I feed my confidence
With my heart’s tears. ```Every day
We can be grateful to GodFor giving us
A human incarnationTo reach the divine.
```The world and I
Have the same thingTo offer each other:
Patience. ```Everyone has the right
To be divinely joyful. ```Each moment
IsA God-blessed miracle.
```Each moment
Can be regardedAs a sacred opportunity
To arriveAt God’s Heart-Home.
```The greatest miracle for the mind
Is to say:“God, I am all for You.”
```Hope is found
In everythingAnd in every human life.
```Do not paint your face,
But surrender your lifeTo God’s Grace!
```To give
Is to becomeIn the very near future.
IsThe journey’s start.
IsThe journey’s goal.
```The mind may be tired,
But the heart can never be tiredOf praying to God.
Is a God-Blessing —Either we accept or we reject.
```Life’s hope
StartsThe God-loving game.
```Life’s promise
FinishesThe God-loving game.
```Nothing can ever be
As charmingAs my Lord’s Compassion-Eye.
```Nothing can ever be
As forgivingAs my Lord’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```Nothing can ever be
As willingAs my Lord’s Protection-Feet.
```When we forgive others,
We enjoy the freedomOf joy.
```We must gladly
And confidently walkAlways
In our Lord’s sunlit Direction. ```Happiness depends
Only on self-givingAnd not on anything else.
```Inside the darkest night
HidesThe brightest Light.
```Not for my satisfaction,
Not for the world’s satisfaction,But for the Satisfaction
Of the Lord Supreme,I came into the world.
```Do not surrender
To circumstances —Never!
```This world
IsFor forgiveness.
```I am only
For God-oneness. ```Not thinking, not planning,
But starting right now,I pray to God
And meditate on God. ```If you are careless,
You will be eventuallyMiserable.
```If you are carefree,
You will enjoy your lifeTo the fullest extent.
```We forget that
For each serious mistakeWe must pay dearly.
```Please God first in God’s own Way.
Then God will bring to the foreAll your inner beauty.
```The path of love
The seeker’s mindFinds difficult to accept.
```The path of devotion
The seeker’s vitalFinds difficult to accept.
```The path of surrender
The seekerFinds difficult to accept.
```Insecurity, impurity
And self-indulgence:These enemies of ours
Are quite formidable. ```Who is fooled when I pretend?
Not God, not the world,But my own stupidity-flooded self!
```Do not compromise
If you really want to make progressIn the inner world.
```Force yourself
To become good. ```Love others
To become good. ```The heart-garden
Of a God-believerNever withers.
Wants to devour LightBy all manner of means.
Wants to illumine darknessUnconditionally.
```I must free
My earthbound lifeFrom insecurity and impurity.
```Some seekers
Are unconsciousOf their inner potentialities.
```Some seekers
Do not knowThat they are in
Unconscious captivity. ```If you dig deep
Within your aspiration-heart,Your divine qualities
Are bound to come to the fore. ```O my mind,
Are you not ashamedOf being preoccupied always
With your trivialities? ```Each man thinks
That he aloneIs the discoverer of Truth.
```If you constantly live
In a world of doubt,Then sooner or later
You will become a victimTo your spirituality-paralysis.
```My soul
IsA God-made perfection.
```My life
IsA man-made imperfection.
```Pray to God once more
To energise your bodyAnd revitalise your vital.
```Man is man’s
UnwillingnessTo accept God’s Will.
```Each day
That I do not pray and meditate,I see a sky of sadness
Descending upon my head. ```Those who think ill
Of themselvesAre the greatest of all fools.
```O seeker, be blissful,
Remain blissful,No matter what consciousness
You are in. ```May my heart-tears
DescendLike torrential rain.
```Life is nothing
But relentlessDesire-demands.
```The entire world
Will be at your fingertipsIf your surrender to God’s Will
Is complete. ```Ignorance-night
And wisdom-lightExamine us at every moment
To see which side we are on. ```Everything that is needed
To please GodIs within our easy reach.
```God’s Grace shows us
God’s Face,In spite of our countless
Imperfections. ```We must smash asunder
Our ambition-chain. ```A seeker is the friend
Of worldwide suffering. ```Self-conquest
Is by farMan’s best conquest.
```When we do not aspire sincerely,
We are bound to knockAt God’s closed Door.
```Be not lost
In the mind-clouds. ```Be visible always
In the heartOf the rainbow-dawn.
```Those who do not expect anything
From the worldAre the happiest human beings
On earth. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is a beacon,Shining through Eternity.
```If you live only for the praise of man,
Then God’s Compassion-Eye-SmilesWill not reach you.
```If we love to live
In the mind,We shall be compelled to live
In a clouded future. ```One glimpse
Of my Lord SupremeQuenches
My unquenchable thirst. ```We must uproot
Our desire-weedsAs soon as possible.
```Blessings, Concern, Compassion —
These are the beautiful flowersOf God’s Heart-Garden.
Everything we doIs lacking in originality!
```We cannot comply with all —
We must try only to complyWith the requirements
Of our Inner Pilot. ```If you sing,
Then sing with yourFully blossomed heart.
Is the only failureOf human life.
```Time is caught
OnlyIn God’s Presence.
```When sincerity looms large
In our virtues,They become
Perfect instruments of God. ```Each meditation
Is a new promise-inspirerAnd fulfiller.
```O my roaming mind,
Do not waste any more time!Just enter into your heart-home.
```Our divine qualities
Have an open invitationTo enter God’s Heart-Door.
```A purity-heart shines
With Divinity’s Majesty. ```The heart’s beauty
Never fades. ```The soul’s fragrance
Forever increases. ```There is no such thing
As too little divinity. ```There is no such thing
As too much humanity. ```We must give
Our aspiration-heartWith utmost generosity.
```Do not try to climb up high
On ego-ladder —You are bound to fall down
And be seriously injured! ```The larger the heart,
The easier for GodTo fill it
With His divine Bounties. ```Only in pindrop silence
Can we hear God’s Voice. ```Hope is not
The hallucinationOf the mind.
```Hope is
The beautyOf the heart.
```When my Lord receives
My soul’s call,He immediately responds.
```Each seeker
Must pray to GodFor rapid progress.
```It is not an impossible task
To establish a personal relationshipWith one’s Absolute Supreme.
```A really good person
Does not mindBeing with a bad person.
```A really bad person
Hates to beWith a good person.
```Light does not mind
Being with night. ```Night vehemently protests
The presence of Light. ```Do not postpone
Anything good. ```Postpone,
Even for five minutes,Anything you want to do
That is wrong and uninspiring. ```Cry like a child
Until God the MotherArrives.
```The mind
Keeps always openThe desire-door.
```Do not think
Only of the Beyond —Never!
```Everything has to be done
Here on earthNot tomorrow, but immediately —
Here and now. ```Our heart-cries
And our heart-tearsAre impossible for God
To ignore. ```If you are wise,
Then you will not allowYour mind to guide you.
```We all must reach
Our DestinationThrough the passage
Of time. ```God Himself
Will map out your future —You do not have to worry!
```My Lord Supreme
Does bless me and love me —Indeed, it is beyond any dispute.
```God alone knows
When the age-old fightBetween the mind and the heart
Will end. ```May my heart-God-telephone
Never be out of order. ```Each man is suspended
Between life and death. ```I love the beauty
Of the cloud-waves. ```Wherever I go,
My heart immediately establishesIts oneness.
```Anything that is born
From emptinessWill eventually
Grow into fulness. ```The human mind
Will never be able to comprehendA single word
From the Lips of God. ```It is useless
To offend the mind. ```It is the height
Of stupidityTo defend the mind.
```There is no room
For sentimentalityIn my life.
```God does not
Believe in retirement,So how can I?
```May our peace-loving ancestors
Come in our dreamsAnd give us advice.
```Whoever thought
That life would be nothing butA continuous series of problems?
That are discouragingAnd disheartening
Must be discarded,Sooner than at once.
```The mind that confuses us
Is far beyondOur control.
```Alas, human life
Is full ofUnfounded fears.
```My Lord Supreme,
Please do not allow my faithTo be shattered
In the world-arena. ```Renunciation-power
I do not need. ```Acceptance-shower
I badly need. ```A wavering mind
Never succeeds. ```A cheerful heart
Is ignorant of burdens. ```What am I doing?
