A TRUE disciple
Never arguesWith his Master.
```A TRUE disciple
Is the divine prideOf his Master's heart.
```A TRUE disciple
SmilesWhen his Master's eye smiles.
```A TRUE disciple
CriesWhen his Master's heart cries.
```A TRUE disciple
Lessens his Master'sWorld-transformation-responsibilities.
```A TRUE disciple equally loves
His Master's frightening eyeAnd enlightening heart,
For he knows both are forHis fastest progress-delight.
```The Master knows
That his TRUE discipleIs not only available,
But also serviceableAround the clock.
```A TRUE disciple
Wants his life to be made ofHis Master's nectar-touches
And thunder-kicks. ```A TRUE disciple
```A TRUE disciple
```A TRUE disciple
```A TRUE disciple
```A TRUE disciple
```A TRUE disciple
```A TRUE disciple
Adores his Master'sTiptoe-footstep-whispers.
```A TRUE disciple's
Genuine surrender to his MasterIs his indomitable courage.
```A TRUE disciple
Knows that his Master's eyeIs the only Way
AndHis Master's heart
Is the only Goal. ```A TRUE disciple
Does not want to knowWhat his Master does not know.
```A TRUE disciple
Does not want to knowWhat his Master
Does not want him to know. ```A TRUE disciple
Is the amplifierOf his Master's silence-life.
```A TRUE disciple
Has the painful taskOf informing his Master
Of his brother-sister-disciples'Aspiration-famine-life.
```A TRUE disciple
Knows that his MasterDoes everything
In God's own Way. ```A TRUE disciple
Knows that his MasterHas no will of his own.
God's WillIs his Master's will.
```A TRUE disciple
Loves his Master,The Love.
```A TRUE disciple
Serves his Master,The Service.
```A TRUE disciple
Never daresTo limit his Master,
The Limitless. ```The Master's blessingful smile
Is a TRUE disciple'sNectar-delight.
```A TRUE disciple
Knows that his perfection-dream-lifeIs founded upon
His Master's satisfaction-heart. ```A compassion-flooded glance
From his Master's eyeIs a TRUE disciple's whole world.
```A TRUE disciple
Feels that every momentIs a golden opportunity
To mould and shape his lifeTo satisfy his Master-Lord.
```A TRUE disciple
Breathes in and breathes out,Uttering one solitary mantra:
"My Master for my Master's sake." ```A TRUE disciple
Feasts onHis Master's choice Hour.
```A TRUE disciple
Is the beauty and fragranceOf his Master's
God-manifestation-promise. ```A TRUE disciple
Replaces his self-indulgenceWith God-radiance.
```A TRUE disciple
Knows that his Master's heartIs his only home.
```A TRUE disciple
Knows that the unhappy mindIs the happiness-heart-killer.
```A TRUE disciple
Knows no self-deceptionAnd no God-dissatisfaction.
```A TRUE disciple
Knows that if everHe disappoints his Master,
He becomes a havocTo his own self.
```When a TRUE disciple
Asks his Master for protection,The Master says,
"Behold, immediate rescue!" ```A TRUE disciple
Says to his Master,"Master, as your boosting is powerful,
Even so your scolding is merciful." ```A TRUE disciple says to his Master,
"Master, in your compassion-eyeI am complete."
The Master says to his TRUE disciple,"My child, in your satisfaction-heart
I am complete." ```A TRUE disciple begs his Master
To bind him and blind him,So that he can prayerfully and proudly
Walk with his Master along the way,All the way.
```Every day a TRUE disciple
Tearfully begs his Master,"Master, do bless me with a new life
With the dust of your forgiveness-feet." ```A TRUE disciple says to his Master,
"Master, it breaks my heartThat you have to wait
Such a long timeFor my God-realisation."
The Master says to his TRUE disciple,"My child, do not be a fool!
The Goal has already come to youIn the form of your Master."
```A TRUE disciple
Knows that his pastWas in his Master's eye,
His presentIs at his Master's feet,
And his futureWill be in his Master's heart.
```A TRUE disciple does not hesitate
Even for a fleeting secondTo claim his Master as his own,
Very own.Indeed, the Master is extremely proud
Of his disciple's self-taught lesson. ```A TRUE disciple
Every day enjoys voraciouslyTwo meals:
His Master's compassion-eye-mealAnd
His Master's forgiveness-heart-meal. ```The Master
Every day enjoys voraciouslyTwo meals:
His TRUE disciple'sDevotion-beauty-meal
AndHis TRUE disciple's
Surrender-fragrance-meal. ```A TRUE disciple
Begs his Master to juggle his lifeAt the Master's sweet will.
```A TRUE disciple
Prayerfully devoursThe Master-obedience-nectar-drink.
```A TRUE disciple
Vehemently shunsThe Master-disobedience-poison-drink.
```A TRUE disciple
Begs his Master to make of himA volleyball, basketball, ping-pong ball
And "love-and-serve" tennis ball. ```A TRUE disciple
Begs his MasterNot to allow him to remain
A divided man,But to make him a united man.
```A TRUE disciple
Embarks on the spiritual journeyThinking that his Master's way
Is by far the best way.But while walking, marching, running
And sprintingOn his Master's way,
He realises that his Master's wayIs the only Way.
```A TRUE disciple
Has learnt from his MasterThat the way of expectation
Has nothing in it.But the way of surrender
Not only has everything,But also is everything.
```A TRUE disciple knows
That his Master's footfallsWill compassionately, ceaselessly
And unfailinglyCall him to follow.
```Each time a TRUE disciple
Comes to see his Master,He comes with a burst of song-delight.
```A TRUE disciple
Knows that he came into the worldTo proudly hoist
His Master's greatness-life-banner. ```A TRUE disciple
Knows that he came into the worldTo sleeplessly fly
In his Master's goodness-heart-sky. ```A TRUE disciple
Knows that his Master's heart-palaceHas thousands of entrances,
But no exit. ```A lifelong prison sentence
The doubting mind receivesFrom a TRUE disciple.
```A TRUE disciple
Eagerly collectsThe harvest of his Master's will.
```A TRUE disciple
Leaves his self-assertion-willScattered in the dust.
```A TRUE disciple's heart-cries
And his Master's soul-smilesDeeply enjoy
The hide-and-seek game. ```The Grandfather-God tells
His TRUE disciple-grandchild,"You are so cute!
You are so adorable!My Love is all for you.
My Pride is all in you.I am all for you,
My grandchild!" ```The Grandfather-God
Says to His TRUE disciple-grandchild,"My grandchild, you are so fortunate.
I placed before your fatherAn infinitely longer way,
But he has unimaginably shortened itFor you."
```From:Sri Chinmoy,A true disciple, Agni Press, 1998
Sourced from https://srichinmoylibrary.com/td