait
For the future —It is all here and now.
```The mind misleads,
But the heart has the capacityTo lead us to the Destination.
Alas, knowing this perfectly well,We allow the mind to mislead us!
```I must fly high
Every dayOn my soul’s flaming wings.
```My Lord’s Forgiveness —
I know when it begins,But I do not know if it will ever end.
```I try to hide from God
When I act foolishly,But, alas, I see God shedding tears
Instead of scolding me. ```My God-surrender-delight
Knows no obstructions. ```God is helping us all the time,
Not only to learnBut also to unlearn.
```Each tear of my heart
Brings my Lord’s FeetCloser and closer to me.
```Each time I have a positive thought,
I feel I am being lifted high,Very high,
By an unseen Hand. ```My heart
Does not govern anything —It only loves, guides and leads.
```My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
Does not knowHow to close.
```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
Do tell me when my heart shall beIn full aspiration-bloom.
```My meditation-whispers
Never failTo show me the correct way.
```God is always eager
To shoulder all my burdens.I do not know why
I vehemently resist. ```The mind gets
Tremendous pleasureBy repeating the past.
```The heart gets
Tremendous joyBy becoming
The beauty and fragranceOf the Eternal Now.
```My heart is all persistence
In doing the right thing. ```My mind is all resistance,
Right from the beginning. ```A sleeplessly God-loving heart
FliesIn Infinity’s Freedom-Sky.
```In every situation,
God tells me what to do,How to do, when to do,
Where to do —Whether I obey Him or not.
```When God sees
My life’s progress reports,At times He pitifully cries
And at times He mightily smiles. ```I only watch
My Lord’s Footsteps.I have no time
To do anything else! ```I offer my Lord
A fleeting moment-prayer.He transforms it
Into an everlasting joyFor Himself.
```I must be careful
All the timeSo that my heart’s aspiration-flames
Are not extinguished. ```No time can ever be better
Than this very moment. ```Be always ready!
You have no ideaWhen your turn will come.
```The past has taught us many things,
Good and bad.We must unlearn the bad ones
And carry with us the good ones,Wherever we go.
```To be humble
Is to makeThe fastest progress.
```The sweetness of the heart
Is next toThe godliness of the soul.
```We must pay
For everything that we learn,Either on earth
Or in Heaven. ```A man of insincerity
Is a totally lost causeIn the spiritual life.
```Do not complain!
If you complain,You are the one
To miss life’s express train. ```If your heart is empty
Of enthusiasm,How can you achieve
Anything momentous? ```I must simplify my complexity-mind,
So that I can runFaster than the fastest
Towards my Destined Goal. ```God gave us the heart
To love.He expects only love from us
And nothing else. ```Discover every day
A new wayTo give more joy
To God. ```Mirrors do not tell a lie,
And neither doesMy God-climbing heart.
```If you set your own pace,
You will be able to see God’s FaceSooner than otherwise.
```Do not deceive yourself!
That is the taskOf your enemies.
```Be the ruler of your own life.
If you do not,Others will come and do it.
```The outer education
Gives usThe knowledge of the outer world.
```The inner education
Gives us the WisdomOf the Absolute Supreme.
```Your heart-opportunity-door
Keep always open. ```When somebody makes a mistake,
SympathiseAnd do not criticise.
```I love my Lord Supreme,
Not out of compulsionBut out of my inner obligation.
```Undivine thoughts
Can make our body weakEasily.
```Divine thoughts
Can strengthen our entire beingImmediately.
```Great people
Think thatThey are really great.
```Good people
Never think thatThey are really good.
```God cares infinitely more
For my attitudeThan my aptitude.
```There should not pass
Even a single dayWithout some healthy humour.
```A good heart is always ready
To change for the better,Whereas a great mind
Seldom is. ```Do not think too long!
Can you not seeYou are starving your intuition?
```If you want to seek,
Seek loveAnd not prestige.
```Take your life
Not as a burdenBut as a heart-garden
Of God. ```Wait for your turn.
God will definitely call youAt His choice Hour.
```True, no man is indispensable,
But we can all be trustworthyAnd interdependable.
```I must win
The last battle:Self-criticism.
Is nothing short ofIts own supreme reward.
```Divine love
Is the expressionOf one’s own inner beauty.
Brings us closerTo God’s Face.
Carries usTo the land of futility.