I am sleeplessly gatheringThe beauty
Of each and every heart. ```What am I doing?
I am breathlessly collectingThe fragrance
Of each and every soul. ```O seeker,
Claim the presentAs your own.
```O seeker,
Do not foolishly claimThe future.
```Negativity thinks
That it is a solid formOf speciality.
```The heart
Never wantsLeadership.
```The heart
Only lovesFriendship.
```Our God-connection
StartedRight from the very beginning.
```Every morning
I deeply enjoy watchingThe waves
Of my heart’s silence-sea. ```I never allow myself
To be imprisonedBy useless world-opinion.
```A devotion-igniting heart
I cherish. ```Alas,
My heart isAn unrevealed joy.
```We do not please God
Even once a month.How can we expect God
To fulfilOur endless desires?
```I find myself always
At the ever-blossoming FeetOf my Lord Supreme.
```The One whom we worship
Is not above our head —He is deep within us.
```Let immortal deeds
PrecedeImmortal words.
```My soul
Lives in the homeOf my God-vision-life.
Far outshinesAll other beauties.
```A tiny heart
HousesInfinity’s Smile.
```The Delight
That knows no deathAbides in our souls.
```I am proud,
Not of my mind’s pride,But of my heart’s light and delight.
```The mind questions,
The mind answers,But the mind is never satisfied
With the answers. ```In my heart’s
Imagination-homeThe Unknown secretly dwells.
```All happy hearts on earth
Have given meTheir protection-shelter.
```The outer life suffers from
The material world-insufficiency. ```The inner life suffers only from
God-emptiness. ```The human child
Is afraid of night. ```The divine child
Is afraid of nothing —Not even God’s Light
And Bliss infinite. ```My Lord’s Eye
Is the meeting placeOf my sacred utterances
And secret deeds. ```The outer life
LovesOuter manifestations.
```The inner life
And God-union. ```The mind
Never gets exhaustedIn spite of countless thoughts.
```For a daring heart —
God-Infinity’s Bliss! ```A child’s eyes
Are surprise creationsOf God.
IsAn endless subject.
```Through the eyes
Of the outer life,The inner heart smiles.
```Seek God’s Feet,
Before it is too late. ```Reveal God’s Heart,
Before it is too late. ```Become God’s Life,
Before it is too late. ```Each new dream
Is the harbingerOf a new creation
On earth. ```The human life
Does not knowWhat true ecstasy is.
```The divine life
Does not know anythingOther than ecstasy’s flood.
```Needless to say,
The mind is notThought-born.
```The mind is God’s
Unnoticed Vision-born. ```Eternal happiness
Grows onLife’s service-tree.
```The ancient depth
And the modern speedI equally need.
```The world is still unaware
Of its divine deeds. ```The world is still unaware
Of God’s sleeplessCompassion-Deeds.
```O seeker,
Do not waste your timeIn trying only to transform
The world. ```O seeker,
Try first to feed your heart constantlyWith God’s Light and Delight.
```God’s Forgiveness-Feet
I dearly love. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
I cannot stop adoring. ```Silence-fragrance,
My heart loves youAnd my life adores you.
```When my heart cries,
Immediately from AboveSympathy-Tears descend.
```The mind is apt to sell
God-SmilesAt a very cheap price.
```Alas, the happiness-waves
Of lifeDo not last for long.
```Cast aside
The advice of the mindImmediately!
```I must go and live
In my heart’s homelandFor good.
```Alas, the desire-mind
Follows us faithfullyWherever we go.
```God’s Compassion-Boat
Stops at every stationTo carry all the passengers
To their Destination. ```My Lord smiles at me incessantly.
Alas, I squander and squanderMy Lord’s Smiles.
```The mind
Is a perfect strangerTo the heart’s delight.
```Every day
I lovingly and proudly watchThe flowering
Of my heart’s aspiration-plantsAnd my life’s dedication-plants.
```My Lord, I do not want to be
A vagabond seeker.I want to be a seeker
Who sheds sleepless and breathless tearsFor Your express Arrival.
```My Lord’s Heart-Tears
WaterMy mind-desert.
```When we love God,
God’s Compassion-EyeImmediately descends.
```When we serve God,
God’s Pride-HeartEmbraces us.
```When we love God,
The beauty of newnessDescends from Above.
```When we serve God,
The fragrance from deep withinComes to the fore.
```The mind will never know
How much the heart suffersFor the misdeeds of the mind.
```God has set no speed limit
For my heart-boatTo sail to Him.
```I have climbed up the hope-mountain.
I shall now come downWith the promise-fountain of Love —
God-Love —Here on earth.
```My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
Brought me to America, the New World,At the age of thirty-two,
Not only to love the heart of America,But also to serve the life of America.
Once I was permanently stationedIn America,
My Lord said to me:“America is too small for you, My child.
You have to love Me and serve MeThroughout the length and breadth
Of the world!” ```My Lord, can You not see
That I am dyingJust for one Glance from Your Eye?
```My heart’s sleepless
And breathless aspirationIs my only partner
In my God-manifestation-hunger. ```A seeker does not live alone.
He lives with God-thoughtsAll the time.
```God Himself
Has taught my heartHow to gladden
His own Heart. ```Each seeker’s heart
Is in constant preparationFor God’s Descent.
```The world is perfect
Only when I liveIn the silence-heart of my life.
```To see the hidden Truth,
To see the hidden God-Realities,We need a seeker’s eyes.
```The wisdom of life
Is not to conceal, but to revealEverything that we have
For the benefit of the world. ```God may not open His Eye
When I stand in front of Him,But His Heart-Door
He immediately opens. ```No matter how hard
It tries,My heart fails to please my mind.
```The secret of secrets:
We cannot live, even for a second,Without God’s Protection-Feet.
```We do not need future world-lovers
And world-servers.We need world-lovers and world-servers
Now,At this very moment.
```My Lord
Has only one Way:Simplicity.
```I pray to God to tell me
Who will stand by me.God says to me:
“My child,My Heart is always within you,
To stand by you.” ```God gladly gives the full credit
To meWhen He Himself achieves something
In and through me. ```The heart does not mind
When the mind speaks illOf the heart.
```The mind becomes furious
When it sees the heartIs not paying any attention
To the mind. ```The consciousness
Of a higher lifeIs not very difficult to attain.
```God does not stand behind you
Or beside you —God stands right in front of you
To tell you when you are doingSomething wrong.
```My Lord’s Heart
Is always visibly presentTo protect my life.
```Each sincere seeker
Is in the process of makingA new world.
```Always there is an opportunity
To enterGod’s Heart-Room.
```Nobody is eager
To acknowledgeHis own mistake.
```I am truly tired
Of my desire-forest-life. ```When we are in the mind
And the vital,We blindly feed
The wrong hunger. ```What I lost
I do not need at all —A desire-life.
```I may be useless
To the whole world,But I am all useful
To my Lord Supreme. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Every day wants us to tell the worldThat ignorance-game
Is dangerous. ```There shall come a time
When we shall realise thatPraying
Is nothing short ofPlaying.
```Wherever I go,
I see right in front of meMy Lord’s ever-blossoming
Compassion-Eye. ```No matter what I say or do,
My Lord’s LoveRemains the same for me.
```God is fortunate —
The world may not love Him,But at least the world does not dislike Him
In general. ```Every day
All the world-seekersMust try to awaken
The sleeping heart of mankind. ```God’s Compassion
Does not take even a fleeting momentTo enter into the age-long night
Of ignorance. ```Illusion-night
Has bound us.Alas, we fail to see it!
```Our hope makes us always feel
That God is within our eyeshotAnd earshot.
```Night is sleepless.
Day is restless.I live in between.
Is anything butEmpty nothingness.
```A cheerful heart
IsAmazingly beautiful.
```To dream of peace and bliss
Here on earthIs, indeed, a miracle.
```Peace is
Man’s heart-elevatorTo God.
```Silence is essential
For our monumentalAchievements.
```A clear mind
And a pure heartDo not pay any attention
To world-weaknesses. ```Our beauty
Knows no boundsWhen we have complete faith
In God. ```There should be
Real sweetnessIn man’s compassion-deeds.
