When my heart received
An invitation from God,My soul danced and danced
With ecstasy. ```To create a supreme atmosphere
On earth,Each human being
Must grow into a soulful prayerAnd fruitful meditation.
```Every day, every hour, every minute
We must pay utmost attentionTo God’s bountiful
Silence-Messages. ```Every day
We must make a special effortTo bring to the fore the inner sun,
Which is all-illuminingAnd all-fulfilling.
```Your mind must think
The way your heart wantsYour mind to think,
For your heart is in direct touchWith the all-illumining soul.
```My heart whispers.
God’s Compassion-EarLeans low.
```My mind and I
Like to knowAll about God’s
Secret days. ```My heart and I
Love to feel only God’sSacred moments.
```My life and I
Prayerfully treasureGod’s longest Eternity.
```The doubting mind
Does not hesitate even to doubtGod’s Compassion-Eye.
```Every morning I pray to God
To bless me withA singing heart-bird.
```God’s Compassion-Height
I sleeplesslyLove.
```God’s Justice-Light
I unmistakablyNeed.
```God’s Will-Fulfilment
Is my heart’sGreatest thrill.
```A selfishness-mind
SuffersA loneliness-life.
```My eagerness-heart
Runs alongGod’s Fulness-Road.
```I know not where
My Lord’s Compassion-EyeIs unavailable.
```Our desire-life
Is not interestedIn our heart’s
Beauty-fragrance-garden. ```God’s choice children
Are those who see God’s WillAs their own, very own.
```Alas, my mind is limping
For extra attentionFrom God.
```I am my mind’s
```God is God’s
```God is God’s
Forgiveness-Heart.I am my life’s
God-gratitude-breath. ```When God is God’s
Sorrow-Eye,I know that I am doing
Something wrong. ```When God is God’s
Smile-Face,I know that my life
Is God-Satisfaction. ```My God-unwillingness-mind,
You have no idea to what extentYou are torturing my heart.
```O my unwillingness-mind,
You will never succeedIn hiding.
```O my eagerness-empty heart,
You will never succeedIn hiding.
```Do not demand.
God is not at your feet,But He is inside your heart.
```My heart’s inspiration-flood
Has destroyedMy lethargy-body’s
Unending life. ```Day in and day out,
My Lord is myAspiration-dedication-supplier-multiplier.
```My love, my devotion
And my surrenderEvery morning congregate
At my Lord’s Lotus-Feet. ```In my outer life
I love God’sForgiveness-Heart.
```In my inner life
I love God’sCompassion-Eye.
```My aspiration-heart
Is myPrayerful choice.
```My realisation-life
Is God’sBountiful Choice.
```My mind,
Do not be lost in yourGod-acceptance-hesitation-fog.
```Desire-life leads.
But where?Only to the ever-ready grave.
```The mind’s negativity-fort
AstoundsEven God the Compassion.
```My Lord tells me
That my heart-tearsAre sweeter than the sweetest.
```My heart,
Once more you must makeYour God-satisfaction-efforts.
```My aspiring heart
Loves and loves GodWith no expectation.
```My doubting mind
Never loves God,But it constantly expects
God’s Love. ```May I be a heart
That is sleeplesslyGod-yearning.
```My God-surrender-heart
IsA God-Satisfaction-Pride.
```An aspiration-heart
Makes the lifeYounger.
```My mind,
You can easily settleYour God-surrender-question.
```Man is man’s
```God is God’s
```An Avatar will never be understood.
This story will be learnedFrom generation to generation.
```If your heart cheers God,
Then only will your heart be ableTo hear the Message of God
The way your soul does. ```Mourn not for those
Who are spiritually dead.God knows how
To take care of them. ```I just love and love and love
God’s everyWorld-transformation-Thought.
```My mind,
God is infinitely more inspiringThan you can ever imagine.
```My heart,
God is infinitely more forgivingThan you can ever imagine.
```My life,
God is infinitely more fulfillingThan you can ever imagine.
```God will definitely fulfil
All the promisesThat our soul has made
To Mother Earth. ```Mother Earth and Father Heaven
Dearly love my heart’sLove-devotion-surrender-tears.
```Everybody must walk
Through the heart-templeTo arrive at God’s Palace.
```May my heart-temple-bell
Ring every dayAs loudly as possible
To awaken my dormant inner life. ```O my disobedient mind,
You are bound to shed bitter tearsIn the very near future.
```God is extremely proud
Of His self-givingSeeker-hearts.
```My Lord expects
Only one thing from me:My God-realisation-hunger-cry.
```To live a God-protected life,
One must long forA God-satisfaction-heart.
```My Lord does hear
My heart’s sleepless cries,But He has His own Time
To make me happyIn His own Way.
```Stop thinking, stop thinking,
My mind,If you really feel the need
Of God’s Blessing-LightAnd Delight.
```My only aim
Is to reach the highestIn my aspiration, dedication
And surrender-life. ```Look, look what is happening!
Heaven’s Gate,My Lord’s Golden Gate,
My Lord Himself is opening. ```Never hold back
Your heart’sGratitude-fragrance-tears —
Never! ```My doubting mind
Always tries to break offAll the communications
With my aspiring heart. ```Every morning
I place my life’s surrender-smilesOn my heart-shrine.
```How can the idleness of the body
And the narrowness of the mindEver find God?
Impossible! ```The human life
Is God’s ever-blossomingDream-beauty.
```Music and poetry
Are the giant branchesOf my life’s aspiration-tree.
```Pay no attention
To the utter indifferenceOf the world
While you are serving GodIn His creation.
```I know
My God-manifestation-promise-lifeIs bound to succeed.
Is not to be foundIn the mind’s territory.
```To fly in the firmament
Of God’s Vastness-Sky,I do not need wings.
I only need implicit faithIn my Lord Supreme.
```Happiness is not
A matter of chance.We must cultivate happiness
By virtue of our prayersAnd meditations.
```Each divinely inspired dream
Is the precursorOf a divine fulfilment.
```The earth-bound life
Is full of ups and downs.The Heaven-free life
Is full of blooming lightAnd blossoming delight.
```Be not a fool!
Nobody can solveEither the inner problems
Or the outer problemsWithout God’s express Help.
```Surrender, surrender, surrender!
All your dreamsWill eventually ripen
Into fulfilment-realities. ```I do not know
If I will ever be able to separateThe doubting mind
From the confusing and confused life. ```A seeker’s heart
Must live in betweenHis inner aspiration-life
And his outer inspiration-life. ```My Lord never comes to me
Alone.He brings with Him
His all-encouraging Smile. ```If meditation is properly done,
Then we reachHigher than the highest heights
And deeper than the deepest depths. ```Miracles do happen.
But if we want to learn somethingFrom the miracles,
Then we must believe in them. ```Always be on the alert!
Your golden dreamsMay fly away.
Catch them and manifest themFor God-Satisfaction
Here on earth! ```I have done many more
Strange thingsThan I have ever seen.
```Each heart-dream
Of mineRises high above the stars.
```May my heart become
A regularPeace-dream-lover.
```Your soul is punishing you.
Why?Because your soul is extremely
Disappointed in you. ```True, you have many enemies,
But why do you not valueYour inner Friend, only Friend,
And why do you not claim HimAs your own, very own?
Do you not know who He is?He is your Eternity’s
Lord Beloved Supreme. ```My heart does at once
What it is told by my soulTo do.
```A godless mind
Is, indeed,A helpless, hopeless and useless life.
```My soul is asking all the members
Of its immediate family —Heart, mind, vital and body —
To look high, higher, highestAnd see the God-promised day
That is blooming fast, very fastOn the horizon.
```Sorrows not only deepen
But also strengthenOur heart-power.
```The lost paradise
Can be regained.Just increase immeasurably
Your love of God. ```Because of my unfailing
Rainbow-hope,I shall succeed in my life.
```When tears arise
From the gratitude-heart,God’s Compassion-Feet descend.
```What I need
IsA never-tiring heart-cry.
```What I need
IsA never-ending soul-smile.
```What I need
IsAn ever-willing and ever-sacrificing
Life-breath. ```He who cherishes
His doubt-suspicion-mindIs infinitely worse
Than my enemy. ```My Lord blessingfully invites me
To come to His Heart-Home,But I prefer to roam and roam
In my mind-territory. ```Finally my stormy mind
Is surrendering toMy peace-blossoming heart.
```My Lord Supreme,
My desire-possession-love for YouIs extremely painful.
```My Lord Supreme,
My aspiration-surrender-love for YouIs unimaginably blissful.
```My Lord, do give me the capacity
To please You in as many waysAs You want me to.
```Alas, what I need
Is a permanentProgress-satisfaction-heart
And not a permanentSuccess-glorification-life.
```Any promise I make to God
And fail to keepIs, indeed, a tragedy of tragedies.
```Alas, the mind-doubt-shocks
Know notWhat compassion is.
```A proud mind
Is proneTo a divine life collision.
```O human life,
Be always on guard;At any moment,
God-Justice-CourtCan be in session.
```God wants my soulful heart
To whistleHis Delight-Music.
```The universal Harmony
And the transcendental DelightAre twins.
```God’s Justice-Line
Can at times be busy,But never His Compassion-Line.
```On earth nothing is permanent —
No, not even my Lord’sCompassion-Forgiveness-Smiles.
```I must love
My Lord Beloved SupremeInfinitely more
With every breath of mine. ```Our faith in God
Has only one destination:God-Satisfaction.
```What I need is a life
Immersed in sleeplessAnd breathless God-longing.
```My heart’s only friend
Is my Lord’sCompassion-flooded Smile.
```Do you know what God is doing
For me?Every morning He shows me
His smiling world-illumining Face. ```There was a time
When my mind wasNothing short of
God-oblivion. ```God has now
Made my mindA doubt-empty champion.