Is self-givingAnd not pride-acquiring.
```Be brave!
Do not allow your mindTo imprison your life.
```You must control
Your thoughts.If not,
You will be foundIn your mind-zoo.
```The easiest way
To make the world beautifulIs to bring one’s own heart-beauty
To the fore. ```Appreciate beauty,
Only to becomeBeauty itself.
Is the most significant wordIn the heart-dictionary.
```The love of the heart
Directly comes fromThe Eye of God.
Is somethingThat we can indefinitely offer.
```Listen to Nature —
She speaksOnly for your good.
```Every heart has a secret.
My heart’s secret is:I shall never, never stop loving God.
```Do not shout!
Both humanity and DivinityHave giant ears.
```What I want now
Is the explosionOf my inner joy.
```See whatever you want to see
Around you,But be only what you truly are
In the inner world. ```Alas, this world belongs
To the powerful,And not
To the soulful. ```This world has to change,
And for that,I must raise my own divinity
To a higher range. ```God wants me
Not to blame my mindBut to tame my mind.
```As noise is necessary
In the outer world,Even so,
Poise is necessaryIn the inner world.
```God does not count my years —
He only countsMy heart-tears.
```The outer voice
Has to be foundedOn the inner poise.
```Philosophy says
We can.Spirituality says
We are doing it:We are bringing down
God from Above. ```In the spiritual life,
Every secondIs of paramount importance.
```Look on the bright side,
For God’s Compassion-EyeIs to be found
Only there. ```If becoming is your goal,
No harm in tryingAgain and again!
```If you are afraid of defeats,
There will beNo goal for you.
```I lived the life
Of speed. ```I now live the life
Of depth. ```Everything is possible.
Look, my mind has becomeA most devoted student
Of my heart! ```Everything is possible.
Look, earth and HeavenAre running
Side by side! ```Everything is possible.
Look, my heart’s God-realisationIs not a far cry!
```What happens in my life
Long ago happenedIn God’s Heart.
```No surrender-step
Can ever beInsignificant.
```The beauty of my soul-smiles
God voraciouslyDrinks and drinks.
```If we do not allow darkness
To envelop the world,Then darkness can do nothing,
Absolutely nothing! ```Gratitude-heart-tears
Are extremely sweetAnd unimaginably fulfilling.
```The consciousness-river
Flows high and lowBefore arriving at the God-Ocean.
```The eyes and the ears
Of my surrender-heartAre so charming, inspiring,
Aspiring, illumining and fulfilling. ```This moment,
The vital wants to dominateThe world.
```The next moment,
The vital cleverly hidesFrom the world.
```Do not follow the mind!
Its road is slippery, zigzagAnd extremely dangerous.
```God proudly loves
To playWith my beautiful and soulful prayers.
```God puts my meditation
Fully in chargeOf my life.
```When the Master becomes
All strictness,In no time, the disciple becomes
Soulfulness and devotedness. ```I am determined
To blindfold ignorance-nightAnd its huge army.
```Prayers signify
Sky-climbing beauty. ```Meditations signify
Heaven-descending fragrance. ```My devotion-songs
Take shelterAt the Feet of my Lord Supreme,
Free of charge. ```God came down,
Blessed and embraced my heart.It all happened
In the twinkling beautyOf a second.
```Divinity —
Where is it,If not inside the Fragrance-Heart
Of my Lord Supreme? ```O my heart,
Be not burdenedWith the unnecessary sorrows
Of the world. ```My Lord Supreme,
Will I ever be ableTo give You happiness
Once again in this life? ```I do hope that
The reign of HarmonyWill soon return
To this world. ```The unaspiring human mind
Is nothing other thanA whirlpool
Of chaotic movements. ```Nothing
Is as uselessAs insecurity.
```No lamp is needed
On the wayTo my soul’s Abode.
```Each human being
Must discoverHis true self
In life. ```Only in my deep meditation
Do I come to knowWho I truly am.
```My heart and God’s Heart —
When they start talking,It is always
A marathon conversation. ```Finally,
I have made God-manifestationThe most important thing
In my life. ```He who has hope
Can sing and danceHere, there and everywhere.
```My desire-life
Is completely surrenderedTo the bountiful Will
Of my Absolute Lord Beloved Supreme. ```My Lord wants me
To walk, march and runHappily, proudly and self-givingly
On this earth. ```My life must not remain
An unfulfilledGod-manifestation-promise.