```The sky tells the earth:
“You are my friend —No other relationship
Do I want with you.” ```No matter what the mind thinks
Of the heart,The heart is always for God.
```I live in between
My mind-thornsAnd
My heart-blossoms. ```God wants from me
My heart-expansionAnd not
My heart-expression. ```God is cheerfully available
Whenever I need Him.I shall be the same.
```I have many times
Made the bestFrom the very worst.
```I must be happy when I see
The sincere devotionOf other seekers.
```My heart every day loves
More and moreThe Feet
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```The Goal is satisfied
With me,But I am not satisfied
With the Goal. ```The day shall dawn
When we are bound to feelThat God-realisation
Is something very natural. ```My complete surrender-life
IsGod’s supreme Necessity.
```My Lord,
Please allow my love to flowLike the Ganges
Towards Your golden Feet. ```May my
Aspiration-heartSoar like a bird.
```May my
Dedication-lifeFor God-manifestation
Roar like a lion. ```Without inner happiness
We cannot makeAny satisfactory progress.
```My Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo breathe in the Beauty
Of Your Compassion-Eye. ```Be wise —
The world is God’s Creation.Do not try to keep God
Only for yourself! ```God-realisation
Is my only concernIn life.
```My Lord, please tell me
How many thousands of timesI shall have to tell You
That I love You only. ```The mind’s unhappiness
IsA fatal disease.
```My love for God
Increases immediatelyWhen He smiles at me.
```God’s Love for me
Increases immediatelyWhen I giggle cutely.
```My gracious Lord
Tells meThat each second
Is very precious. ```God wants my heart
To prove to HimThat I have absolutely no insecurity.
```I have no idea
Whether God believes me or notWhen I tell Him
That I want no attention from Him. ```My heart says to God:
“My Lord,Do not take me seriously
When I speak ill of You.I do not mean it at all!”
```My Lord,
You have done everything for me.Will You please do one thing more?
Please tell meIf I am going to realise You shortly.
```There is no inner disease
That cannot be curedBy our God-gifted faith.
```What am I to do for You, my Lord?
Please tell me!“My child,
Do only one thing for Me:Love and love the world
Infinitely more than you do now.” ```An aspiring heart
Is sleeplessly eagerTo agree with God.
```I must aspire
With all the enthusiasmAt my command.
```When I am too serious,
It becomes very difficult for GodTo act in and through me.
```The heart never misses
Any opportunityTo satisfy God.
```My Lord Supreme treasures
Each and every dropOf my heart-tears.
```Nothing is more important
Than my heart-love for God. ```God loves me.
This is, indeed,An understatement.
```I love God all the time.
This is, indeed,My overstatement.
```God and His Will
Are extremely fondOf each other.
```If you are a God-lover,
Keep your hopes alive. ```Do not step
Into the futureUntimely.
```The real satisfaction
Lives onlyIn the silence-heart,
And nowhere else. ```I hunger
For the dustOf God’s golden Feet.
```God hungers
For myDreaming heart.
```I must stop and stop
The prideOf my unruly mind.
```Walk only along
The road of GodIf happiness is your dream.
```My first goal
IsGod’s Eye.
```My second goal
IsGod’s Heart.
```My third
And permanent goalIs
God’s Feet. ```Enlighten your heart
Before you brightenYour mind.
```Only the aspiring hearts
Can clearly seeGod’s Footsteps.
```Love and love and love,
Serve and serve and serveGod’s Heart-Breath
Sleeplessly. ```My heart thrives
Only onEagerness and intensity.
```Life is beautiful,
Life is bountifulOnly when
God’s Grace guides. ```Each moment
RevealsA new God-Presence-Fragrance.
```I long to be
A God-beggarAnd not a man-emperor.
```Be good
If you needA Heaven-bound flight.
```The dreams of the mind
Have a very short breath. ```God does not like
The retirement policy. ```To cherish disappointment
Is the height of stupidity. ```Constant unhappiness
Is, indeed,A serious ailment of the heart.
```Only one God-pleasing way:
Be happy, be happy, be happy! ```The human mind
Is a heapOf disobedience.
```O sleep-enjoying gratitude
In my heart,Wake up, wake up, wake up!
```My heart thrives
On speaking wellOf others.
```The spiritual life means:
Give to GodYour heart-cries
And take from GodThe fragrance
Of His Compassion-Eye. ```We are safe
Only in our Lord’sProtection-Eye.
```There is only
One real certainty:God’s Compassion-flooded Love.
```Aspiration within,
Inspiration without —Combined,
A seeker perfect. ```Anything good
Can never beSuperfluous.
```Our life-boat sails
Through the darkest reality-riverTo arrive at God’s Divinity-Shore.
```A God-empty life
Is allDemotion-tears.
```A God-full life
Is allPromotion-smiles.
```Aspiration rises
From the heart-cries. ```Dedication spreads
From the life-smiles. ```Talk sweetly;
Receive God’s BlessingsProudly.
```What we need
Is an aspiration-candleTo show us the way to God.
```For the vital,
To enjoy obedienceIs a difficult matter.
```My heart-chariot
Is made ofMy Lord’s Breath.
```Every day
My heart and happinessProve to each other
That they are two best friends. ```If we do not keep our hearts
Only for God,Then our spiritual life
Is, indeed, a joke. ```My heart is ready to fly,
No matter how many extra milesAre needed
For God-realisation. ```To me,
Insecurity is nothing short ofImpurity in disguise.
```Faith-tower protects us.
Love-power sustains us.Oneness-shower fulfils us.
```Our heart’s rainbow-promises
Come fromThe wings of the angels.
```Hope-beauty and hope-fragrance:
These are two more namesFor our aspiration-heart.
Is life’s devastation,Indeed.
```We must soar
Far beyondOur earthly ken.
```My heart lives either in
The rose-gratitude-gardenOr
The lotus-gratitude-garden. ```To be simple
IsA most difficult task.
```Without sincerity,
It is not advisableTo enter into the inner life.
```Purity in our inner life,
And outer life as well,Is of supreme importance.
```Our prayers
Should carry alwaysTears.
```Our meditations
Should carry alwaysSilence.
```Once we enter into the spiritual life,
God is first and foremost —Everything else is secondary.
```Not only day by day
And hour by hour,But moment by moment
Our love of God must increase. ```The more we can claim God
As our own, very own,The sooner He comes to us and says:
“My children, I am all yours.” ```The animal in us
Fights. ```The human in us
Struggles. ```The divine in us
Soars and dives. ```If I have to choose
Between God’s EyeAnd God’s Feet,
I shall immediately chooseGod’s Feet.
```Our life-river flows, murmuring,
To the ocean infinite.What for?
Only to have a glimpseOf the Infinite.
```When we go to God
As a beggar,He does not appreciate it at all.
```When we go to God
As His sweet children,We immediately give Him
Immense joy. ```Truth and God are one.
But when we use the term ‘God’,Immediately we get
A sweet and peaceful inner feeling.When we use the term ‘Truth’,
We clearly see that something is high,Very high.
Either we shall have to arrive at the Truth,Or we shall have to bring it down
Into our heart, mind, vital and body. ```Each moment is very precious.
We must either dive deep withinOr make friends with restless
Outer activities.Our wisdom-light has to guide us
At every moment. ```Each sincere seeker
Has a very specialFragrance-heart.
```The higher we go,
The more clearly we seeWhat the world actually needs,
And not what the world wants. ```The outer life
Acts like a mad elephant —It gets tremendous joy
From destruction. ```The inner life is like a docile lamb.
God is all Love,Sweetness and Fondness
For His lamb. ```The outer life
Definitely needsThe power of thinking.
```The inner life
All the time needsTo love, serve and please God
In His own Way. ```There is a little light
Even in the darkest night.We must increase
The beauty and power of that lightBy virtue of our constant self-offering.
```What is truth and what is falsehood?
At times it is very difficult to know.But if we completely surrender our hearts
To God’s Will,Then God shows us what truth actually is.
```The doubting mind
Never rests. ```We must not feed
The doubting mind. ```The doubting mind destroys
The light and delightOf our heart.
