Those who pray and meditate at the United Nations
I am so proud, so proud of my disciples who are working at the United Nations. They carry my vibration, my consciousness, my light. When the disciples go to meditate at the UN in my absence, it gives me such joy. I take such pride in these Meditation Group members. They go to meditate in my absence; they think of me, they meditate on me. At that time they get my blessings, they get my light, they get my gratitude and gratitude and gratitude. Inwardly they get my blessings. They love me and they are carrying my mission at the United Nations in my physical absence. They have such love for me, and they listen to my request. They do it so faithfully.
All those who pray and meditate at the United Nations in my physical absence rightly deserve my appreciation and admiration, plus gratitude and gratitude and gratitude.
8 May 2005
Sri Chinmoy’s home
Jamaica, New YorkFrom:Sri Chinmoy,The temple and the shrine, Agni Press, 2013
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