```My morning prayers
And my evening meditationsGive my Lord Supreme
Immense Delight. ```My Lord,
Why is it so difficultTo remember You all the time?
“My child, you have to love Me more,Infinitely more.”
```When my heart sings,
God’s Heart is all attention. ```Everything that we do
On earthIs old news
To our Absolute Supreme. ```My God-disobedience
Is infinitely worseThan treachery.
```To make me happy,
What I needIs a God-proclaiming heart.
```I wish to live my life
Between lovelinessAnd soulfulness.
```I pray to God
And meditate on God —The Peace-Dreamer —
Inside my heart. ```The sound
Of the outer worldI have proudly enjoyed.
```The silence
Of the inner worldI soulfully treasure.
```I breathe in God’s Love
From my soul’s worldAnd breathe out my concern
To the whole world. ```May my life
Be sleeplessly surroundedBy God’s Hopes and Promises.
Knows no specific time.You can invoke God
Any time you want to. ```Austerity,
No, no, no! ```Indulgence,
No, no, no! ```In between
Austerity and indulgenceMy life firmly stands.
```Every good thought
Is climbingTowards Paradise.
```Dream comes first,
Action second.Third, and last, is surrender.
```Part-time servers
God never needs. ```Expectation-chain
Is very difficultTo break.
```Thought-waves subside
When I enjoyGod’s Compassion-Eye-Ride.
```Each time
I get what I want,My soul becomes miserable.
```Each time I get
What God wants me to have,My soul flies
In ecstasy-skies. ```Life ends
Long before deathWhen we stop aspiring.
```The heart is apt to learn
Any languageIn no time.
The mind is never tiredOf its long-standing arguments.
```Overwhelming odds
Can be conqueredIf we dive into
God’s Compassion-Sea. ```God cares
For my heart’sLotus-pond.
```God never cares
For my tumultuousOcean-mind.
```My Lord, my Beloved,
You are Your Lotus-Feet,And I am my gratitude
At Your Feet. ```Everything of my Lord
I love,But His Smile-flooded Eyes
I love the most. ```Nothing tortures me
As powerfullyAs my own life’s repentance-tears.
```Spirituality means
Desire-transformation. ```A life
Of continuous comfortIs a venomous drink.
```The world needs
Gratitude-heart-gardensTo live in the home
Of beauty and fragrance. ```Desire-intoxication-life
I was. ```God-intoxication-heart
I now am. ```Humility covers
The length and breadth of the worldIn secrecy supreme.
```God’s Dream —
That no human beingShould ever lose hope.
```Hope is God-made —
Both elevatorAnd escalator.
```The silence of the heart
Carries the seekerTo the highest Heaven
Of Delight. ```All the members of my family —
Soul, heart, mind, vital and body —Agree on only one thing:
I am of GodAnd I am for God only.
```God wants the heart
To teach the mind,But the mind wants to learn
Only from jealousy-king. ```The doubt-attacker
Is no matchFor a genuine God-lover.
```Difficulty surmount,
Progress-amountStart to count!
```When my mind speaks
One nice word about God,God immediately brings down
For my mindHis Mountain-Summit-Bliss.
```Do not complain,
Do not explain —God loves you
Only to entertain Him. ```The heart does not need
Any exit,Because it wants to remain
Inside the Heart of GodPermanently.
```The mind needs exits.
ThereforeThey are sorrowfully provided.
```If you become
A fast-climbing seeker,God will become immediately
The fast-descending Lover. ```God’s Compassion-Height
And His Justice-LightAre interchangeable.
```What does ignorance do
To my salvation?It just sneers at it.
```God is
God’s torrential Grace. ```I am my terrestrial
Bewildered face. ```My heart’s mounting pain
Takes shelterIn my Lord’s dancing Rain.
```The difference
Between God and meIs this:
I love to smile at God;God loves to smile for me.
```Two things we need:
Wisdom-illumination. ```I wish to spend my time
BetweenMy heart’s eagerness-blooms
AndMy life’s enthusiasm-blossoms.
```No matter which way my heart looks,
God immediately comesAnd stands before my heart.
```Love is God’s
Most successfulEarth-extension.
```Sacrifice is God’s
Most powerfulHeaven-extension.
Is a disgraceUnto itself.
```God’s Love
Is my heart’sInsatiable hunger.