```The aspiring heart soars and soars
Into the highest realm of consciousness,Which is flooded with
Eternity’s Light, Infinity’s DelightAnd Immortality’s Life.
```Everything is attainable,
Save and exceptA constant God-gratitude-heart.
```My Lord, I do not want to know,
Even for a fleeting moment,Where You are taking me.
I am just praying to YouTo give me the capacity to follow You —
Unreservedly, unconditionally,Sleeplessly and breathlessly.
```The mind plays the role
Of a teacher.It always likes to teach
Our outer life. ```The heart plays the role of a tutor.
Secretly it teaches usTo pass extremely well
All our God-given examinations. ```May all my
Heart-hope-flowersNever wither.
```I appreciate and admire
The inner stars,But I hesitate to say anything
About the outer stars. ```I have locked behind me
All my yesterday’sDoubt-jealousy-insecurity-doors.
```When I speak ill of the world
Most vehemently,My Lord puts His Head down
And weeps bitterly. ```God has only one friend,
And that friendIs His Forgiveness.
```Each moment
Is too preciousTo idle away.
```God’s favourite sport
IsHis sleepless Vigilance.
```Only one thing
Interests me:My love of God.
```Only my heart knows
How I treasure, how I cherish,The moments when I am alone with God,
Even for a few seconds. ```My Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo admire not only quality
But also quantity. ```My Lord will never run out of
His Forgiveness-Smiles. ```Man has countless questions,
But God’s SilenceIs the answer.
My Lord never wants. ```Desire-life-charm
No more interests me. ```Disobedience-life
IsThe mind’s thickest night.
```We can easily frequent
God’s Heart-Door. ```Sincerity speaks —
Our love of GodIs only in name,
Not in actuality. ```My God-obedience-road
Has no red light. ```My God-surrender-road
Is the shortest routeTo my Lord Supreme.
```Finally I have silenced
My mind-drums,And I have started playing
My heart-violin. ```My heart never welcomes
My mind-doubt-visitors. ```My Lord Supreme
Never misses a chanceTo hear me sing
My heart-songs. ```My Lord is never tired
Of examiningMy heart-devotion.
```When God sings,
Only God-loversAre able to hear.
```Ugly thoughts
Are unacceptable —They go back to their owner.
```My Supreme tells me:
“My child, wake up!Get up! Speed up!”
```Each and every
Soul-dream of mineMy heart treasures.
```Today my hope-kite
Is flying high, very high,In the vastness of the blue sky.
```Faith knows
Where God’s Heart is. ```God-obedience
Is the shortest roadTo arrive at the Destination.
```We may not see
Our guardian angels,But they do quite often
Fly over us. ```A gratitude-heart
LivesIn Heaven’s Joy.
```Each heart-prayer
Is a unique wayTo approach God’s Feet.
```All around my life
Are onlyThe Smiles of my Inner Pilot.
```The Light
That we are looking forIs deep within
And nowhere else. ```I keep all my aspiration-flames
AliveInside my heart.
```Today I have renewed
My heart-promiseTo my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```My heart-road to God
Is paved withMy devotion-tears.
Is not a virtue. ```World-forgetfulness
Is, indeed,An inner crime.
Can never reachHeaven.
```Wisdom can reach
Heaven’s Feet and earth’s heartAll at once.
```Each seeker
Should try to becomeAn exemplary lover
Of God’s Light. ```Each seeker
Should discoverHis own way
To arrive at God’s Door. ```World-concern-duty
Must be untiring. ```Why do we need a mind
That so oftenIntimidates us?
```To have a concrete plan
For a new worldIs, indeed, a splendid idea.
Is nothing short ofSerious stupidity.
```May there be a relay
Between my prayersAnd my meditations.
```Do not subdue your emotions —
Illumine them.This is the correct way.
Is our heart’sHeaven-climbing tree.
```Never dream of separating
Your existenceFrom the world.
```Truth cannot
Forever remainUnheard.
```The heart of a seeker
Is God’sCompassion-Fragrance.
```When we say,
“God, I love You,”This is the first step
Of our spiritual life. ```When my devotion-heart
Opens its eye,It immediately sees
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```Purity-moon
Each heart needs. ```God does not want anybody
To escapeFrom His Embrace.
```If anything in my life
Has meaning,Then it is
My God-hunger-tears. ```I have problems,
And God has His Feet-DustTo solve my problems.
```I do not want to hear anything
That is not connectedWith God.
```One Nectar-Delight-drop
Is more than sufficientTo quench my thirst-pinch.
```The spiritual life
Is a dailySelf-transcendence-challenge.
```To transform a human life
Into a divine lifeIs most difficult —
But it is not an impossible task. ```The repetition of God’s Name
Is the only thing that gladdensMy soul, my heart and my life.
```I am so happy that
My obedience-heart travels with me,And not my rebel-mind.
```If you want to understand
The meaning of the world,Then forgive the world
First. ```A purity-mind
Is not only needed,But obligatory.
```Simplicity and sincerity
Are the two immediate needsOf the world.
```When I walk
Towards my Master’s home,My eyes smile
And my heart dances. ```On earth,
The soul’s God-victory-battleNever ends.
```Seekers are
God’s Will-fulfilment-strugglersToday.
Seekers will becomeGod’s Victory-dancers.
```If you want to reach
God’s Heart-Home,Then you must not carry
Even a trace of worldliness. ```Each soul
Is a living breathOf God’s infinite Wisdom-Light.
```Truth aspires
All the time. ```Falsehood expires
Eventually. ```A seeker means
One who wants to come out ofHis mind-prison.
```Our mind-eye
Sees darkness-nightEverywhere.
```Our heart-eye
Sees beauty and lightEverywhere.
```Each seeker has a spiritual giant
Lying dormant inside his life.At God’s Hour
That giant will come to the fore. ```Be aware of
God’s unexpectedArrival-moment.
Is an inner attribute. ```I must stop
My mind’sImpurity-infiltration.
```I must stop
My life’sInsecurity-attachment.
```I never listen to
My mind’sAdvice-volleys.
```We need a world
Filled withThe beauty of a rose.
```Divinity I have chosen
As my earth-life-saviour. ```I pray to God,
Not to sit next to Him,But to sit at His Feet.
```Our love of God
Should be our life’sPerfection-offering.
```I am my life’s
Only burning question. ```God is my life’s
Charming, illuminingAnd fulfilling Answer.
```A God-given talent
Everybody hasDeep within.
```I have entered into the world
With my heart’s eyeWide open.
My mind is made ofUseless facts.
```To my great joy,
My heart is made ofGod-Dream-fulfilment.
```All the centuries
Have the same problem:The misunderstanding
Of God’s Compassion. ```All the centuries
Have the same problem:The understatement
Of God’s Self-giving. ```To fly in God’s Sky,
Aspiration-cryIs needed.
```God smiles
To give meBoundless joy.
```God cries
For me to haveAn indomitable will.
```Each great deed
Ushers in a new world ofGod-fulfilment-promise.
```Sound thrills
My stupidity-floodedMind.
```Silence thrills
My Heaven-climbingHeart.
```Each self-giving act
Brings us one step closerTo God’s Feet.
```Each seeker
Needs a daring escapeFrom ignorance-night.
```My aspiration
And God’s CompassionEvery day feed each other.
```God’s Victory-Banner
We must hoist,No matter what consciousness
We are in. ```O my mind, do not delay!
Rise upWith the aspiring heart.
```Desire spans the distance
Between the doubting mindAnd the strangling vital.
```A silence-heart
DeservesA special victory-award.
```A silence-heart
Is always the winnerIn the inner world.
```Earth and the heart
Always go together. ```Heaven and the soul
Are always together. ```God and I
Are always for each other. ```God-advisers
Are too many to count. ```God-lovers can easily be counted,
For they are very fewIn number.
```God has a very special Concern
For each and every heart-flame. ```Although my God-interviews
Are very short,They are extremely beautiful,
Meaningful and fruitful. ```Angels do not come down
From Heaven.Angels fly in our heart-sky
All the time. ```My earth-wings
AreSingularly beautiful.
```My Heaven-wings
AreEndlessly powerful.
```Each seeker must wait
For God’s CommandAnd not be restless.
```If you are full of yourself,
How can poor GodEnter into your life?
