My Lord,
You are the one,And the only one,
That I love! ```I pray to God every day
To grant meA dream-studded heart-sky.
```A God-faith-heart
IsStrength indomitable.
```God Himself
Is the ComposerOf all my devotion-heart-songs.
```Enthusiasm is the pathfinder
For everything goodThat we do.
```God tells me that
A oneness-worldIs not only possible
But inevitable. ```Our tiny smiles
Are God’sMost delicious meal.
```From this very moment,
I shall satisfy my LordIn His own Way,
Until I breathe my last. ```My body, my vital, my mind
And my heartAre meant to love and serve God,
And I am meant to becomeA choice instrument of God.
Fleeting is our worldOf name and fame!
```God tells me
That I must take TimeAs seriously as He does.
```First God shows us
His Fondness,And then He gives us
His Oneness. ```Faith-power
Can easily shatterIgnorance-tower.
```The outer life
Is terribly afraid ofThe inner peace.
```Before, I was a God-devotee.
Now, God wants me to beA God-server as well.
```We remember
God’s LoveMuch longer than we remember
God’s Power. ```Some day
Ignorance will beA bygone mental hallucination.
```The inner world smiles at me;
The outer world frowns at meAt the same time.
Is the masterpieceOf my heart-art.
```For a long time,
My heart has been teaching my mindHow to undo all its thought-knots.
```For a very long time,
My heart has been teaching my mindHow to kneel down.
```Only one attachment
Is worth keeping:Our God-attachment.
Finally surrenderTo God-Appointment-joy.
```My Lord,
Without Your Affection-flooded Eye,At every moment
My life would be full of problems. ```If I do not take my life seriously,
No harm,But I must take God seriously
All the time. ```Silence is at once
Sleepless and endless. ```I must always find
A safe place for my LordIn my life.
```My future God-dreams
Are fast approaching me. ```If you really want to please God,
Then start playing ceaselesslyWith your child-heart.
```I can hide from God’s Eye
But not from God’s Heart. ```My Lord, I only want
What Your Heart wantsFrom me.
```My Lord, please make
My heart’s aspiration-roadClimb high, higher, highest.
```Seeing is not needed,
But feeling is absolutely needed,When I walk along God’s Road.
```God can do everything
Except one thing —He cannot hide
His golden SmilesFrom me.
```My Lord,
You do not have to convince meThat You love me,
But I must convince YouAt every moment
That I love You and I need You. ```Every morning,
God unlocks my heart-doorFor the whole world to come in.
```My heart-beauty
Is increasing all the timeBecause I love only God,
And nobody else. ```I do not think of
My dusty past;I only think of
My sunlit present. ```My faith in God
And God’s Love for meTogether travel
From one end of the worldTo the other.
```My Lord, please tell me
How I can lead a better life.“Easy, My child,
Just unlearn your past.” ```God wants me
To ply my life-boatBetween His Truth-Shore
And His Light-Shore. ```A life of spirituality means
A life of God-remembrance,God-acceptance
And God-fulfilment. ```I pray to God
Not for a world-fascinating mindBut for a God-hungry heart.
```The mind either denies
Or is afraid ofUnconditional love.
```I never forget to include
My gratitude-heartWhenever I do something good
For God. ```Each self-giving thought
IsA new progress-life-song.
```My Lord, I pray to You
Only for one thing:A sweetness-heart-melody.
```God cherishes
Everything that I have —Specially my mind’s cheerfulness.
```Without aspiration,
Inspiration can never beSuccessful.
```Alas, computer-thinking
Is forcing the heartTo run backwards.
```I see my heart’s
Mounting flames —They are extremely beautiful!
```Nothing else lasts,
Save and exceptThe Master’s blessing.
```The human in us wants insurance.
The divine in us needs assurance —God-Assurance.
```Desire means
Joy-disappearance. ```I shall not allow God
To starveFor my gratitude-heart-tears
Any more. ```In my case,
God is alwaysHis Forgiveness-Embrace.
```I am hungry
For my success-news.God is hungry
For my progress-news.Both God and I are hungry
For our mutual satisfaction-news. ```God Himself
Has written the word‘Compassion’
On the golden tabletOf every heart.
```From silence-soil
We receive God’sImmeasurable Love and Power.
```There is infinite joy
Inside your heart.Try to breathe it in
As often as you can. ```God says that
My God-surrender-passportWill allow me to enter
His own Immortality-Land. ```After each fall,
There is a special way to riseHigh, higher, highest —
If you have faith in God. ```Each childlike thought
Is immediate progressIn the spiritual life.
```I love my Master’s
Severe scoldingsMuch more than I love
His most powerful smiles. ```My Lord,
Please help meTo live all the time
In my heart-schoolAnd not in my mind-jail.
```Be attentive —
You have no ideaWhen you will get
The inner Call from God. ```Again and again,
God is asking the mindTo bend and blend.
```The secret of my success
IsMy determination-life.
```The secret of my progress
IsMy God-surrender.
```I feed only on
My heart’s tearful cries. ```My heart says to God:
“My Lord, be strict with me,Not once a day,
But at every moment.” ```Each service-height
IsA new progress-delight.
```Not for just a long time,
But for a lifelong time,My heart and I shall live together
And serve God. ```My heart
Is swingingMy prayer-meditation-lamp.
```Today, my Lord has built
A new God-fulfilment-towerInside my heart.
```My hope
Is silver. ```My faith
Is gold. ```My promise
Is diamond. ```God has touched my heart.
He wants me to spreadHis Fragrance
Wherever I go. ```Life is not
A stumbling experience. ```Life is
A climbing realisation. ```The outer pain
I have. ```The inner delight
I am. ```During the day
My heart and my breathRotate around
The sun-power. ```During the night
My heart and my breathRotate around
The moon-beauty. ```Every day
My Lord God feeds meWith His Compassion-Eye-Smile.
Is a very, very tinyMind-drop.
Is a mighty ocean. ```As soon as I get up,
Early in the morning,Faith comes to me
And opens my heart-door. ```Regularity
IsMy life-beauty.
IsMy heart-fragrance.
```If I cannot claim God
As my own,Then my life shall be
A total failure. ```God has asked me
Not to measureBut to treasure
My heart. ```Only
To the first-class God-loversGod gives
Surrender-lessons. ```My prayer means
My God-supplication. ```My meditation means
My God-invitation. ```My aspiration
Cries for God. ```My dedication
Smiles at God. ```My transformation
Dances around God. ```No more mind-control!
From now on,Only God-control
I want in my life. ```When God calls me,
He expects from meA sooner-than-at-once ‘Yes!’
```The moment I surrender myself
To my mind,My life immediately becomes
The darkest confusion-night. ```The moment I surrender myself
To my heart,My life immediately becomes
Beauty’s measureless joy. ```My life-security
I get only fromMy inner God-Assurance.
```God tells me
The more I do not allow HimTo take rest,
The more He loves meAnd the more He will
Think of me fondly. ```Every day
I need three special thingsIn my life:
Newness, soulfulness and selflessness. ```Each Smile of my Lord Supreme
Gives meA greater joy of perfection.
```Each time my Master smiles at me,
My inner life and my outer lifeGo faster than ever before.
```As in my dreams,
In my wakeful hours alsoI must see myself
In God’s Heart-Home. ```God’s Forgiveness-Feet
Have yet to learnHow to rest.
```Each desire-thought
Strikes my aspiration-heartVery severely.
```A sincere aspiration-heart
Is, indeed,God’s Divinity-Pride.
```Face yourself.
You will see your true Self:God.
```Do the first thing first —
Love God firstAnd then yourself.
Everything will be all rightIn your life.
```The sun dreams
In my soul. ```The moon dreams
In my heart. ```I dream
In the HeartOf the Unknowable.
```My Lord,
I would like to beAll the time
In Your Eye-Prison. ```Earthly homes
Are made ofMan’s knowledge-capacities.
```Heavenly homes
Are made ofGod’s sweet Dreams.
```Each life takes birth
Only to please GodIn His own Way,
But, alas! ```If we do not have enthusiasm
For world-transformation,Then God will never be
Fully satisfied with us. ```With our heart’s ceaseless tears,
We can shorten the roadTo our farther than the farthest
Destination. ```Every day I offer
A fresh gratitude-plantFrom my heart-garden
To my Lord Supreme. ```This world is full of
Lifeless and uselessGod-fulfilment-promises.
```I love equally
The rising sun-dutyAnd the setting sun-peace.
```We like to take the body-exercise
But not the heart-exercise.Body-exercise and heart-exercise
Must go togetherTo please God in His own Way.
```The aspiration-mountain
Knows no bondage-chain. ```I have developed
A real hungerFor God-attention.
```God has developed
A real hungerFor my aspiration.
```Do not look for
Tomorrow’s awards.Look for today’s
God-fulfilment-realities. ```A God-given task
Must not be delayed,Even for a fleeting moment.