```When my awakened heart sings,
I see Paradise all-whereIn my heart-sky.
Is the sloganOf the human body.
Is by far the bestIgnorance-night-destroyer.
```My Lord,
May I come to YouWith my devotion-ocean-heart
And notWith my gratitude-mind-bubbles.
```Wisdom knows
No fear, no doubtAnd no failure.
```If you do not pull out
Your mind’s ego-weeds,How will God appreciate
Your heart-garden? ```Once you see God,
You becomeGod’s own lion.
```Once you become God,
You becomeAnother lamb.
```May my effulgence-mind
AndMy sweetness-heart
Always live togetherTo sing God’s Victory-Songs.
```My desire-life
Does not knowWhat God-Reality is.
```My aspiration-heart
Does not knowWhat the world-unreality is.
```A heart of peace
Can easily set at restThe question in mind.
```When I am in my deep meditation,
I see clearly God carryingInside my heart
His own lighted Lantern. ```Pure God-love
AndSure world-desire
Can never mix. ```It seems that suffering
And the bodyCannot be separated.
```My Lord,
I shall never pray to YouFor my world-healing herbs,
Never! ```My Lord,
I shall always pray to YouFor a worshipping heart-flower.
```My Lord says to me,
“My child, My child,Give Me quickly, quickly
Your mind-thornAnd
Take from Me quickly, quicklyMy Heart-Rose.”
```If you renounce world-temptation,
Then God-satisfactionIs all yours.
```Every day
My meditation-eyeFeasts on
Nature’s God-beauty. ```Be not afraid of Heaven.
Heaven is empty of justice-hands.Heaven is all compassion-heart.
```God is preparing your heart.
Do you know why?For His own Satisfaction-manifestation.
```The streaming tears
Of my heartPurify my mind-impurities.
```My happiness-life
Is in my heart’sAspiration-field
And nowhere else. ```God wants my meditation-wings
To accompanyHis ever-blossoming Dreams.
```May my mind
Become the possessorOf a wisdom-magnet.
```May my heart
Become the possessorOf a surrender-service-life.
```In appearance,
God-lovers may beStupidity incarnate.
```In reality,
God-lovers areGod’s choicest prides.
A desire-doom-lifeI was.
```An aspiration-heart-bloom
I now am. ```My Lord,
Do come and feedMy inner loneliness.
```My Lord,
Do give me the capacityAt every moment
To feel the Breath of Your Love. ```When I do not pray and meditate,
I am at warWith myself.
```If we do not aspire,
Then our own body, vital, mindAnd heart
Are bound to misunderstandOne another.
```We must be aware of
The nature of trees:Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice —
From the very footTo the highest height.
```You must love
The human in youFor its transformation.
```You must love
The divine in youFor its manifestation.
```Do not think ill of yourself.
Do not waste your God-given,Precious time.
```My mind,
Be not attachedTo the world-attachment-illusion.
```There is no other journey
As inspiring asPeace-manifestation-journey.
```My Lord,
I do not have to understand You.Just allow me to love You
Sleeplessly and breathlessly. ```When I am in the desire-world,
My Lord’s Justice-EyeFrightens me.
```When I am in the aspiration-world,
My Lord’s Compassion-EyeBeckons me.
```Only a divinely wise man
Makes his anxieties, worries,Fears and doubts obsolete.
```Unlike the journey without,
The journey withinIs birthless and deathless.
```My Lord, do dictate.
My heart-penIs all ready.
```When I soulfully pray,
God sends His HeartTo me.
```When I unconditionally meditate,
God breathlessly runsTowards me.
```My Lord,
May my mind be a monkey-brainTo amuse You.
```My Lord,
May my heart be a devotion-dogTo follow You.
```I do not believe in
Tomorrow’s rainbow-beauty.I believe only in
Today’s God-fulfilment-duty. ```Without the God-lovers,
This world would beA haunted house.
```It is our love of Divinity
That keeps usStill sane.
```My Lord,
I do not hide from You anymore.Why?
Because I have conquered my pride. ```The surrender-life
Gets the highest degreeIn God-love.
```What is obedience,
If not somethingThat dances with God
The Beautiful? ```My Lord Supreme
Replaces my aching heartWith His Rainbow-Dreams.
```This moment
We live in humour,And the next moment
We live in rumour.Alas, this is what human life is.
```You are
Your inner cry.God is
God’s brighter Smile. ```How do you expect to fly
In the realisation-skyWith no meditation-wings?
```God loves you unconditionally:
The depthOf His Goodness.
```You value God’s creation sincerely:
The heightOf your greatness.
```May my God-faith
Stand uponThe rock of Eternity.
```My unconditionally surrendered life
To GodIs the zenith
Of my aspiration-happiness. ```My mind says to God:
“You can leave aside everybody else,But raise me.”
```My heart says to God:
“My Lord, do not leave anyone aside.Raise us together,
For we are Your Oneness-Joy.” ```I call it
My meditation.God calls it
His Heart’s Magic Lamp. ```If we want to succeed
In our spiritual life,We needs must unmask
The mind. ```Unlike our birthdays —
Once a year —God’s Birthday is at every moment.
```God never writes
“I love you, My child.I need you, My child.
We shall be fulfilled together, My child”With invisible ink.
```My mind says:
“I think of myself constantly.Therefore, I am.”
```My heart says:
“My Lord loves me at every moment.Therefore, I am.”
```The doubting mind
And the domineering vitalAre nothing but two time-bombs.
God alone knowsWhen they will explode.
```My soul and I are happy
Only whenWe try the impossible.
```My heart,
Wake up! Wake up!God is waiting for you to join
His World-Illumination-Symphony. ```Just dive deep within.
You will be the discovererOf God
The Beloved Supreme. ```In your own eye
You may not be important,But in God’s Eye
You are His indispensable child. ```The stormy life can be braved
Only by the heart’sSunny meditations.
```To realise God means
You will become at onceGod’s Heart-Choice
And God’s Life-Voice. ```O my stupid mind,
Delay not;My wise heart is already on its way
To reach the Golden Shore. ```The searching mind
Has to go to God.God comes
To the crying heart. ```My heart is a surrender-bird.
Therefore,My life has freedom-wings.
```My doubting mind
Wants to commit suicide.There can be no better news.
```The God-surrender-students
HaveNo vacation.
```Pay soulful homage
To our Lord SupremeHere and now.
Do not wait for tomorrow. ```Our God-service
Is the fragranceOf our inner beauty.
```Your ego’s misdeeds
Have destroyed your heart-flowerCompletely.
```My negativity-mind
Is chased byMy Divinity-hunger.
```When the soul supervises us,
Our inner progress and outer successAre guaranteed.
```Sincerity and purity
Are the two main pillarsOf my climbing aspiration-heart.
```Every morning
I practise devotedlyMy God-surrender-game.
```God does not need
A big performance from meTo transform my life.
He can and will do everythingUnconditionally.
```Experience and realisation
Are not free;They have to be paid for.
```We must climb up
The inner peaks of lifeTo arrive at our Goal.
```What am I doing?
I am waiting for my Lord SupremeIn a corner
Of my heart-room. ```Every morning
God expects to hear from meInspiring and encouraging news.
```Everybody’s life
Every day sails alongThe coast of hope.
```May my God-fulfilment-eagerness
RemainConstantly busy.
```There are many ways and means
To fight againstIgnorance-night.
```No more
Shall I allow ignoranceTo shadow my life.
```May self-giving
Be my heart’sPassion.
```My aspiration-heart
Eagerly listens toMy Lord’s Nectar-Whispers.
```My mind, I beg of you,
Do not take any more adviceFrom desire-night.
```Where do I take shelter?
I take shelter beneath my Lord’sCompassion-Forgiveness-Feet-Dust.
```The unaspiring mind
Can easily be proneTo dangerous self-doubt-avalanches.
```When I tell God that I am not ready
For His manifestation-lightOn earth,
He immediately blesses meWith roaring laughter.
```Is there anybody who does not have
A free accessTo God’s Forgiveness-Heart?
```Do not close your aspiration-heart
To God’s Will,Even for a fleeting second.
```May my earth-existence
Be thoroughly acclimatisedTo my Lord’s
Compassion-flooded Will. ```It seems that the appearance
And disappearance of gratitudeAre quite sudden.
```At every moment
We must do the right thingSo that we can keep the Tears
From God’s Eye. ```My heart has taught me
To be always eagerTo do what God tells me.
```As my love of God
Is sleepless,Even so, His Pride in me
Is limitless. ```The prayer of the centuries
Is for the floweringOf a oneness-peace-heart-world.
```Negativity’s mind and face
AreAlways ugly.
```The cheerfulness of the heart
Has to put an end toThe miseries of the mind.
```My God-gratitude-heart
Is at onceSpeechless and breathless
With joy. ```My heart’s inner pilgrimages
Are extremely sacred, illuminingAnd fulfilling.
```God has not given up
And will never give up on me,No matter what I say and do
Against Him. ```To keep the mind pure
And illumining,Every day you must take in
God-Satisfaction-breaths. ```May each day of my life
```I treasure each and every
God-Touch-momentIn my life.
```Readiness, willingness
And eagernessMust extend themselves
To serve God sleeplessly. ```Alas, every morning,
Why do I not avail myselfOf the clearness-mind-sky?
```The spiritual life
Is moment to momentGod-fulfilment-lessons.
```My soul blows out
At every momentThe desire-dust
From my mind. ```God-obedience knows
How to pave the wayFor the arrival
Of ecstasy-flood. ```God always loves playing
His Oneness-Satisfaction-GameWith His children.
```Correct your mind;
Perfect your vital.Lo, satisfaction
Is your life. ```A self-giving hero supreme
Is the pride of Heaven’s soulAnd the pride of earth’s heart.
