The thrill of
God-SatisfactionIs far beyond
Our imagination. ```First I must discover
Where God is,And then I shall try to discover
Who I am. ```A seeker heads homeward —
To his Lord Beloved Supreme. ```The inner world
Has to be exploredBefore the outer world
Is extended. ```My Lord, I do not want
My satisfaction-meal.I want You to bless me
With a constantPerfection-hunger.
```The human life
Will never be a lost causeIf it feeds the inner hunger.
```I must not waste
My precious lifeIn the deserts and jungles of
‘If’ and ‘when’. ```Everyone takes a break,
But not our inner problemsAnd outer difficulties.
```To my great joy,
My God-denying mindOf the past
Has now become a ceaselesslyGod-relying mind.
```The heart’s concern
PrecedesThe self-giving life.
```For world-possession,
We have insatiable desires.For God-satisfaction, alas,
Can we not have the same? ```O temptation-mind,
What you deserveIs a flat refusal from me.
```My God-gratitude-heart means
My good-byeTo my proud mind.
```A soulful life
Can easily searchFor God’s Light.
```A short temper means
The fastest speedTo self-destruction.
```My Lord Supreme
Expects every dayA gratitude-heart-song.
```The superiority of the mind
Does not believe inA oneness-heart.
```Surrender is definitely
A most neededGod-satisfying power.
```The mind loves
God-dissatisfaction-daysAnd nights.
```The heart loves
God’s everlastingSatisfaction-hours.
```The heart of pride
IsAn empty world.
DrownsOur own life-boat.
```My mind-determination
Comes fromMy soul-illumination.
```He who is not brave
Is forced to returnTo darkness.
```He who is brave
Is beckonedBy God’s Compassion-Eye.
MeansA God-soaring life.
```God’s Life-lovers
AreGod’s Heart-conquerors.
```Every day
I must try to increaseThe vision
Of my compassion-heart. ```Our desires
AreOur upward-climbing-extinguishers.
```Each soul is vibrant
With God-manifestation-possibilities. ```God tells me
To keep my heart-tears flowingWhen I pray.
```God tells me
To keep my life-smiles spreadingWhen I meditate.
```Sacred moments
Are the creatorsOf our aspiration-life.
```Never allow
Your aspiration-trainTo halt.
```God is God’s
Compassion-Harbour.But where is my life’s
God-grasping anchor? ```I need a mind
That invokesGod-Compassion.
```I need a heart
That adoresGod-Satisfaction.
```The temptation-door
Of lifeMust never be approached
By a genuine seeker. ```We all were extremely happy
Before the birthOf our minds.
```The mind is a billion miles away
From its real Heart-Home:God.
```I must not waste my time
Erasing my past. ```I must spend all my time
Embracing my present. ```When I meditate well,
My Lord gives meHis own Dream-Kite
To fly. ```Every day, every hour,
Every minute, every second,We must increase
Our love of God. ```My heart-eagerness
Is always foundAt my Lord’s Lotus-Feet.
```I do not need
A world-smart mind. ```I do need only
A God-expert heart. ```O my mind,
I beg you to beA sincere
God-beginner. ```The mind knows
How to feel sorryFor itself.
```Each heart
IsA God-temple-song.
```God is one,
But the mind-religionsNever believe it.
```Do not go anywhere.
Just dive deep withinTo find your real self.
```The luxury retirement-life
Becomes the sadness-tearsOf God’s Heart.
```If you think that everything in the world
Is out of order,Then start immediately
To fix and perfect everything. ```The mind loves
God-explanation. ```The heart loves
God-invocation. ```Meditation is God’s
Omnipresence-practicality. ```Keep aside your mind’s pride.
Dive deep withinAnd live inside
The heartOf your God-breath.
```The mind-advice
Is stupidity-founded. ```The heart does not know
And does not want to knowHow to advise.
It only knows how to inspireOn the strength of its self-giving.
Has another name:A living hell.
```I must soar
Far above the mind’sConfusion-clouds.
```Countless people on earth
Sleepwalk through life. ```I am determined to bring
My expectation-lifeTo a standstill.
```Every day
My heart-angel-wingsFly me to the Summit-Heights
Of Heaven. ```Never take
Your aspiration-determinationLightly.
God’s Compassion-Heart-NestIs not visited
By each and every human being. ```Life’s perfection
Lives inside the heartOf a sleepless self-giver.
```The heart-hunger for God
Lives onlyIn Divinity’s Joy and Pride.
IsOur higher life-choice.
```Choose an untrodden path.
You will be able to makeYour Inner Pilot
Extremely happy. ```Alas,
An earth-bound lifeIs extremely fearful
Of a Heaven-free life. ```I am safe
Only when I am insideMy own inner silence-heart.
```My self-transcendence
Builds a very strong bridgeBetween my Lord and the world.
```To me,
God-realisationIs the fully-blossomed
Final awakening of the heart. ```To think of God’s Eye
Is to feelOne’s own consciousness-rise.
IsA self-destruction-force.
```The reliability
Of the mindIs of paramount importance.
```God always answers
Our heart-climbing hopes. ```Every seeker
Is entitled to becomeGod’s favourite.
```There can never be a surplus
Of anything divine. ```A mind of jealousy
SuffersFrom endless torment.
```What I need
Is a God-dreaming heart. ```The path the mind chooses
For usLeads us nowhere.
```From the beginning
To the end,Life remains an unsolved riddle.
```God’s Whisper-Heart
Gives my lifeEnormous joy.
```A life of God-surrender
IsAn ever-blossoming bliss.
```If we do not pray and meditate,
The curtain of darkness-nightIs bound to fall.
```When we pray and meditate,
We can definitely come outOf the desire-forest.
```O Lord,
Transform my mind’s uselessnessInto my heart’s usefulness.
```I prayed to God’s Eye
To liberate me,But God’s Heart came
And liberated me instead. ```To be a real hero,
Be a serverOf your Inner Pilot.
```Every seeker must come back again
To the spiritual life.There is no such thing
As a permanent fall. ```An emptiness-heart
Is the harbingerOf a fulness-life.
```My sole will
IsMy Lord’s Compassion-Eye.
```God wants us
To prayerfully experienceOur love of God
Every day. ```My Lord,
When I grow up,I really want to remain
Your eternal child. ```We must not start
Our spiritual lifeWith our world-dissatisfaction-mind.
```Love and concern
Are expertIn uniting two hearts.
```God’s Sweetness-Whispers
Every morning awaken me. ```At God’s Heart-Door
A fearful mind quiversAnd a cheerful heart
Sings and dances. ```Who says that God
Never suffers?He suffers from our deliberate
Ignorance-association. ```Our heart-call
To God’s HeartIs the shortest distance call.
```A sincere heart
Is, indeed,A Heaven-bound passport.
```Practise patience.
Your effort will be crownedWith success.
```Be afraid of your surrender
To the world.But never be afraid of your surrender
To God’s Will. ```God never breaks
Our hearts;He always illumines
Our hearts. ```A self-giving heart
Is a pioneerIn the world
Of newness and fulness. ```A God-surrender-life
Is the beginningOf God-manifestation.
```When I make progress
In my spiritual life,I hear the happiest applause
Of angels. ```There can be
No abiding satisfactionIn conquest.
```My heart
Is always openTo the world of God-service.
```My love of God
Is always readyTo fight in the battlefield
Of life-transformation. ```My Lord,
I do not want to remainA prisoner of my mind-world.
```My life is all tears
When I fail to please GodIn His own Way.
```Our God-fulfilment-hopes
Will never fail us. ```The heart of God-love
Can accommodateThe whole world.
```O my heart,
Do not rest on yourAspiration-laurels.
Go forward, upward and inwardTo please
The Absolute Lord Supreme. ```Day claims
My life’s God-hunger-eyes. ```Night claims
My heart’s God-hunger-silence. ```Devotion and selflessness
Cheerfully help each other. ```If God is truly pleased
With any seeker,God can transform his life
In the flash of a moment. ```My Lord,
May my heart’s song-wavesWash Your Feet every day.