```When I speak to God,
He tells me:“Be always cheerful —
Never, never fearful.” ```When God speaks to me,
I am all ears. ```When I speak to God,
He is all tears. ```God came,
But I was absentFrom my heart-home.
```My Lord,
You know whether I amDivine or undivine,
But I know thatI am all Yours.
```An unaspiring heart
And a doubting mindLive together.
```Earnestness is not enough —
Eagerness must be included. ```Eagerness is not enough —
Oneness is needed. ```In my outer life,
I am a desire-beggar. ```In my inner life,
I am an aspiration-banquet. ```Our inner joy
Has the capacity to lessenGod’s outer Burden.
```My good mood
Is my Lord’sSatisfaction-food.
```My heart’s inner cries
Are my very best presentsTo my Lord Supreme.
```God wants from us
The inner purityMore than
The outer beautyTo fulfil Him.
```Enlarge your little heart-room
If you really want GodTo come and occupy
The largest seat. ```The outer smile
Is beautiful.The inner cry
Is infinitely more beautifulAnd blissful.
```God takes me seriously
Only when I take HimAs my Friend
And not my Lord. ```Each tear of my heart
IndicatesMy divine progress.
```I am so happy
And so grateful to God,For He has not made me
In charge of His world. ```If we really love God,
Then no matter how falselyThe world criticises us,
Our inner joy shall keep usInfinitely higher
Than the world-criticism. ```I came into the world
To fly with GodAnd not to spy on God.
```We must appreciate
The pain of life,For it is from the pain of life
That we valueThe sweetness of life.
```I beg God for His Protection.
God says to me:“Can you not see, My child,
That I have already given youMy Protection-Heart?”
```God tells me
That He will sing for meHis Heart-Songs
If I stop telling HimMy mind-stories.
```My Master knows my life
So well,Yet I love to tell him
Every daySomething new about my life.
```I love two things equally:
God’s smiling FaceAnd my crying heart.
```Every day I remind myself
That I was born to please GodIn His own Way
And not to please myselfEven once a year.
```The difference between God and me
Is this:I love to live in God’s Ocean-Heart;
God loves to live in my cottage-heart. ```I have many, many problems.
God’s Smiles cure them all. ```We start with
God’s Greatness,Then His Goodness,
Then His FondnessAnd, finally, His Oneness.
```The monkey-restlessness-mind
Can be silencedOnly by the heart’s silence-light.
Never stopsAt ignorance-station.
```God’s Compassion
Is the only FriendThat comes to our rescue
Whenever we are in trouble. ```Lethargy,
On any plane,Is cancerous.
```With my God-obedience,
I always succeedIn pleasing God.
```God-closeness we have,
But God-onenessIs still a far cry.
```Today you are
A prayer-flame. ```Tomorrow you can become
A meditation-lighthouse. ```Never allow
Your creativityTo be near negativity.
```God does not tolerate many things.
Insecurity is the first thingThat He does not tolerate.
```I must reveal my aspiration
And cancelAll my God-empty thoughts.
```My life-tree grows and grows
With the hope that one dayIt will reach
The highest Heaven. ```When God comes to me,
The very first thing He wants to seeIs if my aspiration-flames are burning.
Is far belowThe human standard.
```From aspiration,
Inspiration comesAnd feeds all the branches
Of the life-tree. ```Each Smile of God
Creates a new rose-gardenInside my heart.
Is the fondest childOf the third eye.
```Not one season
But all the seasons of our yearsWe must dedicate soulfully to God.
```Although I fail to please
My guardian angel quite often,My guardian angel still guides me
With the hope that I shall beExtremely, extremely faithful and devoted.
```May my God-obedience-heart-bell
Never stop ringing. ```My heart-lamp
I always keep lit. ```How can ignorance affect us
If we allow ourselvesTo be completely devoted
To God’s Will? ```My silence-obedience
Is my God-fulfilment-joy and pride. ```This world does not take
Selflessness-lessonsFrom God.
```Each life
Is an imperfection-mountain.Again, each life
Is God’s Compassion-Fountain. ```Ignorance is very powerful
Precisely becauseOur aspiration is very weak.
```My aspiration-cries
And my devotion-tearsHave brought me back
To my Lord’s Heart-Home. ```Our prayer-life
Mostly concernsOur outer success.
```Our meditation-life
Mostly concernsOur inner progress.
```Often, when God comes to us,
We enjoy looking elsewhereAnd not at God.
```My Lord, please tell me if I am doing well
In the spiritual life.“My child, ask your heart
To answer this question.The answer that comes from your heart
Will be absolutely perfect.” ```We appreciate newness
Here, there and everywhere,But God appreciates
Our selflessness. ```We are all in between
Heaven’s SmilesAnd
Earth’s tears. ```With His indomitable
And invincible Will,God takes care of me
All the time. ```God’s attention
Is the beginningOf my progress-journey
In the inner world. ```My Lord gets abundant joy
When He receives from meEven an iota of gratitude.
```God can be ours for the asking
If we haveAn unconditional surrender-life.
```Alas, we have given up
Our God-worshipAnd replaced it with
Our self-worship! ```When I see God
In ignorance-night,I am shocked.
```When God sees me
In ignorance-night,He cries and cries.
```Realisation comes only when
Our lives do not knowWhat expectation is.
Are infinitely more thanGod-winners.
Must be discarded —The sooner the better!
```God’s Eye is for all,
But His Heart is onlyFor the sincere seekers.
```Smiling, singing and dancing,
We must runTowards our Goal.
```Everything of God
I love,But His Forgiveness-Feet
I love most. ```At every moment
I need a new consciousnessIn my inner life.
```My dreams are sweet,
But I must turn themInto realities.
```I never thought
That my heart-tearsWould be so precious
To God. ```Every morning
God gives meHis Heart-Music Lesson
For an hour. ```My heart-tears
Have washed awayAll my mind’s wrong thoughts.
```God’s Compassion
Never forgetsTo seek me out.
```Alas, ignorance-night
Enters into our livesLike a hurricane.
```God comes to meditate with me
Every morning,No matter what consciousness I am in.
```My Lord,
Were You ever youngAt any time?
“My child,What do I look like now?
I am eternally young!” ```Choose God and nobody else
If you really want happinessIn your life.
```Every Smile of God
Expands my heartImmediately.
```Every evening
God wants me to sing for HimA peace-song.
```God’s Eye examines me
All the time,But God’s Heart examines me
Only on rare occasions. ```God-realisation
Is never for the weakOr for the overconfident.
```The mind likes to reject
All the good thingsThat God brings to the mind.
```Anything that is good,
God is eager to give us,But poor God sees that
We are not ready. ```Each time I take
A new forward step,God applauds most powerfully.
```My Lord’s
Compassion-Affection-SmilesNever run low.
```My heart widens
And my life lengthensWhen I speak of God.
```God breathed a heavy sigh of relief
When He saw that I was no longer mixingWith ignorance-night.
```Obedience must become
A supreme necessityFor each and every God-seeker
And God-lover. ```When God watches me praying,
I immediately becomeA high-flying blue bird.
```Every morning
I re-elect GodTo be my life’s
Absolute Lord Supreme. ```Every day
I must performMy God-given duty
With utmost devotion. ```Every morning
I place all my freedomAt God’s Feet.
```I start my aspiration-journey
The moment I get up,Early in the morning.
```Alas, I do not know why
God still lovesMy troublemaker-mind
AndMy troublemaker-vital.
```A child-heart
Is always full ofGod-dreams.
Is my self-expression. ```Compassion
Is God’s Self-Expression. ```Alas, so often
My version of my progressIs utterly wrong.
```God says to me:
“My child, be not doomedTo disappointment.
Your sunlit daysAre fast approaching.”
```God gave me
A God-devotion-heartOnly to fly, only to fly!
```When God promises
My perfection,I must show Him
The height of my aspiration. ```God tells me:
“My child, do not worry aboutYour mistakes and blunders.
I take them as My own problems,And I shall solve these problems
In My own Way.” ```Every day
I take a large portion of purityFrom my heart
And throw it inside my mind. ```Gratitude-flowers
Are still very rareInside the heart of human beings.
```Slowly and steadily
Light is descending from HeavenTo penetrate
My everyday meditation. ```I live my life in between
My aspiration-heartAnd
My Lord’s Compassion-Feet. ```I call it
My heart’s gratitude-flower.God calls it
His Heart’s Satisfaction-Tower. ```When I try to make
A good impression on God,God laughs and laughs.
He says to me:“My child,
I love you infinitely moreWhen I see you are normal and natural.”
```I must not waste time any more
In useless talking and lecturing. ```When I invoke God,
I shed my gratitude-heart-tears. ```When I go to God’s Shore,
I bring my heart’sGod-gratitude-flowers
Without fail. ```When God comes to my shore,
He brings His Blessings,Affection, Love and Concern
Without fail. ```Like God’s predictions,
My promises alsoMust come true.
```When God asks me to fly
With Him in His Heart-Sky,Alas, I get terribly frightened.
```Like God, alas,
My enemy number one —Ignorance —
Does not sleep. ```My mind is now
Completely emptyOf ignorance-dirt and dust.