```Every moment
My soul is desperately tryingFor a reconciliation
Between my demanding mindAnd my crying heart.
```Each day I am being blessed
With the rising sunOf my God-Satisfaction-dream.
```Do you want to be perfect?
Then unmask the truthIn everything.
```Nothing gives me as much joy
As the sailing boatOf my silence-heart.
```Needless to say,
My aspiration-heart is the birthplaceAnd nursery
Of world-peace. ```Break the tradition of millennia:
God-realisation can be achievedSooner than at once!
```God is sincerely pleased with me
When I do not want to measure time,But to go beyond time.
```You have been on the path,
O seeker, for so many years.How is it that your spiritual progress
Is now in reverse? ```God’s Compassion-Eye
And Forgiveness-HeartAlways finance my inner journey.
```Only a happy heart
Finds God’s blessingful PresenceEverywhere.
```God always loves
To say everything to meIn a Sweetness-Whisper.
```Alas, how desperately
I am trying once againTo make my way back
To God’s Will. ```My Lord,
May I be a leafOf Your Eternity’s
Vision-Manifestation-Tree. ```This time
I am absolutely determinedTo conquer
My pride-doubt-suspicion-mind. ```If there is no optimism,
OpportunityIs of no avail.
```It is not true
That life is made ofFailure-sorrows.
```When I do not aspire,
I amMy sleeper-body.
```When I aspire,
I amMy leaper-soul.
```My outer obedience
Results from my heart’sInner gratitude-tears.
```I have made
My God-manifestation-promiseHere on earth
Sleepless and breathless. ```My life may not be
Spiritually fertile,But my feelings definitely are.
```When I am exceedingly happy,
My Lord tells me that my lifeIs nothing short of perfection.
```Poetry, music and art
Are the membersOf God’s immediate Family.
```My Lord,
May my aspiration-heart-machineNever be out of order.
```I hearten God
When I am all concernFor the suffering humanity.
Nobody wants to carveMy mind-stone —
Not even God. ```God wants me to do
Only one thing:He wants me to plant
The seed of satisfactionIn my mind.
```Each good, inspiring
And aspiring thoughtIs, indeed,
A masterpiece of God. ```An unconditional surrender-soul
Rockets satisfactionTo Heaven.
```Fame is glorious,
But oftenIt is poisonous.
```Every day
Divinity’s peace tiptoesInto my aspiration-heart-room.
```Inspiration sings
In myGod-searching mind.
```Aspiration dances
In myGod-loving heart.
```What is my life doing?
My life is crusading sleeplesslyFor God-manifestation on earth.
```How can I face tomorrow
If my heart does not haveHope-dreams?
```I do not allow God to embrace me.
I just kneel downBefore His Forgiveness-Feet
AndKiss them to my heart’s content.
```Each divinely great idea
IsMy outer eye-opener.
```Each supremely good deed
IsMy inner eye-opener.
```When I obey God,
I am able to stretch my mindMeasurelessly.
```When I devote myself entirely to God,
I keep my heart-door open smilinglyTwenty-four hours a day.
```Neither God’s Forgiveness
Nor His CompassionCan ever be duplicated.
```A smiling child
Is the ownerOf a rainbow-heart.
```A God-realised soul
Knows no boundsEither on earth or in Heaven.
```Be not afraid
Of any shadow.This includes your own.
```The unconditional surrender-moment
Is a never to be forgottenMoment.
```My heart’s streaming tears
Are my life’sBosom friends.
```May my earth-life
Remain alwaysBeautiful.
```May my soul-life
Remain alwaysBountiful.
```I clearly see
That my Lord’s Compassion-EyeIs closer than my own breath.
```O my mind, wake up!
It is high time for you to seeYour own heart’s sunrise.
```The call of the inner sunrise
Is so charming, illuminingAnd fulfilling.
```No more amusement-life,
No more.An enchantment-heart more,
Ever more. ```God wants my emptiness-heart
To make friends withHis Compassion-flooded Heart.
```To end your sorrowful life,
You needs must haveA prayerful heart.
```Kindle peace, kindle bliss,
O my self-giving life,In every heart.
```My Lord,
Your Forgiveness-HeartI shall most faithfully follow
Everywhere. ```The compromise of the mind
Does not stopThe turmoil of the heart.
```My God-surrender-life
Is the only open bookOf all the secrets of Divinity.
```An indulgence-mind
Does not have the capacityTo endure anything.
```At every moment
May my surrender-breathBe at God’s beck and call.
```My life is torn between
My mind-train-frustration-destinationAnd
My heart-train-illumination-destination. ```Satisfaction, O satisfaction,
How I wish you would accompany meEvery day, everywhere.
```My life is my Lord’s
Forgiveness-SmileTwenty-four hours a day.
```Never forget
That your first God-taskIs to aspire, and nothing else.
```God dearly loves
My life’sSelf-transcendence-call.
```My little soul-bird
Tells me a secret:God’s unconditional Love for me
Breathes Eternity’s Breath. ```A heart of devotion
IsAn ever-green life.
```Do not live like
An outer hermit,But live like
An inner prince. ```Everything that you have
And areIs an unripe fruit.
```God’s bountiful Love
And my cheerful faithTogether sing and dance.
```Make your doubting mind
A perfect slaveOf your ever-climbing
Aspiration-heart. ```The body of greatness
DefinitelyI have.
```The heart of goodness
UnmistakablyI need.
```If you do not live
Your God-dreams,Then who will and who can?
```My God-realisation-anniversary
My Lord Beloved SupremeEvery year smilingly, lovingly
And proudly observes. ```Be not
An empty promise-life,But live
In your heart-shrine. ```O Heaven,
Be not indifferentTo my heart-cries.
```O earth,
Be not afraidOf my soul-smiles.
```No more, no more
My mind shall wallowIn ignorance-pleasure-life.
```Keep your heart’s
Ever-new progressA top secret.
```The heart-purity
And the mind-patienceMust protect my life-fort.
```You must realise
That misfortunes followIn the wake of your consciousness low.
```True God-lovers
Are alwaysIn short supply.
```The mind’s eye misleads us
More than we can everKnow and feel.
```Every day my life-boat plies
Between my soul-ecstasy-shoreAnd my heart-sorrow-shore.
```May my aspiration-heart
Be a pilgrim of EternityTo arrive at Infinity’s Shore.
```Be not a fool.
You cannot extinguishThe burning aspiration-heart
Of any seeker. ```I sighed and sighed
At the sightOf my God-unwillingness-mind.
```Every morning
My heart admires, adores and lovesMy soul’s wake-up call.
```Day in and day out
God will pull you forwardIf you agree to push yourself forward
To arrive at His Heart-Palace. ```Alas, I do not know why
I tolerate my failure-lifeEvery day.
```No matter how inclement
The outer weather is,My devotion-mail
Always goes through. ```No, not every day,
But at every moment,My soul sweeps out
My doubt-mind-dust. ```Alas, is there any day
That I am not ashamedOf my intolerance-mind?
```Deep, very deep,
I have buriedMy mind’s confining past.
```My surrender-smile-heart
God uses to broadcastAll His Views.
```To be a top-seeded God-lover,
I must keep my heart-doorSleeplessly open.
```God tells me that soon
He will allow my aspiration-heartTo feast upon His Infinity’s Delight.
```To me,
A most sublime achievementIs to sing every day
A oneness-world-heart-song. ```O seeker, if you do not fell
Your mind’s jealousy-tree,Your life cannot swim
In ecstasy-sea. ```Be careful of your doubting mind.
It is expert in impairingYour heart’s God-response.
```A passive surrender-life
Is the worst possibleFailure-experience.
```My morning dawns.
New possibilities replaceMy old impossibilities.
```Left to myself,
I become one withMy heart’s orphan tears.
```The moment I recognised my Master,
He blessed me with his heart-wingsTo soar in Infinity’s Sky.
```How do you expect
God-Satisfaction-SmileIf you are unwilling
To subordinate your willTo God’s Will?
```Cultivate flexibility in the mind
If you want to experience the beautyOf the Ultimate Height.
```To my illumination-soul
There is no such thingAs a foreign thought.
```May the fulfilment
Of God’s absolute WillBe my own absolute priority.
```Like God,
God wants me to beMy soul’s bravest light
To challengeMy mind’s blackest night.
```O my Lord of unchanging Love,
Do give me the capacityTo be an all-ranging heart.
```My heart, I urge you
To sing the songOf the ever-transcending Beyond,
And not of nothingness-beyond. ```Needless to say,
My heart is alwaysAhead of my mind
In everything divine. ```My heart treasures its friendship
With my soul.My mind, never!
```Determination always finds
The way to solveAny problem.
```Take a break
From compulsion.Take a break
From frustration.But never take a break
From compassion. ```My soul is excited to see
My heart, my vital and my bodyPlaying the oneness-game.
```When God saw me last,
His Message-Light for meWas only one word:
Gratitude. ```If you walk with your heart,
God is bound to comeAnd talk with both of you.
```My God-realisation-soul
Will inspireMy earth-dedication-life.
```Keep your gratitude-smile
In your heart-garden,And not in your mind-jungle.
Eventually proves to beA total unworthiness.
```My Lord, I am crying, I am dying.
I prayerfully implore:Do give me another chance
To fulfil You and please You. ```Every morning
I pray to my Lord SupremeTo connect my heart
With His Forgiveness-Feet. ```O seeker,
If you are ready to leaveYour doubting mind,
Then come and joinMy aspiring heart.
```Comatose aspiration
Will be chasedBy frustration-demon.
```Resolute determination
Is what we needTo increase our speed
In everything we do. ```There was a time
When I was an incessantGod-talker.
```I am now
A sleeplessGod-lover.
```There shall come a time
When I shall becomeMy God-promise-manifestation-fulfiller.
```An uncompromising loyalty
To God’s creationCan alone make this world perfect.