```The soul comes into the world
With the messageOf constant newness.
```The heart secretly aspires.
The mind proudly declaresIts supremacy.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Has sent me to this worldAlways to defend the world
And not to offend the world. ```We must keep
All our desiresFirmly at our feet.
```My mind
Loves preaching. ```My heart and I
Love praying. ```In Heaven,
Whenever we do something,We take God’s Permission.
Alas, on earthWe do not care for it.
```When I offer
My devotion-heart-flowerTo God,
I receive endless Blessings. ```The faith-road
Is the safestOf all the roads.
```Idleness is not
A negligible thing.It is destruction itself.
```To keep God company,
We need a surgeOf purity-mind.
```Defy ignorance
At every moment.God Himself will assist you.
```My Lord tells me
That peace is made of blissAnd bliss is made of peace.
```Disobedience does not care
Whether Heaven comes down to earthOr earth goes up to Heaven.
Is a peerless treasure. ```The difference between
The heart and the soulIs this:
The heart hopes;The soul dreams.
```God waits and waits
For us to bring HimOur aspiration-heart-flowers.
```God waits and waits
For us to bring HimOur dedication-life-fruits.
```Secretly God selects
Some seekersTo serve Him openly.
```There is not
A single human beingWho does not have
Aspiration-heart-lamp-flames. ```A joyful thought
IsA Heaven-climbing flame.
```God invites
Each and every human beingTo help Him
In making His world better. ```Hesitation is the worst possible culprit —
It delays us indefinitelyFrom arriving at our goal.
```We must shine
Like our soulsWherever God wants us to be.
```There can be no bypass
On our soulfulGod-obedience-road.
```God’s Vastness-Heart-Sky
Again and againWelcomes us,
But alas, all in vain. ```All our God-lessons
Are most beautifully writtenIn our hearts.
```A criticism-mind
Does not knowThat it is drinking
Nothing but poison. ```My eyes love to stay
In my God-crying heart. ```My heart loves to stay
In my God-surrendering life. ```From sunrise to sunset,
I have only one prayer:The complete fulfilment
Of God’s Desire on earth. ```Our joy will increase
Only when we haveA world-appreciation-mind.
```My heart-tears
I prayerfully placeAt my Lord’s Feet
Every day. ```My God-gratitude-heart
Illumines all my life’sFrustration-days and nights.
```God takes human form,
Not only to see us,But also to love and perfect us.
```If we pray to God
With breathless intensity,God-realisation cannot remain
A far cry. ```God’s Forgiveness-Assurance
Is our onlyTrue possession.
```God can do much more for us,
But He wants to seeWhether we are going to accept it
Willingly. ```God is
God’s Forgiveness-Heart-TreeFor all human beings.
```A God-obedience-heart
```My Lord teaches me
Only one thing:How to cry for Him
Ceaselessly and breathlessly. ```Self-doubt
Is the worst possibleTreachery.
```My heart-tears
Are only for my Lord’sCompassion-Feet.
```The Master brings down to earth
Two things:Compassion-rain
```Until you feel
That you are kneelingAt God’s Feet,
Do not stop. ```Anything that we do wrong,
Poor God thinks and feelsThat it is His loss.
```Each time
I forgive a person,My Lord’s Pride in me
Doubles. ```When I love God
For His own Fulfilment,I see fears and tears nowhere.
```For my outer life,
I need dailyThe world’s bread.
```For my inner life,
I need dailyMy Lord’s Breath.
```My aspiration-hour
BlossomsFrom God’s Compassion-Shower.
The mind defies GodAt every moment.
The heart is afraidOf receiving
God’s all-illumining Light. ```Alas,
I am afraid of bothGod’s tearful Heart
And fearful Eye. ```My gratitude-heart
Is my unmistakableGod-love-proof.
```From a devotion-heart,
God never hides. ```God is always
Alive and realTo a God-surrender-life.
```My Lord,
Do make me a prayer-giverAnd not a prayer-beggar.
```Real love
Is not attachment.It is God-enlightenment.
```God gives more importance
To our small actionsThan to our grandiose deeds.
```Every moment
Is extremely valuableWhile we are on earth.
```There are so many ways
Not to shorten but endOur ignorance-days and nights
On earth. ```We must try
With our constant heart-tearsTo win
The Heart of God. ```Our inspired actions
Are treasuredBy God Himself.
```A service-tree gives and gives.
Therefore it always livesIn our gratitude-heart.
```A God-gratitude-heart
Is God’s fondest child. ```Every day
My hungry eyesAnd my hungry heart
Are fed by God’s Love-Songs. ```Determination and nothing else
Is neededTo dismiss ignorance-king.
```If we do not expect
To be noticed by God,He gives us infinitely more
Than otherwise. ```Each time
I unconditionally serve mankind,God takes it as His proudest success.
```God does not break
His vow of silence.Therefore, I must place
My surrender-lifeAt the Feet of God.
```It is not a difficult task
To convince GodThat I love Him only.
```Anything that comes
From ignorance-graveIs dangerous and ferocious.
```My God-fulfilment-lessons
I get free of charge. ```Life stands between
Desire-ashes. ```A saint is a seeker
Who endlessly continued. ```God tells me that He has
Infinitely more important things to doThan to pay attention
To my doubting mind. ```From any and every angle,
My Lord’s EyeIs beautiful and powerful.
```From any and every angle,
My Lord’s FeetAre bountiful and merciful.
```The Hope from the Beyond
Has awakened my heart. ```We must face each moment
Either fearlesslyOr selflessly.
```Each moment God tells us:
“Give up everythingTo claim Me
With every breath.” ```Life is not meant
For fact-collection. ```Life is meant
For God-invocation. ```Inspiration and aspiration
Challenge my adversariesOn my behalf.
```Each God-Smile
Immediately spreadsAll over the world.
```Every day
Is an unprecedented chanceFor us
To make God smile. ```Heaven’s doors are wide open
For the heart-giversAnd not for the mind-challengers.
```To enjoy the beauty and fragrance
Of our dreams,We must first put an end
To our sleep. ```I begin my day
With God’sCompassion-Whispers.
```God’s Affection-Eye
Has again brought me backInto God’s Heart-Nest.
```We cannot buy time,
But we can definitelyUtilise time.
```God’s quote of the day:
“My children, wake up.My children, wake up!”
```Advisers may not be
Sympathisers at all. ```He who smiles
Has a beautiful face. ```God’s Compassion
May come and go,But not God’s Forgiveness.
Does not believe inInner warnings.
```At every moment
We must cheerfully learnFrom God.
```My God-commitment-life
Will never knowWhat failure is.
```Nature’s beauty
IsGod’s self-chosen Duty.
```God tells me that
There is no such thingAs failure:
“Take a deep breath.Once more attempt.
Lo, your success is in full bloom.” ```God does not put any pressure
On an earth-desire-hungry life. ```My God-gratitude-heart
IsMy everyday prayer.
```May my surrender-life
Continue singingGod-Victory-songs
Forever and forever. ```Every problem
Is bound to haveSome solution.
```Love the world
As a motherLoves her child.
```I create
Not for possessionBut for world-service.
```God wants me
To identify myselfWith His infinite Love
All the time. ```We must no longer
Create the worldWith our minds.
```We must start
Creating the worldWith our hearts.
```The journey to God
Is not very far,But it is quite challenging.
```My surrender
Guarantees God’s ArrivalAt His choice Hour.
```The desire-life
Is bound to put an endTo our inner progress.
```When aspiration is high,
From the mind-jungleWe enter into
The heart-garden. ```I must cultivate
Nature’s silenceInside my heart.
```Silence speaks
Only to GodAnd a God-lover’s heart.
```Every day
God gives a most powerful TalkOn world-transformation
To His earth-chosenAnd Heaven-chosen children.
```Infinite bliss
Is the birthrightOf each God-hungry soul.
```Everyone can give his body
A powerful pushTo see the Light within.
```My Master’s presence
Thrills my heart. ```My Master’s heart
And fulfilsMy life.
```Each soul
IsAn ever-blossoming God-Beauty.