```I say to God:
“My Lord, do not blame me!”God says to me:
“The more you blame Me,The greater joy I get.”
```My heart and I
Every day long to becomeOur Lord’s Satisfaction-Blossoms.
```My duty
Is to invoke GodAnd not to invade man.
```In the heart of aspiration,
God-manifestationLooms large.
```God smiles at me and says,
“My child, still you do not believe Me —That I love you infinitely more
Than you can ever imagine!” ```My Lord,
Your Compassion-EyeI love.
Your Affection-HeartI adore.
```When my Lord’s Grace
Descends upon meLike a heavy rain,
I simply sing and runAnd become a God-lover
Of the highest height. ```Every morning
God comes to meTo purify my mind
And intensify my heart. ```I love the world,
Not to possessBut to help the world
In every way. ```My love of God
Every day createsA new rainbow-sky.
```My eye treasures
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```My heart treasures
God’s Affection-Heart. ```Every day
I pray and meditateTo fortify my prayerful life
And my soulful heart. ```God’s Divinity has many aspects —
I take up only one aspectTo please and fulfil God.
```The mind wants
To separate usFrom God.
```The heart wants us
To be always with God,In God and for God.
```I am fond of my soul-tree’s
Infinite leaves of beauty. ```My mind
IsA God-measurement-stick.
```My heart
IsA God-expansion-light.
```Each time God creates
Something new,Heaven jumps up and down
In ecstasy. ```My security lies
Inside the very depthsOf my heart.
```Everything is fine with me
Only when I claim GodAs my own, very own.
```I must learn to think
In a new way —God’s Way.
```You do not have to forget fear.
Fear will forget youIf every day you can increase
Your faith in God. ```The mind is expert
In self-deception. ```The heart is expert
In self-perfection. ```Doubt-fortress
Is no matchFor faith-entrance.
```Each heart-smile
Brightens the faceOf the dawn.
Powerfully livesInside the mind.
Unconditionally livesInside the heart.
```Not a shallow love
But a deep loveBinds the world-citizens
Together. ```There are many fruits
On the trees in my heart-garden.My Lord chooses
The surrender-fruit. ```Destruction
Is the childOf wild thoughts.
```I have both a loving God
And a living GodOn my side.
```Do not conceal anything
From your Master,If you really care
For your Master’sBlessings and love.
Is outwardly painfulBut inwardly blissful.
```I grow and glow
With the beauty and fragranceOf my aspiration-heart.
```My Lord, what shall I do
When I see that some of my friendsAre lost souls?
“My child, do not worry about them.You do not have to take My Job away!”
```My deep meditation
Is alwaysGod-Satisfaction-Bliss.
```If you have sweetness
In your mind,Then in your heart
You will findGod-Completeness-Delight.
```In the beginning, I was a passenger
On the desire-life-boat.Now I have an aspiration-life-ship
At my disposal. ```When God calls,
Do not raise your head,But bend your head
As low as possible. ```To find a peace-heart
Is not a difficult taskIf sincerity looms large
Inside your life. ```I love silence-music
And notSound-magic.
```I am so happy
That my aspiration-boatIs under full sail.
```We do not know
How to take advantageOf our silence-heart.
```I am no more to be found
Inside my mind’sDoubt-territory.
```The Master’s invisible miracles
Far outrunHis visible miracles.
```How can anybody keep track
Of God’s Love-ContributionsTo the world?
```There are many, many ways
To please God.I have taken the surrender-way.
```When I tell God that I am very sorry
For not paying my debts to Him,God bursts into roaring laughter
And tells me that He has to learnThis stupidity-subject from me.
```I have come to realise
That patienceIs extremely, extremely powerful.
```We must never forget
That jealousy is the most powerfulSelf-destruction-weapon.
```Minds differ
And neverBecome one.
```Hearts differ
Only to become one,And their oneness
Becomes stronger. ```Self-discipline
Does not believeIn excuses.
```My service-life
IsA God-driven chariot.
```God smiles and smiles
And smilesAt my newness-heart-tears.
```When I live
In my silence-heart-dawn,I become ecstasy boundless.
```God’s Compassion-Shelter
Saves my lifeTime and again.
```To my great joy
I have becomeA God-blossoming heart.
```Do not justify your weaknesses.
The more you admit,The sooner you will become perfect.
```Our God-love
DeterminesOur progress-life on earth.
```God tells me
That my heart’s sweetnessIs the fulness of my life.
```Today’s silence
PreparesTomorrow’s God-Arrival.
```My mind’s ignorance-stories
Are not only hurtfulBut also self-destructive.
```My aspiration
Is full ofGod’s Blessing-Surprises.
```I can take care of
The heavy burden of my life,Provided God’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartI claim to be my own.
```Mother Earth,
Your beauty is unimaginable!You are far beyond the appreciation
Of my heart and my life. ```If peace is not
In Nature’s beauty,Then where is it, where?
```When life is really a question,
The answer can be foundIn the natural beauty
Of Mother Earth. ```Three aspects of God
We can clearly see in the ocean:Vastness, peace and self-giving.
```Our life-boat-journey
And Nature’s purityTalk and talk incessantly.
Is beautiful. ```Vastness-joy
Is powerful. ```Oneness-joy
Is beyond expression. ```When God wants to see us,
Alas, we always hide. ```When we want to see God,
God just comes and standsBefore our eyes,
But our eyes have no visionTo see Him!
```My mind,
No matter how great you are,You cannot please me
With your brilliance. ```My heart,
At every momentYou are giving me ample joy
With your constant kindnessAnd oneness with God.
```There is only one thing
That takes away all our weaknesses,And that is
Our heart-aspiration-cry. ```A heart of beauty
Is absolutely necessaryTo please God.
```There is a difference
Between my going to GodAnd God’s coming to me.
When God comes to me,Deliberately, out of fear,
I keep my eyes closed.But when I go to God,
He pours and pours upon meHis Compassion, Affection and Sweetness,
Far more than I could ever imagine. ```Each pure thought in my mind
Is a long strideTowards my God-realisation.
```Lord Buddha’s heart
IsA Compassion-flooded Reality.
```Lord Krishna’s cow
Is flooded with joyTo illumine humanity.
```My singing capacity
Is my Lord’s extremely beautifulAnd powerful Blessing.
```I think of God as my divine Father,
But God tells me again and again:“My child, I want to be your Friend,
Eternity’s Friend, and nothing else.” ```Whenever I think of God,
He is far, too far.Whenever I love God,
He is near, very near. ```When God dances in my heart,
I do not and cannot appreciateThe height and depth
Of His Dancing. ```When I dance in God’s Heart,
He embraces me immediatelyWith His Infinity, Eternity
And Immortality. ```My newness
Fails to give joyTo God.
```My oneness
Gives joy to God,And I feel it
In every limb of mine. ```Each thought goes either
Up or down.I pray to God to give me
Only the thought that will carry meAlways up —
High, higher, highest. ```The very end
Is the beginningOf a new promise-start.
Is no matchFor love-power.
```It is extremely difficult
For two mindsTo see eye to eye.
```It is very difficult to believe —
But very true —That God’s Forgiveness-Heart
Is for the asking. ```In the spiritual life
I must be wakeful and watchfulAt every moment.
```A seeker’s self-reliance
Can be the downfallOf his spiritual life.
```The mind often stands in the way
When the time comes for the transitionFrom human to divine.
Can be misused —Alas, quite often.
```The shooting star of fame
Quite often can receiveVery powerful, destructive ‘blessings’
From the world. ```Silence
Is the seeker’sMost reliable friend.
```In our spiritual family,
Prayer is the little brotherAnd meditation is the elder brother.
They are very fond of each other. ```There are many seekers
Who do not believe in worshipping God —They are quite satisfied
With their own self-worship. ```A constant
God-gratitude-heartIs extremely difficult to find.
```The mind-leadership
Fails us. ```The heart-leadership
Never fails,And will never fail.
```The power of the mind
Is so limited —It is hard to believe.
```The power of the heart
Is unlimitedIn every sense.
```God takes away my pride
The moment I vehemently dislikeMy pride.
```The outer destination
IsThe mind’s success.
```The inner goal
IsThe heart’s progress.
```If you really want to fight
Against ignorance,Then God will definitely be
With you and for you. ```We need constantly
Two divine things —A determination-mind
And an aspiration-heart —To please God in His own Way.
```God’s Greatness
Astounds us. ```God’s Goodness
Inspires us. ```My aspiration-heart
Takes meTo God’s Eyes.
```My devotion-life
Takes meTo God’s Feet.
```The aspiration-heart
Is not only beautifulBut powerful.
```To feel God’s Heart
Is infinitely easierThan to see God’s Face.
```My eyes can see God,
At times,As a stranger.
```My heart always feels
That God is its Guest,Only Guest.
```The morning beauty
Says to me:“My child,
Go forward, go forward!” ```The evening beauty
Says to me:“My child,
Dive deep within,Dive deep within!”