```My heart-divinity
Can never be butcheredWith my mind-knife.
```When the mind is clear,
Divinity’s SatisfactionHas to be extremely near.
```Before you seek fame,
Can you not see shameIs standing right in front of you?
I have made my lifeA God-gratitude-heart-song.
```I measure
My heart-smilesWith my surrender-life-cup.
```The mind is
Its own helplessConfusion-life-boat.
```The confusion-mind
Sees the Golden ShoreNowhere.
```The aspiration-heart
Not only seesBut also grows into
The Golden Shore. ```I am commanded by my Lord Supreme
To recharge my readiness-mind,My willingness-life
And my eagerness-heartEvery single day, without fail.
```Your purity-mind
AndYour heart-fragrance
God needsTo fulfil
His World-Transformation-Task. ```Each human life
Is definitelyA Heaven-sent God-Song.
```When I fly
On the wings of my heart-tears,Infinity’s Heart embraces me.
```May my aspiration-heart
Never beWithout obedience.
```What is a frustration-mind?
A frustration-mind is somethingThat always mistrusts humanity.
```No aspiration-heart
Will ever acceptThe mind’s negativity.
```My heart’s aspiration-cry
Every dayCircles the universe.
```I really do not know
If I will ever be ableTo express adequately
The beautyOf gratitude-heart-tears.
```If you can hold the creation
In your heart,You will see everything beautiful,
Everything fruitful,In your inner life and your outer life.
```If you are afraid of
Your ignorance-darkness-mind,Who will challenge it,
And who will conquer it? ```Each soul-bird sings
On top of life’sAspiration-tree.
```He is so happy that finally
He is able to dig the graveOf his depression-vital.
```May my heart travel far,
Very far,And learn from each country
The message of the beautyAnd fragrance
Of God’s creation. ```The desiring mind
Is apt to falsifyEverything.
```God loves
Most proudlyMy aspiration-heart-whispers.
Is, indeed,A most powerful sword.
```Every day I beg my soul
To end my mind’sDisobedience-disgrace.
```Try with your heart’s smile-power
To change the world.You will succeed.
```We shall chant God’s Name
Prayerfully, soulfully and self-givinglyPlus sleeplessly
To satisfy our inner divinity. ```Lethargy-legs and relaxation-chairs
Are lowering the standardOf human aspiration.
```The soul becomes ecstatic
When it hearsGod’s Alarm.
```O seeker,
To sing a peace-songEvery day
Is of paramount importance. ```My aspiration-heart
Has most devotedly acceptedThe God-manifestation-task
Here on earth. ```To make great strides
In spirituality,We must love God the creation
The way we love God the Creator. ```God Himself has shown my heart
How to forgetAll its deplorable misdeeds.
```What am I doing?
I am spreading and spreadingMy heart’s peace-dove-wings.
```What I constantly need
Is a hope-blossomingInner sun.
```My mind, I beg of you
To stop enjoyingYour ignorance-blanket-comfort-sleep.
```My aspiration-heart
Is stunned by its ownGod-satisfaction-devotion.
```If you are highly developed
In your spiritual life,Then your heart’s cry
Will definitely be able to meltYour stone-mind.
```We usher in the New Millennium
To grow intoIts beauty and fragrance
Infinite. ```The desiring mind destroys
Its own earsWith its thunder-drum.
```The sweetness-smile of my heart
Is part and parcelOf my inner divinity.
```Alas, why do I have
An austere inflexibility-mind?Why?
```The mind and the heart
Must renew their friendshipTo please their Lord Supreme.
```Obedience is
The sweetness-delightOf our aspiration-heart.
```If you do not befriend mankind,
Then you will be foundIn the loneliness-cave.
```You must never relax
Your discipline-mindSo that you can swim
In Divinity’s Ecstasy-Sea. ```Until every day
Is a God-dedication-day,I shall never be satisfied
With my life. ```Indeed, each day can be
An unprecedentedGod-satisfaction-opportunity.
```If the mind refuses
To play the oneness-game,Then the mind will be
Sentenced to ruthless loneliness. ```Every day billions pass by
God’s Heart-Door.He accepts only those
Who are unconditional. ```I shall never, never
Enter againInto my mind-attachment-territory.
My Lord Beloved Supreme doesIs a Delight-flooded experience
For me. ```Self-hatred
Is, indeed, almostAn incurable disease.
```Every day the human mind
Enjoys watchingIts fantasy-movies.
```No Heavenly joy
On earthShall remain unattained.
```My hopeful heart
Forever shall breathe inThe Fragrance of my Lord’s
Bountiful Heart. ```O star-studded sky,
My aspiration-heartIs prayerfully longing
For your company. ```When I take God
As my sweet Lord Beloved Supreme,He cannot remain unknowable.
```When I take God
As my Lord Absolute Supreme,He definitely remains unknowable.
```I tell my Lord Supreme
That His RoadIs extremely arduous.
```My Lord Supreme tells me
That His RoadIs bountifully prosperous.
```Both my Lord’s Face
And His GraceAre intoxicatingly beautiful.
```My life’s ultimate goal
Is to be my Lord’sSlave eternal.
```At long last
I am enjoying the powerOf my willingness-mind.
```At long last
I am enjoying the ecstasyOf my eagerness-heart.
```Adversity’s life
Can easily be smashedBy a sleepless God-oneness-heart.
```My sweet Lord,
Do You know my real name?My real name is a broken heart.
And who else is responsible,If not You,
Your cruelty-flooded Mind? ```O my heart,
You have becomeThe living breath of Truth.
God is all pride in you. ```My Lord Beloved Supreme,
I am more than willingTo lose the beauty of my eye
To increase the beauty of my heart. ```The illumining soul
Most eloquently speaksGod’s Philosophy.
```The aspiring heart
Most devotedlyListens.
```What does the ego do?
The ego rules its ownTinier than the tiniest kingdom.
```Each aspiring heart
Is an endlessPeace-bliss-pilgrimage.
```Not only my outer hope
But also my inner convictionIs that today’s world will be flooded
With Divinity’s peaceIn the distant future.
```My Lord, do tell me
When I will be my heart’sSleepless and deathless cry.
```When I say I can change
The fate of the world,I immediately see
My divinity’s mighty form. ```When I say that God
Has blessingfully appointed meTo serve the world for its transformation,
My life becomes a mighty God-Victory. ```Inside the visible,
God’s Divinity looms large.Therefore, we do not have to be
Enamoured of the invisible. ```When God’s Greatness
Presides over my life,I get terribly frightened.
```When God’s Goodness
Presides over my life,I am immediately enchanted
Plus enlightened. ```On the road to God-realisation,
If we stop halfway for a rest,Then we are bound to fail.
```May each second
Of my life beA God-fulfilment-certitude-promise.
```There can be no peak
That cannot be climbedWith my heart’s
God-blossoming hope. ```Alas, my poor desire-life
Does not recogniseThat it is captive
In its own net. ```God wants my outer life
To be armed withA doubt-free mind.
```God wants my inner life
To be armed withAn ever-blossoming peace.
```Each self-giving life
Is a perfect ambassadorOf God’s Heart-Country
To mankind’s mind-country. ```Someday the mind and the heart
Will be found in a fond embrace,And that day is fast approaching.
```My heart and I came into the world
Not to measure the DivinityOf my Lord Beloved Supreme,
But to treasure His Divinity. ```My good news is this:
Soon I shall be able to bless my lifeWith the dust of my Lord’s Lotus-Feet.
```God’s good news is this:
Soon, very soon, He will turn meInto another God.
```If we are afraid of giving God
Our life-reins,How can God’s Compassion-Rain
Descend on us? ```Morning meditation
Is the beauty and divinityOf our inner flames.
```All things flower in time.
That does not meanI must enjoy my Eternity’s sleep.
That means I must startSailing my life-boat immediately.
```My stupidity and I
Will no longer playWith the doubting mind.
```My wisdom and I
Are all ready to slay the prideOf the doubting mind.
```My soul and I are on
The long, high road to timelessness,And our joy is Infinity’s Immortality.
```The moment I prayerfully
Raised the head of my aspiration,I met with God’s Smile-flooded Eye.
```My aspiration-heart-book
Is the only bookThat I need to study
To realise God. ```Mine is
The world-dedication-service-smileThat spans Heaven and earth.
```God’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartNever believe in rest.
```May each thought of mine
Come from the aspiration-purityOf my heart-country.
```O my stupidity-mind,
Is there any justifiable reasonWhy you cannot surrender
To God’s Will? ```All God-realised souls
Are of one opinion:God-manifestation
Is not an easy target. ```To see the Face
Of my Lord SupremeAnd to feel the Heart
Of my sweet Beloved,I only need a shorter than the shortest
Breath of time. ```The heart-land is where
The aspiration-treesAre unimaginably tall.
```Your heart-sufferings will be
Excruciating in the long runIf you continue to avoid
God’s divine Sermons. ```As I have dedicated my life,
Even so I shall dedicate my deathTo the Will
Of my Lord Beloved Supreme. ```When my heart became
An unconditionally surrendered life,My Lord’s Heart throbbed
And His Pulse quickenedWith His Infinity’s Delight.
```All work has to be
The adoration of lifeAnd the worship of the heart.
```God does not care
For my mind’s success-mountain.He cares only
For my life’s progress-fountain. ```Nobody teaches the mind
How to doubt.The mind itself
Is a self-taught doubter. ```A smile
From the aspiration-heartIs an amazing miracle-cure.
```No matter what I say,
I am my Lord’sSheltered life.
```No matter what I do,
I am my Lord’sTreasured heart.
```God and I
Take turns in flyingIn Infinity’s Sky.
```God and I
Take turns in swimmingIn the sea of tears.
```When I am
My heart’s devotion,God becomes
His Life’s ovation. ```When faith is gone
From the heart,Life becomes an empty gong.
