My life is full of
God-hopesAnd God-dreams.
```I must surrender
To God’s WillIn full measure.
```God is God’s Plan —
I am at His ServiceAll the time.
```God is my Adviser —
I am His Advice-fulfilment. ```When you are with God,
You must speed upAgain and again
In everything. ```My smiling heart
Is only for one Person —My Lord Supreme.
```God’s Concern
For my heartAnd my life
I shall never be ableTo measure.
```May my Lord
Be my heart’sEternal Guest.
```Inside my heart-cottage,
Every dayMy Lord’s Presence-Beauty
Is increasing. ```Every day
My heart goes to my mindWith the hope
Of transforming my mind. ```In the morning,
All the dear angels of my heartCome to me,
To sing with me, dance with meAnd play with me.
```My love of God
Will transform my frustration-lifeInto my devotion-heart.
```My soul-journey
To my Lord SupremeWill never end.
```The mind may fly,
But with no destination. ```Practise your meditation —
Your DestinationWill come closer to you
Day by day. ```My outer life
Has only one choice:My inner poise.
```Never remain inactive
If you want to please God. ```I have only one Friend —
God.All the rest are my acquaintances.
```I have a false boss
And a real boss.My false boss is my ego-pride
And my real boss is my heart-delight. ```I am detached
TotallyFrom the whole world.
```I am attached
SleeplesslyTo my Inner Pilot.
```My Lord tells me
That the transformationOf my nature
Is not the most difficult task. ```Little by little,
My soul’s lightIs coming to the fore.
```Every day
My love of GodIs increasing
Amazingly. ```When I am in the presence
Of my Master,I strongly feel that I am his,
Only his. ```My Lord,
Do take me seriouslyOnly when I speak very highly
Of You. ```Every night
I dream only of one thing:My Lord is coming back.
```This time I am determined
To recognise my LordWhen He comes to visit me.
```Pure I was.
Perfect I must be. ```My life can never be shattered.
Why?I am already sheltered
At my Lord’s Lotus-Feet. ```May my inner longing for God
Every day become more pureAnd more certain.
```I am locked under
My Lord’s Feet.Therefore, my heart
Is all joy. ```My Lord, do forgive me!
From now on, I shall please YouIn Your own Way.
```Every day
My Lord Supreme gives my heartThe world-oneness-lesson.
```My soul and my heart
Fly and flyIn Infinity’s Sky.
```I am trying to please God
At every moment.To my great joy,
Most of the time I succeed. ```God’s sacred Hand
Touches my secret heartEvery day.
```My Lord,
Do not only capture my life,But also bind my heart!
```My Lord,
Will I ever knowHow deep Your Concern for me is?
```At every moment
I try to beA child of my Lord’s Smile.
```I have left my mind-forest
For my heart-garden. ```My heart’s climbing flames
I cherishMore than anything else.
```God is every day looking
For more and moreSelf-giving seekers.
```I drink deep
The beautyOf my heart-moon.
```I fly high
With the flamesOf my life-sun.
```The flow of my heart’s
Divinity-riverNever stops.
```When I open my heart,
God blesses meWith His open Arms.
```Every day
I swim in the tearsOf my heart-river.
```Every day
God shows meHis Sweetness-flooded Smiles.
```Every day
I try to go beyondMy mind’s thought-world.
```My heart-tears
Have to be sincere,More sincere, most sincere,
To please my Lord Supreme. ```I am so happy to see my Lord
Striking His Victory-GongInside my mind.
```I love to swim,
I love to swimIn the smiling river
Of my soul! ```Every morning,
I become a beautiful devotion-heartTo please my Lord.
```The moment of bliss
We see and feelWhen we are beyond thought.
```Not self-forgetfulness
But God-awarenessIs what I need.
```I love to measure
God’s Forgiveness-Heart,Only to fail.
```God loves to measure
My gratitude-heart,Only to succeed.
```To my greatest joy,
My aspiration-heart-criesAre increasing measurelessly.
```I am praying to God
To bless meWith a sweetness-life
And a oneness-heart. ```May my mind
Be all willingnessAnd may my heart
Be all eagerness. ```God’s open Arms
Are telling me:“Come, come, My child,
Do not delay!” ```Determination
IsA forward march.
```Heaven’s highest tree
Is inviting meTo enjoy
Its divine flowers and fruits. ```My Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo pray to You ceaselessly.
```May my life be always
In betweenMy Lord’s Compassion-Eye
AndHis Forgiveness-Heart.
```My heart’s inner vision
Has to beMy life’s outer reality.
```God’s Smiles
Are not only my possibilitiesBut also my absolute inevitabilities.
```My past failures
Are all buriedIn oblivion.
```God’s Love
Belongs not only to the seekers,But also
To those who do not believe in Him. ```My heart bows down
To God the Creator. ```My life bows down
To God the Creation. ```My heart knows
God’s Ways. ```My life practises
God’s Ways. ```My morning sunrise-meditation:
“You are my Hope;You are my Promise;
You are my Fulfilment.” ```My heart
Is a direct lineTo God’s Will.
```God’s Smile
And my gratitude-heartLive together.
```When the mind rules,
We cannot expectJustice-light.
```When God touches my heart,
My heart-flowerImmediately expands.
```Be not afraid
Of enlightenment —Enlightenment
Is all you need. ```Confidence
Is the source ofCompetence.
```The real self
Is always beyondThe world’s wrong activities.
```There is no question —
Self-offeringIs by far the best.
```Pray to God —
ImmediatelyYou become goodness.
```The outer speed
Gives us success. ```The inner peace
Gives us progress. ```I am perfect only when
God’s HandIs on my heart.
```My life loves only
My God-surrender-smiles. ```Mine is a sleepless
God-worship-heart-life. ```To me,
God’s Compassion-RainIs nothing short of a miracle.
```God’s Heart
Is my only Dream. ```God’s Eye
Is my only Reality. ```My heart-road
Is at onceAncient wisdom
AndModern speed.
```The heart has to be
Full of strengthTo lengthen our dedication-life.
```If we do not pray and meditate,
Our life will always remainOverburdened.
```Love and become
Each and every messageOf your Master.
```Use each moment
In God-thoughtAnd God-worship.
```If you really want to please God,
Then never expect anythingFrom Him.
```The wisdom of the soul
Is always ready to save usFrom life-accidents
And life-struggles. ```I am extremely happy
When I sincerely feelThat my Master is always
For me. ```Slowly and steadily
My heart-sun is illuminingMy mind-forest.
```My Lord, do give me the capacity
To spread the concern-wingsOf my heart-affection
For the whole world. ```Every day
I grow a new gratitude-plantIn my heart-garden.
```O my mind, be wise!
Follow the heart —It really wants happiness
In your life. ```To love God and serve God
Is the seeker’sMost important necessity.
```I am my Lord’s constant
God-hunger-choice. ```Ceaseless
Is ignorance-hunger. ```My heart is a real citizen
Of the aspiration-world. ```A human being
IsA blooming divine being.
```The heart listens
To the soul’s advice,But the mind never listens
To the heart’s advice. ```Aspiration and dedication-services
Have to be offeredEvery day without fail.
```May I have
A purity-heart-flowerTo place at the Feet
Of my Lord Supreme. ```I do not belong
To ignorance-dustAny more.
```Every day I receive
Torrential Blessing-LightFrom my Lord Supreme.
Is most painful. ```Every day,
Every hour,Every minute
Is a golden opportunityFrom God.
Fulfils itselfIn satisfaction.
```My life lives in between
Aspiration-fragrance. ```God’s Grace comes down
Only to lift meHigh, higher, highest.
```We watch
God’s Footsteps. ```God watches
Our eyes. ```Aspiration-starvation
I never wasAnd I never shall be.
```I love
My aspiration-heart-hungerMore than anything else.
```My soul keeps rising —
And I am followingMy soul.
```The desiring mind
Is nothing short ofA desert-life.
```Ignorance desperately wants
To make the sincere seeker fall,But it does not succeed.
```My heart starves to death
When it enters intoThe doubting mind.
```Wake up, wake up!
It is high time for you,O my mind,
To aspire. ```I do not want
Either the inner povertyOr the outer darkness.