```When I tell God
That I do not know what to do,God tells me:
“My child,Just think of Me, and think of Me,
And think of Me!You do not have to do anything else.”
```To appreciate
God’s outer Beauty,I must become
A God-worshipper. ```To worship
God’s inner Beauty,I must become
A true and self-givingGod-lover.
```If you imagine your Goal,
At the end of your journeyYou may be disappointed.
```If you pray to your Goal,
Even before you reach your Goal,God gives you illumination.
```God tells me to run forward
All the timeIf I really need His Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-Heart. ```Today God is asking me to enjoy
My closeness-beauty to Him,And He also tells me that
Tomorrow He will ask me to enjoyHis Fondness-Fragrance.
```The moment I bury
My self-love,I become the possessor
Of God’s Love-Fountain. ```My Lord,
Is there anything that I can doTo please You?
“My child,Just become a love-flame.”
```A negativity-mind
Meets withDestruction-life.
```No doctor’s medicine
But only my Master’s cute smileCan cure me —
My physical illness,Plus my mental disease.
```We cannot please God fully
Until we have becomeSelflessness only.
Is an indomitableInner strength.
```Each time I please God
In His own Way,I climb to a new height.
```Only the silence-heart
Can tameThe monkey-mind.
```To live for God
Is to cancelThe mind-invitation.
```The mind
IsA greatness-beggar.
```The heart
IsA goodness-hunger.
```I cannot remember the exact date
When I started aspiring,But my realisation-day
I shall definitely remember. ```Each experience
Can beAs deep as the sea.
```My silence-heart blossoms,
And most devotedly I place itAt my Lord’s Feet.
Starts the race. ```Aspiration
Runs the race. ```Realisation
Finishes the race. ```May my life-tree grow
Fast, very fast,To reach the highest Heaven.
```Heaven is precious
Because it criesFor the Beyond.
```Earth is precious
Because it knowsWhat suffering is.
```Obedience and wisdom
Are the obverse and reverseOf the aspiration-coin.
```The mind
Always burdens us. ```The heart
Always triesTo enlighten us.
```The mind-imperfection-mountains
Have to be surmounted. ```Anything divine
Should not fall out of practice. ```Ignorance will not surrender
On its own —It is we who have to conquer
The pride of ignorance. ```Only two persons
Have the keyTo open up my heart-box:
God and my soul. ```I gave my Lord
A most powerful smile.He clasped my hands
And I clasped His Heart. ```When I stand in front of God,
Even my mind-obscuritiesSparkle!
```If you really want to succeed
In any field of life,You must tirelessly work
Until success arrives. ```It seems that I am always
Facing the clockAnd not at all trying
To race the clock. ```Do not miss the race
If you want God to bless youMore and more —
Infinitely more —With His Grace.
```The outer world
We must take seriously,If we want the outer world
To represent the inner world. ```I am so happy
That my mind-willIs crumbling.
```I am so happy
That my heart-willIs climbing, ever climbing.
```Alas, my excuse-list
Is growing,Most powerfully and most painfully!
```God wants you
Only when you are readyTo give Him
What you haveAnd what you are.
```If only I had listened to You, my Lord,
Today I could have easily becomeA highly advanced seeker!
```Every day
Ignorance enjoysThe unaspiring mind.
```My devotion
Enjoys God’s CompassionMore intensely
Than anything of mine. ```A gratitude-heart
Is a most powerful smileOf Heaven.
```Always greet God
By clasping His Feet. ```To see God progressing
In and through us all the time,We need our heart’s gratitude-tears.
```To see God’s Face
Most clearly,We need a magnet-heart.
```At every moment,
God wants our mind-roadTo be flooded with light.
```In the morning
God uses His Compassion-EyeFor us.
```In the evening
God uses His Forgiveness-HeartFor us.
```The desiring mind
Talks and talks and talks. ```The aspiring heart
Listens and listens and listens. ```There is not a single game
That cannot be wonWith enthusiasm.
```When I most sincerely tell God
That He is my All,I am so fortunate
That God does not ask meTo prove it!
```I walk along
God’s Compassion-Heart-Road. ```God walks along
My gratitude-heart-road. ```Each time I think of God,
He fills my heartWith His sweeter than the sweetest
Affection. ```World harmony
Carries the messageOf world peace.
```The divine ecstasy
Lives onlyIn the inner world.
```In the inner life,
Happiness is always availableIn the heart.
```Happiness is badly needed
In the mind, the vitalAnd the body.
```We get fulness
From oneness,And from nowhere else.
```Consciousness is universal.
If we pray and meditate,We can keep our consciousness high,
Very high. ```Unfortunately, every year
The maladies of the worldAre increasing.
```On very rare occasions
We can have faith in humanity,Even if we do not have
Faith in ourselves. ```If the pilgrim is soulful and prayerful,
Then from the pilgrimageHe can receive
Tremendous Blessings from God. ```If the pilgrim is only moving
From here to there,And enjoying things that charm
Or feed the vital,Then the pilgrimage,
In the world of spirituality,Is a complete failure.
```Devotion connects love and surrender.
Then, like a magnet,They all go to sit
At the Feet of our Lord Supreme. ```When we worship,
We devourThe dust of God’s Feet.
```Each time we smile at God,
Soulfully and prayerfully,God becomes extremely proud of us.
```Even when darkness
Is darker than the darkest,There is still an iota of Light —
No creation of God is totally emptyOf Light.
```Joy is an outer existence-reality;
Delight is an inner existence-reality.The contribution of joy is abundant;
The contribution of delight is infinite. ```The more I love God
In my own way,The farther I go
Away from God. ```Hope
Is the younger brotherOf promise.
```Once hope enters into
The promise-world,It loves and embraces promise.
```With the help
Of hope and promise,We succeed.
```The cheerfulness
Of the mindIs the fruitfulness
Of the entire being. ```Gratitude-plants
Grow in Heaven.Gratitude-flowers
Grow on earth.Gratitude-fruits
Grow inside the heart. ```If we can offer
The gratitude-plant,The gratitude-flower
AndThe gratitude-fruit to God,
He becomes Infinity’s Delight. ```How to be happy?
Do not think of yourself —Think only of God.
```What does the voice reveal?
The voice can revealEither emptiness or fulness.
```How to make progress?
Live in the aspiration-world all the timeAnd never in the competition-world.
If in the aspiration-world you live,And if the competition-world you give up,
Then you will make progress automatically. ```To please the Master,
The seeker has to sincerely feelThat the Master is always right,
Both in the inner worldAnd in the outer world,
For the Master is guided alwaysBy the Light of the Supreme.
```How to fly high?
Keep the aspiration-flamesAll the time burning.
```How to dive deep?
Shed soulful tearsConsciously, sincerely
And continuously. ```What is the moon?
Softness-sweetness-self-offeringTo raise the consciousness
Of all Heaven-seekers. ```Is God happy?
God is happy only whenWe unconditionally love Him.
When we love Him conditionally,God is extremely sad.
```How to increase soulfulness?
As soon as good thoughts come,Welcome them!
As soon as a wrong thought comes,Kick the wrong thought
The way you kick a football. ```Inside each of us,
There is an older than the oldest BeingAnd a younger than the youngest Child.
They are the same Person.That Person deserves worship from us,
Day in and day out. ```To conquer the lower self,
What you need is purity in each thought.When an impure thought comes, just say,
“O God, purify this thought!”Good thoughts also can be purified.
If you purify your thoughts,Your heart can become very, very strong.
```How to conquer the mind’s doubt?
Just love your heart more.When you focus your entire being
On the heart at every moment,The doubts of the mind starve to death.
```Where is the goal?
If it is the desire-bound goal,Then it is very near you.
If it is the aspiration-climbing Goal,That Goal is high, high, high, very high!
```How to love God in His own Way?
Just tell God:“My Lord, I wish to
Always, always, always liveIn Your Heart —
Not in my mind,Not even inside my heart!”
```How to be creative?
First, appreciate the beauty of Nature,In the morning and in the evening.
Then pray to God. Say to Him:“This is Your entire Creation, my Lord.
Take me as Your server,Even for a few minutes.”
Then God will accept youAnd you can become creative,
In God’s Universe,According to your receptivity.
```How to increase enthusiasm?
As soon as you get up early in the morning,Repeat fifty times:
“Enthusiasm, enthusiasm, enthusiasm,Enthusiasm, enthusiasm!”
Then your mind will be surchargedWith enthusiasm,
And your heart will be surchargedWith God-fulfilment
In God’s own Way. ```How to create receptivity?
Imagine inside your heart a tiny vessel.Then start pouring into it your tears —
The tears of your heart.To your great surprise, in a few days
You will see that the little vesselHas become quite large.
Then, again, start pouringAll your heart-tears
Into that vessel every day.This is how we increase our receptivity.
```How to have a strong heart?
“Tell God:My Lord, please give me Your Heart!
Take away my heart,And wherever You want to keep my heart,
You keep it.But give me Your Heart.