```When God speaks,
The mind needsTranslation.
```When God speaks,
The heart becomesImmediate identification.
```The heart-telescope
Sees only Divinity’s beautyInside the moon.
```My soul smiles and smiles,
But it does not want to knowWhy it smiles.
```My heart cries and cries,
But it does not want to knowWhy it cries.
```My mind doubts and doubts,
But it does not want to knowWhy it doubts.
```My vital fights and fights,
But it does not want to knowWhy it fights.
```My body sleeps and sleeps,
But it does not want to knowWhy it sleeps.
```My life sighs and sighs,
But it does not want to knowWhy it sighs.
```I cannot believe
That anyone can haveA God-acceptance-heart
And a life-denial-mind. ```My life feels
That Heaven isA taskmaster.
```My life feels
That earth isA kinder than the kindest master.
```Who breathes in us and for us
When we sleep,If not our Lord Beloved Supreme?
```The life-commotion
Does not dare to enter intoThe heart-ocean.
```My heart-songs I sing,
Not for Heaven’s Smiles,But for earth’s tears.
```God is always ready
To whisper His Infinity’s SecretsTo anyone who is going to listen.
```Why wait,
My heart?Just radiate.
```Why wait,
My mind?Just meditate.
```My mind,
Do you not have anything better to doThan repeating day and night
Your God-denial-mantra? ```If you want to run the fastest,
The first thing you have to doIs bury your old hesitation-mind
And frustration-vital. ```A God-preacher
Most of the timeDoes not believe in anybody,
Including himself. ```A God-believer
Not only believes in God,But also believes in everyone
And everything. ```Alas, human receptivity
Is alwaysIn short supply.
```Alas, God alone knows
When man’s evolutionWill rise straight,
High, higher, highest. ```It seems that
Human life fear-threatIs looming large.
```God will never give up on man,
No matter how longHe wants to live
In stark bondage-night. ```It is the obligation
Of our prayer and meditationTo safeguard our mind’s sincerity,
Heart’s purity and life’s humility. ```O God, I pray to You,
Do think of clearingThe thought-jungle
Of the human mindOnce and for all.
```Every day
What I needIs experience-illumination.
```To turn the mind’s brooding doubts
Into teeming beliefsIs not an impossible task.
```My heart was created by God.
Do you know why?For His Self-Enjoyment.
```We can undo
Doubt-damage,We certainly can!
```Each time I have
A deep meditation,My Lord blesses me
With a newly born smile. ```The soul can definitely tame
Its combativeAnd destructive vital.
```There are two roads:
A thorny road to realityAnd a sunlit road to reality.
O seeker,You are given the chance
To choose. ```If gratitude we lose,
Then there is nothing meaningfulFor us to offer to God.
```The higher world-inspiration
Is at once illuminingAnd fulfilling.
```The lower world-instigation
Is not only unproductiveBut also destructive.
```The good-hearted human beings
Whisper in their evening years,“Alas, so little is done,
So little is accomplished,So little have I offered
To the heart of humanity.” ```Do not stand near
The mind-doubt-entrance.You may well be caught
Immediately. ```Some may call it
Ego-nonsense.I venture to say that
It is nothing short ofEgo-nuisance.
```What do you want?
A decent and abidingSolution to life
OrA timid and cowardly
Escape from life? ```The aspiring heart
Accepts everythingFor the glorification
Of God. ```The doubting mind
Suspects everythingTo declare
Its own supremacy. ```God wants you to entertain Him
With your soulful songsAnd not with your boastful stories.
```No matter how tall
Your proud mind is,In the long run
It will be compelled to surrenderTo Divinity’s humility.
```Be not a fool!
Your long-lost paradiseYou can regain
By virtue of your prayersAnd meditations.
```Once you accept the spiritual life
And then give up,You will be haunted
By your own shattered dreams. ```When we do not aspire,
We are bound to be assailedBy dun desires.
```Can there be anything
As fragile as human love?The God-seeker wonders.
```Every day my soul creates
A new God-hungerIn my aspiration-heart.
```The God-devotion-bliss
Of humanity’s aspirationShall one day
Illumine the entire universe. ```In the morning,
When God asks meTo come and visit His Eye,
He receives an unfortunate “No.” ```At noon,
When God asks meTo come and visit His Heart,
He receives a shocking “No.” ```In the evening,
When God asks meTo visit His Feet,
He receives an immediate “Yes.” ```My Lord’s Compassion-Heart
Has the habit of appealingTo my Lord’s Justice-Eye
On behalf of humanity. ```When we pray to God
And meditate on God,God gives us
A little pocket moneyTo buy peace.
```It seems that God the Justice
Has only one mantraBefore granting God-realisation:
“One more final test.” ```God has found a new occupation
For me:A sleepless world-service-life.
```We must be part and parcel
Of the ups and downsOf the spiritual life.
```God has long been planning
A oneness-meetingOf my heart, mind, vital and body.
```How does God spend His time?
God spends His time by entertaining —This moment earth
And next moment Heaven. ```My Lord,
I cannot believe how You can ignoreThe world’s bleeding heart.
```My Lord tells me that
My self-giving lifeWill soon be
His direct representativeHere on earth.
```Mankind’s eyeless mind
Has decisively refusedTo commit itself
To God’s Will. ```God has given each divine thought
Permission to playIn the fields of Heaven
As long as it wants to. ```Where does my peace-dream
Come from?It comes from the Love
Of God’s own Heart. ```When I live inside my vital,
I immediately feel the breathOf a world-frightening storm.
```Of all my offerings,
God acceptsMy surrender-offering first.
```Peace lives next door
To my unconditionalSurrender-life.
```What does my heart desire?
My heart desires to accompanyMy Lord’s Will
All-where. ```The seekers have no idea
How carefully God examinesTheir progress-life report.
```I shall be perfect
Only when there is no differenceBetween
My Lord’s Fulness-WillAnd my oneness-joy.
```A genuine aspiration-heart
Eagerly feedsOn God’s Will alone.
```Alas, will my mind ever be able
To haveTranquillity-treasure?
```Even an iota of self-doubt
IsA dead-end life.
```The mind is certain
That the heartIs always wrong.
```The heart hopes
That the mind will one dayHave the capacity to tell
Right from wrong. ```Every effort is inevitably needed
To be an eventually perfect instrumentOf God.
```I need only one qualification
For my mind:Willingness, constant willingness.
```The understatement
Of the present century:God is Compassion.
```The overstatement
Of the present century:God is Dictatorship.
```The correct statement
Of the present century:God is all Forgiveness.
```Alas, I do not know
How long my aspiration-lifeWill remain in its cradle.
```A very large supply of aspiration-ink
I needWhen I use my inner heart-pen.
```My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
And His Forgiveness-HeartAre heralding
A new age of delight. ```God is God’s boundless Love,
In spite of man’sConstant reluctance-mind.
```God is God’s boundless Love
In spite of man’sIngratitude-heart.
```God is God’s boundless Love
In spite of man’sUnreceptivity-life.
```It is only our stupidity-mind
That can think and feel and declare:“Peace has gone out of fashion.”
```What do I want?
I want my negativity-mindAnd my criticism-mind
To fight and destroy each other. ```God’s Compassion-Eye
Is always readyTo give God-lessons
To all thoseWho sincerely want to learn.
```God’s Forgiveness-Heart
KnowsNo appointed hours.
```God loves my mind’s
Positive thoughts,Positive ideas,
Positive idealsMore than I can ever express.
```Now or never,
Select eitherGod the Power
OrGod the Love.
```Even on my last day on earth,
My gratitude-heart and I shall sing,To give joy to both
Mother Earth and Father Heaven. ```What am I thirsty for?
I am thirsty only forGod’s ever-descending Delight.
```Each time I meditate well,
My Lord blesses meWith a special Smile-Gift.
```We can never bribe
Either God-Justice-LightOr
God-Compassion-Height. ```Here, there and everywhere
I am looking forGod’s Thunder-Feet
To transform my life. ```Not for a minute,
But for Eternity,I shall sleeplessly
AndBreathlessly cry
For my Lord’s Satisfaction-Heart. ```Unlike my mind,
My heart knows and feelsThat it is quite easy
To satisfy God. ```When my heart draws
Nearer to God,Eternity’s Peace
AndInfinity’s Bliss beckon me.
```My life is between
My Lord’s first and last Requests:Aspiration-Request being first,
Realisation-Request last. ```Hesitation is my mind’s
Slower than the slowestStumbling pace.
```My heart’s compassion-face
AndMy life’s service-hands
Are offering tremendous joyTo my Lord Supreme.
```The mind and the vital:
This moment they wrestle,The next moment they embrace.
```May my aspiration-heart
Always be ignorant ofMy doubting mind.
```Where has my despair-vital gone?
Where?I see it no more.
```I have totally renounced
My long-standing servitudeTo negativity.
```We cannot separate God’s Will
From strikingAnd illumining surprises.
```Only an angel-heart
Has the capacityTo bow its head in humility
Before God the creation. ```God is
Not at all interestedIn my mind-mathematics.
```God is
All interestedIn my heart-songs.
How true it is to seeGod-gratitude dying
Before it is born. ```God begs us
Only for one thing:A smile —
A constant smileAnd
A self-giving smile. ```No human being
Will ever be exemptFrom the God-satisfaction-test
Before God-realisation. ```My heart-beauty’s dream
Sings and dancesIn every human heart.
```Is there anything
That my love of GodWill not accomplish
For a Smile from God? ```We beg God
To give and giveAnd give.
```God begs us
To smile and smileAnd smile.
```The mind-bird
Is apt to flyFrom one thought-tree
To another. ```Where do I live?
I live between my life’s heightsAnd my heart’s depths.
```Each moment
Comes withGod-fulfilment-promise-determination.
