Swalpe tushti bale bhai brihater khudhaAmar bipani hate jei kona sudha
Baran kariya laho ghuriona arDubibe jiban surjya namibe andhar
Sarba grasi khudha bale swalpa kare panMitibena trisha mor ogo matiman
Bishwer khanik sukh ati tuchchha janiAmar mitabe sadh baikunter rani
Little satisfaction says to big hunger,Brother, accept from my little shop
The little nectar that I have.Do not roam any more.
One day your life-sun will die,Darkness will descend.
The all-devouring hunger says,Brother, I shall never be satisfied with little.
The little satisfaction of this world is mostinsignificant.
Only the Queen of Heaven can satisfyMy vast hunger.
```From:Sri Chinmoy,Supreme, Teach Me How To Cry, Agni Press, 1975
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/stc