I need only Your Heart, Your Heart!”In that way, you can strengthen your heart
Very rapidly and most successfully. ```How to be perfect?
Only by praying to God every day,Every hour:
“My Lord, my Lord,What I need is perfection, only perfection.
Please, please, please make me perfectThe way You want me to be perfect.”
```How to increase humility?
Try to remember all the time:“If I cultivate sincere humility,
God will keep me in His HeartOf infinite Joy and infinite Pride.”
```How to increase awareness?
God has givenMuch more awareness to the heart
Than to the mind, the vital and the body.So pray to God every morning
To allow you an iota of awarenessIn your mind, in your vital and in your body.
Then you will see awareness,Like a fountain,
Drop by drop descending —Coming from the heart
To the physical body.When the physical, vital, mind, heart
And psyche are all full of awareness,Then God gives them special work.
```The soul is always aware of God —
Always aware of God and man.And whatever job God has asked the soul
To do,The soul does, most satisfactorily.
```God takes pride in me
Only when my progressIs absolutely sure.
```The completely and unconditionally
Surrendered seekerCan unmistakably think and feel
That his transformationIs fast approaching.
Is extremely concernedAbout my surrender-life.
```Every day
There are certain seekersWho satisfy God in His own Way.
```My story
Is that GodIs not always concerned for me.
```God’s Story
Is that I need more receptivityAt every moment.
```Mine is a progress-life
Precisely becauseGod is His Compassion-Eye.
```Every day we must invite God
Into our heart-cottage,No matter how many days
He does not accept our invitation! ```Each soul
Is absolutely necessaryIn God’s Cosmic Game.
```God gets measureless Joy
When He sees that my heart-templeIs full of aspiration-flowers
And dedication-incense. ```He who smiles
Strengthens his inner life. ```It is pointless
To spend our timeExpecting and wishing.
```For me, the best times
To pray and meditateAre the small hours
Of the morningAnd the twilight hours
Of the evening. ```Nobody can make real progress
By practising austerity. ```God-yearning souls
Are extremely preciousTo God.
```God teaches
Because He loves to teach. ```God examines
Because He has to. ```No examination-results,
No God-satisfaction. ```No matter how hard
We try to make ourselves happy,It seems happiness is unavailable
In the world! ```God always asks me
If I have something more to say. ```God always keeps
His Promise,No matter how long I take.
```God’s Heart always decides
Everything —Nothing remains undecided
In God’s Heart. ```A God-surrendered heart
Sees no mistakeIn the world.
```I go to God to solve my problems.
God says:“My child, I do have the capacity
To solve your problems,But I wonder if you will be satisfied
If I tell you what to do?” ```Alas, we all have something
More important to doThan to follow
In the Footsteps of God. ```How difficult it is
To say good-byeTo our enemy number one:
Despair. ```When the vital and the mind
Start boasting,The vital always defeats the mind.
```We want to know
Where God is. ```God wants to know
Where our unconditional surrender is. ```My mind
IsThe question of questions.
```God’s Silence
IsThe Answer of answers.
```When I hesitate to offer
My worries and anxieties to God,God says to me:
“My child, give Me, give Me, give Me!I am begging you to give Me
All your worries and anxieties!” ```There comes a time
When we come to learnThat Truth is invincible.
```My expectation-mind
And my frustration-lifeGo together.
```My surrender and my perfection —
These are two of God’s lovely doves. ```How do you know that you are
Pleasing God?Just enter into your heart.
It is written on the tablet of your heart.It will be either a blue light or a red light.
The blue light will say:“I am all satisfaction.”
The red light will say:“I am all dissatisfaction.”
```Each thought can be made
Divinely powerfulBy using our heart-tears.
We need,And not God-conversation.
```If we fear God,
It is a direct insultTo our soul.
```God wants me to see and feel
Only His Goodness —And not His Greatness.
```My Lord, how often I forget You!
“My child, just try to rememberHow often you love Me.
Never think of when you do not love Me —That is in the past tense!”
```God appreciates my sincere efforts,
But He loves infinitely moreMy cheerful surrender to His Will.
```God may not be seen
With our human eyes,But He can definitely be felt
In our human hearts. ```We start our journey
With God the Beauty.We end our journey
With God the Duty. ```Who is ready and who is unready
For the Path?Only God’s Compassion-Eye
Has the answer. ```The desire-life ends
Either when God usesThe omnipotent Power of His Eye
Or when God usesHis all-loving Heart.
```I love God’s constant Commands
Much more thanHis unending Requests.
```To feel God’s Love
I must empty my mind. ```A powerful mind
Does not believe inThe sincerity
Of a cheerful heart. ```When you meet with God,
The very first thingYou must tell Him is:
“God, take me!”And not:
“God, give me!” ```I get infinitely more joy
When I place my headAt God’s Feet
Than when I clasp His Eye. ```I am so glad that I did not follow
The path of Nirvana.Extinction is not my choice.
Action, action, divine action,Forever and forever
Will be my only choice. ```So-called Nirvana
Is not the end of the spiritual quest.There are many, many levels of Nirvana.
The highest is known as Mahanirvana.It is there that the seeker enjoys
Infinity’s Light and Delight. ```My Lord, my only prayer is this:
“I do not want to be great,I do not want to be good,
I do not want to be perfect.I only want to bloom and blossom,
Sleeplessly, in Your own Way.” ```I must never feed
My self-doubts. ```At every moment
I must feedMy God-reliance.
Is not for an hour —Aspiration
Is for every second. ```God is dearer than
My own life-breath. ```My real Home
Is God’s Heart. ```It is quite possible
To pray to GodAnd meditate on God
Without the mind’s interference. ```My devotion-heart
Is always eagerFor one thing:
God-search. ```Is there any day
That God does not getCountless complaints?
Is a great life-saviourOn the spiritual path.
```God expects
From each and every seekerNot a long-term
But a lifelongCommitment.
```Here on earth
We must be involvedIn all God-loving activities.
```There in Heaven
Our souls are always involvedIn God-dreaming activities.
```Each day opens
With opportunity-smiles. ```God is always ready
To inspire our heartAnd encourage our life.
```God is always
Looking for usAt the surrender-door.
Unimaginably strengthensThe seeker’s heart.
```My Lord,
I am extremely grateful to You,For You have captured
My entire being. ```My heart says
That God is inside my heart. ```My life says
That God is around the corner. ```My mind does not want to know
Where God actually is. ```The mind speaks about God
With no sincerity. ```The heart speaks about God
With humility and sincerity. ```The soul speaks about God
With unmistakable authority. ```With God’s express Blessings,
We can bravely work on earth. ```The possibilities of the heart
Must be utilised at every momentIn our day-to-day life.
```Constant self-giving
Is a very high stateOf consciousness.
```We must use time properly
And not allow time to use us. ```When I feel close to God,
It is not my desire-fulfilment. ```When I feel close to God,
It is the enlightenmentOf my earth-existence.
```I am devoted
Only to GodAt each hush-gap.
```We are safe
Only when we have arrivedAt God’s Heart-Station.
```I welcome God,
Either with my streaming tearsOr with my beaming smiles.
```My gratitude,
How sweet you are,How powerful you are,
How close you areTo God!
```“My Lord, I am all Yours” —
These are absolutelyThe sweetest words
In my life. ```Those who love God,
Only God,Bask in the sunshine
Of God’s sleepless Compassion. ```Do not hesitate
When you feel from deep withinThe most significant prayer.
```If you can dare to face
The impossible,That means you have already achieved
Half of your victory. ```May my unwillingness
Never get a chanceTo be reborn.
Must never have the authorityIn world-progress.
```The dust
Of God’s golden FeetIs the only company
I keep. ```Delight everlasting
Should be our onlyGod-hunger.
```When the seeker’s surrender
Is complete,God says to him:
“My child,You are really something.”
```God-Touch is blissful —
This is whatThe outer life feels.
```God-Touch is unfathomable —
This is whatThe inner world feels.
```Nobody can delay
The inevitableForever.
```My heart does not long
For God-conversation. ```My heart longs only
For God-SatisfactionIn God’s own Way.
```The heart is
By far the most sacred homeOf sincerity and truth.
```Deep meditation
Is the source ofGreat manifestation.
At every moment,To God’s outer Wish
And inner Will! ```Great spiritual figures
Come into the worldTo inspire humanity,
And also to carryHumanity’s breath
To the Supreme Lord. ```Curiosity
Can nourishThe enquiring mind.
Can nourishThe aspiring heart.
```My life strives
For liberation. ```My heart strives
For realisation. ```My dream and I strive
For manifestation —God-manifestation.
```God says to me:
“My child,I am right in front of you!
Open your heart-door wide.” ```To study the inner lessons,
You must take coursesAt God’s Heart-School.
```God wants us
To leave all our problemsAt His Feet.
```Make happiness
An indispensable realityIn your life.
```When impurity attacks,
The seeker must immediately flyIn the Eye of God.
```God’s Heart proudly celebrates,
Every year,Our aspiration-heart.