```My heart
Is God’sFondness-doll.
Is neverPeace.
Is alwaysPower.
```The mind wants
Either everythingOr nothing.
```The heart loves
To embodyEverything of everything.
```The mind chooses
Only to lose. ```For the sake of God,
The heart eagerly wantsTo lose everything.
```O my God-Heart-Fragrance-Home,
For a long timeI have been away.
Do take me back! ```My God-worshipping
Vision-plantCan never be uprooted.
```God’s Heart
Breathes inThe dream of world-transformation.
```God’s Heart
Breathes outHis transcendental Promise:
Illumination. ```God eagerly waits
For the readiness of my life’sLove-devotion-surrender-game.
```I always see
Advancing beautyIn God’s Command.
```My heart is deep,
My soul is high,And I am hungry —
God-hungry. ```The human in us
Only praysWhen necessity demands.
```The divine in us prays,
For there is nothing elseWorthwhile.
```My heart
Is made ofGod’s Compassion-Throbs.
```My soul-bird
Is a constant travellerBetween earth’s beauty
And Heaven’s Fragrance. ```Courage alone
Is not enough —Courage needs guidance.
```Nobody likes to give shelter
To the doubting mind,Even for a fleeting moment.
```The world
Desperately needsHeart-angels.
```The world
Never needsMind-giants.
```Every day
We must tryTo make at least one person
Happy. ```My Lord,
May I do everythingOnly to please You
In Your own WayFrom now on!
```My Lord lives everywhere,
But He livesInside my heart-tears
More prominently. ```At least sit
For a few hours a dayAt your God-loving heart-shrine.
```We do not have to find
Our way home.We are home.
```Every single desire
Is nothing other thanAn inner enemy.
```As everything multiplies
In the wrong way,Even so, we have the capacity
To make everything multiplyIn the right way.
```As we are free to descend,
Even so,God has given us
The freedom to ascend —High, higher,
As high as we want! ```Self-applause
Is the immediate graveOf a seeker.
```Only a fool like me
Can sayThat God is only for others,
And not for me as well. ```Every single breath
Is a God-experienceFor the betterment of our life.
```Opportunity comes,
But it does not stayIndefinitely.
```A stupid person
Does what his mindWants him to do.
```A wise person
Clearly seesThat God is doing everything,
In and through him. ```The vital and the mind
Always wantTo have everything done
In their own way. ```I know
My mind will one day beTired of God-resistance,
And I also know that dayIs fast approaching!
```We must not
Renounce the world —Never!
```We must only announce
God’s VictoryAt every moment
Here on earth. ```Disobedience
Is backward sprintingWith no destination.
```I do hope the next generation
Far surpassesThe present generation
In doing the right thingsTo please God in His own Way.
```I have heard
From God HimselfThat I am doing exceptionally well
In my self-giving life. ```Ignorance-hunger
And ignorance-thirstAre insatiable.
```Why do you have to remain
A loser all the time?Work hard, work harder,
With a pure mind!You will be a winner
In your spiritual life. ```O my mind,
I clearly see that your guidanceWill lead me
To utter destruction. ```No divine goal
Can be achievedWithout constant,
Sleepless love of God. ```I allow
Only aspiration-seekersTo encircle my soul.
```Everyone needs a rest.
I need my restOnly amidst the dust
Of my Lord’s Feet. ```O my mind,
Do not wander any more through life.Just turn, and be inside
Your own heart-home.Happiness will be there for you
In boundless measure. ```Who is pulling on me,
If not my self-createdBondage-limitations?
```Our heart-dreams
Never fail us. ```We must depend on
Our simplicity-mind,Purity-heart and self-giving life
To bring about God’s VictoryHere on earth.
```Once we truly surrender
Our lifeTo God’s Will,
We cannot take it back! ```Patience
Is the supreme secretTo achieve what we really want.
```Hope, O sweet hope,
You are still keeping humanityAlive!
```God lives most proudly
Inside the purityOf a child’s heart.
```I envision
Each thought of mineInside my Lord’s Compassion-Eye.
```O my heart’s
God-obedience-wings,Fly high, higher, highest!
```May my heart
Be a completely fertile fieldFor my self-giving life.
```My God-devotion
Is a very rich realityIn my life,
To make me happy. ```When the heart-tears
Invite God,God immediately runs
Towards the heart-tears. ```Enthusiasm and cheerfulness —
They keep GodAlways happy.