```Before my earthly journey ends,
I must realise God. ```The heart of Mother Earth
Is full of tears. ```I already have peace
In my aspiration-heart,But I want to bring it into
My dedication-life. ```My Lord,
You have given me a heartOnly to think of You,
Only to love You,All the time.
```Every morning
I sing a newGod-gratitude-heart-song.
```My life is full of
AdorationFor a Heavenly life.
```My life is full of
Love and concernFor my Mother Earth.
```We often misuse power,
But we must not misuseGod’s Love.
```My Lord tells me
Never to questionMy heart-experiences
Of Him. ```We come and go from Mother Earth,
But we leave our aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life
Here on earth. ```We must know how to rise
High above the snaresOf ignorance-life.
```My heart
Is the golden keyTo open up
My Lord’s Heart. ```My mind wants to destroy
My heart-gardenAnd then build a prison
In its place. ```Deep silence is needed
In the inner lifeTo make the outer life
Peaceful. ```My Lord,
Do come to me,Even if You want to come
Unnoticed. ```Whose grave are you digging,
My mind,If not your own?
```A half spiritual life
Is as uselessAs no spiritual life.
```I am challenged,
But I am not afraid.I shall succeed.
```I have no time to go elsewhere
Once I am at the feetOf my Master.
```Leave aside your ignorance-world —
God will take care of itThe way He takes care of you.
```God wants me to lock
Each and every doorExcept my heart-door.
```Rain or shine,
I always love to stayAt my Lord’s Feet.
```Each tear of my heart
Belongs to humanity. ```My Lord asks me
If my peace is for myselfOr for the entire humanity.
```The human mind
Will never be ableTo understand
The divinity of Truth. ```The mind pretends —
It knows nothing aboutThe real God.
```God wants us not to invade
But to pervadeThe world
With our aspiration and dedication. ```The Beauty of God
My heart has. ```The Fragrance of God
My soul is. ```My heart
IsA God-manifestation-hope.
```My soul
IsA God-manifestation-promise.
```We may not know
How to love God properly,But God does not mind —
As long as we love Him. ```God wants me to cultivate
A ceaselessGod-hunger-life.
```The smiles of my heart
Come directlyFrom the moonlight.
```What I need
Is God-adorationAnd not earth-promotion.
```Each desire
Is an unfulfilled hunger. ```God has singled me out
To be inHis Inner Circle.
```Until the heart is liberated,
The mind is liberated,The vital is liberated
And the body is liberated —Consciously liberated from ignorance —
God-realisation cannot be achieved. ```When our consciousness reaches
A certain appreciable height,We become aware
Of our divine qualitiesIn plenitude.
```To establish permanent purity
In the mindIs the most difficult task,
But never, neverAn impossible task, no!
```If there is purity in the mind,
Everything is beautiful.Plus purity goes one step forward —
Purity likes to see everything as perfect. ```Selflessness means goodness
In unbounded measure —If it is selflessness, it is all goodness.
```Today’s selflessness
Grows into fulnessTomorrow.
```Without growing sincerity,
One cannot make satisfactory progressIn the spiritual life.
```Sincerity has to be
The most needed realityBetween the Master and the disciple.
```The larger
Our receptivity-vessel,The more divine Grace
Descends into us. ```Receptivity
Is of paramount importanceTo make the fastest progress.
```Even an iota of progress
In the inner lifeIs much more important
Than the so-called success-life. ```Detachment
Is the very beginningOf enlightenment.
Is absolutely neededTo make the fastest progress.
```The more you can detach yourself
From the outer world,The sooner you can be attached
To the MasterAnd the inner world.
```When I am in my Lord’s Boat,
I am able to keep my lifeUnder my perfect control.
```If there is no oneness,
Then there can be no fulnessIn our spiritual life.
```The more humility we can have
In our life,Specially in the mind,
The faster we can make progressIn our inner life
And the faster we can runTowards God.
```If we can sincerely cultivate joy
In our heart,Then we can become
A choice instrument of God. ```Constant oneness
With the Will of God or of the MasterIs the result of love divine.
```Light is available everywhere —
Even in the darkest nightThere is a streak of light.
Why?Because any creation of God
Cannot be without light.Without light, there can be
No existence on earth. ```There are three stages:
First is illumination,Next is liberation,
Then realisation.There is no big gap
Between illumination and liberation —Once you are illumined,
Then liberation comes.But there is a great gap
Between illuminationAnd realisation —
Sleepless, breathless realisation. ```We all know what insecurity is.
Security is the conscious awarenessOf God’s Protection.
One kind of security says:“I love God, therefore I can feel God.”
Another type of security says:“God protects me all the time,
Therefore I am secure.” ```The truth that deliberately hurts —
Mercilessly hurts —Is worse than falsehood.
Is for ordinary people. ```Goodness-hunger
Is for God-seekers —Only God-seekers.
```Life can be
A fast and smooth sailIf simplicity, sincerity
And humilityAre our possessions.
```The deeper we can take our mind
During meditation,The brighter can be our outer life.
```To bring God to us
Is much easierThan for us to go to God.
```During the day, when we pray
We feel that God is powerful —Most powerful.
```At night, when we pray,
We feel that God is peacefulAnd blissful.
```Universal friendship
We get fromIndividual selflessness.
```If I sleeplessly love only God,
He will stand in front of meAnd shed tears of delight.
```The outer beauty
At times can beA real problem-maker.
```The inner beauty
Is alwaysA true God-pathfinder.
```When I think of God,
God says to me:“Thank you, My child.”
```When I pray to God,
God says to me:“My child,
Come and sit beside Me.” ```When I meditate on God,
God says to me:“My child, look, look!
I have kept My Heart-DoorWide open for you.”
```It is very difficult
To take God’s side,But it is very easy
To take man’s side. ```When we take man’s side,
We see ourselvesInside a very tight cage.
```When we take God’s side,
We sing and play and danceInside the most beautiful
God-Heart-Garden. ```To be empty of ego
Is, indeed, a most difficult task. ```I do not have to ask God
To love me more,For He already loves me
Infinitely moreThan I can ever imagine.
```To help me make
The fastest progress,God is becoming
More and more strict with me. ```When I pray and meditate
In the hours of dawn,My consciousness flies
Higher than the highest. ```I am so happy
That I have no dry seasonIn my spiritual life.
```My mind is a great talker,
But my heart is a very goodGod-seeker and God-lover.
```I shall no longer remain
The victimOf worthless and useless frustration.
```At long last,
My life knowsNo worry or hurry.
```My Lord,
Although You have forgiven me,Please do give me the capacity
To forgive my stupid blunders. ```To seek God
And to find GodGo together.
```Be faithful to God —
He will, in no time,Make you fruitful.
```In the spiritual life,
Self-doubt is a dangerousAnd destructive ailment.
```I was, before, a God-lover.
Now I have becomeBoth a God-lover
And a God-supporter. ```The heart has many
God-assistants;The poor mind has none.
```I wish my mind,
Like my heart,To be constantly selfless.
```Each moment is precious,
Extremely precious,Far beyond our imagination.
```I use my soul’s
Most powerful superlativesOnly for my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```I must have lasting
Aspiration-flamesAnd not a flickering
Aspiration-candle. ```Everything that I do
Is only for the sakeOf my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```God’s Love I need,
God’s Compassion I need,God’s Forgiveness I need,
But what I need mostIs God’s Vision-Eye.
```I cannot believe it
When God tells meThat He needs me to be
His eternal companion. ```My Lord,
Remove this maskAnd give me the task
To be of service to humanity. ```Enlightenment
Comes fromSelf-effacement.
```I am happy to say
That I never missMy morning and evening
Prayers and meditations. ```I am in the process
Of being curedOf my self-indulgence-life.
```Every morning,
I place at the FeetOf my Lord Supreme
My life-tree-flowers. ```At every moment
I am praying to GodTo preside over
My God-loving heart. ```Closeness and fondness
Bind usTo our Lord Beloved Supreme.
```I have given my heart-key
To my Lord Beloved SupremeFor Him to use in His own Way.
```To me, my heart-tears
Are more beautifulThan my life-smiles.
```Each prayer needs
More sincerity and intensity. ```God needs an empty heart
So that He can pour insideHis infinite Love.
```A heart-song is needed
To make my lifeHappy, happier, happiest.
Is all that I need. ```My sunlit heart
Saves my lifeFrom all dangers.