```My Lord,
Do bless meWith a rainbow-heart
To please You all the time,Seated at Your Feet.
```Each seeker has to wait
With patienceTo receive life’s Answer
From Above. ```When the outer life
Is helpless and hopeless,Seek the inner
Solitude-shelter. ```A burning God-eagerness
Is needed at every momentTo please God.
```We must remain firm
In our God-fulfilment-decision. ```Every seeker needs
A lifetime silence-meditationTo fulfil God’s Will
Unmistakably and imperturbably. ```What I need
IsA life of duty.
```What my heart needs
IsA life of unconditional God-service.
```I do not know
Where God’s Body is. ```I do know
Where God’s Heart is:Right inside my heart.
```Only silence has the capacity
To awaken and strengthenOur God-love.
```A true man of prayers
Does not believe inStumbling on the path.
```A true seeker
Tries to please GodWholeheartedly
With every breath. ```When aspiration becomes intense,
Realisation comesAnd embraces aspiration.
```I must live my spiritual life
In such a wayThat the world sees
God’s very PresenceInside my eyes.
```Seek liberation
Not by renunciationBut by man-acceptance-life
For God-fulfilment. ```To turn to Truth
Is to live in peace. ```When we turn to Truth,
Peace smilingly and proudlyEmbraces us.
```My daily life
IsMy God-pilgrimage.
```The desire-man becomes
Blindness itself. ```The aspiration-man becomes
God’s choice number one. ```There can be
No fixed goal,Never!
```What I need
Is a smile-flooded heartAnd not a tear-flooded face.
```A God-emptiness-life
The world is. ```God wants me to create
A selfless worldBy virtue of my own aspiration.
```Alas, the ego thinks
It is as powerfulAs the universe.
```If we do not bathe
In the light of our inner sun,Then darkness will prevail.
```I take duty
As my God-reachingPilgrimage.
```O my heart,
Continue, continueYour self-giving life
To humanityFor its speedy progress
Towards God. ```God wants me
To build His ThroneWith my heart-tears
And not with my life-fears. ```Aspiration and dedication
Are two partial goals. ```Surrender
IsMy goal-path-helper.
```My self-giving
Is the signatureOf my God-satisfaction.
```My God-service
Needs only one thing:Action, action, action.
```A oneness-heart
IsGod’s cherished Home.
```Nothing can be
As sweet and powerfulAs God-obedience.
```When God sees gratitude
Inside the mind,He cannot believe His Eyes.
```We do not know
When we started playingOur desire-game.
Again, we do not knowWhen we are going to stop.
```God tells us repeatedly
That when we care for humanity,He knows He can trust us
And make us true membersOf His Family.
```O my body,
Escape fromYour lethargy-life.
```Everything I find
In the Compassion-NetOf my Lord Supreme.
```The mind does not believe
That we are all linkedTo God’s Heart.
```My weak heart
Gets frightenedWhen God comes
Closer and closer. ```We look for God the Creator.
Alas, God the CreationWe ignore.
```God wants us
Not only to love HimBut also to serve Him.
```God wants us
Not only to love and serve Him,But also to be His partners
In His Cosmic Game. ```To follow in the footsteps
Of the true God-seekersIs to become a great friend
Of Heaven. ```God tells us to run
With God-loving people. ```God tells us to race
Against those who do not careFor His Existence
Either in Heaven or on earth. ```Every day
I make a beautiful garlandFor my Lord Supreme
With my love, devotionAnd surrender-songs.
```God gets tremendous joy
When we use our surrender-wingsTo fly.
```To welcome God,
We do not have to strikeThe thunder-drums.
```To welcome God,
We must playOur heart-flute.
```If we take God-surrender-exercises daily,
Then God will assure usThat Heaven’s door will remain
Wide open to us. ```When I cry and swim
In the sea of tears,My Lord tells me:
“My child,Your ignorance-friendship is all over.”
```For God-receptivity,
An empty heartIs needed.
```For God-discovery,
Mere folding handsIs of no avail.
```Aspiration and surrender —
These two subjectsWe can never complete.
```God’s Eye
Is my onlyProtection-Circle.
```Life is
A God-fulfilment-task. ```To strengthen
My mind,I read outer books.
```To enlighten
My heart,I read my inner book.
```What is my inner book?
The beauty and fragranceOf my heart.
```Purity is the most precious thing
That God has ever createdOn earth.
```God welcomes us
Only when He seesThat our expectation-life
Has come to a halt. ```One little smile
Is strong enoughTo conquer
My Lord’s Heart. ```One little tear-drop
Is all it takesTo clasp
My Lord’s Feet. ```The body says:
“Pray for me.” ```The vital says:
“Look at me.” ```The mind says:
“Think of me.” ```The heart says:
“Pray to God.” ```The soul says:
“Dive intoThe God-oneness-sea.”
```The outer life
IsDestruction itself.
```Everybody indulges
In wishful thinking.Action, action,
Selfless action we all need. ```Everybody thinks that he has
A very special connectionWith God.
Is very difficultTo control.
```O my mind,
Even youAre not past correction.
```In the morning
I start with God. ```In the evening
I complete with man. ```Ask yourself if you are
A one-minute seeker,A one-hour seeker
Or a sleepless seeker. ```I try to remember
My old association with GodIn every possible detail.
```My heart can place itself
At God’s FeetAny time it wants to.
```Alas, whether I like it or not,
My doubting mindDoes not leave me.
```I call it my selfless service,
But the world calls itMy desire-fulfilling work.
```Earthly joys
Quite often take usAway from God.
```Earthly pain
Quite often brings usBack to God.
```When I see tears
In my Lord’s Eye,I immediately know
Who the real culprit is. ```The mind and the vital
LoveThe topsy-turvy game.
```The heart
Loves the gameOf complete order.
```Life plus heart
IsA new goal.
```Life minus mind
IsA new journey.
No more! ```Wisdom-education,
More, ever more! ```I sing
With the God-beginners. ```I play
With the God-experts. ```Whomever I see first today,
I shall immediately give himMy heart’s joy through my eyes.
```We are bound
To God’s HeartWith our tears.
```We are bound
To God’s EyeWith our smiles.
```We are bound
To God’s FeetWith our love.
```Be a true friend
To yourself first.Then try to befriend
The world. ```Humiliation-defeat
Does not last forever. ```Of all,
Faith is the most importantGod-guard.
```I belong only
To my Lord’s Feet —Entirely,
SleeplesslyAnd breathlessly.
```If you do not forget
Your mistakes,Then who can
And who will? ```You think God is the one
Who has deserted you.No, never!
It is you who have leftYour Heart-Home —
God. ```Every day
I try to increaseMy heart-power.
```Every day
I try to renewMy God-pleasing licence.
```Every day
I value more and moreGod’s choice Hour.
Are our unconsciousHeaven-rejections.
```I gave my mind
The power to choose.My mind chose
The inferno. ```I now give my heart
The power to choose.My heart chooses
Paradise. ```Each deed is either
Sincerity-proofOr insincerity-proof.
```Each deed is either
Concern-proofOr unconcern-proof.
```Each deed is either
Self-motivatedOr God-motivated.
```My Lord never minds
When my heart approaches HimUnasked.
My Lord loves to have my heartAll the time inside His Heart-Home.
```We came into the world
To discoverOur God-oneness-uniqueness.
```God means
God-Love-Ocean. ```God’s Eye
Cannot liveWithout caring.
```God’s Heart
Cannot liveWithout loving.
```God’s Feet
Cannot liveWithout giving.
```God cannot live
Without singing, playingAnd dancing.
```God is always eager
To navigate our life-boat.But alas, He is not allowed
By our mind. ```To wake up in the morning
Is not enough.God has to be included
While we are opening our eyes. ```Only a heart-generosity-seeker
Is very near God. ```If you can forgive
Those who wrong you,Indeed, you are another God.
```My Lord,
Do bless me with a boon:Keep me free of self-doubt.
```If you are kind to the unkind,
That means you areConsciously carrying
God’s Breath. ```As soon as we open up
The mind-door,Temptation comes in.