```Falsehood never dares
To breathe,Even for a second,
In my heart-shrine. ```My self-giving life
Is my soul’sWorld-illumining companion.
```My aspiration-heart
Has exiled doubtFrom its world-service-life.
```The crying heart
AndThe smiling soul
Sleeplessly work togetherFor God-manifestation
On earth. ```To reach God’s starlit Sky,
I have renouncedAll my earth-bound ties.
```Gratitude has made this earth
Beautiful, soulful, prayerfulAnd Godful.
```My Lord does not want me
To come to HimIn my mind-car.
```My Lord wants me
To come to HimAs soon as possible
On my heart-feet. ```My Lord gives chance after chance
To my mindTo divinely bloom
AndSupremely blossom.
```When my Lord is my mind’s
Only inspiration,I become my life’s
Inspiration-bird-flight. ```When my Lord is my heart’s
Only aspiration,I become my life’s
Ecstasy-heart-swimmer. ```The seeker who fears pain
Never gainsGod’s Compassion-flooded Smile.
```The desire-mind
StarvesFor God’s attention.
```The aspiration-heart
StarvesFor God’s Affection.
```The self-giving life
StarvesFor God’s Satisfaction.
```Only when God is a reality
That our earth-existenceIs not a triviality.
```God has no time
To visitMy darkness-mind-cave.
```Every day
God happily and proudlyVisits me
In my heart-home. ```My tearful heart,
I wish to beYour lifelong friend.
```My blessingful soul,
I wish to beYour Eternity’s student.
```My faith
Is my Lord’sFragrance-heart-flower.
```Can Eternity help us
To enter intoInfinity’s Immortality?
Certainly, it can and it shall. ```God unburdens my mind.
But my stupidity-mindDoes not allow it to last.
```When our heart flies
Towards Heaven,Time stands still.
It does not interfere. ```My heart does two things
At the same time:It implores and it explores.
```When the mind has its own
Clarity-light,Insecurity, jealousy and impurity
Cannot blemish it. ```Fly, fly high,
O seeker,On your ever-spreading
Love-devotion-surrender-wings. ```The only life worth living:
An unconditionalGod-surrender-life.
```The only name worth chanting:
GodThe Forgiveness-Heart.
```To feel the breath of the universe,
I must remain in tune with my soulAt every moment.
```My depression
Is nothing other thanMy life’s failure-confession.
```I trust
My only doctor:God the Concern.
```God cares only for
My heart’sProgress-fountain.
```My sweet Lord,
You are telling me thatYou have a pleasant surprise for me.
```My Lord,
Do feel the depthOf my curiosity-heart.
```Humanity’s permanent
God-gratitudeIs a miracle par excellence.
```The outer electricity
Brings light into darkness.The inner electricity
Transforms darkness into light. ```When I am my heart’s
Burning enthusiasm,My Lord’s Lightning-Satisfaction-Speed
Touches my breath. ```The surrender-joy of the mind
Is almost an impossible taskTo achieve.
```A true disciple
Has only one choice:His Master’s voice.
```My Lord,
Do make me a perfect strangerTo possession-mind
And desire-life. ```Look more carefully.
God’s Forgiveness-HeartIs around the corner.
So is His Compassion-Eye. ```My Lord’s Compassion-Eye
Is my life’sRunning coach.
```Heaven I do not need,
But my Lord’s Satisfaction-HeartI always need.
```There is no special time
For my Lord’s Compassion-EyeTo descend
Into my aspiration-heart.At any time it can.
```A loving heart
AndA serving life
Shall always succeed. ```There is
Only one winner:God’s Compassion-flooded Eye.
```I wish to have a mind
As tranquilAs the bottomless depths
Of the ocean. ```I awake
And what do I see?I see God’s two embracing Arms.
```Everything is bound to exist
In the Light, with the LightAnd for the Light
Of the Supreme. ```Each luminosity-soul expands
To fill in the vastnessOf the sky.
```During the day
God strictly examinesMy doubting mind.
```At night
God carefully examinesMy aspiring heart.
```Each progress-smile
Of my lifeIs an advance march of humanity
Towards God. ```My Lord,
Please smash and crushMy division-loving mind.
```To start with,
We must fulfil the demandsOf the tradition-mind.
Then go far beyond the expectationOf the tradition-mind.
```I pray to my Inner Pilot
To nullify the stark failuresOf my past life.
```The less we need
From the material world,The more blessings we shall receive
From the higher worlds. ```Insecurity, jealousy
And impurityAre ever-recurring problems.
```My prayer-life knows
What to receiveAnd how to receive blessing-light
From the higher worlds. ```My meditation-heart knows
What to giveAnd how to give my service-life
To the outer world. ```May my aspiration-heart
And dedication-lifeNever be found
Where disharmony reigns. ```When my mind touches
God’s Feet,God says to my mind,
“Ah, how soothing is your touch.” ```When God touches
My mind,My mind says to God,
“What is it? What are You doing?Do You not have anything better to do?”
```The beauty and the fragrance
Of my God-dutyForever shall remain inexplicable.
```I cherish my heart’s
Sunrise-aspirationMore than anything else.
```May my heart become
The fastest climberOf life’s tallest tree.
```May each thought that I create
Be a progress-promiseTo my Lord Supreme.
```I embrace
Each and every possibilityOf my God-satisfaction-thought.
```The doubting mind
Spends the entire dayLooking for trouble —
Here, there, everywhere. ```The height of our stupidity:
God is wantingIn Concern.
```My Lord wants from my life
Self-illumination-floodAnd not
Self-glorification-blood. ```Nothing can be more obvious
Than my heart’s genuine loveFor my Lord Beloved Supreme.
```What I need
Is the fulfilmentOf my God-ordained duties
And notMy self-imposed responsibilities.
```If you want to succeed
In your outer life,Then you must always hold fast
To your inner beliefs. ```Alas, world-peace-lovers
Are misunderstoodAnd even scorned
By ignorance-consumed humanity. ```A doubting mind
IsA self-torture-life.
```God wants excellence
From your lifeAt every moment.
Therefore,Mediocrity does not become you.
```Each moment sings
Its own unique heart-song-tuneTo please the Lord of the universe.
```True, no book can give us
God-realisation.But it is equally true
That an aspiration-flooded bookCan be of immense help
In our spiritual life. ```Death will not forever remain
An essential necessityIn life’s experience.
```My Lord says to me,
“My child, why do youNot come to Me anymore?
Why?” ```My Lord says to me,
“My child,Why do you not come to sing
Inside My Heart-Garden anymore?Why?”
```My Lord says to me,
“My child, I am really waitingFor you to come and play with Me
The way you used to.Why do you not come
To play with Me anymore?Why?”
```My Lord says to me,
“My child,Why do you not like to be
Exactly like Me?Why?”
```My Lord says to me,
“My child,You may not love Me.
But not only do I love you,But also I need you at every moment
To be My Eternity’s friend,My Infinity’s hope
AndMy Immortality’s promise.”
```O my gratitude-heart-tears,
Let us go to our Lord’s Palace.He will blessingfully
And lovingly welcome us. ```What do I mean
When I say that I love God only?I mean my sleepless and breathless
Faith in Him. ```My Lord,
May I not have the same convictionAs my soul has:
That You will never forsake me? ```During the day
My heart and I swimIn the cradle of Eternity’s tears.
```At night
My soul and I swimIn the cradle of Infinity’s smiles.
```For God-realisation,
I must never swerve from the pathOf God-satisfaction.
```O my ecstasy-flooded soul,
Never allow me to leave youAnd be in the land
Where Infinity’s tears flow. ```I am burying
Powerfully and proudlyThe memories
Of my life’s past blunders. ```My Lord,
The way You claim Your own Vision,Exactly the same way I wish to claim
Your Manifestation-Promise on earthAs mine.
```My Lord,
Do You mind if my heart and IRemain in touch with You
Quite often? ```When I try to explain God,
I confuse the outer worldAnd I distance myself
From the inner world. ```In the morning
The golden sunrise-inspirationAwakens my life.
```In the evening
The golden sunset-peaceShelters me.
```Cast aside your mind-attachment-life.
Immediately accept the invitationFrom the highest heights
And the deepest depths. ```Sweet is my Lord.
Sweeter is my Lord’sCompassion-Heart.
Sweetest is my Lord’sForgiveness-Breath.
```God wants you to walk the way
Of self-masteryAnd never the way
Of self-denial. ```My Master
Blessingfully welcomesMy heart’s tearful voice.
```My Master
Compassionately tells meWhat I can do for God
And not what I must become. ```What is the miracle of miracles
In my life,If not my mind’s sincere
And cheerful acceptanceOf my heart?
```No simplicity-life,
No sincerity-mind,No purity-heart —
Yet the whole world saysThat it loves God only.
```What can disobedience do?
It can shatter our aspiration-heartAnd dedication-life
Easily. ```Both God and I
Are doing the same thing:We are trying to surprise each other.
```Both God and I
Are becoming the same thing:The fulfilment of our hopes.
```When I choose God,
He helps me seeThat I had no fall.
```There is only one obstacle
In my life,And that is my conscious separation
From God’s Will. ```Whom I seek
Is always within me.What I seek
Is always around me. ```God tells us
That we came into the worldNot to command Nature,
But to obey Nature. ```Tell me, O evening stars,
How do you embody so much peace?How?
```Each new day
Is a new awarenessOf Divinity’s Presence
Inside my being. ```O my mind,
Hold nothing against the world.Just shake hands with the world
And smile and smile. ```Everything will be fine with me
If my heart basksIn the sunshine of my soul.
```When we have an undivided mind,
Everything that we see and feelIs complete and perfect.
```The inner world
Accepts meWith no expectation.
```The higher world
Expects me,But never demands.