```Every morning
God expects a happy smileFrom my heart.
```My life revolves around
The Compassion-EyeOf my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```The thoughts of the mind
Must be conqueredBy the will of the heart.
```Each positive thought
Is one step closer to God. ```Each joy-song
Is flooded with power. ```Every day
I pray to GodTo bless me
With a child-heart-beauty. ```No more a negativity-mind —
I have now the beauty and fragranceOf a positive heart.
```A gratitude-life increases
The receptivity-powerOf our heart.
```Cheerfulness and willingness
Can accomplish so much for usIn the spiritual life.
```Side by side,
I love to travelWith my Lord Supreme.
```I love to move around
In my Lord’s Heart-Garden. ```I am praying to God
To bless my heartWith plenitude-gratitude.
```I am sure my heart-enthusiasm
Will never fail me,Never!
Is the beginning-hungerOf the spiritual life.
```To be regular and punctual
Is life’s supreme task. ```When I do not keep
Even an iota for myself,God gives His All to me.
```I may forget
God’s Compassion-Eye,But I can never forget
God’s Forgiveness-Heart. ```When I think of God,
I become greatness itself. ```When God thinks of me,
I become immediately happy. ```Do not say
‘I can’ or ‘I shall’,But ‘I have already done it’.
```When I can consciously efface
My desire-hungry mind,I begin to grow
Into the heart of perfection. ```The mind gets joy
When God fulfilsThe mind’s desire.
```The soul feels miserable
When it sees that the heartHas an earthly desire.
```God’s Greatness,
Indeed,Fascinates us.
```God’s Goodness,
Indeed,Immediately awakens
The human in usTo fulfil the divine in us.
```Unconditional love of God
Is not an impossible task. ```Use your wisdom!
At times, on the earthly level,By telling only the truth,
We run into endless problems. ```The soul is offended
When the heart does not showConstant devotion to God.
```To become God’s choice instruments,
We must start at the very beginning —We must first be God’s slaves
Before we can become God’s companions. ```The outer sun
Has the power to burn usIf we come too close.
```The closer we come
To the inner sun,The sooner we are illumined.
```Without a steady mind,
A pure heartAnd a simple life,
Nobody can makeThe fastest progress.
```Quite often
The modern musicDeafens my ears.
```The ancient music
Clearly shows meWhere I came from
And where I shall endMy journey.
```Perfection is a very, very slow process,
But it can definitely be achieved. ```Each good quality
Is a forward stepTo arrive at Divinity’s Door.
```Human friendship
Is extremely fragile. ```Divine friendship
Is a golden bridgeWhere two souls
Communicate. ```The beauty of the heart
Directly comes fromThe fragrance of the soul.
```I do not pray to God
To satisfy me.I pray to God
Only to employ me. ```When I entered into this world,
It looked so beautiful.But now, alas,
The world is extremely painful. ```God asks us
Not to blind the world,But to bind Him
In as many ways as possible. ```The fear of God
LengthensThe distance of our journey.
```We torture God’s Heart
When we tell HimThat He does not love us.
```Dynamic thoughts
Make us feelThat we belong to God,
Only to God. ```God does not appreciate us at all
When we think extremely illOf ourselves.
```To love God
Is not enough. ```To claim God
Is more than enough. ```We came into the world
To proclaim God’s Victory,But, alas, we are eager
To proclaim our own victories instead. ```On earth, it is easier
To feel God than to see Him. ```In Heaven, we may see God,
But we cannot manifest Him. ```There are so many ways
To God,But I have chosen
The devotion-way. ```A surrender-heart
Is the fastest speedOn the way
To God’s Abode. ```Everything
Has its rootsIn God’s Heart.
```My life and I
Are destinedTo please God
In His own Way. ```God says that
He has no friend on earth —He has only devotees
And admirers. ```No matter how many times
We stumble,We shall still be able
To reach God. ```Do not waste time —
‘Tomorrow’ never comes! ```I give both
My soul’s first smileAnd
My heart’s first tearTo God.
```Without an undying faith
In God,We can never become perfect.
```My heart’s eagerness
Has to be indomitable. ```Happiness
Is never to be foundIn my mind’s complaints.
```My life is changed
By my God-gratitude-heart. ```There is no distance
That love and faithCannot cover.
```God sincerely tells
Only a very fewThat they are His favourites.
```Every day, as I love God
More and more,Even so, God needs my service
More and more. ```Only God-servers
Are true world-improvers. ```Nobody properly values
God’s Compassion-EyeAnd His Forgiveness-Heart.
```We must not ignore
Life’s fleeting moments,For each moment is
A golden opportunityTo arrive at God’s Feet.
```I have begged God
To command most powerfullyEvery part of my earth-existence.
```Be wise —
Try to see onlyThe beauty and fragrance
Of this earth-planet. ```Be true, be true
To all your God-promises. ```I wish to live
Between my aspiration-heartAnd my dedication-life
With utmost sincerity. ```I am so eager to enter
My Lord’s Heart-Prison. ```If you want to be crowned
By God,Then you must shun
The path of falsehood. ```What I need
To pray and meditateIs an early rising morning-heart.
```We can become happy
Only by seeingThe good and divine qualities
Of each and every human being. ```Our gratitude-heart helps us,
Perfectly and convincingly,To touch the Compassion-Feet
Of God. ```Just a smile
Makes our mind clear,Our heart pure
And our world new. ```If God tells me that I am
His favourite,Then I must believe it —
My disbelief will only increaseThe distance between us.
```God keeps
His Protection-LightAll around the seeker’s life.
```I ascend
With my heart’s aspiration-flames.God descends
With His Heart’s Compassion-Moon. ```We unburden
Our mind’s problemsWith our heart’s mounting cries.
```In the aspiration-life,
We succeedOnly when we become
Extremely sincere and eager. ```Meditate, meditate and meditate —
Your heart-life is boundTo radiate.
```A desire-life can eclipse
Our heart-moon. ```The worries of our mind
Can be removedOnly by our heart’s
Ceaseless flow of tears. ```The mind does not care for
The heart’s progress,But the heart is always eager to see
Even an iota of progressIn the mind.
```Our love of God
Has to be alwaysPure and deep
So that God can come to usMuch faster.
```God’s Compassion rains down
Only when we do not careFor either success or progress.
```May my life become
A God-pleasingHeart-violin.
```Of all the flowers,
My surrender to God’s WillIs the most beautiful.
```Every day
I strengthenMy God-surrender-life.
```Each surrender-moment
Is extremely significant. ```I shall not allow
My God-attentionTo be disturbed by any means.
```Our Inner Pilot is always eager
To help us run fast, very fast,Towards our Destination.
```Only one thing satisfies me:
The dust of God’s Feet. ```If I can become a good citizen
Of the world,Then God will make me
A chosen instrumentOf His Life.
```True, God’s Eye
Is kind to me,But God’s Feet
Are infinitely kinder to me. ```I take God’s Will
As my onlySupreme Authority.
```I really want God
To stay a little longerEach time He comes to visit me.
```There are many things difficult in life,
But they are not impossibleTo overcome.
```Each one has the right
To becomeA chosen child of God.
```Human life is full of opportunities —
Each opportunity can be manifestedHere on earth.
```Each time I obey God,
He comes closer and closerTo me.
```I have two real friends —
My surrender-heartAnd
My gratitude-life. ```We must beg God
Every dayTo come and play
With our heart. ```I clearly see
That my Lord has started curingMy mind-blindness.
```God does not want to hear
The clever excusesOf my mind.
```The outer sun
Awakens me.The inner sun
Illumines me. ```My life-tree every day grows
Under the very special care and attentionOf my Master.
```Only my Master knows
How I can receive more,Infinitely more,
Light divine from Above. ```The outer journey ends —
The inner journeyHas neither beginning
Nor end. ```The heart-road
To the Absolute SupremeIs by far the fastest.
```Every morning
My heart collects devotion-flowersFor my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```My morning meditation
Has to be as beautifulAnd fragrant
As the morning rose. ```I must conquer
Each and every negative thoughtSo that I can make
The fastest progress. ```When the tears of our heart
Have intensity,We make the fastest progress.
```Without a spark of Divinity
In the heart,Life becomes
A meaningless zero. ```My desire-night
Has to be illuminedBy my heart’s
Aspiration-flames. ```My heart’s cheerfulness
Cures most ofMy mind’s problems.