```As soon as we open up
The heart-door,Aspiration comes in.
```As soon as we open up
The life-door,Confusion comes in.
```As soon as we open up
God’s Door,Salvation, liberation and realisation
Come in. ```To my greatest joy,
Today I see my aspiration-flamesClimbing inside my mind.
```To seek God in books
Is like searching for waterIn an empty pond.
```The Silence-God-Guest
Knocks. ```The sound-man-host
Is not available. ```We must sleeplessly feel
That each good thought is lifting usTo God’s Heart-Sky.
```If there is no aspiration,
The world will goRound and round
Blindly and uselessly. ```Pride-assumption
I was. ```Self-assertion
I now am. ```God-companion
I shall be. ```Perfection
Cannot remain unbornForever.
```You are right, my Lord,
As usual.I am not thinking
Of Your Creation. ```You are right, my Lord,
As usual.I am not a God-lover.
I am not a God-server.I am just a self-motivator.
```When I dream,
The Sweetness-GodComes to me.
```When I am awake,
The Strictness-GodComes to me.
```The inner world
Must come to the foreTo present God
To the outer world. ```The mind
Complains. ```The vital
Disdains. ```The body
Is indifferent. ```The heart
Is a ceaselessGod-cry.
```The soul
Is a God-messengerFor the entire humanity.
```My Lord,
Do give meA flawless life.
```My Lord,
Do terminateMy lawless mind.
```God’s Compassion
DescendsFrom His Heaven-Height.
```Man’s aspiration
AscendsFrom the heart of Mother Earth.
```God does not want me
To haveA supremacy-hungry life.
```God wants me
To haveA God-intimacy-heart.
We createOur life of miseries.
We sufferFrom our misery-life.
```At every moment
God tells us:“My children,
Wake up! Rise! Delay not!How long can I wait
For you to realise Me?” ```A life of lethargy
Must not be toleratedBy a sincere seeker.
```Inside everybody’s heart
There is a oneness-family. ```Life’s only motto:
God-realisationIs a must.
```My mind’s
World-indifference-lifeDeeply pains my heart.
Did not accompany usWhen we landed on earth.
```My heart of sympathy
IsMy Lord’s Silence-Breath.
```We must learn
How to respond immediatelyTo our Lord’s Silence-Whispers.
```I call it
My inspiration-hill. ```God calls it
His Satisfaction-Thrill. ```God’s Heart tells me:
“Be desperateTo learn.”
```God’s Eye tells me:
“Be desperateTo unlearn.”
```There is a world
Known asGod-Perfection-Satisfaction.
```My heart-tears
AccelerateMy Godward journey.
```God’s Smile
ExpeditesMy desire-extinction.
```My deep meditation
MeansMy heart-expansion.
```When God arrives,
He does not come alone.He brings with Him
His Forgiveness-Heart. ```Every morning
God examinesMy consciousness-height
And consciousness-depth. ```How I wish
I could be free every dayFrom the ruthless torture
Of my mind! ```Hesitation
Is the beginningOf self-destruction.
```I am harmonising
My breathWith my Lord’s Heart.
```From my love of God
FlowsMy God-distribution-life.
```A spiritual Master
Never gets tiredOf encouraging the world.
```My heart’s
Heaven-happiness-momentsI most devotedly place
At my Lord’s Feet. ```When I dine
With God’s Eye,It is all bliss.
```When I dine
With man’s mind,Fear tortures me.
```Our inner joy
Creates endless loveOf God.
```God invites us to see
That there is nothingHe will not do
For our God-awarenessAnd God-manifestation-life.
```I light my life
With my heart’sAspiration-candles.
```My task
Is aspiration-hunger. ```God’s Heart
Is my love-amplification. ```My soul
Grows and growsWhen my Lord
Glows and glows. ```To me,
God-serviceIs delight unparalleled.
```My silence-breath
Can easily terminateMy mind-sound.
```God’s Bliss
Carries each of us every dayTo a new horizon.
```A God-oneness-heart
Is destined to haveA God-fulness-life.
```With tremendous reluctance,
My Lord acceptsAll my mind-complaints.
```God invites us
To be with HimMore than we will ever deserve.
```The human in us
Loves to ascendSleeplessly.
```The divine in us
Loves to transcendAnd transform everything
Breathlessly. ```Our God-oneness-heart
God values infinitely moreThan we do.
```God tells us
Not to waste our timeIn indulging
Our old dreams. ```God wants us
To invoke and cherishOur new realities.
```Our dynamism-life
Expedites our Godward journeyMore than we can ever imagine.
```God reads
My purity-heartBefore He does anything else.
```Our aspiration-heart
Must not learnHow to rest.
```The life-tree is already
Fully grownInside our heart.
```Our divinity-days
Are all ready to put an endTo our hostility-nights.
Does not have to defendAnything.
```God has given spirituality
The capacityTo remain self-sufficient.
```Every day
My heart’s aspiration-sunIs growing more powerful.
```Lo, each human being
Has arisenFrom the darkest abyss
Of ignorance. ```My Lord,
Do cover my eyes,My heart and my all
With the dust of Your Feet. ```I know my Lord
Is guarding my lifeAnd guiding each step
Of my forward journey. ```No ignorance-night
Can ever trampleThe God-blossoms
Of my heart. ```In the God-race,
The mind and the heartHave always a separate beginning
And a distinctively different pace. ```The mind goes
Ten stepsAnd gets tired.
```The heart covers
Millions of milesAnd never gets tired.
```My Lord,
I clearly seeThat with Your outstretched Hand
You are bringing meClose, closer, closest
To Your Heart. ```One aspiring lifespan
Is more than enoughTo realise
The highest height. ```Now is the time for my heart
To meditate on GodMost sincerely.
```Now is the time for my life
To serve GodMost self-givingly.
```Gain the inner weight.
Lo, your fateIs completely changed
For the better. ```Who are my sincere friends?
My sincere friends are thoseWho never expect anything
From me. ```Who are my real enemies?
My real enemies are thoseWho fail to see eye-to-eye
With meIn every aspect of life.
```Be not sure
That the future will come to youIn the way you expect.
```When our faith is firm,
God approaches usFaster than the fastest.
```A self-giving life
Is its own reward. ```Before,
I lived the lifeOf prayers.
I am living the lifeOf meditations.
```Before long,
I shall live the lifeOf complete surrender
To my Lord’s Will. ```Alas,
Not all thoseWho are around me
Are all for me. ```No answer we give
To our doubting mindCan ever satisfy it.
```God’s Eye may forget,
But God’s HeartNever forgets anyone.
```I pray to God
For forgiveness.God tells me:
“Instead of praying to MeFor forgiveness,
Pray for our oneness.” ```My Lord’s Satisfaction
Shows the inestimable progressOf my aspiration.
```If it is not God’s Will,
Do not think of othersTo help you.
Their help will be of no avail. ```The real faith
Is climbing higher and higherWithout paying any attention
To the understanding-hungry mind. ```God removes
All our obstacles,Provided our heart-tears
Are genuine. ```An iota of pride
Is the beginningOf God-departure
From my heart. ```Our sorrows and joys
Are together seekingOur God-discovery.
```God’s Heart can save
Only those whose faithHas accepted Him.
```If we do not love God
And serve God,How can we cure
The blind and deaf worldAround us?
```God has already measured
The course.Now He wants us to run
As fast as we canTowards our Destination.
```Rest assured,
There is somethingThat we can never lose:
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```God’s divine Love
Tells usThat our Heaven-climbing cries
Will succeed. ```My Lord,
Do allow me to love YouEvery day
Much more thanThe previous day.
```My heart’s divinity
Takes full responsibilityFor God’s Peace-Manifestation
On earth. ```Finally, with great difficulty,
I have revived the silenceOf my soul.
```God knows that
Many timesI stand against His Will.
But, again, He knowsThat His Compassion-Eye
Will win me over. ```Each time we cry
For earthly desire-fulfilment,God immediately starts to hide.
```Our life-breath enjoys
A dancing thrillWhen it sees
That God is knockingAt the door.