```The mind
Never stops complaining.Why pay attention
To the complaining mind? ```God started visiting me
The moment my heartStarted blooming.
```Not retirement,
But enlightenment —This is what my aspiration-heart
Wants and needs. ```God’s Compassion-Torrent
Has always fulfilledMy Heaven-climbing cries.
```No matter how many times a day
I see my Lord,Each time
I get an enormous thrill. ```God the Commander
Does not succeedIn my life.
```Only God the Lover
SucceedsIn my life.
Constantly reminds usOf our perpetual journey
To God’s Heart-Home. ```My Lord tells me
That I must live on earthNot to become,
But only to give and give. ```Happy thoughts
Keep even the mindVery strong.
```Every day
The heart-explorersWill find new,
Supremely high Heights. ```God-manifestation-possibilities
Must be every dayOn the increase.
```If I see God smiling
In every face,Then I am truly advanced
In my spiritual life. ```May I see
My Lord’s Love-AuraInside
My aspiration-heart. ```The heart thrives enormously
The moment it feelsThe Presence of God.
```My heart
Is everywhereTo please God.
```My mind is nowhere.
It cares notWhere God is
Or where God is not. ```God does not need
A monument;He needs only
Moment-to-moment serviceFrom me.
```O my mind,
Stop wanderingFoolishly and aimlessly
In the streets of failure-life. ```God cries and cries
When He seesOur counterfeit love,
Counterfeit devotionAnd counterfeit surrender.
```My silence
IsMy ever-listening
To God-Whispers. ```God’s Name-repetition
Is a most sacred wayTo realise God.
```God does not dictate.
He only asks usTo dive deep within
To dedicate ourselves. ```God-longing
IsSweetness itself.
```What we need
IsA God-receptivity-cry.
```What we need
IsA God-receptivity-smile.
```To live divinely
And supremely on earth,We must sleeplessly give.
There is no other way. ```Every day
I come closer and closerTo the familiar shores
Of Delight. ```Surrender-depth
```O my mind,
You are never home,No matter how many times
My Lord comes to visit you! ```Whatever God tells me
Is ancientAnd, at the same time,
Ever-new. ```When God governs my moments,
I feel Heaven is nowhere else —Heaven is not only inside my heart,
Heaven is in my life itself. ```Patience-virtue
```Do not focus
On your weaknesses. ```Focus only
On your God-lovingStrengths.
```At least for a day,
Let me love, only love,Only love the world!
```May my heart’s
Happiness-wavesOnly rise and rise and rise.
```When I heard my Lord Supreme
Singing in my heartFor the first time,
I saw Infinity’s SmileInside a weeping heart.
```If you do not face the truth
About your own self,Then you will never be able to be near
God’s Heart-Home. ```When my Lord rings the bell,
I do not walk,I do not run,
I just fly and flyWith my soul.
```If it is a oneness-heart,
Then it has to beLove-made.
```My heart-tears
Have finally endedMy mind’s arrogance.
```My heart
Has only one task:God-fulfilment.
```O my mind,
The more you dislike the heart,The more you are going away
From God. ```My Lord tells me
That if I need beauty in my eyes,Then I must establish
Purity in my heart. ```Love comes
Only to liberate usFrom fear.
```When God smiles,
I immediately feel who I am:The choice child of God.
```I pray and pray for God
Never to leave meEver again!
```I wish to remain
Inside my heart’s brightnessAnd my soul’s fulness
All the time. ```My God-awareness-breath
IsThe height of my spirituality.
IsThe smasher of temptation.
```The heart encourages
The mind, the vital and the bodyTo see the Light,
Feel the LightAnd become the Light.
```The mind discourages
Everything and everyone.Finally, it discourages
Its own existence-reality. ```God gives us
Again and againChances for a better start
And a more fulfilling finish. ```Each God-thought
Has tremendous fragranceIn it.
```When I touch my Lord’s Feet,
My every heart-breathDances with delight.
```Every time God speaks to me,
I engrave His MessageOn my heart.
```When I cry for God,
I seeHis fastest Speed.
```To make me happy,
My eyes have to seeOnly positive realities in life.
```The soul’s luminosity
ShattersThe mind’s stark darkness.
```The Lord
Of my ancient Heart-HomeHas summoned me.
```No matter how badly
The world misunderstands me,I shall not abandon the world.