```Every day
I pray to God to bless meWith new aspiration-flames
To transform my life. ```Without God’s Grace
No human beingCan turn inward.
```My Lord blesses my heart
With morning joyAnd blesses my life
With evening peace. ```I cry and weep
For God’s Compassion and AffectionIn abundant measure.
```Each time I smile at God,
He immediately increasesMy aspiration.
```I need a heart
That is always hungryFor God’s infinite Love.
```My meditation is not for
My God-glorification.My meditation is for
My Lord’s Satisfaction-Smile. ```My mind’s doubt
Divides me.My heart’s faith
Unifies me. ```My heart wishes to be
A rainbow-songFor my Lord Supreme.
```Early in the morning —
The very first thing —I look for my soul’s
Fragrance-heart. ```My Lord, please allow me —
Happily, cheerfully,Unconditionally and eternally —
To be Your own, very own. ```My Lord, when You are with me,
I am so happy —But when I feel You inside me,
I am infinitely happier. ```My Lord tells me
That I must giveMuch more importance
To my concentrationThan to anything else.
```My God-surrender-life
Is bound to succeed. ```Anything that is good and divine
Comes from my heart’sSilence-sea.
```World-renunciation is not for me.
World-acceptance,And then world-transformation,
Is my Goal — my only Goal. ```God immediately returns
Our love-devotion-surrender-calls. ```The mind
Loves to tellGossip-stories.
```The heart
Loves to singGod-songs.
Force surrendersTo love.
```God treasures
My gratitude-heart-tears. ```My Lord, I want to give You a gift.
Please tell me what You want.“My child, I want only
Your mounting heart-cries.” ```The outer world
NeedsThe beauty of harmony.
```The inner world
NeedsThe fragrance of peace.
```To love God in His own Way,
We must go beyond desire-awardsAnd desire-rewards.
```My forward march
Shall be tirelessAnd endless.
```The mind is afraid
Of long strides. ```The heart enjoys long strides
In the spiritual lifeAll the time.
```God counts
Each and everyGratitude-heartbeat
Of mine. ```Only fearless messengers
Of GodCan work for the betterment
Of the world. ```I have prayer-tears;
God has Fountain-Smiles. ```Each time I fulfil God
In His own Way,God says to me:
“You will never be able to knowHow dearly I treasure you.”
```Doubt and division
Are signsOf inner insecurity.
```God will come down
As your Saviour —You just go on loving Him
All the time. ```Do not try to fulfil the desires
Of each and every human being —You are bound to fail.
Just fulfil God’s only Desire —Your own perfection.
```God takes special pride in me
Only when I lengthenThe tears of my heart.
```Heaven’s ancient Eye
Was all gladness. ```Heaven’s modern Face
Is all sadness. ```When I please God
In His own Way,He always reserves
A seat for meRight near Him.
```God has given me a heart
To please Him,Lovingly and self-givingly.
```My Lord,
When I please You in Your own Way,What happens?
“My child,When you please Me in My own Way,
I immediately claim youAs My own, very own.”
```No sincere heart-throb
Will ever end in vain. ```My life’s failure-tree
My Lord has justUprooted.
```If you think you have pride
In enormous measure,Then just start grinding it
To dust. ```We must pray to God for protection
All the time.Only then will He make our lives
Invincible. ```We love
Our victory’s success-smiles. ```God loves
Our life’s progress-song. ```We all know
What contradictions are.From now on,
We shall try to knowWhat reconciliation is.
```My Lord,
May my heart be madeOf aspiration-flames
And my life be madeOf devotion-nectar.
```What I desperately need
IsA God-aspiring life.
```What I sleeplessly need
IsA God-fulfilling heart.
```I make each thought of mine
Beautiful, more beautifulAnd most beautiful.
Can never please GodIn His own Way.
```God’s Love
Is the only thingThat every part of me
Always needs. ```I live in between
My heart-criesAnd my soul-smiles.
Is the most beautiful prayerIn our spiritual life.
```No sincerity-depth,
No spirituality-height. ```God-satisfaction
Is my only occupation. ```God lives inside
My heart-cottageAnd not inside
My mind’s imaginary palace. ```Devotion has to be pure —
Only then will God acceptOur devotion.
```Every seeker’s heart
Is a new God-pleasingSong.
```Transform your loneliness
Into a oneness-fulness-life. ```When the aspiration
Of the heartShines on the face,
The seeker makesThe fastest progress.
```God says to me
That I must not be afraidOf His Volcano-Eye.
```I always love
My Master’sCompassion-descending eyes.
```Indomitable courage
Is all that we needTo conquer the hostile forces.
```We do not have to go
To a Himalayan cave to meditate —Our sacred heart is the best place.
```My Golden Boat
Is all ready to carry meTo the Golden Shore.
```Like my soul,
At every moment I must circleMy Lord Beloved Supreme.
```I can cultivate happiness
Only when I sitAt my Master’s feet.
```With my inspiration,
I fly high above.With my aspiration,
I dive deep within. ```God loves to play
All the timeWith my devotion-heart.
```I cry for happiness.
God cries for my oneness —Absolute oneness.
```Each heart has to be
A most beautifulPurity-flower.
```The mind knows nothing,
Yet it pretends to beA great teacher.
```The mind always likes to be
A great scholar.The heart always likes to be
A bright student. ```Alas, I like to use so many ways
To please my Lord,But my heart loves only one way —
The way of devotion. ```The mind is the problem,
And not the heart,To fulfil God’s Will on earth.
```My heart has always
An eagerness-joyTo please God in His own Way.
```God every day tells me
That He wants me to beHis partner
And not His slave. ```I have full confidence
In my heart.My heart has full confidence
In my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```The harder I strike
My heart-bell,The sooner I hear
The FootstepsOf my Lord Supreme.
```When I have
A purity-heart,God Himself rings
My heart-bell. ```The heart
Is the lightOf the body.
```My Lord confides in my soul,
My soul confides in my heart,And I confide in both my soul
And my heart. ```Too many things to do!
Alas, I do not know when to startAnd how to start.
```God’s Love
Is my inspiration. ```My surrender
Is God’s inspiration. ```Each time I dive deep within,
I see my earth-existenceFlooded with sunshine.
```Remember who you are.
You are God’s chosen child —Remember!
```My Lord,
I do not want my life to beA forgotten story.
```Peace-loving is my heart.
I wish, like my heart,For all nations to be
Peace-loving. ```Surrender
Is the final jumpInto the Unknowable.
```God’s Will-fulfilment
Is mankind’s ultimateLongest distance run.
```I no longer wander
In the jungle of my mind. ```May my life become
A sweet riverWith a golden boat.
```God’s Heart
Is the only place to hideFrom God’s Eye.
```Not only for the winner,
But also for the loser,God has equal Love.
```This morning
My Lord’s Heart gave meThe most surprisingly warm
Welcome. ```The path of the mind
Leads usNowhere.
```The path of the heart
Leads usTo the real Destination —
God. ```The heart —
And not the mind —Must search
For the Truth. ```To believe in tomorrow
Is a sheer waste of time. ```Even one single
God-fulfilment-opportunityI must not miss.
```When I do not please God
In His own Way,The pangs of my heart
Who can ever imagine? ```I have only one freedom:
Immediate fulfilmentOf God’s Will.
```Our feet-dust darkens the world,
But God’s Feet-DustNot only brightens the world,
But also awakens the worldTo a higher Light.
```God’s brightest Smile
Lives onlyIn the eternal Now.
```God’s Hour
Does not oftenRepeat itself.
```Alas, when will I be blessed
By my Lord’sCompassion-Rain?
```I shall not allow
My heart’s aspiration-candleTo flicker.
```God alone
Can consoleMy heart’s tearful prayers.
```How I wish
I can always remainA faithful servant-child
Of God. ```When we empty ourselves,
God Himself fills usWith His own Divinity’s Light.
```I need God’s Eye
For God-Compassion. ```I need God’s Heart
For God-Satisfaction. ```I need God’s Feet
For my transformation. ```Truth is not to be found
In the noiseOf the world.
```Truth is found
Only in the voiceOf the heart.
```I always need
My life-savingInner poise.