```God’s Heart smilingly celebrates,
Every year,Our dedication-life.
```We must try to bring
The living Presence of GodInto every day of our life.
```If you do not value
Self-discipline,Then you cannot make
Fast progress. ```There comes a time
When we only go up,And cannot go down.
```Aspiration and dedication
Are two wings of the soul-bird —We need both wings.
```Every day
We must love God a little deeperAnd serve God a little longer.
```God gives us,
Smilingly and proudly,The necessary skill
To serve Him. ```When we pray,
We feel that we satisfyThe outer world.
```When we meditate,
We feel that we satisfyThe inner world.
```Do not surrender
To doubt-storms.With your soul’s power,
Challenge themAnd conquer them!
```Rare, very rare,
A true humility-life. ```The seeker should feel
That God’s sad FaceIs because of the seeker’s
Own failure. ```Aspiration
Has to be fedWith speed.
```Our service
Belongs to us. ```Our achievements
Belong to God. ```God wants us to be experts,
Not in everything,But in the things
He chooses for us. ```My devotion
And God’s aspirationAre extremely fond
Of each other. ```God-satisfaction
Should be an inevitability,Not a possibility.
```When we most soulfully appreciate
God’s Smiles,He just laughs and laughs.
```When we offer our heart’s prayers
To God,God says to us:
“My children,Come closer, come closer!”
```Every seeker
Should try to liveA God-abundance-life.
```We try to draw God’s attention.
God tells us to take His affectionAs much as we want to.
```Do not expect.
Expectation quite often gives usBitter frustration.
```A prayer can be tiny,
But it has the powerTo raise the consciousness
Of many, many seekers. ```The divine in us
Always tries to makeOur Beloved Lord Supreme
Popular and familiar,Here on earth.
```The human life
Cries for the fulfilmentOf teeming desires.
```The divine life
Has only one desire —God-fulfilment
In God’s own Way. ```It is so good to imagine
A golden sunriseWhile you are praying.
```It is so good to imagine
A golden sunsetWhile you are meditating.
```It is so good to imagine
A golden boat and a silver moonWhile you are serving God
In God’s own Way. ```God wants us to have
Everything illumining.Alas, we want to have
Everything fascinating. ```To listen to God
Is the beginning ofSelf-realisation.
```There are two ways to glorify God:
One, with growing fountain-tears;The other, to smile and smile
At every momentWith ever-blossoming joy in the heart.
```The Inner Pilot
Takes us asHis seekers.
```Our acceptance of the spiritual life
Is not personal —God-aspiration beckons us
To enter into the spiritual life. ```If peace you really need,
Then make friends with silenceFirst.
```Each man
Is the result ofHis contradiction-life.
```At times
The mind deliberatelyEnjoys confusion,
Within and without. ```We search for God in the inner world;
We search for God in the outer world.It is easier to search for God
In the inner worldThan in the outer world.
```We admire
The Greatness-God. ```We love
The Goodness-God. ```We need
The Compassion-God. ```God-realisation is much higher
Than man’s heart-liberation —No comparison!
```The heart
Always choosesGod-obedience.
```The mind and the vital
Often chooseGod-defiance.
```My heart of
Ever-blossoming tearsIs my safest Godward journey.
```I am no longer
SurroundedBy ignorance-monsters.
```Mistakes yet unborn
Are confusingAnd threatening me.
```Nobody can thwart
God’s adamantine Will. ```There is no end,
And there should be no end,To our spiritual progress.
In God’s own WayIs my only Goal.
```Even when I put
All my good qualities together,I feel that I am not worthy
Of God’s Compassion. ```No wrong thought
Can stand againstGod’s Compassion for me.
```Each seeker
IsA God-oneness-dream.
```Our souls know
That we all are underThe torrential God-Compassion-Rain.
```Every day
My heart prepares my lifeFor the aspiration-dawn.
Is a braveIgnorance-conqueror.
```It is our heart’s aspiration
That gives us liberation —And not the desperation
Of the vital and the mind. ```Each moment
My life needsA new awakening.
```I wish my life to be
An ever-climbingFire-flame.
We are earth-bound. ```Tomorrow
We can be Heaven-free. ```Faith always values
Everything that is divineIn us.
```Try, try again, try —
No matter how many times you fail.Success will be all yours one day.
```If newness we really want,
God can give us,At every moment,
The brightnessOf a new beginning.
```When I speak to God,
It is my gratitude-heartThat speaks.
```Whenever I am
In a spiritual mood,God’s Victory-Bell
I ring and ring. ```My constant
God-gratitude-heartShould be a reality
And not a dream. ```It is so easy
For God to captureOur tears.
```It is so difficult
For us to captureGod’s Smiles.
```My heart
Introduces meTo God.
```God’s Eye
Introduces GodTo my heart.
```If you cannot have
God-listening ears,Then you will never succeed.
```Our heart-tears
AreExceedingly pure.
```Our soul-smiles
AreUnmistakably powerful.
```My mind
Ceaselessly talksAbout God.
```My heart
Sleeplessly worksFor God.
```O my mind, roam not!
Come back, come backInto the heart’s aspiration-boat.
```Everything starts
At God’s Feet. ```Everything ends
In man’s heart. ```I pray to God
Not for earthly strength,But for divine power.
```I never dare
To approach God —It is He who moves
Towards me. ```The mind is always fond of
Speaking illOf others’ shortcomings.
```Not God’s Love,
Not God’s Compassion,But God’s Forgiveness
Is preparing our future. ```O my mind,
Why does God have to tell youWhat to do?
Can you not volunteer? ```God-realisation
Is a one-man run —Not a competitive race.
```The mind
Unconsciously spreadsThe gloom of the vital.
```When I am in the mind,
I become a non-stop and randomGod-talker.
```When I am in the heart,
I am an ever-increasingGod-server.
```Nobody wants to be
The mind’s puppet,But, unfortunately,
We all are. ```It is our daily prayers
That shield usFrom unseen harm.
```When we give ourselves sleeplessly
To the sincere seekers,Our inner progress becomes
Faster than the fastest. ```We do not have to be, for now,
Death-defying seekers;We must first become
God-fulfilling seekers on earth. ```Alas, we do not know
That the desire-lifeIs nothing short of
Futility! ```We are looking for happiness
In the desire-life.Alas, it is nothing short of
Absurdity! ```At long last,
The mind’s dictatorshipHas surrendered
To the heart’s God-worship. ```There is only one thing I need,
And that is my heart’sEver-climbing flame.
```Humility’s height
Far surpassesThe heights of the Himalayas.
```Humility’s other name
Is God-satisfactionIn God’s own Way.
Knows the artOf pleasing
Every heart. ```When we are humble,
God opens His Heart-Door wideFor us to enter.
```Humility runs the fastest
Towards the God-fulfillingDestination.
```Some people are of the opinion
That purity is feminine and weak.No! Purity is stronger than the strongest
In our inner battles against the dark forces. ```The purity of the heart
Is the secret of secretsTo purify the mind.
```A purity-heart
Does not see anything wrongIn the world.
```When we have purity
In the mind,We can see God
In a very special way. ```The inner world’s receptivity
Is the keyTo open up
The outer world’s receptivity. ```Divinity grows
In the human lifeOnly slowly, steadily
And unerringly. ```The doubting mind
Does not believe inImmortality.
```The aspiring heart
Lives inThe core of Immortality.
```If there is fear,
Then we have lostHalf the battle.
```To conquer
One single inner problemIs to conquer
Hundreds of outer problems. ```God does think of us
Even when we are utterly dissatisfiedWith His Creation.
```Self-doubt means
The beginningOf our God-separation.
```Self-doubt takes away
All our possibilitiesOf realising God.
Is all we need,And not self-assertion.
Does have the capacityTo help sincerity.
Does have the capacityTo increase the receptivity-vessel
Deep within us. ```Hope, sweet hope,
Must forever liveInside our heart-home.
```There is only one inner promise:
The inner sun has to come to the foreTo illumine the darkness
Of human life. ```Without regularity
In our spiritual practice,Our God-hunger will decrease
And may disappear. ```When we cry for God,
He shows us the vastnessOf our heart-sky.
```If you want to please God,
Even for a fleeting moment,Do not give up! Do not give up!
```Never say no to God’s Heart,
AndNever say no to God’s Eye.
```Once you please
The Feet of God,You automatically please
The Heart and the Eye of God. ```Thought
Is a tiny drop. ```Will-power
Is the vast ocean. ```The God of the heart
Always remainsInside the heart.
```The God of the mind
Quite often goesOut of the mind.
```To see God’s Eye,
We prayTo God’s Feet.
```To feel God’s Heart,
Again we prayTo God’s Feet.
```To grow into the Divine,
Slowly, steadily and unmistakably,Again we pray
To God’s Feet. ```God’s Feet
Clear the way. ```God’s Eye
Is the Way. ```God’s Heart
ReceivesEternity’s traveller.
```The physical beauty-boat
Cannot sailFor a long period of time.