```When I run towards God
And beg Him to rescue meFrom ignorance-night,
My Lord says to me:“My child,
It is already done.” ```My heart’s sorrows and my life’s joys
Have jointly come to GodTo place themselves at His Feet.
God is blessing each oneWith a most appropriate Boon.
```I sing and sing
Every morning.The tears of my heart
Join me. ```All our heart-treasures
We must share. ```Each different dream
Has a special significanceTo lead us to our Goal.
```There are many problems,
But there is only one solution —And that solution is to place everything
At the Feet of God. ```The deeper we go,
The clearer the Truth becomes. ```I have only one confidant:
My secret soul. ```The outer strength
Boasts. ```The inner strength
Reaches the coast. ```Love
Whatever you doTo become
What you inwardly are. ```Everyone cannot be first.
But everyone can and mustJoin the cosmic Game
To make the Lord Supreme happy. ```A short temper
IsA big failure.
IsA wisdom-giver.
```From children we learn
Two most significant things:A simplicity-life
AndA sincerity-heart.
```When I ask my heart
What is the most important thingIn life,
My heart says:Breathe in and breathe out
God’s Name. ```When we learn something,
We are not inferior,For we have the wisdom to learn.
```When we do not give,
We are, indeed, inferior,For we do not have the wisdom
To become one. ```When devotion is pure,
Everything in the inner worldBecomes absolutely sure.
```We have so much to learn,
Not only from the higher worlds,But from the world
Where we are living. ```The mind that does not want
To share with othersIs an absolute failure.
Is the heightOf stupidity.
```If you are rich
In your love of God,Then only are you truly rich.
```Everything must change,
But it has to startFrom deep within.
```It is our stupidity
That we do not and cannotSee the truth
In others’ way as well. ```Always aim high
And high and high.God will give you
The wings to fly. ```He is dearest to God
Who thinks and feelsThat God is all Love
For all. ```The possessor of hopes
Is, indeed,A true enjoyer.
```Forget yesterday.
Yesterday could not give youWhat you really need.
```Today is the day
When you must makeA new and bold effort
To achieveWhat you actually need.
```The outer eyes
Enjoy beauty. ```The inner eye
Grows into the Beauty of beauties:God.
```If we love the truth
And practise truth,The world is bound
To gain something special. ```Just try one day
Without finding faultWith any human being.
You will see that happinessWill become your name.
```Each moment can be momentous
If we can take our love of GodAs something most precious.
```When our God-surrender
Is sure,Our love of God
Speaks volumes. ```I want to go home,
But where?My God-cherished heart-home.
```May all my hopes
BecomeA garland of roses
For me to offerMy Lord Supreme.
```Life means
A Heaven-ascentWith God-hopes.
```Give more to God,
For He has given you alreadyInfinitely more.
```Keep trying and trying.
This is the only wayTo arrive
At God’s Heart-Home. ```Imagination is always ready
To help usReach our destination.
```We all came into the world
To become the fragranceOf our earth-illumining soul.
```We all came into the world
To become the beautyOf Mother Earth.
```The luckiest people in the world
Are not those who haveIn boundless measure,
But those who feelThat they have more
Than they actually need. ```Try to become a listener
To the WhispersOf the Inner Leader.
```There is no stopover
Between my faithAnd my Destination.
```We must cling
To our Lord’s Feet,For that is the only place
Where we can find happiness. ```Sweet memories
Of spiritual momentsMust be lived not only invisibly
But visibly as well. ```To love God in His own Way
Is to becomeHis stalwart representative
Here on earth. ```Fleeting time
Saddens us. ```Everlasting time
Inspires and encourages usConstantly.
```The cruel mind
Is the causeOf my heart’s
Ceaseless despair. ```My Lord wants my heart
To welcomeNot only those who are with me
But also those who are all around meTo sail together
To the Golden Shore of the Beyond. ```My Lord asks me,
“My child,Where are your childlike smiles?
Where have you lost them?” ```My Lord asks me,
“My child,Where are your childlike cries?
Where have you lost them?” ```I can face
My Lord’s powerful EyesAt any time.
```I cannot face
My Lord’s tearful Eyes,Never!
```My mind,
No more hatred,No more —
Either in your worldOr in any world.
```What has man
Finally made?Nothing but futility.
```What is God
Finally offering?To unconditionally wait
For man’s arrival. ```In a desire-life
Insecurity-trainNever stops.
```Alas, will I ever feel
How much I tortureMy Lord Supreme
With my self-doubt-thorns? ```God loves man’s heart,
But He embracesMan’s life-progress-smiles.
```A true God-lover
Can never beA hope-loser.
```Hope-lost people
Are God’sManifestation-on-earth-delayers.
```Every morning
My Lord HimselfWaves my surrender-flag
Happily and proudly. ```If there is no positive attitude,
Our life cannot proceed. ```Each aspiration-heart
Is a blossoming dreamOf God.
```Poor mind!
It knows onlyHow to contradict
And nothing else. ```Unlike us,
God’s Heart-EnterpriseNever charges.
```My gratitude-heart
Offers express prayersTo my Lord Supreme.
```To depend on oneself
Is to walk on a tightrope.The distance travelled
Is very limited. ```God takes a happy heart
As His priceless reward. ```May my God-searching
Every day sharpen. ```May my God-longing
Every day deepen. ```My Lord’s Blessing-Smile
Is beyond compare. ```Every day
I must developIntense hunger
To receive God’s Blessings. ```The mind looks for
And enjoysOnly the dark side
Of reality. ```If we cannot cultivate
A cheerful frame of mind,Our inner progress
Will never bloom. ```My Lord,
Only You can standMy unforgivable mind-insolence.
```When God sees
Our helplessness-tearsAnd sincerity-cries,
He comes to usIn the twinkling of an eye.
```I need only
What my LordSmilingly and proudly gives.
```Where is the problem,
Where?My Inner Pilot
Is always in chargeOf my life.
```There is no such thing
As an inner obligation.It is only our inner awakening.
```My soul tells me
From now onTo try everything
In God’s Way. ```God’s special Concern
Is not only for those who love HimAnd need Him,
But also for those who are tryingTo run away from Him.
```My Lord tells me
That He and I are almost nearHis Heart-Garden.
```Sooner or later,
Each seeker has to giveA farewell address
To his old friend, ignorance. ```My doubting mind
Stopped my LordFrom telling me everything
About my inner life. ```Each and every hurdle
Can be surmounted,Provided we have a very solid
God-surrender-foundation. ```My Lord,
Do you really need me,Or is it my cherished,
Wishful thinking? ```The mind
Can liveWithout God.
```The heart
Can never, never liveWithout God.
```God does not mind
When I speak ill of Him,But when I speak ill of the world,
He turns His Face away. ```When the day dawns,
Night approaches God’s FeetAnd stays at God’s Feet.
```O my mind,
You are trying to be good.I am so happy!
I am sure from now onGod will make you
Better and better. ```The mind-square
Rejects us. ```The heart-circle
Includes us. ```Alas, when will I know
Why my LordTolerates my enemies
All the time? ```I take pride
In serving God visibly. ```God takes pride
In blessing me invisibly. ```My Lord tells me
That no seekerIs indispensable,
But each seekerCan be extremely useful.
```We must not harp
On the failuresOf the past.
```We must go forward
With our life’sNew dedication.
```We must go upward
With our heart’sNew aspiration.
```We must go inward
With our soul’sNew promise.
```May my life be found
At every momentBetween an aspiration-glow
And a dedication-flow. ```O my mind,
Why do you inviteUnnecessary anxiety
To make my life miserable? ```Be grateful
For world-acclaim. ```Be indifferent
To world-flattery. ```Each divine thought
We must executeWith tremendous enthusiasm.
```God composes Aspiration-Songs
Through meWith His Compassion-Eye.
```The qualities of the heart
Are always divine, illuminingAnd fulfilling.
```All I need
Is God’s Compassion. ```All God needs
Is my attention. ```My heart and I
InvokeGod’s Presence.
```My mind and its doubts
RevokeGod’s Presence.