```Be always
As happy as possible —This is the only thing
That God wants from you. ```My Lord,
Do come backTo my aspiration-starvation-heart.
```My ego loves me,
But I do not love my ego.I love only the Feet
Of my Lord Supreme. ```O my soul,
Where are you, where?Do awaken
My earth-consciousness-body. ```My devotion-heart
And my Lord’s Satisfaction-EyeAre always to be found together.
```I wake up in the morning
The moment I hearMy Lord’s sweet Flute-Melodies.
```My mind
Wants to discoverGod’s Greatness.
```My heart
Wants to be cradled byGod’s Goodness.
```My soul
Sweetens my heart. ```My heart
Brightens my life. ```Every morning
I long forA new aspiration-sunrise.
```The outer duties
Awaken us. ```The inner duties
Illumine us. ```My heart-flower
Charms GodMost devotedly.
```I am so happy
That I no longer liveIn the confines
Of my mind-desert. ```The inner silence
Can easily devourThe outer noise.
```A life of hope is so precious —
And so constantly needed. ```My heart-lotus
Is the beautyOf my soul.
```My heart-lotus
Is the fragranceOf peace.
```There is only one truth —
God loves me. ```There is only one falsehood —
God does not need me. ```My heart-boat
Sails and sailsWith new dreams.
```I need the aspiration
That will never be exhausted. ```I feast
On my hope-light. ```I have come into the world
Not to shake the world,But to awaken the world.
```God is the Supreme Lover
Of my ever blossomingDevotion-heart.
```The tree of life climbs up
To be nourishedBy God’s Heart-Food.
```My eyes love
To approach GodWith inspiration.
```My heart loves
To approach GodWith devotion.
```Every morning
My soul, my heart and I flyIn Infinity’s Compassion-Sky.
```I open my heart completely
Only to my Lord’sGolden Feet.
```My Lord has given me
A new name —Unconditional surrender-expert.
```May my hope to realise God
Be fulfilledOnly at God’s choice Hour.
```God wants me
To blossomInside His sunlit Heart.
```My life-boat
Is sailing and sailingTowards the Shore of Immortality.
```When I do not obey God
Lovingly, soulfullyAnd self-givingly,
God’s Feet thunder. ```Each heart-world
Is a very special creationOf God.
```God’s Concern for humanity
Can never be fathomedBy the human mind.
```A negative mind
Is a very sharp sword. ```Expectation
Can be largerThan the largest ocean.
```A day without
Morning meditationIs a most unfortunate day.
```Only a self-giver
Is entitled to hoistGod’s Victory-Banner.
```The pure devotion
Of the heartShall always prevail.
```My aspiration
Is my life’sMost solid foundation.
```My soul is not
A knowledge-flameBut a wisdom-sun.
```My Lord’s Protection-Umbrella
Shields meFrom all dangers.
```Alas, why is it
That always my heartIs empty
Of aspiration-flames? ```No aspiration-flame,
No satisfaction-GodIn the seeker’s life.
```I unfurl
God’s Victory-BannerAt the God-given choice Hour.
```I am looking desperately
For the returnOf my aspiration-cries and tears.
```My aspiration-heart
And my dedication-lifeAre treasured
By both Heaven’s JoyAnd earth’s concern.
```God eagerly awaits
My heart’s HeavenlyAnd self-giving smiles.
```A meditation-heart
Means a lifeFull of God-hunger.
```Every morning
I keep my heart pureAnd my mind clear
Before I start the day. ```Each vision
Of my soulAwakens me
To a brighter goal. ```The beauty
Of my aspiration-heart-gardenCan never be fully described.
```Every day
I try to transformMy desire-life
Into my aspiration-heart. ```Earth gives us
Earthly tears. ```Heaven gives us
Heavenly smiles. ```God allows my heart
To sit at His Feet,But He does not allow my mind
To go near Him. ```Every day I go out
For joyAnd come back home
For peace. ```Alas, we do not know
Why we came into the world,What we are actually
Doing in the world,And for Whom!
```I love God
Well enough to knowWhether He really cares for me
Or not. ```My Lord,
I shall never againMiss seeing You
When You playWith the cosmic gods
And goddesses. ```When I do not please my Master
In his own way,I am incomplete.
```When I please my Master
In his own way,I am not only complete
But perfect. ```Self-offering
Is the beginningOf liberation.
```I must learn
How to watch,And then watch
How to learn. ```To my great joy,
I am once more fortunateTo place myself
At the Feet of my Lord Supreme. ```The mind and the vital
Quite often reachAn amicable agreement.
```My Lord,
I would love to meditateMuch better.
“My child,First love Me more.”
```I am so glad
That my Lord and IAre always on good terms.
```We do not do
The right thingWhen we give up
In a difficult situation. ```The hostile forces
Never learnHow to take rest.
```When God talks,
We love to hear,But then the story ends —
We do not love and serveThe world.
```Do not stop!
Do not stop at any rungOf the spiritual ladder.
```Without Forgiveness from God,
We cannot enter intoA new battlefield of life.
```With God’s Compassion
I begin my day. ```With God’s Forgiveness
I end my day. ```Since I discovered God,
He has kept meUnder His Protection-Umbrella.
```So easy
To criticise the world;So difficult
To offer even an iota of help. ```I must wrestle with my self-doubt
Every dayTo bring about my divine victory.
```I must go back home
To bring my Lord’s Protection-Flower,Before I start my journey.
```If you want to run
Towards God,Never forget to run
The fastest. ```God wants me to serve mankind —
It is not how long that matters,But how.
```Never allow timidity and fear
To enter into your lifeIf you want to succeed.
```Ignore your earthly failure
If you really want to offerYour victory
To your Lord Supreme. ```Patience
Is first-classWisdom-light.
```Every time I speak ill
Of the world,I give God
A headache. ```Spirituality does not want
Forced surrender —Surrender has to be voluntary.
```Each new experience
Can beA new and fulfilling adventure.
```Do not miss any opportunity
To please God alwaysIn His own Way.
```I want to love God,
Plus I want to beNot only loved by God,
But also devoured by God. ```God talks and talks
And talksWhen He sees me all alone.
```Nothing is as important
As God-obedienceIn the spiritual life.
```First, individual preparation —
And only then,Collective preparation.
Is much more thanPrayer and meditation.
```God wants me always to accept
All challengesAnd conquer them.
```I am my surrender;
God is His Concern. ```God wants me
To sing His Songs completely,And not just half-heartedly.
Is afraid of seeingMy God-gratitude-heart.
```My progress-life
Is God’sSleepless Concern.
```I live in between
My gratitude-heartAnd my surrender-life.
```God wants my eagerness
To examine my willingnessAnd readiness.
```God wants my readiness,
Willingness and eagernessTo run much faster.
```God is here and now —
And not from a distant placeOr a distant time.
Knows no shore. ```Silence lives in the Shore,
With the ShoreAnd for the Shore.
```My Lord,
I give You an iota.In return,
You give me Infinity. ```My Lord,
When will my lifeBreathe Your Heart?
```The mind
```The heart
```From each morning prayer,
I get a new and dynamicBurst of energy.
```Every time I meditate,
I try to dive deep withinTo reach my soul’s Fountain-Source.
```When faith and truth
Work together,They create constant miracles.
Is the height ofStark stupidity.
Cannot last long. ```The God-gratitude-tears
Of any heartAre priceless.
```Alas, I know not
How I can escapeThe desire-net.
```My mind,
Eternity is not going to waitFor your radical transformation.
```My heart always tells me
That there is nothingThat God does not know.
```Faith has to be used
All the time,And not from time to time.
```Heaven is everywhere
When my heart is happyFrom listening to my Master.
```To know my true self,
I must not liveIn the self-doubting mind-jungle.
```Emptiness in the heart
Is nothing short ofFulness of life.
The desire-bound human beingsAre not yet fed up
With ignorance-night! ```O power of the sun,
O beauty of the moon,Do enter into
My aspiration-heart. ```Aspiration-height
And meditation-lightAlways go together.
```My heart meditates
Only for one thing:Peace, Infinity’s Peace.
```The Golden Shore is for those
Who want to soar for GodAnd who want to roar for God.
```Where is
The Golden Shore,If not inside
My heart-sky? ```Our lives
Can be transformedOnly by actions divine.
```Eternal Time
Is the possessorOf an ever-transforming life.