```Good news!
The mind is finally readyTo obey God implicitly.
Has the slowest pace. ```Inside even the darkest days,
The brightest sunlightLives in disguise.
Is not neededTo appreciate light.
```Light is self-illumination
And life-expansion. ```Each smile of my heart
Makes my worldBetter.
```In my heart-garden,
Each benchIs my best meditation place.
```Not the dust of the past,
But the dust of my Lord SupremeI long for.
```The sound of God’s Footfalls
Has awakenedMy sleeping heart.
```If you want to say good-bye
To your ignorance-world,Then do it immediately!
```He who waits and waits
To improve his inner lifeAnd outer life
Is, indeed, stupidity incarnate. ```If I really love God,
Then why do I stillAccompany my mind
Wherever it goes? ```Every day can be
The most perfectGod-aspiration-day.
```Every day can be
The most perfectSelf-offering-day.
```No more
Earth-indifference! ```No more
Heaven-negligence! ```Like God,
I shall never think illOf myself.
```The desire-life
RushesTowards the prosperity-goal.
```The aspiration-heart
RushesTowards God’s Feet.
```The mind does not want the heart
To cryFor God’s Compassion, Affection
And Love. ```The aspiring heart
Shall put an end toIgnorance-performances.
```The mind
Is crawling and crawling,With no destination.
```The heart
Is running and sprintingTowards the God-Destination.
```The seekers who want
Only God-SmilesAre not serious and sincere.
```The mind is
A failure-sufferer. ```The heart is
A sadness-sufferer. ```I am
An ignorance-sufferer. ```Not slowly, but forcefully,
We must throw ignoranceOut of our life.
```God’s choice Hour
Is always on time. ```Faith nourishes
All the divine qualitiesIn us.
```We must treasure faith
More than anything else. ```God is bound to come
If we are desperateFor Him.
```Be strong in your aspiration.
Do not allow yourselfTo be swayed
By others’ likes and dislikes. ```The hero in us
Is always ready to fight againstImpossible opposition.
The darkness-mind-tunnelIs long, very long!
```An unaspiring mind
Means inner resistanceTo God’s Will.
```O my mind,
You will never be successfulIn darkening
The light of my heart. ```Life is not suspended
Between joys and sorrows. ```The mind gets tremendous joy
In finding faultWith our heart’s aspiration-cries.
```According to the mind,
The entire world is nothingBut a colossal mistake
Of God the Creator. ```Cynicism and spirituality
Must be likeNorth Pole and South Pole.
```No human being
Was ever born ofLethargy.
```Each human being
Was born ofGod’s infinite Ecstasy.
```The soul-telescope
We needTo see God’s Eye.
Has to be founded uponOur God-oneness-heart.
```The ego-mask
Must be removedAs soon as possible.
```Never try to stand alone,
All by yourself.Always seek God’s Grace
And Guidance. ```Interdependence,
Not independence,Is our desire.
```I am no longer
My old, habit-bound life. ```Every morning
I knock at my Lord’s Door,Only to see that it is wide open.
```Daily battles
Are needed forDaily victories.
```Slowly, steadily and unerringly
Wisdom manifests itself. ```My heart’s happiness
Depends onMy Lord’s Happiness-Eye.
```My soul’s happiness
Depends onMy Lord’s constant Victory.
```God’s Compassion-Fountain
Is found bothWithin and without.
```True love
Cannot be builtOn compromise.
```God looks in all directions
To find a truly happy heart. ```Real spirituality
Is far beyond the boundariesOf human likes and dislikes.
Before life-perfectionIs an absurdity.
```I feed on
My aspiration-criesAnd
My dedication-smiles. ```I feed on
My heart-prayersAnd
My soul-meditations. ```The body is dreaming.
The soul is acting and accomplishing,And fulfilling God’s Will.
```God does not want to fulfil
My retirement-desire. ```There is no true vacation
For a real seeker. ```O seeker,
Do not read any bookWritten by a negativity-mind.
```My heart listens always
To my Lord SupremeHappily, devotedly
And unconditionally. ```My heart is more than satisfied
With my Lord Supreme.Therefore, it has no question.
```My mind,
I shall not allow you any moreTo bother my Lord Supreme
With your countless questions. ```When it is a matter of spirituality,
My heart always doesThe right thing.
```My only desire
Is not to go backTo the desire-world
Any more. ```When I am in
The hope-world,I am happy with myself.
```When I am in
The promise-world,I am extremely strict with myself.
```God’s Victory-Banner I shall hoist —
Not for an hour, not for a day,But during my entire life.
```I shall obey my Master implicitly,
Not only in the inner world,But in the outer world as well.
```There is not a single aspiration-heart
That does not please GodWith prayerful and soulful songs.
```The day we aspire,
We remainIn our heart-garden.
```The day we do not aspire,
We consciously digOur own spiritual grave.
```Every morning
My Lord asks meHow I will spend the day.
```I cannot live
Without fulfillingAll my promises to God.
```My Lord takes
My obedience-lifeVery seriously.
```In everything we do and say,
We need a positive mindTo arrive at the Goal.
```A God-obedience-life
Is alwaysThe safest road.
```We need a sleepless gratitude-heart
To carry our livesTo Heaven.
```My faith in God
Is the most powerful strengthIn my spiritual life.
```I keep my hope-boat
AlwaysIn perfect shape.
```When I think of God,
God’s good HeartComes to me first,
And then God’s great Name. ```Self-effacement
Is of supreme importanceIn the spiritual life.
```My Lord,
Every morning and every eveningMy heart is extremely hungry
For Your sweet Affection-Smiles. ```A heart of sleepless God-surrender
Is always the winnerIn the inner race.
```I need intensity
In my prayers. ```I need immensity
In my meditations. ```When we are on God’s side,
We can claim everybodyAs our own.
```My Lord
Is my heart’s Torch-Light.No night, no night!
```When my heart is all sweetness,
My life becomes all onenessWith God the Creator
And God the Creation. ```Every morning
I dive and swimIn the sea of silence-ecstasy.
```My Lord says to me,
“My child,Do Me a big favour:
Never abandonYour life-giving service
To mankind.” ```God does not care for
My praise.He cares only for
My spiritual race. ```A God-rejected life
I was. ```A God-famished life
I now am. ```I ascend
With my heart’s tears. ```God descends
With His Soul’s Smiles. ```O Lord of my love,
Why do I failTo be always with You,
In You and for You? ```Each moment
Reveals a miracleQuite unknown to us.
```My mind says:
“No, no, no!” ```My Lord says:
“Yes, yes, yes!” ```Each heart-prayer
Is a sure keyTo unlock a mind-closed door.
```My hope-heart
And God’s Promise-EyeAre always found together.
```I want my heart
To be caughtIn God-attachment-net.
```When we bend our proud heads,
We see GodRight in front of us!
```My Lord feeds on
My devotion-tears. ```The Will of God
Stays always at a distanceFrom the desire-life.
```Every day
My heart-criesSearch for God.
```Courage is needed
For ourEarth-performances.
```Joy is needed
For ourHeaven-performances.
```When I love God
Wholeheartedly,Both God and I
Win the race. ```My mind’s pride
Will one day surrenderTo my heart’s tears.
```No devotion-heart
Can ever escapeGod’s Compassion-Eye.
```Man’s despair-heart-tears
Wash God’s Feet. ```My surrender-life
To God’s WillIs by far
God’s fastest messenger. ```My Lord wants from me
My very bestAnd, at the same time,
My absolutely worst.He uses them both equally,
In His own Way. ```Do not hide
Your aspiration-cries.Bring them to the fore.
```All the aspiring souls
Live inGod’s close Circle.
```I offer my loving heart.
What else can I giveTo my Lord Supreme?
```My Lord offers me
His Heart’s sweet WhispersAll the time.
```Keep ignorance
AlwaysAt the farthest distance.
```Aspiring souls have to be
Fully aware of God’s WillAll the time.
```My aspiration-heart
And my dedication-lifeAre extremely fond of each other.
```God loves my child-heart
More than anything else. ```God does not want
To punishThe world.
```God wants us
To tarnishOur ignorance.
```All sleeping hearts
Wake upAt God’s choice Hour.