```We are so fortunate
That our Lord’s Compassion-HeartAnd not His Justice-Eye
Presides over our life-destiny. ```All I need is to feel
That I am all for God. ```Whatever God tells me
I see taking rootIn my heart-soil.
```God does solve our problems,
But He does itAt His choice Hour.
```May my aspiration-heart
Run the fastest. ```May my dedication-life
Run the longest. ```We are not obliged
To answerAny of our mind’s
God-disregarding questions. ```An aspiration-heart
MeansA tolerance-life.
```We must outrun the mind
Every dayIn our aspiration-life.
```God and God’s Compassion-Eye
Are singularly pleased with meWhen I most devotedly cling
To His Feet. ```My heart-tears
AccelerateMy aspiration-speed.
```I cannot live
Even for a secondWithout my Lord’s
Concern-Smiles. ```I have left
My mind’s inaction-stationFor good
To arrive at my God-action-heart. ```God is not satisfied
Unless and untilHe blessingfully watches over
The entire panoramaOf our lives.
```I have made
My God-dedication-serviceThe motto of my life.
```Aspiration flies upward
To touch God’s Feet. ```Meditation dives inward
To clasp God’s Heart. ```The mind is a useless
Thought-world-champion. ```The heart is a beautiful
And powerful championOf the God-oneness-world.
```When the heart
Looks at the sky,It enjoys the vastness.
```When the mind
Looks at the sky,It sees only
Endless clouds. ```If you cannot throw
Your whole heartInto your God-devotion-songs,
Your inner progressWill never bloom.
```Today my Lord
Has blessingfully touchedMy heart
With His Forgiveness-Smile. ```The smile of the heart
Is not only availableBut also acceptable
Everywhere. ```The heart wonders
How anythingCan be undivine.
```The mind wonders
How anythingCan ever be divine.
```All positive thoughts
Are singing and dancingOn the branches
Of my life-tree. ```My heart silences
My mind’s confusion-noise. ```My Lord’s Heart-Home
Always has more room. ```May my life be found always
In the templeOf my aspiration-heart.
```My life’s happiest day
Was when I sent my self-doubtInto exile.
```My life’s faith-journey
God most carefully watches. ```When God calls
My aspiration-heart,I greedily run
With my aspiration-heartTo God.
```When God calls me,
My aspiration-heartSpeedily runs with me
To God. ```My heart
Is always eagerTo pray.
```My mind
Is always eagerTo watch.
```I like to take shelter
In a prayer-cave. ```Mornings
Are the bestPrayer-moments.
Are the bestMeditation-moments.
```In vain
My mind tries to disturbMy morning heart-temple-prayers.
```My Lord says
Anything that I doWith my heart
Is sacred. ```In each prayer,
I feel the ripplesOf my Lord’s Compassion-Sea.
```In each meditation,
I see the ripplesOf my Lord’s Oneness-Ocean.
```My God-receptivity
Puzzles my mind. ```My God-receptivity
Gladdens my soul. ```All my silence-performances
ExpediteMy Heavenward journey.
Shamelessly blockFaith-livers.
```Selflessness takes us
To the heartOf happiness.
```My concentration
SprintsFaster than the fastest.
```My meditation
DivesDeeper than the deepest.
```When I perform
An act of self-giving,I hear Heaven’s
Thunderous Joy. ```I feast on God’s
Forgiveness-Stories. ```Our ego demands
The best treatment. ```Our faith does not expect
Any special treatment. ```My mind,
Can you not seeThat you are nothing
But pitiful? ```Why should Truth
Forever remainHidden?
```Why should Truth
Forever be buriedIn oblivion?
```Sincerity and humility
Always love to converseWith each other.
```My heart’s tears
And my soul’s smilesTogether kiss
My Lord’s Feet. ```All my fears and doubts
Today have disappearedAt the unexpected Arrival
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```Only on the heart’s
Purity-roadCan we run the fastest.
```My soul is determined
To stop the currentOf my desire-life.
```My heart is crying and crying
To knowWhen its oneness with God
Will be rekindled. ```I love and love
God the ever-known. ```I bow and bow
To GodThe ever-Unknown
And the ever-Unknowable. ```Each seeker
Has to pass throughA dark falsehood-tunnel
Before he arrivesAt his Destination.
```As an instrument of God,
Earth is in no way inferiorTo Heaven.
```A purity-flooded mind
Is absolutely rare. ```My Lord Supreme
Today has unlockedThe gate of inner joy.
```I try to watch
The secret heartOf time.
```God watches and appreciates
The sacred heartsOf God-oneness.
```Invisible enemies
Live inside our minds,And nowhere else.
```God tells His sincere seekers
Not to delayIn rescuing humanity.
```My Lord loves to walk
Mile after mile,Keeping Heaven and earth
Side by side. ```The hostile forces
Love to attack usAt every moment.
```The divine forces
Do not remain idle.They immediately counter-attack
The hostile forcesAnd establish their divine Victory.
```God immediately supports
All my selfless activities. ```Every day
I try to deepenMy gratitude-heart.
```Today my heart-dream-boat
Is sailingFaster than the fastest
Towards the HeartOf the Golden Shore.
```Every morning
My Lord comesTo tame my mind.
```Every morning
My Lord comesTo embrace my heart.
```Every morning
My Lord comesTo energise my vital.
```Every morning
My Lord comesTo awaken my body.
```Every morning
My Lord comesTo offer His blessingful Gratitude
To my soul. ```I immediately
Give anythingThat my heart needs
From me. ```I hesitate, and finally
I do not give anythingTo my mind.
```My Lord’s
Justice-EyeIs powerful.
```My Lord’s
Compassion-HeartIs more powerful.
```My Lord’s
Forgiveness-FeetAre infinitely more powerful.
```We must not hesitate
To claim GodAs our own, very own.
```I love God
Out of my supreme necessity. ```God loves me
Because without HimI am utterly helpless.
```I love God
Because He is my All. ```God loves me
Because I amHis Fondness-doll.
```Heaven observes its birthday
Every dayWith its new dreams.
```Earth observes its birthday
Once a yearTo come closer to God.
```I love God
Sleeplessly.I need God
Immediately. ```God asks me to stand
Where it says‘Lost and found’.
```Each seeker
Is, indeed,A baby God.
Is a gatewayTo eternal life.
```Kings and kingdoms
Pass away,But not a seeker’s
God-crying heart. ```At the last judgement,
You will not be ableTo escape
Your own crimes. ```He who loves humour
Can liveWithout taking the world seriously.
```God is the only one
Who keeps His Promise:He loves us unconditionally.
```If we do not care
For the outer world,Then our inner world
Will die. ```In God’s Cosmic Play,
Each actor is unique. ```If you can soften your heart,
Then your faceIs bound to improve.
```A seeker prayerfully sees
God’s FingerprintsOn everything.
```There are so many ways
For God to answerOur prayers.
One of His most effective waysIs to whisper.
Once spoken,Peace
Forever broken. ```If you take faith
Along with you,Nobody will be able
To mislead you. ```I chart my life-course
By my twinklingGod-devotion-star.
```Where there is
Pure love,There is a
Sure song. ```There is no dark cloud
That Light cannot pierce. ```Integrity
Is always protectedBy security.
Looms largeIn forgiveness.
```I do not have
A miracle-hunger-heart. ```I have only
A God-Compassion-Smile-heart. ```Earth-knowledge
Comes from learning. ```Heaven-knowledge
Comes from serving. ```Every second
Is indispensableFor me to learn
From my Lord Supreme. ```Each seeker needs
An entireGod-commitment-life.
```Silence embraces
Nature’s beautyMost powerfully.
```There is no such thing
As insignificantGod-service.
Is most significantHere, there and everywhere.
```Pay no attention
To your mind-argumentsIf you want to succeed
In your spiritual life. ```I must always keep
My heart-lampRadiating light.
```Every heart
Is beautifulWhen it weeps.
```Every life
Is beautifulWhen it smiles.
```I come from
God’s Dream. ```God comes from
My tears and smiles. ```Love of comfort
Has to beImmediately discarded.
