California was spiritually awakened

According to me, California is one of the very ancient spiritual states. Some of my Indian predecessors took shelter in California or gave light to California, so California, like New York, is a state that can take pride in Indian spirituality. California was spiritually awakened long before many other states. Long before I came, California was spiritually awakened.

One spiritual Master said that San Diego is the mind of spirituality. His Guru from the Himalayas told him that San Diego is the spirituality-mind. He came here because his Guru from the Himalayas asked him to discover the spirituality-mind and spread his Guru’s light.

My California children, I have come here to love you and inspire you, inspire you, inspire you. I have come to inspire you, my California disciples, with the hope that you will inspire your beautiful, powerful state. I will inspire you, and you also can inspire others. With that hope I come — not only to California, but to other states and other countries, only to inspire the disciples. I come to see my disciples in their respective Centres with the hope that they will inspire others around them.

We all need inspiration, inspiration, inspiration! Without inspiration, without enthusiasm, we shall never be able to become good seekers. If we really want to be good seekers and God-lovers, then inspiration and aspiration we must develop to our ultimate capacity.

3 June 2005

Ananda Fuara Restaurant San Francisco, California

From:Sri Chinmoy,The temple and the shrine, Agni Press, 2013
Sourced from