```My Lord, forgive me,
I am unable to controlMy doubting mind;
I am unable to controlMy restless vital;
I am unable to controlMy sleeping body;
But I am in full controlOf my self-giving life.
```The human heart
HousesThe divine temple
And its shrine. ```Behold,
I have come out ofThe age-old cave
Of my mind. ```The sweetness of the heart
And the newness of lifeAre extremely fond of each other.
```My heart-citadel
Is empty of doubts. ```No ego can eclipse
The beauty and lightOf my soul.
```The inspiration-bird
Wakes up at the callOf the seven colours
Of the morning rainbow. ```My Lord, please tell me
Where, when and howI have misplaced
My heart-key. ```Each desire is a torturer
Of our aspiration-heart. ```Inspiration and aspiration
Turn inaction-lethargyInto dynamic energy.
```A happy heart
Does not compete. ```The heart has
Inspiring talentsThat the mind
Is not conscious of. ```For the heart to expand
Quickly and confidentlyIs not a difficult task.
```God’s Protection-Feet
Are only for thoseWho live sleeplessly
In the aspiration-world. ```O my heart,
Run the fastest —The doubting mind
Is chasing you! ```Our love of God
ExpeditesOur devotion-speed.
```Quite often
The mind discourages the heartFrom living the life of spirituality.
```Hope is
Beauty’s touch. ```Promise is
Duty’s fragrance. ```Now that my inner light
Has come to the fore,My darkness-mind
I see no more. ```When the heart loves,
It knows no limit. ```A God-dependence-life
FliesIn the heart-sky.
```Do what God always does:
Never stop workingFor mankind.
```My heart loves
My sleepless God-serviceMore than anything else.
Are God’s true fulfillers. ```The heart loves the mind
And wants to help the mindTo accept the spiritual life,
But the mind does not want help. ```Heart-currency
Can never be faulty. ```I throw my whole heart
Into self-giving —Therefore I am all happiness.
```Unless the heart is pure,
We do not understandThe perfect meaning
Of God’s Message-Light. ```Dive inward —
You are bound to see and possessInfinity’s wealth.
```Our happiness
Cannot be measuredWhen we see
The Fountain-Source of life. ```Every day
A new-born dawnClasps my aspiration-heart.
```I do not want
To be lost in Infinity.I wish Infinity to work
In and through my heart-breath. ```I want and need many things
From God,But God wants only one thing
From me:The total transformation
Of my life. ```I bind God
With my self-giving life. ```When I walk
Towards God’s Heart,God’s Feet
Show me the Way. ```Self-giving means
Immediately becomingA king of joy.
```To love God only
Is neverAn impossible task.
```Humility is found
AlwaysIn the Heart of God.
```I begin my day
With my happiness-heartAnd end my day
With my peace-mind. ```We must realise
That faith is infinitely strongerThan doubt.
```My gratitude-heart-letter
My LordImmediately reads.
```Stop everything!
Just think of God’sBeaming Smile.
```Life with God
Is Ecstasy’s flood. ```My body,
Give up your self-styledPrison-life.
```Whenever my mind
Does something wrong,My heart immediately
Takes the blame. ```Divine freedom
Has its ownDivine responsibilities.
```No seeker
Can ever affordTo displease God.
```I am totally lost
Between my inner worldOf peace
And my outer worldOf noise.
```When you make a promise
To God,Your promise has to be
Very serious. ```Our God-unwillingness-mind
We shall never, never use. ```Poor God comes to me
Again and again.Alas, where is
My receptivity-heart-room? ```I have rejected my outer world
Only to becomeA perfect citizen of the inner world.
```God needs only
Eagerness-serversTo join
His Manifestation-projects. ```I long to become
Every dayA more perfect seeker.
```The heart’s way
Is always beautifulAnd fragrant.
```The Master does not have to
Perform any miracleBecause he himself
Is the miracle of miracles! ```I clearly hear God’s Victory-Drum
Around the corner,But alas, I am not ready
To receive Him. ```What is needed is sincerity,
And never austerity. ```To consult with oneself
And not with GodIs the height of our stupidity.
```Deep meditation
And real peaceAre to be found together
Always. ```Even an iota of self-discipline
Can brightenMy life.
```The heart’s way
Is alwaysEmpty of pride.
```The mind wants
ExplanationsAnd elaborations.
```The heart needs only
Unification with Mother EarthAnd Father Heaven.
```When life-transformation takes place,
Not only the outer faceBut also the personality
Completely changes for the better. ```God is God’s Forgiveness,
But my doubting mindFails to believe it.
```My Lord,
Every dayI shall make a fresh attempt
To be an absolutely obedient childOf Yours.
```If I have clarity
In my mind,Then I shall have security
In my heart. ```I may fail, again and again,
But my soul will not allow meTo give up.
```Now that I have had
The sweet experienceOf God-obedience,
I must always obey God. ```God never displeases
Those who offerA sincere prayer.
```I must not allow
FearTo visit my mind.
```I must not allow
DoubtTo weaken my heart.
```I must not allow
JealousyTo come and attack me.
```I must not allow
PrideTo ignore the world.
```I must not allow
ImpurityTo darken my mind.
```I must allow only the things
That God wants me to have,For the betterment of the world.
```My Lord,
I want to be onlyA gratitude-cry.
```My Lord,
I want to be onlyA surrender-joy.
```My Lord,
I want to beYour choicest child,
Not only in the inner worldBut also in the outer world.
```We must never reject
Anything that our Master gives usBlessingfully and self-givingly.
```Time is either
A very good friendOr
A very big enemy. ```When my Master suffers,
I become insaneWith sadness.
```I open my heart
Only to my Lord’sForgiveness-Feet.
```What separates me
From my Lord’s Heart?What else, if not my pride!
```My Lord,
The moment I see Your Feet,My heart gets an immediate thrill.
```My Lord,
Your Fire-Eye has burntMy mind’s pride to ashes.
```My Lord, with You
Is my divine journey’sPride.
```My Lord, without You
My divine journeyWill never be able to start.
```Without courage
We can never succeed. ```All the seekers
StudyAt God’s Heart-School.
```In the morning and evening,
I practiseAncient aspiration.
```During the day,
I practiseModern dedication.
```When I love God unconditionally,
He tells me to come and sitClosest to Him.
```God smiles
At our tearsMost sincerely.
```Each heart
Has to beA gratitude-flower.
```May my heart-river
Always flowWith gratitude.
Has to be practisedEvery day.
```No more
Outer encouragement,No more.
```God is extremely pleased with us
When we useOur heart-language.
```When I try to have God
All to myself,I badly fail.
Has to be kept aliveAll the time.
```May my heartbeat
And God’s HeartbeatGo together.
```Nothing can be sweeter, purer,
More illumining and more fulfillingThan God’s Fondness
For His unconditionally self-giving seekers. ```Perfection-goal
Is extremely difficultTo reach.
```Our mind
Does not like the ideaThat we have such love
For God. ```I cherish
My heart’s God-longing tearsMore than anything else.
```A devotion-heart
Very speedilyRuns towards God.
```I want my inspiration
To reachThe length and breadth
Of the world. ```I want my aspiration
To reachThe highest peak.
Gives usEnormous joy.
Is quite oftenPainful.
```God and I
Repeatedly shareOur heart-secrets.
```The more my heart-power
Increases,The sooner I shall meet
With my God-Hour. ```The God-obedience-book
Is quite oftenMissing.
```When we pray,
We tell GodTo give us.
```When we meditate,
We tell GodTo take us.
```It is not enough
To look at God —We must claim Him
As our own. ```A God-driver
Has to beSleeplessly alert.
```Our outer existence
May be personal,But our inner existence
Is universal. ```With our silence-heart
We must accept and surmountAll the obstacles on the way.
```Only our devotion-heart
Can soulfully walkSide-by-side with God.
```How painful it is
To loseGod-contact!
Is the worst formOf imperfection.
```When we dive deep within,
Only then can we discoverOur deepest self.
```Every moment
Of our livesMust be
Self-giving. ```By offering an iota of love,
We receive from GodHis Satisfaction-Flood.
```Surrender without reserve
Is the only wayTo arrive
At God’s Heart-Door. ```The highest realisation
Is not just to see,But to become.