```My God-surrender
Is my heart’sOnly theme song.
```Life’s real possession
Comes not from the desire-lifeBut from the aspiration-heart.
```Our sincere God-service
Carries God everywhere. ```Alas,
Our Lord’s Compassion-WhispersMeet with no response.
```We must never rest
In our life’sTransformation-efforts.
Is the beginningOf a failure-life.
```God does not care
For the seekersWho are always eager
To serve HimIn the spotlight.
```God asks me
To take a deep breathAnd begin again
My aspiration-life. ```God feels very sad
When my God-willingness-heartIs not keeping
Its highest standard. ```My Lord,
Do accept meAs Your full-time server.
```Take every God-service
As the most powerfulGod-Boon.
```My soul does not pressure
My heartTo accept God’s Light.
```My soul only encourages
My heartTo accept God’s Light
All the time. ```Where is happiness?
Is it in the blue sky?Is it in the green field?
Or is it something that remainsAlways inside my dream?
```God takes tremendous pride
In my fast-blossoming heart. ```Desire-night
Does not want to end. ```We must not allow
Ignorance-forcesTo be our possessors.
```May God possess
My thought-world. ```My Lord Himself
Has keptMy aspiration-heart-key.
```My Lord wants
My sincerity-heartAnd not my prosperity-mind.
```Time is always eager
To favour usIn every possible way.
```A seeker’s
God-gratitude-heart-riverMust never stop flowing.
Is all around us. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is deep within us. ```Our aspiration-heart-flames
Must burnEach and every doubt-thought
Of ours. ```God’s Voice
And our inner voiceAre quite similar.
```My Lord,
It is high timeFor my aspiration-heart
To wake up once again. ```God Himself
Fixes our GoalAnd waits for us
To arrive. ```Every morning
I adore my Lord’s Forgiveness-FeetWith my heart-tears.
```When our hope-hearts
We raise,God descends with
His Praise. ```My heart-garden
Will forever blossomTo please my Lord Supreme.
```My mind-dictionary
Is so confusing.I do not understand
The meaning of anything. ```My heart-dictionary
Is all love of God.I feel everything
And I understand everything. ```My Lord’s
Smiling PicturesI keep inside
My heart-breath. ```My realisation
Is the fulfilmentOf my Lord’s
Cherished Dream. ```O seekers,
Do not allow ignorance-nightTo inundate the earth any more.
```God’s Compassion-Moon
Protects us. ```God’s Justice-Sun
Marshals us. ```Both Heaven and earth
Are extremely proudOf the seeker
Who is all God-obedience. ```Aspiration shortens
And connects the distanceBetween Heaven and earth.
```My heart and my soul
Most enthusiasticallyConverse every day.
```An unaspiring life
Is both blind and deafIn the spiritual world.
```I need a speedy vehicle
To replaceMy life-bullock-cart.
```Each devotion-temple
Is for all to comeAnd worship God.
```If there is no devotion-temple
Inside my heart-garden,Then I shall never succeed.
```God has placed today
A beautiful aspiration-plantInside my mind-jungle.
Is my heart’sAspiration-killer.
```Each heart
Is an inspiration-flowerTo be offered
At the Feet of our Lord Supreme. ```O my Lord,
Do tell me,When will my inner sun
Start blossoming? ```I embarrass
My Lord SupremeBy telling Him that I cannot.
```My Lord Supreme
Embarrasses meWhen I say I shall not.
```The passage
Is always clearFor a self-giving
God-lover. ```Patience-exercise
I must takeEvery day.
```A life
Empty of decisionIs a failure-life.
```The compassion of the heart
Can at onceCure the world-ills.
```O my mind,
Stop disappointingMy soul.
```How long can we remain defeated
In trying to transform our nature?How long?
```Enthusiasm means
A determined speedTo arrive at the Goal.
```Let your promises be as true
As the morning sunriseEvery day.
```Who is right,
Who is wrong?That is not the question.
```Who is coming forward
To love and serve GodIn His own Way?
That is the question of questions. ```Each action
Can be a God-dedication. ```Meet adversity
Not with hopeBut with your heart’s
Adamantine will. ```Wait until the last moment.
Who knows?You may be the winner
Of your life-race. ```To become something divine,
The undivine in usMust be rejected all at once.
```Once and for all,
Dismiss all your desire-thoughts. ```God will bless me and my heart
With measureless PeaceIf we do not measure
Our God-service-activities. ```He who lives
In the mire of indifferenceWill have a heart
Totally empty of joy. ```Be tireless
In your God-serviceTo mankind.
```If we do not turn off
The mind-machine,The heart-machine
Will not start functioning. ```O my mind,
I do not careIf you are displeased with me —
I must do the needful. ```Why do we look outside?
Everything we needIs deep within us.
```There is no relaxation
In the spiritual life. ```Our God-cries
Must be audible. ```When I was a child,
I felt and saw GodAs my only Friend.
But where is He now? ```God wants
My aspiration-heartTo keep an eye
On my mind. ```May my aspiration-heart
Be God-BeautyImmeasurable.
```May my dedication-life
Be God-FragranceImmeasurable.
```A God-devotion-thought
Is sweetness itself. ```Self-doubt
Is our most powerfulInspiration and aspiration-killer.
```In the mind-jungle,
Inspiration and aspiration-plantsCan never grow.
```God always speaks
Most compassionatelyTo the seeker
Inside our hearts. ```A sincerely devoted
Aspiration-heartKnows no obstruction
On the way. ```To take a giant step
Towards Heaven,We must first please
Mother Earth. ```Our self-sufficiency
Eventually becomesA laughing stock.
```I love
The supremacy of my soulMost dearly.
```God can make our progress
Infinitely fasterIf we can daily increase
Our heart-receptivity-capacity. ```When I dive deep within,
I clearly seeGod’s torrential Blessing-Rain
Descending. ```To fly on angel-wings,
We need a sweetness-heart. ```Each seeker
Comes down from AboveWith Heaven’s high Promises.
```The outer world
LovesSuccess bright.
```The inner world
```My heart-door
Flies wide openWhen it anticipates
God’s express Arrival. ```For the multitudes,
There is only one message:A world-oneness-message.
```O my mind,
Start rising aboveYour doubt-clouds.
```O my mind,
The brilliance of the sunIs ready to welcome you.
```The Inner Pilot is always eager
To make our progressInfinitely faster.
```Each aspiring heart
Will eventually becomeA world-oneness-temple.
```God the Compassion
Comes to every door,But only very few respond.
```When God’s Heart-Bell rings,
We must immediatelyStart worshipping Him.
```God has brought
My aspiration-seedTo sow inside
His own Heart-Garden. ```I wish to be a child
Of God’s CompassionAnd not a child
Of His Power. ```God Himself
Hoists my heart’sSurrender-banner.
```We need both
Inner beauty and outer joyTo arrive
At our Destination. ```Every day
Our inner lifeIs unfolding its divinity.
```The inner light
Has to penetrateThe very heart of darkness.
```The voices that we hear
In the inmost recessesOf our heart
Are our well-wishers. ```Nature lives
Only to revealGod’s Beauty.
```God’s Presence
Can be found very vividlyAt the heart-door
Of Mother Earth. ```The inner dawn before long
Will put an endTo the slumbering mind.
```Each thought
Has to be surchargedWith our heart’s sunlight.
```A heart
Is made ofGod’s Divinity-Bliss.
```We must not
Try to escapeFrom ignorance.
```We must
Conquer ignorance —This is the right thing to do.
```The dark mind
Has to be illumined firstIf we want to walk along
The path of Truth. ```God is most invisibly
But compassionately knockingAt our heart’s door
All the time. ```When my heart reveals
God’s Face,I feel the hour will soon come
When I will be able to place myselfAt God’s Feet.
```Every day
We must try to beCloser and closer
To our Lord’s Feet. ```Divinity’s Truth
Will definitely protectEarth’s cries.
```The sunshine of our heart
Must come to the foreTo illumine the darkness
Of the outer world. ```Only the souls that are awakened
Should enter intoThe dark chambers of the mind.