```My aspiration-heart-plants
Are offering divine beautyTo the whole world.
```I shall not allow
My Lord SupremeTo go away from me again
Broken-hearted. ```How rare to find
A desire-empty mind! ```The eyes may grow tired
Of God’s Beauty,But never the heart.
```A mature seeker
Has no fixed timeTo love God —
He loves God ceaselessly. ```The strength of doubt
Is almost unlimited. ```When I climb up my hope-mountain,
I see my Lord, with His open Arms,Waiting for me.
```God’s Heart and my heart
Are always eagerTo receive a glance from each other.
```Human life
Is an eternal preparationFor the Compassion-flooded
Descent of God. ```My Lord,
Do tell me how far I amAway from You.
```God does not believe in
My sooner-or-later arrival —He believes in my soonest arrival.
```I dislike myself vehemently
When I do not fulfilEven a single Wish
Of my Lord Supreme. ```Each one has
A special wayTo please God
In His own Way. ```The mind cleverly tries
To keep GodAt a safe distance.
```My own self-giving experience
I need every day. ```God wants my inner life
To lead my outer life. ```The mind loves
To keep the unreal. ```The heart keeps the Real
And discards the unreal. ```I get tremendous joy
When my Lord SupremeScolds me ruthlessly
For making the smallest mistake. ```When I lose interest
In God,I do not suffer at all.
```When God loses interest
In me,I simply die.
```In Heaven,
My Lord always hasSomething nice to say about me.
```Alas, on earth,
Sometimes I hesitateTo say anything about God.
```No matter what I do,
I cannot satisfyThe outer world.
```I just give an iota of love
To the inner world,And the inner world
Is highly pleased with me. ```To be carefree
Is the sign ofInner strength.
```To be careless
Is, indeed,The height of stupidity.
```I pray to God
For His LoveAnd never for His Power.
```Every day
God asks me to prepareA most special Throne and Crown
For Him. ```Our inner aspiration
FortifiesOur outer dedication.
```Our outer intolerance
WeakensOur inner divine qualities.
```We must take each thought
As seriously as possible. ```Modern life
Is empty of sincerity. ```A genuine seeker
All the time radiatesHis inner light.
```I feast on
My Lord’s Smiles. ```My Lord feasts on
My tears. ```God’s Arrival
At my heart-doorTook away
All the undivine in me. ```Only the divine in us
Appreciates and admiresOur inner progress.
```My soul
Takes everything seriously —Even my stupid daydreams.
```Our determination-mind
Must beUnshakable.
```There are so many forces —
Divine and undivine —That circle around
Our heart-world. ```A good thought
Is the onlyAcceptable choice.
```To be on the wrong track
MeansA complete failure-life.
```I take criticism and flattery
As lightly as possible. ```My ideas
Belonged toMy hoary past.
```My ideals
Belong toMy present-day life.
```God wants me to be
A strict, very strict, leaderOf my thoughts.
```The moment my Lord composes
A heart-beauty-song,I immediately start learning.
```The heart of my silence-life
Invokes Infinity’s PeaceFrom Above
At every moment. ```At every moment
I must long forMy Lord’s Will,
Inwardly and outwardly. ```God enjoys
My heart-devotion-songsMore than anything else.
```My heart’s tiniest gratitude
God treasures. ```Include the world —
Lo,Enjoy God’s Pride.
```Exclude the world —
Lo,God is swimming
In the sea of tears. ```When my heart blooms,
God comes runningTo appreciate its beauty.
```When my heart blossoms,
God starts singingAnd dancing.
```God has given me
A soulful heartTo hear Him singing.
But, alas, I do not use my heart. ```God has given me
Two perfect eyesTo see Him dancing.
But, alas, I do not use my eyes. ```My Lord’s Heart
Is my onlyNectar-dream.
```Bliss and Truth
Are inseparable. ```A life of pleasure
IsA fleeting experience.
```Harmonise your thoughts
To divinise the world. ```We must always keep
Our hope aliveTo reach our highest height.
```You want to sit in front of
Your purity-heart-shrine,But that is not enough —
God wants you to beThe purity-heart-shrine
Itself. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Gladdens us. ```God’s Justice-Eye
Frightens us. ```Each heart is
God’s blissful experience. ```Each mind is
God’s painful experience. ```A division-mind
Will never experienceThe sweetness of the heart.
```Awaken your heart
To becomeThe beauty of God’s Creation.
```God’s gracious Eye
Tells meThat my heart is very precious.
```May my heart-beauty
BlossomOnly to be blessed
By God’s Eye. ```When I live inside my heart,
God visits meOn a regular basis
Early in the morning. ```I am desperately trying
To take a long vacationFrom my doubting mind.
```Every day I must have
An unshakable determinationTo please my Lord Supreme.
```If you want to be divinely wise,
Then pin your hopesOn God-Attention.
```Each life is full of
World-criticismAnd world-objection.
```I must dismantle
My mind’s strong holdOn my life.
```I do not want to be
A world-leader-mind. ```I wish to be
A world-lover-heart. ```The only thing that really matters
To GodIs my constant eagerness to please Him
In His own Way. ```God has heard
Many, many mind-storiesFrom me.
He now wants to hearOnly one heart-song
From me. ```I do not search for two things;
I search only for one thing —My Lord’s Forgiveness-Heart.
```Each day I pray to God
To be in chargeOf my every forward step.
```Each time I come to God
For the fulfilment of my desires,God smiles at me,
But my soul gets furious. ```I have so many ways to discard
All my troubles.Poor God —
I wonder if He has any way. ```When I go to God to explain,
He tells me:“I need no explanation.
I want only entertainment from you!” ```God caresses
My heart-tearsWith utmost Concern.
```We pray to God
Only when we are caught by fearAnd anxiety.
God tells us that this is absolutelyThe wrong way.
He says: “My children, every day,Every hour, if not every minute,
You all must pray to Me for Protection,Protection and Protection.”
```Every day
God wants my soulTo explore.
```Every day
God wants my heartTo implore.
```Every day
God wants me to increaseMy heart’s surrender-light-power.
```My heart-tears
KnowHow to catch God.
```God’s Soul-Smiles
KnowHow to catch
My wandering mind. ```We do not value
The visible HeartOf God.
```We value
The invisible EyeOf God.
```Each God-dream
Immensely increasesOur love of God.
```I love God,
Not because God loves me.I love God precisely because
That is the only thingThat gives me joy.
```God’s Smiles
Quite oftenFail to conquer
My heart. ```God’s Tears
Each and every timeSucceed in conquering
My heart. ```I have two very serious questions:
When I am happy,How is it that my Lord is not happy?
And when my Lord is happy,How is it that I am not happy?
Why, why, why? ```We are trying to perform
An impossible task:To consciously and deliberately reject
God’s Will. ```Our conscious and deliberate rejection
Of God’s WillIs the most dangerous crime.
```My God-readiness does not depend on
My God-meditation —It entirely depends on
My Lord’s Compassion-Eye. ```Meditation only
Can silenceThe turbulent mind-waters.
```Alas, our world is
A peace-starved life. ```God-manifestation
Is forThe roaring lion-hearts.
```When aspiration ascends,
It is limitless climbing. ```The mind does not solve
Any problem —It only magnifies the problems.
```Not mind-action
But heart-serviceIs all we need.
```Aspiration is
A God-ascending flame. ```I may not be a progress-sprinter,
But I can at least beA progress-runner.
```Each child has
A Heaven-dreaming heart. ```If you are a God-believer,
Then you already areA far-advanced seeker.
```Each dream is
A reality-manifestation-pioneer. ```Each seeker
Has to haveA hope-climbing heart.
```Each seeker
Has to beA promise-fulfilling life.
```A selfless life
MeansA dauntless faith in God.
NeedsA God-eagerness-heart.
```Silence, only silence
Is neededFor God’s express Arrival.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is a strangerTo man’s mind.
```A seeker feeds on
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```The sorrows of the world
Take shelterInside a God-realised soul.
```Faith is not
A tiny thoughtBut an adamantine will.
```The willingness of the mind
Is a very rare achievement. ```Stop thinking!
Start loving God,From this very moment.
```God’s Justice-Eye
Is for our perfection-lifeAnd not for our destruction.