```The inner beauty-boat
Sails and sailsIn God’s Heart-River.
```In the outer world,
Without determinationWe can never succeed.
```In the inner world,
Without aspirationWe can never make progress.
```For he who thinks of God
Soulfully,God becomes his Helper.
```For he who loves God
Unconditionally,God becomes his eternal Lover
And Self-giver. ```We pray to God
To smile at us. ```God prays to us
To never stop sheddingThe inner tears.
```In the beginning,
God does not expect perfectionFrom any seeker.
```At the end of the seeker’s journey,
The first thing that God wants to seeIs the perfection of the seeker.
Has entered intoEach and every seeker.
```The absence of humility
Will cause a serious problemIn each seeker-heart.
```The music of the mind
Confuses me. ```The music of the heart
Awakens me. ```The music of the soul
Brings God to me. ```My streaming heart-cries
Give meBoundless joy.
```My beaming soul-smiles
Again give meBoundless joy.
```God loves
My gratitude-heart-blossomsInfinitely more than I do.
```In the heart of silence,
Truth is most beautifulAnd most powerful as well.
```Each seeker
Must try to perfect the worldWith his concern-heart.
```Defeat is never the final word
In a seeker’s life. ```Each human being
EmbodiesCenturies of hopes and desires.
```If we live in the unaspiring mind,
Then every day we are wideningThe circle of confusion-night.
```I wish to be
Both the lover and the defenderOf God’s Justice-Light.
```I call it God’s Love,
But God calls itHis complete acceptance
Of my spiritual life. ```The God-believers
Will always find shelterAt God’s Feet.
```If we do not aspire more soulfully,
We shall not be able to inspireThe future generations.
```Love of the world
Is my heart’s shrine. ```Silence descends —
The disturbing mindSurrenders.
```Sunrise means
God is eager to seeThe prayer-life of the seeker.
```Ceaseless prayers and meditations
Are of supreme needIf we want to save
This sinking world. ```Nature and beauty together
Discover and rediscoverThemselves.
```God-surrender is the only way
To surmount each and every obstacleIn the spiritual life.
```No desire-life
Can ever fathomThe depth of silence.
```Only God’s Compassion —
And not man’s aspiration —Can solve
The most serious problems of life. ```Quite often
The weak souls get frightenedBy the darkness of earth-reality.
StopsAt the God-Destination.
Does not knowHow to stop.
```I conquer God’s Heart
Only whenI worship God’s Feet.
```Only the brave God-soldiers
Take up the dire challengeOf life.
```Do not waste time!
Just try to find the heart-roadTo meet the blessingful God.
```Our imperfections
Must not discourage us,For at the end of our journey’s close,
Our imperfections will turn intoPerfect perfections.
```We demand love
From humanity;God only expects love
From humanity. ```My morning heart blossoms
With the flamesOf my inner sun.
```My God-surrender
Unmistakably paves the wayTo my God-realisation-destination.
```It is not true
That we must acceptFailure after failure
Before we arriveAt God’s Heart-Door.
```Without a simplicity-life,
Without a sincerity-heart,We cannot run fast, very fast,
In the spiritual life. ```The ultimate Truth
Lives insideA seeker’s heart,
And not just in the vicinityOf a seeker’s life.
```Each plane of consciousness
Has a very special wayTo look at perfect perfection.
Has to clear the mind-jungle first —Only then can meditation
Be deep inside the mind. ```Each seeker
Lowers the standardOf the inner world
By practising ceaselesslyThe desire-life.
```Sometimes God compels the inner life
To go slowly with the outer life.Why?
If the inner life runs fast, very fast,The outer life will be totally disappointed
And will never practise spirituality. ```When we think of God,
God is far, very far. ```When we love God,
God is near, very near. ```When we surrender our will
To God’s Will,We see God in the depths of our heart,
Smiling, singing and dancing. ```The human pride
That breaks and breaksHas to be conquered.
```The divine pride that says,
“I belong to God,God belongs to me,”
Has to be nourished every day. ```Fear of God
Can never beThe right thing.
```Love of God
Is always, alwaysThe right thing.
```First we feel God’s Presence,
Then we feel God’s Eye,And, finally, we feel that
God’s Compassion and our aspiration
Have become indivisible. ```The desire-mind never listens to God —
It only pretends.It just looks at God to make God feel
That it is listening to Him. ```God is always eager
To have more and more friends,And not servants or slaves.
```My morning begins
With my heart’sGod-oneness-thrill.
AreGod’s favourite children.
```Alas, the doubting mind
Will one day getA disappointment-thunder-kick
From God. ```Time
Is a real friendOf enthusiasm.
Is a real enemyOf unwillingness.
```Sages represent
The past tense. ```Sinners represent
The present tense. ```Do not regret!
Continue doingThe right thing.
Can be transformedInto reality.
```God gets real joy
When I love Him,And not when I praise Him.
```Sound needs a microphone
For the world to listenTo its message.
```Silence does not need a microphone —
The sound of silenceIs very loud.
```Keep quiet! Listen!
Our Lord Beloved SupremeIs about to speak.
```The aspiring heart
Is a trueHeaven-lover.
```The doubting mind
Is a daringHeaven-intruder.
```Keep your heart-door
Always open.You have no idea
When God will appear! ```Every day
We try to find good newsTo gladden our hearts.
```My Lord wants me
To be the humility-grassIn His Heart-Garden.
```Austerities are not
The perfect wayTo please God.
```There are many questions
In the mind,But the mind does not want them
To be answered. ```The dust of the world
Easily coversThe mind.
```We cannot ignore
Our inner divinityAll the time.
```It is extremely difficult
To climb upThe realisation-mountain.
```Inch by inch only
Can we walkTowards God’s Feet.
```I am so happy
That God has autographedMy aspiration-heart-book.
```My Lord,
I am totally aliveBecause You eternally are.
```Every day
I grow gratitude-flowersIn my heart-garden
To please my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```I love and love
Everything that I seeOn my aspiration-flight.
```My life takes shelter
At the foot ofMy aspiration-tree.
```My God-devotion
Will one day unlockMy mind-door.
```If you really love God,
You can never beInsecure.
```Slowly and steadily,
My aspiration-heart-plantIs climbing up
To reach Heaven’s Eye. ```Life is an eternal journey
In quest of higher worlds. ```Anything divine
That we haveIs deeply connected to God.
```I need a companion,
And that companionHas to be
The smile of my soul. ```All prayers
Are extremely significantTo our Lord Beloved Supreme.
```We have no time of our own —
It is God’s TimeThat He shares with us.
```When we pray and meditate,
We are safeIn God’s Hands.
```If you really love God,
Then do not delay —Tell Him immediately
That you love Him! ```No matter what God gives
To the mind,The mind immediately measures.
```Whenever God creates
Something new,The heart immediately
Jumps with joy. ```Everything is fine
And divineWhen I claim God
To be mine. ```Constantly I wish
To be fully experiencedIn self-giving.
```No defeat
Can ever be final. ```May each day of mine
BlossomWith my heart’s inner smiles.
```God and God’s Eye
Are alwaysFor the lost souls.
```At the top
Of the aspiration-mountain,There will always be
Divinity’s boundless Light. ```I am on earth
Only for my Master’sComplete fulfilment.
```Do not conceal anything
From your Master —Reveal your heart
To the Master’s light. ```Every day
I bring a new plantInto my heart-garden,
To give more joyTo my Lord Supreme.
```I shall every day increase
The beauty of my aspirationAnd the fragrance of my dedication.
```Every day
I shall climb up higher and higherOn my aspiration-mountain-heights.
```In my meditation,
I always feel the presenceOf golden silence.
```I love and I cherish
The aspirationOf the ancient life.
You must not cloudMy aspiration-heart.
```Every morning
I place a fresh roseFrom my heart-garden
At the Feet of God. ```Without devotion,
I cannot go fast —But with devotion,
I run faster than the fastest. ```When God calls me,
My entire beingThrills.
```Now that I do not have
My mind’s pride-problem,I am running very, very fast
In my spiritual life. ```Every morning
Angels come to give meA very special Message
From God. ```When I am without
My aspiration,My entire being
Feels miserable. ```Do not wait for God
To call you —Just run towards God.
```When I live
A silence-life,I feel extremely happy.
```Each day
God wants me to plant two seeds —Hope-seed and promise-seed —
In my heart-garden. ```My Lord, I do know
That I am a leafOf the world-ignorance-tree.
```Do not wait for Time —
You will be disappointed. ```Do not wait for God —
He will not come. ```Pride disappears —
Aspiration appearsImmediately.
```Plant a new hope
And a new promiseIn your aspiration-heart-garden.
```My unconditional surrender
Is bound to getA very special award from God.
Is the fastest speedIn spirituality.
```God does not disappear.
It is only we who disappearFrom God
And blame poor God unnecessarily. ```We can become invincible
Only when God’s Compassion-EyeIs on our side.
```I have declared war
On doubt, insecurityAnd impatience.