```There should be no compromise
Between a doubting mindAnd an aspiring heart.
```We must bring to the fore
Our inner lightTo feed our God-hungry life.
```We need an indomitable power
To say no to ignoranceOnce and for all.
```According to our inner progress,
Our outer perfection takes place. ```We are destined to be happy
And remain happyIn God’s own Way.
```The blind powers
Of the human mindCannot forever rule the world.
```Nature willingly
Wants to offer usIts hidden ecstasy.
```Life is not
A mundane storyHere on earth.
```Life is
A fountain-songHere on earth.
```I must be in close touch
With my inner,God-loving heart.
```Although life is
Within sound,Life has to be
For silence only. ```No more is my mind
In a hurricane-destruction-life. ```God lovingly
Controls time. ```Time powerfully
Controls our lives. ```God’s Silence
No longer wants to beIn secrecy supreme.
```The seeker’s very eyes
Must showDivinity’s Glow.
```We must protect the weak
If we really want to beProtected by God
At every moment. ```Anything that is harmonious
Comes from the worldOf silence.
```O blue-winged bliss-bird,
Do come and claspMy God-hungry eyes.
```Every day
I water the peace-plantIn my heart-garden.
```O gratitude,
Will you forever remain unbloomedHere on earth?
```There is not a single day
When God’s KindnessDoes not attend to
Our days and nights. ```God’s Eye prevails
In the Heaven-climbingGod-seekers.
```My heart is all ready
To announce God’s VictoryIn my inner nature
And my outer nature. ```The best seeker
Can turn the worst realityInto the best dream.
```When my hope-sun rises,
It illumines the entire world. ```Every day
I take as my thanksgiving day —As a form of prayer
To my Lord Supreme. ```Every morning
God comes to visitMy heart-garden
With His Compassion-Eye. ```Our silence-heart
Is not only secretBut sacred.
```My God-dreaming heart
ConsolesMy painful outer life.
```I must keep burning
My inner fireTo devour
My outer blunders. ```My freedom
LivesIn my God-obedience.
```How fortunate we are
That we can prayAnd meditate regularly
Without any obstruction. ```This moment desire-waves,
Next moment aspiration-mountain —This is our life!
```My gratitude-heart
And the dust of God’s FeetAre very close friends.
```I must try to be
A God-service-hero. ```I do not want to see
The worldWith my mind’s judgement.
```I want to see
The worldWith my heart’s eye.
```Alas, a human life
Is bondageFrom head to foot.
```We must be successful
In pleasing GodLong before we think
Of seeing His Face. ```From bitter experiences,
The God-Forgiveness-TreeProduces sweet fruits.
```If we do not please God,
One day we will be forcedTo live inside
The mind-prison. ```My daily discipline-life
Paves the wayTo my Lord’s Heart-Home.
```Is there any human weakness
That I do not findWithin myself?
```The inner light
Is quite often not welcomedBy the outer life.
```I must try to please God
Even for a fleeting moment. ```One-pointed
God-invocationIs all I need.
```God plays
Only one game:Forgiveness-Game.
```Mind-oblivion —
Yes, yes, yes! ```Heart-God-absorption —
Yes, yes, yes! ```My experiences
Are the foundation stonesUpon which I shall build
My life’s edifice. ```Once we invoke God,
We must never dareTo revoke Him.
```We must visualise God
With our heart-criesAnd our soul-smiles.
```I have banished
My jealousy-impurity-worry-life. ```Each day
God autographsOur aspiration-heart.
Is the pioneerOf enlightenment.
```Not measurable
But immeasurable receptivityWe need.
```Our inner wisdom-light
Can dissolveOur animal-anger.
```God comes
No matter whenI call Him.
```God welcomes me
No matter how undivineI am.
My own desire-mindHas stood against
My aspiration-heart. ```Ingratitude
Is a surprise failureOf the Twenty-first Century.
```I have three special friends:
Faith, love and surrender.They always follow me.
```To be at God’s Feet
Is to free oneselfFrom ignorance-attacks.
```I strive to remain
Self-givingly happy. ```I speak
For myself. ```My heart speaks
For God. ```A sincere God-seeker
Does not believeIn permanent failure.
```I want to invoke God,
But God wants meTo entertain Him.
```Only God’s Protection-Eye
I invokeTo watch my thoughts.
```To my great joy,
I cannot name even one thingThat God has done
To displease me. ```I do not think God needs to do
Even one more thingTo please me.
```Climb up —
Do not sit down!It is high time for you
To climb upAll problem-mountains.
```God’s Forgiveness-Heart
Does not believe inMy God-rejection-life.
```God’s blissful Eye
And the flames of my aspiration-heartAre mutual admirers.
```Opportunity has many doors.
I shall have to choose the oneThat will satisfy both God and me
All at once. ```God has planted
Wisdom-Seed-LightInside all God-seekers.
```The mind knows
How to displease God. ```The heart is challenging
The mindBy pleasing God
All the time. ```My life
Longs for God. ```My heart
Longs for God’s Will. ```What does the ego want?
The ego wants alwaysThe royal treatment.
```I need fire engine-speed
To save my heartWhen it is in trouble.
```Each Smile of God
Has a most charmingAnd most powerful Touch.
```I need
Concentration-deer-speedTo run
Towards my Goal. ```Heaven comes to us
In the beginningWith its Sweetness-Voice.
```If Heaven fails
With its Sweetness-Voice,It comes
With its thunderous VoiceTo transform us.
```To me,
The mind-clownIs nothing but pitiful.
```Sincerity and humility
Are very close friends. ```No God-fulfilling truth
Can forever remain hidden. ```Quite often I forget
God-Forgiveness-stories. ```I never forget
God-Oneness-songs. ```In a twinkling,
Frustration can becomeDestruction —
Nay, self-destruction. ```Until I find God
In every heart,I cannot claim to be
A good, sincere seeker. ```Each time I blame the world,
God goes one stepFarther away from me.
```The unaspiring mind
Is, indeed,A bulldog-stubbornness.
Is the harbingerOf God-Satisfaction.
```We start our life’s journey
With the purity-heartOf the morning jasmine.
```We end our life’s journey
With mind-thornsAnd heart-roses.
```We must cross over
Falsehood-oceanAnd not be frightened.
```Earth and Heaven
Are bothGod’s choice instruments.
```God’s earth-instrument
Works through sympathyAnd patience.
```God’s Heaven-instrument
Works through LightAnd Delight.
```The hostile forces are hidden,
But we must bring them to the foreAnd expose them to Light.
```My Lord breathes
Inside the heartOf eternal Time.
```Our invisible enemies
Do much more harm to usThan our visible enemies.
```Silence I invoke —
Slowly, steadily and unerringly. ```Sound I revoke —
Quickly and vehemently. ```My heart is God-expansion
And self-expansionAt the same time.
```Extinguish as soon as possible
The desire-fireBefore it burns the heart-home
To ashes. ```I must realise
That every momentIs a very, very special Blessing
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```Each new heart-aspiration
Of mineIs a new life-creation.
```I would like to be
An everlastingGod-Creation-server.
```The cosmic gods
Are my inner,Self-giving friends.
```I need a new heart
To feelMy Lord’s Heart-Pangs.
```Fear not the future.
Love the future. ```My Lord’s singular Glance
Slays my darkened mind. ```My Lord,
You call it Your Eye.I call it my Ecstasy.
```My Lord,
You call it Your Heart.I call it my Nectar.
```I wished to become
A nobility-mind-tower. ```I now wish to become
A purity-heart-flower. ```The outer world-justice
Frightens me. ```The inner world-justice
Liberates me. ```There was a time
When I lovedMy purity-heart-shrine.
```Now is the time
For me to becomeMy purity-heart-shrine itself.
```Between my heart
And my Lord’s HeartThere is only one thing:
Sweetness-bliss. ```I begin my inner life
With the fragranceOf a new moon.
```I begin my outer life
With the beautyOf a new sun.
```O world,
When I call you,You can leisurely
Take your time. ```O world,
When God calls you,Go, immediately go!
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 44, Agni Press, 2005
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