The Light of the Immortals3

Sri Chinmoy: Dear Sudhahota, I know that some souls have now done better than you in terms of speed, but I wish to say that in terms of world-acceptance they cannot approach you. Ninety-nine out of a hundred world-citizens will not know who holds the current world record for the 100 metres. Even if they do know, they will still say that Carl Lewis is the fastest human being on earth. Their knowledge of Carl Lewis and their love for Carl Lewis far surpass their interest in the actual record. They have such love and admiration for you that they do not care if you no longer hold the record. Love is like that. If we love someone, if we admire and adore him, then we feel that he is by far the best.

If Carl Lewis is standing in one corner of a sports ground and the present world record-holder for the 100 metres is standing in another corner, everybody will run to the place where Carl Lewis is standing. Because of your charisma, because of your feeling of oneness, because of the inner beauty and fragrance which you have spread all around the world, people will run to you, either to ask for your autograph, or to look at you, or simply to be around you, to be in your presence.

These things I am saying not because you are my dearest Sudhahota. I am not flattering you. These are supreme realities. Your very name has become synonymous with speed. Yes, other sprinters do have excellent speed, but who they are, very few people will know.

Your childhood idol was Jesse Owens. So many runners have now surpassed him in terms of speed. But he will always remain immortal. Why? Because he had the heart’s divine qualities. It is because of his heart’s qualities that he will always remain king in the sports world. I am sure you know the story of Luz Long, the German broad jumper. At the Berlin Olympics, he and Jesse Owens became firm friends instead of worst enemies. How did it happen? Only because of Jesse Owens’ big heart. During the qualifying round of the broad jump competition, the German champion was leading. Then Jesse Owens saw that Luz Long was getting cramps in his calves and finding it difficult to jump properly. So Jesse Owens went over and started massaging the legs of his so-called arch-rival to save him. Jesse Owens showed the whole world his heart’s might. The story did not end there. Jesse Owens was also in trouble. His first jump was a foul and his second jump was very weak. He had only one more chance to qualify for the finals. Who came to advise him and give him confidence? Luz Long. Luz Long told Jesse Owens to place his marker further back so that he would not run the risk of a foul. Luz Long even went so far as to put his own towel at that place. Look at how Jesse Owens’ big heart brought forward the heart of Luz Long!

Then, when Jesse Owens finished first in the finals, both of them embraced each other. This was their mutual nobility. They showed the world that friendship crosses far beyond the barriers of time and clime. When I met with Jesse Owens in 1972, he told me this story. Unfortunately, his dearest friend, Luz, was killed during the war, but Jesse Owens stayed in touch with his son, Karl Long, and maintained a lifelong friendship. Every month Jesse Owens used to send him money from America and he supported him for years. Here also, Jesse Owens showed his heart’s qualities.

For years, Jesse Owens raised the standard of sports. He came of a very, very poor family. But because of the way he spread his inner light, he drew the attention of the whole world and the whole world accepted him. He was loved not only by blacks, but also by whites; not only by Americans, but by people of all nationalities. He made an immortal contribution to the world at large. There will always be someone faster to come and break world records. But it is their inner light that matters most of all. If that inner light is lacking, then the world will not accept them.

In your case, my dearest Sudhahota, the world will always love you because of your inner light and not just because of your glorious outer achievements. Your outer achievements may eventually be surpassed, but you will continue to spread your inner light. Everybody receives something when an individual spreads light.

One person climbs up a mango tree and brings down most delicious mangoes to share with the rest of the world. Another fellow may remain stuck at the top of the tree, eating the mangoes alone to his heart’s content. He has no intention of coming down to share the fruits with others. Jesse Owens was one of those who came down to share with the world, and my Sudhahota is also doing the same. That is why you two are immortals. We look at immortals in a special way because the world received something from them and continues to receive from them. True, in every field there will be someone to surpass the champion. That is because the world is constantly progressing. New records are being set, but those new records cannot capture the heart’s affection, love, closeness and oneness. These new record-holders are great in their own right, but when it comes to offering inner light to humanity, they may not be offering that light at all.

There have been so many boxing champions of the world, but when Muhammad Ali came onto the scene, the whole world responded. Muhammad Ali has fought many people, true, but at the same time he has a very big heart and that heart has conquered the world. His heart is there for everybody to see. I was extremely fortunate to meditate with him three or four times. When he used to call me ‘brother’, he really meant it; it was not just a word. Again, in the boxing field, there have been new world champions who have surpassed Muhammad Ali’s achievements. But Ali the heart they can never surpass. They may have physical strength, vital strength or mental strength — but all these will one day disappear. Only the heart’s strength forever lives. Real strength comes from the heart, not from the body or mind.

The Christ, Lord Krishna and other spiritual figures of the highest heights have illumined the world on the strength of their heart-power. Affection, compassion and love they have offered to humanity in infinite measure. These qualities which they had in infinite measure, we also have to some extent. Some people have them in abundance, while others have only a drop. Even then, we cannot say that this drop has no value. It is the countless drops that make up the ocean. If the drop is separated from the ocean, it will have no existence. It will dry up into nothing. For me, dearest Sudhahota, you are part and parcel of the ocean of light.