```Yesterday was today’s
Failure-tears.Tomorrow is today’s
God-blossoming dream. ```My outer life is
My constantGod-expectation.
```My inner life is
My constantGod-revelation.
```My perfection is
My Lord’sUnconditional Love-manifestation.
Is the freedomOf real love.
```Smash asunder the back of pride,
If you want to enjoyA God-oneness-ride.
The dust of my Lord’s FeetI tasted reluctantly.
```The dust of my Lord’s Feet
I now devourReadily, willingly and eagerly
Plus breathlessly. ```God the Doctor’s only fee
Is our heart’sSweetness-gratitude-smile.
```Each and every heart
Is a sweetFlower-fragrance-smile.
```What a tragic experience I get:
The deeper I think I know God,The further away He is from me.
```The mind’s obedience
AndThe heart’s perseverance
Together can accomplishEverything they want to.
```Choose God!
He at once becomesYour heart the perpetual cry
AndYour soul the perpetual smile.
My love of GodHas a very short life.
My God-oblivion-mindLasts for a very, very long time.
```Any action,
Inner or outer,Without devotion
Is totally empty. ```The seer-poet in me
Never desires to prove his existence.He only wants to enrich
My entire being. ```Do not wrestle with ignorance
Twenty-four hours a day.Just invoke more light,
Infinitely more lightThan you have ever invoked,
To accomplishYour God-manifestation-task.
```No earthly anguish
Can ever help me succeedIn any field of my life.
```To my extreme surprise,
My desire was summoned byThe light-flooded higher worlds.
```When my poetry and my heart
Long for each other,I become Divinity’s colossal pride.
```What is my divine love,
If not my Lord’sInfinite Energy?
```What is divine love?
It is something that gives usAbsolute assurance.
```Divine love knows
No disagreement-separation. ```With our heart-attitude
We shall be ableTo change the world
And notWith our life-plenitude.
```My Lord Supreme,
Do illumine me,My heart, my life and my all,
Under Your Compassion-Canopy. ```When I pray and meditate,
I become the sun-gardenOf my Lord’s Love.
```My Lord,
In the sanctuary of Your LoveMay I breathe, smile and dance.
```It is all right when you
Absent yourself from God.But when God absents Himself from you,
You die for His justification. ```Because of the self-givers,
God is coming closer and closerTo humanity’s life.
```God has made my heart
A very special flameOf His Love
To love my friends and enemies alike. ```Each thing I hope for
Descends from the Compassion-EyeOf my Lord Supreme.
```Each promise I make
Is being fulfilledBy the unconditional Heart-Love
Of my Lord Supreme. ```An angel of God-Hope
My aspiration-heart was. ```An angel of God-Promise
My dedication-life is. ```When my prayer
Comes from my mouth,I lose my heart’s inner beauty.
```When my prayer
Comes from my heart,I increase my life’s God-prosperity.
```My mind’s ignorance-reality
Is no match for my soul’sIllumination-descending dream.
```My soul’s love-smile
I always expressThrough my heart’s
Affection-tears. ```My Lord Supreme,
You have already imprintedYour Blessing-Smile
On my heart.Please do the same
On my head as well. ```Anything special
In the spiritual lifeRequires vigilant care.
```As a tree is known by its fruits,
Even so a seeker is knownBy his self-giving capacity.
```To transcend the body-idea,
We must live in the lightOf the soul-ideal.
```Your philosophical bent of mind
Is a real hindranceTo your God-seeking heart.
```False belief-leaves
Will definitely dropFrom your life-tree
If you daily cultivateGod-faith and self-faith.
```When surrender is complete
In our inner life and outer life,God embraces us
With His Confidence-Delight. ```God wants each man
To be ready forA fast, very fast evolution.
Is a place forConstant God-awareness.
Is a place ofConstant God-readiness.
```My soul and I
Would like to beConstant God-fulness.
```Our heart’s good intentions
Are definitelySacred.
```You can climb the cliffs of life
If you can takeGod’s Compassion-Eye
As your only assistance. ```Despite present hostility
Between the doubting mindAnd the strangling vital,
I am sure one dayAbiding peace will descend on them.
```I came into the world
Not to entertain illusions,But to ascertain illumination.
```Our mind’s silence
Is the soundless soundOf our soul’s tranquillity.
```Despite my mind’s
Vehement resistance,My heart can love
God’s entire universe. ```Every human being
Takes birthIn the heart of God’s Hope.
```God’s Love
Is not a surprise.God’s Affection
Is not a surprise.Even God’s Fondness
Is not a surprise.But God’s withdrawal
Is, indeed, a real surprise. ```“Movement forward,
Movement inward,Movement upward”
Must be the incantationOf mankind.
```My life,
Nobody forced you to enrolIn the university of adversity.
It is your self-creation. ```My mind’s negativity
Has turned my heart’s eagernessInto futile nothingness.
```My eyeless mind,
Come back to your God-readiness.Enjoy retirement no more.
```My soulless heart,
Come back to your God-eagerness.Enjoy retirement no more.
```My careless life,
Come back to your God-willingness.Enjoy retirement no more.
```I am coming back
To my God-awareness.Retirement-enjoyment no more.
```My Lord, do remind me
When my pride-mind hindersMy heart-service to Your creation.
```My life and I know
That God loves usDeeply.
```My heart and I feel
That God is extremely intimateWith us.
```My mind and I
Do not even care to knowWhere God is
And what God does. ```The calculating mind
Is doomedTo the tiniest circle-prison-life.
```May my every action,
From morn to eve,Be filled with
My God-gratitude-breath. ```Each soulful smile
Of my aspiration-heartTakes me nearer to God
Than all my mind-prayers. ```My illumination-soul
Every dayConveys to my aspiration-heart
A new ambrosial MessageFrom God.
```My fame-hungry mind
Every dayDesires to climb the tallest ladder
Of celebrity. ```My aspiration-heart
Every dayDevotedly, soulfully and self-givingly
Awakens toMy Lord’s Clarion-Call.
```My mind,
There are so many beautiful placesOn earth
For you to move around.Why do you want to remain standing
On your pride’s high pedestal? ```God’s Satisfaction-Heart
Approaches us fast, very fast,When we give everything unconditionally
To humanityAnd expect nothing in return.
```To my extreme joy,
Every day my aspiration-heartOutgrows my old and false
Bondage-beliefs. ```To my extreme sorrow,
The fear of my mindClouds my heart’s
Golden opportunities. ```My meditation-heart
Is the sole producerOf my life’s excellence.
Today we are all human beings.Indeed,
Tomorrow we shall becomePart and parcel of our divine belongings.
```My Lord Supreme
Commands my mindTo be absolutely still
Before He accepts any service. ```If one wants to love humanity
Self-givingly,There is plenty of love on earth.
```If one wants to serve humanity
Unconditionally,There is plenty of service on earth.
```God the Father-Soul
May not always be yours for the asking,But God the Mother-Heart
Always is. ```Newness, oneness and fulness —
These three songsThe Heavenly angels every day sing.
```May my heartbeat sail
Through Eternity’sDeep ocean.
```When I look at
My Master’s eyes,I see his eyes are brighter
Than the sun. ```When I look at
My Master’s heart,I see his heart is sweeter
Than the moon. ```Do you want to be loved more,
Infinitely more by God?Then immediately expand
Your purity-heart. ```An unconditional surrender
Is the only valid passportTo enter into
God’s Nectar-flooded Kingdom. ```Since our very cradle,
EternityHas fondly embraced us.
Is, indeed,Our worst enemy.
```My Lord,
You took me.My Lord,
You are moulding me.My Lord,
You will eventually make meAll Yours.
```My Lord Supreme,
May every heartbeat of mineRemind me of
Your Compassion-EyeAnd
Forgiveness-Heart. ```Hope is the strongest pillar
That protectsThe entire world.
```O my self-giving life,
When everything is darkness-flooded,Unlike others,
You can still see the stars. ```O my heart, be not a fool!
Do not accept my mind’s invitation.The mind will give you, definitely,
A bumpy ride. ```My heart-room
Knows thatIt is eternally pure.
```My mind-house
Thinks thatIt is eternally significant.
```Not my heart-compass,
But everything elseNeeds to discover God.
```Every time I lose
In the battlefield of life,I am determined to choose
The breath of freedom-delight. ```Who cares if my mind
Does not trust?My safest harbour
Is my Lord’s Compassion-Eye. ```An unconditional surrender-seeker
Is not even a hair’s breadth awayFrom God’s Satisfaction-Heart.
```So near, so close —
How can we ever missOur Lord Beloved Supreme?
```My heart-feelings
Are alwaysGod-oriented.
```My mind-house
Either nobody cares to visitOr nobody dares to visit.
```A man of prayers
Can easily see the starsInside the darkest night.
```Do not waste time!
If you want to discover God,Dive deep within
Dauntlessly and self-givingly. ```A heart of hope
Can neverIn ignorance grope.
```I do not calculate
Happiness.I only cultivate
Happiness. ```O my mind, be not stupid!
You must trustYour blossoming hopes
And neverYour brooding fears.
```Since it is infinitely easier
To smile than to frown,How is it that I do not smile
At every moment? ```Do not allow ignorance
To intimidate you.Never!
You may not understand everything,But you can easily and bravely
Illumine yourself. ```My Supreme Lord’s Eye
SeesThe road ahead.
```My Beloved Lord’s Heart
ClearsThe road ahead.
```Fear not
Your ignorance-pride.Bravely and sleeplessly
Illumine it. ```I can forgive everything,
But notMy misunderstanding-mind.
```Patience, perseverance
And God-surrender:These three friends are always
Found together. ```My mind,
Do not disappoint God!An unimaginable hope-sun
He has for you. ```No possession
Can be as greatAs self-renunciation.
```My Lord,
I knew, I knowAnd I shall forever know
That without Your blessingful FeetI cannot exist on earth.