```God will always love our heart,
But not our mind,Because the mind disobeys God
Quite often. ```My heart’s deep conviction:
I shall never, never fail God,To please Him in His own Way.
```When I feel God’s Love
Inside my heart,Only then am I really free.
```God speaks through my voice
Only whenI am absolutely pure.
```God sees through my eyes
Only whenI am ready to please God,
Unconditionally and self-givingly. ```My Lord says that I am improving,
But He wants me to improve much fasterSo that I can become
A very good instrument of His. ```God breathes
Through my heartOnly when I breathe
At God’s Feet. ```Our fate can be changed
If we can please GodIn His own Way.
```No inner defeat or failure
Can forever last. ```If we lose faith in our Master,
Then we are facingA grave danger.
```A faith-heart
Can pass throughThe thickest clouds.
```My destiny lies
Not in my Lord’s Hands,But at His Feet.
```If I have to forget anything,
Then my Master says thatFear is the only thing
I have to forget. ```Aspiration has to be
A seeker’s heart-beatPlus his life-breath.
```When I claim God to be mine,
I have deliberately given upMy desire-life.
```Everything I must do in a new way.
From now on, at every moment,God’s Way is my only way.
```I am no longer
A friend of desire. ```I will have,
From now on,Aspiration
As my only friend. ```For many, there is no God.
But in my case,I not only see God in myself,
I also see Him vividlyInside the heart of each and every one.
```God wants me to reveal
All that I have and all that I am.He never wants me to conceal anything
From Him,Either in the inner world
Or in the outer world. ```I shall never listen to the mind —
Never!My life is only for the fulfilment
Of my aspiration-heart. ```Alas, whoever thought
That the human lifeWould be full of
Unhappy experiences? ```The dream of my soul
I am determined to manifestHere on earth.
```Those who please God
In His own WayWill be His supremely
Chosen children. ```I must treasure,
Petal by petal,My rose-garden-heart.
```Without heart-tears,
There can be noHeaven-Smiles.
```Every morning
I am determined to wake upAnd pray and meditate,
To please God in His own Way. ```We must not neglect any messages
That come from withinOr from Above.
```My heart is always ready
To please GodEvery time God asks my heart
Any question. ```Without inspiration and aspiration,
We shall not be able to openHeaven’s Door.
```My life-boat
I am sailing and sailingTo my beautiful and new
Aspiration-shore. ```The morning angels
Come to meTo give me the beauty
Of morning joy. ```The evening angels
Come to meTo give me the fragrance
Of evening peace. ```I am all eager
To uprootMy life’s ignorance-tree.
```My God-gratitude-tears
Are the sweetest thingThat I place every day
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme. ```My heart loves everything,
But it loves my heart-cries for GodThe most.
```An aspiration-heart
Always needsThe peace of a silence-life.
```I am so happy
That today I have demolishedMy mind’s pride-tower
Completely. ```God will love me more,
Infinitely more,Every day, at every moment,
If I breathe in the breathOf utmost sincerity.
```My Lord wants me to be
Fully experiencedIn constant self-giving.
```A huge amount of ignorance
Lives insideThe God-doubting mind.
```Every day
The dawn comes and bringsAll its beauty and fragrance,
Only to be with me. ```My faith-heart
Conquers easilyThe dryness of my mind.
```My Lord tells me
That I am going to please HimAlways,
In His own Way. ```“God is far, very far” —
This is the philosophyOf the mind.
```“God is near, very near” —
This is the philosophyOf the heart.
```“God is here,
Inside the heart, mind,Vital and body” —
This is the philosophyOf the soul.
```Just say a quick and soulful prayer
To God,And then jump into
The hustle and bustle of life. ```Be on the alert!
God-opportunitiesFly faster than the fastest.
```The inner mountains
Sometimes take a lifetimeTo climb;
Whereas with the outer mountains,It is only a matter of hours.
```The mind
Deals with successAnd not with progress.
```The heart
Deals with only one thing:God’s Will-manifestation
In God’s own Way. ```The soul’s vision-light
Is always clear,Very clear.
```My soul’s
God-manifestation-eagernessHas neither a beginning
Nor an end. ```There shall come a time
When my earthly lifeShall become
A Heavenly heart. ```The heart always welcomes
The divine guestsThat descend from Above.
```Small steps or big steps
Do not matter,As long as we move forward
Towards our Destination. ```We must destroy the confusion
Of the ignorance-mind —The sooner the better!
```There is only one question:
Who am I? ```One traveller,
One Goal,One Lord.
```This moment
I must be a God-lover.Next moment
I shall be a God-server.The following moment
I shall become a God-fulfillerIn every way.
```It is God’s Grace that conquers
All our enemies —Here, there and everywhere.
```There is no darkness-night
In the vastnessOf our ever-blossoming heart-sky.
```Look forward!
Look upward!Look inward!
Hope-flowersAre fully blossoming.
```Each Signature of God
Is a new hope, a new promise,A new fulfilment.
```One powerful flame of the heart
Can illumineThe darkness of the mind-sky.
```Eagerness and fear
Can neverLive together.
```Imperfections must not
Intimidate us.Imperfections must be
Challenged and conquered,Once and for all.
```Love, devotion and surrender
Are our inner fortunes —We must not misuse them.
```This moment my inner life
Inspires my outer life.Next moment my inner life
Aspires for God to come down. ```Each outer action
Has to be supported and nourishedBy inner inspiration.
```Happiness, happiness, happiness!
Is it a dream or a reality,Or shall I have to invent it?
```I ask God:
My Lord, I cry and I sigh.Which one do You prefer?
“My child, I need only your cryAnd never, never your sighs.”
```When there is a match
Between the mind and the heart,I always pray to God for the heart to win —
And God always listens to my prayer! ```Impossibility,
You are the messageOf the past.
```I came only to go
From ignorance-prison. ```My interest in the material world
Is fast disappearing —I am so happy!
```In Heaven,
There are only two currencies:God’s Compassion
And my gratitude. ```My soul plays the role of my heart
Most beautifully,Right in front of God.
```For everybody
There is something really good,And that is
God’s Compassion-Eye. ```I wish my heart to be
The only boss,And not my mind.
```I follow only one Light,
And that Light comes fromDeep within my heart.
```My soul knows
How to immortalise. ```My heart knows
How to sympathise. ```Alas, will I ever know
How to flyAnd enter into Paradise?
```God gives a new crown to my heart
Every day.He never gives a crown
To my mind! ```Love the world
Sincerely, seriouslyAnd self-givingly.
```My heart needs everything
That is goodFor the inner world
And the outer world. ```First I have to learn
How to love God,Then I have to learn
How to love myself,And finally I have to learn
How to love the entire world. ```Change —
Both inner and outer —Is essential.
```There is no calamity
That cannot be cured. ```Each time I look into my mind
With tremendous pride,I see God going
Farther away from me. ```The mind knows
How to forget God’s LoveCleverly.
```The heart knows
How to remember God’s LoveMost devotedly and soulfully.
```Since I have no more locks
On my heart-door,God will easily be able
To come in. ```My happiness comes
Either from God’s Compassion-EyeOr from His Forgiveness-Heart.
```Light is by far
The best Truth-finder. ```The beauty of the moon
Gives me real hope. ```The power of the sun
Makes my promise to GodStronger than the strongest.
```He who does not dare to fathom
The UnfathomableWill never succeed
In the God-aspiration-run. ```Do not allow the mind
To govern you —That is the task of the heart.
```I try to uncover
My mindTo see if there is anything
Worthwhile in it. ```The moment I discover
My heart,It is all God’s Beauty
And God’s Fragrance. ```My Lord,
When will You come back?When?
```The mind-factory produces
The same thing,Again and again and again:
Stupidity. ```Do not stop, do not stop!
Life is a continuous journey. ```Live always
In your ultimate heights. ```Live always
In your inmost depths. ```The mind
Expects everything —More and more.
```The heart
Expects only one thing:God’s Love.
```My soul congratulates
My progress-lifeMore than anything else.
```Although the vast world
Is around me,I feel that I am all alone.
```God is my only
Encouraging and inspiring HelperIn the battlefield of life.
```My mind,
I am making it clear to you:You are no more my instructor!
```The more I aspire deep within,
The more I bring success,Not only to myself
But to the whole world. ```I have made
My God-surrender-choiceThe only reality in my life.
```I tell God:
My Lord, lead my steps.God tells me:
“No, My child,I shall be your steps.”
Born of divine LoveWill always succeed.
```My gratitude-heart
Is my God-loveIn action.
```I have trained my eyes
To see only the beautyInside each and every life.
```Every day
God writes downA very special Message
On my aspiring heart. ```Day by day, little by little,
God is giving me the inner strengthTo feel that I live
Only for my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```May my life become
At every momentSweet, sweeter, sweetest
To please my LordIn His own Way
All the time. ```May the deepest love
That I have for GodBind me tight, tighter, tightest
To God. ```Every day until I die,
I shall weaveA gratitude-garland
And place itAt my Master’s feet.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 49, Agni Press, 2008
Sourced from