Perfects our mind. ```Aspiration
Perfects our heart. ```Service
Perfects our life. ```The word ‘sacrifice’
Is not to be foundIn the devotion-dictionary.
```My service
MeansMy equal love for all.
```We must always remember
What is most importantIn the spiritual life —
Our surrender to God’s Will. ```Desire-thorns
We know. ```Aspiration-roses
We have yet to appreciate. ```Seriously
We must practiseDetachment.
```God’s Love-Date
Never expires. ```Every day
We must aspireTo create
A beautiful world. ```May my heart
Every day offerSunshine-smiles
To the whole world. ```Each sincere tear
Brings GodCloser to us.
```When we are in the Presence
Of God,We must give Him
Not only our good qualities,But our bad qualities as well.
```God’s Joy knows no bounds
When a devotion-heartSteals His Love.
```When the heart rules,
It is allJoy.
```When the soul rules,
It is allPeace.
```Meditation reveals
Our inner beautyMost perfectly.
```Each soulful prayer
Is blessed unreservedlyBy God.
```God is very clearly visible
InsideOur heart-tears.
Is as uselessAs my unworthiness-thought.
```Wake up,
My lethargy-body,To the rising sun!
```The morning sunrise
Awakens us, energises usAnd illumines us.
```A gratitude-heart
Is made of sweetness. ```God closes His Eyes
When I do thingsUndivine.
IsMy only strength.
IsMy only joy.
```The aspiration-heart
Must remainAlways awake.
```God will not be satisfied
Until He is fully manifestedHere on earth.
```A garland of tears
I place at the FeetOf my Lord Supreme,
Only to receiveA garland of Smiles.
```My soulfulness rises
The moment I think of GodMost lovingly.
```A new aspiration
MeansA new God-Experience-Blessing.
```Your heart-connection with God
Must always beIn good shape.
```My heart of happiness
And my life of sorrowI place at the Feet
Of my Lord Supreme. ```We must always try to be
Far aboveLife’s ups and downs.
```I am extremely fond
Of my heart’sSong-bird.
```Hope is life’s
Forward drive. ```Whenever we do
Something good,God immediately
Applauds. ```My heart-wings
I spread outEverywhere.
```I celebrate
The anniversaryOf my aspiration-life.
```Deep meditation
Opens the heart-doorSooner than at once.
```Many, many times
I have experiencedThe Power
Of God’s Compassion-Eye. ```We must ignore
Many unimportant thingsIf we really want to make
Very fast progress. ```To deny God’s Compassion
Is to denyMy very life.
```The heart can be fed
Only by the soul’sWisdom-light.
Is the beginningOf transformation.
```My Lord,
When will You returnTo my poor, empty heart?
```The experiences
Of the heartAre always true.
```The mind and its doubts
Must be rejectedRuthlessly.
```The aspiration-heart
Is constantly neededTo keep God happy.
```Doubt forcefully
Wants to enterInto the aspiration-heart.
```Each time I hear anything
From God,It immediately gladdens
My heart. ```We have many questions
For God,But God has only one question:
“My children,When are you going to be perfect?”
Is good,But oneness
Is far better. ```Do not starve your happiness
By thinking illOf yourself.
```Since we have embarked
On the spiritual journey,We must complete it.
```Nobody wants to have
A dusty mind,But, alas, most of us do!
```Every day
I pray to GodTo give me
A fountain-heart of love. ```I am in between
My desire-fightAnd
My aspiration-flight. ```My victory-life
Comes fromMy Lord’s Feet.
```My heart not only tries
To feel God’s WillBut also executes God’s Will
Immediately. ```I am determined
To conquerMy lower self
And strengthenMy higher self.
```I do not care
For my life-story —I care only
For my heart-song. ```Devotion has to become
SleeplessIf you need God’s endless Love.
```Although we may try,
Nobody can thank GodLovingly, soulfully,
Sleeplessly and unconditionally. ```The spiritual life
Becomes truly happyWhen God becomes
Indispensable. ```Justice-Light reaches us
Only whenGod’s Compassion-Height
We disregard. ```I need a heart
Which is at oncePlayful and pure,
Like a child. ```Not because of my aspiration
But because of God’s Compassion,I feel I am safe in my spiritual life.
```No human being
Can protect my life —It is God’s Grace alone
That protects my lifeAll the time.
```If I really love God,
Then how can I beInsecure?
```God asks me to decide
ImmediatelyWhether I am all for Him
And only for Him. ```The mind fools us,
Yet we are not very strictWith the mind.
```My obedience
Is very pleasing newsTo God.
```My oneness-rainbow-heart
PleasesBoth God and man.
```I keep my aspiration-heart
Far awayFrom the desire-life.
```Life means
Self-giving andGod-becoming.
```Life has no meaning
```Life offers victory to God
Only after it has becomeUnconditional.
IsExtremely painful.
IsExceedingly beautiful.
```To see the face of Truth,
We must becomeA heart of tears.
```We need God
Whenever we want to,But God always needs us.
```I wake up in the morning
ImaginingThe beauty of a rose.
```The morning gives me
A flood of joy. ```The evening gives me
A sea of peace. ```Those who believe
In only Sunday prayersCannot go far
In the spiritual life. ```God is ours
If we desperatelyNeed Him.
```Meditation is not
A challenge-thoughtBut a silence-thought.
```Those who believe
In delayingWill sadly fail.
```Our gratitude-heart-tears
God treasures. ```To live in the world
We needInfinite poise.
```Our tears and smiles
God examinesBefore He accepts us
Into His Singing Group. ```When I am sad,
God gives meHis brightest Smile.
```When I am miserable,
God gives meHis loudest Laugh.
```Like God-realisation,
God-manifestationIs also essential.
```We are hungry
For name and fame. ```God is hungry
For our peace of mind. ```World peace depends upon
Prayer and meditationMore than anything else.
```A single heart-prayer
Can performA miracle.
```A single heart-meditation
Can createBoundless peace.
```My mind’s only goal
```My heart’s only goal
```Right from this moment,
I shall take GodAnd my spiritual life
Most seriously, most seriously! ```The mind’s dry prayers
Cannot reachGod’s Ears.
```Without God’s
Constant Presence,How can our hearts
Be completely happy? ```Instead of saying,
“God loves me personally,”I must say,
“God loves us all equally.” ```My childlike heart
Runs faster than the fastestTowards my heart-home.
```My priority
Is sleepless God-hunger. ```God gives
Tremendous importanceTo my gratitude-heart-messages.
```God and the aspiring heart
Constantly appreciateEach other.
```My heart’s innocent joy
ThrillsMy Lord Supreme.
```Alas, the hostile forces
Are more vigilantThan the divine forces.
```One thing I love:
To repeat God’s NameAll the time.
And silence-meditationsAre most powerful.
```A sea of patience
Is neededTo make just a little progress
In the spiritual life. ```Sweeter
Than the sweetest —My heart-prayers.
Than the strongest —My heart-meditations.
```A seeker’s
Inner awakeningIs extremely charming.
```My life-boat
Is sailingTowards my heart’s homeland.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
Has the fastest speed. ```God’s Justice-Hands
Are extremely slow. ```Every inspiration-wave
Has the powerTo create a new world.
```Heaven whispers;
Earth shouts. ```Earth is for
Heaven-seekersAnd world-lovers.
```The world makes progress
Along with my heart’sAspiration-progress.
```We need a mind
EmptyOf obscurity.
```We need a heart
EmptyOf fear.
```We need a life
EmptyOf discouragement.
```To love God
Is to goOne step forward.
```To devote oneself to God
Is to goTwo steps forward.
```To surrender to God’s Will,
Cheerfully and unconditionally,Is to take
One hundred steps forward. ```With my aspiration,
I enter intoThe higher worlds.
```With my dedication,
I enter intoThe four corners of the globe.
```My Lord says to me
That if I really aspire,I will definitely be flooded
With delight. ```Every path has obstacles,
But the seeker has to braveAll the obstacles.
```I must always be conscious —
God may come to meUnannounced.
```Our success-life
Is so fleeting! ```Our progress-heart
Forever remainsUnlimited.
```Darkness and falsehood
Cannot prevail. ```Every day I must increase
My heart’s inner strengthTo fulfil God’s Will.
```Whether I am a good seeker
Or a bad seeker,One thing I know for sure:
My heart is all forMy Lord Beloved Supreme.