When we do something here on earth from the heart and in the heart, it lasts forever. Physically, we live for a few years and then we all leave this earth when the time comes. But from the spiritual point of view, whoever has spread light in the heart and from the heart has really contributed something immortal to humanity.

You have now retired from sports, and there may come a time when your stupendous records will be broken. But inwardly you are all heart. Like a flower, the heart can be manifested. Each petal of your heart-flower has to bloom and blossom. Outwardly you have won nine gold medals, but in the inner world, many, many gold medals you can offer to humanity. These gold medals will all come from your heart.

[Sudhahota presents Sri Chinmoy with a wristwatch.]

Sri Chinmoy: Every day I try to walk eight miles. I always like to check the timing of my first mile, but I was having problems finding a wristwatch that I liked. Yesterday I wore two watches. They were so complicated! I forgot to press the correct buttons and everything went wrong. Then one of the disciples gave me a different kind. It is so simple. I can easily see the timing of the first mile, second mile, third mile and so on. Now I will try your watch.

A wristwatch measures time, but God tells us at every moment to go beyond time. From time we have to go beyond time. The wristwatch reminds us of time, but we have to go beyond time, otherwise time creates problems. So we can use our wristwatch to remind us of the One who is ever-transcending.

In every aspect of life we have to go beyond, beyond. We start by loving our mother and father; then our brothers, sisters and other family members. At first, our family is our whole world. Then we go beyond our family and expand our love to include our neighbours and friends. Gradually, we come to the point where we love our country and then the whole world.

Time and space we must transcend. We live on earth for 50, 60, 70 or 80 years. Then we take rest in the soul’s world.

Similarly, here on earth after we take exercise, we go and rest for some time. In our philosophy, we believe in reincarnation. We feel that we live on earth for a particular span of years and then the soul returns to the soul’s world to rest. From the finite, we return to the Infinite. Our body, vital and mind are all finite. When we leave the physical plane we shall discard them. But inside our body is the heart and inside the heart is something we call the soul. The soul keeps a constant connection with the Supreme, both on earth and in Heaven. After it has rested for some time, our soul receives permission from the Supreme to descend into the physical plane once again with a new body and new inspiration, energy and enthusiasm to manifest and fulfil the Supreme in His own Way here on earth.

When we pray and meditate, we come to know that we do have an Inner Pilot who is guiding us at every moment. But if we do not pray and meditate, there is no guarantee that we will do the right thing. At that time, we feel that we have to take full responsibility for our lives. When we take full responsibility, when we are self-reliant, at every moment we may make mistakes. Again, to those who sincerely feel that they are nothing without God, those who rely upon God at every moment, God says, “You are My child, you are My representative. What I have and what I am, you offer to mankind. Take it and use it for everyone.”

When we rely only upon ourselves, we make so many mistakes. We take one or two steps and then, before we can take a third step, self-doubt will come before us like the Great Wall of China. But when we depend upon God, at that time we look around and see that the wall has disappeared. God has taken away the wall from our path.

Sudhahota: Guru, the other day you were telling Narada and me about your very strict diet.

Sri Chinmoy: Mine is a stupid diet, but it has helped me tremendously. So far, I have lost 29 pounds. I started last month, on July 19th. At that time I was 180 pounds! Today I am 151 and I do not feel weak at all. Yesterday I was able to press an 80-pound weight two or three inches with each arm. Twenty pounds I pressed 30 times, and then 30 pounds 10 times, 40 pounds 10 times, 50 pounds 30 times, 60 pounds 10 times, 70 pounds 10 times and, finally, 80 pounds 20 times with each arm. Ten years ago I used to do 100 pounds.

For over a month, I have been taking 200 calories a day or even 170. But once a week, usually on Saturday, I take more. And every day I walk eight miles. I am a first-class vagabond, so early in the morning I can go out and walk. My weight has been descending, descending. My new goal is 145 pounds.

Sudhahota: I take about 2,000 or 2,500 calories per day!

Sri Chinmoy: The mind becomes clearer when the body becomes lighter. Still I have not eaten anything today, but I feel so much clarity in the mind.

My dearest Sudhahota, over the years you have blessed me with your shoes and so many significant things. This time also you have given me your wristwatch. All your most precious gifts I cherish and I have kept them in a special place. I am so grateful to you for coming here for my birthday celebration and for spending so much time with us.

TBS 12. On 3 September, Sudhahota again visited Sri Chinmoy at Aspiration-Ground. He was accompanied by Jeffrey Marx, his literary collaborator. On this occasion, Sri Chinmoy returned to the topic of Sudhahota's universal world-acceptance.

From:Sri Chinmoy,Sri Chinmoy with two brother-stars: Narada Michael Walden and Sudhahota Carl Lewis, Agni Press, 1998
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