Nayan Nehare Bishwa Bhuban


Nayan nehare bishwa bhuban

Herena tahar pran

Tai ankhi duti ruddha kariya

Jogi kare tar dhyan

Shruti shudhu shune bahirer katha

Shunena oishi bani

Sangjata tai shrutire kariche

Satya tapasa gyani




The eye sees the entire world

But it sees not its own life;

Therefore, keeping the two eyes closed,

The Yogi meditates on You,

O Lord Supreme.

The ear hears only

The messages and the clamour of the outer world.

It hears not the messages

Of the highest Heaven;

Therefore, the true seeker of wisdom

Always tries to keep his ears

Under his perfect control.


From:Sri Chinmoy,Supreme, Teach Me How To Cry, Agni Press, 1975
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