Amito Tomare Dakina Chahina


Amito tomare dakina chahina

Tabu kena more dakicho

Amito tomare dibona amai

Tabu kena bhalobasicho

Jani ami jani taba kripa ankhi

Khamibe amar amire

Tabu kena hai nirabadhi rahi

Moher nishar gabhire




I do not need You.

Yet, why do You need me?

You know well that I shall not surrender

my earth-existence to You.

Yet, why do You love me?

I know Your Compassion-Eye.

You forgive my little ā€˜iā€™.

Alas, why do I always remain in the heart

of blind darkness-night? ```

From:Sri Chinmoy,One Thousand Lotus Petals, part 1, 2000
Sourced from