```When you play
Love-devotion-surrender-game,Doubt, worries and anxieties
Should be onlookersAnd not participants.
```Every day
I faithfully empty my mindAnd
Devotedly leave all its contentsAt my Lord’s Lotus-Feet.
```A faith-claiming heart,
Indeed, deservesA God-fulfilling smile.
```The mind,
Consciously or unconsciously,Is a strong supporter
Of stark stupidity. ```My devotion-heart
Paves the way for meTo arrive at my Lord’s Heart.
```Killing time means
Killing God’sFountain-Heart-Joy.
```Enlightenment of thought,
And not abandonment of thoughtWe strive for.
```May my aspiration-heart
Take every dayAs a God-appreciation,
```An aspiration-abundance-heart
Will definitely be treasuredBy God’s own universal Heart.
```There will always remain
A prayerful room for meIn God’s Heart-Palace.
```Nobody can force me
To enjoy the bombardmentOf my ignorance-thoughts.
Nobody! ```My aspiration-eye
AndMy meditation-heart
Enjoy anonymity. ```I have forced my mind
To come out of its long-cherishedDisobedience-grave.
```Every heart
IsA God-blossoming dream.
```What does an unaspiring mind do
All the time?It enjoys its self-assertion-pride.
```My Lord Supreme sings and dances
To my life’sInner awakening.
```A purity-face is, indeed,
A work of Divinity’sUnconditional Grace.
```Fight, fight, indomitably fight
Against your mind’sDisobedience-days and nights.
```My poor heart, from now on
I shall be always with you.You will no more remain
Isolated and rejected. ```When nothing goes right,
That is the time to increaseThe intensity of our devotion.
```I have wandered
From birth to birth.I do hope it is not all in vain.
```This world
Is flooded withUnconcerned smiles.
Can meltAny heart.
```My mind,
Why have you drawn meInto the whirlpool of self-hatred?
Why? ```My Lord tells me that
He does not mindIf I extol myself to the skies.
```My Lord tells me that
He does mindIf I disparage others
Even for a fleeting minute. ```Since we take our birth
In perfect harmony,Can we not depart from this world
In exactly the same way? ```To me, expectation-fulfilment
Is nothing short ofMy mental hallucination.
```You may allow anything you want to,
But do not allow desireTo storm your life.
```If you take your mind
Too seriously,You are bound to suffer.
```If you take your life
Too indulgently,You are bound to suffer.
```My Lord Supreme always demands
Originals from meIn everything I do for Him.
```My Lord Supreme,
The song You sing,My heart shall become.
```I am all determined
To throw myself intoMy Lord’s Compassion-Sea.
```May my heart every morning
Be on fireFor God-realisation.
```Do not give up!
It is only believingThat keeps us alive
And inspires us to look forward. ```When I live inside the Heart
Of my Lord Supreme,Suffering is a totally foreign language.
I want to beAnd not
Frustration-flight. ```At times,
Duties enjoined by religionAre utterly ridiculous.
Outer observances we admire,Inner significances we neglect.
```How can an invalid body
Have the capacity to knowThe strength
Of a dynamic mind? ```My Lord Supreme wants me
To treat the world gentlyAnd not punish the world harshly.
```When my Lord Supreme
Sees my smiling faceAt a distance,
He asks me to come to Him. ```When my Lord Supreme
Sees my smiling heartEven from
The farther than the farthest distance,He comes running towards me.
```He who does not listen
To the voice of NatureWill never be my Lord’s
Choice instrument. ```A doubting mind
And a strangling vital —These two evils are always
In collusionTo destroy the loving heart.
```If yours is
A desire-bound life,Then yours will be
A shameful death. ```An aspiring heart,
Once it starts blossoming,Can definitely continue.
```Do not suppress your shortcomings.
Your shortcomings have to be accepted,Perfected
And finally emancipated. ```Everybody’s mind
Has to be brave enough,Everybody’s life
Has to be brave enoughTo encounter the onslaught
Of death-fear. ```An enduring happiness-mind
IsAn unbelievable story.
```An enduring happiness-heart
Is, indeed,A God-loving song.
```Alas, my poor failure-life
Is all due toMy doubting mind.
```A gratitude-heart
Needs constant protectionFrom an ingratitude-mind.
```I do hope that frailty
In human lifeIs not an everlasting experience.
```A dreamer of good,
A thinker of goodAnd
A doer of goodAre God’s most affectionate children.
We try to purify others’ mindsLong before we have purified
Our own hearts. ```What can poor unbelief and disbelief do
When God-miracle-performancesOverwhelm them?
```May my heart-light
Every day shine brighterTo welcome
My Lord’s Compassion-flooded Feet. ```In the presence of God
Our complaints loseAll their strength.
```My Lord,
Already You have made meYour Hand-flute.
Do make me nowYour Heart-violin.
```When you have a spiritual Master,
You can immeasurably increaseYour God-ready opportunities.
```The false reports of the mind
About the inner lifeMust end where they began.
```A God-realised soul
Is, indeed,The common property
Of everybody’s heart. ```You are telling me that
You have nothing important to do today.May I suggest you do only one thing:
Cast away your pride,At least for a day?
```It is the self-giving hearts
That are keeping the universeFrom insanity.
```My Lord,
May my life listen onlyTo Your Compassion-Heart-Songs.
```Only the soul of silence
Has the capacityTo unite the aspiring heart
With the serving life. ```God has an easy access
To every place,Specially to our heart-temple.
```The doubting mind
KnowsHow to oscillate.
```The aspiring heart
KnowsHow to levitate.
```The illumining soul
KnowsHow to accelerate.
```The desiring life
KnowsHow to hesitate.
```When I make
God-manifestation-promises,My Lord Supreme most compassionately
Takes care of them. ```My self-doubt
Is extremely afraid ofMy Godward march.
```God has appointed
My surrender-heartTo be His representative
On earth. ```My aspiration-heart,
Do make a solemn promise to meThat you will energise
My lethargy-body. ```My aspiration-heart,
Do make a solemn promise to meThat you will correct
My shameless vital. ```My aspiration-heart,
Do make a solemn promise to meThat you will illumine
My eyeless mind. ```My aspiration-heart,
Do make a solemn promise to meThat you will transform
My prayerless heart. ```My aspiration-heart,
Do make a solemn promise to meThat you will outlast
My godless life. ```A gratitude-heart
Is, indeed,A transcendental blessing
From God. ```Humanity’s heart
Is made ofEternity’s hopes.
```Every day,
May my heart beA new rainbow-promise
AndNew God-manifestation-promise
To God. ```The right place
For a temptation-frustrationTo live
Is a nothingness-land. ```May each thought of mine
Live insideTranquillity-trance.
```Only a child-heart-seeker
Gives an immediate responseTo God’s Will.
```I need infinitely more Grace
Than I ever thoughtTo be a genuine God-seeker.
```Stop, stop, immediately stop
The wheel of madness-thoughts. ```We must break asunder
Our mind-prison-fettersAnd never think of
An ignoble escape. ```To control the thought-waves
Of the mind,We must beg our heart
To patrol our mind. ```My searching mind
```My serving life
```My aspiring heart
NeedsMy God-satisfaction.
```My illumining soul
Needs manifestation,Constant God-manifestation.
```My compassion-flooded soul
Does not dethroneEven my suspecting mind
AndMy domineering vital.
I do not know whyI am so attached and indulgent
To my mind’sHallucination-illumination.
```I want You, my Lord,
Not my periphery-self,Never!
```I beg my God-representative-soul
To be the sole pilotOf my life.
I am in betweenMy mind-fumbles
AndMy mind-stumbles.
```If you have the capacity
To have pride,Then you have the capacity
To hide or destroy it as well. ```Every morning
The rising sun blessingfully looksAt my life.
```Every evening
The setting sun compassionately criesWith my heart.
```God wants you to keep open
The gate of your heartAnd not the door of your mind.
Never! ```Our lives
Can be full ofEarth-tragedies.
```Our hearts
Are armoured withHeaven-God-comedies.
```My prayerful thoughts
Are always cradledIn the petals of rose-beauty.
```My soul always wants
My heart, mind, vital and bodyTo be in the temple
Of selfless activities. ```The Sweetness-Heart of God
TiptoesOnly in a prayerful
And self-giving heart. ```A God-realised soul is he
Who spreadsDivinity’s sunshine-goodwill
Everywhere. ```My prayer
Is my life’sGod-invocation-thirst.
```My meditation
Is my heart’sGod-manifestation-hunger.
```My wheel of life
Is always out of order.Therefore God’s Will never works.
```I am not my mind’s
Curiosity-starvation.I am my heart’s
God-aspiration-banquet. ```If you can keep illumining
The temple within,God will blessingfully
And proudlyBroadcast your name.
```Everybody is endowed
With a free choice,But only the seekers
Want to be endowedWith a God-choice.
Is a most sacred BoonFrom Above.
```If you cultivate calmness of mind,
You will find GodIn every corner of the world.
```I wish to enter into
God’s Light-flooded KingdomThat has no frontiers.
```Only Love divine
Can slakeOur heart’s God-hunger-pain.
```May my gratitude-heart-songs
Become inseparably oneWith Eternity.
```May my answer be always
“Yes,”To fulfil my Lord’s Command divine.
```The hearts that selflessly serve God
And never care for sleepAre the chosen, supremely chosen
InstrumentsOf our Lord Supreme.
```My heart-bird is soaring
Towards the HeavensTo feed on God’s Compassion-Delight.
```To travel is to live.
To live is to serve.To serve is to be perfect —
Perfection within, perfection without! ```My Lord,
My every heartbeatIs a signal proof
Of Your Compassion, LoveAnd Blessings.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Seventy-Seven Thousand Service-Trees, part 7, Agni Press, 1998
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/st_7