```My self-assertion-life
```My Lord, if You really love me,
Then please take my thoughts,My tears, my smiles
And my all —All at once!
```From time immemorial,
God has been searchingFor a few perfect instruments.
```Every God-glimpse
Is floodedWith Infinity’s Bliss.
```God takes immense pride
In our inner progress-steps. ```The mind is
A division-separation-specialist. ```My God-devotion-days
Are sweeter than the sweetest,And my progress
Is faster than the fastest. ```All along
I have been dyingFor my happiness.
From now onI shall choose only
My Lord’s Happiness. ```I choose
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```God chooses
My completeTransformation-life.
ThoughtsAre ours.
Torturing thoughtsAre never ours.
```May my life be found
Between dynamism-volcanoAnd enthusiasm-flood.
```God wants me to smile at Him
Not with my doubting mind,But with my self-giving heart.
```Aspiration climbs;
Dedication spreads. ```Realisation struggles —
Struggles for God-manifestationHere on earth.
```My Lord, I beg of You
To bless meWith a moment of clarity
Inside my darkness-mind. ```Only the Eternal Now
Is our all. ```God wants each human being
To be the architectOf his small world.
```We do not have to go to the desire-fire
To be extinguished.Desire-fire runs towards us
To destroy us. ```When my mind prays to God,
God takes itAs a very special surprise.
```God wants the God-lovers
To defyTheir earthly age.
```My Lord, how many more years
Do I have to liveIn attachment-mire?
```Even after God-realisation,
There is still so much workTo do for God.
```The mind-impurity
Has to be keptAlways under arrest.
```God has a special Plan for me.
My eagerness for my own planHe does not appreciate!
```I am afraid to know my future,
But I do nothingTo free myself from this fear.
```To take a vow of silence
Is not enough —We have to pray and meditate in silence.
That my Lord does for meIs overwhelming.
```My Lord,
When will You put an endTo my anxiety-worry-life?
```A God-loving day
IsA world-fulfilling day.
```To feel myself
Inside God’s HeartIs extremely beautiful.
```To feel God
Inside my heartIs extremely fruitful.
```I renounced ignorance,
Not because I was compelled,But because it was inevitable.
```The heart and the soul
Never give GodAny problem.
```Each man
Is an invisible GodIn the making.
```If we cannot please God endlessly,
We must try to please HimAt least immensely.
```When the world praises me,
Sooner than at onceI offer my praises to God.
In this lifetime —This is what I stand for.
```The human in us
LovesThe world of fantasy.
```The divine in us
LovesThe world of ecstasy.
```May my life be
An ever-blossomingPrayer.
```The heart of Mother Earth
Any earth-child can openAt his sweet will.
```To satisfy your God-hunger,
Always remain insideThe breath of your heart.
```Do not bring back
Yesterday’s dream.Look forward
Towards tomorrow’s vision. ```For one brief glimpse
Of my Master,I am prepared to wait
Hours and hours. ```God tells me
That I am precious in His LifeBecause I am oblivious
To world-criticisms. ```My Lord, You are
My Sweetness-remembrance,Joy and Pride.
```I desire my heart to have
An intense conversationWith God.
```My Lord’s Eyes twinkle
With DelightWhen I make an iota
Of inner progress. ```One thing I really want:
For my Lord SupremeTo be extremely proud of me.
```No matter how many attempts
I shall have to make,I really want to please my Lord Supreme
Always, in His own Way. ```A truly obedient seeker
Can avoidThe dark ignorance-road.
```My unconditional surrender
To God’s WillShines bright
At the top of God’s list of favourites. ```I must welcome God
Not only with my life’sSincerity,
But also with my heart’sIntensity.
```God can entirely depend
Only onSincere and self-giving seekers.
```God’s Tears and Smiles
Have unlimitedPower.
```Every day
God wants to hear some good newsFrom humanity’s aspiration-heart.
```When I aspire wholeheartedly,
God allows me to drinkHis Nectar-Delight.
```I need all the time
An undying faithIn my Lord Supreme.
```I must increase every day
My God-love-devotion-surrender-Speed.
```Like a child,
I must always be foundNear my Master’s
Blessingful presence. ```A genuine seeker
IsA universal well-wisher.
```Not God the Power
But God the CompassionHas saved my life time and again.
```To know the ultimate Truth
Is, indeed,A seeker’s birthright.
Has many, manyFalse names.
```God definitely helps us,
Unreservedly and unconditionally,When we want to walk along
Eternity’s RoadUndisturbed and unperturbed.
```Man’s sound-words
I cannot understand. ```God’s Silence-Messages
I do understandPerfectly.
```As the desire-road is endless,
Even so,The climbing aspiration-cry.
```Happiness we long for,
But we must know thatWithout oneness
We can never haveAbiding happiness.
```We must take shelter
At the Feet of GodLong before the outer world
And the inner world attack us. ```Every day the desire-life
Has a volley of questions.The aspiration-life
Has all the answers. ```God blesses us
With the beauty and fragranceOf the ultimate Truth
At His choice Hour. ```Although the Goal
Is not a far cry,Somehow I am unable
To reach it. ```I sing the God-song
And dance the God-danceOnly at God’s express Command.
```At every turn, God blesses me
With a golden opportunityTo become a better seeker.
```My mind’s
Anxiety-cloudsHave all dispersed.
```I deeply enjoy
My soul’s silence-conversationsWith God.
```Each human being should be driven
By a genuine eagernessFor self-discovery.
Our joys are always followedBy shades of fears.
```Each aspiration
Is a fulfilmentOf God’s Dream.
```Everything inspiring, aspiring,
Illumining and fulfillingIs sky-free.
```Enough, enough!
No more,My bargain-prayers.
```God proudly gives Himself
To a selfless self-giver. ```May each sunrise
Be a new creationOf my heart.
```Every day
My Lord comesTo my homeless heart.
```My hero-heart
Accepts all the challengesOf my temptation-mind.
```God always allows us
To choose our future. ```I fly from ecstasy-sky
To ecstasy-skyWhen my Lord gives me
A sweet and cute Smile. ```If I cannot raise my life higher,
How can I expect my lifeTo be closer to God?
```My God-Doctor
Charges no fee. ```To live in God’s Inner Circle,
The seeker must sleeplessly love GodAnd serve God.
```The mind loves to live
On the outskirtsOf God’s Compassion-Eye.
```God is extremely fond of
My heart-dove. ```My heart cheers
For God-Victory. ```God’s Heart cheers
For my meditation-immensity. ```Every morning
My Lord turns onMy gratitude-heart-lamp.
```An adamantine will-power is needed
To make a most soulfulHeart-shrine.
```When my Lord whispers,
In no timeMy aspiration-heart
Runs towards Him. ```O my mind,
Sleep!Enjoy an eternal sleep.
```O my heart,
Wake up, wake up!It is high time for you
To run forward,Fly upward
And dive inward. ```May my heart
Be a constantGod-pleasing flute.
```God loves and admires
My heart’sWorld-sympathy-tears.
```I meditate
To dive deep and enjoyMy soul’s silence-fragrance.
```I pray to God
To makeEvery second of my life
Beautiful. ```God tells me
To try to makeEvery second of my life
Peaceful. ```My mind is totally ignorant
Of my soul’sSilence-fragrance.
```If your prayers are for
Your desire-fulfilment,Then your life will be found
In miserable sighs. ```I shall never allow
My gratitude-heart-breathTo expire.
```There is a constant fight
Between my mind’s darknessAnd my heart’s light.
I am sure my heart’s lightWill prevail.
```I do not want to live
The same old desire-lifeEver again!
```My aspiration-heart
Most prayerfullyAnd most devotedly
Follows my Lord’s Footsteps. ```First I invoke
God’s blessingful Presence,And then I explore
My inner world. ```Alas, I am most eagerly
Waiting for the dayWhen my desire-life
Stops chasing me. ```All my prayers
Bloom and blossomAt the Feet of my Lord Supreme.
```God’s Compassion
And my aspiration-heartAre inseparable.
```God’s Forgiveness
And my desire-lifeAre inseparable.
```My mind never knows
When God’s Heart secretly enters intoMy heart
And when my heart secretly enters intoGod’s Heart.