I am enjoyingThe bonfire
Of my old weaknesses. ```My Lord,
For aeons I have deliberately forgottenYour Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-Heart. ```Countless are the times
That I forget my LordEach day.
```The outer beauty
PleasesThe outer world.
```The inner beauty
```The mind-abyss
Does not believe in acceptingThe light from the soul.
```Silence is not dead —
Silence has the capacityTo roar
Like thousands of lions put together! ```No matter how much we do
For the world,The world thinks it is too little.
```No matter how little I do for God,
God says:“My child, you have pleased Me
More than I could ever imagine!” ```We laugh at sleepwalking
Only when we are fully awake.If not, we enjoy sleepwalking!
```When we do not listen to God,
God at times cries,God at times thunders.
```When the mind
Is the listener,God needs
An interpreter. ```When the heart
Is the listener,God does not need
Any interpreter. ```The heart
Understands GodEasily.
```No matter which language
God uses,The heart can understand.
```We see the Light,
We know the Light,We also see the Light beckoning us —
Yet we do nothing for the Light!We remain completely silent.
```God scolds me
Only to make me good,So that He can play
His Flute of RhapsodyInside my heart.
```My Lord,
Do possess meAs soon as possible.
I am regressing very fastIn the inner world.
```The more the heart practises
To please God,The more the mind preaches
To please itself. ```We pretend
To know everythingThat God does.
```God pretends
That He knows nothingWhen we do something wrong,
Absolutely wrong. ```At this rate,
To realise God,To reveal God
And to manifest GodIs almost an impossible task.
```God gives
His chosen childrenHis Heart-Fragrance.
```My heart is full
Of Heavenly dreamsTo raise the consciousness
Of the earth. ```God is all the time
Dreaming His sweet DreamsInside the aspiration-heart
Of each seeker. ```Happiness and satisfaction
AreTwo inseparable friends.
```Every day
I live in the heartOf my soul’s hope-dawn.
```A simple mind
And a sincere heartAre among the very special children
Of God. ```I become truly happy
Only when I place my proud headAt the Feet of my Lord Supreme.
```I live in between
My inner faithAnd
My outer courage. ```God’s Compassion-Flood
Every day we receive,Yet we fail to change our nature!
```The eyes of my heart
Are all-seeing,Whereas the eyes of my mind
Are totally blind. ```God the Supreme Magician
Has turned my unaspiring lifeInto His choice instrument.
```God’s Concern
Sees everything in usAnd does everything for us.
```I want my heart
To be filledOnly with God-gratitude-tears.
```We must never take
God’s Compassion and LoveFor granted.
```God’s Will
Is bound to be successfulIn my life
At the end of my earth-journey. ```My God-obedience
Has free accessTo all the planes of consciousness.
```My surrender-life
Is the fulfilmentOf my Lord’s
Secret and sacred Dreams. ```God’s Inspiration-Joy
AndMy eagerness-heart
Are always found together. ```It is high time
For me to completely shunMy doubt-flooded mind.
```Alas, my self-doubt
Has cost meDearly!
```God is extremely proud
Of my illumining mindAnd adoring heart.
```When my Lord moves an inch
Towards me,My heartbeats sing and dance
Immediately. ```May our devotion
Flow from our heartTo God’s Heart,
The way God’s LoveSpontaneously flows
Towards us. ```The mind is so stupid —
It even resistsGod’s unconditional Smile!
```My mind always finds fault
With the world —Unnecessarily and uselessly.
```My Lord Supreme,
You have not onlySeen and felt my heart,
But alsoYou have captured my heart taut!
```God wants me
To fly and flyOn the beautiful wings
Of my soul-bird. ```Every day
I read ten pagesFrom my God-gratitude-heart-book.
```God’s Gratitude-Field
InvitesA sleeplessly self-giving heart
To sow the seeds of Immortality. ```My Lord,
In every field of my life,You claim me as Your own.
Therefore, my heart is all gratitudeTo You.
```Life needs
Ups and downsFor complete God-Victory.
```Each thought of mine
Will be totally transformedFor God-manifestation.
```May my heart
Be a fully-blossomedAspiration-flower.
```If you see the world
With your mind’s eye,You are bound to be disappointed.
```If you see the world
With your heart’s eye,You will see
So much that is good and inspiringHere on earth.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 37, Agni Press, 2004
Sourced from