Question: How can a person who doesn't have a spiritual Master tell whether the kind of meditation he as doing is correct or not?
Sri Chinmoy: It is hard for an ordinary seeker to know. This is why a spiritual Master is very important. You may be doing absolutely the right thing, but feel that you are doing the wrong thing because you don’t have the assurance from one who knows the real truth. However, there is one way you can tell. When your meditation is correct, you will feel a kind of joy all over your body. When you get a kind of spontaneous inner joy, then the meditation you have adopted is correct. But if you do not feel that joy, if, on the contrary, you feel a mental tension or disturbance, then you will know that that particular kind of meditation is not meant for you.
From:Sri Chinmoy,Transformation-Night, Immortality-Dawn, Bhakti Press, Ottawa, 1975
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