```How do you know the difference
Between the mind and the heart?The heart sleeplessly extols God;
The mind constantly bragsAnd brags
And brags. ```No vacation from aspiration,
No vacation from dedication,If you want to realise God.
```I desperately
Need God. ```God,
With no need whatsoever,Needs me!
```God feels sad
When I say thatI am indispensable.
```God feels sad
When I say thatHe is not indispensable.
```God’s Sermons
Do not do anything goodFor me.
```God’s Jokes
Help me immensely. ```Angry word-gifts
I do not accept —They go back to their owner.
```I stopped doubting God
The day God fulfilledMy desire.
I am unable to please God.Tomorrow, without fail,
I will be able to please God.Not only that,
I will be able to please GodIn His own Way.
```God-lovers and God-servers
God always keepsIn His Heart-Boat.
```I thrive and thrive
Only onMy God-obedience-service.
```At long last,
Today isMy God-pleasing day!
```Seriousness I am
When I talk to humanity. ```Soulfulness I am
When I talk to God. ```God-obedience
Means happinessIn the entire being.
```My mind,
Please start thinkingOf God.
```My heart,
Please start longingFor God.
```My life,
Please start prayingTo God.
```My heart
Thrives insideMy hope-home.
```God treasures
Our tear-flooded prayers. ```Every day
My gratitude-heartIs blessed by
God’s Peace-Rain. ```The inner delight
Opens up God’s Heart-DoorVery, very quickly.
```God’s Compassion-Joy
Descends and descendsWhen my aspiration rises
Just a little. ```The soul-singer
Is allowed to comeAnd sing for God
Inside His HeartAt any time.
```A seeker-dreamer
Is a cherished dreamOf God.
```Our God-obedience-prayers
Save us from makingSerious mistakes in life.
```A cheerful heart-giver
Knows no expectation. ```When God is in our thoughts
And deeds,We immediately succeed.
```God completely depends on
A service-hero. ```God’s blessingful Presence
And our ecstasy-floodAre inseparable.
```May the life
Of my heart-tearsNever expire.
```To roar
With a lion-strength,We must soar
In our God-gratitude-heart-sky. ```Cheerfulness
Can carry usThrough all the storms of life.
```Each time God blesses me,
I feel deep withinMy gratitude-heart rising.
```Each seeker has to learn
At least oneSoulful God-gratitude-song.
```A prayerful life
Is, indeed,A rainbow-beauty.
```One positive thought
Is enough to challengeThe pride of impossibility.
```Every moment
We need an unquestioning surrenderTo God’s Will.
```God wants me to be
A twenty-four-hour God-loverIn the inner world
And God-serverIn the outer world.
```We must succeed
In silencingOur thundering mind.
```With a moment’s inspiration
We can create a new worldOf beauty and fragrance.
We badly needFor our life-perfection.
```Not outer beauty
But inner beauty we needTo be of genuine service
To God. ```If you are ready to confound
Your blunders,Then God will easily be found.
```Newness is not enough —
Uniqueness we need every dayIn our lives.
```Everybody wants to be a member
Of God’s close Circle of Friends,But how many are willing to meet with
The necessary requirements? ```Nature’s transformation
Will take placeOnly from unconditionally
Self-giving hearts. ```We need implicit faith
To walk alongThe world’s perilous road.
```Each one has come,
Not to bind anybody,But to be a unique pathfinder
For himself. ```Sometimes I do feel
The severe punishmentThat I receive from God
Is nothing butGod’s Compassion-flooded Reward.
```How I wish
Each meditation of mineTo be never-ending!
```God gives a chance
To ignorance-nightTo change its life,
But there comes a timeWhen God uses His Justice-Light
Most powerfully. ```Silence
Is my heart’s treasureIncomparable.
```The human in us
FindsThe divine in us.
```The divine in us
DiscoversThe Supreme within us.
```The silence of the heart
BeginsWhen the noise of the mind
Ends. ```My heart is always inspired
By the dictates of my soul. ```May my aspiration
Never sleep. ```Alas,
Temptation and frustrationDo not know how to sleep.
```Heaven knows
That earthBelongs to Heaven.
```Earth cannot believe
That Heaven claimsPoor earth.
```The soundless Voice
EmbodiesThe strongest Bliss.
```May my love
Of my Lord Beloved SupremeNever fall asleep.
```In the battlefield of life,
We all need eagerness and intensityTo conquer our enemies.
```Good health
Is the most significant giftFrom God.
```Never lose cheerfulness,
Never! ```Cheerfulness
Is immediate progressIn our spiritual life.
```May my heartbeat
Be of my soul-beautyAnd soul-fragrance.
```The silence-music-message
Is most powerfulAnd illumining.
Is nothing short ofImpurity.
```The sound of the mind
Quite often fools us. ```The silence of the heart
Always elevates us —Our consciousness.
```The ultimate victory
Of the inner LightOver ignorance-night
Is inevitable. ```Love-Light knows
No ignorance-night. ```Before ignorance appears
To blind us,We must bind ourselves
To God. ```We must discover and experience
The beautyOf our heart’s flames.
```The heart can easily blossom
If we do not feedThe doubting mind.
```The heart lives
On tiny, tiny hopes. ```God’s Philosophy
Is not only for one countryBut for all the countries
Of the world. ```God’s Desire-Dreams
Are sweetBut do not always come true.
```Everything that comes
From the heartCarries very special beauty.
```Humour is
A hidden wisdom. ```Do not keep company with doubt —
It will in some wayAffect you.
```May my love
For my inner and spiritual lifeBecome stronger and stronger.
```God is eager to be caught,
Not by the power of the mind,But with the love of the heart.
```God does not believe
In retirement;God believes only
In constant activity. ```God’s enjoyment
Is very powerfulWhen our life
Is very soulful. ```When I play
Inside my heart-garden,I am absolutely hopeful.
```When I play
Inside my mind-jungle,I am utterly helpless.
```My Lord’s Forgiveness-Heart
And my aspiration-heartHave an unbreakable inner bond.
```I am not crying
For name and fame;I am crying
For God’s Satisfaction-GameInside my heart.
```May each breath of mine
Be a highland of aspiration. ```As God has tremendous confidence
In me,Even so, I have all faith
In Him. ```If you want to get appreciation
From your Master,Then your life must be found
Either in your aspiration-heart-mountainOr in your dedication-life-fountain.
```God created
A very simple world. ```Our minds have, alas,
CreatedA very sophisticated world.
```My self-love has disappeared
Now that Universal LoveHas dawned in my life.
```Like the morning rose,
May my prayer-heart bloomWith all its beauty and fragrance.
```May my heart
Be a fountainOf God’s Love.
```From Heaven
A new message has arrived:Either take your spiritual life seriously,
Or go back to your old life. ```My heart’s aspiration-tears
Are flowingTo my life’s running river
To reach their Destination. ```All my brothers and sisters
Belong to my heartbeat. ```Greatness
Must be followedBy humility.
Must be followedBy self-sacrifice.
```The Thunder
Of God’s JusticeHelps us enormously.
```Each seeker needs
The patience of a saint. ```Each seeker needs
The endurance of a hero. ```O my mind,
Can you not seeThat you are paralysed
By self-doubt? ```Our love of Infinity
Every day must increase. ```Expectation lives
In the wasteland,And nowhere else.
```We all love God’s Grace
But not His Patience. ```A confusion-mind
Must be buriedIn lifeless oblivion.
```An illumined soul
Sings God’s Victory-SongWith the sweetest heart.
```Our love of God
Must devourOur dislike of mankind.
```May my outer life
Be as beautifulAs my blossoming heart.
```Light will appear
In boundless measureAfter we wander through
The darkest night. ```When you are face to face
With your soul’s light,You will not be dazzled —
You will only be illumined. ```My Lord tells me:
All that He ownsI can claim as my own,
Very own! ```Oneness
Makes the heart preciousAnd the life spacious
All at once. ```I came into the world
To touch my Lord’s Feet. ```My Lord came into the world
To feel my heart. ```For God’s Dream-Manifestation,
I am prepared to give my lifeAnd my all.
```An unconditional surrender
To God’s WillIs the hero supreme
Within every heart. ```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 46, Agni Press, 2006
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/st_46