```An aspiration-heart
Finds no difficultyIn agreeing
With the rest of the world. ```Our heart’s fears and doubts
Are absolutely baseless. ```May my life
BeA ceaseless prayer.
```May my heart
BeA sleepless meditation.
```Never be fully satisfied
With what you haveAnd what you are.
```I value my hope-heart
Most sincerelyAnd most proudly.
```Ancient prayers
Make meDivinely wise.
```Modern prayers
Make meDivinely proud.
```The love of the heart
Surrenders onlyTo God’s Will
And to nothing else. ```The hunger of the heart
Grows intoThe feast of life.
No, no!God’s Victory on earth?
A million times ‘Yes’! ```My Lord,
If You are really kind to me,Then bind my heart
And blind my eyes! ```Every day I pray to God
To make my heartA better God-lover
And my lifeA better God-server.
God says, “Amen.” ```God does not need me to be
A great champion in many fields.He just wants me to be
His companion all the time. ```My heart is a bud
That every day blossomsFor God-worship.
```May my heart-tears
And my soul-smilesBecome inseparable.
```God wants me
To swim every dayIn the sea of self-sacrifice.
```God tells me
That my sacred heartIs His secret wealth.
```The inner freedom
IsAn ever-blossoming peace.
```What will mould my future life,
If not my happy acceptanceOf God’s Will?
Is the indomitable strengthOf the heart.
Is the gift of my heartFor the perfection
Of my life. ```I shall no more
```My love of God
Is my soul’s inner strengthAnd my life’s outer joy.
```The whispers
Of the inner worldAre beautifully shaping
My outer world. ```When our desire-life ends,
God sings and dancesMost charmingly.
```My life-boat sails
Between my inner hopesAnd my outer promises.
```My heart
Loves to conquerMy mind’s
God-aspiration-resistance. ```I am leaving
The world of expectation-frustrationFor good.
```I am kindling
The flame of aspirationDeep within my heart.
```The voice of silence
Is the most important thingIn our outer life.
```Nothing must be excluded —
Everything has to be includedFor world harmony.
```My words and my deeds
Are all for the fulfilmentOf my Lord’s Will.
```Spirituality is not only
The source of aspirationBut also the source
Of silence. ```I must conquer
My mind’sGod-resistance-pleasure.
```My life’s duty
Resides insideMy heart’s beauty.
```My heart
Is my only real life. ```My God-search
Has neither a beginningNor an end.
```My faith in my heart
Is God’sSpecial representative.
```Every morning
And every eveningMy heart desperately needs
The Blessing-SmileOf my Lord Beloved Supreme.
I love. ```Silence-heart
I need. ```Each seeker
Has to be proudOf his journey’s start.
```Each seeker
Has to be proudOf his journey’s end —
The Golden Shore. ```God’s inner Presence
Guides us and leads usAt every moment.
```This moment,
God hides from my eyes;Next moment,
He walks ahead of meAnd protects me.
```In everything,
The heart is much fasterThan the mind.
God does notAppreciate.
```Every morning
My only Friend, God,Visits me.
```Practise meditation
If you want to haveReal satisfaction
In your life. ```God loves to live
In my heart-cottageAnd not in my mind-palace.
```O my mind,
I cannot love you —You always fool me!
```O my heart,
You always love meAnd do the right thing
For me. ```My Lord,
I wish to be only one thing —A sleepless devotion-heart.
```A God-worshipper
Has to be always a hero,Inner and outer.
```Little by little,
Divinity blossomsWithin us.
```God is God’s
Compassion-Penetration-Eye. ```My false boss
Is my doubting mind. ```My real boss
Is my aspiring heart. ```The power of sincerity
Is beyond measure. ```My love of God
Has to increaseAt every moment,
Without fail. ```Each heart
Has to be powerfulAnd self-giving.
```My self-transformation
Means God-satisfactionIn the purest way.
```My Lord is so kind to me!
He thinks of me much moreThan I can ever imagine.
```To delay
Is to inviteA life of failure.
```My Lord promises me
That my heart-sorrowsHe will transform
Into my life-joys. ```God-service
Is my constantJoy.
```My heart-songs
Lead meTo my Destination.
```I must take my spiritual life
Most seriouslyEvery day.
```I beg God
To give me intensityWhen I pray to Him.
```I am at peace
Only whenMy Lord’s Feet
Bind me. ```May my life
Be a ceaselessGod-love-stream.
```Only God’s Smile
Can meltMy aspiration-heart.
```Every day
God’s Love comes to meWith a new Breath.
```Every day
God teaches meTo fly in His Heart-Sky
In a very special way. ```My Lord asks me
Not to remain discouraged,But to grow hope in my heart
At His Feet. ```At God’s Feet
My heart must blossomEvery day.
```At God’s Feet
I place all my heart-criesAnd my soul-smiles.
```My heart is approaching
God’s HourVery speedily.
```Oneness grows
In the heartAnd not
In the mind. ```God-connection
Has to be keptAlways safe.
```I shall never lose
The purposeOf my God-love.
```I shall fulfil
My God-promiseWithout fail.
```On tiptoe
God entersInto my heart.
```God is the only Friend
That I can reallyDepend on.
```My soul jumps with joy
When God enters intoMy heart.
```Every day
I owe GodMore than I can
Ever imagine. ```At the end of my life,
I pray to GodOnly for one thing:
Peace, infinite peace. ```My Lord has forgiven me,
And I am determinedNot to make any more blunders
In my life. ```Not my mind-noise
But my heart-poiseIs my goal.
```The moment my eyes
See the moon,My heart gets
An immediate thrill. ```Impatience
Is our enemyNumber one.
```My prayer saves me
From my mind-impurity. ```My heart saves me
From my mind-insecurity. ```My soul saves me
ConstantlyFrom my wandering mind.
```Gratitude is the master key
To open up all earth-doorsAnd Heaven-doors.
```My Lord is always
His Affection-flooded EyeFor me.
```Every day
God comes into my heartTo examine the depth
Of my silence. ```God-love-devotion-singers
Swim all the timeIn the sea of bliss.
God breathes a new promiseInto my heart.
Is the strongest bridgeBetween man and God.
```You must complete
Your journeyTo God’s Heaven-Kingdom
In this life. ```My Lord,
Do give me the capacityTo sing to the Melody
Of Your Heart. ```My God-gratitude-heart
Has wonGod’s Smile-Prize.
```Because of
Your unconditional Compassion,My Lord,
I can still live on earth. ```Life is an eternal journey
In search ofGod’s Love.
```My heart is singing and flying,
Carrying the messageOf God’s Victory.
```God has brought me
His most precious Treasure —His Heart.
I must not lose it! ```My heart longs for only one thing:
Peace, and peace, and peace —Throughout the length and breadth
Of the world. ```Every human being
Will one day holdGod’s Victory-Banner.
```My invincible oneness
With God’s WillIs the only thing
That I need. ```Only one thought I needed,
I need and I shall forever need:“My Supreme is my All.”
```My heart’s gratitude-tears
Every day I placeAt the Feet of my Lord Supreme.
```My Supreme, my Supreme, my Supreme stood in front of me and said to me, “No retirement, no retirement, no retirement for you, My child!”
I said to my Supreme, “What more do You want from me, what more?”
He said to me, “Seventy-seven thousand.”
Immediately I said to Him, “Is it Your Wish, is it Your Request, is it Your Will or is it Your absolute Command?”
He said, “It is My absolute Command.”
Then I said to Him, “I do not think I am going to live on earth that long.”
He said to me, “My child, I command you to start, I command you to start. You know and I know how long you are going to be on earth, but I want you to start. This is My absolute Command.”
“My Supreme, my Supreme, I shall obey Your Command, I shall.”
— Sri Chinmoy
24 January 1998Sri Chinmoy embarked upon this marathon poetic odyssey on 24 January 1998 at 4:30 a.m., just three hours after completing his series Twenty-seven thousand Aspiration-Plants, which had taken him fourteen and a half years to write. By contrast, he wrote the fifty thousand poems completed of the Service-Trees series in just over nine years.
On the day he began that creative journey, while he was visiting Cancun, Mexico, with a group of his students, he recounted the experience in the previous chapter.From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 50, Agni Press, 2009
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